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Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis - Micro Astrology

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"Successful man and unsuccessful man both do karma. Successful man does the right karma in the right direction at the right time whilst unsuccessful person fails in that. If somehow unsuccessful person also comes to know his right karma and the right direction at the right time, doubtlessly he would be in the counting of successful man. Astrology helps to some extent in knowing one's right karma, direction and time for executing one's freewill to get SUCCESS" - B.K.Kumar

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Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis - Micro Astrology

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Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis

Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis Moon: mental strength, movement of vital forces in the body like body's fluids, blood and lymph. Female reproductive functions pregnancy, nursing, menopause, primary indicator of fertility Mars: acute illness, elevated body metabolism, venereal diseases Sun: denotes constitutional vigour and metabolism Venus: reproductive organs, sexual activities Saturn: chronicle diseases, weakening metabolic powers, retention and deposits of toxins, sluggish function of body parts, hypo functioning of endocrine glands, coldness, and obstruction Sign Libra: indicates sexual pleasures, generative organs 7th house: sensuous enjoyment, sex desires, private organs, health of the partner Ascendant: general mental and physical abilities Combinations for Impotence Mars in Libra indicates problems to sexual organs, displeasure in the bed. Mars and Sun / Mars and Rahu in Libra indicate disturbed pleasure and disease in generative organs. 4 planets in Libra indicates sexual incompetency Weak and afflicted Venus in 7th house indicates either wife will be barren or husband may be impotent Mars with a malefic posited in 7th house indicates impotency caused by urinary system Saturn and Venus in 8th/10th with no benefice aspect induces impotency Saturn in depression in 6th or 12th house Saturn is 6th/12th from Venus Saturn is posited 12th from the Venus Moon in Libra aspected by Mars, Rahu, and Saturn, the native will be impotent Ascendant in its own house and aspecting Venus being posited in 7th house indicates impotency Moon and Saturn posited in 4th or 10th from Mars indicates impotency Lord of 6th house is associated with Mercury and Rahu and ascendant's lord is related to them in any way 6th lord, Mars and Saturn posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant, only the male partner will be impotent The lord of 7th joins the 6th house with Venus indicates native's wife will be frigid 6th lord posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant and aspected / associated by Mercury indicates both partner will be impotent -Saturn and Venus occupy the 8th or the 10th housefrom the Ascendant devoid of benefic aspects; -Saturn in the 6th or 12th house in a watery sign not in aspect by benefics; -Saturn occupying his debilitation sign in the 6th or 12 th house (This is possible only if Lagna is Scorpio or Taurus); -Saturn occupies the sixth or the eighth house from Venus; Frigidity Fridgidity takes place when: -Saturn is lord of Lagna aspected by Mars or Kethu. -Lagna is combined with Rahu and Saturn. -8L is hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn and is devoid of beneficial aspect of Jupiter. -Rahu and Saturn combine with the Moon. -Ketu and Saturn or Mars and Saturn afflict the Moon. -Mercury is 8L and the 8th house is tenanted by Saturn-Rahu or Saturn-Kethu. cont...

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Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis - Micro Astrology

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