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Coaches Guide: Giving Feedback

Q: Does the focal point of the student responses change? A: Yes as we edit the various posts that the AMP scholars are writing, each Adopt 5 cycle will have a particular focal point depending on the week. The following task is an exa ple of a task given to the students: Task: After reading the !ndependent "eading text #elow answer the following two$part %uestion. &. 'hat did you learn fro the text and how does it connect to you( )*+ , &- sentences , two details fro the text two ways it connects to your life
!ndependent "eading Text .ink

Q: How should I give feedback? !hat should I use to give feedback? A: The steps outlined #elow will show you how to give feed#ack.
"tep #: As a coach the first thing you should do is scan the text that the scholars read #efore they answered the %uestion. The text will always #e availa#le in a link near the task. "tep $: )oaches should read the %uestion and take note of the )riteria for +uccess that will #e used to evaluate the scholars. "tep %: After reading the passage, you should give the scholars the following feed#ack. Q: Is there a rubric that the coaches should follow when giving feedback to student responses?

A: The following ru#ric and instructions are not eant to #e exhaustive. These are /ust so e #asic guidelines of how to evaluate

your coachees writing #y #orrowing fro focusing on in class.

so e things we have #een

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% Content - 'nal.sis

# anner that !ntroduce a topic in a the task anner that does not logically follow fro task and purpose the

)learly introduce a topic in !ntroduce a topic in a a anner that is the task and follows generally fro and purpose co pelling and follows logically fro purpose

Co//and of (vidence

0evelops the topic with definitions, concrete details, %uotations, or other infor ation and exa ples fro the text1s2

Partially develops the topic of the 0e onstrates an atte pt to use evidence, #ut only develop ideas with ini al, occasional evidence which is generally invalid or irrelevant 0e onstrates e erging co that and 0e onstrates a lack of co and of conventions, with fre%uent errors that hinder co prehension textual evidence, so e of which ay #e irrelevant

relevant, well$chosen facts, writing with the use of so e

Control of Conventions

0e onstrates grade$ appropriate co errors and of conventions, with few

of conventions, with so e errors ay hinder co prehension

'DDITI&0'1 (2'1*'TI&0 !n addition, to the ru#ric a#ove please use the criteria #elow. &. +cholars are re3uired to restate the %uestion when they #egin their answers 3. +cholars are re3uired to select, %uote and4or paraphrase their evidence that supports their clai . 5. +cholars are re3uired to provide analysis of their textual evidence.

A. This analysis includes answering the following questions after giving textual evidence. 1. What is the quote saying (in your own words)? And how does it (the quote) answer the question)?

Q: How should I use the rubric above and 4re3uired5 fro/ the additional evaluation? A: As you are giving feed#ack, reference the )oaches "u#ric 6& and Additional 7valuation criteria. +ee the )esponse (6a/ple that ! created for a student exe plar. Q: Does the rubric we use for feedback ever change? A: Yes depending on the given Adopt 5 cycle and what is #eing taught in class the evaluation ru#ric will change. )oaches will #e given a ple notice if there is a change in the 7valuation ru#ric.

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