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I wish that My Holy Face be honored in a particular manner on Tuesdays.

(Our Lord to Blessed Mo. Ma. ierina de Micheli! FI"#

WITH ECCLESIASTICAL APPROVAL Nihil Obstat sgd Rev. Fr. Genaro O. Diwa Minister Ministr! "or Lit#rgi$a% A""airs

Imprimatur sgd Archbishop Gaudencio B. Rosalez, D.D.

Archbishop of Manila

February 9, 2

&I wis' t'at M! Fa$e w'i$' re"%e$ts t'e dee( (ains o" M! So#% t'e sorrow and %ove o" M! 'eart )e )etter 'onored. W'oever $onte*(%ates Me $onso%es *e. Ever! ti*e M! Fa$e is $onte*(%ated I wi%% (o#r o#t *! %ove into t'e 'eart o" t'ose (ersons and )! *eans o" M! Ho%! Fa$e t'e sa%vation o" *an! so#%s wi%% )e o)tained.+ ,O#r Lord to -%essed Mot'er Maria Pierina de Mi$'e%i.


ACT OF REPARATION TO THE HOLY FACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST I adore and (raise /o# O *! Divine 0es#s Son o" t'e %iving God. And I desire to *a1e satis"a$tion "or a%% t'e o#trages w'i$' I t'e *ost *isera)%e o" /o#r $reat#res 'ave o""ered /o# in a%% t'e *e*)ers o" /o#r -%essed -od! and (arti$#%ar%! in /o#r Adora)%e Fa$e. Hai% Wors'i("#% Fa$e dis"ig#red )! s(itt%e and 'ard%! re$ogni2ed t'ro#g' t'e $r#e% treat*ent w'i$' /o# did re$eive "ro* t'e i*(io#s ones. I sa%#te /o# O -%essed E!es a%% )at'ed in tears w'i$' /o# did s'ed "or *! sa%vation. I sa%#te /o# O -%essed Ears assai%ed )! )%as('e*ies ins#%t and $r#e% *o$1eries. I sa%#te /o# O -%essed *o#t' "i%%ed wit' gra$es and tenderness "or (oor sinners )#t e*)ittered wit' vinegar and ga%% )! t'e *onstro#s ingratit#de o" t'at (eo(%e W'o* /o# did $'oose "ro* a*ong a%% ot'ers. In re(aration "or a%% t'ese igno*inies I o""er /o# a%% t'e 'o*age w'i$' is given /o# in t'at 'o%! (%a$e w'ere /o# are (%eased to )e 'onored wit' a s(e$ia% wors'i( #niting *!se%" t'erewit'. A*en. JESUS, MY LORD, MY GOD, MY ALL 0es#s *! Lord *! God *! a%% How $an I %ove T'ee as I o#g't3 And 'ow revere t'is wondro#s gi"t So "ar s#r(assing 'o(e or t'o#g't C'or#s4 Sweet Sa$ra*ent5 We T'ee adore O'5 Ma1e #s %ove T'ee *ore and *ore O'5 Ma1e #s %ove T'ee *ore and *ore. Had I )#t Mar!6s sin%ess 'eart To %ove T'ee wit' *! dearest 7ing O'5 Wit' w'at )#rst o" "ervent (raise T'! goodness 0es#s wo#%d I sing. ,C'or#s.

SALUTATIONS TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS Hai% O adora)%e Fa$e o" 0es#s (resent in t'e Most -%essed Sa$ra*ent *ore res(%endent t'an t'e s#n5 Hai%5 /o# no)%e sea% o" t'e divinit! /o# *irror o" divine (er"e$tion5 Wit' a%% t'e (owers o" *! so#% I t#rn to /o# O 0es#s and '#*)%! (ra! /o# to i*(rint #(on o#r 'earts a%% t'e "eat#res o" /o#r Divine Co#ntenan$e. A*en. PRAYER OF REPARATION TO THE HOLY FACE Lord 0es#s a"ter $onte*(%ating /o#r "eat#res dis"ig#red )! grie"8 a"ter *editating #(on /o#r (assion wit' $o*(#n$tion and %ove 'ow $an o#r 'earts "ai% to )e in"%a*ed wit' t'e 'o%! 'atred o" sin w'i$' even now o#trages /o#r adora)%e Fa$e3 Lord a%%ow #s not to )e $ontent wit' *ere $o*(assion )#t give #s gra$e so $%ose%! to "o%%ow /o# on t'is new Ca%var! t'at t'e o((ro)ri#* destined "or /o# *a! "a%% #(on #s O 0es#s t'at t'#s we *a! 'ave a s'are s*a%% t'o#g' it )e in t'e e9(iation o" sin. A*en. TO JESUS HEART ALL BURNING To 0es#s6 Heart a%% )#rning wit' "ervent %ove "or *en. M! Heart wit' "ondest !earning s'a%% raise its :o!"#% strain. C'or#s4 W'i%e ages $o#rse a%ong -%ess )e wit' %o#dest song ;;T'e Sa$red Heart o" 0es#s -! ev6r! 'eart and tong#e.<< O Heart "or *e on "ire Wit' %ove no tong#e $an s(ea1 M! !et #nto%d desire God gives *e "or T'! sa1e. ,C'or#s.

GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE &And t'e! went to a (%a$e w'i$' was $a%%ed Get'se*ane and He said to His dis$i(%es =Sit 'ere w'i%e I (ra!.6 And He too1 wit' Hi* Peter and 0a*es and 0o'n and He )egan to )e great%! distressed and tro#)%ed. And He said to t'e* &M! so#% is ver! sorrow"#% even to deat'8 re*ain 'ere and wat$'. And going a %itt%e "art'er He "e%% on t'e gro#nd and (ra!ed t'at i" it )e (ossi)%e t'e 'o#r *ig't (ass "ro* 'i*. ,M1. >?4@AB@C. &And going a %itt%e "art'er He "e%% on His Fa$e and (ra!ed M! Fat'er i" it )e (ossi)%e %et t'is $#( (ass "ro* *e8 nevert'e%ess not as I wi%% )#t as T'o# wi%t.+ ,Mt. AC4@DB?E. &And t'ere a((eared to Hi* an ange% "ro* 'eaven strengt'ening Hi*. And )eing in an agon! He (ra!ed *ore earnest%! and t'#s sweat )%ood. And w'en He rose "ro* (ra!er He $a*e to t'e dis$i(%es and "o#nd t'e* s%ee(ing "or sorrow.+ ,L1. AA4?@B ?C. &And He said to Peter =So $o#%d !o# not wat$' wit' Me one 'o#r36 Wat$' and (ra! t'at !o# *a! not enter t'e te*(tation8 t'e s(irit indeed is wi%%ing )#t t'e "%es' is wea1.+ ,Mt. AC4?EB?>. PRAISES TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS -%essed )e 0es#s. -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e o" 0es#s5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in a%% t'e Ma:est! and )ea#t! o" its 'eaven%! "eat#res5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e t'ro#g' a%% t'e words w'i$' iss#ed "ro* its divine *o#t'5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e t'ro#g' a%% t'e g%an$es o" its adora)%e e!es5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e trans"ig#ration o" Ta)or5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e "atig#es o" t'e a(osto%ate5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e )%ood! sweat o" t'e agon!5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e '#*i%iations o" t'e Passion5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e s#""erings o" deat'5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e s(%endor o" t'e Res#rre$tion5 -%essed )e t'e Most Ho%! Fa$e in t'e g%or! o" %ig't eterna%5 V. O Lord s'ow #s /o#r Fa$e. R. And we s'a%% )e saved.

OFFERING OF THE HOLY FACE TO THE ETERNAL FATHER A%*ig't! God Eterna% Fat'er $onte*(%ate t'e Fa$e o" /o#r Son. Most $on"ident%! do we (resent it to /o# "or t'e g%or! o" /o#r Ho%! Fa*e "or t'e e9(iation o" o#r sins and t'e e9a%tation o" /o#r Ho%! C'#r$' and t'e sa%vation o" t'e wor%d. O#r Most Mer$i"#% Advo$ate He o(ens His *o#t' to (%ead o#r $a#se8 %isten to His $ries )e'o%d His tears O *! God and /o# wi%% )e to#$'ed wit' $o*(assion "or sinners w'o i*(%ore /o#r gra$e and *er$!. A*en. V. O God o#r Prote$tor $ast /o#r e!es #(on #s. R. And %oo1 #(on t'e Fa$e o" /o#r C'rist. PRAYER OF ST. GERTRUDE Hai% Hai% Hai% Hai% Hai% Hai% Hai% Hai% adora)%e 'ead $rowned "or #s wit' t'orns and stri$1en wit' t'e reed. Most wors'i("#% Fa$e "or #s s(it #(on and s*itten. *ost gent%e e!es "or #s s#""#sed wit' tears. sa$red *o#t' "i%%ed "or #s wit' vinegar and ga%%. *ost no)%e ears (ier$ed "or #s wit' re(roa$' and $ont#*e%!. /o#r 1ing%! ne$1 )#""eted "or #s. *ost 'o%! )a$1 "or #s torn wit' t'e s$o#rge. tender %i*)s o" *! Lord 0es#s C'rist tor*ented in t'e Passion wit' *ani"o%d (ain "or o#r sa%vation. Hai% venera)%e 'ands and ar*s stret$'ed o#t "or #s #(on t'e Cross. Hai% divine )reast disG#ieted "or #s and *ang%ed in t'e Passion. Hai% adora)%e 1nees )ent in (ra!er "or #s now $r#s'ed and o#t o" :oint. Hai% *ost wors'i("#% "eet (ier$ed "or #s wit' nai%s. Hai% *ost g%orio#s side riven "or #s wit' t'e so%dier6s %an$e. Hai% w'o%e )od! o" *! 0es#s 'anged "or #s on t'e Cross torn and wo#nded dead and )#ried. Hai% Sa$red Heart treas#reB'o#se o" t'e Most -%essed Trinit! )ro1en "or #s on t'e Cross. Hai% t'ri$eB'o%! So#% o" 0es#s C'rist sorrow"#% "or #s even #nto deat'. Hai% *ost Pre$io#s -%ood "%owing so %avis'%! "ro* t'e Wo#nds o" 0es#s. Hai% adora)%e Wo#nds o" *! Savior to1ens o" His %ove and (ri$e o" o#r rede*(tion in"%i$ted on 0es#s in His (assion and now radiant as stars in t'e 'ig'est 'eaven. V. O Lord 'ear *! (ra!er. R. And %et *! $r! $o*e #nto /o#.

BIBLICAL READING: T'en t'e 'ig' (riest rose to 'is "eet )e"ore t'e $o#rt and )egan to interrogate 0es#s4 &Have !o# no answer to w'at t'ese *en testi"! against !o#3+ -#t 0es#s re*ained si%ent8 'e *ade no re(%!. On$e again t'e 'ig' (riest interrogated 'i*4 &Are !o# t'e Messia' t'e Son o" t'e -%essed One3+ T'en 0es#s answered4 &I a*8 and !o# wi%% see t'e Son o" Man seated at t'e rig't 'and o" t'e Power and $o*ing wit' t'e $%o#ds o" 'eaven.+ At t'at t'e 'ig' (riest tore 'is ro)es and said &W'at "#rt'er need do we 'ave o" witnesses3 /o# 'ave 'eard t'e )%as('e*!. W'at is !o#r verdi$t3+ T'e! a%% $on$#rred in t'e verdi$t &g#i%t! + wit' its senten$e o" deat'. So*e o" t'e* t'en )egan to s(it on 'i*. T'e! )%ind"o%ded 'i* and 'it 'i* sa!ing &P%a! t'e (ro('et5+ w'i%e t'e o""i$ers *an'and%ed 'i*. ,M1. >?4CEBCH. O SACRED HEAD SURROUNDED O Sa$red Head s#rro#nded )! $rown o" (ier$ing t'orn5 O )%eeding 'ead so wo#nded Revi%ed and (#t to s$orn5 Deat'6s (a%%id '#e $o*es o6er T'ee T'e g%ow o" %i"e de$a!s /et ange% 'osts adore T'ee And tre*)%e as t'e! ga2e. I see T'! strengt' and vigor a%% "ading in t'e stri"e. And deat' wit' $r#e% rigor -ereaving T'ee o" %i"e5 O agon! and d!ing5 O %ove to sinners "ree5 0es#s a%% gra$e s#((%!ing O t#rn T'! Fa$e on *e.


LET US PRAY I sa%#te /o# I adore /o# and I %ove /o# O 0es#s *! Savior o#traged anew )! )%as('e*ies8 and I o""er /o# t'ro#g' t'e 'eart o" /o#r -%essed Mot'er t'e wors'i( o" a%% t'e ange%s and saints as an in$ense and a sweet (er"#*e *ost '#*)%! )esee$'ing /o# )! virt#e o" /o#r sa$red Fa$e to re(air and renew in *e and in a%% *en t'e i*age dis"ig#red )! sin. A*en. THE GOLDEN ARROW Ma! t'e *ost 'o%! *ost sa$red *ost adora)%e *ost in$o*(re'ensi)%e na*e o" God )e "orever (raised %oved adored and g%ori"ied in Heaven on eart' and in t'e 'e%% )! a%% t'e $reat#res o" God and )! t'e Sa$red Heart o" o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist in t'e Most Ho%! Sa$ra*ent o" t'e A%tar. A*en.
(This prayer was revealed by our Lord to a Carmelite nun of Tours in 1843 as reparation for blasphemy !This "olden #rrow will wound $y %eart deli&htfully'( %e said' !and heals wounds infli)ted by blasphemy (*

PRAYER OF ST. THERESE O 0es#s w'o in /o#r $r#e% Passion did )e$o*e t'e =Re(roa$' o" *en and t'e Man o" sorrows 6 I wors'i( /o#r Divine Fa$e on$e it s'one wit' t'e )ea#t! and sweetness o" t'e Divinit!8 now "or *! sa1e It 'as )e$o*e as t'e "a$e o" a %e(er. /et in t'at dis"ig#red Co#ntenan$e I re$ogni2e /o#r in"inite %ove and I a* $ons#*ed wit' t'e desire o" %oving /o# and o" *a1ing /o# %oved )! a%% *an1ind. T'e tears t'at strea*ed in s#$' a)#ndan$e "ro* /o#r e!es are to *e as (re$io#s (ear%s w'i$' I de%ig't to gat'er t'at wit' t'eir in"inite wort' I *a! ranso* t'e so#%s o" (oor sinners. O 0es#s w'ose Fa$e is t'e so%e )ea#t! t'at ravis'es *! 'eart I *a! not )e'o%d 'ere #(on eart' t'e sweetness o" /o#r g%an$e nor "ee% t'e ine""a)%e tenderness o" /o#r 1iss. T'ere too I $onsent )#t I (ra! /o# to i*(rint in *e /o#r Divine %i1eness and I i*(%ore /o# so to in"%a*e *e wit' /o#r %ove t'at it *a! G#i$1%! $ons#*e *e and t'at I *a! rea$' t'e vision o" /o#r g%orio#s Fa$e in 'eaven. A*en.

SING OF MARY, PURE AND LOWLY Sing o" 0es#s Son o" Mar!. In t'e 'o*e o" Fa2aret' toi% and %a)or $annot wear! Love end#ring #nto deat'. Constant was t'e %ove He gave 'er. T'o#g' He went "ort' "ro* 'er side Fort' to (rea$' and 'ea% and s#""er ti%% on Ca%var! He died. G%or! )e to God t'e Fat'er G%or! )e to God t'e Son8 G%or! )e to God t'e S(irit8 G%or! to t'e T'ree in one. Fro* t'e 'eart o" -%essed Mar! "ro* a%% saints t'e song as$ends8 and t'e C'#r$' t'e strain reBe$'oes #nto t'e eart'6s re*otest end. ROSARY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY The +olorous or ,orrowful $ysteries I T'e Pra!er and -%ood! Sweat o" o#r Savior in t'e Garden $editationLet #s $onte*(%ate in t'is *!ster! 'ow o#r Lord 0es#s was so a""%i$ted "or #s in t'e Garden o" Get'se*ane t'at His -od! was )at'ed in a )%ood! sweat w'i$' ran tri$1%ing down in great dro(s to t'e gro#nd. O#r Fat'er ,on$e.8 Hai% Mar! ,>E ti*es.8 G%or! )e to t'e Fat'er ,on$e. .rayerMost 'o%! Virgin *ore t'an *art!r )! t'at ardent (ra!er w'i$' !o#r )e%oved Son (o#red "ort' #nto His Fat'er in t'e garden vo#$'sa"e to inter$ede "or #s t'at o#r (assions )eing red#$ed to t'e o)edien$e o" reason we *a! a%wa!s and in a%% t'ings $on"or* and s#):e$t o#rse%ves to t'e Wi%% o" God. A*en. II T'e S$o#rging o" 0es#s at t'e Pi%%ar $editationLet #s $onte*(%ate in t'is *!ster! 'ow o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist )eing de%ivered #( )! Pi%ate to t'e "#r! o" t'e 0ews was )! t'e* *ost $r#e%%! s$o#rged at a (i%%ar.

O#r Fat'er et$. .rayerO Mot'er o" God over"%owing "o#ntain o" (atien$e )! t'ose stri(es !o#r on%! and *ost )e%oved Son vo#$'sa"ed to s#""er "or #s o)tain o" Hi* "or #s t'e gra$e t'at we *a! 1now 'ow to *orti"! o#r re)e%%io#s senses and to $#t o"" a%% o$$asions o" sinning )! t'at sword o" grie" and $o*(assion w'i$' (ier$ed !o#r *ost tender so#%. A*en. III T'e Crowning o" 0es#s wit' T'orns $editationLet #s $onte*(%ate in t'is *!ster! 'ow t'ose $r#e% *inisters o" Satan (%aited a $rown o" s'ar( t'orns and *ost $r#e%%! (ressed it on t'e *ost sa$red 'ead o" o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist. O#r Fat'er et$. .rayerO Mot'er o" o#r eterna% Prin$e and 7ing o" G%or! )! t'ose s'ar( t'orns w'ere His *ost 'o%! 'ead was (ier$ed we )esee$' !o# t'at )! !o#r inter$ession we *a! )e de%ivered 'ere "ro* a%% "ee%ings o" (ride and in t'e da! o" :#dg*ent "ro* t'at $on"#sion w'i$' o#r sins deserve. A*en. IV 0es#s Carr!ing His Cross $editationLet #s $onte*(%ate in t'is *!ster! 'ow o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist )eing senten$ed to die )ore wit' great (atien$e t'e $ross w'i$' was %aid #(on Hi* "or His greater tor*ent and igno*in!. O#r Fat'er et$. .rayerO 'o%! Virgin e9a*(%e o" (atien$e )! t'e *ost (ain"#% $arr!ing o" t'e $ross on w'i$' !o#r Son o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist )ore t'e 'eav! weig't o" o#r sins o)tain "or #s o" Hi* )! !o#r inter$ession $o#rage and strengt' to "o%%ow His ste(s and )ear o#r $ross a"ter Hi* to t'e end o" o#r %ives. A*en.


V T'e Cr#$i"i9ion $editationLet #s $onte*(%ate in t'is *!ster! 'ow o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist )eing $o*e to Mo#nt Ca%var! was stri((ed o" His $%ot'es and His 'ands and "eet *ost $r#e%%! nai%ed to t'e $ross in t'e (resen$e o" His *ost a""%i$ted Mot'er. O#r Fat'er et$. .rayerO Ho%! Mar! Mot'er o" God sin$e t'e )od! o" !o#r )e%oved Son was "or #s e9tended on t'e $ross *a! o#r desires )e dai%! e9(anded in His servi$e and *a! o#r 'earts )e wo#nded wit' $o*(assion "or His *ost )itter (assion and !o# O *ost )%essed Virgin vo#$'sa"e to negotiate "or and wit' #s t'e wor1 o" o#r sa%vation )! !o#r (ower"#% inter$ession. A*en. Hai% 'o%! I#een et$. LITANY OF THE PASSION Lord 'ave *er$! on #s C'rist 'ave *er$! on #s Lord 'ave *er$! on #s 0es#s 'ear #s 0es#s gra$io#s%! 'ear #s God t'e Fat'er in 'eaven Jhave mer)y on us Ho%! Trinit! one God J 0es#s Son o" t'e %iving God J -! /o#r *ost 'o%! %i"e and $onversation J -! /o#r *ost )itter Passion and Deat' J -! /o#r sorrow and /o#r agon! in t'e garden J -! /o#r t'ri$eBre(eated (ra!er J -! t'e resignation o" /o#r '#*an wi%% J -! /o#r sweat o" -%ood J -! /o#r 'ars' $a(tivit! J -! /o#r )onds and stri(es J -! /o#r sa$red )od! )#""eted and s*itten J -! /o#r *o$1ing and igno*inies J -! t'e s(itting #(on /o#r adora)%e Fa$e J -! t'e "a%se :#dg*ent (rono#n$ed on /o# )! Cai('as J -! /o#r setting at na#g't )! Herod J

-! t'e s'a*e"#% stri((ing o" /o#r gar*ents J -! /o#r in'#*an s$o#rging J -! /o#r (ain"#% $rowning wit' t'orns J -! /o#r (#r(%e ro)e o" *o$1er! J -! /o#r *ost #n:#st $onde*nation J -! /o#r )earing o" /o#r own Cross J -! /o#r "oot(rints tra$ed in -%ood -! t'e $r#e% distending o" a%% /o#r sa$red %i*)s J -! /o#r dread"#% Cr#$i"i9ion J -! t'e #(raising o" /o#r Cross J -! t'e ta#nts and )%as('e*ies o" /o#r ene*ies J -! /o#r seven words and /o#r t'irst J -! t'e $o*(assion o" /o#r Mot'er J -! t'e ang#is' o" /o#r Sa$red Heart J -! t'e %ove w'erewit' /o# did end#re a%% /o#r tor*ents and sorrows J -! t'e %ove w'erewit' /o# did wi%% to die a $r#e% deat' J -! t'e %ove w'erewit' /o# did wi%% /o#r sa$red side to )e o(ened wit' t'e %an$e J -! t'e %ove w'erewit' /o# did wi%% to )e %ain in t'e se(#%$'er J -! t'e *ost a$$e(ta)%e sa$ri"i$e w'i$' /o# did o""er to /o#r Fat'er in /o#r Passion J -! t'e inter$ession o" /o#r dearest Mot'er and o" a%% /o#r e%e$t J -! /o#r in"inite dignit! and wort' J -! t'e woe o" a%% /o#r "riends J La*) o" God w'o ta1es awa! t'e sins o" t'e wor%d spare us o Lord La*) o" God w'o ta1es awa! t'e sins o" t'e wor%d gra$io#s%! 'ear #s O Lord. La*) o" God w'o ta1es awa! t'e sins o" t'e wor%d have mer)y on us 0es#s 'ear #s /esus &ra)iously hear us V. We adore /o# O C'rist and we )%ess /o# R. -e$a#se )! /o#r Ho%! Cross /o# 'ave redee*ed t'e wor%d. Let us prayO Savior o" t'e wor%d save #s w'o )! /o#r Cross and /o#r -%ood 'as redee*ed #s8 grant #s /o#r aid we )esee$' /o# O Lord. A*en.

Fear t'e $ross o" 0es#s w'ere stood 'is *ot'er 'is *ot'er6s sister Mar! t'e wi"e o" C%eo(as and Mar! Magda%ene. Seeing 'is *ot'er t'ere wit' t'e dis$i(%e w'o* 'e %oved 0es#s said to 'is *ot'er &Wo*an t'ere is !o#r son.+ In t#rn 'e said to t'e dis$i(%e &T'ere is !o#r *ot'er.+ Fro* t'at 'o#r onward t'e dis$i(%e too1 'er into 'is $are. ,0o'n >D4AHBAK.

AN ACT OF REPARATION FOR BLASPHEMIES AGAINST THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Most g%orio#s Virgin Mar! Mot'er o" God and o#r Mot'er t#rn /o#r e!es in (it! #(on #s *isera)%e sinners8 we are sore a""%i$ted )! t'e *an! evi%s t'at s#rro#nd #s in t'is %i"e )#t es(e$ia%%! do we "ee% o#r 'earts )rea1 wit'in #s #(on 'earing t'e dread"#% ins#%ts and )%as('e*ies #ttered against /o# O Virgin I**a$#%ate to w'i$' we are "reG#ent%! $onstrained to %isten. O 'ow t'ese i*(io#s sa!ings o""end t'e in"inite Ma:est! o" God and o" His on%! )egotten Son 0es#s C'rist5 How t'e! (rovo1e His indignation and give #s $a#se to "ear t'e terri)%e e""e$ts o" His vengean$e5 Wo#%d t'at t'e sa$ri"i$e o" o#r %ives *ig't avai% to (#t an end to s#$' o#trages and )%as('e*ies8 were it so 'ow g%ad%! we s'o#%d *a1e it "or we desire O *ost 'o%! Mot'er to %ove !o# and to 'onor !o# wit' a%% o#r 'earts sin$e t'is is t'e wi%% o" God. And :#st )e$a#se we %ove !o# we wi%% do a%% t'at is in o#r (ower to *a1e !o# 'onored and %oved )! a%% *en. In t'e *eanti*e do !o# o#r *er$i"#% Mot'er t'e s#(re*e $o*"orter o" t'e a""%i$ted a$$e(t t'is a$t o" re(aration w'i$' we o""er !o# "or o#rse%ves and "or a%% o#r "a*i%ies as we%% as "or a%% w'o i*(io#s%! )%as('e*ed !o# not 1nowing w'at t'e! sa!. Do !o# o)tain "or t'e* "ro* A%*ig't! God t'e gra$e o" $onversion and t'#s render *ore *ani"est and *ore g%orio#s !o#r 1indness !o#r (ower and !o#r great *er$!. Ma! t'e! :oin wit' #s in (ro$%ai*ing !o# )%essed a*ong wo*en t'e I**a$#%ate Virgin and *ost $o*(assionate Mot'er o" God. Hai% Mar! @L ,indul&en)e of 3 years* PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH Most g%orio#s Patriar$' St. 0ose(' o)tain we )esee$' !o# "ro* o#r Lord 0es#s C'rist His *ost (%enti"#% )%essings #(on a%% t'ose w'o 1ee( "estiva% da!s 'o%!8 and grant t'at t'ose w'o (ro"ane t'e* *a! rea%i2e w'i%e t'ere is !et ti*e 'ow great is t'e evi% t'e! $o**it and t'e (#nis'*ent t'e! draw #(on t'e*se%ves )ot' in t'is (resent %i"e and in t'e %i"e to $o*e8 and grant t'at t'e! *a! )e s(eedi%! $onverted. O *ost "ait'"#% St. 0ose(' !o# w'o in !o#r eart'%! %i"e was ever "ait'"#% in 1ee(ing t'e %aw o" God grant t'at t'e da! *a! soon $o*e w'en a%% C'ristian (eo(%e s'a%% re"rain "ro* wor1s t'at are "or)idden on "estiva% da!s devote t'e*se%ves earnest%! to

t'e sa%vation o" t'eir so#%s and give g%or! to God8 w'o %ive and reign "orever and ever. A*en. (300 days indul&en)e* PRAYER FOR THE SOULS

O#r Fat'er Hai% Mar! G%or! )e.

(Indul&en)e of 100 days' appli)able to the souls in .ur&atory' .ius I1' 1823*

Priest M Peo(%e4 O adora)%e Fa$e o" *! 0es#s *! on%! %ove *! %ig't and *! %i"e grant t'at I *a! %ive wit' /o# and "or /o#. A*en. Priest4 T'e Lord )%ess #s and 1ee( #s8 T'e Lord s'ow His Fa$e to #s8 and 'ave *er$! on #s8 T'e Lord t#rn His $o#ntenan$e to #s8 and give #s (ea$e. ,F#*.

CLOSING HYMNS: HOLY FACE SONG I O' Fa$e Divine o" 0es#s in ages %ong ago Pro('ets and sages (ra!ed t'at T'o# On eart' t'! %ig't wo#%d s'ow Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee Li1e t'e* t'at t'! )ea*s *a! see Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee. II O' s#""ering Fa$e o" 0es#s -%eeding soi%ed and torn T'! te*(%e and t'! )row trans(ier$ed Wit' *an! a $r#e% t'orns Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee O""er t'! wo#nds to God "or *e Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee.


III O' d!ing Fa$e o" 0es#s O' t'at redee*ing tree Cr!ing a%o#d o' w'! *! God Hast t'o# "orsa1en *e Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee P%ead )! T'ine agon! "or *e Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee. IV O' g%orio#s Fa$e o" 0es#s I" a"ter I 'ave died M! so#% )#t in t'! %i1eness *a1e I s'a%% )e satis"ied Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee More %i1e t'ee ever *a1e t'o# *e Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee Most Ho%! Fa$e I $r! to t'ee. BANAL NA MUKHA AY ITATANGHAL (%imi&- #tin& .an&arap* Ang )ana% na M#1'a a! ating itang'a% Sa (#so ng %a'at na 1an!ang ni%a%ang Si!a6! ating (agBasa sandigan sa d#sa Laging nag'i'inta! at nagBaan!a!a 7#ng i1aw a! d#d#%og sa 7an!a t#wina -#'a! *o a! sasa!a di 1a *agd#r#sa 7a! ganda ng )#'a! '#wag nating sa!angin Di %ang natin a%a* *a! nag*a*a'a% din Ang )ana% Fi!ang M#1'a6! itang'a% natin Sa(ag1at ito6! daan ng 1a(a!a(aan Sin#*ang *a! nais sa 7an!a6! s#*#nod Da%'in *o ang 1r#s at s#ndan si 0es#s.

HOLY GOD, WE PRAISE THY NAME Ho%! God we (raise T'! Fa*e Lord o" a%% we )ow )e"ore T'ee8 A%% on eart' T'! s$e(ter $%ai* A%% in 'eav6n a)ove adore T'ee8 ;; In"inite T'! vast do*ain8 Ever%asting is T'! reign. << Har15 T'e %o#d $e%estia% '!*n Ange% $'oirs a)ove are raising8 C'er#)i* and Sera('i* In #n$easing $'or#s (raising ;; Fi%% t'e 'eavens wit' sweet a$$ord8 Ho%! 'o%! 'o%! Lord. <<
BENEDICTION: LET US RAISE OUR VOICE Let #s raise o#r voi$e To (ro$%ai* o#r "ait' C'rist t'e Lord "or #s 'as died. D!ing He destro!ed o#r deat' Rising He restored o#r %i"e. O Lord 0es#s we await /o#r %ast ret#rn in g%or!. W'en we eat t'e )read And we drin1 t'e $#( In t'e -%essed E#$'arist We *eet /o# o#r risen Savior Giving %i"e to #s anew T'ro#g' %i"e6s :o#rne! -e wit' #s to strengt'en #s "orever. A*en. V. R. /o# 'ave given t'e* )read "ro* 'eaven ,a%%e%#ia. T'e so#r$e o" a%% 'a((iness ,a%%e%#ia.


LET US PRAY Lord God )! t'e (as$'a% *!ster! o" t'e deat' and res#rre$tion o" !o#r on%! Son /o# a$$o*(%is'ed t'e wor1 o" *an6s rede*(tion. F#%% o" tr#st we (ro$%ai* t'at (as$'a% *!ster! in t'e sa$ra*enta% signs o" t'e E#$'arist. He%( #s to see ever growing in #s t'e "r#its o" /o#r saving wor1 t'ro#g' C'rist o#r Lord. A*en. THE DIVINE PRAISES -%essed )e God -%essed )e 'is Ho%! Fa*e -%essed )e 0es#s C'rist tr#e God and tr#e Man -%essed )e t'e Fa*e o" 0es#s -%essed )e 'is *ost Sa$red Heart -%essed )e 'is *ost Pre$io#s -%ood -%essed )e 0es#s in t'e *ost 'o%! Sa$ra*ent o" t'e a%tar -%essed )e t'e Ho%! S(irit t'e Para$%ete -%essed )e t'e great Mot'er o" God Mar! *ost 'o%! -%essed )e 'er 'o%! and I**a$#%ate Con$e(tion -%essed )e 'er g%orio#s Ass#*(tion -%essed )e t'e na*e o" Mar! Virgin and Mot'er -%essed )e St. 0ose(' 'er *ost $'aste S(o#se -%essed )e God in 'is ange%s and in 'is saints ,The 3lessed ,a)rament is returned to the taberna)le* O SACRAMENT MOST HOLY O Sa$ra*ent *ost 'o%! O Sa$ra*ent Divine A%% (raise and a%% t'an1sgiving ;; -e ever! *o*ent T'ine. << SAVING VICTIM O Saving Vi$ti* o(6ning wide T'e gate o" 'eaven to *en )e%ow O#r "oes (ress on "ro* eve6r! side /o#r aid s#((%! !o#r strengt' )estow. To !o#r great na*e )e end%ess (raise I**orta% GodB'ead one in T'ree8 O' grant #s end%ess %engt' o" da!s In o#r tr#e native %and wit' T'ee. 1&

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