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How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

Unit 2/ eek ! Title" How Animals Talk Suggested Time" ,!,#. ,!,3. # days $#% minutes &er day' ,!,2. Common Core ()A Standards" *+,!,-. *+,!,2. *+,!,!. *+,!,#. *+,!,/. *+,!,-01 *2,!,#1 ,!,-01 S),!,-. S),!,#. S),!,41 ),!,-. ),!,2. ),!,#. ),!,4

Teacher +nstructions
Refer to the Introduction for further details. Before Teaching -, *ead the Big +deas and 5ey Understandings and the Syno&sis, 6lease do not read this to the students, This is a descri&tion 7or teachers. about the big ideas and key understanding that students should take away after com&leting this task, Big +deas and 5ey Understanding (8en though animals cannot talk. they still communicate using sight. sound. touch. and smell, Syno&sis 9How Animals Talk: is an in7ormational. non7iction selection describing how 8arious animals communicate or send messages, Animals communicate with each other to warn o7 danger. to share 7eelings. to attract a mate. and e8en &ro8e dominance, 2, *ead entire main selection te;t. kee&ing in mind the Big +deas and 5ey Understandings,

How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

!, *e<read the main selection te;t while noting the sto&&ing &oints 7or the Te;t De&endent =uestions and teaching >ocabulary, During Teaching -, Students read the entire main selection te;t inde&endently, 2, Teacher reads the main selection te;t aloud with students 7ollowing along, $De&ending on how com&le; the te;t is and the amount o7 su&&ort needed by students. the teacher may choose to re8erse the order o7 ste&s - and 2,' !, Students and teacher re<read the te;t while sto&&ing to res&ond to and discuss the ?uestions and returning to the te;t, A 8ariety o7 methods can be used to structure the reading and discussion $i,e," whole class discussion. think<&air< share. inde&endent written res&onse. grou& work. etc,'

Te;t De&endent =uestions

Text Dependent Questions How does the illustration on &ages 223 and 22@ hel& you to understand what the author means by the word 9talk:A *eread &age 2!-, By using conte;t clues. de7ine the word communicate. How does the wol7 communicate its anger to other wol8esA )ook at the small &hoto o7 the wol7 on &age 2!2, hy is the wol7 sni77ing the snowA How do deer communicate the message. 9Stay away 7rom this &lace: to other deerA $6g, 2!2' Answers The author means that animals are able to communicate without using words, Communication means telling each other things and sending messages, ol8es show that they are angry by raising their back and walking with sti77 legs, The wol7 is sni77ing the snow to see i7 other wol8es ha8e been in that same &lace recently, The deer rubs its head against a tree in order to lea8e its smell,

How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

*eread &age 2!%, hat message are both animals sendingA How are the deer and the &ikaBs ways o7 communicating di77erentA Sometimes authors use words that imitate the sound the word describes, (;" The word buCC imitates the sounds o7 bees, The word siCCle imitates the sound o7 bacon 7rying, hen a word imitates the sound it is describing this is called onomato&oeia, 2ind an e;am&le o7 onomato&oeia on &age 2!4 and e;&lain how it is an e;am&le, hy does the &raying mantis make itsel7 look as big as it canA $6g, 2!/', Sometimes the way words are arranged in sentences make the sentence hard to understand, *eread the 7irst two sentences on &age 2!3 and with a &artner decide what the author is saying to the reader, Eow. with your &artner rewrite these sentences in your own words to make them easier to understand, The author tells us that the male black widow s&ider 9walks care7ully on the 7emale s&iderBs web,: hat message is the male s&ider sending to the 7emale s&iderA $6g, 2!3' (;&lain how the albatross or 9gooney bird: dances. 7or his mate, $6g, 2#0' Fn &age 2#-. the author states that the two male ele&hant seals 9rise u& in a crowd o7 7emales,: (;&lain. in your own words. what this means,

Both animals are signaling danger, The white tail deer uses its body by 7licking its tail u& to show the white underside to alert danger, The &ika uses a loud sound to signal danger, The word crack is onomato&oeia because it sounds like the crashing o7 the elksD horns when the elks are 7ighting,

The &raying mantis is saying 9Better lea8e me alone,: The male 7ire7ly gi8es a signal to attract a 7emale, A male 7ire7ly lights u& when he sees a 7emale 7ire7ly, This tells the 7emale to come to him,

He walks care7ully on the web to let the 7emale s&ider know he is another black widow s&ider too. not 7ood, The albatross 9twists his wings: and: bows his head,: 9*ise u& in a crowd o7 7emales: means that the two ele&hant seals are u&right or 9standing u&: while the 7emales are lying down, 9A crowd o7 7emales: means there is a large grou& o7 them,

How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

*eread &age 2#2, Eame three underwater animals and describe how each communicates, A meta&hor com&ares two unlike obGects without using the words 9like: or 9as:, hy do sailors com&are the beluga whale to a songbird known as a canary How do chim&anCees communicate to one another that they like themA $6g, 2##',

Hum&back whales sing a loud song. Beluga whale chir&s and clicks. Manatees touch whiskers, They also chir& and s?ueal, The beluga li8es under water, The canary li8es on land, A canary has 7eathers and the beluga does not, The beluga swims and the canary 7lies, They are alike because they both make a singing sound They groom each other,

KEY WORDS ESSENT A! TO "NDERSTAND N# ords addressed with a ?uestion or task te;t clues are &ro8ided inST"DENTS ( #"RE O"T T$E not enough conte;tual clues &ro8ided TEA%$ER &RO' DES DE( N T ON the te;t )EAN N# in the te;t

WORDS WORT$ KNOW N# Heneral teaching suggestions are &ro8ided in the +ntroduction

How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

6age 2!4 < hare

6age 2!- < ya& 6age 2!% < 7lick. alert. signal 6age 2!4 < woolly 6age 2!3 < chatter 6age 2#0 < bows 6age 2#2 < mammal

6age 2!- < communicate

6age 2!4 < arctic 6age 2!/ < enemies 6age 2## < grooms

How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

>ocabulary Culminating Task

*e<*ead. Think. Discuss. rite The title o7 this in7ormational. non7iction selection is 9How Animals Talk,: Although animals do not s&eak in words. this selection &ro8ides in7ormation that &ro8es that animals do in 7act 9talk,: +n one well<constructed &aragra&h. e;&lain how di77erent animals communicate, Hi8e at least three e;am&les 7rom the te;t to su&&ort your ideas,

Additional Task
Com&lete the chart below, Then. share your answers with the class, Animal )a*e Deer hite<Tail Deer 6ika Bull (lk 6raying Mantis 2ire7ly Male S&ider Baby *obins Albatrosses (le&hant Seals Hum&back hales Chim&anCees

Authors Translation Human Talk sta+ awa+ fro, here

This Animals Actions Animal Talk ru-s against a tree * s,e**

Sound, Smell, or Body Language uses -od+ *anguage

How Animals Talk/ Susan Mcgrath/Created by Bogalusa District

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