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Before being hired, all LLS candidates must go through the Interpreter Aptitude Practice. This practice consists of three exercises to evaluate your comprehension, memory retention and interpretation s ills. The recruiter !ill give you clear instructions of ho! to do each exercise and you !ill have the chance to as any "uestions you may have during the practice. S ills evaluated# The ability to follo! instructions Listening and retention s ills Strong linguistic s ills in both languages $ustomer Service s ills# pleasant tone and clear enunciation, intonation and pronunciation. Professional demeanor.

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE INTERPRETER APTITUDE PRACTICE %& Note-taking: In the memory retention and interpreting exercises, you !ill be as ed to multitas , meaning that you !ill have to listen and ta e notes at the same time. Please ta e the follo!ing tips into consideration# 'o not let note ta ing get in the !ay of your listening and information retention. (ood notes are the result of a good coordination bet!een listening, understanding and choosing the proper information to !rite do!n. 'o not !rite everything, )ust ey !ords or symbols. *se abbreviations and symbols that help you remember the main idea of the segment.

+ays to practice note,ta ing Listen to television or radio ne!s, normally speech used in the ne!s follo!s a comfortable pace. Try to capture a series of no more than three sentences in your notes. -ou can also as a friend or family member read to you from a ne!spaper article, about . or / sentences long. Ta e notes and repeat that same information bac to them. 0nce you feel comfortable, do the same, but this time interpreting the information.

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1xamples of note,ta ing# Suppose you are tal ing to a ban representative !ho !ants to help a non,1nglish spea ing client open an account. The representative says 2Please as her for her full name, social security number, home phone number and address3 -our notes should loo something li e this# 4 SS5 Tel 5 Adrs6 7& Listening and retention skills: As an interpreter you must be an active listener. 8ocus, concentration and an ability to visuali9e are the cornerstones of active listening. Foc s: All of your attention must be given to the person !ho is spea ing. There should not be any bac ground noise or distraction that might steer your attention a!ay from the spea er. !is ali"ation: $reate pictures in your mind: ;isuali9ation is one of the best techni"ues for remembering and understanding a message. #$ado%ing: This is a techni"ue used in many fine interpretation schools throughout the !orld. Turn the radio or television on and find a program, !hich interests you. As the spea er tal s, repeat !ith them almost simultaneously !hat they are saying.

&' Para($rasing To paraphrase means to say the same thing in a different !ay. This is a good tool to use !hen you cannot thin of the exact !ords in the other language. In other !ords# giving the same meaning, using different !ords.

Home Practice Exercises

Instructions# %. <ead through the sentences and scenarios to become familiar !ith the language and themes commonly heard on interpreting calls.

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7. 8ind someone !ith !hom you can practice, and as them to read the sentences to you. They read aloud= you ta e notes and interpret into the other language. .. +hen you are ready, do the same !ith the scenarios. Scenarios are li e short scripts of real conversations. As your partner to eep trac of anything that you don>t interpret correctly, so that you can !or to improve. Interpret the scenarios as many times as you li e= the more you practice the better prepared you>ll be for the Interpreter 1xercises.

Practice #eg)ents and #cenarios

#$ort sentences *or %ar)ing ( ?i, my name is 8rances. ?o! can I help you today@ 4ecesito una tar)eta de membresAa. Bay I have your account number@ Cuiero hacer una cita para las D#EE de la maFana. Be llegG una factura por H%IJ.EE. 1l nKmero de my apartado postal es 7DLIIJ. +hat is your mobile phone number@ $an you describe the damage for me@ Bi nombre estM incorrecto en los documentos. NBe puede decir si el seguro de salud estM vigente@ +hat is the city and state that you live in@ +hen did you fill out the application@ Is your social security number %77,..,I/I/@ NBe permite su direcciGn postal@ NA "uO se debe la cantidad de H%D.7. en mi cobro@ +hat !as the last day you !or ed@ Bi fecha de nacimiento es febrero 7E, del aFo %PLE. Be llegG un cupGn para un descuento de H%I.EE. Bi servicio de Internet estM descompuesto desde ayer. I have an appointment at .#EE p.m. +hat !as the date of your last payment@ N$uMndo se vence mi cobertura del seguro@ -ou need to call us bac in t!o !ee s for your results. I need your physical address. +hat state !as your driver>s license issued in@ If you have t!o forms of I', !e can process your re"uest. +hat is your marital status@ Cuisiera hacer una cita para la inspecciGn del carro. Tengo una pregunta acerca del prOstamo de mi carro. For security purposes, may I please have the last four digits of your social security number?
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Tengo fiebre, la garganta inflamada y dolor de oAdo. Longer + ,ore Co)(le- sentences %. Please give me your full name and address to verify your account. 2. Are there any other details about the accident that you would like to add to your statement? .. ?o! old is your child, and does she already have a social security number@ Is your phone number 7%7,.JE,DPLD. /. 4o tengo direcciGn fi)a, solo un apartado postal nKmero /LP7I, a"uA en Ba ersfield. I. SometA la solicitud para los beneficios. CuO otros documentos necesito enviar@ J. -our full payment !as due Barch %7th, in the amount of HDJ.%E. L. 1l cobro del celular de H7EE.EE por un mes es demasiado alto. 4o vale la pena tener este servicio: D. I can certainly correct your address and ta e care of your payment of H7I.EE, !hile !e>re at it. P. 'o you have a ban account@ 0!n property@ 'o you have any cash on you@ %E. +e do not have that model in stoc , !ould you li e a rain chec @ %%. Llamo para decirle "ue estoy satisfecha con el producto, y "uisiera ordenar otra cantidad de %JE para el prGximo mes. %7. Tuve un accidente el sMbado pasado, y todavAa me duele el bra9o derecho. PodrAa consultar con mi mOdico@ %.. -ou can ta e your child to any pediatrician of your choice. There is one at L//% 4. Baple Ave, in ?ouston. %/. Be voy a mudar al apartamento de arriba el %I del mes, y "uisiera pasar el servicio del cable ahA. 1l nuevo apartamento serM el <7.. %I. Please send your payment to P.0. Box LL.%, La $aFada, $alifornia, P%7EJ. %J. +rite your account number %7.,PDL,/IJ on every page that you fax. %L. +hat is the total amount you spent on food last month@ And ho! much in toiletries@ %D. Solamente me "uedan dos dAas para pagar H7IJ.7I en mi cuenta. Puedo ir a la sucursal para hacer el pago personalmente@ %P. Be gustarAa tener sus servicios. 1s verdad "ue el primer mes es gratis y "ue el cobro mensual es H%D.PI@ 7E. -ou !ill be receiving your health cards in L to %E business days. 'o you have any other concerns@ 7%. -our credit limit has been increased to HI,EEE.EE, and it is available immediately. 77. Are you interested in child,care services@ Please give me your case number so that I can find you in the system. 7.. +e do not have that model in stoc , !ould you li e a rain chec @ 7/. 0nce you have submitted the proof of employment, your benefits !ill start.

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7I. 4o he podido llamar a mi paAs, aun"ue sA me entran llamadas de larga distancia. 7J. A"uA tengo unos cobros "ue la aseguradora no "uiere pagar. 7L. Are you the insured@ If not, !hat is your relationship to the policy holder@ 7D. +e need to start a payment plan so that you can ta e care of this delin"uent account. 7P. +ould you li e to upgrade your service plan so you can have more features on your cell phone@ .E. ?e estado esperando a su tOcnico todo el dAa. -a no puedo tomar mMs tiempo del traba)o por"ue mi )efe es muy estricto. .%. Cuiero "ue me "uiten a mi esposo de la cobertura. 1s "ue estamos separados. .7. Tengo %E dAas de haber perdido mis tar)etas del seguro para el auto. Be preocupa "ue me vaya a parar la policAa. ... -o tengo la asistencia por parte del +I$ para compar leche, "ueso y fGrmula. Ahora necesito hacer la solicitud para estampillas alimenticias y asistencia en efectivo. ./. Be di)eron "ue iban a conectar el servicio de lu9 hoy antes de las seis de la tarde. -a son las nueve de la noche y no "ueremos pasar toda la noche sin calefacciGn. .I. Tengo una cuenta corriente con su banco. Cuiero abrir una cuenta de ahorros "ue este unida a mi cuenta corriente y asA tener protecciGn contra sobregiros. 36. Necesito saber como es que puedo iniciar el servicio de correo de voz para mi telfono porque me pide una clave que yo no tengo. 37. By applying for this credit card, you give the bank permission to investigate your credit and work history and agree with the terms and conditions you received in the mail.

#cenario I ;engo a solicitar los beneficios de desempleo. Be acaban de descansar este lunes pasado. I !ill need your social security number, the last date you !or ed, and ho! much !ere you earning per hour@ 1l nKmero es DPL,IJ,7%7I, y el Kltimo dAa "ue traba)O fue el viernes, 7D de mar9o. +e can set up your claim today. Then, I>ll need to verify this information !ith your employer. -ou !ill receive a letter in the mail !ith further instructions. - mientras tanto, cGmo voy a mane)ar todos los gastos "ue Tengo encima@ 4o podrAan brindarme alguna ayuda provisional@

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#cenario II Llamo para cambiar el plan de llamadas de mi celular. 1n varias ocasiones me he pasado de los minutos incluidos en el plan. +hat is the cellular number and your five digit 9ip code@ Tengo 7 lAneas. 1l primer nKmero es 7%.,7II,IJP%, y la de mi esposo es 7%.,7II, LI.7. 1l cGdigo postal es PEE/7. I see that you are sharing the IEE minute plan, !hich includes free nights and !ee ends, as !ell as mobile to mobile. The last 7 months sho! that you have gone over by about a hundred minutes. 1s cierto y me ha salido muy costoso. - cuMnto cuesta el plan de los JEE minutos@ The next plan !ould be LEE minutes, and any unused minutes carries over to the follo!ing month. #cenario III Se me ha "uebrado la ventana del carro, al lado del pasa)ero, y "uiero saber si el seguro me cubre esta reparaciGn. -es !e cover %EEQ of the repairs. Let me have your policy number so that I can locate your account in the system. La pGli9a estM a nombre de mi hermana "uien vive con nosotros. 1l nKmero es BC+7IL77I. Be imagino "ue me van a dar el nombre de un taller cercano@ +ell, you have a choice. -ou can ta e your car to one of our shops, or !e can have the service come to your home, or place of !or . Si vienen a mi traba)o serAa mMs conveniente. Bis horas son de las D de la maFana a las %7 del mediodAa. Bi traba)o estM en la es"uina de la avenida primera, y Broad!ay. #cenario I! -ou have reached the county assistance line= may I have your case number please@ Tengo el cupGn mOdico. 1n dGnde se encuentra la numeraciGn "ue me pide@

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It>s on the bottom right side corner, t!o lines above your signature. -a lo veo. 1s <<7IJDPL7./. Bi niFa necesita lentes, y llamo por"ue no sO adGnde llevarla. I !ill be glad to help you. There is one provider in your area, located at 7./ S. 0a Street, at the corner !ith Baseline.

PRACTICE E.ERCI#E# FOR DE!ELOPIN/ LI#TENIN/0 RETENTION0 AND NOTE-TA1IN/ #1ILL# Listening attentively is very important. As stated previously, it is important that you shut out any external or internal distraction and to remain focused on !hat is being said. In some segments, you !ill be as ed to repeat in your o!n !ords !hat you understood from !hat you have )ust heard. 8or example, !hen hearing this long utterance#

Tell Mr. Gonzalez that my name is Mrs. Wilson calling from American Financial Corporation to remind him that he has not made his July payment. So he now owes !"#$ including finance charges. Tell him that if we don%t recei&e a money order from him 'y this Friday$ August ()$ his account will 'e sent to a collection%s agency.
The main idea in this message is that a lady is calling a customer because he has not sent in the Ruly payment= that he o!es HJLD.EE and if he doesn>t send his payment soon, his account !ill be ta en over by a collection>s agency. The notes you ta e !ould help you remember the main reason for this call. -our notes might loo something li e this#

, , , , , ,

Brs. +ilson 6 Am 8in $orp Br. (on9ale9 Rul HJLD 8ri S Aug %I $oll agency

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-our understanding of the situation !ould help you remember the rest of the message2 I* 3o )issed an3 (art o* t$e )essage0 3o can ask t$e s(eaker to re(eat it so t$at 3o r rendition %ill 4e co)(lete2 Bost of the messages you !ill hear deal !ith simple situations of people calling regarding some aspect of their everyday life Tban account information, bills to be paid, people getting phone service started, or trying to set an appointment.& Final T$o g$ts: Interpretation is a challenging )ob in many !ays. Ta e into consideration that this is )ust a practice, and its purpose is to introduce you to our protocol and !ays of managing information, and also allo!s us to coach you and help you to prepare for the )ob. 0nce you successfully complete the initial steps, you !ould have the opportunity to go through training, !here you !ill learn the guidelines and methods of interpreting for Language Line Services. The recruiter !ill give you feedbac after these exercises and !ill inform you if there are areas that you need to improve before coming on board. (ood luc : Language Line <ecruitment 'epartment

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