Lesson Plan - Lesson 3

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Appendix 1


LESSON ORGANISATION Year Level: 7 Ti e: 1:30-2:25 Da!e: 18/03/2014 S!&den!'( Pri#r )n#*led"e:
Know how to access the internet, and a Weebly Students can answer uestions a!!ro!riately, and a!!ly their creati"ity to res!ond to di##erent scenarios and a!!ly their learnin$ towards their research assi$n%ent Know the !eriod and location we are re#errin$ to when discussin$ (ncient )hina *nderstood +ey conce!ts about (ncient )hina co"ered in the last 2 lessons, such as location, culture, belie#s, $eo$ra!hy, #eatures, and e"eryday li#e Know how to na"i$ate ,icroso#t o##ice suite tools &!!t- and word' and the web
E!-i$al /e-avi#&r Per'#nal and S#$ial $# pe!en$e S&'!aina/ili!% In!er$&l!&ral &nder'!andin"

Learnin" Area: S#$ie!% and Envir#n en!

S!rand+T#pi$ ,r#
T-e A'ian .#rld

!-e A&'!ralian C&rri$&l& :

Contacts and conflicts within and/or with other societies, resulting in developments such as the expansion of trade, the rise of Imperial China (including its material remains), and the spread of philosophies and beliefs (ACDSEH043) &See elaborations #or #urther details'

General Capa/ili!ie' &that may potentially be covered in the lesson) Cri!i$al and Li!era$% N& era$% ICT
$# pe!en$e

$rea!ive !-in0in"


pri#ri!ie' (may be addressed in the lesson)

A'ia and A&'!ralia(' en"a"e en! *i!- A'ia

A/#ri"inal and T#rre' S!rai! I'lander -i'!#rie' and $&l!&re' Pr#,i$ien$ie':(Mathematics only)

Le''#n O/2e$!ive' (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb) s a result of this lesson, students will be able to!

"evelop an understanding behind the cause and effect of the #il$ %oad nalyse and explain the importance of the #il$ %oad in the context of ncient China Conduct a #cavenger &unt to further develop research s$ills using a range of source available from the 'eb

Tea$-er(' Pri#r Prepara!i#n+Or"ani'a!i#n: - Weebly is setu! - Whiteboard/S%artboard %ar+ers/controls - Sca"en$er hunt is setu! &includin$ .adlet Wall' - .ower.oint is setu! - /as boo+ed library #or co%!uter access - Students ha"e access to !ersonal head!hones

Pr#vi'i#n ,#r '!&den!' a! ed&$a!i#nal ri'0:

0nsure 1rodie does not sit ne2t to (le2 as they will disru!t each other and students around the% So!hie has shown she stru$$les with 3)4- .air her with a student such as 5ucy to encoura$e her to de"elo! %ore understandin$- ,onitor her !ro$ress &one on hel! i# re -' Students who #inish early can continue on their research !ro6ects &silently/indi"idually'

LESSON E3ALUATION 4!# /e $# ple!ed AFTER !-e le''#n5 A''e'' en! #, Le''#n O/2e$!ive and S&""e'!i#n' ,#r I pr#ve en! : Tea$-er 'el,1re,le$!i#n and 'el,1eval&a!i#n : 7OFFICIAL USE ONLY8 )o%%ents by classroo% teacher, /9.., su!er"isor:

LESSON DELI3ERY 4a!!a$- *#r0'-ee!'6 exa ple'6 Time 3 mins 7#!iva!i#n and In!r#d&$!i#n:

ar0in" 0e%6 e!$6 a' relevan!5 Re'#&r$e'+Re,eren$e' Weebley Website

*!on entrance, 7(i hao ma)* in#or% the students the lesson ob6ecti"es- (s+ students to choose a co%!uter, and o!en u! their Web:uest that they are now #a%iliar with- (s+ the% to o!en u! the Weebly site, and !roceed to the lin+ "ia the ;.rocess< tab3nstruct students to clic+ the .ower .oint lo$o, a !o!-u! should as+ the students whether they wish to o!en or sa"e the doc- 4hey need to sa"e the docu%ent, and then o!en it- Wal+ around to ensure each student has o!ened the .ower .oint &and not any other distractions=' )onduct a brie# class discussion, on the to!ics we ha"e co"ered last lesson &>ellow ri"er'- (s+ the students 3 uestions, which ran$e #ro% low order to hi$h order, so all students with di##erent learnin$ le"els can !artici!ateWhere in )hina is the >ellow ri"er &low order' )an anyone re%e%ber how the >ellow ri"er $ot its na%e? )an you $i"e an e2a%!le o# how the >ellow ri"er in#luenced the li"es o# ancient )hinese ci"ili@ation? (s+ the class a rhetorical uestion abut the Sil+ Aoad, to start $ettin$ the% all en$a$ed within this to!ic, and de"elo! understandin$ on studentBs !rior +nowled$e)an you na%e a road, which connected #our di##erent continents? What about one that was built o"er 2000 years a$o? 0ncoura$e a brie# discussion between the students about what else they +now about the Sil+ Aoad

PowerPoint Silk Road

4 mins



Le''#n S!ep' (+esson content, structure, strategies , -ey .uestions)!


15 mins

.resent the .ower.oint with in#or%ation on the Sil+ Aoad- 0ach slide has an area where the students need to ta+e notes #or their %ain assi$n%ent- 4he teacher will $i"e the answers to the%- 4his ensures students are !ayin$ attention and are en$a$ed- 4he uestionBs on the slides shall be: o o o o Where does the Sil+ Aoad connect? What was the %ain %aterial traded on the Sil+ Aoad? 5ist 5 $oods that were traded on the roadCind, and insert an i%a$e o# an (ncient )hinese in"ention- &/ow did the Sil+ Aoad brin$ these in"entions to the rest o# the world?'

25 mins

Students are to sa"e the .ower .oint and re-o!en WeeblyDirect students to the ne2t icon &a !icture o# the ,icroso#t Word icon' to co%%ence their sca"en$er hunt02!lain the sca"en$er tas+ to the students- Students are to be told to read the instructions on the Weebly as well as $i"e students "erbal instructionsSca"en$er hunt resources are accessible "ia Weebly- Eideo needs to be watched #ro% 0:55 5:40 %ins and listened to usin$ students own head!hones)irculate around the classroo% to ensure that students are re%ainin$ on tas+- 4ell the students that they should !ut their hands u! i# they re uire hel!8 %inutes be#ore the bell, as+ the students to start !re!arin$ #or the end o# class- (s+ the% to !ac+ their belon$in$s and lo$ o## their co%!uters-

Scavenger H nt Word !oc ment Scavenger " nt reso rces St dent Head#"ones

Le''#n Cl#'&re:&%eview lesson ob/ectives with students) 8 mins


4o conclude the lesson, there will be a $rou! discussion to %onitor their understandin$ on the to!ics and to e"aluate i# the ob6ecti"es o# the lesson ha"e been achie"ed- 4he uestions will ran$e #ro% low to hi$h order: 1231rie#ly e2!lain what the Sil+ Aoad is? Fa%e 3 $oods that were traded? Was the Sil+ Aoad an actual road?

4)an you na%e so%e !ositi"e or ne$ati"e e##ects the Sil+ Aoad had on the de"elo!%ent o# (ncient )hinese culture and ci"ilisation?

Tran'i!i#n: ('hat needs to happen prior to the next lesson0) Students will be told that ne2t lesson we will be concentratin$ on )on#ucius, and there will be a brie# ui@ at the co%%ence%ent o# the ne2t lesson to rea##ir% their learnin$ #ro% todayBs lesson)asually re%ind Students about the o"erarchin$ research !ro6ect, and that they can use in#or%ation they $athered today #or this !ro6ectA''e'' en!: 4'ere the lesson ob/ectives met0 &ow will these be /udged0) 3n#or%al assess%ent throu$h uestionin$ and discussion throu$hout the class3n#or%al assess%ent throu$h online ui@ at the start o# the ne2t lessonCor%al assess%ent to be co%!leted at a later date throu$h the research !ro6ect that students ha"e been $i"en-

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