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MIT 3371G Game On!

! Critical Game Analysis Students will produce two critical game analyses, each on a different game of their choice. The purpose of the analysis is to get you thinking about the course reading materials and how they can be applied to specific games. Your goal is to consider how the materials covered in class can be used to better understand the implications and significance of your chosen video game. You may also wish to consider how your chosen game demonstrates, expands on, or contradicts the ideas and concepts dealt with in the course readings. Although you are welcome to use examples and ideas explored in class, you work should expand on these points and elaborate on them in new ways simply repeating ideas will not make for a particularly strong analysis. esponses should be between ! and " double#spaced pages long, with standard margins and $% point font. The style should be academic, although responses may be somewhat less formal than would be typically found in an essay assignment. The responses are worth %& percent each, and '& percent of your total course grade. Submissions will be electronic via the assignment tool in ()* a hard copy is not re+uired. Assignments are due by the beginning of class on ,ebruary $& and -arch $&. Analyses will be evaluated based on the level of critical analysis of the game, application of course materials, integration of examples or other materials in support of points being made, and overall writing +uality .yes, spelling and grammar count/. Since this is a brief assignment, you may find it helpful to focus on one or two specific aspects of your game and the reading.s/ that you use. This will allow you to do a more in#depth topical analysis by focusing on the most interesting, important, and relevant elements. Your responses should have a clearly articulated purpose or argument and should use examples in support of claims being made. The response should critically address and analyse your example using course materials0 they should not 1ust summari2e the game or the readings. Analyses re+uire engagement with course readings. You may select readings from any week in the course for your analyses, but you may not use the same reading or game for an analysis more than once. You should also avoid using the same games or course materials from your in#class presentation for your analysis. 3owever, if you feel you have a compelling reason for reusing either a game or course materials, you are welcome to talk to the instructor. Additional materials may also be used, but are not re+uired. All works referenced in the response, including the course reading that you are writing about, must be properly cited in a referencing style of your choice .this means that you must have a works cited list/. 4n order to think critically about how to apply the course materials to your game, you may want to consider the following +uestions. )hat features of the game you5ve chosen are of particular interest to you6 4n what ways does your game demonstrate or expand on the ideas set out in the class readings6 3ow do the materials that we5ve covered in the course enhance your understanding of the game you5ve chosen6 Are there any ways that your game counters or brings something new to the course materials6 4s there anything about your game that isn5t addressed in the course materials and perhaps should be6 7ote8 you do not have to answer all or even any of these +uestions they are merely suggestions to get you thinking.

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