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Topic : Tourism Title : Visit Lamongan with many Beautiful Objects in Tourism intended to use for Indonesian students:

SM ! MTs! SM"! M"! SM#! $ollege% "ssalamu&alai'um (r% (b% )onorable *uries Ladies and +entlemen Sisters and brothers , -irst of all! let us praise to the "lmighty "llah S(T! because of )is Blessing we are able to attend this .nglish speech contest% Secondly! may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the dar'ness into the brightness% I would also li'e to say many than's to the juries and M$ who ha/e gi/en me opportunity to deli/er an .nglish speech in front of you all% Ladies and +entlemen Today! I would li'e to tal' about 0Visit Lamongan with many Beautiful Objects in Tourism1% 2owadays! Lamongan is one of the fast growing regencies in .ast *a/a which has a great possibility to be leading in sectors of agriculture! maritime and industry% Lamongan is also well3'nown for its natural resources supported with friendly and harmonious society% (e are proud that our regency is now considered as a prosperous region with its great potency to be e4plored and de/eloped% Ladies and +entlemen One of the sectors supporting the de/elopment of Lamongan is tourism% This potency will enhance Lamongan to be more attracti/e and mar'etable so that in/estors will be interested to participate in de/eloping Lamongan% If Lamongan becomes a tourist destination! it will be an income sector for Lamongan +o/ernment! e/en it will effect positi/ely for the impro/ement of micro3enterprises in Lamongan society% There are many beautiful and interesting tourism objects in Lamongan which can be more e4posed% Some of them are: 5% Lamongan Marine Tourism or 'nown as (isata Bahari Lamongan 6(BL7%

8% Maharani $a/e 9% Sunan :rajad +ra/e ;% +ondang :am Ladies and +entlemen The first tourism object! Lamongan Marine Tourism! is an attracti/e and uni<ue tourism object which pro/ides not only modern and global tourism but also local trademar'% Visitors can enjoy /arious acti/ities and objects! from the modern sense to the traditional one% (ith the bac'ground of coastal nature! Lamongan Marine Tourism has become a famous icon of Lamongan tourism% The second fascinating object is Maharani $a/e% Located not so far from Lamongan Marine Tourism! Maharani $a/e is easy to reach and /isit% In Maharani $a/e! /isitors can see beautiful natural stalactites and ama=ing Maharani inside room% The ne4t is Sunan :rajad +ra/e% Sunan :rajad was 'nown as an Islam spreader in *a/a% To respect his great struggle! the local go/ernment of Lamongan >egency built a museum in the comple4 of the cemetery% In Sunan :rajad +ra/e area! /isitors or pilgrims can see the traditional architectures and historical situation of Sunan :rajad during spreading Islam% "nother interesting tourism object in Lamongan is +ondang :am% It is located on the south west of Lamongan% The main use of the dam is for irrigation! but now on! many tourists come there for ha/ing rela4 and fishing? camping ground! water bicycle and mini =oo are a/ailable% Ladies and +entlemen In addition! besides all the objects that I ha/e mentioned pre/iously! there are some other tourism objects that can be e4posed and /isited! for e4amples: home industry and culinary tour in Lamongan% "ll of them ha/e interesting and uni<ue characteristics that show Lamongan is a nice place to /isit% But! tourists will not /isit tourism objects in Lamongan if they do not 'now much about Lamongan% So, the <uestion is: 0(hat must we do to ma'e tourists /isit Lamongan@1 *uries! Ladies and +antlemen! Sisters and Brothers, In order to attract tourists to /isit Lamongan! I thin' we must establish a continuous program that will ma'e Lamongan become a trademar' in tourism% Besides building and impro/ing the facilities of our tourism objects! we must ma'e and populari=e motto or slogan for Lamongan

tourism! for e4amples: 0Visit Lamongan, enjoy the beauty of nature1! or: 0Visit Lamongan, feel the uni<ueness of culture and nature1% Ladies and+entlemen I thin' that&s all my speech% )opefully it will be useful for us% I am so sorry for any mista'es in my speech% "nd! than' you /ery much for your attention% (assalamu&alai'um (r% (b%

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