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Pythagorean Theorem Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Pythagorean Webquest Activity Lesson overview: Students will research and learn about the Pythagorean theorem and its applications to solve real life problems by completing the webquest activity. Students will also learn to navigate and use different web resources to acquire information. Lesson Subject Area: Geometry, algebra, and computer skills. Estimated Time for Completion: rade Level: %&" grade Lesson !bjectives 'he student will be able to demonstrate learning by taking notes. 'he student will complete assignments by following directions. Student will be able to use the Pythagorean theorem to solve real world problems. Student will be able to define the word hypotenuse. Student will be able to find the square roots of numbers either through learned concepts or using calculators. Students will show proficiency in solving equations to find different variables. hours !" # minutes$

Content Standards MAFS: Mathematics Standards (Florida Math Standards) "A#S$%$ $&$' ()plain a proof of the Pythagorean theorem and its converse. "A#S$%$ $&$( Apply the Pythagorean theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real&world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions. "A#S$%$ $&$% Apply the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between two points in a coordinate system. "A#S$)*&$ +S,T$&$- Prove theorems about triangles. 'heorems include* a line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the other two proportionally, and conversely+ the Pythagorean 'heorem proved using triangle similarity. NETS Standards for Students Research and Information Fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry. b. ,ocate, organi-e, evaluate, synthesi-e, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Critical Thinking, Pro lem Sol!ing, and "ecision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. a. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. Technology Operations and Concepts a. Understand and use technology systems. b. Select and use applications effectively and productively. Pre+re.uisites Students must be able to perform basic computer tasks such as opening and saving files, and browsing the .nternet. /amiliarity with squares and square roots. Ability to solve basic algebra equations. Prior basic knowledge of coordinates.

"aterials and E.uipments 'his activity will be conducted in a computer lab. (ach student will have access to an individual computer. Students will also use pencils and notebooks to take notes. 'he computer lab has a smart board and a pro0ector for the teacher to use. Lesson /etails Part *: 0ntroduction and 1rainstorming 'eacher will introduce the lesson topic and conduct a brainstorming session on the use of Pythagorean theorem in real world. Also, the teacher will introduce the webquest activity and the main ob0ectives of the lesson. Part &: 2eb.uest Activity Students will log in to their computers and make sure they are connected to the .nternet. 'he activity provides 1 links to different online resources about the Pythagorean theorem.

Students will first visit all the links provided to them and use the worksheet to answer all the questions. .n some cases, students will be allowed to research other websites to obtain additional information, as indicated on the worksheet. After completion of the activity, students will complete the online qui- to assess the learning.

0ntroduction 2istory of the Pythagorean 'heorem

Lin3 4 * http*33ualr.edu3lasmoller3pythag.html

5nderstanding the theorem Annotated Proof of the 'heorem 4iscover why the theorem is written the way it is The Pythagorean and 1aseball 2ow to Apply the Pythagorean 'heorem to Solve a 5eal World Problem

Lin3 4 & http*33www.davis&inc.com3pythagor3proof .html

Lin3 4 6 http*33www.pbs.org3wgbh3nova3proof3pu--le3baseball.html

Pythagoras Theorem 5sed in ,eal Life E7periences

Lin3 4 http*33www.brighthubeducation.com3homework&math& help367768&applications&of&pythagoras&theorem&in&real& life3

The /istance #ormula 5sing the Pythagorean Theorem

Lin3 4 8 http*33www.purplemath.com3modules3distform.htm

Part 6: Assessment After completing the Webquest activity, students will take an assessment to evaluate the ob0ectives of this lesson. 'he assessment is online and can be found through this link* http*33www.mathematicalmischief.com3 #"63#"3"73online&qui-&9&pythagoras&theorem3 Adaptations for Learners with Special 9eeds Students below grade level or with learning disabilities will receive additional support and e)tra time on assignments. Students who have difficulty typing or lack basic computer knowledge will receive alternative materials such as hardcopies of all the assignments.

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