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All food animals are killed by having their throats cut but
they are supposed to be stunned before this happens. It
frequently fails. Viva! estimates that up to two million
pigs every year are fully conscious while they bleed to
death. The horror for the animal is unimaginable.

It’s much the same with birds. Hung from a conveyor

by their legs, their heads are supposed to be dragged
I’m so cute …
through electrified water to stun them. Many miss it
by raising their heads. Viva! estimates that over eight
million are still conscious when they are dipped into a
tank of scalding water to loosen their feathers.

ink all an im al s de serve respect – why no
If like us, you th es of lots of
meat will save the livand your
go vegg ie? Giving up t
save the environmen
animals, it will help them will be killed for you!

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Sav e L ives
Go Veggie – urkeys
Most of us share our homes with animals. We feed them, look
after them and love them! Imagine if your favourite animal was
stolen and locked inside a tiny cage with no room to turn round,
no-one to talk to or play with and nothing to do but sit in his or
her own mess, day after day.

Believe it or not, it’s happening to millions of animals right now

The closest relative to the ducks
that are factory farmed are wild
in factory farms across Britain. They’re not dogs or cats but it’s Mallards, often seen swimming and It’s much the same story for
every bit as cruel. Sadly, most pigs, chickens, ducks, turkeys and dabbling on local ponds. But what a turkeys – other amazing animals
egg-laying hens are factory farmed. different life the farmed ducks lead. who are treated barbarically.
Like broiler chickens, thousands are Unlike their wild cousins who can
crammed into windowless sheds fly at up to 50mph, many factory-

Pigs with no water for swimming and

not even enough to wash
themselves properly. The result
farmed turkeys can barely walk.
Specially bred for the Christmas
market, their breasts are so huge
Sows are female pigs and when pregnant again. When it’s can be serious eye conditions that they can no longer mate
they give birth most are forced to time to give birth it’s back which may blind them. Others naturally and are artificially
live in metal cages called into the cage. This cycle is are weak and unable to walk inseminated. The turkeys are fed
‘farrowing’ crates. Barely bigger repeated over and over and simply die to be so fat that their hearts can
than the pig herself, it means she again until she is physically because they literally explode under the
can never turn around for the and mentally exhausted. Then can’t reach unnatural pressure. Wild turkeys
month she is there. There’s no she’s slaughtered and turned the feed can live up to 10 years, but
bedding so her piglets are born into cheap food such as pork pies, troughs. farmed turkeys are allowed just
onto the cold, hard floor. After a sausages and burgers. The babies a few months.
few weeks, they are taken away are killed for bacon, ham,

Battery Hens
and the sow is forcibly made sausages, pepperoni, burgers and
pork at six months.

Chickens Egg-laying hens are mostly kept in

tiny cages the size of a microwave
oven. There’s not enough room for
Broiler sheds are huge one bird to stretch her wings let alone
windowless prisons where most the five who are forced to live there.
chickens are kept, thousands at No privacy and only wire mesh on
a time – no room to move freely which to stand, there is no comfort
and no access to the outside. only constant stress. Through selective
A high-protein diet and almost breeding, diet and artificial lighting,
constant lighting forces them to she is encouraged to lay far more
grow unnaturally – so quickly eggs than she would naturally. Each
that their weak bones can break shell requires calcium and so much is
under their own weight. When taken from her bones that they
this happens, they may starve to weaken and often break. As soon as
death because they cannot her laying rate drops at about 18
reach the food and water. Those months old, she’s sent to the
who survive are slaughtered for slaughterhouse to be turned into junk
meat at just six weeks old. food such as chicken nuggets.

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