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Wee ks Australian Curriculum

Learning Area: Society & Environment FPD week 10

What will they use?

YR: 7

TOPIC: Ancient


Capabilities & Cross Curricular

Teaching & Learning Objectives/Experiences/Content

What students are doing/learning/demonstrating/engaging/activities?

Assessm ent

10.1 Historical

Literacy ICT Competence Critical & Creative Thinking Personal & Social Competence Intercultural understanding Asia & Aus engagement with Asia Literacy

Knowledge & Content: Overview of the Ancient World China The significant beliefs, values and practices of Chinese society, with a particular emphasis on everyday life ACDSEH043

Objectives: Developing understanding of Ancient China and the cultures. They will analyse the doctrines behind Ancient China; developing their interpretation skills. Be able to construct a focussed discussion upon the topic. Evaluate if students have understood about Ancient China. Introduction: Students will be shown a motivational short video illustrating Ancient Chinas history. Conduct answer garden to gather previous knowledge. Develop on answer garden by conducting in purposeful discussion on the everyday lives of Ancient Chinese people. Body: They will be shown around 6 scenarios on how the ancient Chinese travelled, and how their living conditions were. Once the class have interpreted these images, they will then be told to start doing some brainstorming on on how these living conditions have revolutionised and transformed. Conclusion: Conduct another Answer Garden on what they have learnt this lesson.

Weebly http://www.youtub jmujSBPJA

Contrib utes to formal research assignm ent

10.2 Historical
Knowledge & Content: Overview of the Ancient World China The physical features of China (such as the Yellow River) and how they influenced the civilisation that developed there ACDSEH005

Objectives: Developing understanding of the geography of China, and its effects on Ancient Chinese culture and civilisation. Students will be able to list and identify the physical features of China. ICT Students will also be able to describe the significance of these features, in particular the Yellow River. Competence Students will develop their research skills and learn how to collate a valuable set of different resources. Critical & Introduction: Students will be shown a motivational short video illustrating geographical features Creative that would affect the development of Chinese society (natural barriers and what they meant, and major Thinking rivers and their flooding). Encourage discussion (good/bad effects of barriers, and good/bad effects of flooding during video) Personal & Body: Students will explore these new ideas on the British museum geography site where they will Social Competence read more information and then play a short interactive mapping game. As an extension, students can complete the secondary mapping quiz. Conduct Blendspace activity, where students are to work Intercultural collaboratively to find different resources and information on the Yellow River (in context) and add it understanding the Blendspace. Review in depth some of the resources found by students, ensuring that different medias are used (videos, pictures, information etc.) Asia & Aus Conclusion: Question students about what are the main geographical features of Ancient China (can engagement add to a Padlet if desired), and what do they know about the Yellow river. with Asia

- Weebly https://www.youtub rkUvJxio http://www.ancient phy/home_set.html - Extension: http://kids.asiasoci - Blendspace (MyHistro If Unavailable) - Padlet Wall

Contrib utes to formal research assignm ent

Wee ks

Australian Curriculum

Capabilities & Cross Curricular

Teaching & Learning Objectives/Experiences/Content

What students are doing/learning/demonstrating/engaging/activities?

What will they use?

Assessme nt
How will they achieve?


Historical Knowledge & Content: Overview of the Ancient World China Contacts and conflicts within and/or with other societies, resulting in developments such as the expansion of trade, the rise of Imperial China (including its material remains), and the spread of philosophies and beliefs ACDSEH043

Literacy ICT Competence Critical & Creative Thinking Personal & Social Competence Intercultural understanding Asia & Aus engagement with Asia

Objectives: Be able to construct a purposeful discussion upon the topic. Evaluate if students have understood about Ancient China. Analyse and explain the importance of the Silk Road in the context of Ancient China. Conduct a simple web investigation such as a Scavenger Hunt. Develop their research skills Introduction: Students will be shown PowerPoint on Silk Road. They will be editing the PowerPoint throughout the lesson, and they will be told that this lesson we will be doing some focus activities on Ancient China. The PowerPoint is motivationally constructed so all high and low ended students are able to contribute and apply understanding. Body: Working in the Weebly, they will be demonstrating research by answering questions on the Silk Road. A scavenger hunt will be conducted by the students; where they will further their knowledge on the Silk Road through thorough investigation on What goods were traded? What inventions went through? They are to upload their findings on Padlet as a form of informal assessment. Conclusion: Students to answer brief summary questions; What is the silk road? What is the purpose of the silk road? Name one good transported, other than silk? Let the students know there will be a quick quiz on the Silk Road, and they will continue with Ancient China next lesson, covering Confucius.


Silk Road PowerPoint

Contribu tes to formal research assignme nt

Scavenger Hunt

10.4 Historical
Knowledge & Content: Overview of the Ancient World China
The role of a significant individual in ancient Chinese history such as Confucius or Qin Shi Huang ACDSEH132

Literacy ICT Competence Critical & Creative Thinking Intercultural understanding Asia & Aus engagement with Asia

Objectives: Be able to describe the basic history of Qins Dynasty; Explain how Qin changed the system in China; Create a comic strip covering the story of the Qin Dynasty and the changes he made to China. Introduction: Students will open the Weebly and be instructed to take online quiz to test understanding of previous lesson on Silk Road. Students will be introduced to the topic of the First Emperor. Body: Students will work through a short Prezi with information on the Qin Dynasty. Students will then be instructed to create a story on Comic Life highlighting the major points of Qins life and the changes he made whilst ruling. They will be uploading their comic onto the Padlet once completed. Conclusion: Student will be asked to pack up and log off computers. They will then be asked questions to check understanding. What years was Qin the emperor? What are some of the changes he brought about? How did he maintain rule? Students will be reminded they can use their comic in their research project and of the due date.

Weebly Online Quiz Prezi Comic Life Padlet

Contribu tes to formal research assignme nt

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