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SUGANYA.D D/o ,Mr.T.Durai, 493, Kannadi karar thottam, Poondi village,Ammaiyagaram(Po), Kallakuri hi(Tk),!illu"uram(DT), #ell OBJECTIVE To dedi ate my%el& &or the field of information technology, 'y delivering organi(ational hallenging ta%k%, u%ing om"etitive mind%et and to 'e a good team mem'er, 'y &ollo)ing the ode o& ondu t and to meet the organi(ational goal%. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Boar ! Uni"ersit# Course *.Te h (+T) Institution +dhaya ,ngineering #ollege -or .omen, #hinna%alem. *harathi Matri ulation 6igher %e ondary 7 hool, Kallakuri hi. *harathi *alamandir Matri ulation 6igher %e ondary 7 hool, #hinna%alem. Anna /niver%ity, #hennai. Matri ulation Year o$ %assin& 0122 %er'enta&e o$ Mar(s 345 $





Matri ulation



UNDERGONE %ROJECT Pro;e t title $ +mage ,n ry"tion 7 heme )ith key %e<uen e derived &rom elli"ti urve "oint%. Pro;e t o';e tive% $ The main o';e tive o& our "ro;e t i% to en ry"t the image%. ,lli"ti urve i% a u'i e<uation in t)o varia'le% = and y )ith oe&&i ient &rom a &ield. ,a h "air o& (=,y) )hi h %ati%&y the u'i e<uation i% alled on "oint on elli"ti urve.The %e<uen e >Ki"?i% a random %e<uen e o& elli"ti urve "oint%. 7tream i"her% o"erate )ith time varying tran%&ormation on individual "lainte=t image%.T)o en ry"tion algorithm% are u%ed@Additive i"her and A&&ine i"her u%ing key %e<uen e% o'tained &rom random elli"ti urve "oint%.7e urity a%"e t% no o& the "ro"o%ed elli"ti urve 'a%ed on image en ry"tion algorithm.Ae%ult% o& image en ry"tion )ill 'e %e ured and analy%ed. . CO)CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES

Parti i"ated in B#loud om"utingC at D++T Dungam'akkam. Parti i"ated in a 31 hour% training "rogramme at +dhaya ,ngineering #ollege -or .omen, #hinna%alem.

S*ILL SET 9anguage% Kno)n Pa kage H"erating 7y%tem STRENGT+

#o@o"erative and a'ility to )ork in hallenging environment. ,ager to learn ne) thing%. Po%itive thinking.

$ #, #EE,.Det(#F,7G9 7erver0114,A7P.D,T,ADH.D,T), Iava, I0,, $ Mi ro%o&t H&&i e $ .indo)%@JP, .indo)%8

E,TRA)CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES + undergone in@"lant Training in *7D9 o&&i e at 7alem 'ran h.

AREA OF INTEREST 7o&t)are ,ngineering .e' Te hnology %ERSONAL %ROFILE Date o& *irth -atherC% Dame Marital 7tatu% Kender Aeligiou% Dationality 6o''ie% 9anguage% kno)n DECLARATION
+ here'y de lare that the in&ormation &urni%hed a'ove i% true to the 'e%t o& my kno)ledge and 'elie&.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2:.21.2949 Mr. T.Durai 7ingle -emale 6indu +ndian Kardening and reading Tamil , ,ngli%h



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