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This agreement for Sale of Goods (hereafter AGREEMENT) is made this __ day of _______, 20__ y and et!een _________, !ith its "rin#i"al "la#e of $siness at %&'M(LETE A))RESS*, (+Seller,) and ___________, !ith its "rin#i"al "la#e of $siness at %&'M(LETE A))RESS* (+-$yer,) for the "$r#hase of the goods des#ri ed elo!. /ty0 1tem 2 )es#ri"tion (ri#e Total 30 TERM0 This agreement shall egin on __________, 20__, and end $"on the last deli4ery, on or efore___________, 20__0 20 )EL15ER6 -$yer !ill gi4e Seller _____ days7 ad4an#e noti#e regarding the 8$antity re8$ested for deli4ery0 9"on re#ei"t of the re8$est for deli4ery, Seller !ill arrange for deli4ery thro$gh a #arrier #hosen y Seller0 :ail$re to deli4er all thegoods on or efore _____________, 20__, shall ma;e the Seller lia le for damages in the amo$nt as "ro4ided here$nder0 <0 (A6MENT (ayment shall e made to the Seller thro$gh manager7s #he#; only iss$ed y the -$yer7s an;, the same eing "aya le in the name of the Seller0 The entire "$r#hase "ri#e of the goods m$st e "aid y the -$yer on or efore the date of the last deli4ery0 =0 (RE&'N)1T1'N :'R (ER:'RMAN&E The Seller shall ha4e the right to e>amine the a##o$nt of the -$yer, efore deli4ery #o$ld e made0 Seller may ref$se deli4ery for fail$re to #om"ly !ith this #ondition, and !o$ld #a$se #an#ellation of this #ontra#t0 E>amination of said a##o$nt #o$ld e done dire#tly to the iss$ing an; !ith #onsent from the -$yer0 ?0 R1S@ ': L'SS0 The ris; of loss from any #as$alty to the Goods, regardless of the #a$se, !ill e the res"onsi ility of the Seller $ntil the Goods ha4e een re#ei4ed y the -$yer0 A0 A&&E(TAN&E -$yer !ill ha4e the right to ins"e#t the goods efore the deli4ery, $"on re#ei"t, and !ithin __ $siness days after deli4ery, -$yer m$st gi4e noti#e to Seller of any #laim for damages on a##o$nt of #ondition, 8$ality, or grade of the goods, and -$yer m$st s"e#ify the asis of the

#laim in detail0 :ail$re of -$yer to #om"ly !ith these #onditions !ill #onstit$te irre4o#a le a##e"tan#e of the goods y -$yer0 All noti#es et!een the "arties m$st e in !riting and deli4ered y #o$rier or y #ertified mail, !ith ret$rn re#ei"t re8$ested0 B0 CARRANT60 Seller !arrants that the goods sold here$nder are ne! and free from s$ stanti4e defe#ts in !or;manshi" and materials0 SellerDs lia ility $nder the foregoing !arranty is limited to re"la#ement of goods or re"air of defe#ts or ref$nd of the "$r#hase "ri#e at SellerDs sole o"tion0 No other !arranty, e>"ress or im"lied, is made y Seller, and none shall e im"$ted or "res$med0 E0 )AMAGES The -$yer shall e lia le for the "ayment of damages in the amo$nt of _____, as !ell as other fail$re to #om"ly !ith the #ondition $nder item n$m er = of this agreement0 Mean!hile, for fail$re to deli4er goods !ithin the time s"e#ified y this agreement, the Seller shall e lia le to "ay damages in the amo$nt of _________0 F0 TAGES0 All sales ta>es, tariffs, and other go4ernmental #harges shall e "aid y -$yer and are -$yerDs Res"onsi ility E>#e"t As Limited -y La!0 300 :'R&E MAHE9RE0 Seller may, !itho$t lia ility, delay "erforman#e or #an#el this &ontra#t on a##o$nt of for#e maIe$re e4ents or other #ir#$mstan#es eyond its #ontrol, in#l$ding, $t not limited to, stri;es, a#ts of God, "oliti#al $nrest, em argo, fail$re of so$r#e of s$""ly, or #as$alty0 330 M1S&ELLANE'9S This &ontra#t #ontains the entire agreement et!een the "arties and s$"ersedes and re"la#es all s$#h "rior agreements !ith res"e#t to matters e>"ressly set forth herein0 No modifi#ation shall e made to this &ontra#t e>#e"t in !riting and signed y oth "arties0 This &ontra#t shall e inding $"on the "arties and their res"e#ti4e heirs, e>e#$tors, administrators, s$##essors, assignsand "ersonal re"resentati4es0 320 SE(ARA-1L1T6 &LA9SE0 1f any "ro4isions of this Agreement shall e held in4alid, the $naffe#ted "ortions shall remain in for#e and effe#t0 3<0 E::E&T151T60 This Agreement shall e effe#ti4e !hen signed y the "arties hereto0 No o ligations or d$ties of the Ensem le to render ser4i#es e>ist, $nless this Agreement is made effe#ti4e0

The $ndersigned "arties ha4e read and agreed to e o$nd y this Agreement0

___________________ Seller )ate ____________________ -$yer )ate Citnesseth. ____________________ )ate

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