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A good opinion essay is expected to have: An introduction with a general statement that states the topic and your personal opinion A main ody with two or three paragraphs that contain view points on the topic! Each paragraph will contain a topic sentance with supporting reasons! "onclusion in which you restate your opinion using di##erent words!

Exercise $: %ead the #ollowing texts and answer the #ollowing &uestions:

'hich one is the opinion essay and which one is article( )$*min+ Identi#y di##erences that distingush one style #rom the other, )$- min+ Article

Opinion essay %egister:

.oca ulary: Organi/ation:

Sample 1.

What Makes a Good Teacher

'hat ma0es a good teacher( 1i0e all good recipes2 the ingredients #or a teacher3s success in the classroom are simple2 easy to #ollow2 and allow #or personal interpretation to enhance the result! Primarily2 a teacher3s goal is to motivate her students to reach eyond their grasp! A good teacher helps the child reali/e her strengths and encourages and challenges the student to learn through those strengths! It is in the day to day process o# reaching this goal that the ingredients #or ma0ing a good teacher come into play! 4he est teachers are the ones who are not limited to the academic achievement2 ut encompass daily doses o# compassion2 #lexi ility2 communication2 humor2 imagination2 and the willingness to e open minded! 5ost importantly2 a good teacher is someone who uses oth his head and her heart in e&ual measure throughout the school day! "ompassion is in understanding that a student may e #rustrated2 angry or 6ust una le to #ocus on the academics at hand! A little extra attention2 a hug2 a &uery as to how he is #eeling today or the simple expression that the teacher values that

student and was glad he was there today is all it ta0es to ma0e a negative situation into a positive2 personal learning experience #or the child! 7ad days happen to everyone! 8eal with the mis ehavior2 and move on2 ut e #air and consistent in your discipline! 9ood teachers don3t spea0 negatively a out their students to anyone! :lexi ility allows the learning environment to e #luid and creative! 7e up eat and positive and ready to adapt to students moods and needs! 5ay e the lesson plan can e more e##ectively learned i# the students stand and move a out2 play a game with the in#ormation or tal0 a out something else that is important to them at that moment! "ommunicate with the student and his parents on a regular asis! 4he more open and direct the dialogue is among all the parties2 the more involved parents and children ecome in the educational process! 7ut perhaps a child can est explain what ma0e a good teacher: ;She smiles at me!< 2;She really li0es me a lot!< ;She misses me when I don3t come in!< ;I learn a lot in my class!< ;It3s O=2 my teacher will show me how! ; Sample 2 A Good Teacher Means Discipline

One o# the most important parts in the healthy development o# an in#ant is played y education! 7ut the way in which education is perceived has changed radically2 as we must not #orget that the harsh and un#eeling way o# ringing up a child in the past was primarily ased on ruthless grounding and stern rules that were supposed to create accomplished individuals2 the typical gentlemen! Nowadays2 society is much more open-minded and it does not put a great value on eing strict2 although this doesn3t mean that opinions regarding this su 6ect do not di##er! On the one hand2 there are those in #avor o# a strict teachers2 the narrow-minded people that consider that only a rough hand is a le to properly educate a child! :irstly2 according to their opinion2 children should #ear their teachers2 this eing the only way in which they would study! In addition to that2 it is thought that a pupil will never learn ecause he en6oys doing so and ta0es interest in what he is doing2 ut ecause this is what he is supposed to do i# he doesn3t want a low grade! On the other hand2 there are also people who elieve that there has got to e a ound etween teacher and student i# any satis#ying results are awaited! 1uc0ily #or us2 more and more teachers are understanding this #act and are doing their est to get over the strict rules and get in touch with us! 5y opinion is that only y having a #riendly attitude and accepting other opinions2 especially those o# your pupils2 you are truly a le to do your 6o at high standards! >owever2 this does not mean that a teacher shouldn3t e a it more rough when he #eels that things are getting out o# hand! All in all2 I must say that a good teacher is the teacher that has the a ility to e 0ind and strict at the same time2 thus achieving to gain his students respect and interest! Exercise ?: 4opics to wor0 on: ) @*min!Aeach+ Suggested topics #or argumentative essay: Opinion: Animals should not e 0ept in captivity

Parents should e sent to school .egetarians have #ound the secret o# good living "ompulsory military service should e a olished in all countries People should e rewarded according to a ility2 not according to age and experience

For and against : 4he advantages and disadvantages o# glo ali/ation! Is the Bnited States o# Europe a #ine idea( Is it wrong to inherit money( 'hich are the advantages and disadvantages o# getting money without wor0ing #or it( %eading today is not as popular as in used to e! 'hich were the advantages in the past and what made oo0s less popular nowadays( Is emigration a solution to our pro lems( 'hich are its advantages and draw ac0s(

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