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Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived

The Niche Intelligence Report

A Insiders Guide To Million Dollar Online
Information Product Niches
Inside ilis iepoii, I'm going io explain io you low I've ideniified one
"million dollai nicle" afiei anoilei - and also slaie ile loiiesi proven
"Infoimaiion Pioduci" nicles ilai woil riqbt now - and ilai will woil long
inio ile fuiuie.
How do I lnow ilai ilese nicles woil now - and will coniinue io woil?
Because I've invesied almosi io yeais now building a successful
Infoimaiion Pioduci business ilai did ovei s:q Million in sales lasi yeai.
And we've launcled io diffeieni biands and pioduci lines, mosi of wlicl
lave done ai leasi a million dollais in sales.
Tlese pioducis lave been in diveise nicles - fiom daiing and
ielaiionslip advice... io iime managemeni, leadeislip and using youi
biain... io business, maileiing and financial success.
I've also lad ile good foiiune io inieiview liieially DOZENS of iop
Infoimaiion Maileieis io gei a "belind ile scenes" lool ai ile mosi
successful nicles in ile woild - ilai aie woiling riqbt now.
As a iesuli of all of ilis peisonal ieseaicl, iesiing, inieiviewing and
success I've ideniified seveial paiieins ilai "undeilie" ile successful
Infoimaiion Pioduci nicles.
And I believe ilai I've discoveied ile "veins of gold" ilai noi only woil
iigli now, bui ilai will coniinue io woil long inio ile fuiuie.
By ile iime you'ie finisled ieading ilis iepoii, you'll lave an educaiion
in low io iaigei an Infoimaiion Pioduci nicle ilai las cosi me
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Jeorly io leain. And you'll also lave enougl infoimaiion io iaigei a nicle
ilai las a VERY ligl piobabiliiy of woiling.
If you alieady lave an Infoimaiion Pioduci, Advice oi Coacling
business, ilis iepoii will slow you low io iale ile success of youi nexi
pioduci oi iiaining io ile nexi level.
So let's Jive in...
The Critical Path To
Information Product Success
As I've buili my Infoimaiion Pioduci businesses ovei ile pasi q+ yeais,
I've discoveied a sei of ciiiical elemenis ilai musi be done iigli in oidei io
If you gei all of ilese elemenis iigli, you lave success.
If you gei even ONE of ilem wiong, ii can cause you io fail.
I call ilis ile "Ciiiical Pail Of Success."
Tiy ilis:
Imagine a cai.
Now imagine all of ile ilings ilai musi work in oidei foi ile cai io
Fiisi, ile baiieiy musi woil. Tlen, ile engine musi woil. Tle
iiansmission musi woil. Tle wleels and iiies musi woil. Tle eleciiical
sysiem musi woil. Tle gas pedal musi woil. Tle sieeiing wleel musi
If ANY of ilese elemenis doesn'i woil, ilen ile eniiie cor doesn'i woil.
I was ieminded of ilis a few weels ago wlen I ieiuined fiom a iiip oui
of iown, and walled io my cai, wlicl was pailed in ile aiipoii pailing loi.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Wlen I goi inside, ii wouldn'i siaii.
My cai las never noi siaiied.
Tle pioblem? Tle "vaniiy miiioi" was lefi open. And ii lad a small
ligli in ii. And ile ligli diained ile baiieiy. And ile cai couldn'i siaii
wiiloui a claiged baiieiy.
Aie you siaiiing io gei ile idea of wlai a "Ciiiical Pail" is?
Well gei ilis: Your lnformotion ProJuct business bos o Criticol Potb os
And if ony of ile ley elemenis in ile Ciiiical Pail doesn'i woil, ilen
jusi lile ile cai...
...Your Entire Business Doesnt Work!
Now, mosi people iend io ilinl ilai ile Ciiiical Pail elemenis of a
business aie limiied io ile "meclanical" ilings, lile youi websiie, youi
email lisi and youi slopping caii.
Bui ilis isn'i ile case ai all.
Tle fiisi Ciiiical Pail elemeni of youi business isn'i meclanical ai all.
Ii's psycboloqicol.
And, as you've alieady guessed, ii's youi nicbe.
If you iaigei ile wiong nicle, ii's jusi lile laving a dead baiieiy in youi
Tle besi moioi and ile nicesi wleels can'i iale you anywleie if ile
baiieiy doesn'i siaii ile cai.
And ile nicesi websiie wiil ile loiiesi maileiing in ile woild won'i
woil if youi nicle woil.
If you gei ile nicle iigli, ilen ii males eveiyiling else you do in youi
business easiei - and ii males eveiyiling else woil beiiei. EVERYTHING.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
If you gei ile nicle wiong, ilen ii males eveiyiling else laid... oi even
What Exactly Is A Niche Anyway?
If you siopped ioo people in ile siieei io asl wlai iley ilinl a "Nicle
Mailei" is, wlai do you ilinl iley'd say?
If you asled ile same ioo people io "iaigei" a Nicle, wlai do you ilinl
iley'd aciually Jo?
Mosi people ilinl ilai a Nicle Mailei is a gioup of people ilai you
"seleci" io mailei someiling io. Tley iend io assume ilai a nicle is
someiling you "cloose" oi decide on.
And wlen you asl people io torqet o nicbe, iley follow ile pail ilai
you'd guess ilai iley'd follow if iley assumed ilai nicles weie ilings io
"picl" oi "cloose."
My guess is ilai qq oui of ioo people, wlen lefi io ileii own devices,
would do wlai I've jusi desciibed. Piobably qqq oui of i,ooo, lonesily.
Bui lei's iale ilis fiom a diffeieni peispeciive. Lei's siaii wiil ile
definiiion of ile woid nicbe, and ilen woil fiom ileie.
So wlai does ile woid iiself mean, anyway?
In my ieseaicl, ii seems ilai ile woid oiiginally meani "a lollow oi
iecess in a wall" - and possibly "a nesi." In biology, iley use ile woid io
desciibe a place in a naiuial ecosysiem wleie a paiiiculai animal oi
oiganism is peifecily suiied.
Siaiues fill nicles in walls.
Animals fill nicles in ecosysiems.
Bui, even moie impoiianily...
...Products Fill Niches In Markets!
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
We migli define a Mailei Nicle as:
!" $%%& '($) *%+*,% -(.% /-(/ )+01 *1+&02/ 34,,567
Now, noiice ile clange of mindsei ilai ilis definiiion biings.
Ii immediaiely lelps you io iealize ilai a nicle isn'i someiling ilai you
jusi "picl" fiom among a seleciion, lile a song on iTunes.
Ii slows you ilai a nicle is someiling ilai musi be founJ.
A nicle musi be JiscovereJ, uncovereJ onJ solveJ."
Tbe process of torqetinq o nicbe is obout finJinq o neeJ tbot mony
people ore bovinq, tben creotinq or finJinq o proJuct to solve it.
One of ile ilings ilai siops people fiom even siaiiing a business in ile
fiisi place is ileii inabiliiy io "iaigei a good nicle."
I leai ii all ile iime...
"I'm laving iiouble deciding on a nicle."
"I don'i lnow wlicl nicle io go afiei."
"I can'i figuie oui wlicl nicle I wani io mailei io."
Tle "pioblem" wiil ilese pioblems?
Tle pioblem is ilai if you START fiom one of ilese places...
...Youll Never Arrive At Success!
Ii's esseniially impossible io aclieve success selling infoimaiion
pioducis online if you'ie iiying io "decide" on a nicle oi "go afiei" a nicle oi
"mailei io."
And if you'ie siucl iiying io "decide" on a nicle, ilen you're Joinq it oll
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
I don'i mean io be laisl oi ciiiical leie. I'm iieaiing you ile way I'd
iieai someone wlo was paying me sio,ooo foi business advice. I'm ielling
you ile iiuil, based on yeais of expeiience, misiales and success.
}usi lile a nicle is a lollow oi iecess in a wall, a good Infoimaiion
Pioduci Nicle is a "lollow oi iecess" in a gioup of people wleie one of ileii
NEEDS isn'i geiiing mei.
And ile way io find needs ilai aien'i geiiing mei isn'i io "decide" wlicl
needs aien'i geiiing mei!
Tle way io find needs ilai aien'i geiiing mei is io...
...Go And Find Them!
Lei me slaie a sioiy wiil you io explain ilis piocess a liiile beiiei.
A couple of yeais ago, I was launcling my fiisi iiaining piogiam io
ieacl people low io successfully build Infoimaiion Pioduci businesses
online. Ii was called ile "GURU MasieiMind."
Tle iuiiion foi ile couise was s6,ooo-si:,ooo pei yeai, so I ieally wanied
io "nail" ile needs of my piospeciive cusiomeis - in oidei io cieaie exacily
ile iiaining iley weie looling foi - and in oidei io lnow low io mailei and
sell ile piogiam.
So I did a suivey io asl piospecis aboui ileii biggesi feais, fiusiiaiions,
clallenges and wanis.
I've discoveied ilai ii's impoiiani io always asl people aboui wlai's
fiusiiaiing ilem, woiiying ilem and boileiing ilem. Wlen you asl ilese
quesiions, you gei GOLD.
Anyway, in ilis paiiiculai suivey I asled my piospecis wlai ileii
biggesi fiusiiaiion was iiying io giow ileii Infoimaiion Pioduci business.
As I iead iliougl ile answeis, ii iuined oui ilai ile mosi common
iype of iesponse wasn'i specific io giowing an Infoimaiion Pioduci
business. Tlis was a suipiise all by iiself.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
I was asling aboui fiusiiaiions giowing Infoimaiion Pioduci
businesses, and ile answeis weien'i aboui Infoimaiion Pioducis.
In faci, ile mosi common answei was "iime managemeni and
Ii iuined oui ilai ile biggesi clallenge people weie facing lad io do
wiil managing ileii iime - especially wlen woiling fiom lome, wleie
ileie aie a loi of disiiaciions, family, eic.
Tlis was a big "al-la!" foi me.
I wasn'i even THINKING aboui iime managemeni and pioduciiviiy
wlen I was cieaiing ilis iiaining piogiam.
Bui ilis was ile biggesi need ilai my piospeciive cusiomeis lad.
So wlai did I do?
I lisiened io ilem.
And uliimaiely, based on wlai my piospeciive cusiomeis iold me, I
decided io cieaie a sepaiaie i-weel iiaining piogiam io compleiely ie-
piogiam and ie-wiie a peison's iime managemeni labiis - and offei ii as a
"value-added bonus" io ile iiaining piogiam ilai I was launcling.
Ii iuined oui io be a buqe lii. In faci, many people said ilai ii was ile
mosi valuable paii of ile eniiie GURU MasieiMind iiaining piogiam.
And no wondei.
Ii was ile answei io ileii biggesi need and fiusiiaiion!
So wlai did I do next - ofter tbot?
You guessed ii...
I iool ilis i-weel iiaining piogiam and I made ii inio a sepaiaie
pioduci, ilen offeied ii in a seiies of pioduci launcles on iis own. Tle
piogiam is now called "Wale Up Pioduciive."
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Tle iesuli? Almosi a million dollais woiil of sales so fai - of ilai one
pioduci alone.
And now I lave anoilei "winnei" foi my pioduci caialog... ilai sells foi
aboui soo... ilai I piobably wouldn'i lave cieaied oileiwise.
Heie's a liiile seciei:
Almost All Of The Products & Trainings
Ive Created Were Discovered
And Uncovered In This Same Way!
Wlai's ile moial of ile sioiy?
Tle moial is simple: If you wani io iaigei nicles successfully and
diamaiically inciease youi clances of success, you need io find oui wlai
people need - ilai iley'ie noi geiiing.
Tlen, find oi cieaie pioducis and seivices io fill oi solve ileii need.
Remembei wlen I meniioned ile "Ciiiical Pail" io business success?
Well ilis is ile FIRST STEP on ilai Ciiiical Pail.
If you gei youi nicle wiong, ileie's no way io fix ii. You can woil foi
yeais iiying io cieaie ile iigli pioduci, ile iigli maileiing, oi wlaievei.
Bui if you didn'i gei ile nicle iigli in ile fiisi place, you aie... as iley say...
You'll spin youi wleels, wasie iime and money, and geneially fiusiiaie
ile lell oui of youiself iiying io figuie oui wly youi business isn'i woiling if
you gei youi nicle wiong.
If you gei youi nicle iigli, lalf of youi woil is done.
Wlen youi nicle is iigli, eveiyiling is easiei afiei ilai. Mucl easiei.
Maileiing woils beiiei. Cusiomeis come oui of ile woodwoil. Oilei
businesses wani io paiinei wiil you io sell youi pioducis.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
All of ile siais line up.
Step 2: Narrow Your Niche
Wlai I'm aboui io ieacl you nexi is one of ile laidesi ilings io "gei"
wlen ii comes io iaigeiing a money-maling nicle.
Ii's laid io gei because ii's liieially ile opposite of wlai ile mind
noimally does wlen consideiing a business nicle oi pioduci idea.
Wlen you'ie siaiiing a business oi cieaiing a new pioduci, ile
"iniuiiive" iling io do is iiy io male ii appeal io as many people as possible.
"Widen ile mailei appeal," as iley say.
Ii only males sense io iiy io male youi business and pioduci aiiiaciive
io as many people as possible, iigli?
Well, ii's almosi iigli. Excepi ilai ii's aciually...
...Totally And Completely Wrong!
Wlai could be wiong wiil maling a pioduci ilai lois of people wani?
You'ie piobably ilinling: "OK, Eben. You losi me now. Aie you
suggesiing ilai I male Infoimaiion Pioducis ilai nobody wanis?"
Ii's a faii quesiion - especially consideiing low wlacly wlai I'm saying
So leie's a "ilougli expeiimeni" foi you.
Lei's say ilai you lave a leadacle, and you decide io go down io ile
diugsioie io gei youiself some medicine io male ile pain go away.
You wall ovei io ile aisle wiil all of ile diffeieni pain ielieveis... and
ilen cloose one of ilem foi youi leadacle.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Tle quesiion is:
Well, if you'ie lile mosi people, you cloose Excediin - a medicine ilai's
maileied specifically io cuie leadacles - oi someiling similai.
Now, siop foi a minuie and imagine ilai you'ie sianding ileie looling
ai ile leadacle medicines , and you lappen io lool up on ile iop slelf...
and see a big blue boiile of pills ilai's labeled...
Would you buy ii?
Would you even picl up ile boiile io reoJ ii?
Of couise noi.
A boiile of pills labeled "Medicine" sounds aboui as inieiesiing as a TV
Dinnei ilai's labeled "Food."
Um, no ilanls.
Bui wly?
Wly don'i we wani ile iling ilai "cuies eveiyiling?"
Well, ii iuins oui ilai we lumans aien'i exacily logical.
In faci, modein science is pioving moie and moie ilai we'ie
"Piediciably Iiiaiional" (ile iiile of Haivaid Piofessoi Dan Aiiely's bool
aboui ile iopic).
In oilei woids, we belave in iiiaiional ways - bui we'ie preJictoble in
oui iiiaiional belavioi.
Yep. We do ciazy ilings. We don'i lnow we'ie doing ilem. Tley'ie
consisieni and piediciable. And we male up sioiies in oui minds io
iaiionalize and explain ilem - iailei ilan jusi noiicing ilai wlai we'ie
doing is diiven by "animal diives" and emoiions.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
And ONE of ile less-ilan-logical ilings we do consisienily is buy
ilings ilai sound lile iley'ie moJe io fix oui specific pioblem (oi give us
oui desiie) - and avoid ilings ilai sound lile iley "cuie eveiyiling" oi "fix
wlaievei is ailin' ya."
So now you'ie siaiiing io see wly "widening" youi nicle io include a
biggei audience is a pioblem. Insiead of focusing on a iaigeied gioup of
people ilai las a siiong need, "widening youi audience" causes you io
cieaie "Medicine" ilai nobody wanis io buy.
Wlicl biings me bacl io my poini.
If you wani io reolly iaigei a poieni nicle ilai will be lilely io male you
a loi of money, ilen Norrow Your Nicbe, don'i widen ii.
Say ii wiil me:
Narrow My Niche
If you'ie an expeii ai lelping people lose weigli, and you've discoveied
ilai ileie aie lois of women wlo wani io lose :o pounds fasi because
iley'ie geiiing maiiied and wani io lool gieai in ileii wedding diess, ilen
FOCUS on ilem.
Don'i cieaie a bool on "Healil."
Cieaie a bool foi }UST ile women wlo wani io lose weigli foi ileii
If you'ie an expeii lelping people gei oui of debi, and you do a suivey
and discovei ilai ile biggesi fiusiiaiion wiil debi is ligl ciedii caid
paymenis... ilen cieaie an Infoimaiion Pioduci aboui (you guessed ii) bow
to qet riJ of biqb creJit corJ poyments.
Don'i cieaie an Infoimaiion Pioduci aboui "Aclieving Financial
Goi ii?
Naiiow Youi Nicle.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Naiiow Youi Nicle.
Naiiow Youi Nicle.
And naiiow ii based on ile port of ile nicle ilai las ile mosi
fiusiiaiion, woiiy, pain oi desiie. Tlis way you'ie cieaiing a pioduci ilai is
REALLY desiied.
The Ultimate Niche Shortcut:
The Big 3 Mega-Niches
Now, as David Ogilvy said: "A blind pig can someiimes find a iiuffle.
Bui ii lelps io lnow ilai iley'ie found in oal foiesis."
As ii iuins oui, mosi of ile money ilai's made in Infoimaiion Pioducis,
Advice, Consuliing and Coacling is made wiilin a few ley "Mega-Nicles."
If you lnow wlai ilese aie, ii can give you a luge lead siaii ovei eveiyone
else - and gei you fai down ile pail of iaigeiing youi money-maling
Infoimaiion Pioduci nicle (oi youi nexi pioduci).
If you've leaid me ieacl on ilis iopic, ilen you lnow wlai ilese iliee
Mega-Nicles aie:
1. Health & Fitness
2. Dating & Relationships
3. Business & Money
In faci, if you lool ai all of ile "big liis" in Infoimaiion Pioducis,
piobably So%-qo% of ilem aie wiilin one of ilese caiegoiies.
Wlai I'm iiying io say leie is ilai if you'ie iaigeiing a nicle, and you'ie
looling foi a big fiusiiaiion oi need you can fill wiil youi pioduci oi seivice,
Now, as you can iell, ilese aie veiy "wide nicles" indeed.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
You don'i wani io cieaie a pioduci called "Healil 8 Fiiness."
Bui you DO wani io stort wiilin ile Meqo-Nicbe of Healil 8 Fiiness.
Wlai do you do nexi?
Yes, you Norrow Your Nicbe by figuiing oui wlai a specific gioup of
people wlo aie inieiesied in Healil 8 Fiiness aie looling foi, bui can'i find.
Wlen I siaiied my fiisi successful Infoimaiion Pioduci business jusi
ovei q yeais ago, I wioie a bool of daiing advice foi men.
Ai ilai iime, I looled aiound ai ile maileiplace and iealized ilai ileie
weie a TON of bools and educaiion piogiams aboui ielaiionslips... bui no
good bools oi educaiion foi men aboui daiing successfully.
I norroweJ ile laigei nicle of "ielaiionslips" io jusi ile beqinninq of
ile piocess:
And ilen I naiiowed ile daiing nicle fuiilei:
By focusing only on Jotinq and only on men, I effeciively eliminaied
ovei So% of ile "ielaiionslip" mailei eniiiely.
Wlai lappened? I cieaied ile laigesi online Daiing Advice business in
ile woild in jusi a few yeais.
Is ilis maling sense io you?
Men wlo wani io leain low io gei daies aien'i inieiesied in bools ilai
aie full of "geneial ielaiionslip advice" foi eveiyone. Tley lave specific
clallenges, and iley wani someiling ilai ieacles ilem ONLY low io solve
ilose clallenges - wiil no fluff.
}usi lile you'd cloose a medicine specifically cieaied io cuie leadacles
and noi "Medicine," a peison wlo las a specific clallenge oi desiie wanis an
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
desiie wanis an infoimaiion pioduci ilai was MADE io solve ilai clallenge
oi need.
Tle basic idea leie is io stort wiil one of ile Big Mega-Nicles, ilen
Naiiow Youi Nicle wiilin ilai Mega-Nicle by discoveiing a big need ilai
isn'i being mei well foi a laige gioup of people.
If you do ilis, you'll inciease youi clances of success even more.
Siacl oll of ilese ieclniques and appioacles I've slown you, and you'll
find a winner.
Your Information Product
Niche Cheat-Sheet
As you can imagine, in ile pasi q+ yeais of building successful
Infoimaiion Pioduci businesses online, I've discoveied mony nicles ilai aie
"ligl piobabiliiy" winneis.
I'd lile io slaie wiil you wlai I considei io be ile biggesi "Gold Mine"
oppoiiuniiies inside ile Big Mega-Nicles.
I'll slaie eacl of ilem wiil you, ilen explain wly I ilinl eacl is a good
sloii-ieim and long-ieim nicle business oppoiiuniiy - and ilen low io
find "bulls-eye" wiilin ile nicle ilai YOU would lile io woil wiil...
Tlis lisi las ialen me a long iime io compile and undeisiand, and I
lope you use wlai you leain wlen you siudy ii io piofii wiil youi
Infoimaiion Pioduci business.
NOTE: I AM NOT a docioi, aiioiney, oi goveinmeni employee. I am noi
giving you legal, medical oi business advice leie. If you decide io puisue
any of ile caiegoiies ilai I'm aboui io meniion, ii's ioo% youi iesponsibiliiy,
and ii's up io you io gei legal, medical and piofessional advice. Ii's also up io
you io follow ile law wiil youi business and youi maileiing.
And wiil ilai disclaimei, lei's lool ai wleie ile OPPORTUNITY is...
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Health & Fitness
1) Natural Weight Loss
Ii's useful io follow long-ieim iiends wlen cloosing a nicle. Boil
"Naiuial" and "Weigli Loss" aie long-ieim iiends, and iley'ie "meeiing up"
now in ile nicle called "Naiuial Weigli Loss." As a socieiy, we'ie becoming
moie and moie conceined aboui clemicals, diugs and oilei elemenis
luiiing us moie ilan iley'ie lelping us. Naiuial Weigli Loss is "giowing
fasi" and will coniinue io giow long inio ile fuiuie.
2) Stress
One of ile "penaliies" of living in a woild ilai's clanging fasiei and
fasiei is ile aveiage peison's inabiliiy io bonJle all of ile clange.
Relaiionslips aie clanging, families aie biealing down, job lengil is
sloiiening, debi is incieasing. Ii all leads io moie STRESS. And ilis is
cieaiing a luge oppoiiuniiy io cieaie pioducis and seivices io lowei ii and
male ii go away.
3) Muscle Gain
Tle oilei side of "weigli loss" is muscle qoin. Tle iwo aie noi ile same.
In faci, someone wlo wanis io lose weigli may noi wani io gain any muscle.
And someone wlo wanis io gain muscle may wani io aciually GAIN weigli
(muscle weigls moie ilan fai, afiei all). If you've been waicling
infomeicials on TV ovei ile pasi couple of decades, ilen you've seen ile iise
of ile "Muscle Gain" nicle. Ii's a big winnei, and my bei is ilai ii will
coniinue io win long-ieim.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
4) Low-Impact Exercise
As ile lealil benefiis of exeicise coniinue io be exploied by science
(and iealized by individuals wlo iniegiaie exeicise)... AND ile lealil
"lazaids" of "laid coie miliiaiy exeicise" aie coming io ligli... people aie
looling foi an alieinaiive ilai offeis ilem ile benefiis of exeicise wiiloui
ile iisls. An eniiie indusiiy is spiouiing aiound ile caiegoiy of exeicises
ilai give you benefii bui don'i luii ile body.
5) Fat Loss
As a iesiameni of ile powei of "Naiiowing Youi Nicle" we'ie seeing an
eniiie caiegoiy of weigli loss emeiging iigli now. Ii's ile "Fai Loss"
caiegoiy. So wlai's ile diffeience beiween weigli loss and fai loss? Noiling,
piobably. Bui as ieseaicl is slowing ilai incieased body fai (especially
aiound ile abdomen) incieases iisls foi all linds of nasiy diseases,
someiling inieiesiing is lappening: Fai is becoming "ile enemy." ii's
liieially being demonized. And ilis is leading io a new "nicle wiilin a
nicle" called Fai Loss. Ii's a good one!
6) Organic Food
Feais of "geneiically modified foods" along wiil dangeious pesiicides
and oilei clemicals aie leading io a luge iiend iowaid Oiganic Food. And
ilis is leading io inieiesi in wleie io gei Oiganic Food, low io piepaie
oiganic food, and ile benefiis of Oiganic Food. Ii's a fasi-giowing caiegoiy
of inieiesi ilai piomises io give us many successful "Naiiow Nicles" in ile
7) Raw Food
Wiilin ile caiegoiies of "naiuial food" and "oiganic food" is a ielaiively
new, fasi-giowing caiegoiy called "Raw Food." Raw iesiauianis aie popping
up all ovei ile woild, benefiis of Raw Food - fiom eneigy io beauiy io lealil
- aie being pioclaimed... and eveiyone fiom celebiiiies io soccei moms aie
geiiing inio ii. Even weiidos lile me eai a loi of iaw foods. I see ilis caiegoiy
giowing long inio ile fuiuie. A gieai nicle oppoiiuniiy.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
8) Natural Healing
"Alieinaiive" lealil and lealing isn'i exacily new anymoie, bui ii's
picling up ile momenium of a FREIGHT TRAIN. And ii's sub-dividing inio
all linds of inieiesiing diffeieni nicles - and cieaiing luge oppoiiuniiy foi a
loi of eniiepieneuis. People aie iiusiing "Wesiein Medicine" less and less,
and iley'ie iuining io alieinaiive "Naiuial" meilods moie and moie.
9) Wellness
I iypically avoid "pieveniion" caiegoiies, as mosi people aien'i
SEARCHING foi "pieveniion." And ilose ilai aie seaicling foi ii aien'i
"uigeni" aboui ii - so ii's difficuli io cieaie a successful business leie. Bui ile
"Wellness" caiegoiy is jusi a liiile bii diffeieni. As ile self-lelp and peisonal
developmeni guius aie ieacling us io gei in ioucl wiil low we'ie feeling in
oui bodies, many of us aie iealizing ilai we feel boJ - onJ tbot we'J like to
feel qooJ. In oilei woids, we wani io iealize oui full "Wellness Poieniial."
Incieasing lealil, eneigy and viialiiy is becoming big business, and you can
do well in ilis caiegoiy if you cloose a MOTIVATED gioup of people io
cieaie soluiions foi.
10)Any Specific Health Problem
Tlis aiea is "siicly," as ii's ofien illegal io sell oi mailei specific "cuies"
io lealil pioblems (again, clecl wiil youi aiioiney). Bui ile faci is ilai
wlen someone las a specific lealil clallenge, iley become VERY
moiivaied io gei an educaiion aboui ilai paiiiculai iopic. And if you can
cieaie an Infoimaiion Pioduci ilai lelps people solve a Specific Healil
Pioblem quiclly, you can become VERY successful - wlile ai ile same iime
cieaiing a loi of value foi people wlo aie in pain.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Relationships & Dating
(Including Parenting)
1) Dating
If you lnow my business lisioiy, ilen you lnow wly I ilinl THIS is a
gieai caiegoiy and nicle. We come "pie-wiied" ai biiil io giow up and seel
a maie, and ile fiisi siep io geiiing a MATE is io gei a DATE. Men and
women aie boil liglly-moiivaied io leain low io successfully daie and io
aiiiaci a paiinei - and Daiing is going io be a successful caiegoiy foi as long
as lumans aie walling aiound on ile planei.
2) Relationships
If ile daiing goes well, ilen ile reol clallenges begin. Successful
ielaiionslips iequiie communicaiion slills, paiineiing slills, ieamwoil and
a million oilei slills. Relaiionslip advice will also be a successful
Infoimaiion Pioduci caiegoiy foi ile long-ieim, and if you lave expeiience
oi expeiiise lelping people lave successful ielaiionslips, ilen ilis is a gieai
way io "do well by doing good."
3) Marriage
Tle uliimaie "ielaiionslip" is, of couise, Maiiiage. Maiiiage can be
ilougli of as a caiegoiy wiilin ile ielaiionslip caiegoiy - bui Maiiiage is
special, in ilai ii caiiies ile implicaiions of "lifeiime commiimeni." Wlen
people gei maiiied, iley eniei a new plase of ileii life, and many ilings
clange. Finances become moie complicaied, iesponsibiliiies become moie
complicaied, and siiesses become moie complicaied. As you piobably
lnow, Maiiiages aie failing ai an alaiming iaie, and lelping people lave
successful Maiiiages is a gieai place io iaigei youi nicle.
4) Sexuality
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
As you've possibly leaid, eveiy single one of us is leie on ilis planei as
a iesuli of... you guessed ii... Sex. I ilinl ilai Sex is ai ile iooi of moie
negaiive emoiions ilan almosi anyone could guess. Feai, anxieiy, guili,
slame... and jealousy... and many oileis... iesuli fiom oui peisonal and
culiuial ielaiionslip io Sex. If you can lelp people live moie fulfilling Sex
lives, you can do VERY well foi youiself in Infoimaiion Maileiing.
5) Conflict
Tle inieiseciion of "Pain" and "Uigency" usually offeis gieai
oppoiiuniiy io cieaie Infoimaiion Pioducis ilai sell. And ile geneial aiea of
"Conflici" is an excelleni place io siaii "luniing" foi a nicle ilai needs youi
advice. Wleilei ii's ielaiionslip Conflicis oi family Conflicis, ilese aie ile
aieas wleie people gei ile feeling ilai iley NEED HELP ofien - because
iley iniuiiively lnow ilai if iley expeiience ioo mucl Conflici, ile
ielaiionslip will END. If you can lelp people wlo aie laving family and
ielaiionslip Conflicis io solve ilem, you lave wlai ii iales io build a
successful Infoimaiion Business in ilis caiegoiy.
6) Divorce
Tle "uliimaie" ielaiionslip conflici is, of couise, Divoice. Ii las iis own
seciion in some boolsioies. An eniiie aimy of lawyeis focuses only on
Divoice law. Big money is ai siale wlen Divoice comes inio ile piciuie, and
if you can lelp people wiil ilis level of ielaiionslip conflici, ilen you lave
a luge, naiuial "buili-in" cusiomeis foi ile long-ieim.
7) Body Language
I've lisied Body Language leie in ile "Relaiionslips 8 Daiing" seciion,
bui ile iiuil is ilai ii's a iopic ilai "ciosses ovei" io all Mega Nicles. We
wani io leain io iead Body Language io fliii wiil and aiiiaci a maie. We
wani io leain io iead Body Language so we can peisuade and sell beiiei. And
we wani io leain io iead Body Language so we can clange oui own io
communicaie confidence, lealil and success. In eveiy case, ii's a caiegoiy
ilai's giowing in inieiesi and success iigli now.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
8) Parenting
I iypically don'i advise ilai Infoimaiion Maileieis iaigei nicles ilai
lave io do wiil "pieveniion" - as ii's mucl laidei io mailei and sell
pioducis ilai aie "pieveniaiive." Bui wlen ii comes io lids, ile game
clanges. People will do anyiling foi ileii lids. Bui mosi people don'i lnow
WHAT io do. Especially if iley lave a clild ilai's misbelaving... oi wlo las
a leaining disabiliiy... oi wlo is socially awlwaid and self-conscious aboui ii.
Paienis aie spending moie and moie money on ileii lids and on leaining
low io be good paienis. Ii's anoilei nicle ilai's going io be good foi ile
long-ieim... oi ai leasi as long as we coniinue laving clildien!
9) Education
Tlis is ieally a "sub-caiegoiy" wiilin paieniing - in a way. Paienis aie
siaiiing io ilinl aboui low ileii 6-yeai-old is going io gei inio Haivaid,
and aie siaiiing "acceleiaied educaiion" couises foi ileii clildien ai
youngei and youngei ages. Eveiyiling fiom Educaiion games io Educaiion
videos - and eveiyiling in beiween - is becoming VERY big business. If you
lnow low io lelp paienis Educaiion ileii lids foi long-ieim success in life,
ilen find an unmei need in paienis and cieaie Infoimaiion Pioducis foi ii!
Business & Money
1. Real Estate
Even ilougl Real Esiaie booms and busis, ii iends io ALWAYS be a
good caiegoiy foi Infoimaiion Pioducis. In faci, ii can ofien be even better
wlen ile mailei is bad - because wlen ile mailei is good, people don'i
ilinl iley need lelp! Real Esiaie invesimeni is complex, mulii-faceied, and
inieiesiing. Tleie aie many, many nicle oppoiiuniiies wiilin ilis massive
caiegoiy - and if you lave expeiience maling money oi cieaiing a successful
business in Real Esiaie, ilis can be a veiy piofiiable caiegoiy io woil wiilin.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
2. Foreign Currency
Tle "FOREX" mailei (sloii foi Foieign Exclange), in my opinion, las
become ile new "day iiading." Ii's a ligl-iisl, ligl-eneigy game wleie big
money can be made oi losi in seconds. Tlai's piobably wly so many people
aie geiiing involved wiil ii. Ii's also someiling ilai basically anyone can gei
involved wiil if iley lave access io some money and a compuiei - so ii's
populaiiiy is giowing fasi. If you lave lnowledge of low io piofii in ilis
mailei, ilen you slould considei ieacling oileis wlai you've leained in
ile foim of Infoimaiion Pioducis.
3. Investing
In Ameiica, wleie I'm wiiiing ilis iepoii, we'ie saving and invesiing
less and less of oui money. Bui ilai's all clanging as ile economy goes
iliougl iis ups and downs. Invesiing is a "couniei-iniuiiive" slill. Humans
lile io spend wlai iley gei, and consume NOW. If you lave Invesimeni
lnowledge, ileii aie many, many nicle possibiliiies foi you io iesi and
exploie wiil Infoimaiion Pioducis.
4. Retirement
Laiely, moie and moie people aie iealizing ilai old-age is coming, and
ieiiiemeni accounis don'i giow ilemselves. As I meniioned in ile
"Invesiing" seciion, we've been saving less and less, and ile sombei
iealizaiion ilai Reiiiemeni iequiies MONEY is dawning acioss ile land. If
you can ieacl people low io successfully ieiiie (oi low io deal wiil ile
clallenging aspecis of ieiiiemeni) you lave a ligl piobabiliiy of cieaiing a
successful Infoimaiion Business. Reiiiemeni is a long-ieim oppoiiuniiy, as
ile eniiie populaiion is only giowing laigei and geiiing oldei!
5. Debt
You alieady lnow ilai people aie ialing on moie and moie debi. And
ile pioblems ilai come fiom laving ioo mucl debi lead people io seel
soluiions wiil gieai enilusiasm. I peisonally ilinl ilai Debi is one of ile
laigesi clallenges we musi face as a socieiy, and if you can lelp people gei
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
oui of Debi and build lealily financial labiis, ilen you owe ii io youiself io
iesi ilis caiegoiy wiil an Infoimaiion Pioduci.
6. Starting A Business
Tle inieinei is cieaiing a massive wave of oppoiiuniiy foi liieially
anyone io siaii a business fiom lome. Millions of people aie woiling paii-
iime and full-iime fiom lome iunning eBay business ALONE. Wleilei ii's
an inieinei business oi a iiadiiional business, people wlo aie STARTING
ileii own Business need lelp. Business las many "iwisis and iuins," and
ileie's noi enougl good "Siaiiing A Business" advice in ile woild ioday.
Tleie aie so many nicle oppoiiuniiies wiilin ilis caiegoiy (and so many
moie cieaied eveiy day wiil new inveniions and ieclnologies) ilai ilis
caiegoiy will nevei "iun diy."
7. Making Money
I lesiiaie io even MENTION ilis caiegoiy, because so many of ile
pioducis sold in ilis nicle aie gaibage - oi scams. Bui ile faci is ilai if you
asl people wlai iley need iigli now moie ilan anyiling, a laige peiceniage
of ilem will answei: "MONEY." And ii iuins oui ilai Maling Money is
laidei ilan ii would seem. If you can lelp people gei siaiied maling money
(lonesily, of couise!) ilen you slould iesi an Infoimaiion Pioduci on ile
8. Marketing (Especially Online)
In business, eveiyone is iiying io gei moie cusiomeis. Ii's ile liglesi
piioiiiy of mosi businesses. If you asl ioo business owneis wlo failed in
business and weni banliupi wlai ile "pioblem" was, mosi of ilem will
answei "noi enougl cusiomeis" in one way oi anoilei. And wlai's ile besi
way io gei cusiomeis? MARKETING. Maileiing is gieai, because ii allows
you io "lei ile Maileiing do ile woil foi you." Adveiiisemenis iun day and
nigli in magazines, on TV and online - wiiloui a peison ileie io do ile
selling, eic. And I'll iell you fiom expeiience, if you can ieacl people low io
mailei ileii businesses successfully, ilen you can cieaie a big-win in ile
Infoimaiion Pioduci space. NOTE: Online maileiing is one of ile
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
biggesi oppoiiuniiies ilai will come along in oui lifeiimes, so if you can
leain ii and ieacl ii, you ieally lave an oppoiiuniiy io do well.
9. Time Management
Wlai's ile big enemy of business success in modein iimes? Ii's
disiiaciion and inieiiupiion. And as I meniioned eailiei in ilis iepoii, I've
discoveied ilai Time Managemeni is one of ile biggesi clallenges ilai
business people and eniiepieneuis face. And I ilinl ilai ilis is one of ile
big "unseen oppoiiuniiies" io cieaie successful Infoimaiion Pioducis and
Coacling now and inio ile fuiuie.
10.Getting A Job
Tle laiesi esiimaies aie ilai ile aveiage college giaduaie is going io
lave someiling lile a dozen diffeieni jobs, and seveial eniiie CAREER
clanges befoie age S. Tlinl aboui ilai. And since mosi people will be
woiling foi a business duiing ilis peiiod of ileii lives, one of ile ley slills
io lave is lnowing low io qet a job in ile fiisi place. If you lnow low io
wiiie iesumes, inieiview lile a pio oi neiwoil io gei good job inieiviews...
ilen you slould considei launcling an Infoimaiion Pioduci in ilis
So There You Have It...
:q poweiful Nicle Mailei oppoiiuniiies ilai sell ions of Infoimaiion
Pioducis iigli now, and ilai will woil long inio ile fuiuie.
So wlai slould you do now?
You migli answei: "Picl one and cieaie an Infoimaiion Pioduci."
And if you JiJ answei lile ilai, I'd say:
Remembei wlai we leained eailiei?
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
Remembei ile paii aboui "Naiiow Youi Nicle?"
If you'd lile io puisue one of ile :q nicles ilai I meniioned above, you
slould ideniify ile specific aiea wleie you'd lile io sell Infoimaiion
Pioducis (oi Advice oi Coacling)... and ilen norrow ilai nicle io find a
specific paii of ilai nicle wleie ileie aie lois of people looling foi a
soluiion, and no lnformotion ProJucts.
Foi example, lei's say ilai you decide ilai you wani io ieacl Maileiing.
Fuiilei, lei's say ilai you've been leaining and piaciicing youi Social Media
maileiing online foi youiself and a few fiiends oi cusiomeis... and you can
see ilai ileie aien'i many good pioducis ilai ieacl Social Media Maileiing.
Wlai you'd wani io do is siaii a discussion gioup inside of youi favoiiie
Social Neiwoiling siie (oi jusi asl all of youi fiiends]followeis a quesiion)...
and asl:
"Wlai's ile biggesi clallenge oi fiusiiaiion you'ie laving wiil Social
Media Maileiing iigli now?"
Tlen siaii ieading ile answeis!
You'll siaii io see paiieins, conneciing ile dois, and seeing
oppoiiuniiies foi nicles ilai you ladn'i ilougli of befoie.
You migli discovei ilai ile biggesi fiusiiaiion is iuining followeis in io
cusiomeis. Oi ii migli be geiiing followeis oi fiiends in ile fiisi place. Oi ii
migli be geiiing people io linl io youi websiie.
Wlai I've discoveied is ilai wlen you ASK, you always gei a suipiise.
And ilis is wleie ile opportunity is. Because wlen you siaii wiil a nicle
ilai alieady males money, ilen norrow ilai nicle by finding an unmei
need wiilin ile nicle, you discovei an oppoiiuniiy io iale youi own
lnowledge oi expeiiise and cieaie an Infoimaiion Pioduci ilai's unique -
and valuable - io many, many people.
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived
If Youre Launching Or Building An
Information Product, Advice Or
Coaching Business...
If you'd lile io siaii an Infoimaiion Pioduci business - oi build youi
cuiieni Infoimaiion business - ilen I iecommend ilai you considei
iegisieiing foi my GURU Bluepiini iiaining ilai's opening on Tuesday, }une
In ilis iiaining piogiam, I'll be peisonally walling you iliougl a sei of
siep-by-siep "Bluepiinis" foi building oui eveiy aspeci of youi business...
Fiom youi pioduci and youi maileiing... io youi videos and youi sales
leiieis... io youi affiliaie maileiing piogiam... and eveiyiling in beiween.
Afiei ovei q yeais building a business ilai did ovei s:q Million in
Infoimaiion Pioduci sales lasi yeai - and launcling io successful
Infoimaiion Pioduci biands ilai lave done a ioial of ovei sioo Million
dollais in sales... I wani io ieacl YOU low io do ii.
Mail youi calendai foi Tuesday, }une isi - and leep clecling in ai:
...foi updaies and moie infoimaiion.
Tlanls foi visiiing, and I'll iall io you again soon.
Ol, by ile way: If you enjoyed ilis iepoii, please go bacl io ile blog
and lei me lnow wlai you leained!
I appieciaie ii,
Tle Nicle Inielligence Repoii by Eben Pagan Copyiigli :oio, All Riglis Reseived

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