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2014 ________________________________________________________________________

INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS/ ARAHAN KEPADA PELAJAR 1. This assignment contains only ONE(1) question that is set in both Malay and English./ Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris. 2. Answer in E !"#$% &' M("()*/ Jawab dalam bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Mela !. 3. Download the language version o the ($$#! +, - -,+."(-, concerned rom the My!"E or #re#aration and submission o your assignment. $our assignment should be ty#ed using 12 #oint Times %ew &oman ont and 1.' line s#acing./ Muat turunkan "e#$la" tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz on !" Times #ew $oman dan langkau baris !.%. (. $our assignment should be between 2/00 -& 3000 0&'1$ ,23"41# ! re erences. The number o words should be shown at the end o your assignment. D& &- co#y the assignment question and instructions to your answer./ Tugasan anda hendaklah antara %&'' hingga (''' patah perkataan "i)a* termasuk rujukan. &ilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. '. $ou must submit your assignment TO YOUR FACE5TO5FACE TUTOR. $ou are advised to )ee# a co#y o your submitted assignment or #ersonal re erence./ 'nda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan KEPADA TUT+R ,ERSEMUKA. 'nda dinasihatkan menyimpan senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri.
6. $our assignment must be submitted between 6-% * 7-% M('3% 2014 &' T4-&'#(" 4* +ubmission

(8-,' 7-% M('3% 2014 &' T4-&'#(" 4 will NOT be acce#ted./ Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara -hb . /hb Ma0 %'11 a"a! T!"2rial 1 . (erahan sele$as /hb Ma0 %'11 a"a! T!"2rial 1 TIDAK akan diterima. ,. $our assignment should be #re#ared individually. $ou should not co#y another #erson-s assignment. $ou should also not #lagiarise another #erson-s wor) as your own./ Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan se)ara individu. 'nda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. 'nda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri.

EVALUATION / PENILAIAN This assignment accounts or 409 o the mar)s or the course mentioned and shall be assessed based on -%, R4:'#3$*/ Tugasan ini akan menyumbangkan 1'3 markah kepada kursus tersebut dan akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada R!bri*4 $ou will be in ormed o the assignment mar) be ore the .inal +emester E/amination commences./ 'nda akan dimaklumkan tentang markah tugasan ini sebelum *eperiksaan 'khir (emester bermula. PLAGIARISM; MAR<S DEDUCTION/ PLAGIARISME5 P+T+NGAN MARKAH =(' # !; The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity chec). 0 #lagiarism is detected1 mar)s would be deducted as ollows2/ A#aran5 Tugasan yang diserahkan se)ara automatik akan disemak untuk persamaan. Jika plagiarisme dikesan+ markah akan dipotong seperti berikut, Assignments with 10 5 309 &>,'"(. with others2 209 deduction rom the total mar)s scored./ Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 1' . ('-, potongan %'3 daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh Assignments with 31 5 /0 9 &>,'"(. with others2 409 deduction rom the total mar)s scored./ Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara (1 . &'-, potongan .'3 daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Assignments with +&', -%( /09 &>,'"(. with others; ?,'& +('@ would be given./ Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan lebih daripada &'3, Mar*ah si6ar akan diberikan.

ASSIGNMENT AUESTION I -%, .'&3,$$ &8 1,"#>,'# ! +(-%,+(-#3(" #1,($ ( 1 $@#""$B -,(3%,'$ 3( 4$, ',$&4'3,$ (>(#"(:", # -%, 3"($$'&&+* T%, $,",3-#& &8 ,88,3-#>, ',$&4'3,$ #$ ',C4#',1 # &'1,' -& +(@, -,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # ! $433,$$84"* I )&4' &.# #& B %&0 8(' 3( -%, 4$(!, &8 $43% ',$&4'3,$ $-', !-%, ( 1 .'&143, ,88,3-#>, -,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # !D B4#"1 & , ',$&4'3, .(3@(!, -%(- #$ $4#-(:", -& 4$, # $4..&'-# ! -%, #+.",+, -(-#& &8 -,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # !* Y&4 +4$- $%&0 -%, $-,.$ ',C4#',1 # :4#"1# ! $43% ',$&4'3,$ # 1,-(#" 0#-% .#3-4', ( 1 .'# - #- & A4 .(.,'$* D,$3'#:, %&0 -& -%, $43% ',$&4'3, .(3@(!, ( 1 #-$ #+.&'-( 3, -& -%, #+.",+, -(-#& &8 )&4' -,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # !* B($,1 & )&4' ',$&4'3, -%(- )&4 %(>, :4#"-B $,",3- ONE -&.#3 # -%, M&14",

HBMT3203; T,(3%# ! &8 E",+, -(') M(-%,+(-#3$ P('- IV ( 1 .'&143, ( >#1,& 8&' -,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # ! (3-#>#-) 4$# ! $43% ',$&4'3,* M(@, & , ',8",3-#>, ',.&'- ( 1 .'&.&$, )&4' $4!!,$-#& $ 8&' #-$ #+.'&>,+, -* ET&-("; 40 +('@$F


Dalam #roses menyam#ai)an idea dan )emahiran matemati)1 guru boleh mengguna)an sumber3sumber dalam bili) dar4ah. 5emilihan sumber3sumber yang e e)ti sangat di#erlu)an bagi memasti)an )e4ayaan #enga4aran dan #embela4aran. 5ada #enda#at anda1 se4auh mana)ah #enggunaan sumber3sumber ini da#at mengu)uh dan menghasil)an #enga4aran dan #embela4aran yang ber)esan6 7ina satu #a)e4 sumber yang sesuai yang a)an diguna)an untu) menyo)ong #ela)sanaan #enga4aran dan #embela4aran. Anda 4uga #erlu menun4u) cara lang)ah3lang)ah #embinaan sumber tersebut dengan ter#erinci dalam bentu) gambar dan diceta) #ada )ertas A(. 5erihal)an cara menguna)an #a)e4 sumber tersebut dan )e#entingannya )e#ada #ela)sanaan #enga4aran dan #embela4aran anda. 7erdasar)an sumber yang anda bina1 #ilih satu ta4u) dalam modul 87MT32932 Tea)hing / Elementary Mathemati)s *art IV dan video)an a)tiviti #enga4aran dan #embela4aran dengan mengguna)an sumber tersebut. 7uat satu la#oran re le)ti dan cadangan #enambahbai)annya. EJ4+"(%; 40 +('@(%F

=,(@ P('-#("") M,,-$ S-( 1('1$ S(-#$8(3-&') M,,-$ S-( 1('1 E23,,1$ S-( 1('1

C'#-,'#( I -'&143-#&


0 There is no introduction to the #a#er.

1 The introduction does not mention the structure and ob4ectives o the #a#er and im#ortant conce#ts. :ontent shows limited related )nowledge. Elaborate #oints with e/am#le/situation /conte/t that is not accurate and suitable. Discussion that shows limited com#rehension. "ess critic and critical.

2 The introduction #reviews the structure o the #a#er in a clear manner.

3 The introduction #reviews the structure o the #a#er and ob4ectives in a clear manner.

4 The introduction #reviews the structure and ob4ectives o the #a#er clearly. 0m#ortant conce#ts are also clearly e/#lained. !ery wide content1 com#rehensive and u# to date. Elaborate #oints clearly with e/am#le/situation /conte/t that is very accurate and very suitable. :ritical discussion and the re lective e ectiveness. Arguments that is

M(2 M('@$ 2

S%&'- E$$() Descri#tion o the role/im#ortance o resource and integration in teaching and learning. 0m#act to the resource integration.

There is no short essay #rovided

+atis actory content. Elaborate #oints clearly with e/am#le/situation /conte/t that is accurate and suitable. &elatively critical discussion and re lective. Arguments that is su##orted with a##ro#riate evidence and

:om#rehensive content and u# to date. Elaborate #oints clearly with e/am#le/situation /conte/t that is accurate and suitable. :ritical discussion and the re lective e ectiveness. Arguments that is su##orted with



P('-#("") M,,-$ S-( 1('1$


M,,-$ S-( 1('1

E23,,1$ S-( 1('1



;ncovering the integration o resource well and not giving im#act to teaching and learning. 5oor organisation and incom#lete structure. ;sed in luent language1 a lot o sentence structure corrections and s#elling mista)es that are very noticeable. &e erence shows limited reading.

accurate. +atis actory and critical discussion and able to analyse and synthesise and also able to conclude com#rehensively. +atis actory discussion1 being critical on some discussion #art. +atis actory uncovering the integration o resource and give satis actory e ect to teaching and learning. To elicite readers thoughts with satis actory. +atis actory in ormation

solid evidence and accurate. :lear and critical discussion and able to analyse and synthesise and also able to conclude com#rehensively. ;ncovering the integration o resource e/cellently and give e/cellent e ect to teaching and learning. To elicite readers thoughts e ectively. <ood in ormation organisation and clear structure. ;sed luent language1 sentence structure

su##orted with solid evidence and accurate. !ery clear and critical discussion and able to analyse and synthesise and also able to conclude com#rehensively. ;ncovering the integration o resource e/cellently and give e/cellent e ect to teaching and learning. To elicite readers thoughts e ectively. E/cellent in ormation organisation and very clear structure.

M(2 M('@$


P('-#("") M,,-$ S-( 1('1$


M,,-$ S-( 1('1

E23,,1$ S-( 1('1

organisation and sentence structure incom#lete. C'#-,'#( =,#!%;sed luent language1 sentence structure and correct s#elling with ordinary language style. &elevant re erences and shows not wides#read reading. T,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # ! M(-%,+(-#3 ',$&4'3, 5rovide a##ro#riate resource to su##ort teaching and learning 3 Teaching and learning resource that is less suitable and less su##ort teaching and learning or no resource at all. Teaching and learning resource that does not meet the criteria li)e Teaching and learning resource that is suitable but less su##ort teaching and learning. Teaching and learning resource that #artially meets the criteria li)e creative1 Teaching and learning resource that is relatively clear1 relatively good1 relatively suitable and demonstrate lac) o teaching s)ills. Teaching and learning resource that relatively

and correct s#elling with interesting language style.

;sed e/cellent and luent language1 sentence structure &elevant and correct re erences and s#elling with very shows wides#read interesting reading. language style. !ery relevant re erences and shows a very wides#read reading.

M(2 M('@$

Teaching and learning resource that is suitable and su##orts teaching and learning. Teaching and learning resource that meets the criteria li)e creative1

Teaching and learning resource that is very suitable and su##orts teaching and learning. Teaching and learning resource that meets the criteria li)e very creative1



P('-#("") M,,-$ S-( 1('1$


M,,-$ S-( 1('1

E23,,1$ S-( 1('1



creative1 interesting1 a##ro#riate1 various1 using 0:T. &esource that is less clear1 less a##ro#riate and to demonstrate less s)ills taught. %o ste#s and e/#lanation o bulding the resource.

interesting1 a##ro#riate1 various1 using 0:T.

&esource that is less clear1 less a##ro#riate and to &esource that is demonstrate less quite clear1 good1 s)ills taught. a##ro#riate and to demonstrate the 5oor discussion in s)ills taught. showing the ste#s o building the +atis actory resource. +u##ort discussion in with #icture and showing the ste#s #rint it on A( o building the #a#er. resource. +u##ort with #icture and 5oor e/#lanation #rint it on A( about the #a#er. im#ortance o the resource =that you +atis actory build>. e/#lanation about the im#ortance o the resource =that you build>.

meets the criteria li)e creative1 interesting1 a##ro#riate1 various1 using 0:T.

interesting1 a##ro#riate1 various1 using 0:T. &esource that is clear1 good1 a##ro#riate and to demonstrate the s)ills taught. <ood discussion in showing the ste#s o building the resource. +u##ort with #icture and #rint it on A( #a#er <ood e/#lanation about the im#ortance o the resource =that you build>.

interesting1 a##ro#riate1 various1 using 0:T. &esource that is very clear1 good1 a##ro#riate and to demonstrate the s)ills taught. !ery clear discussion in showing the ste#s o building the resource. +u##ort with #icture and #rint it on A( #a#er. E/cellent e/#lanation about the im#ortance o the resource =that you build>.

M(2 M('@$


V#1,& 8&' T,(3%# ! ( 1 ",(' # ! (3-#>#-) 4$# ! -%, ',$&4'3,

%ot relevant and ail to ma)e video.

P('-#("") M,,-$ S-( 1('1$ Descri#tion o the resources/teaching aid is unclear? activities given unsuitable.


M,,-$ S-( 1('1

E23,,1$ S-( 1('1



%ot creative1 shar# and beauti ul video.

!ideo shows the descri#tion o the resource is clear but lac)ing in detail1 activity given but not so suitable. Activities are not creative with low student involvement. +atis actory creative1 shar# and beauti ul video.

!ideo shows su icient detail given involving relevant resource or the activity. !ideo shows involvement o students. :reative1 shar# and beauti ul video.

!ideo shows more than su icient detail given involving relevant resource or the activity. !ideo shows high involvement o students. !ery creative1 shar# and beauti ul video.

C&++#-+, ( 1 R,8",3-#>, ='#-# ! Determination and ability to analyse e/#erience during tas) im#lementation


%o re lection

To show #oor comment or criticism. To show #oor commitment in com#leting the tas). To show #oor involvement.

To show relatively #ositive reaction to comment or criticism. To show commitment in com#leting the tas) is satis actory.

To show good #ositive reaction to comment or criticism. To show good commitment in com#leting the tas). To show good involvement.

To show a very #ositive reaction to comment or criticism. To show high commitment in com#leting the tas). To show e/cellent involvement.

M(2 M('@$ 2


P('-#("") M,,-$ S-( 1('1$


M,,-$ S-( 1('1

E23,,1$ S-( 1('1

To show #oor re lective thin)ing ability. C'#-,'#( =,#!%-

To show satis actory involvement.

To show good re lective thin)ing ability. &e lection that is tidy1 in order and good ad4ustable language and its organisation. <ood suggestions or im#rovement.

To show quality re lective thin)ing ability. &e lection that is tidy1 in order and very well ad4ustable language and its organisation. E/cellent suggestions or im#rovement.

&e lection that is To show not tidy and not in satis actory order . re lective thin)ing ability. 5oor suggestions or im#rovement. &e lection that is tidy1 in order and good ad4ustable language and its organisation. +atis actory suggestions or im#rovement.

M(2 M('@$



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