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# we were in grade six and we peed off the roof of m dad'! hardware !tore ... we could easily have fallen o"er the ed#e and $nto the par%$n# &ot below ... I remem'er it being prett high up !o we pro'a'& wouldn't be sitting here $f we had slipped or tripped or !ometh$n# # we skipped school and buried a pa(% of ($#arette! $n the woods)

we drew a map so we could f$nd them &ater '*t we never could ... no wonder+ 'e(a*!e looking back+ we d$dn't do a very good job ... the map 'a!$(a&& consisted of an , surrounded by a bunch of dot! repre!ent$n# tree! # we were on the 'ea(h and dad pretended to get attacked '

!har%! right in front of the &$fe#*ard ... o*r dad &$%ed to play practical jokes and he wa! prett #ood at them ... the &$fe#*ard wa! not impressed+ tho*#h+ I #*e!! he was used to seeing ad*&t! make fools of themselves to enterta$n the$r %$d! ... naturally we were mortified+ '*t at the same time $t wa! a&!o %$nd of hilarious # we !pent a whole !*mmer $n a m*!$( !hop drooling over

$n!tr*ment! we (o*&dn't afford ... it wasn't until much later that I f$na&& got my hands on one of tho!e #*$tar!+ and it felt just as great as I had thought it would # when we reminisced a&& afternoon a'o*t the good old days




we were !o broke that half the time we (o*&dn't e"en '* #a! and we wo*&d wat(h the need&e anxiously+ hop$n# to make it to the #a! !tat$on 'efore we ran out of #a! ... one t$me the (ar died the second $t ro&&ed *p to the #a! p*mp+ we weren't a&wa ! that &*(% we were ma%$n# o*t in the back of m f$r!t (ar and a (op tapped on the

w$ndow and to&d *! that th$! wa! a public place and we had better get the hell out of there 'efore someone we knew !aw *! we ended up sleeping on a golf course 'e(a*!e we (o*&dn't f$nd

anywhere else to be a&one ... turned out $t wa!n't !o 'ad) as far as places to sleep go+ o* could do a lot worse than a #o&f (o*r!e ... we broke into the !(hoo&'! !w$mm$n# poo& and all I did apparent& was (omp&a$n about how (o&d m no!e wa!+ wh$(h ruined the who&e th$n# for o* ... I remember it being a f*n t$me '*t I #*e!! I remem'er $t all wrong we 'o*#ht a&& the p*mp%$n! on clearance after Ha&&oween and broke into

an o&d wareho*!e 0*!t to throw them off the roof and watch them explode ... a &ot of %$d! d$d th$!+ a(t*a&& + there were smashed rotten p*mp%$n! all over the place that wee% we got stuck $n that massive th*nder!torm m$&e! away from m (ar and I

rea&$1ed I had left the w$ndow! down ... by the time we made it 'a(%+ the (ar &oo%ed &$%e a novelty f$!h tan% I tickled o* !o hard o* accidentally p*n(hed me in the fa(e and gave me

a black eye ... '*t I (o*&dn't rea&& blame o*+ $t wa! tota&& kneejerk and fran%& + I had it coming ... and an wa + we had a big laugh about $t even before m e e turned '&a(% when we were inseparable2 'e(a*!e I do. I m$!! o* like crazy.

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