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Collection Of Short Fics, Drabbles And Such

by SillyMango

Chapter 1
Chocolate Fondue. Part 1- un!ae. Name: Chocolate Fondue Author: SillyMango/Ivysauur Genre: Humour, Romance, Flu , Smut !airings: "un#ae$ side "oosu$ Summary: %ae#oong ta&es over his older's sisters shi t at the amily ca e, Chocolate Fondue$ (ut he has to )ear a maid out it, a French Female Maid out it$ "unho ha**ens to sto* +y )ith "oosu, and he sees the +eauty$ ,hat ha**ens.......... /!lease, %ae0/ Ah#oong *leads the younger male$ /No1 I )on't do it1/ a young man )ith )ine.+ro)n hair yells$ He large eyes gro) into slits, and his so lo)er.**s orm a *out$ It's +een 23 minutes since his older sister had entered the room, and the irst thing that comes out o her mouth )as, /%ae$ Can you cover or me at the amily Ca e-/ /(ut %ae#oongie1 I al)ays cover or you1 "ou've never *aid me +ac&1/ the older emale claims, and %ae could only groan$ I should've #ust ell aslee* )hen I )anted to$ Stu*id 4nglish essay$ /(ut noona1 I need to do my english *a*er tomorro)1/ /I'll do it or you1 I still have my co*y rom last year1 !54AS4- 6ong)oo&.ah is having a day o tomorro) and I haven't seen him in 2 )ee&s0 I'll do your *a*er no) and tomorro) night0 It'll +e done +e ore you )a&e u* on the day its due0/ Ah%oong *leads more, and %ae#oong thin&s a+out the o er$ His older sister had only graduated last year, and he )as in the year lo)er than her$ He does &no) she still has all her assessments, e7ams and essay *a*ers lying around$ He ru+s +oth his hands in his ace and sighs$ /Alright ine, (89 ":8 (4994R 6: 9H4 !A!4R, N::NA1/ /:HHHHH I 5:;4 ":8 %::NGI41 I 5:;4 ":8 S: M8CH1/ she screams, #um*ing on the +ed and sho)ering sisterly &isses all over his chee&s$ %ae#oong struggles, its +een 2 years since she's sto**ed her a ectionate love or him$ /Noona1 G49 :FF1 I get it1/ he groans and she immediantly sto*s, and grins li&e a < year old given a tri* to 5otte ,orld$

9he door o*ens, and a emale head )ith long +ro)n )avy hair *o*s out$ /%oong = and %oong 2, *lease shut u* +e ore I )al& over there and CH:! ":8R ASS' 8!1 I could hear you t)o rom the end o the hall)ay$ Ho) loud can you +e )ith your +egging and amily loving-/ "oona yells, and Ah%oong #ust laughs$ /,ould "oona.noona )ant some amily loving too-/ she teases$ /!lease get out o my room,/ the male raises his voice$ It's li&e this everyday$ His eight sisters #ust love +arging into his room to cause drama or him$ /%oongie, you can't tal& to me li&e that,/ "oona states$ /I can't give you amily loving-/ Ah#oong as&s, con used$ /No I )as tal&ing to %oongie,/ "oona says$ /"eah I'm right here,/ the other emale re*lies$ /,hat a+out me-/ %ae as&s$ /No she )as tal&ing to me,/ Ah#oong loo&s +ac& at the +oy$ /N:1 I ,AS 9A5>ING 9: %::NGI4, %::NGI41/ "oona yells$ /I AM %::NGI41/ +oth %ae#oong and Ah#oong say at the same time$ /No1 I )as$$:H F:RG49 I91 ,H" 6I6 M8M AN6 6A6 GI;4 ":8 (:9H A NAM4 ,I9H %::NG IN I9-/ "oona stom*s out the room$ /I'm so con used$$$,/ %ae#oong says, and Ah#oong nods, agreeing )ith him$ Silence ills the +edroom$$$ /So, you )ant ice.cream-/ Ah#oong o ers$ /:&ay,/ %ae shrugs, and +oth leaves his la*to* and +ed to the &itchen$ .... />ill$ Me$ No),/ %ae#oong mutters$ His +ody )ra**ed in a emale rench.maid out it$ He did say yes to cover or his older sister at their amily +usiness, +ut he orgot one little detail a+out the )hole thing$ His sisters o*ened u* a Ca e called 'Chocolate Fondue'$ 9he ca&e and co ee *rices are slightly *ricey, +ut it )as all )orth it$ His *arents died ? years ago$ It )as a car crash$ 9hey )ere at a *arty )ith their cousins, and his *arents )ere driving over as they stayed +ac& at their com*any$

:n the )ay though, some drun& @3.year old man crashed into them )ith his truc&$ He died instantly, and so did his *arents$ (ut his *arents *ut in their )ill to give all *ro*erty to their A children$ His sisters decided to o*en a Ca e to maintain the money and house$ (ut they all orgot that they had a +rother, and so never ordered a male uni orm$ 9hey have, +ut the stu*id com*any he ordered it rom hasn't +rought them in yet$ So, or no), he )ears the emale uni orm$ 9he uni orm consisted o a )hite +louse, sleeves long enough to #ust reach the el+o)s$ A +lac& dress )as )orn over the shirt, and reached mid.thigh$ A )hite a*ron )as )orn over the dress, )ith lace adorning the +ottom edge$ 9he tie )as made o sil&, and )as )orn in a )ay you )ould )ith a suit$ 9he out it )as com*lete )ith stoc&ings, and +lac&, leather shoes$ (ut in %ae#oong's case, a chestnut +ro)n )ig, )avey and long$ He tied it on the side o his head in a nice *onytail$ %ae#oong, ho)ever, his legs )ere Buite long, and so the dress )as a+it shorter )hen he )ore it, ma&ing him loo& a tiny +it li&e a slut$ :ne o the reasons males came to visit this Ca e, )as or the )omen )or&ing here, and or %ae#oong$ C+ut none o them &ne) they )ere *erving on an =D year.old young manE He groaned, and sat +y the counter$ He re used to get u*, and his sisters didn't mind$ It )as not until lunch hour that he )as made to get o his laFy ass and ta&e orders$ A +ell sounded throughout the Ca e, and %ae#oong shot his head u* to )elcome the customer$ Instead o chir*ing in a +right voice to the ne)comer, his +reath hitched as his eyes caught ahold o a very handsome young man$ He loo&ed a+out 2=$ His hair )as short, red.+ro)n in colour and )as styled into a nice )ave to the le t side o his head$ He had a shar* #a)line, +uilt arms and a small mole adorned the le t side o his u**er li*$ His eyes covered in +lac& Aviators, and chest )ra**ed in a tight, shirt$ He )ore tight, +lac& s&inny #eans )ith G.Star snea&ers$ He grinned, ta&ing o his sunnies, and %ae#oong elt as i all the air )as suc&ed out o his lungs$ It )asn't until the man ta**ed %ae's shoulder did he sha&e his head and nervously smiled$ /H.Hi$ ,elcome to Ch.Chocolate Fond.d.due$ %ust yoursel today, Sir$$$-/ %ae#oong managed to +reath out$ He )anted to &ic& himsel )hen he realised he stuttered too much$ ,hat )as this +eauti ul man going to thin& o him no)9he se7 god, I mean, handsome man nodded$ /"e*, #ust me$ ,hy- ,ould you li&e to #oin me-/ %ae#oong's eyes )idened and he tried to ind his voice$ 9he other chuc&led, the cuteness o this )aitress )as un+elieva+le$ %ae#oong's heart melted at the voice o the man$ So dee*, hus&y, and dri**ing )ith hotness$

/I )as &idding, ine lady$ So, are you going to ma&e me stand here and order-/ He *lay ully teases and %ae#oong )idnes his eyes again, and then hurry's to +ring this heavenly *erson to a ta+le$ %ae#oong hands him a menu, and +e ore either o the t)o can say a )ord, %ae#oong is called to another ta+le +y his so called riend$ /I'll +e right +ac&, Sir,/ %ae#oong +o)s and ste*s a)ay, and mentally than&s %unsu$ He inally esca*ed ro the most se7iest man h ever laid eyes on$ %ae#oong )al&s over to %unsu, and the other couldn't hel* +ut eru*t into his dol*hin li&e laughter$ 9he sound caused *eo*le to loo& +ac& and eel a little +it uncom orta+le, and %ae#oong &ic&ed %unsu in the shin$ /I'm sorry, noona1 48 >"ANG >"ANG1 I #ust )ant to order$ And I sa) you stare at that hun& over there$ I called "oochun to tell him, and he says to go or it$ M4 9::1 6:N'9 549 9HIS CHANC4 !ASS1 He might +e yours orever and ever and ever and then you'll have cute +a+ies/ the young &id says in one +reath, and %ae#oong could only sigh$ %unsu )as al)ays li&e this$ ,hatever he see's, he calls "oochun a+out it$ It's &ind o strange that "oochun has so much *atience )ith Susu$ /So )hat do you )ant, %unsu-/ /,455, I )ant a Chocolate.Caramel sundae, Hot chocolate )ith mini marshmello)s and )hi**ed cream, Stra)+erry shortca&e, ;anilla and macadamnia coo&ies, (anana.Caramel mi7 annnnnnd./ %unsu li*s a menu *age, /Stic&y date *udding )ith )hi**ed cream and ;anilla ice. cream$/ He dol*hin +oy smiles as %ae#oong )rites the list do)n$ /,hat are you, Changmin-/ He as&s and ta&es the menu rom the younger +oy$ /"ou and I +oth &no) me and him are Buite similar$ :h, and give me the orders slo)ly- I don't li&e eatting melted ice.cream,/ he *outs, and %ae#oong nods$ /Sure, )hatever$/ /,hy can't you +e nicer- i'm a *aying customer0/ He *outs$ /"ou're younger than me$ 6oesn't )or& that )ay,/ and %ae#oong turns to *lace the order +y the )indo) o the &itchen )ith a ro)ning %unsu +y his ta+le$ He )al&s +ac& out, and sees the handsome man's hand raised$ He s)allo)s, and nervously )al&s over, ta&ing out his note+ad and *in& *en$ /"our order, Sir$$$-/ %ae#oong hesistantly as&s, and the man sha&es his head$ /Call me "unho, %ung "unho,/ he smiles at his )aitress and %ae#oong nods, heat rising to his chee&s$

/I #ust )ant )hite co ee )ith 2 sugars and some marshmello)s )ith a side o Chocolate. Stra)+erry s)irl,/ He says and hands the )aitress the menu$ /Is that all-/ He as&s incase, and receives a nod$ /9he )ait )ill +e a+out G minutes, Si.. I mean$$$"."unho.sshi,/ %ae#oong stutters, and "unho smiles, li&ing the )ay his name )as rolled o the )aitress' tongue$ ,hen %ae le t, "unho turns to his *hone, calling "oochun, his +est riend$ /"o,/ the lo) +aritone voice eru*ts rom the *hone not even a ter the irst ring, and "unho smiles$ /,hat's u*- ,here are you- I told you to come +y li&e =3 minutes ago$ 9hat means I've +een )aiting or you or =3 minutes, you large oreheaded mon&ey$ I've already ordered$ Hurry your ass do)n here$/ A laugh )as heard, /"eah yeah$ I #ust sto**ed +y a lo)er store is all$ I'm do)n the road rom the Ca e$/ /For your +oy riend-/ "unho raises and eye+ro), and could hear "oochun nodding$ "unho smiles at his riends innocence, /"ou do so much or him, and he al)ays calls you )hen I'm around$ 6on't you get annoyed-/ /,ould you +e annoyed i the cutest, most adora+le thing called you #ust to tell you )hat he #ust sa)-/ "unho's eyes dri ted to the )aitress )ho served him, and ans)ered, /No*e,/ /47actly, you idiot$ 6on't #udge my hu++y o sunshine and cuteness$ Gosh I'm gonna ma&e you meet him sometime soon #ust to sho) you )hy his )orth it$/ /Isn't he li&e )hat$$$=H-/ /"eah$ (ut hyung, age doesn't matter )hen it comes to love$ 5oo& I'm 2 sho*s a)ay$ see you in 23 seconds-/ "unho laughs and hangs u*$ His eyes loo& around the Ca e$ It )as Buite large, and )as very nicely decorated$ 9)o )alls )ere *ainted chocolate +ro)n, and the other t)o )ere *ainted a Creamy )hite$ Along the side o the ca e )as the dis*lay o many ty*es o deserts$ Ca&es, s)eets and 23 di erent &inds o Ice cream or customers to vie) and choose$ 9here )ere numerous #ars o coo&ies, chocolates and lollies$ (ehind the register )as another set o counters, )ith co ee machines and +lenders lined u* ne7t to each other, and countless glass #ars o utensils, consisting o *olished or&s, s*oons, &ni es, Ice.cream scoo*s, etc$

Four large +oards hung onto one o the chocolate +ro)n )alls$ It )as the menu$ 9he list o drin&s, ca&es and such )ere listed in di erent categories$ 9he +oards )ere cream coloured and the ont )as in running )riting, +lac& in colour$ 9he +oard )as ramed )ith a dar& chocolate +ro)n$ 9here )as a door ne7t to the counter leading to the &itchen )ear the )aitresses did the +a&ing, setting and decorating o the s)eet treats$ 9here )ere *ro+a+ly a+out G< ta+les scattered around the Ca e$ 9he siFe o the *lace )as Buite un+elieva+le$ Again, the tiles )ere *olished and cream in colour, the )ooden ta+les coloured chocolate +ro)n, and so )ere the chairs$ 9here )ere round ta+les and sBuare ones$ 9hey )ere +ig enough to it D *lates o s)eet ca&es$ !ictures o *hotogra*hy hung around the room, rom the 4i le 9o)er to 6isney 5and$ 9he +ell sounded through the Ca e as another man ste**ed in$ /CH8NNI4-/ A loud sBuea& eru*ted rom the man his )aitress had served +e ore "unho, 2 ta+les to his right$ /Susu-/ "oochun as&s, staring at the ltitle &id in ront o him$ "unho loo&s u* to eye the t)o men in a tight em+race, and li ts an eye+ro)$ 9he name 'susu' )as so oddly imiliar$$$$AH1 It )as "oochun's little lover$$$ And then "unho's eyes sna**ed to the younger +oy$ 9HA9 is 'Susu'- He loo&s so & and sBuishi+le, )hile "oochun )as Buite +uilt and strong$ Ho) in the )orld$$And "unho's thoughts )ere s)e*t a)ay as the )aitress )ho served him arrived at his ta+le, and "unho sa) that she )as sha&ing her head at 'Susu'$ "unho elt con used$ /"our Chocolate.stra)+erry s)irl )ill +e here in a moment$ I &inda did a mista&e, and I'm in the midst o it$ So here's your )hite co ee,/ %ae#oong smiled, and "unho couldn't ma&e his eyes leave the )aitress' *lum* li*s$ /:h hey %ae%ae,/ "oochun s*ea&s and "unho )atches the )aitress s*in her head around$ /Hey "oochun, you can sto* the *u+lic a ection you &no)-/ %ae#oong teases$ He loo&s at the dolh*in +oy, /Susu, you )ant a ree Chocolate.Caramel.Stra)+erry s)irl-/ %ae#oong o ers and the dol*hin +oy nods all to eagerly, and admires the lo)ers his hu++y #ust gave him$ "oochun s)ings an arm over %ae's shoulders$ /I haven't seen ":8 in a)hile$ ,hat's u*-/ "oochun lets go o the ')aitress' and *unches his arm and "unho decides to s*ea& u*$ /"ou t)o &no) eachother-/ he raises an eye+ro)$ "oochun turns to the voice$ /H4444" macho man,/ He chir*s and *ats his shoulder$

/"ou shouldn't hit a girl you &no),/ "unho states and "oochun and 6ol*hin +oy laughs$ %ae#oong lees the scene to get +ac& to "unho's Choco.stra)+erry s)irl$ /"ah1 ,hat's so unny-/ /:hhhh nothing$ %ae#ae is stronger than he, I mean, she loo&s,/ "oochun smiles, and Susu nods$ /Su, come sit here$ %ae#ae )on't mind,/ "oochun gra+s his lovers hand and *ulls him to the sit ne7t to him$ /So, "unho, meet my +undle o cutness, %unsu$ %unsu, meet my +estest. riend.) the.)orld, "unho,/ He introduces, and the t)o eagerly sha&e their hands, "unho glaring at "oochun or 2 seconds$ /I've heard so much a+out you hyung0 I can call you hyung right-/ %unsu as&s, )hile he sni s his lo)ers$ He never )ould have thought that his Chunnie got him a random gi t, lo)ers at that1 /"eah, go or it$ I can call you susu then-/ 9he small man nods and smiles at him$ 9he t)o hit it o $ (oth inding out they had alot in common$ From s*orts, avourite oods, avourite games, movies, chocolates and so on$ "oochun could only smile$ his +est riend and +oy riend )ere +ecoming +est mates$ /%unsu, "our s)irl and hot chocolate )ith your e7tra +its in there, is here$ "unho.shi, your chocolate.stra)+erry s)irl,/ %ae#oong announces, lightly *lacing the items onto the ta+le )ith e7treme care, "unho loo&s u* to say than&you, +ut he ended u* admiring the +eauty again$ Ho) could this )aitress loo& so *er ect- (ig eyes$ "unho could tell she )as )earing +lue contacts at the very moment$ His eyes travelled do)n the straight nose, la)less chee&s, and then to the delicious, *lum* li*s$ 9hey loo&ed as so t as lo)er *etals$ 9he older groaned at the thought o having his li*s suc&ing on those #uicy li*s$ /,hat )ould you li&e, Chun ace- 8sual-/ %ae#oong laughs, and "unho's ears ha**ened to love the sound o his melodious laughter$ /Nahhhhh, I'll share )ith duc&+utt$/ /Sure-/ %ae#oong Buestioned, and "oochun nodded, a nod that said 'he )ouldn't +e a+le to inish it any)ay' %ae#oong smiled and nodded$ /"ou should ta&e a +rea& %ae$ I'm sure noona )ouldn't mind,/ Susu +lin&ed at %ae$ /I )ould mind actually,/ "oona )al&s *assed suddenly and orders %ae#oong to ta&e 9a+le =<'s orders$ /"ou heard the lady,/ %ae#oong shrugged and )al&ed o , )ith the small smile$ "unho couldn't ta&e his eyes o those long legs )al&ing to)ards the other side o the ca e$ He )ondered i anyone could +e so$$$*er ect$ His eyes again )ent against his +reains orderes, and travelled do)n the mil&y thighs, do)n to the +ottom o her calves$ "oochun smir&ed at his riends ace$ /Sto* chec&ing out %ae#ae,/ he teases, and "unho imidiantly )hi*s his head around$

/I$$I )asn't1 $$$%ae#oong is a +oy name isn't it-/ 9he latter tries to change the su+#ect$ /9hat's cause %ae#oong is a../ /a)esome1 !arent's thought %ae )as a +oy, or some odd reason$$$hahaha,/ "oochun clam*ed a hand around Susu's mouth and "unho chuc&led$ /I see$$$,/ and "unho turns to stare at the +eauti ul igure again$ "oochun elt as i his riend )as ta&ing a ascination to someone$ /Finally, he hasn't gotten )ith anyone since high school, and that )as @ years ago or something,/ the large ore.headed man muttered, and dug his ace into his +oy riends ood$ "unho le t the ca e )ith a +ig smile$ /I'm coming +ac& again$/

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