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Use the diagram to answer 1-10.


Section two
Select the correct answer for each question
11 which part of the ear helps to keep our balance?
a.auditory nerve
b.eustacian tube
c. semi circular canal
d. cochlea
12. what are the three parts to a hearing aid?
a. receiver,amplifier,transmitter
b. earlobe,transmitter,auditory nerve
c. receiver, auditory canal, amplifier
d.transmitter, amplifier, semi circular canal

13.The thickest,heaviest string on a guitar would give the

a.the highest pitch
b.the loudest pitch
c. the lowest pitch
d.the softest pitch
14.If a guitar player wants to change from a low pitch to a high pitch,he should
a. loosen the strings of the guitar
b. move his fingers faster
c. tighten the guitar strings
d. none of the above
15. the mirrors that a driver of a car uses to see behind and to the sides of his vehicle are
a.convex mirrors
b.concave mirrors
c.flat mirrors
d. periscope
16.The harmony of sound is called
a.pollution b. noise c. music d.none of the above
17.Which coulours of light are evident when you mix (green and blue) and (red and blue)
a.yellow and magenta
b. cyan and yellow
c. magenta and cyan
d.white and yellow
18.A sound which is reflected from an object is called an/a
a. note b. echo c.pitch d.shout
19. If you want to change the pitch of a guitar string you must
a.change the speed of its echo
b.change the direction of its vibration
c.change the speed of its vibration
d.change the force with which you strum the guitar
20.Which two materials are transparent
a.clear plastic and wax paper
b.wood and glass
c.clear plastic and glass
d.wax paper and water

Section Three
Write the answer for the following questions
21. What is meant by the intensity of sound?
22.Give the names of the three (3) groups of instrument ________________,
23.If you blow across eight bottles with water each containing a different amount ,bottle eight
having the most and bottle one having the least.Which bottle would give the lowest pitch and

24.What are sound waves?


25. What is meant by frequency of a sound?

26.How are rainbows form?

27.What is the function of the inner ear?

28.What is an optical illusion?

29.When you are colour blind what is happening

30.When you are farsighted ,what is happening to your eye ball

Section Four
Write the word True or False for each statement
31.The colours in a rainbow makes up the visible spectrum ______________________
32.Two eye diseases are Cataracts and Glaucoma_____________________
33. Vibrations are changed into nerve impulses in the cochlea__________________
34.Noise and music are the same things_________________
35.When you are partially deaf you cannot hear anything at all________________
36.The shape of sound waves can be seen with an instrument called oscilloscope___________
37.Sound travels fastest through gases________________
38.The intensity of sound is measured in decibels_______________

39.Noise pollution is when you listen to loud irregular vibrations over a period of
40.A Kaleidoscope is made up of three mirrors._____________

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