2014 DMX 600 Polymedic

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Gran Sol Trading Co., Inc.

Unit 910 9 flr. City&Land Mega Plaza !" #e. cor. Garnet $d. %rtiga& Ctr. Pa&ig City Tel' ()*+,-9*. ()*+(9,0 Tel/0a1 2o' 913+3,93 4+5ail' gran&olc678g5ail.co5

To ttn

' P%L9M4!IC M4!IC L PL : ' !r. $76en Go Pre&ident

We are pleased to submit our quotation for your consideration and approval:

P C; G4 P$%P%S L !IGIT L M MM%G$ P<9 S9ST4M 2! C%2=42TI%2 L $ !I%G$ P<9 S9ST4M !igital Ma55ogra>hy Sy&te5 "rand' Genoray Model' !M?(00

Please see attached brochure, product data sheet and installation sites for more information

Con#entional $adiogra>hy Sy&te5 "rand' G4MMS Model' 4#a -,-

Please see attached brochure for specification

T4$MS 2! C%2!ITI%2S !igital Ma55ogra>hy Sy&te5' Con#entional ?ray Machine' T%T L' Trade in Price for MX600 (Mammography System): 2eA PacBage Price' !oAn>ay5ent C@0DE' "alance' Ter5&' Monthly' Ph> 9,000,000.00 Ph> 1,@00,000.00 P<P 10,@00,000.00 Php 1,500,000.00 Ph> ),)00,000.00 Ph> ,,(30,000.00 Ph> (,1(0,000.00 ,3 5onth& Ph> ,-(,(((.(*

0$44' M4!IC L G$ !4 M%2IT%$ - MP FIT< M%!UL4 2! M MM%G$ P<9 S%0TF $4 Confidentiality'

The information in this proposal is considered confidential and proprietary and may not be disclosed to third parties and business competitors.

Thirty-Sixty (30- 0! "or#in$ days. %fter receivin$ the &urchase 'rder (&.'!

(ertified and factory trained Service )n$ineers of *ransol Tradin$ (o.+ ,nc. shall perform installation+ testin$ and certification of equipment operation.

The said equipment has TW)-.) /'0T1S (23! "arranty on parts+ accessories and labor and services under normal use and conditions.

fter Sale& Ser#ice'

Service en$ineer of *ransol Tradin$ (o.+ ,nc is accountable for the maintenance and services durin$ the "arranty period+ and LI04TIM4 C%MMITM42T for the availability of the services and equipment parts after the "arranty period "ith ne$otiable fees. Pre#enti#e Maintenance' Service en$ineer of *ransol Tradin$ (o.+ ,nc "ill perform quarterly preventive maintenance and services durin$ the "arranty period "hich is TW)0T4 5'67 /'0T1S. % preventive maintenance chec#list shall be provided by *ransol Tradin$ (o.+ ,nc service en$ineer. $e&>on&e Ti5e and %n Call Ser#ice' Service en$ineer of *ransol Tradin$ (ompany "ill provide the best response time in the mar#et. Service en$ineer "ill first determine the problem and "ill decide on the appropriate measures to ta#e. 7esponse time "ill be "ithin a "ee# after receivin$ the report f rom the client. 7esponse

time also "ill differ dependin$ on the severity of the problem "herein a spare part of the equipment is to be replaced. *ransol Tradin$ (ompany ,nc.+ "ill $ive you the best service "e can offer.
Training and Se5inar' Trainin$ and seminar "ill be provided by *ransol Tradin$ (ompany for free amon$ the end users and maintenance departments. Service en$ineer of *ransol Tradin$ shall also provide advices re$ardin$ the maintenance and care of the equipments on a re$ular basis. Very truly yours,

MAIA MEIR MAGLASANG Branch Manager (Visayas Area) 09209099812

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