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Adult Education the pathway to the Europe of Knowledge GRUNDTVIG - a success story - July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan

Who was Grundtvig? Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872), a Danish clergyman and writer, is regarded as the ideological father of popular and adult education. He advocated 'life enlightenment', aimed at giving each individual, regardless of age or background, the opportunity to learn throughout life. The objective of learning was twofold, to give personal fulfillment to the individual and to ensure the active participation of all citizens in public life. As a learning method, Grundtvig advocated the use of dialogue and the spoken word. He further believed that teaching should be based on and relate to real-life experiences and not abstract matters. These ideas inspired the creation of the Nordic folk high schools. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Todays challenges In a world of relentless change, it is increasingly important to build up knowledge in order to acquire useful skills, to get a job, or simply for personal fulfillment. Education today is more and more a lifelong process. process Learning and training no longer means only what goes on in school or university, but also in less formal environments and at any time of life. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan European added value A key feature of Europe, which is often Europe mentioned, is its diversity. diversity This is particularly true in the area of education, where systems and practices vary enormously from one country to another. This diversity is a source of enrichment for everyone and offers fertile ground for innovation and the quest for quality. quality Together we can be stronger and more creative. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan The objectives of Socrates Socrates is Europes education programme and involves around 30 European countries. Its main objective is precisely to build up a Europe of knowledge and thus provide a better response to the major challenges of this new century: to promote lifelong learning, encourage access to education for everybody, help people acquire recognised qualifications and skills. In more specific terms, Socrates seeks to promote language learning, and to encourage mobility and innovation. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Everyone is concerned! Socrates targets all the members of the education community, and this truly means everybody: pupils during compulsory schooling, students, people the young and the not so young alike wishing to return to learning; teachers being trained or in service; ancillary, administrative and managerial staff involved in education; educational establishments of all types; but also all external interested parties: civil servants and decision-makers; local and regional authorities; parents associations; the social partners; the business sector; associations and NGOs. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Common priorities Whatever the target groups and whatever the type of project, Socrates sets out to stress the multicultural character of Europe as one of the cornerstones of active citizenship. It supports the education of the least advantaged groups of people. It endeavors to counter social exclusion and underachievement at school. It promotes equal opportunities for women and men irrespective of circumstances. It sets great store by the new information communication technologies (ICT). It encourages the learning of the different European languages, and innovation in education. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Cooperation Socrates advocates European cooperation in all areas of education. This cooperation takes different forms: mobility (moving around Europe) organising joint projects setting up European networks (disseminating ideas and good practice) conducting studies and comparative analyses. In practice, Socrates offers people grants to study, teach, undertake a placement or follow a training course in another country. It provides support for educational establishments to organise teaching projects and to exchange experiences. It helps associations and NGOs in organising activities on educational topics, etc. One golden rule must be respected: only activities which have a European dimension based on transnational cooperation may receive financial assistance. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan School in the broad sense Socrates targets all forums of learning irrespective of level, ranging from nursery school to university. This includes adult education, which education often involves more informal pathways. pathways Educational establishments cannot fulfil their mission behind closed doors and must open up to new ideas and practices, e.g. by building up practices partnerships with establishments in other countries or working with the various players of civil society. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan GRUNDTVIG Adult education and other educational pathways July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan What is GRUNDTVIG? The purpose of this action of Socrates is to enhance adult education provision by means of European co- operation. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan A policy of lifelong learning The Grundtvig action is part of the European Commissions aim of promoting a policy of lifelong learning, at European level as well as in each of the participating countries. It comprise all levels and sectors of adult learning (general, cultural and social). In addition to learning that takes place within the formal or non-formal system, it also comprise learning that takes place on a more informal basis, such as autonomous basis learning. The Grundtvig action addresses a great variety of subject areas and educational providers. It complements and interacts with other actions within Socrates and with other programmes, such as Leonardo da Vinci, to cover the whole spectrum of lifelong Vinci learning. learning July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Aims Promoting the development of concrete products and valid results which will be of use in several participating countries (if possible, throughout Europe) Promoting European co-operation between bodies providing adult education Contributing to improving the quality of teacher training relating to persons involved in the teaching of adults Furthering the debate on lifelong learning and contributing to the dissemination of good practice. practice July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Implementation Grundtvig 1 Transnational cooperation projects Grundtvig 2 - Learning partnerships Grundtvig 3 Mobility for training of educational staff Grundtvig 4 - Networks July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan

Our experience We started this exciting adventure in 1998 Weve been as new born babies, coordinating a Grundvig 1 TCP ENVIRAE Even the Commission representatives at the time, have been curious how (if?) we will be able to develop and to implement the project Weve been!!! It was a true success: all the tasks fulfilled, in time, with good impact and efficient use of the money. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan ENVIRAE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ADULT EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE ABLE TO PROMOTE THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT. A SOCRATES - ADULT EDUCATION PROJECT 71169-CP-1-1999-RO-ADULT EDUC-ADU July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Curriculum!!! Short courses booklets, folders (leaflets), posters Adults, give a clean world to your children !!! Methodological VIP's Guide seminaries About us advertising clips Exhibition Final Report CD-ROM TV series (*.pdf) July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Growing fast In the year of 2000 weve been involved in another Grundtvig 1 project: The Way to United Europe Coordinator: St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Outcomes of the Way to United Europe better understanding of how the idea of a United Europe emerged and what the European Union is; the development of a sense of shared European identity; knowledge of individual European cultures; higher educational standards and more opportunities for professional fulfillment for the two target fgroups; CD-ROM materials with multimedia information on all partner countries; a website; 15 trained adult learners; 15 2009 trained specialised teachers; July 10, fully G & D Chirlesan 2001: a fruitful year Two Grundtvig 1 TCP approved! Both of them going deep inside the background of Adult Education, addressing ambitious aims Large partnerships, generous budgets, high level outcomes Difficult tasks, timeconsuming management July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan EUPECO European Pedagogical College in Adult Education and Training 90403-CP-1-2001-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 50387-IC-4-2000-1-RO-ERASMUS- EPS-1 General Aim: To develop an adult education structure which to be able to provide a Diploma with European Recognition in ADULT Pedagogy. Pedagogy July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan The Building July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan ECTS in LLL ECTS-LLL - European methodology for accreditation of prior experiential learning in Lifelong Learning 90642-CP-1-2001-1-UK GRUNDTVIG-G1 July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan The promotion of adults individual demand for lifelongGeneral Objectives learning through the recognition of skills and accreditation of prior experience Improving the supply of lifelong learning appropriate to theand learning. necessary expansion of continuing education & The developmenttraining. and testing of a flexible accreditation and certification system based on the Development ofEuropean Credit Transfer System [ECTS] for lifelong learning. appropriate documentation and training resources. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan AGREED OUTPUTS (1) No. OUTPUTS TARGET GROUPS 1. A developed Policy makers in order to shape policy at both methodology for European and National Levels the recognition of skills and accreditation of prior experiential learning. 2. A validated set of A Community of Practice comprising: tools & procedures Adult Education providers (formal, non- for 4 professional formal and Universities carrying out research andinformal); profile areas (Law, Management of curriculum development and providing Schools, Nursing and all users; Technology)educational opportunities for adult learners; Computer Universities carrying out research and evaluation of the3. A scientific Adult Education providers (formal).curriculum development; process of piloting The wider scientific community. partnership July 10, 2009 Gacross the & D Chirlesan AGREED OUTPUTS (2) No. OUTPUTS TARGET GROUPS 4. Web-based Users and providers linked to the partners and training also for an ECTS-LLL network to be resources for an established after the end of the project to ECTS-LLL network European Commission and SOCRATESassure sustainability. 5. A final report PotentialGovernments and agencies of European Countries. National Agencies. members of the proposed ECTS-LLL network. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Another one Adult Learning in Environment Related Themes phase 2 (ALERT-2) 101067-CP-1-2002-1-UK GRUNDTVIG-G1 July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Outcomes a summary document setting out the environmental issues faced by Europeans and the citizens role materials describing practical actions to reduce household environmental impacts and costs, in a pictorial form; an advice resource highlighting national differences which enables learners to act as mentors for others information for adult education tutors, community workers, journalists and others to enable and encourage them to use outputs 1-3. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan Community Centres promoting Sustainable Living The proposed three-year project aims to initiate, in each participating country, community centres that bring together the synergistic efforts of formal educational institutions, NGOs, local councils and adults to promote sustainable living in their respective communities. This will be achieved by exploring specific community needs and by designing programmes that respond to these requirements. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan SOCRTAES / Grundtvig 2 project Modern Evaluation Tools For Adult Education And Training [MODETA] July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan General objectives To put in common the actual knowledge and experience of different European countries, in adult evaluation. To improve the existing background related to adults evaluation (methods, techniques, tools). To develop and to offer modern learning materials for the teachers/trainers/educators in the field of adults evaluation. To share new didactic and pedagogical approaches in adult education. To produce a set of evaluation instruments for adult education. July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan

What we actually achieved? European spirit & dimension European added value European partnerships and networks European inputs in our education European quality and standards European vision European FRIENDS FRIENDS EUROPE IN OUR HEART AND MIND !!! July 10, 2009 G & D Chirlesan

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