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1.Who is Prometheus?

2. What is his connection to Io?

3. Who is Io? 4. Who is Io in Zeus life?

5. Who is the reason of Ios misfortune?

6. What Zeus did in order to hide their self to


7.What did Hera do to get away Io to Zeus?

8. What Zeus did to freed Io?


He had just given fire to men .

When he was first bound to the rocky peak on Caucasus he had a strange visitor which looked liked a heifer , who seemed mad with misery.

Prometheus know her also Io know him too.

They talked freely to each other about her life with Zeus and the caused of her misfortune and he tried to comfort her.


One day, Zeus fell in love with yet another maiden, Io. He pursued Io and captured her, and asked to make love to her. He tried to hide Io and Himself by wrapping the Earth in a cloud so thick and dark that a sudden night seemed to drive a clear daylight away.

But he thought Hera, his wife, might find out, so he changed Io to a cow. Hera saw right through

Zeus' plot, and wanted to foil Zeus. So, she

pretended she thought Io was just a normal cow, and that she had taken a liking to it, and so asked Zeus to give her the cow. Now, Zeus could not refuse Hera such a petty thing without giving himself away. So he

had no choice but to turn Io over to Hera.

Now Hera immediately put Io under the watch of Argus, a Hundred-Handed one who was friendly with Hera and was her trusted watchman. Hundred-handed ones make good

watchmen because they have not only 100 hands,

but also 100 eyes. And even when Argus was sleeping, he never closed more than half of his eyes.

Zeus began to feel great pity for Io, as it was he who had caused her to suffer in this way. So he asked Hermes to kill Argus, thus setting Io free. Hermes played pipe of reeds and tell Argus a variety of boring stories. After a great many of them failed to close all 100 of his watchful eyes, one of the stories did the trick. As soon as the 100th eye closed,

Hermes picked up his ax and beheaded Argus.

Hera was enraged at this, but didn't

know who had done it. Weeping, she put

some of Argus' many eyes on the tail of a peacock. Peacocks have these eyes to this day. She sent a gadfly to torment Io without rest.


All lies has its bitter fruit.

The End

1. Who s Europa?

2. What was her dream?

3. Who is Europa in Zeus life?

4. Who is the reason why Zeus fall in love to


5. Why did Zeus transformed himself to a bull?


Europa was the daughter of the King Agenor of Sidon. One night Europa had a dream. In this dream two continents, which were in the forms of women were arguing over Europa. Asia maintained that since Europa had been born in Asia she belonged to it. The other continent, which was nameless, said that her birth was not important, that Zeus would give her to it.

It was early morning, disturbed by the dream Europa did not go back to sleep. She summoned her companions, who were all daughters of nobility and of her age. It was a beautiful day and

they went off gathering flowers by the sea. Zeus

noticed this charming group, particularly Europa, who was the prettiest of the maidens.

Cupid shot one of her shafts into his heart, which made Zeus instantly fell madly in love with Europa . Zeus appeared to Europa as bright chestnut in color, with a silver circle with his brow and horns, bull more beautiful then any other. A bull that smelled of flowers, and lowed musically. A bull so obviously gentle that all the maidens rushed to stroke and pet it.

Smiling she sat down on his back, but

the others, quick though they were to

follow her, had no chance. The bull leap up

and at full speed rushed to the seashore and

then not into, but over the wide water.

As he went the waves grew smooth before him and a whole procession rose up and had joined them, Nereids riding dolphins, Triton blowing his horn, even Poseidon. From this she realized that the bull must be

a god. She pleaded with him to pity her. Zeus spoke to her
and explained his love. He took her to Crete, where he had been raised. He promised that she would bear him many

famous sons.


Love could do everything.

The End

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