Tea and Caffeine Update Apr 09

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Tea and Caffeine What is caffeine? People have enjoyed caffeinated beverages for many years.

The earliest record of caffeine consumption dates back to at least 2700 B.C. !hen Chinese "mperor #hen $ung drank hot bre!ed tea. Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in the leaves seeds or fruits of at least %00 different species !orld!ide and is part of a group of compounds kno!n as methyl&anthines. The most commonly kno!n sources of caffeine are coffee cocoa beans cola nuts and tea leaves. Caffeine is also added to specifically formulated 'energy drinks( and pharmaceutical products such as cold and flu remedies. Coffee and tea also contain other dimethyl&anthines) theophylline !hich has similar properties to caffeine and theobromine !hose pharmacological actions is far less potent than caffeine and theophylline. The amount of caffeine present in products depends on the type of the product the serving si*e and the preparation method. Caffeine levels of tea as consumed in the +, have been determined in a recent survey conducted for the -#. -ood #urveillance +nit.% /n this survey caffeine in a serving of tea as bre!ed by adults in the +, !as found to be typically 00mg in a %10ml cup. This compares to an earlier estimate of 20mg per cup !hich !as based on laboratory3prepared beverages.2 Table % gives an indication of the amount of caffeine found in other drinks and food compared to tea4 Table %4 C.--"/$" C5$T"$T# 5- C5665$78 C5$#+6"9 -559#T+--# FOODSTUFF /nstant Coffee Bre!ed Coffee =-ilter or Percolated> 9ecaffeinated Coffee =Bre!ed or /nstant> Tea 9rinking Chocolate C57. =Aegular B 9iet> TYPICAL CAFFEINE CONTENT mg/ser ing 72 mg:%10 ml cup ;2mg:%10ml< %00 ? %%2 mg per %10 ml cup %%%mg per %10ml cup< ; mg per %10 ml cup 20 mg per %10 ml cup 00 mg per %10ml< %.% ? @.2 mg per 200 ml cup =!hen made up as per manufacturer(s instructions> %% ? 70 mg per 000 ml can

"nergy 9rinks =Cith added caffeine and:or guarana> Chocolate

2@? @7 mg per 220 ml can 2.2 ? 02.2 mg per 20g bar

#ource4 6.-- -ood #urveillance /nformation #heet %;; 6arch %11@ 2 e&cept values marked !ith < !hich are from -#. #urvey of Caffeine 7evels in Dot Bevrages -ood /nformation #heet 20:0; .pril 200;%.

5n average !e consume 0.1@mg of caffeine :kg body !eight per day ie 201mg: day for a E0kg person.0 What is a safe inta!e "f caffeine? +p to 000mg:day =E cups of tea> is considered moderate !ith no evidence of harmful effects in the vast majority of the adult population. #ome individuals are sensitive to caffeine and !ill feel effects at smaller doses than do individuals !ho are less sensitive. -or this reason these individuals may need to limit their caffeine intake. #eta$"%ism and c%earance Caffeine does not accumulate in the body over the course of time and is normally e&creted !ithin several hours of consumption. The rate of caffeine elimination varies bet!een individuals and this maybe as a result of genetic factors affecting the en*ymes involved in the metabolism or due to certain lifestyle factors eg smoking. Children also metabolise caffeine at a Fuicker rate. Generally caffeine absorption is complete !ithin about one hour after ingestion and the plasma concentration peaks after about E0310 minutes. The half3life of caffeine in the plasma is about 2.2 ? ;.2 hours in healthy adults. ; Caffeine t"%erance . number of different factors affect individual tolerance to caffeine including the amount ingested 2 the freFuency of caffeine consumption and individual metabolism. /t is !ell recognised that gradual tolerance develops !ith prolonged caffeine use.E 7 @ 1 %0 Ph&si"%"gica% effects Caffeine is a pharmacologically active substance and depending on the dose has a number of actions43 Central $ervous #ystem #timulant. . moderate caffeine intake can cause mild stimulation that maybe beneficial in terms of increased alertness concentration improved performance and decreased fatigue. %% %2 %0 %; %2 %E %7 %@ Chile a number of these studies have found improvements after a single

dose of caffeine a double blind placebo controlled trial found that this effect !as also observed after consuming caffeine in a more realistic regime typical of every day drinking habits.%1 Do!ever higher intakes may affect sleep cause nervousness and an irregular heartbeat. Ceak Bronchodilator. .s a result interest has been sho!n in its potential role as an asthma treatment. . number of studies have e&plored the effects of caffeine in asthma and the conclusions from a Cochrane Aevie! suggest that caffeine appears to improve air!ays function modestly in people !ith asthma for up to four hours after consumption.20 9iuretic. The diuretic action of caffeine may be due to an increase in renal blood flo! leading to an increased glomerular filtration rate =G-A> or due to a decreased reabsorption of sodium in the renal tubules. The diuretic effect of caffeine is dependent on the amount consumed and duration of intake e.g. the caffeine in tea does not have a diuretic effect unless the amount of tea consumed at one sitting contains more than 2203000mg of caffeine eFuivalent to bet!een 2 and E cups of tea.2% 9ue to the volume of fluid that is drunk !hilst enjoying a cup of tea the -ood #tandards .gency and the British 9ietetic .ssociation both advise that tea can help to!ards meeting daily fluid reFuirements.

Cardiac 6uscle #timulant. 6oderate caffeine consumption does not increase cardiac arrhythmias.22 20

/f regular caffeine consumption is stopped abruptly symptoms such as headaches irritability and fatigue may occur. These effects are usually temporary disappearing after a day or so and can be avoided if caffeine cessation is gradual. Caffeine and 'ea%th The role of caffeine in the development of certain diseases and conditions has been the subject of e&tensive research in recent years. Cancer. . number of studies investigating the impact of caffeine in the development of cancer have consistently failed to establish a relationship. 2; /n fact tea is one of the richest sources of flavonoids a po!erful group of antio&idants. The role of antio&idants in the prevention of free radical damage has led to suggestions that tea maybe anti3carcinogenic.22 -or more information on this subject please refer to the fact sheet 'Tea and Cancer.( Deart 9isease. . number of studies have investigated the relationship bet!een caffeine and heart disease. . revie! of the available data on caffeine and health concluded that H ;00mg caffeine: day does not adversely affect cardiovascular health.2; -urthermore it has been suggested that the beneficial

effects of the flavonoids present in tea may offset any potential adverse effects of caffeine.2E The Committee on 6edical .spects of -ood Policy concluded that 'there is little evidence that caffeine itself has any relation !ith CD9 risk( in the %11; $utritional .spects of Cardiovascular 9isease report. 27 Parkinson(s 9isease. 5bservational studies have suggested that caffeine may play a role in protecting against Parkinson(s disease 2@ 21although further research is reFuired to confirm this. Aelief of headaches. /n a study of 00% regular headache sufferers researchers found that a combination of ibuprofen and caffeine !as better than either drug alone in relieving pain.00 .lthough a caffeine 'pill( !as used in this trial the researchers believed that caffeinated beverages !ould !ork just as !ell. Do!ever they did !arn that chronic headache sufferers should avoid caffeine because it might e&acerbate symptoms. 6ore !ork is reFuired in this field before firm conclusions about caffeine and pain relief can be dra!n. Pregnancy Caffeine crosses the placenta and achieves blood and tissue concentrations in the foetus that are similar to maternal concentrations. -or this reason advice published by the -ood #tandards .gency 0% recommends that pregnant !omen should limit their intake of caffeine consumption to less than 200mg: day =eFuivalent to ; cups of tea: day>. .t this level there is little evidence to suggest that the health of the unborn child or mother is affected. Bone and Calcium Balance The data to suggest that caffeine potentially adversely influences bone metabolism includes epidemiological studies investigating the relationship bet!een caffeine and the risk of osteoporosis =as characterised by lo! bone mineral density> and increased susceptibility to fractures as !ell as metabolic studies e&amining the effect of caffeine on calcium homeostasis. The results of these studies are inconsistent. This is because interpretation of caffeine(s effect on bone metabolism is complicated by other risk factors such as calcium intake age cigarette smoking and alcohol intake that need to be accounted for. Aevie!ing the evidence to date $a!rot et al suggest that the significance of caffeine(s potential to adversely affect calcium balance and bone metabolism is dependent on lifetime caffeine and calcium intakes and is biologically more relevant in !omen. De concludes by saying that the current data indicates that caffeine intakes of I;00mg: day do not have significant effects on bone status or calcium balance in individuals ingesting at least @00mg of calcium a day.2;

In s(mmar&) 9espite recent publicity about caffeine the fact remains that the consumption of caffeine at intakes of 000mg: day has no adverse effects in the vast majority of the adult population. -or this reason an average intake of three cups of tea 02 a day is !ell !ithin the level considered safe.


-#. #urvey of caffeine levels in hot beverages. 200; -#. #urveillance +nit. 6inistry of .griculture -isheries and -ood =6.--> =%11@>. #urvey of caffeine and other methyl&anthines in energy drinks and other caffeine containing products =updated>. -ood #urveillance /nformation #heet $o. %;; =$o. %00 revised>. 7ondon 0 Barone JJ et al. =%11E> Caffeine consumption. -ood and Chemical To&icology 0;) %%13%21 ; Graham T" =%117> The possible actions of methyl&anthines on various tissues. /n Aeily T. 5rme 6 =eds>. The clinical pharmacology of sports and e&ercise. "lsevier #cience .msterdam. 2273270 2 Passmore .P et al =%1@7> Aenal and cardiovascular effects of caffeine4 a dose3response study. Clin #ci =7ondon> 72) 7;1372E E Colton T et al =%1E@> The tolerance of coffee drinkers to caffeine. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1) 0%301 7 9enaro C et al =%11%> "ffects of caffeine !ith repeated dosing. "ur J Clin Pharmacol ;0) 270327@ @ Goldstein . et al =%1E1> Psychotropic effects of caffeine in man. /K. Luantitative and Fualitative differences associated !ith habituation to coffee. Clin Pharmacol Ther %0) ;@13;17 1 6yers 6 Aeeves A =%11%> The effect of caffeine on daytime ambulatory blood pressure. .m J Dypertens ;) ;273;0% %0 Aobertson 9 et al =%1@%> Tolerance to the humoral and hemodynamic effects of caffeine in man. J Clin /nvest E7) %%%%3%%%7 %% $orager CB et al =2002> Caffeine improves endurance in 723yr3old citi*ens4 a randomi*ed double3blind placebo3controlled crossover study J .ppl Physiol 11) 20023E %2 Daskell C- et al =2002> Cognitive and mood improvements of caffeine in habitual consumers and habitual non3consumers of caffeine. Psychopharmacology =Berl> %71) @%0322 %0 7ieberman DA et al =%1@7>. The effects of lo! doses of caffeine on human performance and mood. Psychopharmacology 10) 00@30%2 %; Jarvis 6. =%110>. 9oes caffeine intake enhance absolute levels of cognitive performanceM Psychopharmacology %%0) ;2322 %2 Dindmarch / et al. =%11@>. The effects of black tea and other beverages on aspects of cognition and psychomotor performance. Psychopharmacology %01) 200320@ %E #mith .P et al =%11031%>. "ffects of caffeine given before and after lunch on sustained attention. $europsychobiology 20) %E03%E0 %7 9urlach PJ et al =%11@>. The effects of a lo! dose of caffeine on cognitive performance. Psychopharmacology %;0) %%E3%%1 %@ Battig ,. =%1@E> "ffect of coffee on the speed of subject3paced information processing. $europsychobiology %E)%2E300 %1 Brice C- #mith .P =2002> "ffects of caffeine on mood and performance4 a study of realistic consumption Psychopharmaclogy %E;) %@@312. 20 Bara ./ Barley ".. =200%> Caffeine for asthma =Cochrane Aevie!>. /n4 The Cochrane 7ibrary 2 5&ford 2% 6aughan A. J. B Griffin J. =2000> Caffeine ingestion and fluid balance4 a revie!. Journal of Duman $utrition B 9ietetics %E) ;%%3;20. 22 6yers 6G. =%11%> Caffeine and cardiac arrhythmias. .nnals of /nt 6ed %%;) %;73%20 20 Caron 6. -. #ong J. .mmar A. ,luger J. B Chite C. 6. =200%> .n evaluation of the change in electrocardiographic P3!ave variables after acute caffeine ingestion in normal volunteers. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy B Therapeutics 2E) %;23%;@. 2; $a!rot P et al =2000> "ffects of caffeine on human health. -ood .dd Contam %) %300 22 8ang C. #. 6aliakal P. 6eng N. =2002> /nhibition of carcinogenesis by tea. .nnu. Aev. Pharmacol. To&icol. ;2) 2232; 2E Thelle 9# =%112> Coffee tea and Coronary Deart 9isease. Current 5pin 7ipid E) 22327 27 $utritional .spects of Cardiovascular 9isease =%11;>. Aeport of the Cardiovascular Aevie! Group Committee on 6edical .spects of -ood Policy. 9epartment of Dealth 2@ Aoss G et al =2000>. .ssociation of coffee and caffeine intake !ith the risk of Parkinson 9isease. J.6. 2@0) 2E7;32E71 21 .scherio . et al =200%>. Prospective study of caffeine consumption and risk of Parkinson(s disease in men and !omen. .nn $eurol 20) 2E3E0 00 9iamond # et al =2000>. The +se of /buprofen Plus Caffeine to Treat Tension3type Deadache. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics E@) 0%230% 0% -ood #tandards .gency =200%>. Committee on To&icity of Chemicals in -ood Consumer Products and the "nvironment. #tatement on the Aeproductive "ffects of Caffeine


$ational 9rinks #urvey .pril 2000

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