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February 17, 2012

&his E'enin(
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!EA&)RE AR&"*+E$

OVER A *) O! EVEN"NG &EA: $&RE$$ NEE, NO& -"++ .O)

#y ,r/ -/ 0a'eed Nayeem1 M, My article #n +i',ui'e+ 'tre'' an+ it' a"ter e""ect' in the 'pecial i''ue #" S(M ye'ter+ay +re$ '# many re'p#n'e' "r#m rea+er' $ith alm#'t all #" them re-ue'tin, me t# elab#rate #n the i''ue. S# ! +eci+e+ t# ,ive in t# their re-ue't' t#+ay. .hile '#me pe#ple calle+ bac/ t# 'ay that they $ere victim' #" 'tre'' '#me +e'cribe+ their 'ympt#m' an+ $ante+ t# /n#$ "r#m me $hether they $ere 'tre'' relate+. 0ut alm#'t every#ne $ante+ me t# ,ive them '#me tip' #n h#$ t# av#i+ buil+in, up 'tre''. Since 'tre'' can buil+ up "r#m +i""erent cau'e' in +i""erent pe#ple it i' #"ten n#t very ea'y t# c#ver in a brie" article all the 'ituati#n' that can lea+ t# it. ! 'hall there"#re +i'cu'' here #nly the c#mm#ne't #ne' that ! thin/ are re'p#n'ible "#r ma/in, m#'t pe#ple unc#m"#rtable be'i+e' the #ne' li/e unu'ually +eman+in, 1#b' an+ the ur,e t# -uic/ly earn a' much m#ney a' p#''ible, $hich ! +i'cu''e+ ye'ter+ay. .hen y#u c#n'i+er $hat happen' $hen pe#ple ,et 'tre''e+ up, the #ne +i'c#very that y#u $ill invariably ma/e i' that an inability t# meet expectati#n' i' a very c#mm#n cau'e. Surpri'in,ly an+ very 'a+ly it i' the inability t# meet n#t #ur #$n expectati#n' but th#'e #" #ther' $h# may actually n#t matter much t# u'. M#'t #" u' +epen+ t## much #n #ther pe#ple t# remain happy $hich i' a c#mpletely unnece''ary +epen+ence. There are '# many thin,' li/e rea+in, an+ li'tenin, t# mu'ic that can be reli'he+ an+ en1#ye+ be't in '#litu+e an+ t# $hich $e can all ea'ily re'#rt t# remain happy $henever $e "in+ #ur'elve' al#ne "#r '#me rea'#n #r the #ther. 0rie" m#ment' #" '#litu+e are in "act very e''ential "r#m time t# time "#r '#me intr#'pecti#n an+ re"lecti#n an+ it i' ,##+ i" $e all nurture thi' habit. .hile bein, in a ,r#up "#r lei'ure activitie' i' ,##+ "#r happine'' it i' $r#n, t# +epen+ entirely #n thi'. There are time' $hen #ther' may '#metime' be unavailable "#r their #$n rea'#n' $hen $e 'ee/ their c#mpany. 2 -u#te $hich ! have +evel#pe+ my'el" i': 3The 'a++e't pe#ple are the #ne' $h# $ait "#r #ther' t# ma/e them happy.3 They bec#me perpetual $aiter' an+ never achieve the happine'' they +e'perately 'ee/. .e all have in #ur'el" the ability t# /eep #ur'elve' happy but $e +# n#t reali'e thi' "act. Ma/in, a c#n'ci#u' e""#rt t# +evel#p a h#bby 'h#ul+ be #ne #" the m#'t imp#rtant pri#ritie' that $e 'h#ul+ 'et "#r #ur'elve' very early in li"e. 4ven be"#re chil+ren can un+er'tan+ it' imp#rtance parent' 'h#ul+ en'ure that their chil+ren +# thi' $ith all earne'tne''.
Ft Ft &u'ec' &u'ec' Ft &u'ec' &u'ec'

Archives "oda# $% Feb& Frida# $' Feb& "hursda# $( Feb& )ednesda# $* Feb& "uesda# $+ Feb& ,onda# $- Feb& Sunda#

KRS Dam Level Today Max: Level: !n"l#$: (ut"l#$: 124.80 111.8 1,%72 ),400

Last Year Level: 11*.0* !n"l#$: (ut"l#$:

2n#ther rea'#n $e bec#me +epre''e+ i' becau'e in #ur +aily live' $e expect #ther' ar#un+ u' t# c#n+uct them'elve' in c#n"#rmity $ith #ur expectati#n' $hich i' very unrea'#nable an+ un"air. !" $e 't#p ,ettin, +i'app#inte+ by the $ay pe#ple interact $ith u' they $ill never en+ up ma/in, u' unhappy. Let al#ne "eelin, 'a+ #r +i'app#inte+ ! never even ,et 'urpri'e+ by the $ay pe#ple ar#un+ me '#metime' behave $hen ! expect -uite the #pp#'ite "r#m them. Many pe#ple bec#me very unhappy $ith the $ay their chil+ren interact $ith them e'pecially $hen they bec#me teena,er'. 5#$, m#re than any#ne el'e, teena,er' thin/ that they /n#$ thi' $#rl+ be't an+ even i" $e /n#$ that they are $r#n, they 'h#ul+ be entitle+ t# their mi'c#ncepti#n'. They $ill ,et +i'pelle+ -uietly $hen their chil+ren inherit them6 4very +ay ! never "ail t# 'ee at lea't #ne patient $h# 'ay' that he #r 'he i' very 'a+ an+ up'et that their ,r#$n up chil+ren "ail t# re'pect their vie$' an+ pri#ritie'. Li/e$i'e ! al'# enc#unter many chil+ren $h# 'ay that their parent' "ail t# 'ee their p#int #" vie$. The'e are n#rmal c#n"lict' that have been a part #" human exi'tence 'ince a,e' an+ $e 'h#ul+ n#t l#'e any 'leep #ver it. 2 ,reat ma1#rity #" u' $ith#ut reali'in, it, try t# +# many thin,' at ,reat c#'t an+ e""#rt t# create a "al'e but "latterin, impre''i#n #" #ur'elve' be"#re #ther'. 7i'playin, humility that really +#e' n#t exi't in u', ,ener#'ity that $e can ill a""#r+, t#lerance that #nly pain' u' an+ 'pen+in, #n thin,' $hich $e really cann#t a""#r+, 1u't t# "launt them, are n#table example' #" thi' /in+ #" behavi#ur. The'e may ma/e a very ,reat an+ impre''ive 'h#$ but at the en+ #" the +ay they 'teal #ur 'leep an+ peace #" min+. .e 'h#ul+ never be a"rai+ t# be in '#ciety $hat $e are in #ur h#me'. .henever ! ,# 'h#ppin, "#r the +aily nee+' #" li"e li/e ve,etable', meat, "i'h #r p#ultry many pe#ple ! meet there 'eem rather 'urpri'e+ an+ a'/ me $hy ! +# it my'el", bein, a +#ct#r. .ith#ut "eelin, embarra''e+ ! 'imply tell them that $hen there i' n#thin, 'hame"ul in eatin, '#methin,, there i' n#thin, 'hame"ul in buyin, it6 .hile +rivin, ar#un+ the city ! thin/ n#thin, #" 't#ppin, my car an+ buyin, a c#uple #" /il#' #" the "re'h an+ ripe t#mat#e' that a r#a+'i+e ven+#r #r a pu'hcart ha$/er $#ul+ be 'ellin,. S#me #" y#u mi,ht have 'een me +#in, it. .e can re+uce the am#unt #" 'tre'' $e buil+ up by n#t +#in, the many unnece''ary thin,' that $e +# +e'pite /n#$in, "ully $ell that they +# n#t +e'erve the pri#rity that $e ,ive them. F#r in'tance, unle'' y#ur inc#me +epen+' #n it +# y#u really thin/ y#u have t# chec/ y#ur e8mail every +ay9 0ut -uite a "e$ +# it every h#ur. ! #pen my e8mail acc#unt #nly #n Fri+ay' t# 'en+ the matter "#r my $ee/ly c#lumn a"ter $hich ! pr#cee+ t# rea+ an+ reply t# my mail. :e#ple $h# mail me #n Satur+ay "ail t# ,et a reply till the next Fri+ay an+ a'/ me $hy ! am al$ay' '# late. !t i' 'imply t# /eep my'el" 'tre''8"ree an+ healthy6 ;n/n#$n t# m#'t #" u', bein, available #n the m#bile ph#ne at all time' an+ an'$erin, every inc#min, call i' actually very 'tre''"ul. F#r '#me pe#ple li/e +#ct#r' an+ p#licemen thi' may be inevitable but ! +# n#t un+er'tan+ $hy a h#u'e$i"e #r a retire+ per'#n 'h#ul+ 'u""er thi' t#rture. .hen 2lexan+er <raham 0ell invente+ the teleph#ne '#me#ne i' 'ai+ t# have remar/e+ that all the $retche+ pe#ple t## li/e criminal', mur+erer', c#nmen, r#,ue' an+ 'c#un+rel' 'h#ul+ "in+ a place in heaven except the invent#r #" the teleph#ne6 !" an #r+inary teleph#ne that +#e' n#t ta, al#n, $ith y#u can in'pire thi' /in+ #" a cur'e, ima,ine h#$ much ,reater a nui'ance the m#bile ph#ne can be t# a peace"ul exi'tence. ;nle'' ! re'#rt t# my re,ular practice #" puttin, my m#bile ph#ne #n a 'elective rin,in, m#+e t# 'creen my call' every Fri+ay m#rnin,, $ritin, thi' c#lumn bec#me' an imp#''ible ta'/. 5#$ that ! have c#mplete+ it, ! 'hall '$itch it #n an+ ,et bac/ t# the ba+ ba+ $#rl+6 e2mail:34nmysore5rediffmail/com

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