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Question Paper -07-10-2007 The latitudinal extention of India is A) 804s - 3706s B) 804N - 3706N C) 804 - 3706 "outhe$n %ost &oint of Indian ad%inist$ati'e te$$ito$( is A) )ini*o( Island B) +ani(a,u%a$i C) Ind$a&oint /hi*h is the hi0hest &ea, in India1 A) 'e$est B) +an*hen2un0a /hi*h &lateau is $i*h in %ine$al de&osits1 A) Chotana0&u$ B) Ba0hal,hand 6al0hat 0a& is lo*ated 3et.een A) Anai%alai and 6alani 7ills C) Nil0i$i 7ills and Anai%alai Ashta%udi la,e is lo*ated in A) 8$issa B)


804N - 3706"







!) Austin







B) !)

Ca$da%a% 7ills and Anai%alai 7ills Nil0i$i 7ills and "he'a$o( 7ills.






Ta%il Nadu.


"outhe$n &a$t of aste$n Coastal 6lain is ,no.n as A) +on,an Coast B) Ci$*a$ Coast 8nl( a*ti'e 'ol*ano in India is lo*ated in A) -a,sh.adee& B) )ini*o( Island C) !u$and line is the 3ounda$( line 3et.een A) Af0hanistan and India B) !) India and )(an%a$.


)ala3a$ Coast


Co$o%andal Coast.


No$th Anda%an !)

Ba$$en Island


India and China


India and Ban0ladesh

10. /hi*h is the se*ond la$0est state in &o&ulation a**o$din0 to #001 *ensus1 A) /est Ben0al B) Biha$ C) :tta$ 6$adesh 11. /hi*h state is leadin0 in fo$est a$ea1 A) A$una*hal 6$adesh B) )adh(a 6$adesh 1#. ;ou$,ela "teel 6lant is situated in A) 8$issa B) Chhattis0a$h 13. Naha$,ati(a oil field is lo*ated in A) 4u2a$at B) Assa%



C) Assa%




/est Ben0al







14. 7ead =ua$te$s of "outh Cent$al ;ail.a( is situated in A) Na0&u$ B) 7(de$a3ad C) "e*und$a3ad 15. The -on0est National 7i0h.a( in India is A) N7 31 B) N7 15 16. -eadin0 &$odu*e$ of To3a**o is A) Andh$a 6$adesh B) +a$nata,a 17. The hi0hest &ea, in :.".A. is A) )t. Blan* B)




N7 7


N7 6





)t. l3e$t


)t. "hasta


)t. )*,inle(

18. The lon0est $i'e$ in u$o&e is A) ;hine B)

!anu3e C)


>ol0a !)



19. >i*to$ia falls is situated a*$oss $i'e$ A) ?a%3e@i B) ?ai$e #0. 7oo'e$ !a% is *onst$u*ted a*$oss $i'e$ A) Colo$ado B) >ol0a

Ni0e$ C) )ississi&&i C)

o$an0e !) "t. -a.$en*e

#1. !a,shin 4an0ot$i is A) $eli0ious &la*e B) &ea, in 7i%ala(as !) Anta$*ti* $esea$*h station

"u3%a$ine of Indian Na'(

##. 8n .hi*h date the sun shines 'e$ti*all( o'e$ the T$o&i* of *a&$i*o$n1 A) <une ## B) !e*e%3e$ ## C) "e&te%3e$ #3


)a$*h #1

#3. /hat ha&&ens .hen one *$osses 1800 lon0itude f$o% .est to east1 A) 8ne losses a da( B) one 0ains a da( C) No *ha0ne in da( o$ ti%e !) Th$e$e is no *han0e in da( 3ut the ti%e *han0es. #4. 8x3o. la,e is fo$%ed 3( A) 4la*ial e$osion B) #5. The A0ulhas *u$$ent flo.s in A) Indian 8*ean B) ;i'e$ e$osion C) /ind e$osion 6a*ifi* 8*ean !) :nde$0$ound .ate$ de&osition !) !) "outhe$n 8*ean 6e$i0ee 8#030/

Atlanti* 8*ean C)

#6. /hen the sun is nea$est to the ea$thA the ea$th is said to 3e in A) 6e$ihelion B) A&o0ee C) A&helion #7. /hi*h lon0itude is sele*ted fo$ *al*ulatin0 Indian "tanda$d Ti%e in India1 A) 83030 B) 830#0/ C) 8#030 #8. The fi$st Indian "atellite A$(a3hata .as laun*hed f$o% A) :""; B) :.".A. C) #9. National ;e%otesensin0 A0en*( is situated in A) )u%3ai B) !eh$adun 30. /o$lds 7i0hest ;ail.a( line is lo*ated in A) 6e$u B) ".it@e$land C) India !)

!) !)


Ban0alo$e C) China

7(de$a3ad !) No$.a(.

31. In a d$( 3atte$( *ellA .hi*h fo$% of ene$0( is *on'e$ted to ele*t$i*al ene$0(1 A) 6otential ene0( B) +ineti* ene$0( C) Che%i*al ene$0( !) 7eat ene$0( 3#. +ilo .att hou$ is a unit of A) 6o.e$ B) ne$0( C) 6o.e$ as .ell as ene$0( !) Neithe$ &o.e$ no$ ene$0(.

33. Coal 0as is a %ixtu$e of A) )ethaneA ethane and 3utane. C) 7(d$o0enA 3utane and *a$3ondioxide. !) 34. The %ain *onstituent of -.6.4. is A) )ethane B) 6$o&ane

B) )ethaneA h(d$o0en and *a$3on %onoxide. Ca$3on dioxideA Ca$3on %onoxide and "ul&hu$dioxide. C) Butane !) thane.

35. Al&ha 6a$ti*les a$e sa%e as A) le*t$ons B) 6$otons

C) 7eliu% Nu*lei

!) Neut$ons.

36. /hi*h of the follo.in0 set of nu*lei *ontain sa%e nu%3e$ of neut$ons1 A) B) C) !) 37. The Neut$ino has sa%e *ha$0e as that on A) an ele*t$on B) a neut$on C) a &$oton !) an al&ha &a$ti*le. !) /heat !) "*u$'(. !) >i$us. !) 4oat. !) 7ae%o&hilia. !) 6$oto@oa !) none of these. !) 4aseous "tate.

38. /hi*h of the follo.in0 is a $i*h sou$*e of &$otein1 A) ;i*e B) 00 C) Ca33a0e 39. !efi*ien*( of iodine *ause A) Anae%ia B) 4oit$e C) 6ella0$a

40. CBoot and )outh disease in *attle is *aused 3( A) /o$%s B) Ba*te$ia C) Bun0us 41. ;inde$&est is a disease of A) Bi$d B) Cattle C) "hee&

4#. /hi*h of the follo.in0 diseases is a 0eneti* disease1 A) 4oit$e B) )ala$ia C) Can*e$ 43. Bila$iasis is *aused 3( A) >i$us B) /o$%s 44. -i0ht (ea$ is a unit of A) !istan*e B) li0ht C) Ba*te$ia C) ti%e

45. The %atte$ in the *o$e of the ea$th is in A) -iDuid "tate B) "olid "tate C) liDuid as .ell as solid state. 46. )a2o$ &ollutant in the at%os&he$e is A) 7(d$o*a$3ons B) "8# 47. The dee&est o*ean is A) Atlanti* 48. Cinna3a$ is an o$e of A) ?in* B) Indian B) -ead C) C8# C) Anta$*ti* C) )e$*u$( !) C8

!) 6a*ifi*. !) "il'e$ !) )e$*u$( !) Ca$3on !) N(lon-6

49. /hi*h of the follo.in0 is the li0htest %etal1 A) I$on B) Co&&e$ C) Alu%iniu% 50. /hi*h one of the ele%ents has the hi0hest %eltin0 &oint1 A) Tun0sten B) 6alladiu% C) "ili*on 51. /hi*h of the follo.in0 is ,no.n as $e0ene$ated fi3$e1 A) N(lon-66 B) Te$(lene C) ;a(on

5#. /hi*h one of the follo.in0 is not an a3ioti* *o%&onent of an e*os(ste%. A) Ai$ B) "oil C) "unli0ht !) 6lant. 53. Con'e$sion of a%%onia into nit$o0en is *alled as A) Nit$ifi*ation B) Nit$o0en fixation C) A%%onifi*ation !) 6enit$ifi*ation

54. /hi*h one of the follo.in0 3a*te$ia a$e $es&onsi3le fo$ nit$o0en fixation1 A) ;hi@o3iu% B) Nit$oso%onas C) 6seudo%onas !) Nit$o3a*to$ 55. 8@one 0as is %ainl( &$esent in A) T$o&os&he$e B) "t$atos&he$e C) xos&he$e !) Ionos&he$e

56. 7ei0ht a3o'e the ea$ths su$fa*e fo$ a 0eostationa$( satellite is a&&$oxi%atel( A) 3000,% B) #0000,% C) 36000,% !) #5000,%. 57. The fi$st Indian satellite &ut in 0eostationa$( o$3it .as A) IN"AT-1A B) IN"AT-1B C) IN"AT-1C 58. /hi*h one of the follo.in0 is the %an %ade e*o-s(ste%. A) -a,e B) Bo$est C) ADua$iu% 59. The &e$*enta0e of C8# in at%os&he$e is a&&$oxi%atel( A) 1E B) 0.03E C) 0.4E 60. /hi*h one of the follo.in0 is an unsatu$ated 7(d$o*a$3on1 A) )ethane B) thane C) thene !) A66!) 6ond

!) 3E !) 6$o&ane.

61. A !ualisti* e*ono%( is one A) in .hi*h the$e a$e *ities and 'illa0es. B) /ith the Co existen*e of affluent and su3sisten*e e*ono%(. C) /ith %o$e %en and less .o%en in &o&ulation. !) /ith &o'e$t( and illite$a*(. 6#. The 'i*ious *i$*le of &o'e$t( on 3oth de%and side and su&&l( side *an 3e 3$o,en .ith A) Bood fo$ .o$, &$o0$a%%e. B) 4$ants to states. C) in*$ease in *a&ital fo$%ation !) -oans f$o% fo$ei0n *ount$ies. 63. *ono%i* 0$ denotes A) "t$u*tu$al *han0es in the e*ono%(. C) in*$ease in indust$ial &$odu*tion B) te%&o$a$( in*$ease in National In*o%e. !) end - &$odu*t of the lon0 &$o*ess of de'elo&%ent B) "a*$ifi*e of *u$$ent *onsu%&tion !) -a'ish &u3li* s&endin0. !) 1951 !) *ono%et$i*s.

64. F:& 3( the Bootst$a&sG - $efe$s to A) 7i0hl( %e*hanised te*hniDues C) !e%onst$ation effe*t

65. The fi$st $e0ula$ &o&ulation *ensus .as ta,en in India in the (ea$ A) 1871 B) 1901 C) 1881 66. The (ea$ of 4$eat di'ide is $efe$$ed in the stud( of A) 6a$tition B) 6o&ulation C) 7isto$( of India 67. /hi*h a%on0 the follo.in0 falls unde$ &$i%a$( se*to$. A) !efen*e B) Insu$an*e C) A0$i*ultu$e

!) )anufa*tu$in0.

68. The 6lannin0 Co%%ission of India .as setu& in )a$*h 1950 unde$ the Chai$%anshi& of A) B.;. A%3ed,a$ B) "a$da$ 6atel C) <a.aha$lal Neh$u !) >is'es.a$iah 69. -aisse@ - fai$e do*t$ine is asso*iated .ith A) A%a$t(a "en B) <.). +e(nes C) ).+. 4andhi 70. /ho is the &$esent 4o'e$no$ of the ;ese$'e Ban, of India1 A) )onte, "in0h Alhu.alia B) ;a2a Chelliah C) H.>. ;eddi ".a%inathan 71. The II Bi'e Hea$ &lan st$ate0( .as de*ided on the ad'i*e of A) 6.C. )ahalano3is B) >.+.;.>. ;ao C) >.N. 4ad0il 7#. !efi*it finan*in0 %eans A) !e3t B) Bud0et 73. C"8 %eans A) Cent$al "*ientifi* 8$0anisation C) Cent$al "hi&&in0 8$0anisation C) Issue of ne. *u$$en*( !) Ada% "%ith. !) ).".

!) )o$a$2i !esai. !) !eflation

B) Cent$al "tatisti*al 8$0ani@ation !) Cent$al "tatisti*al 8ffi*e. C) Na%es of *$o& seasons

74. The +ha$if and ;a3i a$e A) Na%es of food *$o&s B) Na%es of f$uits !) Na%es of 7i0h (ieddin0 'a$ieties 75. /hi*h of the follo.in0 is a *ash *$o&1 A) ;i*e B) /heat C) "u0a$*ane 76. ?a%inda$i s(ste% is asso*iated .ith A) Tho%as )un$oe B) /illia% Benti*, 77. I.;. 8 is a A) Be$tili@e$ B) 7i0h (ieldin0 'a$iet( seed

!) )ai@e !) ;a2a$a% )ohan$ai. !) 6esti*ide

C) -o$d Co$n.allis C) A0$i*ultu$e loan

78. In u$3an a$eas the *alo$ie inta,e le'el to dete$%ine &o'e$t( - line is A) #400 B) #100 C) #500 !) ##00 79. B$i*tional une%&lo(%ent is fa%ilia$ in A) :nde$de'elo&ed *ono%ies B) "o*ialist *ono%ies. !) ;u$al *ono%ies. 80. The 4!6 0$ $ate in the fi$st Dua$te$ of #007-08 is A) 8.#E B) 7.0E C) 5.7E 81. The Inte$national !a( of the Boo, is o3se$'ed on A) 15 )a$*h B) #4 8*to3e$ C) #3 A&$il C) !e'elo&ed *ono%ies

!) 9.3E

!) 1# No'e%3e$ !) 4o$den B$o.n

8#. The autho$ of the 3oo,A CCou$a0e is A) A$undathi ;ai B) "unitha /illia%s C) -.+. Ad'ani 83. The next 8l(%&i*s .ill 3e held in A) ;ussia B) China C) 4e$%an(

!) Aust$alia

68. The 6lannin0 Co%%ission of India .as setu& in )a$*h 1950 unde$ the Chai$%anshi& of A) B.;. A%3ed,a$ B) "a$da$ 6atel C) <a.aha$lal Neh$u !) >is'es.a$iah 69. -aisse@ - fai$e do*t$ine is asso*iated .ith A) A%a$t(a "en B) <.). +e(nes C) ).+. 4andhi 70. /ho is the &$esent 4o'e$no$ of the ;ese$'e Ban, of India1 A) )onte, "in0h Alhu.alia B) ;a2a Chelliah C) H.>. ;eddi ".a%inathan 71. The II Bi'e Hea$ &lan st$ate0( .as de*ided on the ad'i*e of A) 6.C. )ahalano3is B) >.+.;.>. ;ao C) >.N. 4ad0il 7#. !efi*it finan*in0 %eans A) !e3t B) Bud0et 73. C"8 %eans A) Cent$al "*ientifi* 8$0anisation C) Cent$al "hi&&in0 8$0anisation C) Issue of ne. *u$$en*( !) Ada% "%ith. !) ).".

!) )o$a$2i !esai. !) !eflation

B) Cent$al "tatisti*al 8$0ani@ation !) Cent$al "tatisti*al 8ffi*e. C) Na%es of *$o& seasons

74. The +ha$if and ;a3i a$e A) Na%es of food *$o&s B) Na%es of f$uits !) Na%es of 7i0h (ieddin0 'a$ieties 75. /hi*h of the follo.in0 is a *ash *$o&1 A) ;i*e B) /heat C) "u0a$*ane 76. ?a%inda$i s(ste% is asso*iated .ith A) Tho%as )un$oe B) /illia% Benti*, 77. I.;. 8 is a A) Be$tili@e$ B) 7i0h (ieldin0 'a$iet( seed

!) )ai@e !) ;a2a$a% )ohan$ai. !) 6esti*ide

C) -o$d Co$n.allis C) A0$i*ultu$e loan

78. In u$3an a$eas the *alo$ie inta,e le'el to dete$%ine &o'e$t( - line is A) #400 B) #100 C) #500 !) ##00 79. B$i*tional une%&lo(%ent is fa%ilia$ in A) :nde$de'elo&ed *ono%ies B) "o*ialist *ono%ies. !) ;u$al *ono%ies. 80. The 4!6 0$ $ate in the fi$st Dua$te$ of #007-08 is A) 8.#E B) 7.0E C) 5.7E 81. The Inte$national !a( of the Boo, is o3se$'ed on A) 15 )a$*h B) #4 8*to3e$ C) #3 A&$il C) !e'elo&ed *ono%ies

!) 9.3E

!) 1# No'e%3e$ !) 4o$den B$o.n

8#. The autho$ of the 3oo,A CCou$a0e is A) A$undathi ;ai B) "unitha /illia%s C) -.+. Ad'ani 83. The next 8l(%&i*s .ill 3e held in A) ;ussia B) China C) 4e$%an(

!) Aust$alia

99. A;T Cent$es t$eat the &atients affe*ted 3( A) 7I>IAI!" B) Tu3e$*ulosis C) )ala$ia 100. The 5th India - A" AN "u%%itA #007 .as held in A) Thailand B) Indonesia C) -oas



!) 6hili&&ines

101. /ho of the follo.in0 .as ele*ted as &e$%anent 6$esident of the Constituent Asse%3l(1 A) !$. ;a2endi$a 6$asad. B) !$. B.;. A%3ed,a$. C) <a.aha$lal Neh$u !) +.). )unshi. 10#. The Constitution of India .as ado&ted on A) 15 Au0ust 1947A B) #6 <anua$( 1950 C) #6 No'e%3e$ 1949 !) 1 <anua$( 1948

103. 7o. %an( %e%3e$s .e$e in*luded in the !$aftin0 Co%%ittee1 A) "e'en B) Nine C) le'en 104. The 6$ea%3le .as a%ended fo$ the fi$st ti%e 3( A) the #4th a%end%ent B) the 4#nd a%end%ent !) None of the a3o'e.

!) Thi$teen.

C) the 44th a%end%ent

105. /hi*h &a$t of the Constitution of India has 3een des*$i3ed as the soul of the Constitution1 A) Bunda%ental ;i0hts B) The !i$e*ti'e 6$in*i&les of "tate 6oli*( C) The 6$ea%3le !) The ;i0ht to Constitutional ;e%edies. 106. The funda%ental $i0hts of the Indian Citi@ens a$e ensh$ined in J A) The 6$ea%3le B) 6a$t III of the *onstitution !) 6a$t > of the *onstitution. C) 6a$t I> of the *onstitution

107. /hi*h of the follo.in0 a$ti*les of the *onstitution deals .ith the funda%ental duties of Indian Citi@ens1 A) A$ti*le 39 - C B) A$ti*le 15 - A C) A$ti*le #9 - B !) None of the a3o'e. 108. /hi*h &a$t of the Constitution *ontains the !i$e*ti'e 6$in*i&les of "tate 6oli*(1 A) 6a$t I> - A B) 6a$t > - A C) 6a$t I> !) 6a$t III 109. The -e0islatu$e in India is 3ased on the &atte$n of A) B$itainA B) :"A C) B$an*e !) ".it@e$land

110. /hat is the %axi%u% st$en0th of %e%3e$s .hi*h *an 3e no%inated 3( the &$esident to the ;a2(a "a3ha1 A) 8ne fou$th of its total %e%3e$s B) 10 %e%3e$s C) 1# %e%3e$s !) # %e%3e$s 111. Bo$ assu%in0 offi*eA the 6$esident ta,es oath f$o% A) >i*e-6$esident B) Chief <usti*e of India !) le*tion Co%%issione$ C) "&ea,e$ of the -o, "a3ha

11#. The Coun*il of )iniste$s is *olle*ti'el( $es&onsi3le to the A) 6$esident B) 6$i%e )iniste$ C) -o, "a3ha 113. /hat is the a0e of $eti$e%ent fo$ the <ud0es of "u&$e%e Cou$t1 A) 6# B) 65 C) 70

!) ;a2(a "a3ha. !) 60

114. The f$a%e$s of the Indian Constitution 3o$$o.ed the idea of 2udi*ial $e'ie. f$o% the Constitution of A) Canada B) :"A C) ".it@e$land !) All of the a3o'e *ount$ies. 115. ;ule of -a.A .hi*h is a &$o%inenet featu$e of the Indian 6olit( has 3een 3o$$o.ed f$o% A) :"A B) Canada C) ".it@e$land !) B$itain. 116. -et m and n 3e t.o .hole nu%3e$s. If n% K #5A the 'alue of %n is A) 4 B) 3# C) 10 117. If a K 3 then the 'alue of 4a# - 1#a L 9 is A) 1# B) 10 C) 9 !) #5 !) 4

118. The $adii of t.o *(linde$s a$e in the $atio # J 3 and thei$ hei0hts a$e in the $atio 5 J 3. Then the $atio of thei$ 'olu%e is A) 10 J 9 B) 7 J 6 C) #0 J #7 !) 50 J #7 119. 7o. %an( di0its a$e $eDui$ed to .$ite nu%3e$s 3et.een 1 and 1001 A) 19# B) 196 C) 198 !) #00 1#0. The &o&ulation of a 'illa0e is 30A000. It $aises 3( 4E e'e$( (ea$. The &o&ulation at the end of # (ea$s is A) 3#400 B) 3#408 C) 3#448 !) 34##0 1#1. The least nu%3e$ .hi*h is di'ided 3( 5A6 and 8 lea'es the $e%ainde$ 5 in ea*h *aseA is A) 1#0 B) #45 C) 150 !) 1#5 1##. If afte$ &a(%ent of of a loanA ;s. 750 still $e%ain to &a(A then .hole a%ount of the loan A) 1500 B) ##50 C) 3000 !) 3500 1#3. The 'alue of is A) 54 B) 56 C) C) 0.16 C) 510 !) !) 0.30 !) 51#

1#4. - is eDual to A) B) 1

1#5. The %ean &$o&o$tional of 0.3# and 0.0# is A) 0.08 B) 0.3

1#6. ;a'i in'ested ;s. 600 fo$ 5 %onths and )ohan ;s. 400 fo$ 8 %onth. If the( 0ained ;s. 310A then ;a'i .ill 0et A) ;s. 150 B) ;s. 160 C) ;s. 170 !) ;s. 180 1#7. At &$esent the a'e$a0e a0e of 5 students is 14 (ea$s. Afte$ 5 (ea$s the a'e$a0e .ill 3e A) 17 (ea$s B) 19 (ea$s C) #0 (ea$s !) #5 (ea$s 1#8. The &$o3a3ilit( that a *a$d d$a.n out of a &a*,et of 5# is of dia%ond is A) B) C) !) 1#9. If 5 %en o$ 10 3o(s *an *o%&lete a .o$, in 15 da(sA then 4 %en and 17 3o(s *an *o%&lete it in A) 4 da(s B) 5 da(s C) 6 da(s !) 7 da(s 130. The $atio of len0th and 3$edth of a $oo% is 3 J # and its a$ea is #94 sDua$e %et$e. The 3$edth of the $oo% is A) 1# %et$e B) 14 %et$e C) 16 %et$e !) #1 %et$e

131. Cities e%e$0ed in the 4an0a'alle( in the &e$iod BC A) 6th - 4th B) 5th - 4th C) 7th - 6th

!) 5th - 3$d !) 7a$a&&an &e$iod

13#. B$o% .hi*h &e$iod did the *aste s(ste% sta$t e%e$0in01 A) -ate$ 'edi* &e$iod B) a$l( 'edi* &e$iod C) )au$(an 6e$iod 133. )ohan2oda$o is lo*ated in A) "ind B) 4an0a 6lain C) Balu*histan !) ;a2asthan !) Hadus

134. /ho &e$fo$%ed to last $ites of the Buddha1 A) )alla B) "a,(as C) <nat$i,as 135. /ho autho$ed the A$thasast$a1 A) 6anini B) +autil(a C) +a&ila

!) )a,,ili0osala !) 7

136. /hat .as the total nu%3e$ of %a2o$ edi*ts issued 3( Aso,a1 A) 1# B) 14 C) 9 137. Bi%3isa$a .as i%&$isoned and sta$'ed to death 3( A) :da(in B) Chellana C) A2atsat$u 138. Chand$a0u&ta )au$i(a as*ended the th$one at the a0e of A) 18 B) 3# C) #9 139. /hat .as the "olita$( )ilita$( *onDuest of Aso,a1 A) >atsa B) A'anti C) +alin0a

!) "hishuna0a !) #5 !) +osala

140. /he$e did +anish,a 3uild a Buddhist stu&a and a %onaste$(1 A) 6atali&ut$a B) 6esha.a$ C) "an*hi !) A(odh(a 141. /ho is $efe$$ed to in the Ta%il "an0a% .o$,s as the 0$eatest of all the 0ods1 A) >ishnu B) "i'a C) Bala$a%an !) ;a%a 14#. In .hi*h (ea$ did 3attle of 6ani&at .as fou0ht1 A) 15#0 B) 15#6 C) 1530 !) 1536

143. The )u0hals .e$e influen*ed 3( A) The Tu$,s B) The )on0ols C) The Ti%u$ids !) Both the Tu$,es and the )on0ols. 144. /ho .as the fi$st Na(a, at "en2i1 A) >aia&&a B) "adasi.a Na(a, 145. /hen did the $e'olt of 1857 sta$ted1 A) 10 %a( 1857 B) 11 )a( 1857 146. Both Tila, and 4o,hale hailed f$o% A) Bo%a3( B) Na0&u$ 147. )usli% -ea0ue .as esta3lished in A) Be3 1906 B) <ul( 1906 C) Chauda&&a C) 9 )a( 1857 C) 6oona C) !e* 1906 !) >ish'anath !) 1# )a( 1857 !) "ata$a !) 8*t 1906 !) Anand

148. 4andhi2i inau0u$ated +heda "at(a0$a0a at a %eetin0 in A) +a&ad'an2 B) "a3a$%ati C) Nadiad

149. 6e$i(a$ 3$o,e off .ith 4andhi2i on the issue of A) >a$nash$a%dha$%a B) "at(a0$ah

C) Ahi%sa

!) 7indu )a$$ia0e

150. /ho .as a&&ointed as Chai$%an of Con0$ess National 6lannin0 Co%%ission1 A) !$. B.;. A%3ed,a$ B) <a.aha$lal Neh$u C) ;a2a2i !) Netha2i 151. /ho .e$e the fi$st tea*he$s of Buddha afte$ his 0$eat $enun*iation1 A) Ala$ and :d$a,a B) Ananda and Ash'a0hosha C) "a$i&ut$a and )auda0al(a(ana !) Ala$ and +ala% 15#. The sultan .ho fi$st fo$%ulated the fa%ine *ode to &$o'ide $elief to fa%ine affe*ted &eo&le .as A) Bal3an B) Alauddin +hali2i C) )uha%%ad Bin Tu0hluD !) I3$ahi% -odi 153. The %ain featu$e of the !$a'ida st(le of te%&le a$*hite*tu$e .as A) "i,ha$a B) 4o&u$a% C) >i%ana !) )anda&a

154. The *hild$en 3o$n to a B$ah%in fathe$ and a "ud$a %othe$ a$e *ate0o$ised as A) :$at(as B) Nisadas C) A3hi$as !) 6ulindas 155. The sil'e$ *oin $u&a(a .as fi$st issued 3( A) "i,anda$ -odi B) 7u%a(un C) "he$"hahsu$i !) A,3a$ !) "en,uttu'an

156. !u$in0 the "an0a% a0e the )aha3ha$ata in Ta%il .as *o%&osed 3( A) 6e$unde'ana$ B) >illi&uthu$ Al.a$ C) +a%3an

157. The state%ent that 3oth A0$a and Bateh&u$ "i,$i a$e 3i00e$ than -ondon .as %ade 3( A) Be$nie$ B) ;al&h Bit*h C) 7a.,ins !) )anu**i 158. ! >elutha%&i of T$a'an*o$e o$0anised the $e'olt in A) 1800 B) 1805 C) 1809 !) 1811

159. 7o. %an( seats .e$e 0i'en to the de&$essed *lasses unde$ the Co%%unal A.a$d and 6oona 6a*t1 A) 74 and 79 $es&e*ti'el( B) 71 and 147 $es&e*ti'el( C) 78 and 80 $es&e*ti'el( !) 78 and 69 $es&e*ti'el( 160. The "hi'a Te%&le at Tan2o$e .as 3uilt 3( the A) Cholas B) ;asht$a,utas C) 6alla'as !) 6and(as


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