Housing Loan Agreement

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H$amaZm_{ H{$ [ _|

Amdmg F$U H$amaZm_m (`o`m| H{$ obE)


_m{ha bJmB OmEJr

To be stamped as an agreement

`h H$amaZm_m AmO oXZmH$ H$m /H$s [w/[wr/[Zr

_hrZm Am`w


H$m{ 1 lr/lr_Vr df oZdmgr

2 lr/lr_Vr Am`w df oZdmgr

H$m /H$s [w/[wr/[Zr


_| oH$`m J`m h Om{ BgH{$ AmJ{ CYmaH$Vm H$hbmEJm/Jr oOgH{$ AVJV EH$ Va\$ CgH$m/

H$s H$mZyZr CmamoYH$mar; oVoZoY; emgH$ h Ama Xygar Va\$ H{$Zam ]H$; ]qH$J H$[Zr (C[H$_m| H$m AOZ Ama AVaU) AoYoZ`_ 1970 H{$ AYrZ JoR>V EH$ oZJo_V oZH$m` h oOgH$m YmZ H$m`m b ` 112, O`Mm_amO{ am{ S >, ]| J by a - 560 002, [a h Am a oOgH$s emIm

[a pWV h A` MrOm| H{$ Abmdm BgH{$ AmJ{ "]H$' H$hbmEJm oOgH{$ AVJV BgH{$ AQ>mZu; CmamoYH$mar emo_b h H{$ ]rM oH$`m J`m$&

THIS AGREEMENT made at .............................................. on this ...................................................................... day of ....................................20............ between 1. Shri/Smt ....................................................................... ................................................................. son/daughter/wife of .................................................................. .................................................................. aged ............................... years residing at ................................. .......................................................................................................................................................... 2. Shri/Smt ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................. son/daughter/wife of .................................................................. .................................................................... aged ............................ years residing at ................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... hereinafter called the "Borrower/s", which expression shall wherever the context so admits mean and include his/her/their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives OF THE ONE PART and CANARA BANK, a body corporate, constituted under the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, having its Head Office at 112, Jayachamarajendra Road, Bangalore-560002 and among others, a branch at .............................................................. hereinafter called the BANK which expression shall, wherever the context so admits or requires, mean and include its attorney, successors and assigns, OF THE OTHER PART;
O]oH$ CYmaH$Vm A[Z{ Amd{XZ H{$ AZwgma (1) CYmaH$Vm H$s ^yo_ [a nahm`er _H$mZ H{$ oZ_mU (2) EH$ ZB Amdmgr` BH$mB m H$aZ{ AWdm (3) AbJ g{ oX`{ JE/oXE OmZ{ dmb{ `m{am| H{$ AZwgma CYmaH$Vm H{$ A[Z{ _H$mZ H$s _a_V H$aZ{ Om{ pWV h$(`hm ^yo_/^dZ H$m [yam `m{am X{)$ H{$ `m{OZ h{Vw AoYH$V_ [E (eXm| _|) H$s YZamoe H$m Amdmg F U m H$aZ{ H$m/H$s BNw>H$ h$&

WHEREAS the Borrower/s is/are desirous of availing a housing loan upto a maximum amount of Rs................................... (Rupees......................................................................................................................................................) as per his/her/their application for the purposes of 1. Construction of a residential house on land belonging to the Borrower, 2. Acquiring a new housing unit or 3. Carrying out repairs as per details separately given/to be given to the house owned by the Borrower/s situated at .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... (here give complete details of land/building)

A] `h H$amaZm_m oZZoboIV H$m gmjr h$&


1) ]H$ CYmaH$Vm H$m{ _H$mZ IarXZ{/_H$mZ H$m oZ_mU H$aZ{/_H$mZ H$s _a_V H$aZ{ H{$ `m{OZ h{Vw [E H$s AoYH$V_ YZamoe drH$V H$aZ{ H$m{ gh_V h, CYmaH$Vm Bg ]mV g{ gh_V h Ama dMZ X{Vm h oH$ F$U H$s _yb amoe `mO, Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AVJV X{` H$m{B ^r IM AZwgyMr _| CpboIV g[om H{$ ]YH$/^ma H{$ mam m oH$`m OmEJm Ama ]H$ H$m{ ]YH$/oV^yoV XVmd{O H{$ H$ma H$m oZU` H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma hm{Jm, `h A[{jm H$s Om gH$Vr h VWm CYmaH$Vm VXZwgma ]Y H$/ oV^yoV XVmd{Om| H$m{ oZ[moXV H$aZ{ H$m{ ]m` hm{Jm Ama ]H$ mam A[{ojV E{gr g[modH$ oV^yoV VwV H$aZ{ H$m{ gh_V hm{Jm$&

The Bank is agreeable to grant a housing loan to the Borrower/s upto a maximum amount of Rs................................. (Rs..................................................................................................................) for the purpose of acquisition of house/construction of house/carrying out of repairs of house belonging to the Borrower for the aforesaid consideration, the Borrower/s agree/s and undertakes that the principal sum of the loan, interest, any charge due under this agreement shall be secured by mortgage/charge of the property described in the schedule and Bank shall have the right to decide, the type of mortgage/security documents it may desire and the borrower/s shall be bound to execute the mortgage/security documents accordingly and agree/s to create such security as required by the Bank.
2) CYmaH$Vm F$U m H$aZ{ g{ [hb{ ]H$ mam A[{ojV T>J g{ F$U H{$ obE gr_mV H{$ $[ _| [E H$s YZamoe O_m H$aZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h$&

The Borrower/s undertake/s to deposit a sum of Rs.............................................................................. as margin for the loan in the manner required by the Bank before availing loan.
3) drH$oV [ H{$ AZwgma ]H$, gm_Jr dmCMa/H$m` [yam oH$E OmZ{ H{$ obE ]rOH$/o]bm| H{$ VwV H$aZ{ [a _H$mZ H{$ oZ_mU h{Vw MaUm| _| F$U amoe g`mo[V/oV hVmjnaV ]rOH$m| H{$ VwV oH$`{ OmZ{ [a CYmaH$Vm AWdm R>{H{$Xma H$m{ grY{ ^wJVmZ H$a gH$Vm h Ama odoYdV $[ g{ oH$`m J`m E{gm H$m{B ^wJVmZ CYmaH$Vm [a ]m`H$mar hm{Jm AWdm ]Zm-]Zm`m _H$mZ IarXZ{ H{$ _m_b{ _| aoOQ>ma H$s C[pWoV _| AoYH$V `o$`m| H$m{ EH$ _wV godVaU H$a gH$Vm h$&

The Bank may as per the sanction letter disburse the loan amount in stages for construction of the house, on production of bills/vouchers for materials/work completed and pay directly to the borrower or the contractor upon the contractors bills being submitted by the borrower duly verified and countersigned by him and any such payment duly made shall be binding on the borrower/s or make a lumpsum disbursement, to the persons entitled in the presence of the Registrar in case of outright purchase of house.
4) CYmaH$Vm ]H$ mam A[{ojV $[ _| oZYmnaV g[om H{$ _a_V/oZ_mU H{$ g]Y _| AZw_moZV bmJV H{$ `m{a{ ]H$ H$m{ VwV H$a{Jm$&

The Borrower shall furnish to the Bank in respect of the schedule property full details of the repairs/construction together with details of the estimated cost thereof in the form required by the Bank.
5) [`{ oV oH$V H{$ $[ _| g _m oH$/

g_mZ _mogH$/_mogH$/AY-dmofH$/dmofH$ oH$Vm| _| ]H$ H$m{ Amdmg F$U H$s MwH$mVr H$aZ{ h{Vw CYmaH$Vm gh_V h$& Bg H$ma [hbr oH$V H$s AXm`Jr H$m{ `m CgH{$ [yd H$s OmEJr Ama VV[MmV ]mX H$s oH$Vm| H$s AXm`Jr Ogm ^r

_m_bm hm{, `{H$ _hrZm/oV_mhr/AY-df/df H{$ Cgr oXZ H$m{ `m CgH{$ [yd H$s OmEJr$&

The Borrower/s agree/s to repay the housing loan to the Bank by ................................ E.M.I./equal monthly/ quarterly/half yearly/yearly instalments of Rs. .................................................... each, the first of such instalments shall be paid on or before .................................................. and thereafter the subsequent instalments on or before the same day of each month/quarter/half year/year as the case may be.

*""CYmaH$Vm H$m{ `mO H$m ^wJVmZ _mogH$/oV_mhr/N> _mhr MH$doYV AmYma Xa g{ AoYH$

% H$aZm hm{Jm Ama ImV{ _|

e{f amoe [a E{gm `mO [naH$obV Ama ^mnaV oH$`m OmZm h Ama BgH$m ^wJVmZ ha _mh/oV_mhr/N> _mhr _| oH$`m OmZm h$& `oX `mO H$m ^wJVmZ Zht oH$`m J`m Vm{ E{g{ e{f Ama E{g{ AmZwH$o_H$ e{f [a dh ImV{ H{$ _ybYZ e{f ]H$m`m H{$ gmW MH$doYV hm{ OmEJm$& dmVodH$ CYma Xa H$s ^maVr` naOd ]H$ H{$ oXemoZX}em| H{$ AZwgma Ama CYmaH$Vm H{$ odmr`Z _| oH$gr H$ma H{$ [nadVZ H{$ H$maU g_`g_` [a g_rjm H$s OmEJr Ama Bg_| o^Vm AmEJr$& AmYma Xa _| g_`-g_` [a [nadVZ AmEJ{$& ]H$ mam A[Z{ d{]gmBQ> Ama ]H$/emIm H{$ Zm{oQ>g ]m{S> [a AoYgyoMV AmYma Xa H$m{ AmYma Xa _| [nadVZ H{$ gX^ _| CYmaH$Vm H{$ `mZ _| bm`m OmZm h$&

C[IS> 6 ApWa `mO Xa h{Vw bmJy h C[IS> 7 pWa `mO Xa h{Vw bmJy h, Om{ bmJy Zht h H$mQ> X| $&

Clause 6 is applicable for Floating ROI, Clause 7 is applicable for Fixed ROI, Strike off which is not applicable

]H$ H{$ YmZ H$m`mb` H{$ oZX{e H{$ mam g_`-g_` [a `mO Xa _| ]T>mmar H{$ gmW oH$gr ^r [nadVZ H{$ obE ]H$ mam Omar oH$`{ OmZ{ g{ Zm{oQ>g CYmaH$Vm EVmam Ny>Q> X{Vm h$&''

"The Borrower shall pay interest at ..................% above ongoing Base rate compounded monthly/quarterly/half yearly and such interest shall be calculated and charged on the Balance in the account and payable every month/ quarter/half year. If interest is not paid, the same shall become compounded with the principal balance outstanding in the account, on such balance and on such successive balances. The actual lending rate is subject to review and variation from time to time as per RBI guidelines and due to any changes in the financials of the borrower. Base Rate shall be subject to change from time to time. The Base Rate notified by the Bank on its Website and notice board of the Bank/branch shall be conclusive notice to the borrower in respect of change of Base Rate. The Borrower hereby specifically waives serving notice by the Bank for any variation in interest rate including enhancement from time to time as may be directed by the Head Office of the Bank."
7) CYmaH$Vm Bgg{ ^r gh_V h/h oH$ `oX _Oyar H{$ g_` [a odoZYmnaV AdoY H{$ [yd F$U H$s [yd-AXm`Jr/odoZ_`-`dWm CgH{$ mam/ CZH{$ mam H$s OmEJr, Vm{ CgH{$/CZH{$ mam Bg Vah [ydXV aH$_ [a Ogm ^r _m_bm hm{ _mogH$/_mogH$/AY dmofH$ AmYma [a MH$doV hm{V{ hE % d H$s Xa [a [yd-AXm`Jr XS> H$m ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ H$m{ dh/d{ ]m` hm{Jm/hm|J{$&

The borrower/s also agree/s that in case he/she/they prepay/s the loan/swap before the period stipulated at the time of sanction, he/she/they shall be liable to pay prepayment penalty at the rate of .............................% per annum on the amount so prepaid by him/her/them.
8) CYmaH$Vm EVXmam odoZoX> $[ g{ gh_V h oH$ ]H$ H{$ YmZ H$m`mb` H{$ oZX}em| H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a H$s OmZ{dmbr do gohV `mO _| [nadVZ H$s Zm{oQ>g _| CgH{$ mam Ny>Q> Xr Om`{Jr$& AmJ{, dh Bgg{ ^r gh_V h oH$ ]H$ H{$ [naga _| [XoeV Zm{oQ>g ]m{S> [a AoYgyoMV `mO H$s Xa _| E{g{ [nadVZm| H$s gyMZm CgH{$ obE H$m\$s Zm{oQ>g hm{Jr Ama g_V{ X{` amoe`m| H$m em{YZ g[yU $[ g{ oH$E OmZ{ VH$ g_`-g_` [a ]H$ H{$ Zm{oQ>g ]m{S> _| AoYgyoMV `mO H$s Xa [a `mO AXm H$aZ{ H$m{ dh gh_V h$&

The Borrower/s hereby specifically agree/s that he/she/they waive/s notice of variation of interest including enhancement from time to time as per the directions of the Head Office of the Bank. He/she/they further agree/s that such variation in the rate of interest notified in the notice board in the bank premises shall be sufficient notice to him/her/them and that he/she/they agree/s to pay interest at the rate notified in the notice Board of the Bank from time to time until all dues are cleared in full.
9) gh_V eVm~ H{$ AZw$[ oH$gr ^r godXm/oH$V H$s AXm`Jr _| `m amoe H$m oZ`_ `m em{YZ H$aZ{ _| CYmaH$Vm MyH$ OmZ{ [a, oV df 2% H$s Xa [a `m Bg Vah MyH$Z{ H$s VmarI g{ Ogm _m_bm hm{ g[yU $[ g{ amoe H$m oZ`_Z `m em{YZ gwoZpMV oH$E OmZ{ VH$ AoJ_ amoe [a ^mnaV `mO H$s Xa g{ `mXm ]H$ mam odoZYmnaV E{g{ A` Xam| [a AoVX{` XS>-Xa/oV]Vm ^ma H$aZ{ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm ]m` hm{Jm$&

In the event of borrowers default in any of the covenants/payment of any one instalment or in regularising or in clearing the amount as per the terms agreed upon the borrower shall be liable to pay interest at overdue penal rate/commitment charges of 2% per annum or such other rates as may be prescribed by the Bank above the rate of interest charged on the advance from the date or such default till regularising or clearing the amount in full as the case may be.
10) CYmaH$Vm EVXmam ]H$ oH$V H$s amoe, `mO, ^ma bmJV `m oH$`{ hE IM H$s amoe gohV VWm ]H$ H{$ oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma Cg{/Ch| H$m{B Ama gX^ oXE o]Zm oH$gr ^r g_` CgH{$/CZH{$ ] ]/Mm Im g ImVm| _| [`m amoe C[bY aIZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h/X{Vr h/X{V{ h$& _| Zm_{ S>mbZ{ H$m moYH$ma X{Vm h VWm CgH{$/CZH{$

The Borrower/s hereby authorise the Bank to debit his/her/their SB/Current Account No............................ at any time with the amount of instalment, interest, charges, costs, expenses incurred as per the rules of the Bank without any further reference to him/them and undertake(s) to provide sufficient balance in his/their account/s.
CYmaH$Vm H$m{ ]H$ H{$ MbZm| Ama WmAm| H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a CYmaH$Vm H{$ ImV{ _| Zm_{ S>mb{ OmZ{ dmb{ gm_m` ]H$ ^mam|, dMZ]Vm ^mam|, AZwfoJH$ IMm~ Ama H$_reZ AmoX ^r X{Zm hm{Jm$&

The Borrower/s shall also pay usual Bank charges, commitment charges, incidentals, commission etc., as may be debited to the borrowers account from time to time in accordance with the usages and practices of the Bank.
11) CYmaH$Vm dMZ X{Vm h oH$ ]H$ A[Z{ odd{H$ [a CYmaH$Vm/Am| /gh-Am^mar/JmaQ>a/]YH$H$Vm g{ m ^wJVmZ H$m odoZ`m{OZ H$a{$&

The Borrower/s undertake that the Bank shall have the right to appropriate the payments received from the Borrower/s / Co-obligant / Guarantor / Mortgagor at its sole discretion.

12) _mJ{ OmZ{ [a CYmaH$Vm/Am| ]H$ H$m{ _mogH$ oH$V H{$ obE Cma oXZmoH$V M{H$ X{Z{ H$m{ gh_V h/h VWm CYmaH$Vm/Am| AmdmgZ X{Vm h/h oH$ M{H$ [hbr VwVr [a hr drH$V hm{Jm$& oH$gr ^r H$maU g{ M{H$ H$s Ja VwVr CYmaH$Vm/Am| H$s _mogH$ oH$V ^wJVmZ AWdm oH$gr ^r A` amoe H$s X{`Vm H$m{ ^modV Zht H$aVr h$& CYmaH$Vm/Am| M{H$ H$m{ oVWmo[V/ZE M{H$ H$m{ Omar H$aZ{ H{$ obE gh_V h/h, O] H$^r ]H$ H{$ mam Amd`H$ hm{$& CYmaH$Vm/Am| H$m{ ^wJVmZ H{$ obE oH$gr M{H$ H$m{ VwV Zht H$aZ{ h{Vw ]H$ g{ [yN>Z{ H$m AoYH$ma Zht h Ama `oX CYmaH$Vm E{gm H$aVm h, Vm{ ]H$ H$m{ o\$a ^r ^wJVmZ H{$ obE oH$gr M{H$ H$m{ VwV H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma hm{Jm Ama AdrH$ma oH$`{ OmZ{ [a [aH$m` obIV AoYoZ`_, 1881 H$m A`m`


H{$ AYrZ mdYmZ bmJy hm{Jm$&

On demand the Borrower/s agree/s to deliver to the Bank Post-dated Cheques for the monthly instalments and the Borrower/s warrants that the cheques will be honoured on first presentation. Any non-presentation of a cheque due to any reason will not affect the liability of the Borrower/s to pay the monthly instalments or any other sum. The Borrower/s agree/s to forthwith replace the cheques/issue fresh cheques, if required by the Bank. The Borrowers shall not be entitled to call upon the Bank to refrain from presenting any cheque for payment and if the Borrower/s does so, the Bank shall nevertheless be entitled to present the cheque for payment and in the event of dishonour the provisions under Chapter XVII of the NI Act, 1881, shall apply.
13) CYmaH$Vm dMZ X{Vm h VWm Km{fUm H$aVm h oH$ C$ F$U H{$ obE oV^yoV/`m| H{$ $[ _| aIr J`r g[om/g[om`m| H$m CgH{$/CZH{$ [mg [> VWm od[UZr` hH$ h VWm ^ma g{ _w$ h/h Ed dh/d{ dMZ X{Vm h/X{V{ h oH$ g[om/g[om`m| H{$ Xm{f[yU hH$/^ma H{$ H$maU ]H$ H$m{ hB hmoZ/ hm{Z{ dmbr hmoZ H{$ obE dh joV[yVu H$a{Jm$&

The Borrower/s undertake/s and declare that he/she/they have clear and marketable title to the property/ies offered as security/ies in the subject loan and is/are free from encumbrances and he/she/they undertake to indemnify the Bank against the loss, if any, sustained/to be sustained by the Bank due to defective title/encumbrance in the property/ies.
14) O] VH$ oH$ g_V Amdmg F$U H$s MwH$mVr Zht hm{Vr h CYmaH$Vm ]H$ H$s oboIV AZw_oV H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ^r H$ma g{ ]YH$/^mnaV g[om H$m{ hVmVnaV Z H$aZ{ H$m{ gh_V h/dMZ X{Vm h$& BgH{$ AoVna$ CYmaH$Vm ]YH$ g[om H$m{ g^r H$ma H{$ H$am{, ^mam|, JhUmoYH$ma AWdm ^mam| g{ _wV aIZ{ H$m{ gh_V hm{Jm VWm F$U AdoY H{$ XmamZ Amd`H$ _a_V H$aH{$ _H$mZ H$m{ AN>r Xem _| aI{Jm$&

Till the entire housing loan is repaid, the Borrower/s agree/s / undertake/s not to alienate the mortgaged/charged property in any manner without the written consent of the Bank. Further, the Borrower/s covenant/s to keep the mortgaged property free from all taxes, encumbrances, lien or charges of whatsoever kind and keep the house in good condition by making necessary repairs during the pendency of the loan.
15) CYmaH$Vm dMZ X{Vm h oH$ AJa C$ g[om/g[om`m| H$m Ad_y`Z hm{Vm h VWm ]H$ H{$ odMma g{ AoVna$ oV^yoV/`m| H$m{ oX`m OmZm h, Vm{ O] ^r _mJm OmEJm dh/d{ E{gr AoVna$/[`m/dH$p[H$ oV^yoV/`m| H$m{ X{Jm$&

The Borrower/s undertake that if the value of the above said property/ies depreciates to such an extent and in the opinion of the Bank further security/ies is/are to be furnished, then he/she/they shall furnish such additional/adequate/ alternate security/ies, if and when called upon to do so.
16) CYmaH$Vm Z{ g[om g{ g]oYV g^r _hd[yU V` H$m Iwbmgm oH$`m h Og{ ]H$ H{$ [mg ]YH$ aIr g[om/`m| _| CYmaH$Vm H{$ AoYH$ma/hH$ H$m{ ^modV H$aZ{ dmbr gmdOoZH$ `m{OZmE, C$ g[om H{$ g]Y _| H$m{B oddmX VWm ^wJVmZ ]H$m`m AmoX, VWm V` g{ Hw$N> ^r Zht oN>[m`m J`m$&

The Borrower/s have disclosed all the material facts relating to the property like the public schemes affecting the Borrower's right/title in the property/ies mortgaged to the Bank, any disputes and payments due in relation to the said property/ies etc., and nothing has been concealed from facts.
17) `oX CYmaH$Vm X{` VmarI g{ VrZ _mh VH$ oH$Vm| H$s AXm`Jr H$aZ{ _| MyH$ H$aVm h AWdm X{` VmarI H{$ ]mX VrZ _mh VH$ `mO X{Z{ _| Ag\$b ahVm h AWdm BZ Vdm|/oH$gr A` XVmd{O H{$ oZ[mXZ AWdm [mbZ _| CYmaH$Vm mam CKZ oH$E OmZ{ H$s pWoV _| ]H$ AoJ_m| H$m{ dm[g b{Z{ Ama/AWdm Vr^yoV`m| H$m dVZ H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma hm{Jm$&

The Bank will be entitled to recall the advances and/or enforce the security if the borrower/s default/s in paying any instalments for three months from the due date or fail/s to pay any interest for three months after due date or in the event of borrower/s committing any breach in the performance or observance of these presents/any other document.
18) CYmaH$mm gh_V h oH$ CgH{$/CZH{$ H$maU hB BamXVZ MyH$ H$s pWoV _|, ]H$ H$m{ AoYH$ma h oH$ CgH$m/CZH{$ Zm_/Zm_m| VWm \$m{Q>m{Jm\$ H$m{ WmZr` AI]ma/am| [oH$m/[oH$mAm| AmoX _| H$moeV H$adm gH$Vm h$&

The Borrower/s agree that in the event of willful default on his/her/their part, the Bank shall have the right to publish his/her/their name/s and photograph in any of the local news paper/s, magazine/s etc.

19) ]H$ A[Z{ odd{H$mYrZ oZZoboIV KQ>ZmAm| _| g{ EH$ AWdm AoYH$ H{$ hm{Z{ [a Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AYrZ g_V YZamoe H{$ ^wJVmZ H$s _mJ H$a gH$Vm h VWm oV^yoV`m| H$m dVZ H$a gH$Vm h &

The Bank in its discretion have the right to demand the payments of all moneys under this agreement and enforce its security upon the happening of any one or more of the following events:
H$ `m`mb` mam CYmaH$Vm H$m{ oXdmob`m AWdm YZ em{YZ Aj_ Km{ofV oH$`{ OmZ{ [a$&


The borrower/s is/are declared as bankrupt or insolvent by a Court.

m g[om [a AWdm CYmaH$Vm H{$ `o$d [a bmJy AWdm bJmE Om ah{ oH$gr XS>, Hw$H$s AWdm dVZ H$s pWoV _|$&


Any execution, attachment or distraint being enforced or levied on the property secured or on borrower personally.
oH$gr `m`mb` mam m g[om H{$ g]Y _| mH$Vm oZ`w$ oH$E OmZ{ [a$&


A receiver being appointed in respect of the secured property by any Court.

oH$gr E{gr [napWoV`m| H{$ AmZ{ [a O] CYmaH$Vm mam Xr JB oV^yoV H{$ _y` H$m{ hmoZ [hMmVr h AWdm H$_ H$aVr h$&


The occurrence of any circumstances which impairs, depreciates the value of security given by borrower.
oH$gr E{gr KQ>Zm AWdm [napWoV H{$ C[pWV hm{Z{ [a Om{ ]H$ H{$ odMma _| F$U H$s AXm`Jr H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm H$s j_Vm H$m{ oH$gr H$ma g{ hmoZH$maH$ AWdm od[arV $[ g{ ^modV H$aVr h$&


The occurrence of any event or circumstances which in the opinion of the bank would or is likely to prejudicially or adversely affect in any manner the borrowers capacity to repay the loan.
]H$ mam oOg `m{OZ H{$ obE drH$V F$U gwodYm AWdm CgH{$ oH$gr ^mJ H$m C[`m{J H$aZ{ _| Ag\$b hm{Z{ AWdm bm[admhr H$aZ{ [a$&


Failure or neglect to utilise the credit facility or any part thereof for the purpose for which it was sanctioned by the Bank.

`m C[`w$ H$m{B KQ>Zm KoQ>V hB h Bg Z [a ]H$ H$m oZU` ApV_ hm{Jm Ama CYmaH$Vm [a ]YZH$mar hm{Jm $&

On the question whether any of the above event has happened, the decision of the Bank shall be conclusive and binding on the Borrower.
20) ]H$ A[Z{ AoYH$mna`m| mam _H$mZ H{$ oZ_mU H$m oZarjU H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma hm{Jm AWdm g_`-g_` [a _H$mZ H{$ oZ_mU H$s Xem H$m{ XemZ{ dmb{ \$m{Q>m{ VwV H$aZ{ H$m AmJh H$a gH$Vm h VmoH$ drH$V eVm~ H$m AZw[mbZ gwoZpMV hm{ gH{$$& AgVm{fOZH$ oZarjU na[m{Q> H$s pWoV _| ]H$ oboIV Zm{oQ>g X{Z{ AWdm oVH$mar C[m` H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm H$m{ oZX{e X{Z{ H{$ ]mX AmJ{ AoJ_m|/oH$Vm| H$m{ am{H$ gH$Vm h$&

The Bank is entitled to inspect the construction of the house by its officers or insist the borrower/s to produce photos indicating the stage of construction of house from time to time to ensure the compliance of sanction terms. In the event of unsatisfactory inspection report, the Bank may stop further advances/instalments after giving written notice or direct the borrower to take remedial measures.
21) CYmaH$Vm AmJ{, `w, XJm|, ZmJnaH$ gjm{^, hS>Vmb, XwKQ>Zm H{$ IVa{ H{$ od [ya{ ]mOma _y` H{$ obE oZYmnaV g[om H$m [`m [ g{ ]r_m H$amEJm Ama o\$bhmb bmJy H$mZyZ mam oZYmnaV VWm ]H$ mam A[{ojV `m{OZm| H{$ obE ^r ]r_m H$amEJm VWm g_`-g_` [a odoYdV Ama oZ`o_V $[ g{ ]r_m-oH$Vm| H$s AXm`Jr H$aH{$ [mobgr H$m{ gXd Mmby aI{Jm Ama ]r_m [mobgr H{$ bm^m| H$m{ ]H$ H$m{ gm[ X{Jm$& ]H$ E{gr g^r [mobog`m| H{$ g^r bm^m| H$m hH$Xma hm{Jm$& CYmaH$Vm EVXmam E{gr g^r [mobog`m| H$m hVmVaU H$aZ{ Ama BgH{$ bm^m| H$m{ ^mdH$mar [ g{ ]H$ _| oZohV H$aZ{ H{$ obE Om{ ^r Amd`H$ hm{Jm CgH$m{ H$aZ{ H$m{ gh_V h Ama dMZ X{Vm h$& CYmaH$Vm AZwgyoMV g[om H{$ oH$gr ^r H$ma H$s Qy>Q>-\y$Q> AWdm dg g{ AWdm VVr` [j mam oH$gr [H$ma H{$ Xmd{ H{$ H$maU hm{Z{ dmbr hmoZ H$s joV[yoV H$aZ{ H$m{ ^r gh_V h$& ]H$ Bg ]mV H{$ obE dV hm{Jm Ama ]m` Zht hm{Jm oH$ CYmaH$Vm AZwgyoMV g[om H$m{ ]H$ mam AZw_moZV _y` H$s gr_m VH$ oH$gr ]r_m H$[Zr H{$ [mg A[Z{ Om{oI_, CmaXmo`d Ama IM [a ]r_m H$a{Jm Ama oH$ AZwgyoMV g[om H$m ]r_m H$amZ{ H$s pWoV _| ]H$ H$m{ Xmd{ H{$ [yUV$ AWdm Ae _| AdrH$ma hm{Z{ [a CmaXm`r Zht _mZm OmEJm Mmh{ `h Xmdm ]H$ mam oH$`m J`m hm{ AWdm CYmaH$Vm mam oH$`m J`m hm{$& CYmaH$Vm mam `h [> [ g{ dMZ oX`m OmVm h oH$ dh d`/A[Zr Va\$ g{ Xmdm [{e H$aZ{ H$s H$madmB ew$ H$aZ{/]H$/]r_m H$[Zr H$m{ Amd`H$ gyMZm X{Z{ oH$gr ^r H$maU g{ g[om H$m{ hB hmoZ/joV H{$ `m{am| H$m{ gyoMV oH$E OmZ{ H{$ o]Zm hr ]H$/]r_m H$[Zr H$m{ Amd`H$ gyMZm X{Z{ Og{ g^r C[m` H$a{Jm/H$a{Jr$& oV^yoV H$s hmoZ/joV H{$ H$maU Xmd{ H{$ [yUV AWdm AmoeH$ [ g{ AdrH$ma hm{Z{ H$s pWoV _| CYmaH$Vm ]r_m H$[Zr H{$ od W_ X>`m H$madmB H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]H$ g{ A[{jm oH$E o]Zm g_V ]H$m`m X{`Vm ]H$ H$s bmQ>mZ{ H$m{ CmaXm`r hm{Jm/hm{Jr$& Xmd{ H$m ^wJVmZ Z hm{Z{ H$s pWoV _| ]H$ [yUV A[Z{ doZU` g{ ]r_m H$[Zr H{$ od H$madmB H$a gH$Vr h, ]H$ E{g{ H$aZ{ H{$ obE oH$gr ]m`Vm H{$ AYrZ Zht hm{Jr Ama Z hr CYmaH$Vm g{ d` H$madmB H$aZ{ H$s A[{jm H$a{Jr, Cg pWoV _| F$UH$Vm ]H$ H{$ oZU` [a Am[om H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma Zht hm{Jm$& `oX ]H$ E{gr [mobgr H{$ AVJV oZYmnaV g_` gr_m H{$ AXa [mobgr H$m Xmdm [{e Zht H$aVm Vm{ ]H$ ]r_m H$[Zr AWdm A` `o$ H{ od ]r_m H$s amoe H$m Xmdm AWdm _wH$X_m Xm`a Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm H{$ oV CmaXm`r Zht hm{Jm$&

6 The borrower/s shall adequately insure the schedule property for the full market value against risk of fire, war, riots, civil commotion, strike, accident, risk and also such other purposes as may be prescribed by the law for the time being in force and as required by the Bank and keep the policy always current by duly and punctually paying the premia from time to time and to assign the benefits in insurance policy thereof to the Bank. The Bank shall be entitled for all the benefits of all such policies. The Borrower/s hereby agree/s and undertake/s to do everything to transfer and effectively vest in the Bank the benefits of all such policies. The Borrower/s further agree/s to indemnify the Bank against loss by reason of damage or destruction or loss to the schedule property from any cause whatsoever for reason of claim by third party in respect of the same. The Bank is at liberty and is not bound to effect such insurance at the risk, responsibility and expenses of the Borrower/ s with any Insurance Company only to the extent of the value of schedule property as estimated by the Bank and that in the event of insuring the schedule property, the Bank shall not be considered or deemed to be responsible or liable for non-admission or rejection of the claim wholly or in part whether the claim is made by the Bank or by the Borrower/ s. It is expressly undertaken by the Borrower/s that he/she/they shall himself/herself/themselves of his/her/their own accord take all steps like initiation of filing claims/furnishing necessary information to the Bank/insurance Company without being informed of details of loss/damage for any reason whatsoever. In the event of rejection of claim either wholly or in part on account of loss/damage to the security, the Borrower/s shall be liable to repay to the Bank the entire outstanding liability wihout requiring the Bank to proceed in the first instance against the Insurance Company. In the event of non-settlement of claim, the Bank may at its absolute discretion take action against Insurance Company without being under any obligation to do so or require the Borrower himself to take action, in which case the Borrower shall not be entitled to question the decision of the Bank. If the Bank does not lodge any claim under the policy within the time limit prescribed under such policy, the Bank shall not be liable to the Borrower for not filing any claim or suit for recovery of the insured amount against the Insurance Company or any other person.
22) `oX A`moeV H$maUm| g{ oZ_mU/_a_V [yar H$aZ{ _| odb] hm{ ahm h Vm{ ]H$ CYmaH$Vm H{$ AZwam{Y [a H$m` [yam H$aZ{ Ama F$U H$s AXm`Jr ew H$aZ{ H{$ obE g_` X{ gH$Vr h$&

If there is delay in completing the construction/repairs on account of unforeseen reasons, the Bank may, at the request of the Borrower, at its discretion grant time for completing the work and commencing repayment of the loan.
23) CYmaH$Vm AZwgyoMV g[om H{$ g]Y _| g[om H$a Ama A` ewH$ O] H$^r d{ X{` hm{ AXm H$aZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h Ama ]H$ H$m{ CgH m _mU [{e H$a{Jm$&

The Borrower/s undertake/s to pay the property tax and other dues relating to the schedule property as and when due and produce the proof thereof to the Bank.
24) CYmaH$Vm gh_V h oH$ ]H$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm/VmAm| mam BgH{$ VhV m F$U H{$ g]Y _| oH$gr EO{gr g{ [wZodm m H$aZ{ H$m `m E{g{ F$U H$s oV^yoV`m| [a AoYH$ma h$& CYmaH$Vm Bg h{Vw ^r gh_V h oH$ ]H$ Bg H$ama H{$ mam/AYrZ CgH{$ g^r/oH$gr AoYH$ma/ode{fmoYH$mam| H$m g_ZwX{eZ oH$gr A` `o$/EO|gr/`mgr H{$ oV H$a gH$Vm h Ama CYmaH$Vm E{g{ g_ZwX{eZ mam ]m`H$mar hm{Jm Ama g_ZwX{oeVr H$m{, ]H$ mam Cg{ oXE JE g^r AoYH$mam| H$m{ doVV H$aZ{ H$m hH$ h$& AmJ{ CYmaH$Vm EVXmam [wZodmr`Z/oV^yoVH$aU/g_ZwX{eZ g]Yr CYmaH$Vm H$s oH$gr H$madmB H$m{ ]H$ mam Zm{oQ>g Omar H$aZ{ H$s Ny>Q> h{Vw gh_oV X{Vm h/X{V{ h$&

The borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has the right to avail refinance from any agency in respect of the loan availed herein by the borrower/s or to securitize such loan. The borrower/s also agree/s that the Bank can assign all/any of its rights/privileges under/by this agreement to any other person/agency/trust and the borrower/s shall be bound by such assignment and assignee has the right to enforce all rights which the Bank so assigned. Further, the borrower/s hereby consents for the waiver of notice by the Bank to the borrower/s of any such action of refinancing/securitisation/ assignment.
25) CYmaH$Vm Bg ]mV g{ ^r gh_V h oH$ dh A[Z{ F$U Amd{XZ _| XemE JE AZwgma _H$mZ H$m oZ_mU [yam H$a{Jm AWdm A`Wm Ama g]oYV ZmJnaH$ moYH$aU mam Omar oH$E JE g_mo _mU[ H$m{ m H$a{Jm Ama ]H$ H$m{ VwV H$a{Jm$&

The Borrower covenant/s that he shall complete the construction of the house as indicated by him in his loan application or otherwise and obtain and produce to Bank, Completion Certificate issued by the Civil Authority concerned.
26) Bg H$amaZm_{, ]YH$ odb{I AWdm oH$gr A` H$amaZm_{ AWdm XVmd{O H{$ AVJV oH$gr MyH$ [a ]H$ H$m{ m hm{Z{ dmb{ oH$gr AoYH$ma, eo$ AWdm C[m` H$m C[`m{J H$aZ{ _| odb] AWdm C[`m{J H$aZ{ _| MyH$ hm{Z{ g{ E{g{ oH$gr AoYH$ma eo$ AWdm C[m` H$m{ H$_ Zht H$a{Jr AWdm CgH$s g_Zw_oV _mZr OmEJr$& oH$gr MyH$ _| BgH{$ mam oH$gr MyH$ AWdm AoYH$ma, eo$ AWdm C[m` H$m{ ^modV H$_ Zht H$a{Jr$&$ g_Zw_oV H{$ g]Y _| ]H$ H$s oH$`/oZpH$`Vm ]H$

No delay in exercising or omission to exercise any right, power or remedy accruing to Bank upon any default under this agreement, mortgage deed or any other agreement or document shall impair any such default nor shall the action/

7 inaction of Bank in respect of any default or any acquiescence by it in any default, affect or impair any right, power or remedy of Bank in respect of any other default.
27) CYmaH$Vm mam `h [> [ g{ drH$ma oH$`m OmVm h Ama Km{ofV oH$`m OmVm h oH$ gwodYm H{$ AmYma [a m H$aZ{ Ama MmobV oH$E OmZ{ H{$ obE ]H$ H$s oH$gr A` emIm _{| gr_m/]H$m`m X{`Vm H{$ WmZmVaU h{Vw CYmaH$Vm mam AZwam{Y oH$E OmZ{ H$s pWoV _| AWdm ]H$ mam drH$m` oH$gr A` H$maU g{ Ama ]H$ gr_mAm| H$m{ WmZmVnaV H$aZ{ H{$ obE gh_V hm{Vm h Ama AWdm g]oYV emIm/emImAm| mam E{gr Xygar gr_m H{$ obE AbJ g{ m oH$E OmZ{ dmb{ Amb{I Ama XVmd{Om| H{$ AZwgma [wZ gr_m drH$ma H$aVr h Vm{ VwV H$s JB oV^yoV Ama Cg emIm _| VwV H$s OmZ{ dmbr oV^yoV oOg_| b{Im aIm OmVm h, ]H$ H$s emIm/emImAm| _| C[bY hm{Jr oOg emIm _| E{gr gr_m A] ]H$m`m amoe H{$ ^wJVmZ h{Vw WmZmVnaV _mZr OmVr h Ama Om{ oH$gr A` CYma b{Im| _| CYmaH$Vm AWdm CYmaH$Vm mam g`w$ $[ g{ BgH{$ AmJ{ X{` hm{ gH$Vm VWm VwV oH$`m Om MwH{$ XVmd{O/Amb{I g^r H$ma g{ Ama g^r `m{OZm| H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm H{$ oV bmJy hm{V{ ah|J{ Ama H$oWV XVmd{Om|/Amb{Im| H{$ CXX{` E{g{ _mZ{ OmEJ{ Og{ oH$ d{ CYmaH$Vm mam Cg emIm/emImAm| oOZ_| E{gr gr_mE WmZmVnaV _mZr Om{EJr H{$ [j _| oZ[moXV oH E JE h$&

It is expressly agreed and declared by the Borrower/s that in the event of Borrower making request to transfer the limit/outstanding liability to any other branch of the Bank for being availed and operated on the ground of convenience or for any other reason acceptable by the Bank and Bank agrees to transfer the limits and/or grants further limit as per records and documents separately to be obtained for such further limit by the concerned branch/es, the security created and to be created in favour of the branch in which accounts are maintained shall be available to the branch/es of the Bank to which such limit stand transferred for the repayment of the amount now due and that may be due hereafter by the Borrower or by the Borrower jointly with others in any other accounts and the documents/records already created shall continue to be enforceable against the Borrower in all respects and for all purposes and intents the said documents/records shall be taken as if they are executed by the Borrower in favour of the branch/es to which such limits stand transferred.
28) _{a{/h_ma{ oZ`m{OH$ H{$ H$mam{]ma/g{dm _| _{a{/h_ma{ g{dm H$s g_mo [a Mmh{ g{dmoZdom mam, [X `mJZ{ [a, _`w `m H$mZyZr $[ g{, `m oH$gr A` H$maU g{ `m oOg oH$gr ^r H$maU g{ Ama Og{ ^r hm{ Am[H{$ odd{H$moYH$ma _| Am[H$m{ _{a{/h_ma{ oZ`m{OH$ H$m{ odoZ`m{J H$aZ{ Ama oZ[Q>mZ H$aZ{ h{Vw Am[H$m{ obIZ{ H$m AoYH$ma hm{Jm


H$m{B ^r amoe h_ma{ oZ`m{OH$ mam _wP{/h_| X{` h Mmh{ d{VZ, ^mm, ]m{Zg, A` [mnalo_H$ `m

H$m{B ^wJVmZ (Mmh{ AZwJh[ydH$ `m A`Wm) Om{ ^r hm{ Ama

ii) Am[H{$ `m _{a{/h_ma{ oZ`m{OH$m| mam oH$gr ImV{ _| O_m H$aZ{ h{Vw _{ar/h_mar

amoe oH$gr e{f H$m{ [wZ^wJVmZ H$s Am{a Mmh{ EH$b `m g`wV $[ g{ Om{ `mO gohV E{g{ ^wJVmZ H$s oVoW VH$ bmJy Xam| [a) _{a{/h_ma{ CV F$U ImV{ _| _{a{/h_ma{ mam e{f X{` hm{Jm,$Am[H{$ `m _{a{/h_ma{ oZ`m{OH$m| mam oH$`m J`m E{gm H$m{B odoZ`m{J AoV_ hm{Jm Ama _wP [a/h_ [a ]m` hm{Jm Ama _{ar/h_mar g[Xm Xm{Zm| `mZmb` _| Ama `m`mb` H{$ ]mha hm{Jm$& g[yU X{`m| H$m VwaV ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ H{$ _{/h_ma{ X{`Vm V] VH$ dY hm{Jm O] VH$ oH$ Mmh{ _{a{/h_ma{ oZ`m{OH$ `m A`Wm mam dgybr H{$ _m`_ g{ Am[H{$ mam ^wJVmZ H$s oVoW VH$ bmJy `mO gohV g[yU amoe dgyb Zht H$s OmVr$&

In the event of my/our ceasing to be in business/service of my/our employer whether by retirement, resignation, death or by operation of law or for any other reason or cause whatsoever and howsoever you shall be entitled at your discretion, to write to my/our employer to appropriate and set off i) any amount which may be payable by/our employer to me/us whether by way of salary, allowance, bonus, other remuneration or any payment (whether ex-gratia or otherwise) whatsoever and ii) any amount that may be standing to the credit of any account which I/We may have with my/our employers or with you, either singly or jointly towards repayment of any balance that may be then remaining due by me/us in my/our said loan account together with interest thereon at the applicable rates upto the date of such payment, any such appropriation made by you or my/our employers shall be conclusive and binding on me/ us and my/our estate both in and out of court. In any event my/our liability to make payment of the entire dues immediately shall remain valid till the entire amount with applicable interest as upto the date of payment has been realised by you whether by way of recovery from my/our employer or otherwise.
29) (i) _/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ_/A` Ja oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmE XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ g]Y _| [yd eV H{$ $[ _| _{a{ / h_ma{ mam br JB/br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`d d CgH$s [yoV _| _{a{/h_ma{ mam H$s JB MyH$ H{$ g]Y _| H$m{B ^r gyMZm d AmH$S>{ H{$Zam ]H$ mam H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h$& (ii) VXZwgma, _/h_ EVXmam gh_V h / h VWm `h gh_oV X{Vm h / X{V{ h oH$ H{$Zam ]H$ mam E{gr H$m{B ^r gyMZm H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZZdV h (H$) (I) (J) _{a{/h_ma{ g]Y _| gyMZm d AmH$S>{ _{a{/h_ma{ mam br JB/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ g]Y _| gyMZm `m AmH$S>{, VWm _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`d H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ mam H$s JB H$m{B MyH$

(iii) (iv) _/h_ Km{fUm H$aVm h / H$aV{ h oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ mam H{$Zam ]H$ H$m{ Xr JB gyMZm d AmH$S>{ g` d ghr h$& _/h_ dMZ X{Vm h / X{V{ h oH$ (H$) H{$oS>Q> B\$a_{eZ `yam{ (BoS>`m) obo_ VWm Bg Vah moYH$V A` H$m{B ^r EO|gr ]H$ mam H$Q> H$s JB H$oWV gyMZm d AmH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ mam `m{` g_P{ JE VarH{$ g{ C[`m{J _| bm gH$V{ h d m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h$& (I) H{$oS>Q> B\$a_{eZ `yam{ (BoS>`m) obo_ VWm Bg Vah moYH$V A` H$m{B ^r EO|gr m{g{g H$s JB gyMZm `m CZH{$ mam V`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b H$m{ odMmamW ]H$m|/odmr` gWmAm| VWm A` F$U XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [OrH$V C[`m{JH$VmAm| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd ]H$ mam odoZoX> $[ _| VwV H$a gH$Vm h$&


I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit facilities to me/us, the Canara Bank requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information and data relating to me/us, of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof. Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such : (a) (b) (c) Information and data relating to me/us the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.


(iii) (iv)

I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct. I/We, undertake that : (a) (b) the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions and other credit granters or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in this behalf.

AmJ{, _ / h_ EVXmam [wo> H$aVm h / H$aV{ h gr AmB ]r AmB Eb / A` moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE / OmZ{dmbr gyMZm / `ma{ H{$ g]Y _{ _/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B oddmX VwV Zhr H$$Jm/H$a|J{ Ama `h _wP{/h_ [a ]YZH$mar h $&

Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/details furnished/to be furnished to CIBIL/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
BgH{$ gm`d$[ [moQ>`m| mam D$[a CooIV oXZ, _mh Ama df H$m{ BZ Vmdm| [a hVmja oH$`{ J`{ h$&

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have signed these presents on the day, month and year above mentioned.

AmpV`m| H$s AZwgyMr /





g[om H$m H$ma

AdpWoV d gr_m`|

AZw_moZV _y`


Nature of Property

Location and Boundaries

Approximate Value

H{$Zam ]H$ CYmaH$Vm/

H{$ oZo_m Ama CgH$s Am{a g{


For and on behalf of CANARA BANK


Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ ohXr $[mVa _| eXmW odf`H$ H$m{B oddmX `m odMma odo^Vm hm{Z{ H$s pWoV _| _yb AJ{Or m$[ H$m{ hr H$mZyZZ ghr _mZm OmEJm$&

Note : In case of any dispute / difference with regard to meaning of the words given in the Hindi version of this document the English draft will be deemed as legally correct.


NF - 461


From ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. (Owner of the property) Dear Sir, Sub : Credit limits sanctioned / to be sanctioned to me/us and To The Manager CANARA BANK ............................................................. (The name of the branch where the title deeds have been deposited)

or to ........................................ at ............................ (Advancing branch) upto a limit of Rs.................................................(Rupees........................ ..............................................................................................................)

This is to place on record that to secure the credit facilities granted/to be granted to me/us and/or to .............................................................................. (Name of the borrower) at your branch/your .................................................................. branch, I/we have already deposited with you/your .................................. branch (Notified branch) on .................................... (Date of deposit) the title deeds described in Schedule A hereto annexed with intent to create security by way of equitable mortgage by deposit of title deeds within the meaning of section 58(f) of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 in favour of Canara Bank in respect of immovable properties fully described in Schedule B hereto annexed together with all buildings, structures, fixtures, fittings, machineries standing/installed thereon and to be erected/installed and put up in future to secure the repayment of the credit facilities due and owing by me/ us and/or by .................................................. to Canara Bank inclusive of renewals thereof from time to time and/or any other monies in any other account standing in my/our individual account or jointly with any other or others that may become due and payable from time to time by me/us and/or by ...................................................... to Canara Bank and/or any liability arising out of the aforesaid facilities granted and that may be granted by you/your ............................................................... branch in that behalf and payable by me/us and/or by .................................................................. to Canara Bank as also such other and further limits, upto a maximum limit of Rs.................................... (Rupees.............................................. .......................................................................... only) of principal and also to secure the interest, costs, charges and expenses thereon.

Yours faithfully, Place : Date : MORTGAGOR/S Enclosure : Schedule A and B referred to above.

hH$Xmar odb{I O_m gm`mH$Z [


g{dm _| ]YH$
H{$Zam ]H$

(emIm H$m Zm_ Ohm hH$Xmar odb{I O_m oH$`{ J`{ h) (g[om H$m _mobH$)

o` _hm{X`, odf` H{$ $[ _| _wP{/h_| Ama `m lr H$m{ _Oya{ J`{ H$s Hw$b gr_m`{$& emIm (AoJ_XmVm) _|

`h Ao^oboIV oH$`m OmVm h oH$ ^od` _| Am[/Am[H{$ mam _wP{/h_| Ama/`m lr ( _{a{/h_ma{ Ama/`m lr


_m) H$s amoe VH$ H$s X{`Vm E{d E{gr A` X{`Vm ^r Am[H$m{/Am[H$s emIm H$m{ mam gXm` Ama Cg oXem _| Am[/Am[H$s emIm mam

_Oa y r Ama A[ZmB JB C[`w $ gwodYm/Am| g{ C[ H$m{B X{`Vm Ama `m g_`-g_` [a _{a/ { h_ma{ Ama `m lr mam Am[H$m{/Am[H$s emIm H$m{ X{`/gXm` hm{Z{dmb{ A` `m oH$hr A`m| H{$ gmW g`w$ $[ g{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ `o>H$ ImV{ _| ahZ{dmbr oH$gr A` ImV{ _| oH$ht A` `m| [a `mO H{$ gmW-gmW g_`-g_` [a CZH{$ ZdrH$aU g_mohV Am[H$s/Am[H$m emIm H$m{ _{a{/h_ma{ Ama `m lr mam X{` H$oWV gwodYm/`| AoKJhrV H$aZ{ H{$ obE dhm [a pWV/Wmo[V

Ama ^od` _| Wmo[V oH$`{ OmZ{ dmb{ A` ^dZ d _erZar _Xm| H{$ gmW H$oWV g[om`m| H$s

I AZwgyMr _| [yUV`m doUV g[om`m| H{$

gX^ _| H{$Zam ]H$ H{$ [j _| g[om AVaU AoYoZ`_ 1882 H$s Ymam (58) H{$ Xm`a{ _| hH$Xmar odb{Im| H$m{ O_m H$aH{$ BpdQ>r` ]YH$ H$m gOZ H$aZ{ H{$ CXX{` g{ Bg H{$ gmW gbZ AZwgyMr H$ _| dmoUV Ama WmZ _| pWV _{ar/h_mar g[om`m| g]Yr/hH$Xmar odb{I Am[H{$/ Am[H$s emIm _| _wP{/h_| Ama/`m lr obE Am[ H{$ [mg Am[H$s emIm (AoYgyoMV emIm) _| O_m H$a MwH$m h/MwH{$ h$& ^dXr`, WmZ oXZmH$ ]YH$H$Vm gbZH$ D$[a ]VmB JB AZwgyoM`m H$m{ _Oyar JB gwodYm/Am| H$m AmoYJhU H$aZ{ H{$ H$m{ (O_m VmarI) _/h_

H$ d I


NF - 462
AZwgyoM "H$'/


b{I/dd-odb{I H$_mH$

Sl. No.

H$s oVoW

b{I/dd-odb{Im| H$m oddaU

Date of Document/ Title Deed

Description of Documents/Title Deeds

H$ [ C /P.T.O.

]YH$H$Vm/Am| H{$ hVmja/Signature/s

of Mortgagor/s

dd odb{Im| H$s gyMr H$m AZwbZH$$/Enclosure

of list of title deeds

g^r ^yo_IS> VWm oZo_V `m oZ_mU H$s OmZ{dmbr B_maVm| H$m I AZwgyMr H{$ AVJV CgH{$ AZwbZH$ H{$ gmW oOg_| oH$ gyImMma AoYH$ma d CgH{$ C[m]X oddnaV h oXIm`m J`m h$&

All that piece and parcel of land and buildings existing and/or to be constructed thereon and shown under Schedule B below together with easementary and appurtenants thereto


[nag[om H$m H$_mH$ gd}jU g

[nag[om H$m WmZ/Location

of Property

Sl. No.

Survey No.


Extent of Property 3


Village 4



Taluk/Hobli 5

District 6

North 7


South 8


East 9



West 10


]YH$H$Vm/Am| H{$ hVmja/Signature/s

of Mortgagor/s

EZ E\$/

NF - 981




Amdmg F$U


g_{oH$V b{IrH$aU


emIm H$m Zm_

NAME OF THE BRANCH ...........................................................................................

CYmaH$Vm H$m Zm_

NAME OF THE BORROWER ........................................................................................

F$U g`m

LOAN NUMBER .......................................................................................................

F$U amoe

LOAN AMOUNT .....................................................................................................

]YH$ H$s VmarI

DATE OF MORTGAGE ...............................................................................................

F$U XVmd{O H$s VmarI

DATE OF LOAN PAPERS .............................................................................................



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