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Faculty of Islamic Study Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Law Faculty of Psychology Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Faculty of Medical Faculty of Health Sciences Postgraduate Program am!us I " #l$ %andung & Phone '()*+& ,,&),* Fa-$ '()*+& ,()&)+ Malang (,&&* am!us II " #l$ %endungan Sutami .o$ &// A Phone '()*+& ,,)++*0 ,,&&+1 2hunting3 Fa-$ '()*+& ,/)4(4 Malang (,&+, am!us II " #l$ 5aya Tlogomas .o$ )+( Phone '()*+& +(+*&/6*&1 Fa-$ '()*+& +(4+*,0 +(47/) Malang (,&++ E8mail " webmaster9umm$ac$id :ebsite" www$umm$ac$id

JOB VACANCY .umber" E$,$b6&&1&6;MM6 <II6 )4&* Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Language enter of ;ni=ersity of Muhammadiyah Malang offers an o!!ortunity for all graduates of English >e!artment to teach English for S!ecific Pur!oses 2ESP3 in )4&*8)4&+ Academic ?ear0 with the following re@uirements" &$ A!!licants send the a!!lication to" Pembantu Rekto II !"#" $e%a&a Lemba'a Ba(a)a Un*+e )*ta) Mu(amma,*-a( Ma&an' ,.a J&" Ra-a T&o'oma) No" /01 Ma&an'" )$ A!!licants must attach the followings" a$ An a!!lication letter b$ A curriculum =itae c$ A co!y of I> card 2ATP3 d$ ) !hotos 2latest0 full color0 siBe +-(3 e$ A co!y of di!loma 2%achelor >egree3 and academic transcri!t 2for those who ha=enCt got the di!loma but ha=e !assed all of the re@uired credits including thesis can enclose a &ette o2 not*2*!at*on from the institution where they ha=e studied3$ *$ The a!!lication must be sent to Public Administration %ureau of ;ni=ersity of Muhammadiyah Malang start from Satu ,a-3 De!embe /43 /567 and the latest on T(u ),a-3 Janua - 83 /560 at 6/ %"m" +$ The result of the selection 2Stage I3 will be announced on Satu ,a-3 Janua - 663 /560 at Language enter0 ;MM am!us III$ A!!licants can also contact 57069010764 e:t"617.LC and =isit our website at to find out about the result$ ,$ Those who ha=e !assed the selection in Sta'e I are obliged to Doin another test in Sta'e II 2Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies3 on ;e,ne),a-3 Janua - 6<3 /560 at / a$m$ at Language enter$ ($ The result of the selection in Sta'e II will be announced on F *,a-3 Janua - 6=3 /560 after / %"m$ at Language enter$ A!!licants can also contact us =ia !hone or =isit our website to find out about the result$ 7$ Those who ha=e !assed the selection in Sta'e II are obliged to Doin another test in Sta'e III 2Test of Academic English Proficiency and :riting3 on Tue),a-3 Janua - /63 /560 at / a$m$ at Language Laboratory0 ;MM am!us III$ /$ The result of the selection in Sta'e III will be announced on F *,a-3 Janua - /03 /560 after ) !$m$ at Language enter$ A!!licants can also contact us =ia !hone or =isit our website to find out about the result$ 1$ Those who ha=e !assed the selection in Sta'e III are obliged to Doin the last test in Sta'e IV 2Inter=iew and Microteaching3 on Tue),a-3 Janua - /43 /560 at 4 a"m" at Language enter0 ;MM am!us III$ &4$ The result of the selection in Sta'e IV will be announced on Tue),a-3 Feb ua - 03 /560 at / %"m" at Language enter$ A!!licants can also contact us =ia !hone or =isit our website to find out about the result$ &&$ Eraduates from o=ersea uni=ersities will be !rioritiBed$ &)$ The a!!e%te, a!!licants are obliged to Doin an orientation starting from Mon,a-3 Feb ua - 653 /560 at ="75 a"m" Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Malang0 >ecember )70 )4&* Fn %ehalf of 5ector0 Gice 5ector for Financial Affairs0 officially signed and sealed >rs$ FauBan0 M$Pd$

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