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Scientific Name




Artibeos incometatus

Bassariscus Sumichristi

Gato Cola Anillada


cabassous centralis



Caluromys derbianus

Guazalillo Dorado

Derby's woolly opossum

Chironectes minimus

Tacuzin de Agua

Water opposum

Cryptotis hondurensis

Musaraa hondurea

Honduran small-eared shrew

Scientific Name
Dasyprocta ruatanica

Guatuza de Roatan

Ruatan Island agouti


Geocapromys brownii

Hutia de Roatan

Jamaican coney

Lutra longicaudis

Nutria, perro de agua

neotropical otter

Mazama americana

Tilopo, guisisil, venado rojo

red brocket

Micoureus alstoni


Alston's mouse opossum

Myrmecophaga tridactyla

Oso caballo

giant anteater

Scientific Name
Crax rubra


great curassow


Ara ambigua

Guara verde

Great Green Macaw

Amazilia luciae

Colibr esmeralda catracho

Honduran Emerald

Tapirus bairdii

Danto, tapir

Baird's tapir

Puma concolor

Puma, leon de montaa


Panthera onca



Scientific Name




Trichilia breviflora


Trichilia breviflora

Swietenia humilis


Pacific Coast mahogany

Bombacopsis quinata


Pachira quinata

Blakea brunnea

Sirin, uva

Blakea brunnea

Aegiphila fasciculata

Vara blanca


Abies guatemalensis


Guatemalan fir

Source: B. Maldonado y C. Alix. 1998. Manual de Dendrologia del Bosque Latfoliado. IV Edicin. C. Nelson. 2000. Nociones de Taxonomia Vegetal. Editorial Universitaria. Estudio de Racionalizacin del SINAPH.2002. Volumen IV: Especies de Preocupacin Especial. J R. McCraine y F. Castaeda. 2007. Gua de Campo de los Anfibios de Honduras. Available from :

Three popular articles about the ecosystem or environment in home country

Coral Reefs in Honduras: this article talk about the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) in Honduras. When the hurricane Mitch was in 1998 this coral reef was so damage. It also say about the barrier reef of the bay islands which are three island such as: Roatan, Guanaja and Utila. "These islands support 131 hotels and resorts in an area of just over 100 square miles (261 sq. km)." Charpenter 2008.It mentions the natural threats to the reef and the current health of it as well.

source: Charpentier & Media 2008. Coral Reefs in Honduras. [internet 3-17-2014]
Available from:

Caribbean Coast Pollution in Honduras (popular article)

The coast of Honduras, Central America, represents the southern end of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System ". The Coast has beautiful reef formation, wetlands, and mangroves. However it is become

polluted by different human aspects such, agricultural actions, Fishing and problem with sewage. Also there occurs naturals disasters like hurricanes, etc . I'm interested in this topic because the Caribbean Coast is the most famous touristic place in Honduras by having one of the larger Coral Reef in the world and we as a Honduran we have to protect them.

Marck Pollut Bull . 2001.Honduras Caribbean Coast. NCBI. Available in internet from:

Honduras and Deforestation (Popular Article)

This article talk about the reforestation problem that Honduras is facing specially in conservatives zones such as "La Biosfera del Rio Platano" . This area has been deforested by indigenes people that live there. They are cutting the forest and polluting the water. Source: Danielle Morello June1997. Honduras and Deforestation. Available in internet from:

Caribbean Coast Pollution in Honduras (scientific article)

This article talk about the Caribbean Coast where is it located, about different threats that the Coast is suffering, and how these problem affect the economy of the Country . The Honduran are using method to solve these problem such as working with national and international NGO projects to protect the Caribbean Coast.

Daniel C. Afzal . 2001. Honduras Carebbean Coast. Pergamon. Available in internet from:

AVIAN DIVERSITY IN THE MOSKITIA REGION OF HONDURAS (Scientific Article) This article is about the conservation of la Moskitia in Honduras, it say that La Moskitia has an high value in terms of avian diversity in the country, in this article you will find data that several scientific has done there. Source: ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 15: 447482, 2004. Avian Diversity in the Moskitia Region of Honduras. Available in internet from:

Observations of Rough-Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis) off the Coast of Utila, Honduras (Scientific Article)

This is about a observations that some fishermen and operators have see that rough-toothed dolphins are off the coast in Utila Honduras. It talk about the study that they have been doing, and what they are doing now in order to know more about the Dolphins behavior.

Source: Kuczaj II, S. A., & Yeater, D. B. "Observations of Rough-Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis) Off the
Coast of Utila, Honduras." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87.1 (2007): 141148. also available in internet from :

Silvopastoral: Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Management article )

This is about the AIMS project that is funded by Global Environmental Facility (GEF). This project is about how to protect the soil, store carbon. They are in two countries in Central America; Costa Rica and Nicaragua. source: Markets for Watershed Services -Country Profile 2006. Silvopastoral: Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Available in internet from: INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT IN INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES REGIONAL (Management article) The objective of this project is to help the indigenous people in Central America how to prevent environmental threatens, degradation of the land. Source: INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK. INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT IN INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES REGIONAL. Available in internet from:

Disaster Risk Management in Central America/Honduras(Management Article)

This article shows data from Central America about all of disasters risk that they have suffered during the last decades. It show information about Hurricanes, storm flood and all kind of natural disaster, however it include a litter bit about economy as well. Source: The World Bank. Disaster Risk Management in Central America. Available in internet from:

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