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Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

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Hinduism Facts
In the history of mankind, many cultures have come and gone but Hinduism has withstood many challenges posed by the time and has spread all over the world. The secret of this success of Hindu religion lies in the fact in its practical approach towards human life, belief in eternal truths, and modifications made without changing the basic beliefs. Despite being the worlds third largest and the oldest religion, lots of people are unaware of the facts about Hinduism. There are also a number of misconceptions about Hinduism, which need to be explained. Therefore, in this article, we would try to put forth all the Hinduism facts in brief before the world, so that everybody would have an idea about what Hinduism is. Fast Facts about Hinduism Religion: Existence Since: Hinduism is the worlds oldest known religion. History of Hinduism can be traced back to 5000-10,000 B.C. Facts about size and Rank: It is the third largest religion of the world with more than 1 billion followers.
YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE Location: Most of the Hindus live in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka with considerable presence in all other parts of the world also. About 85% of Hindus live in India. That is why India is also called as Hindustan.

Sunday, 06/01/2013 7:00 PM

Hindu Festivals in 2013 Known as: People who follow Hinduism are called as Hindus. Hinduism is also known as Hindu Dharma ( ), Hindu Religion, Sanatan Dharma (Eternal Religion), Vedic Religion, or Vedic Tuesday, 17/07/2012 5:39 PM Dharma. Why Hindus do not cut hair

Founder: Hinduism has no single founder. It has been evolving over the thousands of years and will continue to. Origin: Hinduism originated in India. Hinduism is largely based on the teachings from Vedas. 1/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

Meaning of the word: The word Hinduism actually has no real meaning because Hinduism was not founded as a religion. The name Hindu is given by the people outside of the India, especially Greeks and Arabs, to those living in the vicinity of Sindhu river. So, the way of life those people were following is called Hinduism. What do they worship: Hindus believe in one God named as Brahman but view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations of Him. Therefore, in practice, they worship more than one God. Most Hindus worship God in the form of an idol. Rivers, mountains, trees, animals, and natural things which are useful for a human being are revered in Hinduism. Cow is the most revered animal for Hindus. Place of Worship: The place of worship of Hindus is called as a temple. Main Deities: Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva are the creator, protector, and destroyer respectively. These are the three main deities in Hinduism. Besides them, Lord Ganesha, Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman, Lord Rama, and Goddess Parvati are the most popular deities in Hinduism. Yugas: According to Hinduism, as there are four seasons in a year, there are four Yugas namely SatyaYuga, Treta-Yuga, Dvapara-Yuga, Kali-Yuga. At the end of a full cycle of four Yugas, the life on the earth comes to an end (though not completely) and a new era starts. The humanity enters into a new era. The present era is known as Kali-Yuga i.e. Dark Age. Facts about sects in Hinduism: Hinduism consists of different sects like Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. The common people follow all the three sects collectively worshiping Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Devi. Aims of life: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire), and Moksha (salvation) are the four objectives of a Hindus life. Goal: Salvation is the ultimate goal of a Hindus life. Stages of life: According to Hinduism, four stages of life are Brahmcharyashram (Student phase), Grihastahshram (Living with wife and children), Vanprasthashram (leaving the home and pray to God, may keep contact with family), and Sanyasashram (discard everything in life including wife, children, and material things). Contribution: Yoga, Pranayama, meditation, Ayurveda, vegetarianism, and meditation are the best gifts of Hinduism to the world. Tantric sex, Palmistry, acupressure, acupuncture, Jyotish Shastra, martial art, and many other ancient wonders originated in India and are parts of Hinduism Religion. Hinduism is the source of inspiration for three other major religions of the world viz. Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Zero, point system, and decimal system were invented in India. On the basis of which the modern science exists. Symbols: Aum and Swastika are the main symbols of Hinduism. Besides those, Kalash, Trishul, Tilak, Lingam, Shri, and Yantra are other popular Hindu symbols. The saffron is the official color of Hinduism and the saffron flag is the official flag of Hindus. 2/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

Sacred Books or Scriptures: Four Vedas, Upanishadas, Bhagvadgita, 18 Puranas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata are the sacred books of Hindus. Language: Most of the Hindu scriptures are written in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all the languages. Sanskrit is considered to be the language of demi-Gods. The languages Hindus use vary according to regions. They speak all the India languages like Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Malyalam, Gujarati, Kashmiri, etc. Outside India, the languages spoken by Hindus are English, Sinhali, Indonesian, etc. Eating Habits: Most of the Hindus do not eat beef and/or pork. They also do not eat non-vegetarian food on auspicious days. Hinduism strongly advocates vegetarianism. Food is highly revered and wasting the food is considered as a very bad habit. Important Hindu Festivals: 1. Diwali The festival of lights. 2. Vijayadashami Celebrating the victory of good over evil. 3. Gudhipadawa Hindu New Year. 4. Mahashivratri The day on which the universe was created. 5. Makar Sankranti Transmigration of Sun into Makar Rashi. 6. Navratri Mother Goddess is worshiped for nine days. 7. Ramnavami Birthday of Lord Rama. 8. Ganesh Festival Festival of Lord Ganesha. Vedic restraints for Hindus are: 1. Ahimsa (not to harm others) 2. Satya (truthfullness) 3. Asteya (Nonstealing) 4. Brahmacharya (Avoiding promiscuity in thoughts, word, and deed) 5. Kshama (Forgiveness) 6. Dhriti (Steadfastness) 7. Daya (Compassion) 8. Arjaya (Honesty) 16 Samskaras in a Hindus life: Samskaras are the rituals which are performed at different stages of a human life. 3/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

1. Garbhadhana. 2. Pumsavana. 3. Simanatonnayana. 4. Jatakarman. 5. Namakarana 6. Nishkramana. 7. Annaprashana. 8. Chudakarana. 9. Karnavedana. 10. Upanayana. 11. Vidyarambha. 12. Samavartana 13. Vivaha. 14. Vanprastha 15. Sanyasa 16. Antyeshti. Hindu Philosophy: Hindu philosophy is divided broadly in six different parts called as Darshanas. 1. Samkhya 2. Yoga 3. Nyaya or logics 4. Vaisheshika 5. Mimamsa 6. Vedanta. Karma: Karma means your deeds. Hindus believe that our fate depends upon our Karma i.e. as you sow so shall you reap. If you do bad Karma, you have to compensate for it in this as well as your next life. Your next life depends upon your Karma. Reincarnation: A soul dwells in every living thing. Body is mortal but the soul is immortal. When we die, our soul enters a new body and the cycle continues until we get salvation. Caste System: Originally, there were no castes in Hinduism but there were four Varnas viz 1. Brahmin (priests). 2. Kshatriya (warriors) 3. Vaishya (Businessmen) 4. Shudra (labor) These Varnas were further divided into castes and sub-castes. Originally, caste system was not based upon birth. Now a day, caste is determined by the birth. During medieval period, the persons belonging to a particular caste were supposed to do the same business as of their ancestors. This type of caste system no longer exists. People are free to do whatever they want. Castes come into play mainly during marriages. In arranged marriages, people prefer to marry the person from the same caste. Dashavatar: According to Bhagavad-Gita, whenever Dharma weakens or the sins on the earth increase to the limit, Lord Vishnu incarnates on the earth and removes the sinners and protects the earth. So far, Vishnu has incarnated nine times and the tenth incarnation is yet to come. Following are the 10 incarnations of Vishnu known as Dashavataram: 1. Matsyavatar. 2. Kurmavatar. 3. Varahavatar. 4. Narsimhavatar. 4/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

5. Vamanavatar. 6. Parshuram. 7. Ram. 8. Krishna. 9. Buddha. 10. Kalki Avatar. Basic concept of Hinduism: It will be easier to understand the basic concept of Hinduism if you know Law of Conservation of Energy. For those who have a science background or have some interest in science know the Law of Conservation of Energy very well. It is like this: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Only one form of energy can be transformed into other. The sum of all the energies in the universe remains the same. According to Hinduism, human body is perishable but the soul is immortal and is subjected to the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. The soul changes bodies as a living person changes his/her clothes. So, the thing which we call death is actually just a transformation of soul from one body to another as the energy changes from one form to the other. This cycle continues births after births and the soul is subjected to sufferings endlessly. So, the ultimate goal of a Hindus life is to attend salvation (also called as Moksha or Nirvana) i.e. freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth. One can attend salvation when the soul of a person fully becomes one with the supreme spirit called Brahman (or God) who is eternal, genderless, omnipotent, and omniscient. Interesting facts about Hinduism: So far, we have seen some common Hinduism facts, but now we will have a look at some interesting Hinduism facts. 1. The institution of marriage was founded and put forth in practice by Hindus. 2. The first law maker, Manu, was a Hindu and Manu Smriti was the first book on law in the world. 3. Rigveda is the oldest literature known to mankind. 4. Hindus believe that Vedas are written by Gods. 5. According to Vedas, lending money on interest is a bad Karma. 6. Acupuncture and acupressure are vital parts of Hindu customs. 7. Do you know the fact that Vedas were preserved for more than 5000 years without the help of printing technology? This was done by reciting and memorizing all the hymns and through Teacher-Disciple tradition (Guru-Shishya Parampara). 8. India is the home of four great religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. 5/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

9. Sanskrit is the oldest language known to mankind. 10. The concepts of decimal system, zero, point, pi and many others were used first by Hindus. 11. According to Vedas, Om is the sound which was present at the time of creation of universe and it is the only symbol, which represents the God (Brahman). 12. Parents, teachers, and food are considered next to God. 13. Wasting food is considered as a very bad habit in Hinduism. 14. There is no officially-declared Hindu country in the world as there are Islamic and Christian countries. Nepal was the only Hindu country, but it has now become a republic country. 15. Hindu community is the second most tortured community in the world after Jews. 16. Hindus do not wear footwear inside the temples or homes. 17. Because of the usefulness of rivers, they are highly revered in Hinduism. People call them as mother. Ganges is the highest revered river for Hindus. 18. Kashi Vishwanath Temple is the holiest temple for Hindus. It is located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. 19. Kashi is situated along the banks of the river Ganges. It is the holiest place for Hindus. Some Hindus believe that if you die in Kashi, you would attend salvation. Some people prefer to spend the last days of their lives in Kashi. 20. There have been substantial evidences that Hinduism had spread all over the world including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, USA, Italy, and many other parts of the world. 21. Hindu population constitutes about 14% of the world population. 22. Hindus believe that we get the human body when our soul passes through 8,400,000 species (Yonis). 23. A few decades back, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Maths, and Hypnotism were considered as superstitions and/or rubbish but with the advent of modern science it is proved now that these things are very helpful for us. 24. Hindus do not worship Lord Brahma individually. He is worshiped only in the form of trinity i.e. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh together. There is only one temple of Brahma in the world, which is in Pushkar, Rajasthan. The same thing applies to Indra. Indra and Brahma are both cursed because of their weak characters. Some people use this thing against Hinduism but they should understand that Hinduism is bold enough to punish every culprit whoever he/she may be. This also proves the fact that Hindu mythology is not just a fairy tale but is a history in itself as no culture would abandon its own gods. 25. The Ganges River is considered as the most sacred river by Hindus. The Ganges is considered as a goddess. They believe that all of the sins of a person are washed when he/she bathes in Ganges. Ganges water contains more oxygen than any other river in the world and the water remains fresh for longer time. According to a program broadcasted on Discovery, the Ganges water contains bacteria veg which eats up harmful bacteria. Hence, despite being over-polluted, there are less harmful bacteria in it. 26. Practice of cremation is observed by most of the Hindus. The practice of burial is also observed in a small number of castes. 6/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

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49 thoughts on Hinduism Facts

1. nathan on October 6, 2011 at 4:16 pm said: Hinduism is the only religion survived without propaganda and no one preaches or never say bad things about other religions as I have heard muslims and catholic preachers say about other religions during the service. Reply 2. Dr. Ms. Jaymala Diddee on October 9, 2011 at 8:23 am said: Very informative article written in simple, easily comprehensible style. I found it useful to acquaint my grandson with the idea of Hinduism Thanks, Reply 3. Laural on October 19, 2011 at 2:39 am said: This really helped with my culture letter! I hope I get an A more that she knows, and shes Hindu Reply 4. ash101 on October 31, 2011 at 7:21 pm said: i am doing a speack on hiduism and this really helped me thanks a bunch! Reply 5. ravi acharya on November 4, 2011 at 9:43 pm said: Hinduism is the unique religion which had no force to worship it only says do good karma and have good karma in return it says you respects your own mother and father and pray them more than god because if you pray to them its mean you had prayed god if you dont respect them and go to temple and pray to god its useless never hurt your parents they are god on this earth. Reply 6. Alby on November 11, 2011 at 1:49 pm said: I guess u hav missed a very important fact of all 7/17

I can probably teach my best friend even


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

That Hinduism is the most superstitious religion in the world Believing and practising blackmagic . They consider certain animals As god and even consider their urine as holy water and drink it. And here comes the most amazing fact they worship shiva lingam ( shivas penis ). I wonder why Hindu women seem to be more interested in it. People stop blindly glorifying Hinduism and its culture and try to Realise why it is being criticised and mocked by others as the religion of people Who worship stones , monkeys , cows and rats. I believe that u hav been gifted with something with which u can think. Reply admin on November 11, 2011 at 2:27 pm said: Hi Albin, thanx for commenting. Your first point is that Hindus are superstitious because they practice black magic. Do you know, Muslims are considered better than Hindus in the field of black magic. Therefore by your point, Muslims are the most superstitious. Your second point is that they consider certain animals as gods. Actually, they consider them as holy and useful animals and to express gratitude and in order to give them protection, they worship them. Your third point is about cow urine. It is proved that cow urine possesses antibacterial properties and is used to kill insects on plants and to improve nourishment of soil. Hence, Hindus use cow urine as a medicine only. Plus, it is just a tradition and not every Hindu follows it. In fact, Shiv lingam represents the divine power that male and female aspect of energy are different but inseparable. Lingam worship is not common to Hindus only but the pentacle of Jews also represents the same thing. Many Pagan cultures worship Lingam. Your comment about Hindu women show your attitude. Many people in the world are now returning to the worship of nature i.e. stones, animals, trees, which is a part of Hinduism and we are proud of it. In this way, the protection is given to animals as they are also a valuable part of our lives. I think I have answered all of your queries. If you have any further doubts, you can always use this website. Reply Narinder singh on April 4, 2013 at 8:54 pm said: Thanks Bro, for clear the misconceptions of other, about hinduism. one day they will realize the fact of their roots and they will come back to hinduism . Reply Anonymous on July 22, 2012 at 11:23 pm said: Hinduism also believes that Truth alone Prevails. Your believes have been answered by the admin but let me add that the Shiva Linga is iust a does not represent a penis. 8/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

Reply 7. JamesF on December 30, 2011 at 8:06 am said: Hi admin . This is an awesome site . I love it . I do have a favor to ask you though . You refer to the murtis as idols and that word is confusing to people (ecspecially christians), please read the definition . Would you please use image or statue or even murti instead of idol please ? Reply 8. hannah on December 31, 2011 at 1:22 am said: You need to have the date when this page was posted. I have to do a report on hinduism and I have to have the date of when this page was posted. Reply 9. ladeama on January 23, 2012 at 8:53 pm said: woow i have to do a report on hinduism nd i dnt know wat 2 do. Reply 10. Anonymous on January 24, 2012 at 6:13 am said: It helps a lot Reply 11. christin on February 4, 2012 at 5:05 pm said: You need to have the name of the person who wrote the article for a school report,but it help so much thanx.. Reply 12. sanjeev singh on February 8, 2012 at 1:23 am said: this is the wonder of Hinduism. we embrace all religions and all sects. i believe that there is only one GOD and we pray to the different avtars of GOD. a simple example is a tree:- one GOD the trunk of the tree and the different Avtars the branches. sadly we as human in Kalyug are the leaves that create a boundry between the different religions. all religions teach us one thing LOVE ONE LOVE ALL-TRUTH. we as humans need to live together as one. Reply 13. SANI on February 18, 2012 at 12:48 pm said: I like your post and it is very helpful for me because i also a blogger so keep posting I already bookmark your website Reply 14. answer on February 18, 2012 at 6:20 pm said: guys no one have right to tell bad word to any religion i am challanging all of you to come at iscon temple or ant place where you can get HINDUISM information. Reply 9/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

15. Aditya Prakash Deshpande on March 3, 2012 at 10:50 am said: Krishna purported in Bhagavad Gita, sarva-dharman parityajya / mam ekam saranam vraja / aham tvam sarva-papebhyo / moksayisyami ma sucah which implies Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear. (source Bhagavad Gita As It Is). The valid point to ponder here is religions did not exist during the Mahabharata period. The society tree branched into four classes of Brahman (the teacher), Kshatriya (the protector), Vaishya (the merchant), and Kshudra (the labor). Analogically, the Brahman is the brain, Kshatriya the arms, Vaishya the stomach, and Kshudra the legs in the civic body. No one belittled Kshudras just imagine a body without legs. Krishna also known as Govinda (The One Who gives pleasure to all the senses) and (Govindam adi purusham tam aham bhajami meaning I worship You oh Govind, as You are the Origin of all as mentioned in Brahma Samhita) could foresee that in Kaliyug, people will be divided in the name of religion and would not hesitate to kill each other to propagate ones own religion. So, it is easy to comprehend that Krishna used Arjuna as a medium to address us that in these turbulent times, we must again word towards developing a world without religion and a society based on varnas which was peaceful as against a society based on religions only inclined towards propagating their religion and holding other religions in contempt. We must rise above hate and contribute towards a loving and synergistic existence. Reply 16. Anonymous on March 24, 2012 at 6:15 am said: Very good article. Reply 17. Vaishu on March 30, 2012 at 6:13 pm said: Too Nice.. More information i got it. Reply 18. Maggie on April 1, 2012 at 5:06 pm said: A good informative essay. It will help me in my understanding of the faith. Thank you. Maggie Reply 19. ANINDYA CHAKRABORTY on April 4, 2012 at 4:31 pm said: Hinduism is merely not a religion like others, it is a tradition, a life-style, an inherent sensitivity. Two or three books are not enough to learn Hinduism. A full period of life is very short to learn this thoroughly. Reply krishnanjali krottapalli on October 2, 2012 at 3:20 am said: this is really good information on hinduisj Reply 20. sandeep kumar garg on April 8, 2012 at 4:41 am said: This is very Awesome n helpful. Even I am also hindu but i did not know these facts which are given in this article. I am married to christian girl. I can show this artical to my wife n show all these facts about our religion. Thanx 10/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

Reply 21. vaishnavi on April 23, 2012 at 4:13 pm said: awsum!! check it out take some time out of ur busy life!! read this page about Hinduism!! Reply 22. joseph on April 25, 2012 at 8:11 pm said: it really helps my grade in world history Reply 23. Chris M on April 29, 2012 at 2:40 am said: Just as Jesus is prophicized in Old Testament of Jews, I see prophecies of Jesus in Hindu texts. They reference a trinity, God (Brahma) who takes on human flesh, nirvana is like heaven, and many other similarities Reply admin on April 29, 2012 at 8:57 am said: There are many similarities between Hinduism and Christianity but Nirvana is not the same as heaven. Reply 24. jimmy bob joe on May 7, 2012 at 10:07 pm said: This is a good article for research projects. Reply 25. Prem Prasanth on July 31, 2012 at 10:09 pm said: vamana 5th avatar ..he is related with mahabali who ruled parasuram 6th avatar considered as creator of keralahow can he create kerala when mahabali was already a leader of kerala Reply admin on August 4, 2012 at 8:04 am said: I think you have some wrong information. Parshuram did not create the Kerala but he recovered the land from the sea. It is quite possible that after the fifth Avatar i.e. Vamana. Kerala must have immersed in the sea as it happened with Dwaraka after Krishna. So, the sixth incarnation Parashuram recovered the land from the sea. So, it is quite possible. Reply Prem Prasanth on August 4, 2012 at 2:17 pm said: Thank u for your valuable informationit helped me a lot.. Reply 11/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

suresh on February 16, 2013 at 2:25 pm said: my question is, some say lord shiva is the prime and supreme of all gods others say its vishnu. as i trust lord shiva so for me he is the root cause for not only hinduism but all religins and gods. shiva is god fo gods(mahadev) lord vishu 2nd ,am i right Reply admin on March 1, 2013 at 4:50 pm said: Different sects believe in different deities as Supreme e.g. Shaiva believes in Shiva as supreme and Vaishnavas believe Vishnu as supreme but speaking in general, Shiva is the supreme of all but Shiva and Vishnu are just different bodies with the same soul. They cannot be compared with each other. Reply suresh on March 1, 2013 at 6:39 pm said: my question is, i heard many times that maa durga created all three lord shiva vishu brahma , so she the supreme to all , is that true admin on March 4, 2013 at 5:07 pm said: Those who follow Shaktism believe as you said but I do not think it is so. Maa Durga is an incarnation of Maa Parvati only. Then how can she create the world? It is believed that Adishakti or you can call Om, created Shiva. Then Shiva created Vishnu and then Brahma was created. Hindus believe that Brahma created this world, so he is termed as creator. suresh on March 8, 2013 at 7:23 pm said: why lord shiva is mostly found in meditation mode & what word does he use in his meditation is it the name of lord ram or its the word OM he chants admin on March 9, 2013 at 4:45 pm said: I am not sure if he chants anything but if he chants, then it should certainly be Om. I think in meditation, he keeps watch on the world like what is happening around the world or sort of like that or if any of his devotees needs his help. suresh on March 11, 2013 at 12:56 am said: hi, admin happy shivratri. & i wanna ask something, if u see the site of iskcon(lord krishnas orgnisation) and search about lord shiva ull find that shiva is the biggest devotee of lord vishnu & nothing else & certain lines on lord shiva are not at all fair, this is one of the problem in our hinduism that we dont have proper unity. if an sound organisation like iskcon express such statements what about others. admin on March 23, 2013 at 1:35 pm said: If so, they are right but they have not mentioned remaining 50% part that is 12/17


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Lord Vishnu is also the biggest devotee of Lord Shiva. 26. nicole on August 16, 2012 at 11:25 pm said: is Hinduism the biggest religion in the world Reply admin on August 17, 2012 at 8:45 am said: Yes but not in size but in philosophy. In size, it is the third largest religion in the world. Reply 27. shantanu on August 20, 2012 at 3:44 pm said: hinduism is great i m blessed by god coz i m a hindu jai hindu!!!!!!!!!! Reply 28. Sarah on September 18, 2012 at 6:54 am said: Thank you, this was very informational. Do you know what they call the person who holds/held services for the Hindus? Reply 29. Gauri Pandey on October 19, 2012 at 12:18 pm said: Thank you so much for give us great knowledge full information. . . Reply 30. Brigadier(Retd) Chitranjan Sawant,VSM on January 6, 2013 at 9:58 pm said: CRIME AND PUNISHMCNT BY BRIG Chitranjan Sawant,VSM ___________________________________________________ AUM CRIME AND PUNISHMENT By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM Crimes of sorts are committed by human beings with a criminal bent of mind who, generally speaking, are misfits in human society. These criminals get into the habit of making easy money and while doing so dont care if they have to bump off their victims. Of late, crimes are on the rise and the upward trend is being maintained by the new tribe of criminals. Sociologists have analysed the causes and concluded that the social order has collapsed and it gave an impetus to criminal thought and practices. In India that is Bharat, the basic unit of the society, the joint family has almost collapsed and disappeared from the social order. Once the source of sustenance to good order and social discipline had disappeared, there was a vacuum and there was nothing else left to bind human beings together socially. The moral authority of the human society now had no legs to stand upon. A new tendency made an appearance in the human society. Everyone For Himself and Herself. Selfishness was the overpowering human trait and the teaching , SERVICE BEFORE SELF just remained dormant on the pages of books of religion and morality. DECLINE AND FALL With the decline of social authority that gradually led to its Fall, the moral structure also collapsed. 13/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

Criminals considered themselves above Law and they could buy that system of dispensation of justice that separated the Outlaw from the Law-Abiding. The ill gotten wealth made them so arrogant and drunk with illegitimate power that the real seat of authority, government of the day cowered. Corrupt practices of the lowest order had eaten into the vitals of men who ran the show and they became absolutely hollow and too feeble to resist criminals, leave alone bringing them to book. The Judiciary pleaded helplessness to punish criminals unless witnesses deposed under oath and the Prosecution proved the charges beyond any shadow of doubt. Sadly, the judicial process could never be carried to completion because witnesses failed to turn up in courts of law because they were too scared of the muscle power to stand face to faceurt of law.o stand face to face in a court of law. WITNESSES FOR THE Prosecution were subjected to threat, inducement, promise or bribery AND THEY FAILED TO DEPOSE ON OATH BEFORE THE JUDGE WHAT THE Truth was. Thus the system of criminal justice failed to deliver the goods and put criminals in prison. Criminals went scot free, roamed around in street and the law-abiding citizens sat subdued sans police protection in a remote corner. Neo-rulers made money in millions and had to travel abroad day after day to stash illegitimate wealth in benami accounts in Banks of Loot in a remote corner in a foreign country like Switzerland. The aam aadami or the much talked about common man suffered privation and rarely ate two square meals a day. With the result the crime graph went up and up but the morale of the people went down and down. The bank balance of the corrupt politician swelled and swelled with the ill-gotten wealth but the state of the State became more and more pathetic day by day. The AAM AADAMI or the Common Man in a foreign country like Switzerland, in whose name the country was LOOTED by its own political leaders was in no position, physical, mental or spiritual to rise in revolt against the daylight robbery in his house committed by its own leaders. The Fall of Bastille and the French Revolution were a distant dream in the land of Ahimsa. The untold suffering and misery went on and on. The Ryot suffered untold misery and privation as he and she rarely had two square meals a day. Sickness, education of children, festivities in Dussehra and Diwali were like building castles in the air. The rulers were the legislators and ministers who had spent a fortune in getting the party ticket and influencing the ballot through bullet, if need be, made illegal money as the return for the massive amount of money he had spent on the process of occupying the present position of power. PUNISHMENT PLAYING TRUANT It is the constitutional duty of the State that it employs its police, para-military and if need be even the military to apprehend and punish the perpetrators of crmanent stateof fear of the outlawsinue to live in a perime. The citizenry will lose faith in the government of the day if it fails to carry out its basic duty of providing protection to its citizens from the lawless elements of the society. If the law-abiding citizens continue to live in a state of permanent fear of the Outlaw, the citizenry will succumb to the threat of criminals. It may be added that at present the Government of India develops cold feet when it comes to hanging Afzal Guru to death. It is sad that they look into terrorist-care for retaining power but not for making the Nation strong by eliminating Islamist terrorists. Crimes continue to be committed but punishment is not meted out to the terrorist-criminal due to electoral politics where religion that a terrorist or a traitor professes comes in play in a big way. Afzal Guru, the mastermind of an anti-national plot to attack the Sansad Bhawan. Kill some parliamentarians and take others as hostages, has not yet been hanged to death because the Congress led central govt feels, may be mistakenly, that by hanging to death a Kashmiri Muslim terrorist, the party in power would lose the next general elections. However, the Truth must be highlighted, no matter how bitter it is. To conclude, one may say that India is rather weak in its handling of the problem of Terror-cumcrime. May be, a change in leadership at the Centre bring about the necessary change in nations attitude towards Islamist Terror. The Law must take its own course irrespective of the caste, creed, region and religion that the terrorist-criminal may belong to. 14/17


Hinduism Facts, Facts about Hindu Religion, India, Kids

Email: Mob. 9811173590. Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant, VSM 609, Sector-29 Arun Vihar Noida-201303. INDIA Reply 31. TEJAVARDHANA on February 15, 2013 at 11:03 pm said: proud to be an Indian, crade of civilisation and torch bearer of the world, land of the Karma and occult, most tolerant nation on the earth Reply admin on March 1, 2013 at 4:51 pm said: You are right, I too. Reply 32. Sapan on March 13, 2013 at 10:16 pm said: Hinduism is so diverse and rich in such information and symbolismHard to grasp each and every piece of knowledge our ancestors intended us to receive Reply

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