Childrens Rights

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Charise A. Gonzales Childrens Rights Law February 27, 2013 Title: Children Bo barded with the !

ll"e##e$ts in %r ed Con#li$ts

!ntrodu$tion: &ar 'iolates e'ery right o# a $hild " the right to li#e, the right to be with #a ily and $o unity, the right to health, the right to the de'elo( ent o# the (ersonality, and the right to be unities and brea*s down trust a ong nurtured and (rote$ted) %r ed $on#li$t s(linters $o

(eo(le " under ining the 'ery #oundation o# $hildren+s li'es) &orldwide, hundreds o# thousands o# $hildren under eighteen years o# age ha'e been a##e$ted by ar ed $on#li$t) They are re$ruited into go'ern ent ar ed #or$es, (ara ilitaries, $i'il ilitia and a 'ariety o# other ar ed grou(s) ,#ten they are abdu$ted at s$hool, on the streets or at ho e) ,thers enlist 'oluntarily, usually be$ause they see #ew alternati'es) -et international law (rohibits the (arti$i(ation in ar ed $on#li$t o# $hildren aged under eighteen years old) The Con'ention o# the Right o# the Child re#le$ts a new 'ision o# the $hild) !t (ro'ides a uni'ersal set o# standards to be adhered to by all $ountries) Children are neither the (ro(erty o# their (arents nor are they hel(less ob.e$ts o# $harity) They are hu an beings and are the sub.e$t o# their own rights) The Con'ention o##ers a 'ision o# the $hild as an indi'idual and a a #a ily and a $o e ber o# unity, with rights and res(onsibilities a((ro(riate to his or her age and stage

o# de'elo( ent) Re$ogni/ing $hildren+s rights in this way #ir ly sets a #o$us on the whole $hild) %$$ording to % nesty !nternational, whi$h is a global o'e ent o# (eo(le #ighting inors, in$luding their

in.usti$e and (ro oting hu an right, $hildren+s rights are the hu an rights o# $hildren with (arti$ular attention to the rights o# s(e$ial (rote$tion and $are a##orded to right to asso$iation with both (arents, hu an identity as well as the basi$ needs #or #ood, uni'ersal state"(aid edu$ation, health $are and $ri inal laws a((ro(riate #or the age and

de'elo( ent o# the $hild, e0ual (rote$tion o# the $hild+s $i'il rights, and #reedo


dis$ri ination on the basis o# the $hild+s ra$e, gender, se1ual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, $olor, ethni$ity, or other $hara$teristi$s) !nter(retations o# $hildren+s rights range #ro what $onstitutes abuse is a allowing $hildren the $a(a$ity #or autono ous a$tion to the entally and e otionally #ree #ro abuse, though atter o# debate) en#or$e ent o# $hildren being (hysi$ally,

The 2nited 3ations Con'ention on the Rights o# the Child 4CRC5, (rote$ts the rights o# $hildren and is the ost widely rati#ied hu an rights treaty in history) !t en$o (asses $i'il rights easures #or $hildren) The CRC establishes a $o (rehensi'e set and #reedo s, #a ily en'iron ent, basi$ health and wel#are, edu$ation, leisure and $ultural a$ti'ities and s(e$ial (rote$tion Rights !nternational o# goals #or $ountries to a$hie'e, guided by the best interests o# the $hild) -outh #or 6u an aintains that $hildren who do not *now their rights are 'ulnerable and easy (rey #or ill"intended indi'iduals) 7tatisti$s o# loss o# dignity and li#e through $hild abuse, gang 'iolen$e, $hild labor and $hild soldiers are staggeringly high) 8illions o# $hildren are $aught u( in $on#li$ts in whi$h they are not but targets) 7o e #all 'i$ti erely bystanders, ulti(le

to a general onslaught against $i'ilians9 others die as (art o# a to hunger or disease) :ust as sho$*ing, thousands

$al$ulated geno$ide) 7till other $hildren su##er the e##e$ts o# se1ual 'iolen$e or the de(ri'ations o# ar ed $on#li$t that e1(ose the three ti es as

o# young (eo(le are $yni$ally e1(loited as $o batants) They ha'e been *illed in ar ed $on#li$t, any ha'e been seriously in.ured or (er anently disabled, and $ountless others ha'e been #or$ed to witness or e'en to ta*e (art in horri#ying a$ts o# 'iolen$e) Children are so brutally e1(osed during 7tates, odern war#are, not .ust a$$identally but as odern war#are, #ights between ani(ulation o# heightened #eelings o#

deliberate targets) The reasons in$lude the $hanging $hara$ter o# any $ases religious and ethni$ a##iliations, and

hatred or aggression against $hildren) Cou(led with the ra(id so$ial $hange whi$h o#ten (re$edes or a$$o (anies war, ar ed $on#li$t leads to a brea*down in the #a ily su((ort syste s so essential to a $hild+s sur'i'al and de'elo( ent) ,ther #or s o# (rote$tion also sli( away,

(arti$ularly go'ern ent and $o

unity su((ort syste s) %s a result, says the re(ort, $hildren in the Con'ention on the Rights o# the Child)

are being denied the (rote$tion (ro ised the

,b.e$ti'es: !n$reased global $a (aign to sto( the re$ruit ent o# anyone under 1; into ar ed #or$es and to en$ourage go'ern ents and o((osition grou(s to i ediately de obili/e all su$h $hildren)

%ll (ea$e agree ents should be s(e$i#i$ally address the need to de obili/e and reintegrate $hild soldiers ba$* into so$iety and $o %ll 7tates unity) ini u age o#

ust su((ort the ready $on$lusion and ado(tion to establish the

re$ruit ent and (arti$i(ation as 1; years) &ho are the <i$ti s= Children during ilitary o(erations

The new $hara$teristi$s o# war in$luding the use o# new te$hnologies, ha'e led to greater ris*s to $hildren during the $ondu$t o# hostilities) &here'er ilitary ta$ti$s in'ol'e aerial atta$*s and drone o(erations, $hildren are li*ely to be *illed and in.ured) >##e$ts: Children ha'e be$o e ore 'ulnerable due to new ta$ti$s o# war#are, the absen$e o# $lear

battle#ields, the in$reasing nu ber and di'ersi#i$ation o# (arties to $on#li$t that add to the $o (le1ity o# $on#li$ts and the deliberate targeting o# traditional sa#e ha'ens su$h as s$hools and hos(itals) 8oreo'er, the in$reasing use o# terrorist and $ounter"terrorist a$ti'ities so eti es blurs the line between what is legiti ate and what is not in addressing se$urity threats) ?lan o# %$tion4s5: 8e ber 7tates should e1er$ise $aution in ado(ting these e##e$ti'e (rote$tion ilitary ta$ti$s and (ut in (la$e ilitary o(erations)

easures to ensure /ero $i'ilian $asualties during

8a.ority are Children in the %doles$ent 7tage and below) 8ost are adoles$ent boys, but any are girls, and so e re$ruits are 10 years or younger) 8any the streets, or e'en #ro s$hools or or(hanages) eals, $lothing

o# these are #or$ibly re$ruited, sei/ed #ro a$hie'e so e (rote$tion #ro or edi$al attention)

,thers are dri'en to .oin ar ed grou(s by #ear or (o'erty, belie'ing that this is the only way to the 'iolen$e around the or to be sure o# regular

>##e$ts: The altered e0uilibriu e bers, and o# the growth and de'elo( ent o# a $hild as an adoles$ent would hinder ediate #a ily urders) Children are also

his@ her growth toward sa#ety, belongingness and a$$e(tan$e) Children had lost i ore than one third o# these had a$tually witnessed the a##e$ted by other distressing e1(erien$es) ?lan o# %$tion4s5: !n the $haos o# war $ontinuity in $are) The youngest soldiers Child soldiers o#ten start out in su((ort #un$tions) Boys ser'e as (orters or as ay (re(are #ood or attend to the wounded) They also or be arried to other soldiers) any $hildren are (arted #ro

their (arents or other $aregi'ers) There should

be a need #or initiating ra(id and e##e$ti'e (rogra s o# #or #a ilies to e (hasi/e the need #or

essengers) Airls

ay be #or$ed to (ro'ide se1ual ser'i$es

Both boys and girls are soon #or$ed onto the battle#ield where their youth and ine1(erien$e lea'e the (arti$ularly 'ulnerable)

>##e$ts: Children are unaware o# the real dangers they #a$e) They deliberately e1(osed to horri#i$ s$enes hardens the ay e'en #orget to ta*e $o'er) Being

to 'iolen$e)

?lan o# %$tion4s5: ?ost"trau ati$ stress inter'entions $ondu$ted by health $are tea s) 7o e ha'e e'en been #or$ed to $o all ties with their $o a$ti'ities and in$luding the it atro$ities against their own #a ilies as a way o# se'ering a$ti'ely in $o unity

unities) ?rote$t $hildren by in'ol'ing the

in their own (ersonal de'elo( ent (rogra s)

Children in #light Children are #or$ed to #lee to neighboring $ountries as re#ugees) 7o e en$ounter an internal dis(la$e ent >##e$ts: These $hildren are in need o# s(e$ial attention during the $ru$ial and 'ulnerable ti e in their li'e) ?lan o# %$tion4s5:Children are in the higher ris* o# being e1(osed to danger and inse$urity) Child re#ugees should bene#it #ro the s(e$i#i$ attention o# a nu ber o# international organi/ations)

?rote$tion and assistan$e should be gi'en under the guidan$e o# agen$ies to (ro'ide leadershi( #or the (rote$tion and $are o# internally dis(la$ed $hildren) Aender"based 'iolen$e % ong the ost se'ere (roble s whi$h all $hildren and wo en #a$e during ar ed $on#li$ts is a

heightened ris* o# ra(e, se1ual hu iliation, (rostitution and other #or s o# gender"based 'iolen$e) &o en o# all ages are targets, but adoles$ent girls are o#ten es(e$ially 'ulnerable sin$e they ay be thought less li*ely to ha'e se1ually trans itted diseases, su$h as 6!<@%!B7) &hile ost 'i$ti s ha'e been girls, young boys are also ra(ed or #or$ed into (rostitution although su$h $ases are generally underre(orted)

>##e$ts: These $ri es ight be seen si (ly as a $onse0uen$e o# general so$ietal brea*down during

warti e, but the re(ort says that ra(e and other #or s o# gender"based 'iolen$e are o#ten used syste ati$ally as wea(ons o# war) ?lan o# %$tion4s5: %ll ilitary and (ea$e"*ee(ing troo(s should ha'e s(e$ial training on their res(onsibilities to

wo en and $hildren) &arti e ra(e and se1ual torture should be (rose$uted as war $ri es)

Child health under atta$* Children die in the !n$rease ris* o# >##e$ts: 8alnutrition o#ten leads to a*e $hildren su##er (sy$hoso$ial da age as a result o# the loss o# illions ore die #ro the indire$t $onse0uen$es o# war#are C as a result o#

the disru(tion in #ood su((lies, destru$tion o# health ser'i$es, water syste s and sanitation) alnutrition and disease)

their #a ilies, e1(osure to 'iolen$e, a ong others) ,ne 23!C>F sur'ey in Rwanda #ound that nearly ;0 (er $ent o# Bi##erent $hildren will res(ond in di##erent ways to su$h distressing e1(erien$es) 8ost will re$o'er #airly 0ui$*ly but a #ew ?lan o# %$tion4s5: !n$rease in ?ediatri$ Care, and ensure a$$ess to re(rodu$ti'e health $are #or adoles$ents)%ll e ergen$y assistan$e should s(e$i#i$ally address the health needs o# $hildren) ay su##er (er anent da age)

The role o# edu$ation >du$ation o# $hildren is bo barded with hindran$es due to the ill"e##e$ts o# war) The sense o# se$urity and $ontinuity are di inished and is e'en surrounded by $on#li$t) % ore $haos due to ar ed ar*ed $hara$teristi$ o# the $hanging nature o# $on#li$t is deliberate atta$*s against

edu$ation in#rastru$tures, as well as the targeting o# s$hool $hildren and tea$hers) Beyond the destru$tion and da aging o# s$hool #a$ilities, there are also re(orts o# the use o# a$id and gas atta$*s on girl students on their way to s$hool, as well as shootings and sui$ide bo bings on s$hool (re ises) !n so e $onte1ts, s$hools are also a (ri e re$ruiting ground #or $hildren) >lsewhere, s$hool buildings are used as >##e$t: 7tability o# edu$ation and the #oundation o# *nowledge and the (assion #or learning is gra'ely a##e$ted) Ris* o# being re$ruited into ar ed #or$es, (rostitution or drug abuse would arise) ?lan o# %$tion4s5: ?sy$hoso$ial $are, the re(ort e (hasi/es the i (ortan$e o# building on $o hel(ing $lose #a ily e bers as well as s$hooltea$hers and other $o su((ort they need) $hildren with the long"ter unity resour$es by ilitary bases that be$o e strategi$ targets)

unity wor*ers to (ro'ide

!n#or al $lasses should be established as soon as (ossible in $a (s #or re#ugees and internally dis(la$ed (ersons) Fle1ible s$hooling with lessons held in the sa#est (la$e at the sa#est ti e) 4eg) lessons $an be held in sa#e $a'es, under trees, $a (s, a ong others5) 6u anitarian assistan$e should in$lude su$h #le1ible a((roa$hes to edu$ation)


endations: The needs o# $hildren ust be at the heart o# all a$tions to resol'e $on#li$ts and ust be treated as a unity, so onitoring and re(orting a$ti'ities by res(onsible

i (le ent (ea$e agree ents) Children who are 'i$ti s o# ar ed $on#li$ts distin$t and (riority $on$ern in all organi/ations whi$h

ay be in'ol'ed) >du$ation lies at the $entre o# a 'iable $o

aintenan$e o# s$hooling during e ergen$ies is an indis(ensable i (erati'e) Their edu$ational, training and health $are needs should be gi'en (riority attention to assist their well"being and to dis$ourage their (arti$i(ation in ar ed $on#li$t, tra##i$*ing, (rostitution and drug abuse) %ll in$idents o# warti e ra(e and other se1ual torture ust be (rose$uted as war $ri es) 8ilitary ust ha'e s(e$ial training and (ea$e"*ee(ing troo(s and (ersonnel o# all hu anitarian agen$ies

on their res(onsibilities to $hildren and wo en) ,rgani/ations should (ro'ide leadershi( #or the (rote$tion and assistan$e o# internally dis(la$ed and una$$o (anied $hildren, with (arti$ular re#eren$e to (re'enting #a ily se(aration and (ro oting #a ily tra$ing) Child soldiers) % global $a (aign should be laun$hed to sto( the re$ruit ent o# $hildren under age 1; into ar ed #or$es and to ensure that go'ern ents and o((osition #or$es de obili/e all su$h $hildren

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