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Debbie originates from Sheffield, South Yorkshire. She moved to Costa Del Sol, Spain, 11 years ago.

In 200 , she res!ued three 1 hour old kittens, having found them in a dustbin. She hand"reared them, and today, they are the inspiration for her stories. She en#oys $riting, driving, and of !ourse, going to the bea!h%

Debbie Spencer


Copyright Debbie Spen!er &he right of Debbie Spen!er to be identified as author of this $ork has been asserted by her in a!!ordan!e $ith se!tion '' and '( of the Copyright, Designs and )atents *!t 1+((. *ll rights reserved. ,o part of this publi!ation may be reprodu!ed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, ele!troni!, me!hani!al, photo!opying, re!ording, or other$ise, $ithout the prior permission of the publishers. *ny person $ho !ommits any unauthori-ed a!t in relation to this publi!ation may be liable to !riminal prose!ution and !ivil !laims for damages. * CI) !atalogue re!ord for this title is available from the .ritish /ibrary. IS., +'( 1(0+12 2 0 $$$.austinma!auley.!om 3irst )ublished 420105 *ustin 6a!auley )ublishers /td. 2 Canada S7uare Canary 8harf /ondon 910 /.

)rinted and bound in :reat .ritain

Sin!ere thanks and gratitude go to everyone at *ustin 6a!auley, my publishers. 8ithout their support and !onfiden!e, this book $ould not have been possible. &hanks to my illustrator /uong, $ho has made my book !omplete. 6any thanks to you, the readers, I sin!erely hope these stories bring you ;ama-ing< #oy% 6any thanks to my friends for their support and a spe!ial love and thanks go to my *ndy, $ho has en!ouraged me to fulfil my ambition.

Monty and His Amazing Adventures

&he sun $as shining do$n on $hat appeared to be a glorious day. &here $as not a !loud in the sky and, in the distan!e, !hirping birds !ould be heard. 9verything seemed perfe!t% 6onty opened one eye, then the other = he had heard the !hirping birds. >e ya$ned and stret!hed his legs out and, $ith his pa$s, he ti!kled his ears and $ashed. 6onty $as a handsome grey and $hite !at, very lean and long. >e had a brother and sister, 3reddie and Claudia. 3reddie $as a gorgeous ginger and $hite mus!ular !at = Claudia $as a very tiny bla!k and $hite !at. She $as very ladylike and gra!eful% &hey all loved and looked after ea!h other. ?Come on, brother, $ake up,@ said 3reddie eA!itedly. ?&here<s so mu!h to do. 8e have roofs to !limb and things to eAplore.@ ?Yes,@ meo$ed Claudia, ?lots of flo$ers to smell%@ &ypi!al Claudia, #ust like a little girl. ?Bh, alright,@ groaned 6onty. ?If I must get up, I must,@ he sighed.

6onty $as a bit of a la-y !at, but on!e he got going, there $as no stopping him% >o$ever, on this day, he $anted adventures and $anted to see $hat life had in store for him. 9verything seemed ama-ing to 6onty. >e had huge eyes like sau!ers. >e !ould also be a bit !lumsy, and sometimes his ba!k legs $ouldn<t seem to kno$ $hat they $ere doing, but he got by, did 6onty, by a $hisker% 3reddie Claudia and 6onty ra!ed upstairs for their breakfast like eA!ited !hildren getting their presents from Santa. 6onty slipped on the last step up. ?:oodness,@ he !ried, ?I nearly fell, my legs !an<t !arry me.@ ?You<re al$ays falling, 6onty,@ laughed 3reddie. ?You don<t use your legs properly, brother. >ere, let me help you.@ 3reddie got behind 6onty and nudged

him $ith his nose to help him up the final step. ?&here, brother. You<re safe no$,@ said 3reddie.

?&hanks, 3reddie,@ 6onty gratefully meo$ed. *fter their breakfast, they all ventured onto the terra!e, ready to eAplore. &here $ere plant pots $hi!h Claudia loved to sit in and get !overed in dirt% 8hat a ras!al. 3reddie ra!ed up some more steps onto the top terra!e and #umped onto the roof. ?/ook at me, look at me,@ he !ried $ith glee. You !ould almost see him laugh. 6onty $as ama-ed = ?I<d like to do that,@ he thought. Bff he $ent, and $ith his $obbly legs, he made it% >e ventured a little bit further than 3reddie, and $hen he got to the end he #umped onto a little $all and do$n into a patio area. ?Bh no, $here am IC@ 6onty pani!ked. ?I<m lost%@ Suddenly, he sa$ a little girl playing.

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