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Name : Partners name : Class: Date of lab class : Program : Unit code : Unit description :
Year and trimester of study: Title of lab report:

ANGELENE A/P MUTHU SELWANATHAN SOPHIA NOVALINA R GUK GUK S stream Tuesday , 25th February 2014 Foundation in science. FHSC 1214
Fundamentals of Cell Biology

2014, trimester 1 Practical 4 Investigation of the Enzymatic Effects of Materials on Hydrogen Peroxide

Lecturers name:

Miss.Nicole Ngai Suet Loo

Marking Scheme Investigation of the Enzymatic Effects of Materials on Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Objective: To investigate the enzymatic effect of various materials in the hydrogen peroxide solution Final score (rounded to nearest integer): 6/6 The final score for this assignment is based on the average of scores ranked as follows: 1: poor; 2: lacking: 3: good; 4: very good; 5: excellent; 6: perfect Comments are indicated by >>> (in detail), ??? (unclear) or xxx (wrong concept) FHSB1214 Biology I (201301)-Lab Report Marking Scheme (Practical 6) Marks Item Description Format Correct file format (.doc/.docx), correct file /1 name (students name) Result Observation obtained using wooden splint /6 for each test tube (effervescence/ bubbles formed / wooden splint / pop sound) /11 Discussion Answers based on marking scheme /18 Total

Title: Investigation of the Enzymatic Effects of Materials on Hydrogen Peroxide


Objective: To investigates the enzymatic effect of various materials in the hydrogen peroxide solution. Results: Test Tube Contents with 5 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide Observation before and after using wooden splinter Before Reaction on wooden splint Wooden splint ignites with an orange flame. Wooden splint remains the same. Wooden splint ignites with a yellow flame. Wooden splint remains the same. Wooden splint ignites with bright yellow flame. Wooden splint ignites with a bright red flame. After Sound that is produced None

Presence of white fumes Present


Fresh liver

High amount of bubbles is produced.


Boiled liver (cooled)

Bubbles are produced.




Pulped liver

Effervescence occurs.




Potato cubes

Bubbles are produced.




Manganese dioxide (untreated)

Effervescence occurs.

Present pop sound is produced Present pop sound is produced


Boiled Manganese dioxide (cooled after heating )

Effervescence occurs.

Discussion:Hydrogen peroxide is a metabolic by-product of chemical reaction thats produced in liver. Hydrogen peroxide can be deadly if it has been accumulated too much in body, so it has to be decomposed. One of the decomposing factors is the enzyme catalase. Catalase breaks hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The equation that was formed based on the observations are such that: 2(H2O2) 2H2O +O2.When involving manganese dioxide the equation formed is 2H2O2 + MNO2 2H2O + O2, hence the product formed is water and oxygen cause for both reaction because manganese does not take part in the reaction. It only acts as a catalyst which speeds up the reaction. The plant and animal organelle that was involved is peroxisome, an organelle which contains the enzyme catalase which decomposes hydrogen peroxide. When the liver has been pulped, the reaction is more vigorous due to the increased surface area for the enzyme to act on. Hence, larger the surface area, more exposed it is to the reactant. Meanwhile, the boiling of the liver produces less result because enzyme has been denatured due to high temperature. This because enzyme is protein and it is held by weak bonds and the molecular motion changes. This different molecular motion alters the enzymes shape and makes it to lose its ability to bind with other substrate due to the enzyme is not complement to its active site. To compare the difference of reaction between fresh liver and potato, the fresh liver has produced more bubbles compared to potato which indicates that the liver has more catalase activity than in potato. This is due to the different function of liver and potato in nature. Catalase in liver aids for detoxifying chemicals whereas catalase in potato prevents the oxidation of starch. The boiling of liver and heating the manganese oxide produces different kind of results though in both the tubes, heat were added to it. When boiling a liver, the enzyme is denatured due to high temperature as enzyme is protein and has proteins characteristic. Protein characteristic which involved here is the high sensitivity towards heat because high temperature denatures the proteins structure and makes it to lose its ability to bind to the active site of the product because its no longer complementary. Whereas, boiling the manganese oxide eventually activates it because it is an inorganic catalyst, thus it does not denature on heating .Presence of white fumes, the pop sound and wooden splinter igniting indicates strongly that theres presence of oxygen gas based on the observation.

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