Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

A Vital Weapon N.p.,n.d Web. 19 Jan. 2014. < do-we-still-need-the-patriot-act-is-a-vital-weapon-infighting-terrorism.>

This primary source newspaper article is saying that America needs the Patriot Act because it helps prevent terrorism while having little risk on civil liberties. He law also lets counterterrorism agents use tools that police officers have been using for decades. Also, the article said that it contains elaborate safeguards against abuse. This helped my research because it informed me more about how the Patriot doesnt violate our civil liberties.

Julia Preston. Judge Strikes Down Section of Patriot Act. New York Times. September 30, 2004. N.d.: n.pag. Print. 04 Jan.2014

This newspaper article is a primary print source about the many ways the Patriot Ac is infringing upon our civil

rights. this firsthand account is very important to my research because it showed me the many ways with support, the Patriot Act infringes on our rights so I can further research it.


This website link document is a primary source that is a documentary describing the sections of the Patriot Act, why it was created and for what purpose. This firsthand account was very important because it made me understand more about what the purpose of the Patriot Act is and why it was created, because of the 9/11 attacks and more.

Team, Guardian US Interactive, Ewen MacAskill, Gabriel Dance, Feilding Cage, Greg Chen, Kenan Davis, Kenton Powell, and Nadja Popovich. NSA Files Decoded: Edward Snowdens Surveillance Revelations Explained. Guardian News and Media, 01 Nov. 2013. Web. 20 Jan .2014

This website contains videos of people describing the power the government has due to the Patriot Act. This helped me understand more about how much power the government really has and how much they invade our privacy.

The Patriot Act:. The Patriot Act. N.p.,n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.

This website article is a primary source of a public opinion survey that has three controversial issues about the Patriot Act and the public opinions. This helped contribute to my research because I have now seen what the Public thinks about the Patriot Act so I can begin to form my opinions.

12 U.S Code Chapter 35- RIGHT TO FINICIAL PRIVACY. LII/ Legal Information Institute. N.p.,n.d. Web 15 Jan. 2014.

This primary source shows what bills/ chapters the Patriot Act revised and shows the sections for each chapter. This gave me an overview of how much the Patriot Act has changed.

Secondary Sources

Civil Freedoms and The Patriot Act. Civil Freedoms and The Patriot Act. Web. 15 Jan 2014.>.

This secondary source Is a transcript of a panel discussion on the U.S Patriot Act and whether this act violates civil liberties or if it is essential to the war on terror. This helps my research because it shows both sides of the story so I can summarize the Patriot Act.

Law Cornell Fourth Amendment. Web. 05 Jan 2014. This website page I was on described the Fourth Amendments and listed the sections in it while describing each and how it relates to the Fourth Amendment. This secondary source of the U.S constitution, The Fourth Amendment, was very important to my research because it

extended my knowledge of this amendment and how many pieces there are to it so I can research what the Patriot Act violates of our civil liberties. Features. Web. 07 Jan. 2014.

This secondary online source describes the traces on the history of the Patriot Act and its potential effects on libraries and their patrons. This helped me understand more about the effects of the Patriot Act.

US Constitution vs. The Patriot Act. US Constitution vs. The Patriot Act. N.p., n.d Web. 07 Jan. 2014.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin. This was a quote that fascinated me. Franklin was basically saying that people who give up our basic civil liberties to obtain safety (from terrorist attacks) do not deserve rights or safety. This quote kind of doesnt side with any of the ideas that the Patriot Act really violates the C onstitutional rights or if it really helps maintain safety from terrorist attacks. It also explained about Department of Homeland Security. This website article describes that the Patriot Act just violates our rights and shows the sections of the Constitution and explains each one. This helped my project majorly.

N.p., n.d. Web 15 Jan 2014. Daily News. log/2003/10/07/usa-patriotact-violates-our-civil-liberties/.

This is a secondary source newspaper article explaining how the USA Patriot Act violates our civil liberties. This article is important to my research so I can begin to see both sides of the story, meaning if the Patriot Act actually helps obstruct terrorism attacks or does it just violate our civil liberties.

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