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Term II Science Class - X


Solved Sample Paper - 1 Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 90

General Instructions :
1. Questions 1 to 3 are Very Short Answer type Questions.
2. Questions 4 to 8 are Short Answer type Questions.
3. Questions 9 to 20 are Short Answer type Questions.
4. Questions 21 to 24 are Long Answer type Questions carrying 5 marks each.
5. Questions 25 to 42 are Multiple Choice Questions carrying 1 mark each.

1. Molecular formula of a hydrocarbon is C3Hg. Draw its complete structure and write its name. 1

2. Name the component of white light that deviates the least and the most while passing through a prism. 1

3. In the following food chain, grass provides 400J of energy to the grasshopper. How much energy will be available
to snake and frog. 1

4. Arrange the following elements in the descending order of atomic size and give a reason for your answer. Mg, Cl,
P, at (Atomic numbers of the above elements are 12, 17, 15, 18 respectively) 2

5. Explain why does mensuration occur in human females ? 2

6. An object in kept at a distance of 5 cm in front of a convex mirror of focal length 10 cm.
Calculate the position and nature of the image formed. 2

7. Mention any four ways of asexual reproduction. 2

8. With the help of diagram, explain cleansing action of soap. 3

9. A person is unable to read a book clearly when kept at a distance of 25 cm from his eye.
Name the defect. How can it be corrected ? Draw ray diagrams for :
(i) Defective eye
(ii) Corrected eye and explain them. 3

10. Explain with the help of diagram how sex of a child is determined at the time of conception in human beings. 3

11. Esters are sweet fruity smelling compounds as they occur in fruits. Esters are the compounds which are formed
by the reaction of an alcohol with carboxylic acid in the presence of concentrated acid. The reaction in which an
ester is formed is known as esterification. The concentrated acid which is used as a catalyst in the formation of an
ester act as a dehydrating agent.
(i) Complete the following reaction
OH 1
(ii) Esters are commercially very valuable compounds. Suggest any two commercial uses in favour of the
statement. 2
(Value based Question)

12. From the given part of periodic table, answer the following questions :
2 13 14
15 16
Y R Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X



(a) Which is the most reactive metal among these?
(b) Name the family of fluorine, X, Q, R, T?
(c) Write the name of one element from group 2 and 15 each.
(d) The element below the carbon is denoted by P. Name the element.
(e) Compare X and P according to their atomic size. 3

13. (a) Explain the difference between analogous and homologous organs.
(b) Indentify the analogous and homologous amongst the following :
Wings of an insect, wings of a bat, forelimbs of a frog, forelimbs of a lizard. 3

14. (a) Mention the two functions of ovaries in human female reproduction system.
(b) Mention the name of the organ :
(i) that provides nutrition to embryo.
(ii) site where fertilized egg gets implanted.

15.(a) What are sexually transmitted diseases ? Name any one which is caused by bacteria and one caused by viral
(b) Mention any two methods to avoid such diseases 3

16. (a) Two lenses have power (i) + 2D, (ii) - 4D. What is the nature and focal length of each lense.
(b) An object is kept at a distance of 100 cm from lens of power -4D. Calculate image distance. 3

17. (a) A concave mirror produces three times enlarged image of an object placed at 10 cm. in front of it. Calculated
the focal length of the mirror.
(b) Show the formation of the image with the help of a ray diagram when object is placed 6 cm away from the
pole of a convex mirror. 3

18. (a) Why should fossil fuels be used judiciously ? Write any two reasons.
(b) Name the three R's to save environment. 3

19. List any three reasons due to which construction of large dams is opposed. 3

20. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following :
(a) Methane is burned in sufficient air.
(b) Ethanol is treated with sodium.
(c) Ethanoic acid is reacted with sodium hydroxide.
(d) Ethanoic acid is treated with sodium carbonate.
(e) Ethanol is mixed with Efhanbic acid in the presence of an acid. 5

21. (a) Two convex lenses, A and B have powers P
and P
respectively and P
is greater than P
. Draw ray diagram
for each lens to show which one will be more converging. Give reason for your answer.
(b) A 2.0 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm. The
distance of the object from the lens is 15 cm. Find the nature, position and size of the image. Also find its
magnification. 5

22. (a) State the Laws of refraction. Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


(b) A ray of light enters from a medium A into a slab made up of a transparent substance B (as shown in figure).
Refractive indices of medium A and B are 2.42 and 1.65 respectively. Complete the path of ray of light till it
emerges out of the slab.

23. (a) Draw a diagram showing longitudinal section of a flower and label - Stigma, Ovary, Anther, Filament.
(b) How is the process of pollination different from fertilization. 5

24. (a) With a set of suitable diagram, describe the process of budding as seen in yeast.
(b) With the help of an example describe how some plants reproduce by spore formation. 6

25. When a Zinc plate dipped in ferrous sulphate solution is taken out after 15 minutes, its surface is coated with a:1
(A) Blue coating (B) Grey coating
(C) Red coating (D) Black coating

26. Acetic acid smells like : 1
(A) Lemon (B) Orange
(C) Banana (D) Vinegar

27. While studying the properties of acetic acid Vinod added sodium bicarbonate to acetic acid taken in a test tube.
A gas was evolved; when he passed this gas through lime water, it turned milky. The evolved gas is : 1
(A) O
(B) Ha
(C) CO
(D) CH4

28. Soap solution is : 1
(A) Acidic in nature (B) Neutral in nature
(C) Basic in nature (D) Both acidic and basic in nature.

29. The soap molecule has a : 1
(A) Hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail
(B) Hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail
(C) Hydrophobic head and hydrophobic tail
(D) Hydrophilic head and hydrophilic tail

30. Take a test tube and put soap and water and shake it 10 times by placing thumb on its mouth. What you observe
(A) Foam will form (B) Water will ooze out
(C) Soap will settle down (D) None of these.

31. A teacher set up the apparatus for determining focal length of a convex lens as shown below. She told them that
the approximate focal length of the lens was 20 cm. Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


She asked them to place the screen so that a distinct image of distant tree is obtained on it by slight adjustment.
Four students A, B, C, D, respectively place the screen at the mark of :
(A) 5 cm. (B) 65 cm (C) 25 cm (D) 95 cm.

The student who place it correctly is : 1
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D.

32. Meenu placed a concave mirror at 36.8 cm on an optical bench. A clear image of a distant tree is obtained on
screen placed at 18.9 cm. The focal length of mirror is :
(A) 17.9 cm (B) 35.8 cm (C) 18.9 cm (D) 37.8 cm

33. After performing the experiment for determining focal length of a concave mirror by focussing a distant object
on a screen, the teacher asked students to describe the nature, size and position of image. Their replies were
studied and classifed in four groups as :
A. Image is virtual, inverted, smaller in size
B. Image is real, inverted, smaller in size
C. Image is virtual, erect, smaller in size
D. Image is real, erect, smaller in size

Correct response are classified in : 1
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D.

34. Four students performed the experiment of tracing the path of a ray of light through a glass slab. They were
asked to label angle of incidence (i) angle of refraction (ii) and angle of emergence (e) on it. Diagrams drawn by
four students A, B, C, D were as shown below :
Correct labelling has been done by :
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D.

35. After performing the experiment of tracing the path of ray of light through a glass slab, students were asked to
find relation between angle of incidence (i) angle of refraction (r) and angle on emergence (e) Four students A, B,
C, D presented their inference as : 1
(A) Zi = Zr, Zr = Ze (B) Zi < Zr Zr = Ze
(C) Zi > Zr, Zi = Ze (D) Zi > Zr Zi < Ze
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D.

36. Yeast cells are : 1
(A) Oval (B) Rectangular
(C) Cuboidal (D) Irregular Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


37. Figures given below show the binary fission of amoeba but these are not in right sequence.

Correct sequence will be : I
(A) I, II, III, IV (B) IV, III, II, I (0 II, III, I, IV (D) III, I, II, IV

38. Figures given below show budding in yeast but these are not in a correct sequence.

Correct sequence will be 1
(A) V, VI, VII (B) VII, VI. V (C) VI, V, VII (D) VI, VII, V

39. Seeds on germination give rise to : X
(A) Plumule and endosperm (B) Plumule and Radicle
(C) Endosperm and Radicle (D) Endosperm and nucleus.

40. Fingers in human are an example of :
(A) Adaptation (B) Specialization
(C) Variation (D) Inheritance

41. By studying analogous structure we look for s 1
(A) Similarities in organ structure
(B) Similarities in cell make up
(C) Similarities in appearance and function but difference in structure.
(D) Similarities in apparence but difference in function.

42. A Yeast cell in which budding occur, can have : 1
(A) One bud cell (B) Two bud cells
(C) Three bud cells (D) A chain of bud cells.


2. Least > Red, most > violet +
3. Grass > Grasshopper > Frogs > Snakes
(4000 J) (400 J) (40 J) (4J)
So, for snakes and frogs, 4X, and 40X energy will be available by 10% law respectively. %*% Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


4. Mg, P, Cl ,Ar
Increase in atomic number means increase in nuclear charge which tends to pull electrons
closer to the nucleus and reduces size of atom. 1+1
5. Every month uterus prepares itself to receive fertilized egg. Its lining becomes thick to provide
nutrition to embryo if fertilization of egg takes place. If fertilization of egg does not take place
then lining is no longer needed and it get detached and comes out through vagina. 2
6. u=-5cm, f=10cm,v=?
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 10 10
, 3.33
10 5 3 3
v u f v f u
or v cm
+ = =
= = = =

Nature of image is virtual erect,
7. Four ways of Asexual Reproduction are:
(i) Fission (ii) Regeneration +
(iii) Budding (iv) Spore formation +
8. Soap molecule form structures called micelles whose one end is towards the oil droplet while
the ionic end faces outside. 1
The micelle stay in solution as an emulsion. The soap solution thus helps in dissolving the dirt
in water and we can wash the clothes clean. 1

9. Hypermetropia/Long sightedness
Correction-convex lens of suitable focal length.

Defective eye.
(i) Rays from the object at N are focused beyond retina i.e. near point goes away from eye.
(ii) Corrected eye
Using a converging lens makes the image at retina.
10. Male has heterozygous chromosome X, Y
Female has homozygous chromosome X, X
So, when X of male fuses with female gamete X-result is a female and when Y of male fuses
with X of female it results in male being formed. 1 Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


11. (i) The complete reaction is :
H, + H
O. 1
(ii) (a) They are pleasant fruity smelling compounds, they are used as flavoring agents. 1
(b) Esters are used in ice-creams, cold drinks and perfumes. 1
12. (a) Z
(b) Halogens
(c) Magnesium and Nitrogen
(d) Silicon
(e) X has bigger size than P because X has less effective nuclear charge. 1
13. The organs which have different functions but similar structure and origin are called homologous
organs, e.g. Forelimbs of frog, forelimbs of humans.
The organs which are developmentally and structurally different but perform similar functions
are called analogous organs, e.g. wings of insects, wings of bats. +
14. (a) (i) Production of female gamete (ovum) 1
(ii) Secretion of female hormones (progesterone + estrogen) 1
(b) (i) Placenta (ii) uterus +
15. (a) The diseases that are sexually transmitted. 1
(i) Gonorrhoea or syphillis
(ii) Warts, AIDS
(b) (i) Use of Condoms on penis.
(ii) Use covering on vagina.
16. (a) (i) Convex lens =+50 cm
(ii) Concave lens = 25 cm

=> v = - 20 cm 2

17. (a) v = 3u or v = - 30
-1/30-1/10 =1/f 1
=> f= --7.5cm
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 5 1
25 100 100 20
f v u
f cm
v f u
= =
= =

= + = = = Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


18. (a) (i) When combustion takes place, oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon monoxide are formed, which are
poisonous at high concentration. I
(ii) CO^ is a green house gas which leads to global warming. 1
(b) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 1
19. Three reasons due to which construction of large dams is opposed are:
(i) Ecosystem is disturbed.
(ii) Large areas get submerged causing social problems.
(iii) Economic problems, 1+1+1

20. (a) CH
+ H
O+ heat and light 1
(b) 2CH
OH+2Na 2CH
+ H
(c) CH
O 1
(d) CH
O + CO
(e) C
+ H
O 1

21. (a) P2>PiF2 <fi

B is more converging because rays are refracted more 1
1 1 1 1
15 10 30
v cm

= + = = 1
Image is real and inverted and on the other side of optical center 1
h v
m m
h u
= = =-2 inverted and 4 cm tall
22. (a) Laws of Refraction:
(i) The incident ray, the normal and the refracted ray, all lie in a plane.
(ii) The ratio of the 'sine' of the angle of incidence to the 'sine' of the angle of refraction
sin i
is a constant, i.e.,
= constant, for the light of a given colour and for the given pair of media. 1+1 Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


(b) Ref. index =
Speed of light in air
Speed of light in medium

3 10
1.65 1.8 10 /
or v m s

= = = 1

23. (a)

(b) Pollination is the process where transfer of pollen grain takes place from anthers to
stigma through various agents, [types-self-cross]
Fertilization is fusion of gametes to form zygote [types-external, internal]
24. (a) In budding a small part of the body of the parent grows out as a 'bud' which then detaches
and becomes a new organism. Yeast reproduces by budding using the regenerative cells.
A bud develops as an outgrowth in yeast due to repeated cell division at one specific site.
When felly matured, the bud detaches itself from the parent body and develops into new
independent individuals.

(b) When a slice of bread is kept in moist dark place for a few days, spores of Rhizopus present in air settle on the
bread, to form new fungus plants of Rhizopus. The Rhizopus consist of fine thread-like projections called hyphae.
It has a knob like structure which is involved in reproduction called sporangia, containing spores, that develop
into new Rhizopus. 3+2

25. (D), A black coating is formed due to formation of Iron.
(aq) ZnSO
(aq) + Fels) black
26. (D), Acetic acid gives a smell of Vinegar.
27. (C), CO
gas is evolved with brisk effervescence.
28. (C), Soap when dissolve in water form basic solution.
29. (A), Soap molecule has hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail.
30. (A), Soap solution form lather.
31. (B), Distance of pole + focal lengths unique on focus.
=45+20 =65 cm
32. (A),/= 36.8-18.9 =17.9 cm
33. (B), Image is real, inverted and smaller in size.
34. (B), Correct markings of angle of incidence, refraction and emergence. Solved Sample Paper - 1
Term II Science Class - X


35. (C), For parallel surface Ze = Zi, for denser medium Zi > Zr.
36. (A), Yeast cells are oval in shape.
37. (C), (ii), (iii), (i), (iv) is the correct sequence.
38. (C), (vi), (v), (vii) is the correct sequence.
39. (B), Seeds germination show plumule (future shoot) and Radicle (future root).
40. (C), Variations show Evolution.
41. (C), Analogous structure are similar in function and different in stucture and origin.
42. (D), Yeast cells can divide uncountably so they can have a chain of bud cells.

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