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March 17, 2014

NDP Flip-Flop on Pipeline Stance

Ensuring that Saskatchewan maximizes the return on its resources and products is a top priority for the Saskatchewan arty go!ernment" #ast week the $o!ernment put forward a motion in the #egis%ature supporting the &ecem'er 201( decision 'y the )ationa% Energy *oard +)E*, that the )orthern $ateway pipe%ine 'e constructed and comp%eted" -)orthern $ateway ser!es the interests of Saskatchewan in se!era% important ways,. said /red *radshaw, M#0 for 1arrot 2i!er" -3 am disappointed that the )& chose to f%ip4f%op on this issue" 5ow can they agree to one set of standards on a pipe%ine that runs through 'oth 1anada and the 6nited States, and then say they don7t support an a%%41anadian pipe%ine8. -Mo!ing oi% 'y pipe%ines wi%% address the current oi% transportation 'ott%eneck that is dri!ing down the !a%ue of Saskatchewan7s oi%" $ateway is a safer, more en!ironmenta% and economica% means of transporting oi% than rai% or truck" 0nd, as we7!e seen with grain transportation 'ack%ogs, rai%ways are a%ready stretched thin so switching transportation of oi% 'y pipe%ines wi%% he%p free up ro%%ing stock that can 'e put to use mo!ing our pro!ince7s record crop hau%s,. said *radshaw" 9he motion was supported 'y a%% Saskatchewan arty M#0s in go!ernment, 'ut the )& opposition !oted against the motion" -9his motion adds to the growing %ist of !oices ca%%ing for this and other pipe%ines to 'e 'ui%t to ensure that oi% producing pro!inces %ike Saskatchewan recei!e the 'est possi'%e price for its resources,. *radshaw said" 9he )E* appro!ed the )orthern $ateway pro:ect in &ecem'er 201( using strict en!ironmenta% assessment, a'origina% and %oca% go!ernance consu%tations and economic feasi'i%ity criteria and determined the pro:ect meets a%% conditions necessary to proceed" 9he )& ha!e pre!ious%y expressed their support for other energy pro:ects such as the ;eystone <# pipe%ine and ongoing hydrau%ic fracturing for natura% gas within the pro!ince" 9he )& continue to send mixed messages on the economy and show a deep %ack of understanding a'out the 'enefits to Saskatchewan for increased pipe%ine capacity in 1anada to mo!e oi% to tidewater" 9heir %ack of support for )orthern $ateway7s 'enefits for the peop%e of Saskatchewan is another sign that 1am *roten7s )& ha!e no p%an for the growth of the pro!ince"

Saskatchewan Party Caucus Government Caucus Office oom !03" #e$is%ative &ui%'in$ www(skcaucus(com e$ina" S) S4S 0&3 *sk$ovcaucus +or more information" .%ease contact Sean Osmar

Phone: 306-787-4300 Phone: 306-708-7780 +a,: 306-787-3-74

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