Lesson 86 Reading and Writing

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The Holocaust Hitler and the Nazi Party had a vision for Europe.

They proclaimed (stated) that the German people belonged to a master race. The Nazis claimed that all non-German peoples, particularly Jewish people, were inferior (lesser). This racist belief and message would eventually lead to the Holocaust, which was a large slaughter ( illing) of Jews and other groups of people !udged as "inferior# by the Nazis, such as the insane and gays. Hitlers illing of a large group of specific people is called genocide. Hitler had managed to gain support from the German people by blaming the Jews for Germany$s problems after World War I. %e claimed, it was the Jews, who had all the money in Germany, and ept it to themselves. &t was the Jews, Hitler said, who allowed the Allies of World War I to create the Treaty of ersailles, and to have Germany accept the treaty. &n '()*, the Nazi Party passed the Nurem!erg "a#s$ which too away Jews natural rights, citi+enship, property, and forbade marriages of Jews and non-Jews. , year later, laws were passed to limit what ind of !obs Jews could hold in Germany. The worse had yet to come. &n '()-, a '.-yearold boy received word that his father was being forcefully removed from Germany, and sent to live in /oland. 0n 1ovember .th, '()-, the boy retaliated, and loo ing for revenge, shot a German government representative. Nazi leaders used this to their advantage, and displayed the incident in the media. , day later, thousands of Germans attac ed Jewish homes, businesses, synagogues (places of Jewish worship), and illing '22 Jews. 3y midnight, glass laid all over the streets. This incident became nown as the "Night of %ro&en 'lass. 4any Jews tried to escape Germany after this incident. &n '()(, Hitler made a policy to remove the Jews from Germany. %e sent them to different countries. %owever, when Hitler too over countries, he had to deal with the Jew problem again. To deal with this issue, he set up concentration camps$ to imprison all Jews in Europe in one area. This was called The (inal )ecision. These camps were li e prisons, with very little food, dirty conditions, no freedom, crowded living conditions, torture, and physical labor. These camps were then sealed off with stonewalls and !ar!ed #ire. 4any Jews in Europe tried to emigrate to the 5.6. and 3ritain. These countries however, re!ected them.

&nside the concentration camps, life was brutal for Jews. 4any were e7ecuted by German soldiers, or wor ed to death. 0thers died of disease, or starvation. Those who tried to escape were illed due to the !ar!ed #ire. 8hen the camps got too crowded, Germans used poison gas chambers to ill off older and wea er Jews. These chambers could ill up to 9,222 people at once in three minutes. &nside one of the most famous concentration camps, called Ausch#itz$ Jews would arrive in front of German doctors. They would separate the strong from the wea . Those labeled wea would die immediately that day. They were told to undress for a shower, and then led into a chamber with fa e showerheads. ,fter the doors closed, cyanide gas or carbon dio7ide poured out of the showerheads or holes in the ceiling. ,ll inside died within minutes. :ater, the 1a+is developed crematoriums, or ovens, to burn bodies, sometimes of those who were still alive. 6ome si7 million Jews died in these death camps in Europe. 6ome people inside these camps did manage to survive. 6ome Jews got luc y, and had Europeans hide them in their homes. 0thers got luc y that the Allies reached them when they did.

Part * ; 5se the chart provided to answer the followings <uestions= ') 8hich country had the largest number of Jews> ?) 8hich country had the fewest number of Jews> )) &n what two countries did the most Jews die as a result of the concentration camps> @) &n which two countries did most Jews survive the holocaust> *) 8hat percent of Jews survived the holocaust in /oland>

Part + ; Ahoose the best answer choice for each of the following <uestions. ') The ,rmenian massacre, the %olocaust, and the Bape of 1an ing are e7amples of ,) human rights violations 3) Bussification efforts A) resistance movements C) appeasement policies ?) 8hich is one ma!or reason the %olocaust is considered a uni<ue event in modern European history> ,) ,dolf %itler concealed his anti-Jewish feelings until after he came to power 3) Aivilians rarely were illed during air raids on Great 3ritain A) Jews of Europe have seldom been victims of persecutions C) The genocide was planned in great detail and re<uired the cooperation of many people Part , ; ,nswer the following <uestion in at least T-N .-NT-N/-., using evidence and e7amples from the te7t. ,dd outside nowledge to your answer as well. &n your own words, define the term genocide$ and discuss and provide e7amples on how the 1a+i /arty during 8orld 8ar && depri0ed 1e#s of their humanity and !asic human rights and freedom. What mistreatments existed against Jews by the Nazi Party? _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________

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