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The Catalyst

GRAMMAR What is grammar? The art of reading, writing and speaking correctly is called grammar. To get the knowledge of grammar we should have the knowledge of the parts of speech. NOUN Noun is the name of a person place or a thing: Ex: am is a good !oy "om!ay is a !ig city. # have three pencils.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
KINDS OF NOUNS There are $ kinds of Nouns %. &ommon Noun '. (roper Noun ). &ollective Noun *. +!stract Noun ,. -aterail Noun .. &ounta!le Noun $. /ncounta!le Noun 0%1 Common Noun: The common names of a person place or a thing are called common Noun. Ex: 0i1 There are many mountain ranges in the world. 0ii1 The !irds are flying in the sky. 0iii1 There are many animals in the 2oo. 0iv1 The !oys are playing in the field.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
0'1 Proper Noun: The specific names of a person, place or a thing is called a proper noun. Ex: 0i1 am is a good !oy. 0ii1 3ion is the king of forest. 0iii1 (eacock is our National !ird. 0iv1 # have a Natara4 pencil.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
0)1 Collective Noun: + collection or group of person places or things are called collective nouns. Ex: 0i1 + !unch of grapes. 0ii1 + gang of ro!!ers. 0iii1 + !and of musicians 0iv1 + pack of cards

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
0*1 Abstract Noun: The 5ualities and actions are called a!stract nouns. Ex: 0i1 6e is a happy man. 0ii1 7he is an honest girl. 0iii1 8on9t !e 7ad.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
0,1 Material Noun: The names of the metals are called material nouns. Ex: 0i1 :old is a precious metal. 0ii1 #ron is a cheap metal 0iii1 # have a diamond ring 0iv1 +lluminium is very expensive.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
0.1 Countable Nouns: The nouns which can !e counted are called counta!le nouns. Num!ers % to.................. Ex: 0i1 # have ) pencils 0ii1 am has four cars.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
0$1 Uncountable Nouns: The nouns which cannot !e counted are called uncounta!le nouns. Ex: few, some, + 3ot of, many etc.

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
NUMBER Num!er gives as the knowledge that the persons, places or things are one ore more than one. KINDS OF NUMBERS There are two types of Num!ers: (i 7ingular Num!er (ii (lural Num!er !ingular Number: #f the person places or thing are one they are called singular num!er. Ex: "oy, garden, ;rchard, "at, "a!y.

Plural Number: #f there are more than one person, place or a thing it is called plural num!er. Ex: "oys, gardens, ;rchards, "ats, "a!ies

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
RULES TO CHANGE A SINGULAR INTO PLURAL NUMBER 0%1 #f a noun ends with a consonants and there is a vowel !efore the consonant then we use <s9 in noun and make it plural "at = "ats at = ats Net = Nets "ed = "eds 0+,E,#,;,/1 > ?owels 3eaving these five alpha!ets rest '% +lpha!ets are consonants. 0'1 #f there is <y9 at the end of the noun then to make it plural we remove the <y9 and add ies. "a!y = "a!ies 3ady = 3adies 3ily = 3ilies &arry = &arries 0)1 #f there is @, @e at the end of a noun then to make it plural we remove @, @e and add <ves9. Thief = Thieves

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
Wife = Wives 3ife = 3ives 3oaf = 3oaves #f a noun ends with o, oo, x, ch, sh then we add <es9 and make it plural: "ox = "oxes -ango = -angoes "rush = "rushes "unch = "unches &lutch = &lutches #n some nouns we add en and xen to make it plural: ;x = ;xen &hild = &hildren #n some nouns we change the vowel and make it plural: @oot = @eat Tooth = Teeth -an = -en 7ome nouns are same !oth in singular and plural: 7heep = 7heep 8eer = 8eer 6air = 6air





w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

The Catalyst
"ear = "ear

w ww .th ecatal ystgrou p .co.i n

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