Lesson 79 Reading and Writing

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Dictators Challenge World Peace

After World War I, the victorious Allies

looked for a way to bring everlasting
(forever) peace to the world. They hoped
to promote (spread) this idea by creating
the League of Nations, and emphasizing
diplomacy (talking out problems instead
of fighting). New dictators in the 1920s
and 1930s, such as Mussolini in Italy,
Hitler in Germany, and militarists in
Japan, thought peace was a sign of
weakness of Western Europeans. Thus,
they promoted war, building of empires,
and returning their nation to glory. Unlike these dictators, Western Europeans were
haunted by memories of World War I. They did not want another world conflict, and
instead hoped to avoid conflict at all costs.
To challenge the Westerners diplomacy policy, Japan marched into Manchuria,
which was an area owned by China. Japan
believed they should have an empire equal
to those of Western Europeans. Within a
month, Manchuria became a colony of
Japan. The League of Nations
condemned (disagreed with) Japans
actions. They told Japan to return
Manchuria to China at once. As a result,
Japan simply dropped out of the League
of Nations. Japan refused to accept
numerous invites to meet and discuss the
Manchuria issue with the League of
Nations. As a result, nothing was done to
deal with Japans actions. Japans military general quoted the League of Nations as
having a big bark, but small bite.
Meanwhile in Italy, Mussolini wanted to test his new
military army. He first looked to Africa, specifically
Ethiopia. Back in 1896, during the time of
imperialism, Italy was embarrassed by the
Ethiopians, and was defeated by them. Mussolini was
seeking revenge. In 1935, Italy marched into
Ethiopia. Ethiopians fought bravely, but their
outdated (old) weapons were no match for
Mussolinis tanks, airplanes, and poison gas. The Ethiopian King begged for the League
of Nations for help, troops, supplies, and assistance. The League of Nations sent none of
the above. Instead, they voted sanctions (penalties) against Italy for violating Ethiopias

independence. But the League had no power to enforce the sanctions without an army,
and thus, Italy never paid. By 1936, nine months later, Ethiopia fell.
Hitler, watching Italy and Japans actions,
had decided to test the League of Nations.
First, he built up the German military and
navy, which was against the Treaty of
Versailles policy. He stopped paying the
reparations completely. In 1936,
Germany took over the Rhine Land,
which was an area of land in-between
Germany and France. After seeing the
League of Nations weaknesses, Japan,
Italy, and Germany formed an alliance,
called the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. The
Axis Powers agreed to fight Soviet
Communism. They agreed to defend each
other in times of war, and not to interfere
with each others plans for expanding their
Why were Italy, Japan, and Germany able to get their way? First, Democratic countries
refused to get involved in another conflict, and resorted to diplomacy. Second, the
League of Nations showed how weak it was. They scolded nations, but had no power to
do anything about it. Not one country sent soldiers, ships, or supplies to countries under
attack. In addition, the League put penalties on the Axis Powers, but had no way to force
these nations to pay the money. The League had a voice, but a voice only. Lastly, the
Great Depression had hit the world. Countries lacked any money or resources to lend
countries being attacked. Countries were in debt, people unemployed, and people were

Part 1 Choose the best answer for each multiple-choice question below.
1) What was a major reason for Japans invasion of Manchuria in 1931?
A) Japan needed natural resources available in Manchuria
B) The people of Manchuria favored Japanese control
C) The government of Japan admired Manchurian technical progress
D) The province of Manchuria was originally a Japanese territory
2) The Italian invasion of Ethiopia and Hitlers rebuilding of the German military
demonstrate the
A) failure of League of nations
B) support of the Treaty of Versailles
C) fear of communist expansion
D) success of defensive alliances
3) The main reason Japan invaded Southeast Asia during World War II was to
A) prevent the United States from entering the war
B) satisfy the Japanese peoples need for spices
C) acquire supplies of oil and rubber
D) recruit more men for its army
4) The imperialist policies followed by Japan after World War I were based on a desire to
A) compete with Chinese trade policies
B) covert people to Shinto
C) acquire markets for its oil industry
D) obtain natural resources for manufacturing
Part 2 Choose either question 3 to answer in a response of at least ten sentences or
choose to answer questions 1 and 2 in responses of at least seven sentences. All answers
should answer all parts of the question, contain evidence, detail, explanations, and
responding to the question WHY. Do an additional question for extra credit.
1) Discuss two examples of aggression taken by different nations in the 1930s. Who
took over whom? Why? And what was the result of thats countrys aggression?
2) What was the purpose of the League of Nations? Was the League effective? Why or
why not? Give examples as evidence.
3) Does diplomacy work? Why or why not? Provide your opinion with examples and
evidence to support your argument. Why did nations resort to diplomacy?

Question #_____________________


Question #_____________________


Question #_____________________



Part 3 Extra Credit Matching Column Complete only if you finished ALL YOUR
A) Mussolini_____
B) Hitler_____
C) Axis Powers _____

1) First country Italy invades after Mussolini takes over

2) Dictator of Germany during World War II
3) Solving problems through discussion

D) Totalitarianism _____

4) Organization made to keep world peace

E) Ethiopia _____

5) Types of governments in Italy and Germany

F) Manchuria _____

6) Government has complete control

H) Treaty of Versailles _____ 7) Peace agreement ending World War I

I) Diplomacy _____

8) Country Japan invades

J) League of Nations _____

9) Dictator of Italy during World War II

K) Fascism _____

10) Germany / Japan / Italy

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