Telemac2d Model GUI Interface

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Graphic User Interface for Telemac

Version: Traduction:

2005-11-30 2007-06-01 (SOGREAH - H!"

Table of contents
Ho#-to: !irst uti$isation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5 Su*er,isor%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 13 H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 17 Genera$ .ara(eters Editor%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 21 /oundar- conditions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 27 0oda$ *ara(eters%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 32 1nitia$ conditions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 32 Sources%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 33 &u$,erts%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 22 4eirs%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 25 5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 23 2) Vie# (&o((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 55 Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%53 Se$ectin6 and searc7in6 #it7in t7e 8Vie# 2)8 (co((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 65 E9*ortin6 data 'ro( t7e Vie# 2) (co((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6: 5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 70 A**$ication o' e9*ressions (co((on"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 76

How-to: First utilisation

Abstract How to launch the Preprocessor and to parameterise a project

Installing and launching

;ou can do#n$oad t7e .re*rocessor 'ro( t7e internet site 7tt*:<<*re*ro%'udaa%'r% T7e insta$$ation (anua$s are a$so *ro,ided at t7is site%

Components of the Preprocessor

T7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor a$$o#s to *ara(eterise t7e 7-drau$ic *ro+ect% T7e .ost*rocessor ena=$es to ,isua$ise t7e resu$ts% A 6rid editor is under #a-% At t7e *resent ti(e> t7e so-ca$$ed ?Vie# 2)? on$- a$$o#s ,isua$isin6 6rids%

Launching the Super isor

T7e Su*er,isor can =e $aunc7ed =- (eans o' t7e icon % T7is too$ #or@s $i@e a docu(ent e9*$orer% 1t

ena=$es to Auic@$- create and edit *ro+ets> $aunc7 a**$ications and (ana6e =oo@(ar@s%

Specif!ing the modelisation s!stem

T7e 'irst ti(e t7e Su*er,isor is started> t7e user 7as to s*eci'- t7e (ode$isation s-ste(% 1n our case> #e #i$$ c7oose Te$e(ac%

Specif!ing the access path to the e"ecutable files of the Telemac s!stem #ad anced utilisation$
/- de'au$t> t7is sta6e is need$ess: t7e e9ecuta=$e 'i$es o' Te$e(ac #i$$ =e direct$- accessi=$e% 1' -our Te$e(ac insta$$ation is not ?custo(ar-?> -ou 7a,e to s*eci'- t7e access *at7 to t7e directorcontainin6 t7e =inar- 'i$es o' Te$e(ac =- (eans o' t7e .re'erences *ane$: c7oose t7e ta= 5ode$$in6 s-ste( and a'ter t7at Te$e(ac% To add a ne# ,ersion> c$ic@ t7e =utton Add and co(*$ete t7e 'ie$ds Version and T7e 'o$der containin6 t7e te$e(ac =inaries% 1t is a$so *ossi=$e to s*eci'- (u$ti*$e ,ersions%

Creating a Telemac pro%ect

T7e docu(ent &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect descri=es t7e di''erent sta6es to =ui$d a '$u,ia$ *ro+ect% T7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor a$$o#s to con'i6ure t7e *ro+ect% 1nitia$$-> t7is a**$ication *ro,ides a Be-#ords Editor% !urt7er(ore> t7an@s to t7e Vie# 2)> it is *ossi=$e to: )e'ine =oundar- conditions Edit *ro*erties o' nodes: =otto( 'riction> etc% )e'ine initia$ conditions Add sources
Ho#-to: !irst uti$isation *a6e 3<7:

Add cu$,erts Add #eirs

&isualising the results of a computation

T7e so't#are Ru=ens can =e started 'ro( t7e Su*er,isor% T7e icon in t7e too$=ar a$$o#s to $aunc7 Ru=ens in t7e current director-% Ot7er#ise> -ou can (a@e use o' t7e interna$ *ost-treat(ent too$ o' t7e .re*rocessor: 1% Startin6 'ro( t7e Su*er,isor> se$ect a serafin 'i$e% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( .ost: t7e .ost*rocessor o*ens u*% 3% A #indo# ca$$ed ?2) Vie#? is acti,ated% 2% /- (eans o' t7e =uttons Ti(e and Varia=$es in t7e too$=ar (or ,ia t7e (enu 2) Vie#" -ou can s*eci'- t7e ,a$ues to =e dis*$a-ed ((enu .ost"%

Ho#-to: !irst uti$isation

*a6e 2<7:

How-to: Creation of a Telemac '( pro%ect

Abstract Example of use of the editor to parameterise a fluvial project

T7is section #i$$ =e =ased on an e9a(*$e 'urnis7ed =- t7e so't#are Te$e(ac 2)% 1t concerns t7e *ro+ect> #7ic7 is contained in t7e director{TELEMAC_HOME}/{VERSION}/telemac2d/tel2d_{versi n}/init!en/fl"vial/tel 2d/#/% {TELEMAC_HOME} re*resents t7e insta$$ation director- o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste( (C$%telemac under 4indo#s"> {VERSION} re*resents t7e ,ersion o' Te$e(ac% 1n t7is section it #i$$ =e e9*$ained> 7o# to use t7e .re*rocessor to *ara(eterise a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+et% T7e 'unctionin6 o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste( is e9*$ained in t7e so't#are8s docu(entation%

Launching the Super isor

To $aunc7 t7e Su*er,isor t7e 'o$$o#in6 =utton 7as to =e used:

Choosing the geometr! file and launching the editor

T7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e can =e 'ound in t7e director- 8init!en/fl"vial/Matisse8% Cse t7e Su*er,isor to enter t7is 'i$e% T7e na,i6ation =et#een t7e docu(ents can =e e''ected 'ro( t7e $e't co$u(n o' t7e #indo#% 1n t7e centra$ co$u(n> t7e 'i$e 8&e #8 (reco6nisa=$e =- a s*eci'iAue icon" can =e se$ected% !or creatin6 a ne# *ro+ect =ased on t7is 'i$e> t7e ite( &reate a Te$e(ac *ro+ect 7as to =e se$ected 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu (ri67t (ouse =utton"%

Initialising the pro%ect: language) t!pe

A dia$o6 =o9 *ro*oses -ou to de'ine t7e =asis o' -our *ro+ect% 1% T7e 'ie$d Sera'in 'i$e is de'ined 'ro( -our 6eo(etr- 'i$e% 2% T7e 'ie$d )ictionar- *ro*oses to s*eci'- t7e (ode$isation s-ste( to use% /- de'au$t Te$e(ac 2) is *ro*osed% 3% T7e 'ie$d an6ua6e ena=$es to de'ine t7e $an6ua6e to =e used 'or t7e *ro+ect ,aria=$es: t7e @e-#ords o' t7e dictionar- 'i$e and t7e ,aria=$es o' t7e serafin 'i$e% T7e 'ie$d Steerin6 'i$e o''ers to s*eci'- t7e $ocation o' t7e 8cas8 'i$e> #7ic7 #i$$ =e created% ;ou can c7an6e t7is *at7 =- c$ic@in6 on t7e =utton %%%% A 'i$e e9*$orer ena=$es to c7oose t7e $ocation o' t7e 'i$e and t7e 'i$e na(e (at t7e =otto( o' t7e e9*$orer #indo#"% 4e #i$$ create a director- init!en/fl"vial/tel2d/test and #i$$ s*eci'- t7e na(e 8cas8 'or our 'irst *ro+ect (!i$e 0a(e at t7e =otto( o' t7e e9*$orer #indo#"%

Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect

*a6e 5<7:

Choice of the name and the location of the principal project file

A'ter ,a$idatin6> -ou #i$$ 7a,e acces to t7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor% T7is editor contains se,era$ *ane$s> #7ic7 can a$$ =e accessed ,ia t7e (enu .ro+ect%

Creating the boundar! conditions file

47i$e creatin6 a *ro+ect> t7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e is $oaded auto(atica$$- and a =oundar- conditions 'i$e is created% T7e Genera$ *ara(eters #indo# s7o#s 'o$$o#in6 in'or(ation: 1% T7e *ro+ect 7as =een (odi'ied% 2% T7e =oundar- conditions 'i$e 7as =een (odi'ied (an icon #it7 a red *enci$"% 3% T7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e 7as =een $oaded% ;ou can c7an6e t7e na(e o' t7e =oundar- conditions 'i$e =- c$ic@in6 in t7e co$u(n na(ed !i$es: in our e9a(*$e #e used t7e na(e cli!t't% T7e na(e o' t7e *ro+ect can =e (odi'ied in t7e te9t 'ie$d .ro+ect8s na(e%

Sa ing the pro%ect

The general parameters panel of the project

T7e (enu !i$e co(*re7ends t7e ite( Sa,e> #7ic7 a$$o#s -ou to to sa,e -our *ro+ect (or use t7e s7ortcut
Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect *a6e 6<7:

Ctrl+S"% T7e 'i$es 8cli!t't8 and 8cas8 #i$$ =e created #it7in t7e director- test%

*odif!ing +e!words
5odi'ications o' @e-#ords can =e (ade in t7e ta= Be-#ords% ;ou can easi$- searc7 a @e-#ord =(a@in6 use o' t7e 'i$ter 0a(e $ocated at t7e to* $e't% !or (ore detai$s> *$ease see t7e docu(ent Genera$ .ara(eters Editor

Specif!ing the name of the results file

/- #a- o' e9a(*$e> #e #i$$ s*eci'- t7e na(e o' t7e resu$ts 'i$e% To searc7 t7e s*eci'ic @e-#ord> enter ?resu$ts? in t7e 'ie$d 0a(e (see =e$o#"% T7e @e-#ord RESC TS !1 E can no# =e edited =- c$ic@in6 in t7e co$u(n ?Va$ue?% Enter t7e ,a$ue res"lt!slf%

Search of keywords containing the name "results"

Tip ;ou can 'i$ter t7e contents ($e't co$u(n" and (odi'- t7e ,ie# =- (eans o' t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e *ane$%

Specif!ing the duration and the time step of the simulation

A=o,e t7e 'i$ter ?0a(e?> t7e =utton re*resentin6 a #atc7 a$$o#s -ou to s*eci'- t7e duration and t7e ti(e ste* o' t7e si(u$ation% 1t #i$$ su''ice to s*eci'- t7e duration o' one ti(e ste* (5 sec" and t7e tota$ duration o' t7e si(u$ation (3 7eures"% T7e @e-#ords T15E STE. and 0C5/ER O! T15E STE.S #i$$ =e (odi'ied direct$- a'ter t7e ,a$idation o' -our s*eci'ications%

Pro iding other +e!words

/e$o# t7e ot7er @e-#ords> #7ic7 7a,e to =e *ro,ided to con'or( to t7e e9a(*$e '$u,ia$> are $isted%

Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect

*a6e 7<7:

Exemple 1. 'cas' file


(efining the boundar! conditions

Associated docu(ent: /oundar- conditions% 4e #i$$ no# de'ine t7e =oundar- conditions o' t7e *ro+ect% T7e *ro+ect co(*rises t#o $iAuid =oundaries: 1% One =oundar- #it7 a ?*rescri=ed '$o#rate?: !irst t7e '$o#rate #i$$ =e constant and *rescri=ed> as s*eci'ied in t7e 8cas8 'i$e (necessar- 'or Te$e(ac"% !ina$$-> a ,e$ocit- *ro'i$e #i$$ =e de'ined 'or t7is =oundar-% 2% One =oundar- #it7 a ?*rescri=ed e$e,ation?% T7e e$e,ation #i$$ =e constant% T7ese =oundaries #i$$ =e created startin6 'ro( t7e ?2) ,ie#?% T7e acti,ation o' t7is ,ie# can =e done eit7er ,ia .ro+etDEditor 2) or =- usin6 t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+Alt+V% T7e creation o' t7e =oundar- #i$$ =e e''ected =- (eans o' t7e $a-er /oundar- nodes> #7ic7 =e$on6s to t7e $a-er 6rou* /oundar- conditions% !irst t7e nodes =e$on6in6 to t7e =oundar- 7a,e to =e se$ected% T7e a,ai$a=$e se$ection too$s can =e assessed =- t7e too$=ar> =- t7e *o*-u* (enu (under Too$s" and ,ia t7e (enu Vie# 2)% A 'irst a**roac7 consists in usin6 t7e too$ Rectan6$e se$ection and s@etc7in6 a rectan6$e around t7e s*eci'ic nodes% 1t is a$so *ossi=$e to (a@e use o' t7e 8s*ecia$8 se$ection (et7od: 1% 5a@e use o' t7e .oint se$ection too$% 2% Se$ect t7e 'irst =oundar- node% 3% .ress t7e @e- co(=ination Ctrl+Alt% 2% Se$ect t7e $ast node o' t7e =oundar-% T7e 'o$$o#in6 'i6ure s7o#s t7e 2) ,ie# #it7 t7e se$ected nodes% !or creatin6 t7e =oundar- ? iAuid #it7 *rescri=ed e$e,ation? #e #i$$ (a@e use o' t7e ite( 1nsert $iAuid nodes%%%% A dia$o6 =o9 ena=$es to de'ine t7e =oundar- t-*e and t7e ,a$ue o' t7e 'ree sur'ace% !irst> t7e =oundar- t-*e 7as to =e c7osen 'ro( t7e 'irst dro*-do#n $ist% Su=seAuent$-> 'o$$o#in6 constant ,a$ue can =e 6i,en to t7e 'ree #ater sur'ace : ?265?%

Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect

*a6e :<7:

1n t7e sa(e (anner> #e #i$$ create t7e $iAuid =oundar- #it7 t7e *rescri=ed '$o#rate% !or t7is =oundar-> #e #i$$ (odi'- t7e ?,e$ocit- *ro'i$e? and s*eci'- t7e o*tion 838 na(e$- ?nor(a$ ,e$ocit- 6i,en in u=or in t7e con$i( 'i$e?% ;ou can (odi'- t7e re*resentation o' t7e =oundaries =- (eans o' t7e ite( &on'i6uration% !ina$$-> -our *ro+ect #i$$ $oo@ as 'o$$o#s:

Final state of the project

Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect

*a6e 3<7:

,diting the elocit! profile for the boundar! with the -prescribed flowrate4e c7ose to de'ine a ,e$ocit- *ro'i$e 'or t7e =oundar- #it7 t7e *rescri=ed '$o#rate% To edit t7is *ro'i$e> #e 7a,e to #or@ #it7in t7e $a-er /oundaries:

Acti ating the editor tool of the profile

1% Se$ect t7e $a-er /oundaries% 2% Se$ect t7e s*eci'ic =oundar- =- (eans o' t7e *ointer% 3% 5a@e use o' t7e ite( )is*$a- *ro'i$es% 2% T7e edita=$e cur,es are s7o#n in a ne# #indo#% 5% &7oose t7e cur,e na(ed ?Ve$ocit-? 'ro( t7e $ist on t7e ri67t% 1n t7e ne9t section #e #i$$ (odi'- t7e ,e$ocit- *ro'i$e%

*odif!ing the profile

Associated docu(ent: 5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on" 1% 2% 3% 2% 5% 6% 7% :% Se$ect t7e *oints 272 to 2:0 'ro( t7e ,a$ues ta=$e% 5a@e use o' t7e ite( A$i6n t7e *oints (centra$ icon on to* o' t7e #indo#"% Enter t7e ,a$ue 1 in =ot7 te9t =o9es and ,a$idate% &7ec@ i' a$$ *oints =et#een 272 and 2:0 7a,e a ,a$ue eAua$ to 1% Se$ect t7e *oints 270> 271 and 272% &7oose a6ain t7e ite( A$i6n t7e *oints and ,a$idate% T7e ,e$ocit- ,aries $inear$- =et#een t7e *oints 270 and 272% T7e sa(e (anner 'or t7e *oints 2:0> 2:1 and 0%

Final iew of the profiles

Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect

*a6e 10<7:

Appl!ing time-dependent parameters

Actua$$-> t7e '$o#rate and t7e e$e,ation are not ti(e-de*endent% 1n t7is *ara6ra*7 #e #i$$ create t#o cur,es descri=in6 t7e ,ariation in ti(e o' t7ese ,aria=$es% T7erea'ter t7e- #i$$ =e contri=uted at t7e corres*ondin6 =oundaries%

Creating time-dependent cur es

!or creatin6 t7ese t#o cur,es> t7e #indo# o' te(*orar- cur,es 7as to =e used% T7is #indo# can =e accessed ,ia t7e (enu .ro+ect or =- (eans o' t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+Alt+C% To create t7e cur,e o' t7e ti(e-de*endent e$e,ation: 1% Se$ect t7e 6rou* ?!ree sur'ace?% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e ite( Add a curve> #7ic7 can =e accessed =- t7e too$ =ar (ri67t(ost icon"% 3% Enter t7e nu(=er o' *oints (2" and t7e a=scissa and ordinate ,a$ues o' t7e (ar6ina$ *oints% Enter ?9E0? (ti(e" and ?-E265? (e$e,ation" 'or *oint 1> 'urt7er(ore ?9E50000? et ?-E265? 'or *oint 2% 2% Va$idate% T7e cur,e ?!$o#rate? #i$$ co(*rise t7ree *oints% T7e 'irst *oint 7as t7e coordinates (0>0" and t7e $ast *oint is at (50000>500"% /- de'au$t> t7e t7ird *oint (at ?9E25000?" #i$$ =e created #it7 a '$o#rate o' 250% ;ou can (odi'- t7is ,a$ue in t7e ta=$e at t7e $e't side o' t7e #indo#% 1n our e9a(*$e> #e #i$$ re*$ace 250 =- 500% !o$$o#in6 'i6ure s7o#s =ot7 created cur,es%

Time-dependent curves used in this example

*odif!ing the boundaries

Startin6 'ro( t7e $a-er /oundaries> -ou 7a,e to: 1% Se$ect t7e $iAuid =oundar- #it7 t7e *rescri=ed '$o#rate% 2% Cse t7e ite( Edit t7e se$ected =oundar-% 3% 1n t7e 'ie$d !$o#rate> c7oose t7e o*tion ?Varia=$e in ti(e?% 2% !ina$$-> s*eci'- t7e corres*ondin6 cur,e 'ro( t7e dro*-do#n $ist% 1n an uni'or( (anner> -ou can (odi'- t7e =oundar- #it7 t7e *rescri=ed e$e,ation%
Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect *a6e 11<7:

*odif!ing bottom friction

T7e =otto( 'riction can =e (odi'ied in t7e $a-er 0odes> #7ic7 =e$on6s to t7e $a-er 6rou* Grid% 1nitia$$-> -ou 7a,e to c7oose t7e (enu ite( 5ana6e t7e noda$ *ro*erties% Associated docu(ent: 0oda$ *ara(eters %

(efining initial conditions

1nitia$ conditions

Adding sources

Adding cul erts


Adding weirs

Launching the computation

!ina$$-> t7e co(*utation can =e $aunc7ed% To do t7is> c7oose t7e (enu ite( &o(*ute 'ro( t7e (enu .ro+ect% T7e $ast t7in6 to do> is to *ara(eterise t7e o*tions o' t7e s*eci'ic co(*utation (see t7e docu(entation o' t7e so't#are Te$e(ac"%

&isualising the results

T7e so't#are Ru=ens can =e $aunc7ed 'ro( t7e Su*er,isor% T7e icon o' t7e too$ =ar ena=$es t7e $aunc7in6 o' Ru=ens in t7e current director-% T7e .re*rocessor *ro,ides a$so a si(*$e *ost-treat(ent too$> #7ic7 can =e accessed 'ro( t7e Su*er,isor =- (eans o' =utton !res% % Genera$$-> it su''ices to c$ic@ t#ice at t7e resu$ts 'i$e (#it7 t7e e9tension

Ho#-to: &reation o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect

*a6e 12<7:

Super isor
Abstract Description of the Supervisor, how to open a project, add an executable, manage bookmarks, ... To (a@e use o' t7is a**$ication> acti,ate t7e e9ecuta=$e Su*er,isor =- (eans o' t7e icon %

T7e Su*er,isor is a 'i$e e9*$orer ada*ted to 7-drau$ic (ode$$in6 s-ste(s% T7is e9*$orer a$$o#s to start u* t7e a**$ications o' t7e .re*rocessor% !urt7er(ore> it ena=$es to $aunc7 t-*ica$ (ode$$in6 s-ste( a**$ications% 1t is *ossi=$e as #e$$ to add ne# e9ecuta=$es%

escription of the Supervisor

1n t7e 'i6ure a=o,e t7e current director- is !!!%casTest%telemac%fl"vial%tel2d%#%% T7is director- doesn8t contain a 'o$der at a$$ (t7e 'o$ders $ist is e(*t-"% T7e current director- contains 11 'i$es dis*$a-ed in t7e 'i$es $ist% T7e 'i$e cas#!t't is se$ected and its content can =e *re,ie#ed in t7e sur,e'ie$d% T7is Fone a$$o#s a$so to $aunc7 t7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor or to start a co(*utation =ased on t7e se$ected 'i$e% T7e icons Ru=ens (Ru" and 5atisse (5a" ena=$e to $aunc7 t7e corres*ondin6 a**$ications o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste(% T7ese a**$ications #i$$ =e $aunc7ed in t7e current director-% 1' -ou c$ic@ t#ice on a resu$ts 'i$e> t7e .ost*rocessor #i$$ =e $aunc7ed% T7e sa(e 'or a ?*ro+ect? 'i$e (t7e 'i$e cas%t9t" and t7e H-drod-na(ics .ro+ect Editor or t7e (es7 'i$e and t7e 5es7 Vie#% To create a *ro+ect startin6 'ro( t7e (es7 'i$e> it su''ices to (a@e use o' t7e *o*-u* (enu and t7e o*tion &reate a Te$e(ac *ro+ect%


*a6e 13<7:

Note T7e 'i$es are reco6nised =- t7eir e9tension% An-7o#> it is *ossi=$e to (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( O*en #it7%%% i' t7e na(e o' -our 'i$e doesn8t corres*ond to t7e standards% To acti,ate t7e *o*-u* (enu> c$ic@ #it7 t7e ri67t (ouse =utton in t7e 'o$ders $ist or t7e 'i$es $ist%

*anaging boo+mar+s
T7e (ost co((on *at7s can =e sa,ed% A'ter#ards t7e access to t7ese *at7s #i$$ =e easier: it #i$$ su''ice to se$ect t7e *at7 'ro( t7e (enu /oo@(ar@s%

Adding a path to the boo+mar+s

T7ere are t#o (et7ods o' addin6 a *at7 to t7e =oo@(ar@s% T7e easiest (et7od is to (a@e use o' t7e (ost $e't icon o' t7e too$ =ar% T7e current director- #i$$ t7us =e added to t7e $ist o' =oo@(ar@s% Ot7er#ise> -ou can se$ect a 'o$der and use t7e co((and Add to =oo@(ar@s 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu (see 'i6ure =e$o#"%

Adding the path to the !ookmarks

T7e (enu o*tions Ru=ens and 5atisse o' t7e *o*-u* (enu a$$o# to $aunc7 t7ese a**$ications #it7in t7e se$ected director-% i@e#ise> t7e (enu ite( E9ecute%%% ena=$es $aunc7in6 an e9ecuta=$e 'i$e #it7in t7e current 'o$der% 1n t7e 'o$$o#in6 section detai$s a=out addin6 e9ecuta=$e 'i$es #i$$ =e 6i,en%

Applications menu

The menu of applications

T7is (enu a$$o#s to $aunc7 =ot7 t7e a**$ications o' t7e .re*rocessor and e9terna$ a**$ications de'ined =t7e user% 1n t7e *re,ious 'i6ure an a**$ication na(ed ?essai? 7as =een de'ined =- t7e user%

Adding . editing an e"ternal e"ecutable file

1' -ou 'reAuent$- use a s*eci'ic a**$ication> -ou can add a s7ortcut to t7e Su*er,isor% Accordin6$- a $in@ to t7is a**$ication #i$$ =e added =ot7 to t7e (enu A**$ications and to t7e corres*ondin6 *o*-u* (enus% T7e (enu EditionD5odi'- e9terna$ a**$ications o*ens t7e dia$o6 =o9 s7o#ed =e$o#%


*a6e 12<7:

"dition panel for external applications

1n t7e 'ie$d ;our a**$ications t7e a**$ications =ein6 de'ined and acti,ated are $isted: t7ese a**$ications #i$$ =e s7o#n in t7e s*eci'ic (enus% T7e 'ie$d A,ai$a=$e a**$ications contains t7e e9ecuta=$e 'i$es> #7ic7 7a,e =een de'ined =ut 7a,e not =een acti,ated -et (t7e- are not ,isi=$e in t7e s*eci'ic (enus"% 1n t7e (idd$e *art o' t7e *ane$ t7e *ossi=$e actions are out$ined% To acti,ate or deacti,ate an a**$ication> t7e arro#s in t7e centre o' t7e *ane$ 7a,e to =e used% To add an e9ecuta=$e 'i$e> t7e *$us icon 7as to =e a**$ied% To de$ete de'inite$- an a**$ication> (a@e use o' t7e (inus icon (t7e a**$ication (ust =e deacti,ated"% !or (odi'-in6 an a**$ication> it su''ices to c$ic@ t#ice on it%

Adding an e"ecutable file

/- acti,atin6 t7e *$us icon 'o$$o#in6 dia$o6 =o9 a**ears%

#anel used for adding an executa!le file

T7e 'ie$d 0a(e ist co(*u$sor-% ;ou can se$ect an e9ecuta=$e 'i$e =- (eans o' t7e 'i$es se$ector (?%%%? icon"% 1' t7e access *at7 to t7e e9ecuta=$e 'i$e isn8t de'ined> t7e s*eci'ied na(e #i$$ =e used as co((and% ;ou can a$so de'ine a 'i6ure c7aracterisin6 t7e ne# e9ecuta=$e 'i$e ('or(at &if> ;<& or <n&"% T7e a**$ication #i$$ =e added a'ter ,a$idation o' -our (odi'ications%

The *onitor
T7is too$> 'urnis7ed #it7 t7e .re*rocessor> a$$o#s to 'o$$o# in rea$-ti(e t7e contents o' (u$ti*$e 'i$es% To $aunc7 t7is a**$ication> (a@e use o' t7e (enu A**$icationsD5onitor%


*a6e 15<7:

The super isor and Telemac

T7is (enu ite( a$$o#s to o*en t7e se$ected 'i$e% T7e se$ected editor is s*eci'ied =et#een =rac@ets% /de'au$t> t7e te9t editor #i$$ =e used%

Create a Telemac pro%ect

T7is (enu ite( #i$$ =e acti,ated> i' a 6eo(etr- 'i$e is se$ected% T7is ite( a$$o#s to create a Te$e(ac *ro+ect a**$-in6 t7e se$ected 'i$e as 6eo(etr- 'i$e%

,"ecute Telemac software

1' a 8cas8 'i$e is se$ected> t7is (enu ite( a$$o#s to $aunc7 t7e Te$e(ac so't#are startin6 'ro( t7e se$ected 'i$e%

1' a serafin 'i$e is se$ected> a #indo# 'or *ost-treat(ent #i$$ =e o*ened =- c7osin6 t7e (enu ite( .ost% T7e 'i$es in< and s v are necessar- 'or $aunc7in6 t7e .ost*rocessor%

,"tension of files
To *ro*ose t7e actions ada*ted to t7e se$ected 'i$e> t7e Su*er,isor tries to deter(ine t7e t-*e o' 'i$e on t7e =asis o' t7e 'i$e8s e9tension% 0e,ert7e$ess> so(e su**$e(entar- ru$es are a**$ied to res*ect t7e na(in6 7a=its o' t7e Te$e(ac users% T7e ta=$e =e$o# s7o#s t7ese ru$es 'or eac7 t-*e o' 'i$e% Type of file 8cas8 'i$e Geo(etr- 'i$e Extension cas ser or res Supplementary rules T7e 'i$es #7ose na(e =e6ins #it7 ?cas? T7e 'i$es #7ose na(e =e6ins #it7 ?res? ou ?6eo?

The files used b! Telemac

As an indication> a $ist o' 'i$es used =- t7e Te$e(ac s-ste( is 6i,en =e$o#% Type of file 8cas8 'i$e Extension cas> 6enera$$- t7e 'i$e is na(ed ?cas? ser ou res> t7e 'i$e can =e na(ed ?6eo? 0o s*eci'ic e9tension 0o s*eci'ic e9tension Note .rinci*a$ 'i$e 'or a Te$e(ac *ro+ect> #7ic7 contains a$$ @e-#ords de'ined =- t7e user and 'urnis7es t7e *ointers to ot7er 'i$es to =e used% /inar- 'i$e #7ic7 contains t7e 6eo(etr- o' t7e *ro=$e( and can a$so co(*re7end noda$ *ara(eters $i@e rou67ness% T7is t-*e o' 'i$e is a$so used 'or t7e si(u$ation resu$ts% Te9t 'i$e $istin6 t7e =oundar- nodes% !urnis7ed indications are: indices> nature> ,e$ocit-> e$e,ation> tracer% Te9t 'i$e> #7ic7 descri=es a$$ te(*ora$ cur,es and *recises t7eir a**$ication (t-*e o' t7e *ara(eters and nu(=ers o' t7e =oundaries"%

Geo(etr- 'i$e /oundarconditions 'i$e iAuid =oundarconditions 'i$e


*a6e 16<7:

H!draulic Pro%ect ,ditor

Abstract eneral presentation of the H!draulic Project Editor. To use t7is a**$ication> acti,ate t7e editor8s e9ecuta=$e: %

/pening a pro%ect
5a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( !i$eDO*en and se$ect t7e s*eci'ic *ro+ect 'i$e% Su**$e(entar- data are stored in t7e 'i$e !<re!fd= % 1t is a$so *ossi=$e to o*en a *ro+ect =- dou=$e-c$ic@in6 on a *ro+ect in t7e (ain #indo# o' t7e Su*er,isor% T7e s*eci'ic *ro+ect 'i$es are 7i67$i67ted #it7 t7e corres*ondin6 icon in t7e Su*er,isor%

$pening a project

Creating a pro%ect
T7e creation o' a *ro+ect can =e done ,ia t7e (enu !i$eD&reate% A (es7 'i$e is reAuired% A$$ co((on$used 'or(ats =- (ode$$in6 s-ste(s are su**orted% Startin6 'ro( t7e Su*er,isor> it su''ices to se$ect a (es7 'i$e and to use t7e co((and &reate a Te$e(ac *ro+ect% 1' necessar-> t7e e$e(ents #i$$ =e trans'or(ed to res*ond to t7e s*eci'ications o' t7e (ode$$in6 s-ste( (T6 'or Re'$u9"% !urt7er> 'or Re'$u9 and Te$e(ac> t7e o*ti(iser ?o$=? can =e a**$ied: it concerns o*ti(isin6 t7e =and #idt7%

H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor

*a6e 17<7:

The editors and the menu Pro%ect

Availa!le editors and the #roject menu

T7e 3 *rinci*a$ ,ie#s: %eneral parameters: re*orts t7e *ro+ect state> a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e 6enera$ *ro*erties o' t7e *ro+ect> t7e @e-#ords> etc% "ditor & or 'iew & : dis*$a-s t7e (es7> noda$ *ro*erties> =oundar- conditions and initia$ conditions% Time curves: a$$o#s to edit ti(e cur,es% T7e (enu .ro+ect #i$$ =e acti,ated a'ter 7a,in6 o*ened a *ro+ect% T7is (enu ena=$es to acti,ate t7e interna$ *ro+ect editors and as t7e case (a- =e to *ara(eterise certain 6enera$ *ro+ect o*tions%

Sa ing a pro%ect
5a@e use o' t7e (enu !i$eDSa,e or t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+S to sa,e -our *ro+ect% 1t is *ossi=$e to sa,e t7e *ro+et under an ot7er na(e =- usin6 t7e (enu o*tion Sa,e as%%%: t7e ne# 'i$e =eco(es t7e current *ro+ect% To (a@e a =ac@u* co*- o' t7e *resent *ro+ect> (a@e use o' t7e co((and Sa,e a co*-%

H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor

*a6e 1:<7:

Closing a pro%ect
Cti$ise t7e (enu !i$eD&$ose% 1' t7e current *ro+ect 7as =een (odi'ied> it #i$$ =e *ro*osed to sa,e t7e *ro+ect%

T7e (enu !i$e contains a$$ necessar- co((ands 'or *rintin6: 1% .a6e setu*%%% 2% .re,ie# 3% .rint%%%

/- usin6 t7e (enu !i$eD1(*ort> it is *ossi=$e to i(*ort ti(e cur,es% T7e ,ie# 2) a$$o#s to (ana6e 6eo6ra*7ic data% Hence> it is *ossi=$e to i(*ort data =ased on $a-ers associated to G1S data% !or (ore detai$s> see t7e docu(ent 5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"%

T7is action is *ro*osed #it7in t7e Vie# 2) and t7e Ti(e &ur,es Editor% See a$so t7e s*eci'ic docu(ents concernin6 t7ese editors% E9*ortin6 data 'ro( t7e Vie# 2) (co((on" 5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on"

0ndo.1edo an action
A$$ actions to (odi'- data can =e undone (redone"% To do t7is> uti$ise t7e (enu o*tions Cndo and Redo o' t7e (enu Edition%

T7e *re'erences *ane$ can =e assessed =- t7e (enu'erences% T7is *ane$ consists o' se,era$ ta=s:

A$$o#s to set t7e o*tion to s7o# or not t7e s*$as7 screen #7i$e o*enin6 t7e a**$ication% A$$o#s to set t7e o*tion to (de"acti,ate t7e con'ir(ation de(and #7i$e Auittin6 an a**$ication Ena=$es a$so to 'i$$ in re$e,ant in'or(ation on t7e user%

T7e $an6ua6e used 'or t7e user inter'aces can =e s*eci'ied 7ere%

Ena=$es to (odi'- t7e as*ect o' a**$ication and t7e =ac@6round co$ors% 4it7in t7e ta= )es@to* t7e 'o$$o#in6 o*tions can =e con'i6ured: t7e dis*$a- (et7od o' co$u(ns> =utton te9ts> antia$iasin6> etc%

H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor

*a6e 13<7:

*odelling s!stem
A$$o#s to s*eci'- t7e (ode$$in6 s-ste( used% T7e access *at7s to t7e e9ecuta=$e 'i$es o' t7e (ode$$in6 s-ste( can a$so =e con'i6ured #it7in t7is ta=%

The menu 2indows

T7is (enu a$$o#s to (ana6e t7e interna$ 'ra(es and to dis*$a- or 7ide t7e too$ =ar> *articu$ar co$u(ns and t7e status =ar% !urt7er(ore> it ena=$es arran6in6 t7e *a$ettes8 dis*osition%

Aligning internal frames

T7e (enu o*tions &ascade and Ti$e a$$o# to arran6e t7e interna$ 'ra(es%

Aligning the palettes

/- (eans o' t7e (enu ite( Arran6e *a$ettes t7e *a$ettes can =e a$i6ned%

Help on and updating of the software

;ou can 6et 7e$* on t7e so't#are and u*date t7e so't#are8s ,ersion =- (eans o' t7e (enu He$*%

&isualising traces #log file$

T7e $o6 (essa6es 6enerated =- t7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor are 'urnis7ed into a $o6 'i$e% T7ese (essa6es #i$$ =e use'u$$ to 6et in'or(ation on t7e data =ein6 (odi'ied =- t7e user and to detect =u6s% To 'o$$o# t7e $o6 (essa6es> (a@e use o' t7e co((and EditionD5onitor% T7ere=- t7e $o6 (essa6es #i$$ =e dis*$a-ed in rea$-ti(e in a se*arate #indo#% 1' t7e editor8s =e7a,iour is a=nor(a$> -ou can (onitor t7ese $o6 (essa6es% T7e (essa6es o' t7e t-*e E9ce*tion at indicate t7at an error occurred% 1t is reco((ended to noti'- t7is =u6 =- addin6 it to t7e 'i$e ts!l &> #7ic7 #i$$ =e created in t7e insta$$ation director- o' t7e .re*rocessor%

Acti ating the Super iseur

1t is *ossi=$e to acti,ate t7e Su*er,isor startin6 'ro( t7e too$ =ar =- 'o$$o#in6 icon: %

H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor

*a6e 20<7:

3eneral Parameters ,ditor

Abstract How to modif! the ke!words

T7is editor contains t7e 6enera$ *ro+ect data and a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e @e-#ords% 1t can =e accessed =(eans o' t7e (enu .ro+ectDGenera$ *ara(eters or ,ia t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+Alt+G%

Pro%ect tab

Appearance of the %eneral parameters panel

3eneral informations
T7e 'irst *art o' t7e .ro+ect ta= $ists t7e 6enera$ in'or(ations o' t7e *ro+et: 1% .ro+ect tit$e: T7is in'or(ation is 6i,en =- (eans o' a @e-#ord% 1t is *ossi=$e to (odi'- t7is tit$e =c$ic@in6 on t7e te9t 'ie$d% T7is $ast action can =e undone =- usin6 t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+z% 2% 5ain 'i$e: 1ndicates t7e access *at7 to t7e 8cas8 'i$e% T7e c7aracter G re*resents -our *ersona$ director-% 3% .ro+ect8s t-*e: Si6ni'ies #7ic7 so't#are o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste( and #7ic7 Te$e(ac ,ersion are used% 2% ast sa,e: )ate o' t7e $ast sa,in6% 5% State: 1n'or(ations concernin6 t7e *ro+ect8s ,a$idit- and (odi'ications% /e$o# t7e a=o,e (entioned 6enera$ in'or(ations> a ta=$e containin6 t7e 'i$es used =- t7e *ro+ect is s7o#n%

Table of files
1n t7e s*eci'ic ta=$e a$$ 'i$es used =- t7e *ro+ect are $isted% !o$$o#in6 actions are *ossi=$e #it7 re6ard to t7is ta=$e: 1% 5odi'-in6 a @e-#ord: Eac7 $ine o' t7e ta=$e can =e edited =- c$ic@in6 at t7e co$u(n ?!i$es?% 1' a $ine is se$ected> -ou can edit t7is $ine =- (eans o' t7e icon or =- usin6 t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+E%

Genera$ .ara(eters Editor

*a6e 21<7:

2% Cndoin6 t7e (odi'ications o' a 'i$e: To undo a**$ied (odi'ications> se$ect t7e s*eci'ic $ine and c$ic@ on t7e icon or (a@e use o' t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+D% 3% Editin6 a 'i$e8s content: T7e content o' a 'i$e can =e ,isua$ised =- c$ic@in6 on t7e s*eci'ic $ine #it7 t7e ri67t (ouse =utton and c7oosin6 t7erea'ter t7e (enu o*tion Edit t7e 'i$e% 2% !i$e8s state: T7e 'irst co$u(n o' t7e 'i$es ta=$e re*resents t7e state o' t7e 'i$e% !o$$o#in6 icons are used: T7e 'i$e 7as =een $oaded =- t7e .re*rocessor% T7e 'i$e 7as =een $oaded and its content 7as =een (odi'ied =- t7e .re*rocessor% T7e c7an6es #i$$ =e sa,ed durin6 t7e 'o$$o#in6 data =ac@u*% T7e 'i$e or t7e @e-#ord contains an error% 5ost$- t7is icon indicates t7at t7e @e-#ord is not co(*$eted as reAuired =- Te$e(ac (e%6% t7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e"%

4e!words tab

The (eywords ta! for editing keywords

Genera$ .ara(eters Editor

*a6e 22<7:

T7is ta= is se*arated in t#o *arts: T7e $e't co$u(n co(*rises t7e 'i$ters and t7e (ini-editors> t7e (ain co$u(n contains t7e ta=$e o' @e-#ords and t7e in'or(ation *ane$% /- *$acin6 t7e (ouse =et#een t7ese t#o co$u(ns> -ou can ad+ust t7e $e't co$u(n8s di(ension or c$ose it co(*$ete$-% T7e co$u(n ?Va$ue? a$$o#s to edit t7e @e-#ords% To (odi'- a note or to see t7e 7e$* 'i$e co(*$ete$-> it su''ices to c$ic@ t#ice at a ce$$ 'ro( t7e co$u(n ?0a(e?%

Se,era$ 'i$ter t-*es can =e co(=ined: Name Ena=$es to s7o# a$$ @e-#ords containin6 t7e concerned c7aracter strin6 (caseinsensiti,e"% Tip T7e s7ortcut Ctrl+F a$$o#s to access direct$- to t7e concerned te9t =o9% State Mode Headings )istin6uis7es (odi'ied> non-(odi'ied and error containin6 @e-#ords% A$$o#s to s*eci'- t7e user (ode% T7is in'or(ation arises 'ro( t7e dictionar- 'i$e% Ena=$es to se$ect @e-#ords on t7e =asis o' t7eir 7eadin6 (s*eci'ied in t7e 8dic 8 'i$e"% ;ou can se$ect (u$ti*$e 7eadin6s t7an@s to t7e &tr$- and S7i't-=utton% To dese$ect a 7eadin6> (a@e use o' t7e &tr$-=utton%

Initialising the filters

/- c$ic@in6 #it7 t7e ri67t (ouse =utton on a 'i$ter> a *o*-u* (enu a**ears> #7ic7 a$$o#s -ou to initia$ise t7e s*eci'ic 'i$ter% To initia$ise A 'i$ters> (a@e use o' t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e *ane$ (see =e$o#" and c7oose t7e (enu o*tion 0one%

*odif!ing the iew and the pop-up menu

T7is (enu can =e accessed =- ri67t-c$ic@in6 at t7e ta=$e o' @e-#ords% T7e 'irst *art o' t7e *o*-u* (enu (!i$ter" a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e current 'i$ters% T7e co$u(ns to =e dis*$a-ed can =e s*eci'ied #it7in t7e second *art (Vie#"% Tip T7e 7eader o' t7e ta=$e a$$o#s di(ensionnin6 t7e ta=$e8s co$u(ns> dis*$acin6 t7e( or ran6in6 t7eir contents% T7ese (odi'ications #i$$ =e sa,ed auto(atica$$- and #i$$ =e reesta=$is7ed #it7in t7e ne9t session%

,diting the +e!words

To (odi'- a @e-#ord 'o$$o#in6 a**roac7 e9ists:
Genera$ .ara(eters Editor *a6e 23<7:

1% &$ic@ on t7e 'ie$d to =e (odi'ied #it7in t7e co$u(n ?Va$ue? 2% A'ter 7a,in6 se$ected t7e concerned $ine> (a@e use o' t7e icon or t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+E% 3% To undo t7e (odi'ications on (u$ti*$e @e-#ords> it su''ices to se$ect t7e corres*ondin6 $ines and use t7e icon or t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+D%

Infos tab
T7is ta= 6i,es in'or(ation on t7e se$ected @e-#ords% A$$ in'or(ation ori6inates 'ro( t7e 8dic 8 'i$e 'urnis7ed =- t7e Te$e(ac s-ste(% On$- t7e 'ie$ds Va$ue> Error and t7e 0otes are de*endent on t7e current *ro+ect%

(ependent +e!words
1' t7e se$ected @e-#ord is associated #it7 ot7er @e-#ords> t7e te9t 'ie$d ?de*endent @e-#ords? is acti,ated and ena=$es to dis*$a- on$- t7e associated @e-#ords% 1n 'act> t7is is a @ind o' te(*orar- 'i$ter% 1'> 'or instance> #it7in a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect> t7e @e-#ord 410) is se$ected> on$- t7e @e-#ords &OE!!1&1E0T O! 410) 10! CE0&E> 410) VE O&1T; A O0G H and 410) VE O&1T; A O0G ; #i$$ =e dis*$a-ed a'ter acti,atin6 t7e te9t 'ie$d ?de*endent @e-#ords?% T7is in'or(ation is contained #it7in t7e 8dic 8 'i$e> in *articu$ar in t7e *ro*ert- &O5.ORT%

Eac7 @e-#ord 'eatures a data t-*e% T7e data t-*e is dis*$a-ed in t7e in'or(ation *ane$ and t7e @e-#ord editor is ada*ted to t7is t-*e% T7e 2 (ain data t-*es are:

Re*resents a c7aracter strin6% T7e concerned 'i$es are a$so re*resented =- t7is data t-*e% 1n t7e case o' 'i$es> t7e editor is a 'i$e se$ector% Ot7er#ise> t7is is a te9t Fone%

Re*resents a /oo$ean% T7e editor consists o' a c7ec@ =o9%


Re*resents a rea$ nu(=er%


Re*resents an inte6er%

T!pe composition: table and ector

Be-#ords 'eaturin6 data ta=$es are a$so *ossi=$e% 1' t7e ta=$e8s di(ension is 'i9ed> t7is is ca$$ed a ? Ta=$e ?% On t7e ot7er 7and> i' t7e ta=$e8s di(ension is not de'ined> t7is is ca$$ed a ? Vector ?% !or instance> t7e data t-*e ? Ta=$e (2 1nte6ers" ? si6ni'ies t7at t7e ,a$ue o' t7e @e-#ord 7as to consist o' a ta=$e #it7 2 inte6ers% 1' t7e @e-#ord 'eatures t7e t-*e ? Vector (Rea$" ?> its ,a$ue can contain as (uc7 rea$ nu(=ers as one *$eases% 4it7 re6ard to ,ectors> it is *ossi=$e> t7at t7e nu(=er o' data is 'i9ed =- an e9terna$ *ara(eter (see t7e 'o$$o#in6 c7a*ter"%

Help and 5otes

/esides t7e in'or(ation *ane$> t7e He$* and 0otes can =e ,isua$ised =- (eans o' t7e in'or(ation 'ie$ds o' t7e co$u(n 0a(e% !or 'ast editin6 a note> c$ic@ t#ice on t7e concerned @e-#ord #it7in t7e co$u(n 0a(e%
Genera$ .ara(eters Editor *a6e 22<7:

Sa ing notes within the 6cas6 file

0otes are added in 'ront o' t7e s*eci'ic @e-#ord% SeAuent notes are se*arated =- a #7ite $ine% An e9a(*$e o' a 8cas8 'i$e is 6i,en =e$o#% ;ou can notice t7at t7e note o' t7e RESC TS !1 E #i$$ not =e ta@en into account> =ecause it is se*arated 'ro( t7e corres*ondin6 @e-#ord =- a #7ite $ine% Exemple 1. Cas file
/5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 /TELEMAC521)Versi n)4!2R>)5)Se<tem=er)2>># /Intr d"cti n)e'am<le)5)Calc"lati n)n"m=er)2/)*l ?)calc"lati n) n)dr@)A ne /N te) f)file)n t)taBen)int )acc "ntC /5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 /IN*ORMATICS)ENVIRONMENT /5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 /(e&innin&) f)tDe)n te) n)tDe)Be@? rd)ESTEERIN+)*ILEE! /TDe)file.s)Deader)is)n t)taBen)int )acc "nt)=eca"se) f)tDe)?Dite)line / / /End) f)tDe)n te) n)tDe)Be@? rd)ESTEERIN+)*ILEE! STEERIN+)*ILE)$).!/cas2!t't. /N te) n)tDe)Be@? rd)E(O-N1AR6)CON1ITIONS)*ILEE (O-N1AR6)CON1ITIONS)*ILE)$).!!/!!/matisse/cli2!t't. /N te) n)tDe)Be@? rd)E+EOMETR6)*ILEE +EOMETR6)*ILE)$).!!/!!/matisse/&e #. /TDe)Be@? rd)ERES-LTS)*ILEE)Das)n )n te)F?Dite)lineG RES-LTS)*ILE)$).!/res"2!slf.

T7e editor ena=$es to ,eri'- t7e @e-#ords8 inte6rit-% !irst> a si(*$e c7ec@ on t7e data t-*e (inte6er> rea$> =inar-> ta=$e" is a**$ied% Su=seAuent$-> a'ter 7a,in6 $oaded t7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e and t7e =oundarconditions> t7e editor c7ec@s t7e consistenc- o' t7e @e-#ords c7aracterisin6 t7e *7-sica$ *ara(eters (.RES&R1/E) ! O4RATES> .RES&R1/E) E EVAT1O0S> etc%"% T7is c7ec@ co(es to t7e nu(=er o' $iAuid =oundaries and to t7e consistenc- o' t7e @e-#ord% 1'> 'or intance> 'or an- $iAuid =oundar- t7e '$o#rate 7as not =een de'ined> t7e @e-#ord .RES&R1/E) ! O4RATES (ust not =e s*eci'ied (errorI"% E9a(*$e: 1' -our *ro+ect contains 2 $iAuid =oundaries> t7e @e-#ords associated to t7is *ara(eter t-*e 7a,e to 'eature ta=$es containin6 2 rea$ nu(=ers ((a9i(a$"% T7e c7ec@ on t7ese @e-#ords #i$$ =e u*dated de*endin6 on -our *ro+ect% 1' t7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e and t7e =oundar- conditions 7a,en8t =een $oaded> t7e .re*rocessor cannot u*date t7e c7ec@s% T7e 'i$es are auto(atica$$- $oaded =- acti,atin6 t7e Editor 2)%

T7e 'irst (ini-editor ser,es to (odi'- t7e *ro+ect8s tit$e% T7e second one a$$o#s to c7an6e t7e @e-#ord concernin6 t7e si(u$ation8s duration% T7is editor res*ects t7e con,entions o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste(: t7e tota$ duration (in seconds" is rounded u* and> as t7e case (a- =e> t7e $on6est duration o' t7e si(u$ation is ta@en into account%

Genera$ .ara(eters Editor

*a6e 25<7:

7oundar! conditions tab

#anel for modifying the performance of keywords

T7is *ane$ #i$$ =e acti,ated a'ter 7a,in6 $oaded t7e =oundar- conditions 'i$e% 1t a$$o#s to de'ine t7e *er'or(ance o' t7e *7-sica$ *ara(eters at t7e =oundaries% !or eac7 *ara(eter> t7e user can decide to 'i9 one constant ,a$ue 'or t7e s*eci'ic =oundar- or to de'ine t7e *ara(eter8s ,a$ue se*arate$- at eac7 =oundar- node% 1n t7e $atter case> t7e entered ,a$ues #i$$ =e sa,ed #it7in t7e =oudar- conditions 'i$e% 1' t7e *ara(eter is constant at t7e =oundaries> t7e corres*ondin6 @e-#ord #i$$ auto(atica$$- =e created (i' necessar-"% /- de'au$t> t7e *ara(eters ?!$o#rate? and ?!ree sur'ace? #i$$ =e constant at t7e =oundaries% T7is de'au$t *er'or(ance can =e (odi'ied $ater on%

Telemac 'd
To (a@e use o' ti(e cur,es and to $et ,ar- a *ara(eter in ti(e> t7e s*eci'ic *ara(eter 7as to =e constant a$on6 t7e =oundaries%

Genera$ .ara(eters Editor

*a6e 26<7:

7oundar! conditions
Abstract Editing boundar! conditions

*odif!ing boundar! conditions

T7e editors Genera$ *ara(eters and Editor 2) a$$o# to (odi'- t7e =oundar- conditions o' t7e *ro+ect% T7ere are se,era$ (et7ods to s*eci'- t7e *er'or(ance o' =oundar- *ara(eters% !or instance> t7e ta= /oundar- conditions o' t7e Genera$ .ara(eters Editor a$$o#s to s*eci'- t7is *er'or(ance% Note &onsu$t t7e (anua$s o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste( 'or su**$e(entar- in'or(ation%

7oundar! conditions fi"ed b! +e!words

&ertain @e-#ords a$$o# to de'ine t7e =oundar- conditions o' s*eci'ic *ara(eters% !or instance> #it7 t7e @e-#ord .RES&R1/E) ! O4RATES -ou can s*eci'- t7e disc7ar6e a$on6 t7e =oundaries% 1' -our *ro+ect 7o$ds t#o $iAuid =oundaries and -ou #ou$d $i@e to introduce a '$o#rate o' 500 a$on6 t7e second =oundar-> t7e corres*ondin6 @e-#ord #ou$d eAua$ t7e ,a$ues ?0J500?% 1t is *ossi=$e to (odi'- t7ese @e-#ords =- (eans o' t7e @e-#ords editor or a$so ,ia t7e Editeur 2) (#it7in t7e $a-er ?/oundar- conditions?"% T7e =oundar- conditions> #7ic7 are de'ined =- @e-#ords #i$$ =e constant a$on6 t7e s*eci'ic =oundar-% Ho#e,er> it is *ossi=$e to (odi'- t7is *er'or(ance ('or (ore detai$s> see t7e 'o$$o#in6 sections"%

7oundar! conditions fi"ed in space and in time

T7is is t7e si(*$est case% T7e ,a$ues are de'ined =- @e-#ords% 1t su''ices to s*eci'- t7e o*tion ?constant at t7e =oundaries? #it7in t7e ta= /oundar- conditions%

7oundar! conditions ar!ing in space

T7ese ,a$ues don8t 7a,e to =e 'i9ed =- @e-#ords% ;ou can s*eci'- t7e( =- (eans o' t7e ta= /oundarconditions o' t7e Genera$ .ara(eters Editor% T7erea'ter> t7e ,a$ues can =e *ara(eterised startin6 'ro( t7e $a-er /oundar- nodes #it7in t7e Editor 2)%

7oundar! conditions ar!ing in time #Telemac '($

1t is *ossi=$e to s*eci'- a ti(e cur,e c7aracterisin6 t7e ,ariation in ti(e o' a s*eci'ic ,aria=$e% To ena=$e t7is> ti(e cur,es 7a,e to =e $oaded into t7e editor% T7erea'ter> it #i$$ =e necessar- to de'ine t7e concerned ,aria=$e =- @e-#ords% T7us> t7e o*tion ?constant at t7e =oundaries<,aria=$e in ti(e? #it7in t7e ta= ?/oundar- conditions? 7as to =e s*eci'ied%

/oundar- conditions

*a6e 27<7:

Note T7e s*eci'ication o' t7e concerned ti(e cur,e #i$$ =e done #it7in t7e /oundaries $a-er (Editor 2)"% T7e docu(ent 5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on" desci=es 7o# to create and edit ti(e cur,es%

7oundar! conditions ariable in space and in time

T7is co(=ination can on$- =e a**$ied =- (odi'-in6 t7e !ortran routines (see t7e user docu(entation o' t7e Te$e(ac s-ste("%

7oundaries with prescribed flowrates: elocit! profiles

1t is not reco((ended to introduce ,e$ocities #7ic7 are nor(a$ to so$id =oundaries% To a,oid t7is> t7e user can (odi'- t7e @e-#ord VE O&1T; .RO!1 ES (see Te$e(ac docu(entation"% )e*endin6 on t7e ,a$ue corres*ondin6 to t7is @e-#ord> certain ,a$ues can =e edited a$on6 t7e s*eci'ic =oundar- #it7 t7e o=+ecti,e o' (odi'-in6 t7e ,e$ocit- *ro'i$e% T7is 'unctiona$it- is su**orted =- t7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor% 4it7in t7e Editor 2) (/oundarconditions $a-er" t7e ,a$ue o' t7e VE O&1T; .RO!1 ES can =e (odi'ied (see =e$o#"% !urt7er(ore> a'ter 7a,in6 se$ected t7e concerned =oundar-> it is *ossi=$e to edit t7e *ro'i$es o' certain ,aria=$es%

*odif!ing boundar! conditions within the &iew '(

5odi'ications 7a,e to =e done =ased on t7e $a-ers o' t7e 6rou* /oundar- conditions% To #or@ on t7e =oundar- conditions -ou 7a,e to se$ect t7e a**ro*riate $a-er 'ro( t7is 6rou*% T7e a,ai$a=$e actions can =e accessed =- (eans o' t7e *o*-u* (enu (or ,ia t7e (enu Vie# 2)"%

7oundaries la!er
T7e *ro+ect8s =oundaries can =e edited =- (eans o' t7e /oundaries $a-er (#it7in t7e $a-er 6rou* /oundar- conditions"% T7e co$ors used to distin6uis7 t7e di''erent =oundar- t-*es can =e (odi'ied #it7in t7e (enu Vie# 2)D&on'i6urationD/oundaries dis*$a-"% T7is $a-er ena=$es to de$ete or (odi'- $iAuid =oundaries%

(eleting li8uid boundaries

1% Se$ect t7e concerned $iAuid =oundar-% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e o*tion Re(o,e a $iAuid =oundar- 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu% T7is action can =e undone%

,diting li8uid boundaries

T7e editin6 *ane$ 'or =oundar- conditions o' a Te$e(ac 2) *ro+ect is 6i,en =e$o#% T7is co(*onent a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e corres*ondin6 @e-#ord> to edit ,a$ues o' t7e ?=oundar- conditions? 'i$e and t7e ?$iAuid =oundaries? 'i$e> containin6 t7e ti(e cur,es%

/oundar- conditions

*a6e 2:<7:

"diting li)uid !oundaries

Boundary type

4it7in t7e 'irst 'ie$d o' t7e *ane$ t7e =oundar- t-*e can =e s*eci'ied% 1n our case> it concerns a $iAuid =oundar- #it7 *rescri=ed '$o#rate%
Keywords: options

T7is 'ie$d a$$o#s to (odi'- ?o*tiona$? @e-#ords% T7e @e-#ords VE O&1T; .RO!1 ES and t7e O.T1O0 !OR O.E0 /OC0)AR1ES are concerned% Be-#ords a$read- (odi'ied are s7o#n in =$ue% /c$ic@in6 on t7e $a=e$ o' t7e @e-#ord> t7e corres*ondin6 7e$* #i$$ =e dis*$a-ed in t7e te9t Fone at t7e =otto( o' t7e *ane$%

4it7in t7is co(*onent o' t7e *ane$ -ou can (odi'- t7e *er'or(ance o' t7e *ara(eters at t7e =oundaries% T7e a,ai$a=$e o*tions de*end on t7e con'i6uration s*eci'ied =- t7e user #it7in t7e ?/oundar- conditions? *ane$ o' t7e Genera$ .ara(eters Editor% 4it7in t7e e9a(*$e i$$ustrated a=o,e> t7e *ara(eter TRA&ER 7as =een i(*osed on t7e s*eci'ic =oundar-% T7e *ara(eter TRA&ER is so(e#7at *articu$ar% i@e t7e ot7er *ara(eters> it can =e (ana6ed =- @e-#ords% An-7o#> i' t7is @e-#ord is not used> it can =e acti,ated<deacti,ated on eac7 =oundar- o' t7e *ro+ect% T7e *ara(eter ! O4RATE ,aries in ti(e (Te$e(ac 2) on$-"%

T7e $ast *art o' t7e editin6 *ane$ consists o' t7e 7e$* Fone%

/oundar- conditions

*a6e 23<7:

7oundar! nodes la!er

T7is $a-er o' t7e $a-er 6rou* /oundar- conditions a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e =oundaries8 dis*osition and to edit t7e *ara(eters o' eac7 =oundar- node% T7e 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7s 6i,e an descri*tion o' t7e a,ai$a=$e o*tions% 1t is not *ossi=$e to +u9ta*ose t#o $iAuid =oundaries%

,diting nodes
!or editin6 =oundar- nodes> -ou 7a,e to se$ect nodes =e$on6in6 to t7e sa(e =oundar-% !or nodes o' so$id =oundaries> it concerns (odi'-in6 t7e rou67ness% 4it7 re6ard to nodes o' $iAuid =oundaries> on$- t7ose *ara(eters corres*ondin6 to t7is t-*e o' =oundar- are (odi'ia=$e (c'% e9a(*$e =e$o#"%

"diting nodes of li)uid !oundaries

1n t7e e9a(*$e it concerns a =oundar- o' t7e t-*e ?$iAuid #it7 *rescri=ed '$o#rate?% On$- t7e te9t 'ie$ds concernin6 t7e tracer are (odi'ia=$e> =ecause t7e *ara(eter TRA&ER 7as =een acti,ated 'or t7e s*eci'ic =oundar- (c'% t7e e9a(*$e #it7in t7e *ara6ra*7 on t7e =oundar- editor"%

,diting boundar! nodes

1' t7e se$ected nodes are *art o' t7e sa(e =oundar-> t7e =oundar- editin6 *ane$ can =e acti,ated =- t7e o*tion Edit =oundaries o' t7e *o*-u* (enu% T7is o*tion ena=$es t7e user to edit a =oundar- #it7out *re,ious$- 7a,in6 acti,ated t7e /oundaries $a-er%

1emo ing li8uid nodes

T7is action concerns t7e trans'or(ation o' $iAuid nodes into so$id nodes% T7us> t7is action a$$o#s t7at #ato transect a $iAuid =oundar- in t#o *arts> to di(inis7 its e9tent or to de$ete it co(*$ete$-% To (a@e use o' t7is co((and 'o$$o#in6 issues 7a,e to =e @e*t in (ind: 1% T7e se$ected nodes 7a,e to ad+oin% 2% 1n case o' nodes $ocated inside a $iAuid =oundar-> at $east 3 nodes to =e de$eted (ust =e s*eci'ied%

Inserting li8uid nodes

T7is (enu o*tion concerns insertin6 a $iAuid =oundar- and editin6 t7is one% !o$$o#in6 conditions 'or uti$isation 7a,e to =e (aintained: 1% At $east 2 ad+oinin6 nodes 7a,e to =e se$ected% 2% T7e se$ected nodes (a- not contact anot7er $iAuid =oundar-%

Increasing li8uid boundaries

1% Se$ect ad+oinin6 nodes% 2% On$- one $iAuid =oundar- 7as to =e inc$uded (*artia$$- or not" in t7e se$ection%

/oundar- conditions

*a6e 30<7:

&isualising profiles
.ro'i$es can =e ,isua$ised =- 'o$$o#in6 a**roac7: 1% Acti,ate t7e $a-er /oundaries% 2% Se$ect t7e concerned =oundar-% 3% 5a@e use o' t7e o*tion )is*$a- *ro'i$es 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu% 2% A ne# #indo#> #7erein a$$ a,ai$a=$e cur,es 'or t7e se$ected =oundar- are dis*$a-ed> #i$$ =e o*ened% Note T7e #indo# #i$$ =e u*dated auto(atica$$-% !or instance> i' t7e =oundar- t-*e is (odi'ied> t7e cur,es #i$$ =e u*dated (de$eted and<or added"%

Note T7e 'unctionin6 o' t7e *ro'i$es #indo# is descri=ed #it7in t7e docu(ent 5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on"%

/oundar- conditions

*a6e 31<7:

5odal parameters
Abstract How to modif! and manage nodal properties such as bath!metr! or bottom friction

0oda$ *ara(eters can =e (odi'ied =- (eans o' t7e 0odes $a-er =e$on6in6 to t7e Grid $a-er 6rou*%

(efault alues
As $on6 as t7e noda$ *ro*erties 7a,en8t =een initia$ised> t7e- cannot =e edited% To de'ine t7e de'au$t ,a$ues> 'o$$o#in6 ste*s 7a,e to =e ta@en: 1% Se$ect t7e 0odes $a-er =e$on6in6 to t7e Grid $a-er 6rou*% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e co((and 5ana6e t7e noda$ *ro*erties% 3% Add t7e ,aria=$es to =e used%

Sa ing the initial geometr! file

0oda$ *ara(eters are sa,ed in t7e 6eo(etr- 'i$e (Serafin 'or(at"% 1' t7ese *ara(eters are (odi'ied> t7e initia$ 6eo(etr- 'i$e #i$$ =e o,er#ritten% !or sa'et- reasons> t7e initia$ 6eo(etr- 'i$e #i$$ =e sa,ed indicated #it7 t7e e9tension ! ld% 1' t7e initia$ 'i$e contains (u$ti*$e ti(e ste*s> on$- t7e $ast ti(e ste* #i$$ =e considered% Varia=$es> #7ic7 are not (ana6ed =- t7e editor #i$$ =e re-recorded%

*odif!ing the friction coefficient of the bottom

T7e 'riction coe''icient o' t7e =otto( can =e edited =- (eans o' t7e editor 2): 1% Se$ect t7e 0odes $a-er o' t7e Grid $a-er 6rou*% 2% Se$ect t7e nodes to =e (odi'ied% 3% 5a@e use o' t7e (enu o*tion Edit% 2% Va$idate -our (odi'ications% T7e docu(ent Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on" descri=es t7e di''erent (et7ods to (odi'- t7e concerned *ro*erties (*er inter*o$ation> *er Fones> etc%"%

&isualise the properties of one specific point

To 'ind out t7e ,a$ue o' t7e 'riction coe''icient at one s*eci'ic *oint> -ou can (a@e use o' t7e in'or(ation too$ (5enu Vie# 2)D1n'or(ation"% A s*ecia$ in'or(ation *ane$ dis*$a-s t7e *ro*erties o' t7e se$ected node%

&isualising the properties as isosurfaces

Startin6 'ro( t7e /ac@6round $a-er 6rou*> noda$ data can =e dis*$a-ed as isosur'aces% /- #a- o' e9a(*$e> t7e a**roac7 to dis*$a- t7e 'riction coe''icient is 6i,en =e$o#: 1% A'ter 7a,in6 acti,ated t7e 1sosur'ace $a-er o' t7e /ac@6round $a-er 6rou*> (a@e use o' t7e (enu
0oda$ *ara(eters *a6e 32<7:

o*tion Vie# 2)DVaria=$es% 2% Se$ect t7e ,aria=$e -ou #ant to dis*$a- as an isosur'ace% 3% 5a@e t7e $a-er ,isi=$e =- (eans o' t7e corres*ondin6 c7ec@ =o9% 2% 1' desired> -ou can (odi'- t7e co$or *a$ette: se$ect t7e 1sosur'ace $a-er and acti,ate t7e (enu o*tion Vie# 2)D.a$ette su=seAuent$-%

(ispla!ing the properties as table and e"porting

T7e co(*onent Va$ues ta=$e o' t7e (enu Vie# 2)"> #7ic7 is a$so accessi=$e ,ia t7e icon dis*$a-s t7e *ro*erties o' a$$ se$ected *oints% /esides> t7is co(*onent ena=$es to e9*ort t7e ,a$ues as a te9t 'i$e or to co*- t7e se$ected ce$$s (e%6% to *aste t7e( into a s*reads7eet *ro6ra("% T7e co$u(ns8 dis*osition can =e (odi'ied% !urt7er> -ou can s*eci'- to dis*$a- a$$ *oints or on$- t7e se$ected ones% T7ese o*tion can =e accessed ,ia t7e too$ =ar o' t7e Va$ues ta=$e co(*onent%

0oda$ *ara(eters

*a6e 33<7:

Initial conditions
Abstract How to activate and edit initial conditions "computation continued#

T7e (ana6e(ent o' initia$ conditions is e''ected on t7e =asis o' t7e 1nitia$ conditions $a-er 6rou* #it7in t7e Vie# 2)%

Corresponding +e!words
T7e uti$isation or not o' initia$ conditions is s*eci'ied =- t7e @e-#ord &O5.CTAT1O0 &O0T10CE)% T7e 'i$e necessar- 'or t7e continuation o' co(*utation is ca$$ed =- t7e @e-#ord .REV1OCS &O5.CTAT1O0 !1 E% /- de'au$t> t7e a=o,e (entioned @e-#ords are not s*eci'ied and as a resu$t t7e continuation o' co(*utation is deacti,ated%

Acti ating initial conditions

To acti,ate a continuation o' co(*utation> 'o$$o#in6 ste*s 7a,e to =e ta@en: 1% Se$ect t7e 1&: 0odes $a-er o' t7e 1nitia$ conditions $a-er 6rou*% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e (enu o*tion Ena=$e initia$ conditions% 3% S*eci'- a constant ,a$ue 'or t7e 'ree sur'ace or a serafin 'i$e (co(*ati=$e #it7 t7e 6rid" to =e used 'or initia$isation% As a resu$t o' t7is action> t7e corres*ondin6 @e-#ords #i$$ =e (odi'ied% Tip 1n an ana$o6ous (anner> it is *ossi=$e to deacti,ate t7e continuation o' co(*utation ((enu o*tion Cna=$e initia$ conditions"%

*anaging ariables
/- de'au$t> t7e ,aria=$es =at7-(etr- and #ater e$e,ation are created auto(atica$$-% 1' -ou $i@e to introduce ot7er ,aria=$es ($i@e t7e ,e$ocities u and ,"> (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( 5ana6e ,aria=$es% T7ere=- 'o$$o#in6 *ane$ #i$$ =e acti,ated%

1nitia$ conditions

*a6e 32<7:

*ntroducing supplementary varia!les to the model

Sa ing the file for continuation of computation

!or reasons o' *recaution> a =ac@u* o' t7e o$d 'i$e (i' e9istin6" #i$$ =e e''ected% /- de'au$t> t7e e9tension ! ld is a**$ied%

,dition of initial conditions

T7e entr- o' initia$ conditions is done #it7in t7e Vie# 2) and in *articu$ar #it7in t7e 1nitia$ conditions $a-er 6rou*% T7e ,a$ues 'or t7e initia$ conditions can =e accessed =- (eans o' t7e 1&: 0odes $a-er% T7e .re*rocessor o''ers di''erent (et7ods to (odi'- t7e initia$ conditions: )e'inin6 t7e initia$ conditions =- (eans o' $on6itudina$ *ro'i$es% Re6ainin6 t7e initia$ conditions =ased on t7e resu$ts 'i$e 'ro( a *re,ious co(*utation% 1nter*o$atin6 and (odi'-in6 t7e initia$ conditions on t7e =asis o' Fones% Si(*$e editin6%

(efining the initial conditions b! means of longitudinal profiles

on6itudina$ *ro'i$es #i$$ =e used to ca$cu$ate t7e 'ree #ater sur'ace and t7e ,e$ocities at t7e *ro+ect8s nodes% !or eac7 se6(ent (inc$uded =et#een 2 consecuti,e nodes" t7e 'ree #ater sur'ace can =e s*eci'ied% T7is sur'ace de$i(its t7e #ater de*t7% T7e ,e$ocities #i$$ =e co(*uted startin6 'ro( t7e s$o*e (a$on6 9 and a$on6 -" and t7e &7eF- 'or(u$a% 4it7 t7e o=+ecti,e o' de'inin6 dr- Fones> -ou can a$so create e(=an@(ents: t7e nodes $ocated #it7in t7ese e(=an@(ents #i$$ =e dr- (7E0"%

Stage 9: Construction of the profile

T7e *ro'i$e #i$$ =e created (a@in6 use o' t7e too$s a**$ied 'or 6eo6ra*7ic data% T7ese too$s can =e acti,ated =- (eans o' t7e icon % T7e a**$ication o' t7ese too$s is descri=ed (ore in detai$ #it7in t7e docu(ent 5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on" %

1nitia$ conditions

*a6e 35<7:

Stage +, Construction of profiles and em!ankments -optional.

Warning On$- t7e 'irst and t7e $ast *oint o' t7e *ro'i$e can =e $ocated outside t7e 6rid% T7e $ines (a- not intersect%

Stage ' #optional$: &alidation of !our construction

;ou can ,eri'- -our construction t7an@s to t7e (enu ite( Va$idate % T7is action can =e accessed ,ia t7e *o*-u* (enu #it7in t7e Vie# 2) or =- (eans o' t7e (enu ite( 5a* su=+ects % T7e $a-er .ro'i$es 7as to =e se$ected%

Stage :: Construction of free water surfaces

To construct 'ree #ater sur'aces> t7e (enu ite( /ui$d 'ree sur'aces 7as to =e used% T7e #ater sur'aces are ,isi=$e #it7in t7e $a-er na(ed !ree sur'aces > #7ic7 #i$$ =e created i' necessar-%

Stage /, Constructing free surfaces

Stage ;: Computation of water depths and elocities

!or t7e ca$cu$ation it #i$$ su''ice to (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( &o(*ute #ater de*t7 and ,e$ocities % T7is
1nitia$ conditions *a6e 36<7:

o*tion is a,ai$a=$e i' one o' t7e $a-ers 1&: 0odes > .ro'i$es or !ree sur'aces is acti,e% T7e resu$ts can =e ,isua$ised =- (eans o' t7e 1nitia$ ,e$ocities $a-er (dis*$a- o' ,e$ocit- ,ectors"> t7e 1&:0odes $a-er (acti,ation o' t7e Va$ues ta=$e too$" or t7e 1sosur'ace $a-er (=e$on6in6 to t7e /ac@6round $a-er 6rou*"%

Stage 0, 'elocity vectors parallel to the profile

Warning 1' -ou don8t (re"co(*ute t7e initia$ conditions a'ter 7a,in6 (odi'ied a *ro'i$e> t7e ?o$d? #ater de*t7s (ca$cu$ated =e'ore t7e $ast (odi'ication" #i$$ =e ta@en%

,diting initial conditions

T7e $a-er 1&:0odes o''ers se,era$ o*tions to (odi'- ,a$ues% T7e easiest o*tion consists in se$ectin6 t7e nodes to =e (odi'ied and usin6 t7e (enu ite( Edit %

1emo ing o erflowed areas

O,er'$o#ed Fones can =e de$eted (7> u and , #i$$ =e initia$ised to 0" =- se$ectin6 t7e concerned nodes and usin6 t7e o*tion Re(o,e o,er'$o#ed areas (7E0" 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu%

1emo ing negati e water depths

A'ter 7a,in6 (odi'ied t7e =at7-(etr-> it (i67t occur t7at t7e #ater $e,e$ =eco(es $o#er t7an t7e =at7-(etr-% T7e o*tion Re(o,e ne6ati,e #ater de*t7 o' t7e *o*-u* (enu ena=$es to re(o,e t7e concerned nodes% /- de'au$t> a$$ nodes #it7in t7e *ro+ect #i$$ =e ,eri'ied% To s7orten t7is ,eri'ication> se$ect t7e (odi'ied nodes =e'ore $aunc7in6 t7is action%

Interpolating and modif!ing the initial conditions on the basis of <ones

T7e concerned actions are a,ai$a=$e #it7in t7e (enu ite( 1nitia$iFe 'ro( 6eo6ra*7ic data % /- (eans o' t7is o*tion an assistant #i$$ =e acti,ated a$$o#in6 -ou to inter*o$ate and<or initia$iFe -our data Fone-#ise%

&isualising initial conditions

Information tool and alues tables
To 'ind out t7e ,a$ues o' t7e initia$ conditions at a s*eci'ic node> 'o$$o#in6 ste*s 7a,e to =e ta@en: 1% Se$ect t7e 1&:0odes $a-er% 2% Acti,ate t7e in'or(ation too$ ('ro( t7e (enu Vie# 2) "% 3% Se$ect a node% 2% T7e initia$ ,a$ues (u> ,> 7" #i$$ =e s7o#n in t7e *ane$ o' t7e in'or(ation too$%
1nitia$ conditions *a6e 37<7:

A$ternati,e$-> t7e too$ Va$ues ta=$e indicated =- t7e icon sa(e ti(e%

ta!le can =e used to dis*$a- a$$ ,a$ues at t7e

&elocit! ectors
T7e 1nitia$ conditions $a-er 6rou* 'eatures a $a-er na(ed 1nitia$ ,e$ocities #7ic7 is 7idden =- de'au$t% To (a@e it ,isi=$e> use t7e corres*ondin6 c7ec@ =o9 in t7e $a-er tree%

1nitia$ ,a$ues and o,er'$o#ed Fones can a$so =e ,isua$ised as isosur'aces =- (eans o' t7e $a-er 6rou* na(ed /ac@6round "% To do so> 'o$$o#in6 ste*s 7a,e to =e ta@en: 1% Se$ect t7e 1sosur'ace $a-er% 2% Acti,ate t7e o*tion Va$ues ta=$e indicated =- t7e icon % 3% &7oose a ,aria=$e =e$on6in6 to t7e initia$ conditions: t7e- a$$ =e6in #it7 ? C*, ?%

1nitia$ conditions

*a6e 3:<7:

Abstract How to edit sources

Te$e(ac 2) o''ers t7e *ossi=i$it- to introduce sources into t7e (ode$ area% T7e .re*rocessor (ana6es t7is 'unctiona$it- on t7e =asis o' t7e Sources $a-er o' t7e 4eirs < &u$,erts $a-er 6rou*% !or #or@in6 on t7ese sources> acti,ate t7e Sources $a-er% A$$ actions descri=ed =e$o# can =e undone%

,diting parameters
Eac7 source is de'ined =ased on H>; coordinates% 1t is co(*u$sor- to de'ine t7e source8s disc7ar6e% !or eac7 source t7e user can a$so s*eci'- t7e ,a$ues o' t7e tracer and t7e ,e$ocities (a$on6 9 and a$on6 -" at t7e s*eci'ic source% T7e o*tion Edit t7e co((on *ara(eters o' t7e *o*-u* (enu ena=$es to s*eci'- t7e *ara(eters to =e created% !or eac7 ,aria=$e> -ou can de'ine a de'au$t ,a$ue> #7ic7 #i$$ =e *ro*osed #7i$e creatin6 a ne# source%

#op-up menu !elonging to the Sources layer

1' -ou add a ne# *ara(eter> #7ereas so(e sources e9ist a$read-> t7e e9istin6 sources #i$$ auto(atica$$=e u*dated #it7 t7e de'au$t (or 0 i' no de'au$t ,a$ue 7as =een de'ined"% T7e icon used 'or re*resentin6 t7e Sources $a-er #i$$ =e (odi'ied de*endin6 on t7e data: Icon Signification 0o source 7as =een de'ined T7e *ro+ect contains sources


*a6e 33<7:

Adding sources
/- se$ectin6 t7e (enu ite( Add a source a #indo# su((arisin6 -our $ast action a**ears% !urt7er(ore> t7is #indo# ena=$es to s*eci'- t7e ,a$ues o' t7e ,aria=$es acti,ated =- t7e user% Eac7 ti(e t7e user se$ects a 6rid node in t7is (ode> a source #i$$ =e added% 4it7in t7e ne9t e9a(*$e a$$ added sources #i$$ 7a,e a disc7ar6e o' 10 and t7e ,a$ue o' t7e tracer #i$$ =e eAua$ to 2% To 'inis7 t7e in*ut o' sources> c$ose t7e #indo# =- (eans o' t7e cross at t7e ri67t u**er corner%

1indow used for adding new sources

Note T7e in*ut o' sources #i$$ =e auto(atica$$- deacti,ated =- t7e ti(e> t7e user a**$ies anot7er too$% To continue t7e in*ut o' sources> *ress t7e =utton at t7e =otto( o' t7e #indo#%

,diting sources
;ou can (odi'- one or (u$ti*$e sources =- usin6 t7e o*tion Edit sources o' t7e *o*-u* (enu% A dia$o6 =o9 o*ens u* and dis*$a-s t7e ,a$ues corres*ondin6 to -our se$ection% 1' a$$ se$ected sources 'eature t7e sa(e disc7ar6e> t7e te9t 'ie$d #i$$ =e 'i$$ed in% 1' not> t7is 'ie$d #i$$ =e e(*t-% 1n case -ou don8t #ant to (odi'- a *ara(eter> $ettin6 t7e te9t 'ie$d e(*t- #i$$ su''ice% To sa,e -our (odi'ications> (a@e use o' t7e =utton Va$idate% Warning T7e se$ection too$ ?.oint se$ection? se$ects a$#a-s one sin6$e o=+ect% 1n case (u$ti*$e sources are de'ined at one 6rid node> -ou 7a,e to (a@e use o' t7e too$ ?rectan6$e se$ection? to se$ect t7e( a$$%

Tip T7e edition =o9 (accessi=$e =- t7e (enu ite( Edit source(s"" indicates t7e nu(=er o' edited sources ('irst $ine"%

1emo ing sources

4it7 t7e (enu ite( Re(o,e sources se$ected sources can =e re(o,ed% 1' t7e sources #7ic7 are used =cu$,erts are re(o,ed> a #arnin6 (essa6e a**ears> #7ic7 states t7at t7e corres*ondin6 cu$,erts #i$$ a$so
Sources *a6e 20<7:

=e re(o,ed%

(eselecting unused sources

T7is action cannot =e undone% Sources can =e used to de'ine cu$,erts% 4it7in t7is sco*e> it usua$$- 7a**ens t7at (u$ti*$e sources are de'ined at t7e sa(e node 6rid (#7ereo' on$- one source is associated to a cu$,ert"% To detect unused sources at a s*eci'ic 6rid node> se$ect t7is node =- (eans o' t7e ?rectan6$e se$ection? too$ and (a@e use o' t7e (enu o*tion )ese$ect used sources to dese$ect t7e sources used =- a cu$,ert% T7us> on$- t7e sources not used =- a cu$,ert #i$$ =e se$ected a'ter#ards% As t7e case (a- =e> t7ese sources can =e re(o,ed 'ro( t7e *ro+ect> as descri=ed a=o,e%

Information and sources list

T7e too$ 1n'or(ations (*art o' t7e (enu Vie# 2)" 6i,es a descri*tion o' t7e se$ected sources% 1t 6i,es in'or(ation concernin6 t7e nu(=er o' created sources and o' se$ected sources% 1' a sin6$e source is se$ected> a$$ *ro*erties o' t7is s*eci'ic source #i$$ =e $isted #it7in t7e in'or(ation *ane$% T7e *ro*erties o' a$$ se$ected sources can =e ,ie#ed =- (eans o' t7e too$ Va$ues ta=$e (a$so a,ai$a=$e under t7e (enu Vie# 2)"%


*a6e 21<7:

Cul erts
$bstract How to add and edit culverts

&u$,erts are de'ined on t7e =asis o' Sources% )ata concernin6 cu$,erts are stored #it7in t7e 'i$e !OR5ATTE) )ATA !1 E 1% On$- t7e nu(=er o' cu$,erts is stored #it7in t7e 8cas8 'i$e% Editin6 o' cu$,erts is done on t7e =asis o' t7e &u$,erts $a-er> #7ic7 =e$on6s to t7e $a-er 6rou* 4eirs < &u$,erts% T7e u*date o' t7e @e-#ord 0C5/ER O! &C VERTS #i$$ =e e''ected auto(atica$$-% Warning T7e .re*rocessor sa,es t7e *ara(eters o' cu$,erts (and #eirs" auto(atica$$- #it7in t7e 'i$e !OR5ATTE) )ATA !1 E 1% 1' t7is 'i$e contains ot7er data> t7ese #i$$ =e o,er#ritten%

=uic+ start: adding cul erts

1% 2% 3% 2% 5% 6% Add sources =- (eans o' t7e Sources $a-er% Acti,ate t7e &u$,erts $a-er% Se$ect t7e o*tion 4or@ on sources o' t7e *o*-u* (enu% Se$ect 2 sources% 5a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( Add a cu$,ert% &o(*$ete t7e te9t 'ie$ds o' t7e dia$o6 =o9 and ,a$idate% 1' desired> *ara(eters concernin6 t7e ends o' t7e cu$,ert can =e s*eci'ied ,ia t7e (enu ite( Edit end(s" t7erea'ter% Note 47i$e editin6 a cu$,ert> t7e nu(=ers (1 and 2" o' t7e ends are dis*$a-ed #it7in t7e 2) Vie#% 5o,e t7e dia$o6 =o9 to ,ie# t7e(%

2or+ing on cul erts . sources

T7e &u$,erts $a-er can =e used in t#o di''erent (anners: 1% T7e de'au$t (ode> t7e &u$,erts $a-er> a$$o#s to edit and re(o,e cu$,erts% 2% T7e (ode Sources ena=$es to add cu$,erts and to edit t7eir ends% To s#itc7 =et#een t7ese t#o (odes> -ou can (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( 4or@ on sources%


*a6e 22<7:

Note T7e too$s 1n'or(ations and Va$ues ta=$e (=e$on6in6 to t7e Vie# 2)" co(*$- =ot7 #or@in6 (odes% T7us> i' -ou #or@ #it7in t7e (ode Sources> t7e Va$ues ta=$e #i$$ dis*$a- t7e *ara(eters in re'erence to t7e cu$,ert8s ends%

Icons of the la!ers tree

T7e icons o' t7e $a-ers tree are u*dated de*endin6 on t7e #or@in6 (ode and t7e *resence or a=sence o' o=+ects%

If !ou wor+ within the Cul erts mode:

0o cu$,erts de'ined% At $east one cu$,ert de'ined%

If !ou wor+ within the Sources mode:

0o sources de'ined% At $east one source de'ined%

Adding cul erts

T7e addition o' cu$,erts is done #it7in t7e Sources (ode% To add a cu$,ert> 2 sources 7a,e to =e se$ected% 1' one source is a$read- used =- anot7er cu$,ert> t7e so't#are #i$$ *ro*ose -ou to du*$icate t7is source% 1' -ou ans#er #it7 ?-es?> a ne# source #i$$ =e added% T7is source #i$$ 'eature a$$ *ara(eters re$atin6 to t7e initia$ source: ,a$ues o' t7e traces> disc7ar6e> ,e$ocities% 1' -ou ans#er #it7 ?no?> t7e addition o' t7e cu$,ert #i$$ =e cance$$ed%

,diting the ends of cul erts

T7e (enu ite( Edit end(s"> accessi=$e #it7in t7e #or@in6 (ode ?Sources? a$$o#s to (odi'- a$$ *ara(eters concernin6 one or (u$ti*$e ends% T7e nu(=er o' cu$,erts a''ected =- t7e editin6 is 6i,en at t7e 'irst $ine o' t7e dia$o6 =o9%

"diting a culvert

T7e 'ie$ds are co(*$eted #it7 t7e ,a$ues co((on to t7e se$ected o=+ects% 4it7in t7e *recedin6 e9a(*$e> a$$ ends 'eature t7e sa(e ,a$ues 'or eac7 *ara(eter% 1' one end 'eatures a di''erent ,a$ue> t7e corres*ondin6 'ie$d #i$$ =e $e't e(*t-% 47i$e ,a$idatin6 a dia$o6 =o9> on$- t7e 'ie$ds> #7ic7 are not e(*t-> #i$$ =e ta@en into account% T7e e(*t- 'ie$ds #i$$ =e i6nored and no (odi'ication concernin6 t7is 'ie$d #i$$ =e contri=uted%


*a6e 23<7:

Tip 1' -ou #ant to 'ind out t7e nu(=er o' se$ected sources> acti,ate t7e 1n'or(ations too$%

Warning T7e ?*oint se$ection? too$ a$#a-s se$ects one sin6$e o=+ect% 1' -ou #ant to se$ect (u$ti*$e sources de'ined at t7e sa(e 6rid node> (a@e use o' t7e ?rectan6$e se$ection? too$%

,diting cul erts

T7e o*tion Edit cu$,ert(s" is accessi=$e #it7in t7e #or@in6 (ode &u$,erts% T7is o*tion a$$o#s to (odi't7e *i*e8s cross-section and t7e $inear 7ead $oss coe''icient o' t7e se$ected cu$,erts% !urt7er(ore> *ara(eters concernin6 t7e ends o' t7e cu$,ert can =e (odi'ied% T7e nu(=er o' t7e ends #i$$ =e dis*$a-ed #it7in t7e 2) Vie# #7i$e editin6 cu$,erts%

1emo ing cul erts

/- (eans o' t7e (enu ite( Re(o,e cu$,ert(s" t7e se$ected cu$,erts can =e re(o,ed 'ro( t7e *ro+ect% !urt7er(ore> t7is o*tion a$$o#s to de$ete t7e sources associated #it7 t7is cu$,ert (a con'ir(ation #i$$ =e de(anded 'irst"%

*odif!ing the rela"ation coefficient

T7is 6$o=a$ *ara(eter a$$o#s to i(*ose t7e disc7ar6e o' t7e cu$,ert *ro6ressi,e$- (c'% Te$e(ac docu(entation"% T7e *ara(eter can =e (odi'ied =- (eans o' t7e (enu ite( 5odi'- t7e re$a9ation%


*a6e 22<7:

Abstract Editing weirs

4eirs can =e edited #it7in t7e 4eirs $a-er> =e$on6in6 to t7e 4eirs < &u$,erts $a-er 6rou*% .ara(eters concernin6 #eirs are stored #it7in t7e 'i$e !OR5ATTE) )ATA !1 E 1% On$- t7e nu(=er o' #eirs is stored #it7in t7e 8cas8 'i$e% Warning T7e .re*rocessor sa,es t7e data concernin6 #eirs and cu$,erts auto(atica$$- #it7in t7e !OR5ATTE) )ATA !1 E 1% 1' t7is 'i$e contains a$read- ot7er data> t7ese data #i$$ =e o,er#ritten%

=uic+ start: adding weirs

1% Se$ect t7e 4eirs $a-er% 2% Acti,ate t7e o*tion 4or@ on 'rontier nodes 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu% 3% Se$ect t7e 'rontier nodes =e$on6in6 to t7e #eir% ;our se$ection 7as to consist o' ad+oinin6 'rontier nodes and an e,en nu(=er o' nodes 7as to =e se$ected% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( Add a #eir% 5% &o(*$ete t7e te9t 'ie$ds e,e$ o' t7e di@e and !$o#rate coe''icient #it7in t7e dia$o6 =o9 and t7en ,a$idate% 6% T7e #eir *ara(eters can =e (odi'ied t7erea'ter =- (eans o' t7e (enu o*tion Edit #eir(s"% 7% To (odi'- t7ese *ara(eters *er node> (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( !$o#rate< e,e$ a$on6 t7e #eir

2or+ing on weirs and frontier nodes

T7e 4eirs $a-er can =e used in t#o di''erent (anners: 1% T7e de'au$t (ode> t7e 4eirs $a-er> a$$o#s to edit and re(o,e #eirs% 2% T7e (ode !rontier nodes ena=$es to add #eirs% To s#itc7 =et#een t7ese t#o (odes> -ou can (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( 4or@ on 'rontier nodes% Note T7e too$s 1n'or(ations and Va$ues ta=$e (=e$on6in6 to t7e Vie# 2)" co(*$- =ot7 #or@in6 (odes%

Icons of the la!ers tree

T7e icons o' t7e $a-ers tree are u*dated de*endin6 on t7e #or@in6 (ode and t7e *resence or a=sence o' o=+ects%


*a6e 25<7:

If !ou wor+ within the 2eirs mode:

0o #eirs de'ined% At $east one #eir de'ined%

If !ou wor+ within the Frontier nodes mode:

!rontier nodes (ode%

Adding weirs
T7e addition o' cu$,erts is done #it7in t7e !rontier nodes (ode% To add a #eir> an e,en nu(=er o' 'rontier nodes 7as to =e se$ected% T7ese nodes #i$$ 'or( t7e t#o =orders o' t7e #eir% 1' -our se$ection is ,a$id> t7e on$- t7in6 sti$$ to do> is to s*eci'- t7e $e,e$ o' t7e di@e and t7e '$o#rate coe''icient% Warning Accordin6 to t7e Te$e(ac 2) docu(entation> t7e nodes 7a,e to corres*ond 2 *er 2 and t7e distances =et#een t7e nodes 7a,e to =e t7e sa(e at =ot7 =orders% A'ter 7a,in6 introduced a ne# #eir> t7e co(*$iance o' t7e distance =et#een t7e nodes #i$$ not =e ,eri'ied% Ho#e,er> t7e o*tion )is*$a*ro*erties a$$o#s to detect de,iations> #7ic7 are too inaccurate%

,"ample of a alid selection

T7is se$ection contains an e,en nu(=er o' nodes (22" and t7e 2 =orders o' t7e #eir consist o' ad+oinin6 nodes%


*a6e 26<7:

,"amples of in alid selections

T7is se$ection is not ,a$id> =ecause it contains an une,en nu(=er o' nodes%

T7is se$ection consists o' an e,en nu(=er o' nodes> =ut t7e =orders o' t7e #eir are not tota$$- co(*osed o' ad+oinin6 nodes% T7e red arro#s indicate =ot7 a=nor(a$ se6(ents #it7in t7e se$ection%

,diting weir#s$
Note !o$$o#in6 o*tions can =e accessed #it7in t7e #or@in6 (ode 4eirs% T7e (enu o*tion Edit #eir(s" a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e $e,e$ o' t7e di@e and t7e '$o#rate coe''icient at a$$ nodes =e$on6in6 to t7e #eir% Re(inder: T7e te9t 'ie$d o' a ,aria=$e (a- =e e(*t-> i' t7e ,aria=$e is not constant 'or a$$ se$ected nodes% An e(*t- 'ie$d indicates> t7at no (odi'ication #i$$ =e e''ected #it7 re6ard to t7e corres*ondin6 *ro*ert-%


*a6e 27<7:

(eleting weir#s$
T7e (enu o*tion )e$ete #eir(s" ena=$es to de$ete se$ected #eirs%

Flowrate . Le el along the weir

/- se$ectin6 t7e (enu ite( !$o#rate< e,e$ a$on6 t7e #eir a #indo# #i$$ =e acti,ated> #7ic7 re*resents t7e de,e$o*in6 o' ,aria=$es a$on6 t7e #eir% T7e a=scissa o' t7e cur,e re*resents t7e node nu(=ers o' #eir =order 1 accordin6 to t7e nu(=erin6 o' t7e 'rontier nodes% T7e 'irst node o' t7e cur,e starts 'ro( #eir end 1% T7is #eir end nor(a$$- =e6ins at t7e s(a$$est inde9 o' #eir =order 1% /- (eans o' t7e (enu ite( )is*$a- *ro*erties t7e nu(=er o' t7e #eir ends can =e s7o#n in t7e Vie# 2) (see 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7"%

(ispla! properties
T7e (enu ite( )is*$a- *ro*erties a$$o#s to (odi'- t7e dis*$a- (ode and to s7o# certain su**$e(entarc7aracteristics o' t7e #eir%

/- (eans o' t7e 'irst o*tion t7e nu(=er o' t7e #eir ends can =e added to t7e Vie# 2): ?1? at t7e =e6innin6 and ?2? at t7e end o' eac7 #eir% T7e second o*tion can =e used to detect #eir =orders> #7ic7 consist o' non-ad+acent nodes% T7e t7ird o*tion ena=$es to 'ind t7e corres*ondin6 se6(ents> o' #7ic7 t7e $en6t7 di''ers% 1n t7e *recedin6 e9a(*$e> a$$ se6(ents #it7 a $en6t7 di''erin6 (ore t7an 3K 'ro( t7e ot7ers are (ar@ed #it7 a red cross%

Warning T7e nodes =e$on6in6 to a #eir 7a,e to corres*ond 2 *er 2 and t7e distances =et#een t7e nodes 7a,e to =e t7e sa(e at =ot7 =orders%

Treatment of tangential elocities

Tan6entia$ ,e$ocities at #eirs can =e 7and$ed in 2 (anners: t7e- can =e *ut to ni$ or t7e- can =e co(*uted #it7 t7e &7eF- 'or(u$a% T7e corres*ondin6 o*tion o' t7e *o*-u* (enu> Treat(ent o' tan6entia$ ,e$ocities a$$o#s to set t7is *ara(eter%


*a6e 2:<7:

*anagement of 9( cur es #common$

Abstract %his chapter describes the functioning and the tools of the panels permetting to edit &D curves. %he associated options can be accessed via the tool bar, the principal menu or the pop'up menu.

Principal window

'iew of the Time Curves "ditor

T7e Ti(e &ur,es Editor is co(*osed o' 2 *ane$s% T7e ri67t *ane$ contains t7e ,a$ue ta=$e% T7e cur,es t7e(se$,es are s7o#n in t7e centra$ *ane$% T7e di(ension o' t7ese *ane$s can =e ad+usted =- *$acin6 t7e (ouse at t7e se*arator o' =ot7 *ane$s%

&alues table
T7e ,a$ues ta=$e s7o#s t7e ,a$ues o' t7e se$ected cur,e% T7e na(e o' t7is cur,e is dis*$a-ed at t7e to* o' t7e *ane$ (& 0 #it7in t7e *recedin6 'i6ure"% T7e ,a$ues ta=$e a$$o#s to se$ect nodes and to (odi'-> i' aut7orised> t7ese ,a$ues =- dou=$e-c$ic@in6 on t7e s*eci'ic ce$$% T7e ,a$ues #it7in t7e ,a$ues ta=$e can =e co*ied ( Ctrl+C " and t7erea'ter *asted into anot7er so't#are a**$ication% Su**$e(entar- in'or(ation is s7o#n at t7e =otto( o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e: 1% &ur,e: 5odi'ia=$e : t7e cur,e is co(*$ete$- (odi'ia=$e% 2% &ur,e: 5odi'ia=$e ordinates : on$- t7e cur,e8s ordinates are (odi'ia=$e% 3% &ur,e: 0ot (odi'ia=$e : t7e cur,e is not (odi'ia=$e (#it7in *ost-treat(ent"%

5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on"

*a6e 23<7:

3raphs #central panel$

1n t7e centra$ *ane$ o' t7e #indo# t7e 1) ti(e cur,es are dis*$a-ed% ;ou can access to t7e corres*ondin6 *o*-u* (enu =- ri67t-c$ic@in6 -our (ouse%

Cur e selection
T7e cur,es 'i$ter (nor(a$$- $ocated at t7e ri67t side o' t7e a**$ication" a$$o#s to se$ect a s*eci'ic cur,e and (i' aut7orised" to (odi'- t7e arran6e(ent o' t7e cur,es% T7e a,ai$a=$e o*tions concernin6 t7is co(*onent can =e accessed ,ia t7e *o*-u* (enu% T7e cur,es 'i$ter can 7a,e t#o $a-outs: a si(*$e $ist or a tree% T7e cur,es 'i$ter #i$$ 7a,e t7e tree $a-out> i' t7e cur,es are or6anised in 6rou*s%

Cur e selection: organisation in groups

T7e *recedin6 'i6ure *resents t7e cur,es 'i$ter in case t7e cur,es are or6anised in 6rou*s% 1n t7is e9a(*$e> t7e Grou* !ree sur'ace consists o' 2 cur,es% T7e ot7er 6rou*s are e(*t-% T7e cur,e & 0 is se$ected in t7e *resent case% 4it7in t7e cur,es 'i$ter> cur,es can =e (o,ed ((enu ite(s: To 'irst > C* > )o#n > To $ast " and co*ied> ena=$in6 to co*-<(o,e easi$- cur,es =et#een 6rou*s% !urt7er(ore> a *o*-u* (enu is a,ai$a=$e a$$o#in6 to (odi'- t7e dis*$a- (ode and> i' t7e case (a- =e> t7e se$ected cur,es%

Information tool
T7e 1n'or(ation too$ is indicated #it7 t7e icon % /- (eans o' t7is too$ an in'or(ation ta=$e can =e dis*$a-ed% T7is ta=$e s7o#s a$$ re$e,ant in'or(ations #it7 re6ard to t7e se$ected cur,e% 1t #i$$ =e u*dated auto(atica$$-%

(ispla!ing . Hiding cur es

To (odi'- t7e ,isi=i$it- o' one s*eci'ic cur,e> it su''ices to c7ec@ or unc7ec@ t7e corres*ondin6 c7ec@ =o9% To c7an6e t7e ,isi=i$it- o' (u$ti*$e cur,es> 'o$$o#in6 ste*s 7a,e to =e ta@en: 1% Se$ect t7e concerned cur,es 'ro( t7e $ist% 2% Acti,ate t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e cur,es $ist% 3% 5a@e use o' t7e (enu o*tion ca$$ed Visi=$e %

5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on"

*a6e 50<7:

*odif!ing the appearance of cur es

Configuring the displa! mode of cur es
T7e (enu o*ion &on'i6uration > indicated =- t7e icon > acti,ates t7e *ane$ 'or dis*$a- con'i6uration% T7is #indo# a$$o#s to (odi'- se$ected cur,es> (ar@s> se$ected ,ertica$ a9es and t7e 7oriFonta$ a9is (one ta= eac7"% To (odi'- a cur,e> t7e ta= &ur,es 7as to =e se$ected% !o$$o#in6 attri=utes are (odi'ia=$e: !ore6round co$or and trans*arenc-% T-*e> #idt7 and co$or o' t7e $ine% T-*e and #idt7 o' t7e icon> t7is icon #i$$ =e used to dra# t7e cur,e8s *oints% 47et7er to dis*$a- or not t7e cur,e8s tit$e and t7e 'ont o' t7e tit$e%

/esides> it is *ossi=$e to dra# 7oriFonta$ $ines at certain ,a$ues> #7ic7 are ca$$ed (ar@s% T7e con'i6uration #indo# o''ers t7e *ossi=i$it- to (ar@ 'o$$o#in6 ,a$ues: T7e (a9i(a$ and<or (ini(a$ ,a$ue e9istin6 #it7in t7e dis*$a- area% S*eci'ic ,a$ues entered =- t7e user (#it7in t7e te9t 'ie$d 5ar@ed ,a$ues "% T7ese ,a$ues 7a,e to =e se*ared =- a se(ico$on% 1' -ou don8t #ant to dis*$a- (ar@s> t7is te9t 'ie$d 7as to =e $e't e(*t-%

*odif!ing the appearance of a"es

i@e 'or cur,es> a$so t7e a**earence o' a9es can =e (odi'ied =- (eans o' t7e &on'i6uration too$ (corres*ondin6 icon: "% 4it7 re6ard to a9es> 'o$$o#in6 attri=utes can =e (odi'ied: )is*$a- or not o' t7e a9es (,isi=$e or not"% &o$or o' t7e a9es% )is*$a- or not o' sca$e (ar@s% )is*$a- (ode o' t7e cur,e8s ends% )is*$a- or not o' t7e a9is tit$e and t7e unit-% A$i6n(ent o' t7e a9is tit$e% Grid dis*$a-: a'ter 7a,in6 se$ected a $ine t-*e> a $ine #i$$ =e dra#n 'or eac7 *rinci*a$ ,a$ue on t7e a9is% 4idt7 and co$or o' t7e 6rid% 4it7 re6ard to t7e ,ertica$ a9es> on$- t7e se$ected ones #i$$ =e (odi'ied% T7e a9is interce*t can =e (odi'ied =- (eans o' t7e Re'erence too$> indicated =- t7e icon (see 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7"%

*odif!ing the iew: restore) <oom) reference

1estoring the iew
T7e ,ie# can =e restored to its initia$ state =- (a@in6 use o' t7e Restore too$> indicated =- t7e icon %

Specif!ing the bounds of cur es

T7e =ounds o' cur,es can =e (odi'ied =- (eans o' t7e *ane$ acti,ated =- t7e Re'erence too$> #7ose icon corres*onds to % &oncernin6 t7e 7oriFonta$ a9is> it is *ossi=$e to s*eci'- t7e entered ,a$ues as e9tre(e ,a$ues: t7e =ounds o' t7is a9is #i$$ ne,er e9ceed t7e ,a$ues o' 5in% and 5a9% res*ecti,e$-%
5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on" *a6e 51<7:

4it7 re6ard to t7e se$ected ,ertica$ a9es> it is a$so *ossi=$e to (er6e t7e a9es to a sin6$e a9is% T7ere'or> (a@e use o' t7e c7ec@ =o9 Cse t7e sa(e a9is %

T7e Loo( too$> indicated =- t7e icon > a$$o#s to a66randise a *articu$ar Fone o' t7e ,ie#% /c$ic@in6 on a *oint inside o' t7is Fone> t7e ,ie# #i$$ =e a66randised and centered at t7is *oint% /- 7o$din6 t7e ri67t (ouse =utton> -ou can dra# a rectan6$e> #7ic7 de'ines t7e =ounds o' t7e ne# ,ue% To ?Foo( *re,ious?> c$ic@ t7e $e't (ouse =utton #7i$e 7o$din6 t7e Maj @e-%

Adapting the iew to a cur e #or a group$

1t is *ossi=$e to ada*t t7e ,ie# to a cur,e or a cur,e 6rou* =- se$ectin6 t7e concerned cur,e (6rou*" and usin6 t7e o*tion Loo( 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu%

T7e .ointer too$> indicated #it7 t7e icon > ena=$es to 'ind out t7e coordinates o' a s*eci'ic *oint on t7e acti,e cur,e% 1' necessar-> t7e ,a$ues #i$$ =e inter*o$ated%

Selecting points from the alues table

;ou can se$ect *oints o' t7e acti,e cur,e =- (eans o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e% T7e (odi'icators Maj and Ctrl can =e used to add *oints to t7e current se$ection%

Adds t7e concerned *oint to t7e se$ection% 1' t7is *oint is a$read- se$ected> it #i$$ =e re(o,ed 'ro( t7e se$ection% A$$o#s to se$ect a$$ *oints o' an inter,a$: 1% Se$ect t7e 'irst *oint: *1% 2% .ress Maj % 3% Se$ect t7e $ast *oint: *2% 2% A$$ *oints =et#een *1 and *2 #i$$ =e se$ected%


Selecting points from the graph

To se$ect *oints 'ro( t7e 6ra*7> (a@e use o' t7e .oint se$ection too$ ,ia t7e icon @e- co(=ination Maj and Ctrl % or =- (eans o' t7e

*odif!ing the arrangement of cur es: creating) deleting) duplicating

T7e o*tions descri=ed =e$o# are o*tiona$ and are not 'urnis7ed =- a$$ a**$ication t-*es% !or instance> #it7in t7e .ost*rocessor it is not *ossi=$e to (odi'- t7e arran6e(ent o' cur,es% A$$ o*tions #it7 re6ard to t7e (odi'ication o' data can =e undone (5enu "dition23ndo "%

Creating cur es
1con: To create a ne# cur,e> (a@e use o' t7e o*tion Add a cur,e 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu% /- de'au$t> t7e created cur,e #i$$ =e a $ine% To create t7e cur,e> -ou 7a,e to s*eci'- t7e nu(=er o' *oints desired and t7e
5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on" *a6e 52<7:

coordinates o' t7e 'irst *oint and t7e $ast *oint res*ecti,e$-% 1' t7e cur,es are arran6ed in 6rou*s> it #i$$ a$so =e necessar- to de'ine t7e 6rou* o' t7e ne# cur,e% 5ost a**$ications ena=$e to i(*ort cur,es 'ro( 'i$es (,ia t7e (enu !i$eD1(*ort"%

(eleting cur es
&ur,es can =e de$eted =- (eans o' t7e o*tion )e$ete t7e se$ected cur,es > #7ic7 is *art o' t7e *o*-u* (enu 'ro( t7e cur,es 'i$ter% Acti,ate t7is o*tion a'ter 7a,in6 se$ected t7e cur,es to =e de$eted%

(uplicating cur es
To du*$icate cur,es> (a@e use o' t7e *o*-u* (enu 'ro( t7e cur,es 'i$ter and c7oose t7e (enu ite( )u*$icate %

(uplicating cur es into another group

1' t7e cur,es are or6anised in 6rou*s> it is a$so *ossi=$e to co*- a s*eci'ic cur,e into anot7er 6rou*% To do t7is> (a@e use o' t7e ?(o,e 'unctiona$ities? ((enu ite(s: To 'irst > C* > )o#n > To $ast " #it7in t7e cur,es 'i$ter: 1% Se$ect t7e cur,e to =e du*$icated and 7o$d t7e $e't (ouse =utton% 2% .ress t7e Ctrl @e-% 3% 5o,e t7e (ouse to t7e destination 6rou*> #7i$e 7o$din6 t7e $e't (ouse =utton (nor(a$$-> t7e a**earance o' t7e (ouse *ointer c7an6es and a ?M? is ,isi=$e"% 2% Re$ease t7e (ouse =utton%

*odif!ing the group of cur es

T7is action concerns re(o,in6 t7e concerned cur,e 'ro( one 6rou* to anot7er% T7e (et7od is identica$ to t7e actions descri=ed under ?du*$icatin6 cur,es into anot7er 6rou*?% T7e on$- di''erence: do not *ress t7e Ctrl @e-% 1% Se$ect t7e cur,e to =e re(o,ed and 7o$d t7e $e't (ouse =utton% 2% 5o,e t7e (ouse to t7e destination 6rou*> #7i$e 7o$din6 t7e $e't (ouse =utton% 3% Re$ease t7e (ouse =utton% T7e a=o,e descri=ed actions are not a$#a-s acti,ated% !or instance> i' a cur,e 7as a$read- =een used as a disc7ar6e cur,e> it #i$$ not =e *ossi=$e to re(o,e t7is cur,e to t7e Grou* Tracer%

*odif!ing a cur e
T7is 'unctiona$it- is not a$#a-s acti,ated> =ecause certain cur,es can =e unc7an6ea=$e% T7e actions concernin6 (odi'-in6 cur,es> #7ic7 are descri=ed =e$o#> can =e accessed ,ia t7e s*eci'ic too$ =ar> t7e *o*-u* (enu and =- (eans o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e%

*odif!ing the coordinates of a point

5u$ti*$e (et7ods are a,ai$a=$e: .oint coordinates can =e (odi'ied #it7in t7e ,a$ues ta=$e: dou=$e-c$ic@ on t7e s*eci'ic ce$$% /- usin6 t7e o*tion 5o,e a *oint 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu (corres*ondin6 icon: "> t7e concerned *oint can =e se$ected and re(o,ed =- (eans o' t7e (ouse% /- se$ectin6 t7e *oint and (a@in6 use o' t7e o*tion 5odi'- t7e se$ected *oints 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu (corres*ondin6 icon: " t7ese *oints can =e (odi'ied%

(eleting points
1% Se$ect t7e *oints to =e de$eted%
5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on" *a6e 53<7:

2% 5a@e use o' t7e too$ )e$ete a *oint > indicated #it7 t7e icon

Adding points
0e# ,a$ues can =e added =- (eans o' t7e $ast ce$$ o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e: 1% &o(*$ete t7e a=scissa ,a$ue and *ress Enter % 2% &o(*$ete t7e ordinate ,a$ue and *ress Enter to add t7e *oint to t7e cur,e% 3% 1' an error occured> a (essa6e #i$$ a**ear at t7e =otto( o' t7e #indo#% 1n 6enera$> errors ori6inate 'ro( t7e 'act> t7at a *oint #it7 t7e sa(e a=scissa ,a$ue a$read- e9ists%

1efining #adding points$

A'ter 7a,in6 se$ected t7e *oints de$i(itin6 t7e Fone to =e re'ined> (a@e use o' t7e Re'ine too$> #7ic7 is indicated =- t7e icon % T7erea'ter> t7e nu(=er o' *oints to =e added sti$$ 7as to =e s*eci'ied%

Aligning points
1% Se$ect at $east t#o *oints *1 and *2% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e too$ A$i6n t7e *oints > corres*ondin6 to t7e icon 3% A$$ *oints =et#een *1 and *2 #i$$ =e a$i6ned% %

Screens7ots can =e created =- usin6 t7e icon > #7ic7 a$$o#s to e9*ort an i(a6e o' t7e acti,e interna$ 'ra(e% T7is o*tion is a$so a,ai$a=$e ,ia t7e (enu !i$eDE9*ortDActi,e 'ra(e %

,"porting data: te"t format or *S ,"cel format

/- c7oosin6 t7e icon > cur,es can =e e9*orted in t7e 'or( o' te9t 'i$es or 'i$es in 5S E9ce$ 'or(at% T7e 'or(at desired 7as to =e s*eci'ied #it7in t7e 'i$e se$ector% 1t is *ossi=$e to e9*ort a$$ ,a$ues o' t7e se$ected cur,es or on$- t7e ,a$ues o' t7e current 7oriFonta$ a9is ran6e% !urt7er(ore> t7e sa(e a=scissa can =e used 'or a$$ cur,es (one sin6$e 8H8 co$u(n": i' necessar-> ,a$ues #i$$ =e inter*o$ated% Re(inder: T7e ,a$ues ta=$e a$$o#s to co*- t7e ,a$ues o' t7e se$ected ce$$s to t7e c$i*=oard ( Ctrl+C "%

5ana6e(ent o' 1) cur,es (co((on"

*a6e 52<7:

'( &iew #Common$

Abstract %he (D )iew is an internal frame for managing (D data on the basis of la!ers. %his document describes the principal functionalities of this editor* selecting la!ers, modif!ing the displa! mode, renaming la!ers, view in table form, selection, removing the view, etc. T7e a,ai$a=$e e9*ort 'unctiona$ities are descri=ed in t7e docu(ent E9*ortin6 data 'ro( t7e Vie# 2) (co((on"% T7e docu(ent Se$ectin6 and searc7in6 #it7in t7e 8Vie# 2)8 (co((on" 6i,es su**$e(entarin'or(ation #it7 re6ard to se$ection too$s and searc7in6 o=+ects%

Gra*7ica$ data o' t7e *ro+ect are rearran6ed =- (eans o' $a-ers% Eac7 $a-er dis*oses o' s*eci'ic o*tions ada*ted to t7e dis*$a-ed o=+ects% a-ers can =e se$ected #it7 t7e aid o' t7e $a-ers tree%

La!ers tree

4ayers tree5 located on the right within the 'iew &

To se$ect a $a-er> c$ic@ on its icon% T7e c7ec@ =o9es a$$o# to 7ide t7e corres*ondin6 $a-er% To rena(e a $a-er> dou=$e-c$ic@ on its na(e and ,a$idate #it7 Enter% T7e $a-ers tree re*resents t7e or6anisation o' t7e *ro+ect8s $a-ers% a-ers $ocated at t7e to* 7ide 'o$$o#in6 $a-ers% !or instance> t7e $a-er /oundaries #i$$ =e dis*$a-ed a=o,e t7e $a-er /oundar- nodes% To #or@ on a $a-er> t7is $a-er 7as to =e se$ected 'ro( t7e $a-ers tree% ;ou can (odi'- t7e $a-er8s state (,isi=$e or not> arran6e(ent" =- usin6 t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e $a-ers tree (c$ic@ ri67t (ouse =utton"% To (odi'- t7e state o' (u$ti*$e $a-ers> se$ect t7ese $a-ers =- (eans o' t7e Ctrl @e- and (a@e use o' t7e (enu ite( Vie# 2)DSe$ected $a-ers or t7e *o*-u* (enu%

)o#n $e't o' t7e editor> t7e rea$ coordinates o' t7e (ouse *ointer can =e consu$ted% )o#n ri67t> t7e descri*tion o' t7e current$- used too$ is 6i,en%

2) Vie# (&o((on"

*a6e 55<7:

T7e too$s o' t7e Vie# 2) can =e accessed in 3 di''erent (anners: Via t7e too$ =ar% Via t7e (enu Vie# 2)% Via t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e ,ie#%

Ad%usting the iew

Icon Command Restore ast ,ie# Vie# na,i6ation Comment )is*$a-s t7e ,ie# in its initia$ con'i6uration: t7e #7o$e *ro+ect area is ,isi=$e% A$$o#s to 6o =ac@ to t7e $ast ,ie#% Ena=$es to (o,e t7e ,ie# =- (eans o' t7e (ouse: c$ic@ on t7e ,ie# and (o,e t7e (ouse #7i$e 7o$din6 t7e $e't (ouse =utton% To acti,ate t7e ?na,i6ation? (ode> it su''ices to t-*e m (ide( 'or deacti,atin6"% A$$o#s to Foo( and Foo(-=ac@% To Foo(> it su''ices to c$ic@ on t7e ,ie#% Ho#e,er> to Foo(-=ac@> -ou 7a,e to *ress Shift at t7e sa(e ti(e: ?Loo( -? #i$$ =e s7o#n in t7e too$s indicator (do#n to t7e ri67t"% To a66randise t7e ,ie# in a s*eci'ic area> -ou 7a,e to 7o$d t7e $e't (ouse =utton and se$ect t7e concerned area% A$$o#s to dis*$a-s (or 7ide" a9es or a 6rid and to s*eci'- t7e c7aracteristics o' t7ese co(*onents% )is*$a-s (or 7ides" a na,i6ation co(*onent% T7e actua$ ,ie# is dra#n in =$ue #it7in t7e o,er,ie# o' t7e #7o$e *ro+ect area% T7e custo( se$ection =uttons a$$o# to (o,e and a66randise t7e ,ie#% Shortcut r @




*odif!ing the displa! mode

Icon Command &on'i6uration &o$or *a$ette e6end Varia=$es Comment A$$o#s to (odi'- t7e s*eci'ic c7aracteristics o' t7e se$ected $a-er> $i@e dis*$a- 'eatures> t7e t-*e o' trace and use o' t7e nor(% A$$o#s to (odi'- t7e co$or *a$ette o' t7e current$- se$ected $a-er% Ena=$es to (odi'- t7e $e6end: ,isi=i$it-> 'ont> *osition> co(*onents% A$$o#s to c7oose t7e ,aria=$e to =e dis*$a-ed in t7e $a-er o' isosur'aces%

*odif!ing the displa! mode of ectors

To acti,ate t7e too$: 1% Se$ect a Vectors $a-er% 2% Acti,ate t7e &on'i6uration too$ ,ia 'o$$o#in6 icon

2) Vie# (&o((on"

*a6e 56<7:

Configuration panel for vectors5 allowing to modify the display properties

/- de'au$t> t7e nor( o' ,ectors is *ro*ortiona$ to t7eir rea$ ,a$ues% To @ee* a constant nor(> inde*endent o' t7e rea$ ,a$ues> -ou 7a,e to c7ec@ t7e c7ec@ =o9 concernin6 Cse a constant nor(% 1n t7e te9t 'ie$d o#er nor( t7e (ini(a$ nor(> =e$o# #7ic7 ,ectors #i$$ not =e dra#n> can =e s*eci'ied% T7e arro# $en6t7 can =e (odi'ied =- (eans o' t7e #7ee$ #it7in t7e *ane$: c$ic@ on t7e #7ee$ and dis*$ace t7e (ouse #7i$e 7o$din6 t7e $e't (ouse =utton% T7e =utton )e'au$t ,a$ue a$$o#s to s*eci'- a de'au$t arro# $en6t7> #7ic7 is a**ro*riate to t7e ,ie#% !ina$$-> on$- a *art o' t7e arro#s can =e dis*$a-ed =- dis*$acin6 t7e cursor at t7e =otto( o' t7e dia$o6 =o9% A re6u$ar 6rid> ada*ted to t7e dis*$a- area> is used to deter(ine t7e *oints #7ere t7e arro#s can =e dra#n%

*odif!ing the color palette

1% Se$ect t7e tar6et $a-er% 2% Cse t7e .a$ette too$> indicated =- t7e icon %

#anel used to modify the color palette

Eac7 ran6e can =e de'ined in detai$% ;ou 7a,e to s*eci'- t7e e9tre(e ,a$ues o' t7e ran6e and t7e co$or to =e used% T7e ran6es can =e de$eted or s*$it u*% 1t is a$so *ossi=$e to initia$ise a *a$ette co(*$ete$- =- de'inin6 t7eir e9tre(e ,a$ues> t7e corres*ondin6 co$ors and t7e nu(=er o' ran6es% T7e e9tre(e ,a$ues can =e ca$cu$ated startin6 'ro( t7e *ro+ect8s data%

2) Vie# (&o((on"

*a6e 57<7:

ialog !ox allowing to specify the !ounds of the color palette

/- c$ic@in6 on t7e =utton T7e (a9<(in 'ro( a$$ ti(e ste*s> t7e 'ie$ds 6in and 6ax #i$$ =e initia$ised =ased on t7e (ini(u(<(a9i(u( ,a$ue o' t7e concerned ,aria=$e 'ro( a$$ ti(este*s% To (a@e sure t7at t7e ne# *a$ette #i$$ =e ta@en into account> t7e =utton Va$idate 7as to =e *ressed%

(ispla! the numbers of nodes) mesh elements and frontiers

T7e (enu o*tion 1nde9 o' t7e nodes a$$o#s to dis*$a- t7e nu(=ers o' t7e nodes% T7is o*tion can =e accessed ,ia t7e (enu Vie# 2) and =- (eans o' t7e *o*-u* (enu% T7e 'o$$o#in6 a$ternati,es are a,ai$a=$e: 1% S7o# t7e nu(=ers o' t7e se$ected nodes% 2% S7o# a$$ nu(=ers% 3% &$ear nu(=ers dis*$a-% 2% S7o# t7e 'rontier nodes: t7e nu(=ers o' 'rontier nodes #i$$ =e dis*$a-ed in *arent7eses% 5% 5odi'-in6 t7e 'ont% 6% 5odi'-in6 t7e 'ore6round co$or%

(ispla!ing the information panel

/- (eans o' t7e icon an in'or(ation *ane$ s7o#in6 re$e,ant data #it7 re6ard to t7e se$ected e$e(ents can =e acti,ated% 1nstead o' t7e icon> t7e s7ortcut i can =e used% T7e in'or(ation *ane$ is auto(atica$$- u*dated #it7 t7e current se$ection% 1t is used #it7in t7e *osttreat(ent to dis*$a- t7e resu$ts o' t7e *ro=e%

(ispla!ing the alues table

/- acti,atin6 t7e =utton t7e ,a$ues ta=$e o' t7e se$ected $a-er #i$$ s7o#n% T7e co$u(ns o' t7is ta=$e can =e dis*$aced: it su''ices to dra6 t7e 7ead o' t7e co$u(n to t7e desi6nated *osition%

T7e content o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e can =e sorted =- co$u(n% &$ic@ on t7e 7ead o' t7e co$u(n to do so% 1' so(e o=+ects are se$ected in t7e ,ie#> on$- t7e se$ected o=+ects #i$$ =e s7o#n in t7e ,a$ues ta=$e% 5a@e use o' t7e =utton )is*$a- se$ected o=+ects on$- to (odi'- t7is 'i$ter%
2) Vie# (&o((on" *a6e 5:<7:

&iew '(: ,diting tools #common$

Abstract Project+s properties can be modified based on values tables, in large ,uantities "in compiled form# or starting from geographic data. %he latter option allows to initialise the values b! interpolation and-or on the basis of .ones. T7e 'irst t#o *ara6ra*7s descri=e 7o# to edit o=+ects startin6 'ro( se$ections% 1nter*o$ation (et7ods and t7e initia$isation *er Fones are *resented in t7e $ast *ara6ra*7%

,diting in table form #default mode$

T7is editin6 (ode a$$o#s to edit se$ected o=+ects in 'or( o' a ta=$e% ;ou can a$so use e9*ressions #it7in t7e ce$$s% 1' t7e ,a$idation o' -our in*ut does not #or@ and<or t7e #ritin6 =eco(es red> -our in*ut data is incorrect%

"diting initial conditions

1' -ou #ant to (odi'- (ass ,a$ues series> -ou can (a@e use o' t7e editin6 (ode ca$$ed &o(*i$ed ,a$ues% Warning &onducted (odi'ications #i$$ not =e ta@en into account> i' -ou s#itc7 =et#een =ot7 editin6 (odes%

,diting mode Compiled alues

4it7in t7is editin6 (ode> ,a$ues series can =e (odi'ied% T7e user can enter a 6$o=a$ ,a$ue or e,en an (at7e(atica$ e9*ression =- usin6 t7e ,aria=$e ld% E9a(*$es o' e9*ressions are 6i,en in t7e docu(ent A**$ication o' e9*ressions (co((on"%

Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"

*a6e 53<7:

6ass modification of the current selection

Initiali<ing from geographic data

/- (eans o' t7e (enu ite( 1nitia$iFe 'ro( 6eo6ra*7ic data 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu -ou can (odi'- data =- inter*o$ation or *er Fones% T7e e9*ression ?*er Fones? indicates t7at a$$ o=+ects #it7in a s*eci'ic *o$-6on #i$$ =e initia$iFed #it7 t7e sa(e ,a$ue% 1t is *ossi=$e to use t7ese t#o (et7ods at t7e sa(e ti(e: 'irst> a$$ o=+ects =e$on6in6 to Fones #i$$ =e (odi'ied% T7era'ter> t7e re(ainin6 o=+ects #i$$ =e (odi'ied =inter*o$ation% Tip 1t is *ossi=$e to de$i(it t7e (odi'ications to =e done =- se$ectin6 t7e o=+ects to =e (odi'ied> =e'ore acti,atin6 t7is action% T7e data used 'or t7e a=o,e (entioned o*erations can =e *art o' a $a-er =e$on6in6 to t7e 6rou* Geo6% data (see t7e docu(ent 5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"" or t7e- are 'i$es o' ?G1S? 'or(at> 6rid 'or(at or te9t (cs,"% T7e 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7s descri=e t7e sta6es *ro*osed =- t7e assistant%

Stage 9: Configure the t!pe of source

T7e source o' t7e data 7as to =e s*eci'ied% ;ou can c7oose =et#een 'o$$o#in6 o*tions: )ata 'ro( 6eo6ra*7ic $a-ers o' t7e 6rou* Geo6% data% )ata 'ro( 'i$es% 1' -our data are ,o$u(inous> it is *re'era=$e to @ee* t7e( in t7e 'i$es (e%6% in s7a*e'i$e 'or(at" and to use t7e( on$- to initia$iFe -our data% On t7e ot7er 7and> =ecause -ou cannot direct$- (odi'- t7ese data> -ou 7a,e to i(*ort t7e( or use a G1S s-ste(% Ho#e,er> t7e $a-ers o' t7e 6rou* Geo6% data a$$o# to ,isua$ise t7e data and to (odi'- t7e( easi$-% Ho#e,er> i' t7e data are ,o$u(inous> t7is can s$o# do#n -our s-ste(% 1n our e9a(*$e> #e #i$$ de'ine t#o Fones (see 'o$$o#in6 'i6ure"> a$$o#in6 to (odi'- t7e =otto( 'riction o' our *ro+ect% 4e created a 6rou* #it7 a ,aria=$e ca$$ed fricti n% T7is 6rou* contains a $a-er na(ed routes%

Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"

*a6e 60<7:

Simple representation of a route and a path

Stage ': Source selection

1n our e9a(*$e> #e c7ose to (a@e use o' 6eo6ra*7ic $a-ers% To s*eci'- t7e sources> t7e s*eci'ic $a-ers 7a,e to =e se$ected 'ro( t7e $ist on t7e $e't% T7e ot7er $ist =o9es in t7is *ane$ a$$o# to ,eri'- t7e se$ected $a-ers and t7eir a,ai$a=$e attri=utes%

Selection of layers within the list named Select layers

Note 1' -ou se$ect (u$ti*$e $a-ers> on$- co((on attri=utes can =e used% 1n case o' 7a,in6 c7osen t7e a$ternati,e o*tion ?(odi'- 'ro( 'i$es? #it7in sta6e 1> t7e *ane$ o' sta6e 2 #i$$ $oo@ as 'o$$o#s:

Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"

*a6e 61<7:

Selection of file sources

Stage :: Configuration of the target

T7is sta6e a$$o#s to s*eci'- t7e ,aria=$es and t7e o=+ects to =e (odi'ied =- t7e editin6%

The varia!le friction will !e modified

4it7in t7e co$u(n na(ed ?!ro(? t7e ,aria=$es> #7ic7 -ou #ant to (odi'-> 7a,e to =e de'ined% Note 1' desired> (odi'ications can =e de$i(ited to t7e current se$ection (c7ec@ =o9 at t7e to* o' t7e *ane$"% 1n our e9a(*$e> t7e c7ec@ =o9 is inacti,e> =ecause no o=+ect 7as =een se$ected%

Stage ;: Interpolation methods

4it7in t7is sta6e se,era$ o*tions are *ro*osed% 1n our case> on$- t7e o*tion 1nitia$iFe 'ro( Fones #i$$ =e used% T7ere=-> on$- o=+ects $ocated inside our *o$-6ons (t7e route and t7e *at7" #i$$ =e initia$iFed% A$$ ot7er o=+ects #on8t =e (odi'ied%

Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"

*a6e 62<7:

*nterpolation options

T7e a,ai$a=$e inter*o$ation o*tions are descri=ed in 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7s:

Initialize from zones

Via t7is o*tion a$$ o=+ects =e$on6in6 to a s*eci'ic Fone can =e (odi'ied% T7e- #i$$ =e initia$iFed #it7 t7e ,a$ue associated to t7e concerned Fone% T7is action o=tains *riorit-: o=+ects (odi'ied =- t7ese o*tion #on8t =e touc7ed =- inter*o$ation%
Interpolate from points

1' t7is o*tion is se$ected> an inter*o$ation #i$$ =e a**$ied% T7is inter*o$ation can =e con'i6ured #it7in t7e 1nter*o$ation *ane$ at t7e =otto( o' t7e 'ra(e%
Interpolation: " se lines! "erte# to interpolate"

1' t7e c7ec@ =o9 =e$on6in6 to t7is o*tion is c7ec@ed> t7e $ines8 ,ertices #i$$ =e used 'or t7e inter*o$ation%
Interpolation: "$nly modify t%e points t%at are contained in t%e en"elop of t%e source&s' data"

T7is o*tion a$$o#s to de$i(it t7e o=+ects to =e (odi'ied% T7us> i' t7is o*tion is acti,ated> t7e en,e$o* o' t7e source data #i$$ =e ca$cu$ated and on$- t7e o=+ects a**ertainin6 to t7is en,e$o* #i$$ =e (odi'ied% 4it7in t7e te9t 'ie$d ca$$ed ?5a9i(u( distance? -ou can s*eci'- a sort o' (ar6in: o=+ects #it7 a distance to t7e en,e$o*> #7ic7 is $ess t7an t7e s*eci'ied distance> #i$$ =e (odi'ied%
Interpolation: "Source: ignore points t%at are out of t%e pro(ect!s bounds"

1' t7e used data 'eature *oints> #7ic7 are 'ar a#a- 'ro( t7e *ro+ect area> t7e- can distort t7e inter*o$ation% /- (eans o' t7is o*tion t7ese *oints can =e i6nored% T7ere'or> an (a9i(u( distance 7as to =e s*eci'ied: t7e source data *oints #it7 a distance to t7e *ro+ect8s =ounds> #7ic7 is $ar6er t7an t7is $i(it> #i$$ =e i6nored%

Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"

*a6e 63<7:

Stage ?: 1esults

'iew of the !ottom friction per isosurfaces -layer group 7ackground.

Vie# 2): Editin6 too$s (co((on"

*a6e 62<7:

Selecting and searching within the 6&iew '(6 #common$

Abstract How to select and-or search objects, example of an advanced search.

Selecting ob%ects
To se$ect an o=+ect> t7e concerned $a-er 7as to =e acti,ated% 5a@e use o' t7e a**ro*riate se$ection too$ t7erea'ter (see t7e ta=$e =e$o#"% Icon Command .oint se$ection (s7ortcut s" Rectan6$e se$ection (s7ortcut u" .o$-6on se$ection (s7ortcut p" /- de'au$t> t7e e''ected se$ection re*$aces t7e current se$ection% 1t is *ossi=$e to (odi'- t7is co(*ort(ent =- usin6 'o$$o#in6 (odi'iers: Modifier
Maj Ctrl Ctrl+Shif t Ctrl+Alt

ction Add t7e ne# se$ection to t7e current se$ection% Re(o,e t7e ne# se$ection 'ro( t7e current se$ection% O*eration ?e9c$usi,e OR?% Se$ection =et#een 2 nodes (c'% =e$o#"%

Indicator (M" (-" (9or" (s*ecia$"

Selecting b! <ones
1' *o$-6ons are de'ined #it7in t7e $a-er G1S> it is *ossi=$e to use t7e( 'or se$ectin6 o=+ects% T7e o*tion Se$ection 'ro( t7e *o*-u* (enu a$$o#s to *ass t7rou67 t7e ?se$ection Fones? (t7e *o$-6ons": a$$ o=+ects a**ertainin6 to t7e s*eci'ied *o$-6on(s" #i$$ =e se$ected%

Se$ectin6 and searc7in6 #it7in t7e 8Vie# 2)8 (co((on" *a6e 65<7:

Selecting nodes between ' elements

T7is 'unctiona$it- on$- concerns t7e $a-ers in t7e st-$e o' t7e $a-er ?/oundar- nodes?% Cti$isation: 1% 5a@e use o' t7e too$ .oint se$ection% 2% Se$ect one or (u$ti*$e nodes% 3% .ress t7e @e-s Ctrl and Alt and se$ect t7e end node% 2% A$$ nodes =et#een t7e end node and t7e initia$ node(s" #i$$ =e added to t7e se$ection% 5% T7e se$ection is a$#a-s e''ected in counter-c$oc@#ise direction (a$so 'or interna$ =oundaries"%

In ert the selection and Select all

/- (eans o' t7e (enu Edition it is *ossi=$e =ot7 to in,ert t7e se$ection and to se$ect a$$% /esides> 'o$$o#in6 custo(ar- s7ortcuts can =e used: Ctrl+A to se$ect a$$% Ctrl+I to in,ert t7e se$ection%

Searching an ob%et

4it7 t7e aid o' t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+F or ,ia t7e (enu EditionD!ind> nodes> e$e(ents or =oundaries can =e 'ound =ased on t7eir inde9% T7e dia$o6 =o9 a$$o#s to s*eci'- t7e o=+ect t-*e to =e searc7ed (and t7ere=t7e $a-er to =e acti,ated" and t7e inde9 o' t7e o=+ects (se*arated =- 8J8"% ;ou can a$so direct$- Foo( to o=+ects and<or edit t7e( (i' *ossi=$e"% E9a(*$e: 1% T7e Resu$ts $a-er #i$$ =e se$ected% 2% T7e nodes #it7 t7e =oundar- indices 1> 32 and 3 #i$$ =e searc7ed and edited t7erea'ter% 3% T7e ,ie# #i$$ =e centered to t7ese nodes% 1n certain cases> editin6 can =e i(*ossi=$e% !or instance> an uniAue $iAuid =oundar- 7as to =e se$ected =e'ore its editin6 #i$$ =eco(e *ossi=$e% 1t is a$so *ossi=$e to (a@e use o' e9*ressions to 'ind nodes% To do so> it su''ices to c7ec@ t7e c7ec@ =o9 na(ed E9*ression and to enter a ,a$id e9*ression% /- (eans o' t7e icon t7e e9*ression assistant can =e acti,ated%

Se$ectin6 and searc7in6 #it7in t7e 8Vie# 2)8 (co((on" *a6e 66<7:

,"ample: Searching wet nodes #h@A$

T7is e9a(*$e concerns searc7in6 nodes at #7ic7 t7e #ater $e,e$ is *ositi,e% T7is t-*e o' searc7 can =e done #it7in t7e H-drau$ic .ro+ect Editor (concernin6 t7e initia$ conditions" or t7e .ost*rocessor%

&alues table
T7e si(*$est so$ution 'or t7is Auestion is to (a@e use o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e> indicated =- t7e icon to sort t7e ta=$e accordin6 to t7e co$u(n ?!ree sur'ace?% > and

0sing the search tool

1% Acti,ate t7e searc7 too$: Ctrl+F % 2% Acti,ate t7e 8E9*ression8 (ode% 3% Enter t7e e9*ression 87D08% 2% aunc7 t7e searc7 ,ia t7e =utton !ind%

Searching wet nodes

1efining the pre ious search

1t is *ossi=$e to re'ine t7e searc7 =- se$ectin6 t7e (ode !ind in current se$ection% !or t7is> it #i$$ su''ice to s*eci'- -our ne# searc7 and to se$ect t7e a=o,e (entioned (ode 'ro( t7e dro*-do#n $ist =o9 at t7e =otto( o' t7e *ane$% Ho#e,er> in t7e *recedin6 ,ie#> t7e (ode Re*$ace current se$ection is acti,ated% An ot7er (et7od consists in usin6 a (ore so*7isticated e9*ression% 1'> 'or instance> -ou #ant to searc7 t7ose #et nodes #it7 an a=scissa ,a$ue $ar6er t7an 100> 'o$$o#in6 e9*ression can =e used: h28 99 x2:+88% T7e e9*ression 8NN8 is eAua$ to a con+unction (A0) o*eration"% At t7e ot7er 7and> t7e e9*ression 8OO8 re*resents a dis+unction (OR o*eration"% See t7e docu(ent A**$ication o' e9*ressions (co((on" 'or 'urt7er e9a(*$es%

Se$ectin6 and searc7in6 #it7in t7e 8Vie# 2)8 (co((on" *a6e 67<7:

,"porting data from the &iew '( #common$

Abstract %his document describes how to export data from the )iew (D to a format of the t!pe text, Excel, /S or grid. /t is also possible to filter data before exporting.

,"porting data from the alues table

T7e ,a$ues ta=$e 7as to =e o*ened =- (eans o' t7e icon % T7e co$u(ns can =e dis*$aced and t7eir content can =e sorted *er co$u(n% See t7e docu(ent P )is*$a-in6 t7e ,a$ues ta=$e Q 'or (ore in'or(ation in t7is re6ard% T7e ,a$ues o' t7e ,a$ues ta=$e can =e co*ied to t7e c$i*=oard: (a@e use o' t7e (enu E9*ortD&o*- or t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+C % Tip Cse t7e @e-s Ctrl and<or Maj to se$ect (u$ti*$e ce$$s%

!ina$$-> t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+C a$$o#s to co*- t7e se$ected data to t7e c$i*=oard% T7e c$i*=oard8s content can =e co*ied to re6ard$ess o' #7ic7 ot7er so't#are% To e9*ort to a 'i$e (te9t 'or(at or E9ce$ "> (a@e use o' t7e (enu E9*ortDE9*ort ta=$e (cs,> e9ce$" %

T7e *recedin6 *ara6ra*7 descri=es 7o# to e9*ort data 'ro( t7e ,a$ues ta=$e to t7e 'or(ats csv and E'cel % T7e e9*ort to 82)8 'or(ats #i$$ =e treated in t7e sco*e o' t7is *ara6ra*7% To acti,ate t7e reAuired 'unctiona$it-> (a@e use o' t7e icon % Note T7e $a-ers corres*ondin6 to 6eo6ra*7ic data 'eature s*eci'ic i(*ort<e9*ort 'unctiona$ities%

3IS formats
At t7e (o(ent t7e 'or(ats MI*/MI1 ( 5a*1n'o "> SDa<efile ( ESR1 "> Sin"s' > +ML and R"=ar) st are su**orted% 47i$e e9*ortin6 to t7e G1S 'or(at> 'or eac7 t-*e o' 6eo(etrica$ o=+ect a 'i$e #i$$ =e created% T7us> *oints> *o$-6ones> nodes and e$e(ents #i$$ auto(atica$$- =e sa,ed in se*arate 'i$es% Warning 3) $ines are not su**orted =- t7e MI*/MI1 'or(at% 47en e9*ortin6 to t7is 'or(at> t7e concerned data (F at eac7 node" #i$$ 6et $ost%

63rid6 formats
1' t7e *ro+ect contains a 6rid> it #i$$ as #e$$ =e *ossi=$e to e9*ort t7is 6rid to a ne# 6rid 'or(at and<or to a**$- 'i$ters 'or sa,in6 on$- a *art o' t7e 6rid% T7e reAuired trans'or(ations (Auadri$atera$ to trian6$e>
E9*ortin6 data 'ro( t7e Vie# 2) (co((on" *a6e 6:<7:

renu(=erin6> etc%" #i$$ =e e''ected #7i$e e9*ortin6% T7e sera'in 'or(at a$so a$$o#s to sa,e noda$ *ro*erties% T7at is #7-> so(e su**$e(entar- o*tions #i$$ =e 'urnis7ed> i' -ou c7oose to e9*ort to t7is 'or(at% !or instance> -ou can s*eci'- t7e ,aria=$es to =e e9*orted%

1t is *ossi=$e to 'i$ter t7e o=+ects to =e e9*orted% T7ere'or> t7e concerned o=+ects 7a,e to se$ected =e'ore $aunc7in6 t7e *ro*er e9*ort% So(e a**$ications *ro*ose ad,anced 'i$ters (dr- nodes #it7in t7e *osttreat(ent> 'or e9a(*$e"%

How to e"port data

T7e sta6es to e9*ort data to a G1S 'or(at are 6i,en =e$o#: 1% 1' necessar-> se$ect t7e o=+ects to =e e9*orted% T7is is use$ess> i' -ou #ant to e9*ort a$$ o=+ects% 2% 5a@e use o' t7e icon % Hence> a dia$o6 =o9 #i$$ a**ear% 3% &7oose t7e t-*e o' 'i$e 'or(at 'or t7e e9*ort and s*eci'- t7e na(e and t7e tar6et director- o' t7e 'i$e% T7e a**ro*riate e9tension #i$$ =e added auto(atica$$- (i' not a$read- *resent"% 2% A ne# dia$o6 =o9 #i$$ =e acti,ated% 1' a,ai$a=$e> so(e su**$e(entar- o*tions #i$$ =e *ro*osed t7erein% 5% Veri'- t7ese o*tions and ,a$idate% A (essa6e #i$$ in'or( -ou a=out t7e nu(=er o' e9*orted o=+ects (7e$*'u$ i' -ou 7a,e used 'i$ters"% 6% T7e $ast dia$o6 =o9 #i$$ not =e c$osed> #7ic7 a$$o#s -ou to c7ain (u$ti*$e e9*ort o*erations%

E9*ortin6 data 'ro( t7e Vie# 2) (co((on"

*a6e 63<7:

*anagement of geographic data #common$

Abstract 0anaging and editing geographic objects* points, pol!lines and pol!gons. How to import and export these objects in common /S formats. Note To si(*$i'-> t7e ter( G1S (Geo6ra*7ic 1n'or(ation S-ste(" #i$$ 'reAuent$- =e used to descri=e t7e (ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic o=+ects%

3eogB (ata la!er and editing tools

;elevant !utton and layer for managing %*S data

T7e 2) Vie# contains a $a-er na(ed Geo6% )ata> #7ic7 a$$o#s to add $a-ers and<or $a-er 6rou*s o' 6eo6ra*7ic o=+ects% At t7e *resent ti(e on$- $a-ers o' *o$-$ines (c$osed or not" and *oints can =e (ana6ed =- t7e s-ste(%

Adding.(estro!ing groups of 3IS la!ers

T7e (enu o*tions 'or destro-in6 or addin6 6rou*s o' G1S $a-ers can =e accessed ,ia t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e $a-ers tree% T7ese actions can =e undone%

5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"

*a6e 70<7:

The pop-up menu of the %eog< ata layer, the menu options for deletion and addition are arranged at the !ottom of the menu

5u$ti*$e o*tions are a,ai$a=$e 'or addin6 a 6rou*% T7e- #i$$ =e descri=ed in t7e 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7s%

Adding a group
/e'ore addin6 a 6rou*> -ou #i$$ =e as@ed to s*eci'- t7e $a-er8s na(e and t7e ,aria=$es to =e used% T7ese ,aria=$es #i$$ =e used 'or eac7 o=+ect created #it7in t7e $a-ers o' t7e 6rou*% /- de'au$t> t7e ,aria=$es are assi6ned to t7e 6eo6ra*7ic o=+ect se$' and not to t7e ,ertices o' t7is o=+ect% T7e ,aria=$e A591> *ro*osed =- de'au$t> does not 'o$$o# t7is ru$e and is assi6ned to eac7 ,erte9% 1t a$$o#s to create 3) $ines%

(efault ariables
T#o ,aria=$es are *ro*osed =- de'au$t% T7e- can =e accessed ,ia t7e dro*-do#n $ist =o9 o' t7e dia$o6 =o9 =e$on6in6 to t7e (enu ite( Add a 6rou*% Name: t7e na(e 6i,en to t7e o=+ect% T7is is t7e on$- ,aria=$e> #7ic7 is not re*resented =- a rea$ nu(=er% A591: t7e F co(*onent% T7is is t7e on$- ,aria=$e (at *resent"> #7ic7 is assi6ned to eac7 ,erte9 o' a 6eo6ra*7ic o=+ect%


The group is named friction< Two varia!les will !e assigned to the o!jects of this group, name and friction<

Adding a la!er of points or pec+ed lines

To add a $a-er o' *oints or *ec@ed $ines> 'o$$o#in6 ste*s 7a,e to =e ta@en: 1% Se$ect a un su=-6rou* o' t7e 6rou* Geo6% )ata%
5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on" *a6e 71<7:

2% Acti,ate t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e $a-ers tree (=- ri67t-c$ic@in6 #it7in t7e $a-ers tree"% 3% 5a@e use o' one o' t7e (enu ite(s Add a $ines $a-er or Add a *oints $a-er%

,diting tools

Availa!le editing tools and their description

T7e (enu o' editin6 too$s ena=$es to (odi'- t7e se$ected $a-er% )e*endin6 on t7e t-*e o' data> certain too$s are inaccessi=$e% A$$ o' t7ese editin6 actions can =e undone%

Creating.(estro!ing ob%ects
Creating ob%ects
4it7 re6ard to t7e creation o' o=+ects> 'o$$o#in6 actions are a,ai$a=$e: Add a *oint (on$- a**$ica=$e to *oints $a-ers"% Add a *o$-$ine (on$- a**$ica=$e to $ines $a-ers"% Add a *o$-6on (on$- a**$ica=$e to $ines $a-ers"% Add a rectan6$e (on$- a**$ica=$e to $ines $a-ers"% 1' ,aria=$es 7a,e =een used> t7e- can =e (odi'ied #7i$e addin6% Ho#e,er> it is so(eti(es easier to (odi'- t7e ,aria=$es a'ter#ards% /ecause addin6 a *oint is a si(*$e action> #e #i$$ sett$e 'or descri=in6 t7e addition o' a *ec@ed $ine (*o$-$ine> *o$-6on or rectan6$e"%

Adding a pec+ed line

1% 2% 3% 2% Acti,ate one o' t7e too$s 'or addin6 a *ec@ed $ine% S*eci'- contin6ent$- t7e ,a$ue o' t7e stated ,aria=$es% )ra# t7e *ec@ed $ine% )ou=$e-c$ic@ or use t7e s7ortcut Ctrl+click to co(*$ete t7e $ine%

5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"

*a6e 72<7:

Tip To undo t7e $ast entered *oint: Ctrl+z To ter(inate t7e current in*ut: Esc% T7is action cannot =e undone%

Active panel while adding a polygon

Warning T7e ,a$ues o' t7e ,aria=$es 7a,e to =e u*dated =e'ore addin6 an o=+ect%

(estro!ing ob%ects
To destro- o=+ects> it #i$$ su''ice to se$ect t7e concerned o=+ects and to use t7e Del @e-% T7is action is a$so a,ai$a=$e ,ia t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e 2) Vie#%

*o ing ob%ects graphicall!

O=+ects can =e (o,ed =- (eans o' t7e editin6 too$ ca$$ed 5o,e o=+ects% 1t #i$$ su''ice to dra6 t7e concerned o=+ects to t7e desi6nated *osition: (aintain t7e *ression on t7e ri67t (ouse =utton and re$ease #7en reac7in6 t7e a**ro*riate *osition% T7is editin6 too$ a$so a$$o#s to (o,e accurate$- (u$ti*$e o=+ects: 1% Se$ect t7e o=+ects to =e (o,ed% 2% Acti,ate t7e too$ 5o,e o=+ects% 3% !i$$ in t7e 'ie$ds d9 and d-% T7e- concern t7e 9 and - co(*onents o' t7e desired trans$ation% 2% 5o,e t7e concerned o=+ets =- (eans o' t7e E9ecute =utton (t7e 6reen arro#"%

Adding ertices to a pec+ed line

T7e use o' t7e editin6 too$ na(ed Add a ,erte9 to a *o$-$ine is intuiti,e% 1t #i$$ su''ice to c$ic@ at t7e desi6nated insertion *oint% 1' used> t7e ,aria=$e F #i$$ =e u*dated =- (eans o' $inear inter*o$ation%

Pec+ed lines: editing ertices

To edit t7e ,ertices o' *ec@ed $ines> -ou 7a,e to s#itc7 to t7e 5ode VERTEH% T7e state o' t7is (ode is indicated do#n ri67t #it7in t7e 2) Vie#: t7e 5ode VERTEH is acti,ated> i' t7e ter( VERTEH is stated% 1n t7is (ode> -ou can (o,e and de$ete ,ertices $i@e -ou can do it #it7 *ec@ed $ines in t7e nor(a$ (ode%

5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"

*a6e 73<7:

Tip /ear in (ind to return to t7e nor(a$ (ode> i' -ou #ant to #or@ on *ec@ed $ines%

,diting geographic attributs and their ariables

Geo6ra*7ic o=+ets and t7e associated ,aria=$es can =e edited =- (eans o' t7e o*tion Edit #it7in t7e *o*u* (enu o' t7e 2) Vie#%

Geo6ra*7ic data can =e e9*orted or i(*orted #it7 t7e aid o' t7e *o*-u* (enu o' t7e 2) Vie#% T7e o*tions #it7 re6ard to t7e e9*ort<i(*ort o' 6eo6ra*7ic data can =e a**$ied to sin6$e $a-ers or $a-er 6rou*s%

&oncernin6 data e9*ort> it #i$$ su''ice to s*eci'- t7e out*ut 'or(at and to ,a$idate% 1n 6enera$> eac7 $a-er #i$$ =e e9*orted to a se*arate 'i$e> e9ce*t 'or t7e Sin"s' 'or(at% !o$$o#in6 'or(ats are su**orted: Sin"s': te9t 'or(at de,e$o*ed =- 0HE% A$$ $a-ers are e9*orted to t7e sa(e 'i$e% MI*: 'i$e in te9t 'or(at o' t7e G1S 5a*1n'o% SDa<efile: 'i$e in =inar- 'or(at o' t7e G1S ESR1% :ML: Geo6ra*7ic 5ar@u* an6ua6e (G5 "% R"=ar)st: 'i$e in te9t 'or(at de,e$o*ed =- &e(a6re'% Warning 6*F 'or(at: 3) $ines are not e9*orted accurate$- due to $i(itations o' t7e MI* 'or(at% Sinusx 'or(at: On$- 6eo6ra*7ic data (9> - and F i' e9istent" are e9*orted%

&oncernin6 data i(*ort> an assistant #i$$ =e acti,ated% 4it7 t7e aid o' t7is assistant (u$ti*$e sta6es #i$$ =e *assed: 1% S*eci'- t7e 'i$es and t7eir 'or(at% 2% S*eci'- t7e out*ut $a-er(s" and t7e corres*ondenc- =et#een t7e ,aria=$es read and t7e ,aria=$es used% Sta6e 1 consists o' c7oosin6 t7e source 'i$es% T7ere'or it #i$$ su''ice to (a@e use o' t7e Add =utton and to de'ine t7e 'or(at (i' necessar-"% )urin6 t7is sta6e> t7e resu$ts can =e $oaded and<or *re,ie#ed% T7e oad =utton ena=$es to 'ind out t7e ,aria=$es a,ai$a=$e #it7in t7e source 'i$es% Warning 1' (u$ti*$e 'i$es are i(*orted> on$- co((on ,aria=$es (sa(e na(e and sa(e t-*e" are ta@en into account% Sta6e 2 a$$o#s to s*eci'- #7ere and 7o# t7e ne# data 7a,e to =e i(*orted%

5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"

*a6e 72<7:

Stage &, Specify the layer-s. and the attri!utes to !e modified

5ana6e(ent o' 6eo6ra*7ic data (co((on"

*a6e 75<7:

Application of e"pressions #common$

Abstract Expressions can be used for searching objects "nodes, meshes, etc.#, modif!ing values or creating new variables. %his document furnishes a description of the available expressions as well as the expression assistant and gives examples of use.

0sing e"pressions
4it7in t7e searc7 too$ t7e a**$ication o' e9*ressions is o''ered% To (a@e use o' t7is o*tion> it #i$$ su''ice to acti,ate t7e e9*ression (ode% T7e docu(ent P E9a(*$e: Searc7in6 #et nodes (7D0" Q e9*$ains 7o# to use e9*ressions #it7in t7e 2) Vie#% 1n t7is case> t7e e9*ression assistant can =e acti,ated =- (eans o' t7e =utton #it7 t7e icon %

*odif!ing properties
&ertain *ro*ert- editors a$$o# to (a@e use o' e9*ressions and o' t7e ,aria=$e ld *articu$ar$-% T7is ,aria=$e a$$o#s to retrie,e o$d ,a$ues% T7us> t7e e9*ression 8old=+<+8 a$$o#s to (u$ti*$- t7e o$d ,a$ues =81%18% T7e e9*ression assistant can =e acti,ated ,ia t7e *o*-u* (enu: ri67t-c$ic@ on t7e te9t 'ie$d o' t7e e9*ression%

Creating new ariables

T7e 'unctiona$it- to (a@e use o' e9*ressions 'or creatin6 ne# ,aria=$es is *articu$ar$- used #it7in t7e *ost-treat(ent% T7e acti,ation o' t7e e9*ression assistant is $i@e#ise e''ected =- (eans o' t7e *o*-u* (enu o' te9t 'ie$ds 'or e9*ressions%

,"pression assistant
T7e e9*ression assistant 6i,es an o,er,ie# o' a$$ a,ai$a=$e constants> ,aria=$es and 'unctions% 1s is a$so *ossi=$e to e,a$uate and ,a$idate t7e entered e9*ression%

A**$ication o' e9*ressions (co((on"

*a6e 76<7:

"xpression assistant

Warning To e,a$uate e9*ressions> t7e ta=$e Csed ,aria=$es (arran6ed to* ri67t" 7as to =e co(*$eted% T7is ta=$e is not u*dated unti$ -ou ,a$idate or e,a$uate -our e9*ression% Tip To ,ie# t7e $on6 descri*tion o' ,aria=$es> acti,ate t7e too$ti* o' t7e corres*ondin6 te9t 'ie$d (rest on t7e concerned ,aria=$e #it7 -our (ouse"%

T7e a,ai$a=$e (at7e(atica$ 'unctions are co((on 'unctions and t7eir use s7ou$d not cause an- *ro=$e(s% E9*ressions can a$so =e used 'or /oo$ean e,a$uations (searc7 or 'i$ter"% Hence> ?co(*arati,e? 'unctions (e%6% HH> I> J" and /oo$ean o*erators (e%6% and> or> not" can =e a**$ied% T7e 'unction isIn 7as =een added =- t7e !udaa tea(% T7is 'unction a$$o#s to 'ind out i' a s*eci'ic ,aria=$e =e$on6s to an inter,a$%

A**$ication o' e9*ressions (co((on"

*a6e 77<7:

,"amples of e"pressions
Expression DK#>> ldL#!# V/sMrtF& LDG v'IH> !escription T7e 'ree #ater sur'ace #i$$ =e e$e,ated #it7 100% T7e ,aria=$e ld #i$$ =e increased =- 10K% E9*ression o' t7e !roude nu(=er% T7is e9*ression returns 1 i' t7e ,e$ocit- a$on6 H is *ositi,e and returns 0 e$se% T7is e9*ression can =e used #it7in t7e *ost-treat(ent to de'ine *recise$- certain c7aracteristics%

T7e 'o$$o#in6 *ara6ra*7 *resents so(e /oo$ean e9*ressions%

,"amples of 7oolean e"pressions

Expression v'IH>)NN)v@IH>) VIH>)OO)FiP2HH>G !escription T7is e9*ression returns tr"e (t7us 1" i' t7e ,aria=$es v' (,e$ocit- a$on6 9" and v@ (,e$ocit- a$on6 -" are *ositi,e% T7is e9*ression returns tr"e i' t7e ,e$ocit- is *ositi,e or i' t7e node inde9 is e,en% T7e e9*ression 8P8 returns t7e rest o' t7e di,ision a$6orit7(% T7is e9*ression returns tr"e i' t7e 'ree #ater sur'ace is eAua$ to 101% Warning A?HH#># T7is Auer- #i$$ not =e e9act> due to t7e rounded re*resentation o' rea$ nu(=ers =- (ac7ines (=inar- re*resentation o' rea$ nu(=ers"% T7us> it is reco((ended to add an accurac- area to t7e Auer- (see e9a(*$e =e$o#"% T7is e9*ression returns tr"e i' t7e 'ree sur'ace is co(*rised =et#een 8100%338 and 8101%018% T7is e9*ression is identica$ to A?IH#>>!QQ)NN)A?JH#>#!>#%

isInFA?/#>>!QQ/# >#!>#G

A**$ication o' e9*ressions (co((on"

*a6e 7:<7:

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