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03-16-2014, 11:41 PM


Re: Coup'de tat!

I kinda agree, things have been fairly boring lately. And while I haven't been around much lately, I find it weird that there are suddenly Kirigakure members here in Konoha. _________________________ Angelica was roused from her training when she heard the sound of battle coming from the great gates of Konoha. Quickly running towards the sound, she notices that 3 groups of people have formed. The rst one containing their Hokage, Goteka, along with a handful of shinobi. The second one contained a familiar face, someone Angelica hadn't seen in ages, Galen, and two Konoha shinobi by his side. The third one was was, again, a group of Konoha shinobi. While the rst and second groups stood opposite each other, the last group was standing by the sidelines. After listening to some of the other shinobi, Angelica knew that Galen was planning on a coup'de tat. She thought she understood how he felt. Konoha had once been a proud, strong and feared village. But for a large time now, this had changed. While there was some sort of order within the village, it was only a shadow of its former glory. I am sorry Goteka-sama. But I won't choose any sides in this matter for now. Things do have to change if we want to exsist in this world.
Nov 2010 8,258

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03-17-2014, 12:20 AM


Re: Coup'de tat!

<<As Yamato>>

Whilst taking a nice hot shower, I kept thinking what was going to happen to Konoha. So many things were happening all at once around him that he felt as if someone had pulled the rug underneath me. It wasn't like Galen was lying this whole time. Some of the things he spoke of were indeed quite true but they seemed too bias. How did he know such information when their own intelligence said otherwise? Were we that naive and closed minded or was there a sinister plan at work? Normally I follow my orders and don't say much about it because I trust the power that was placed before me. I trust that in their capable hands they will do no wrong. But now look at the situation. "Akatsuki...what are they planning?" The name rang in my head as I leaned my head on the tile wall in the shower. Kakuzu's plan to take over the villages had in essence failed because he couldn't take Konoha. But what would stop him if he decided to try again? Would the village be united once again or would it succumb to its own insecurities and petty rivalry? I shuddered to think what would become of the new home I had arrived at. It was true that I once hailed allegiance to Kirigakure but it was a different time and different people. Now all it was, was a power hungry village with no regard to morals or honor. It made me so mad when I found out that my sensei Mystogan had been killed. BUt there was nothing I could do because I didn't have the power to do anything. I would just be another corpse that died in vain. I clenched my right st and hit the wall as I uttered the words in rage. "I will avenge you sensei. I will kill that Kakuzu whether it be by my own hands or of another. I swear!" After getting out of the shower, dressing, then drying his hair he looked outside his window. He had a fairly good view of what was going outside the Hokage building. He could see his fellow shinobi ghting against each other. Two had been defeated already from what he saw. He whispered out as he glanced over to what seemed like Lancer's body. "Is this what you wanted Galen-sama? Did you come here just to shed blood?" I went outside to the roof of the place where I could see very well all the ghts and action. I sat down on the edge and waited to see what would happen. In my mind I liked to analyse the ghts and take notes. Although this was serious, I wanted to look at this as a learning lesson. No matter how old or young you are, you never stop learning. I then reached into my own pocket and took out to a torn page. It was quite old and almost withering away. Upon further inspection he was amazed at the signature below. "(Gasp)Thi...this is Shondaime Hokage's writing! So this is what why he wanted me to have it so badly!" As I unfolded it more, I felt as if Hashirama-sama was speaking to me. "... indeed, so far we haven't really been able to get along nicely... That's something we have been doing to protect our comrades and our clans... In some cases it was maybe unavoidable. Today... even if our 5 country agreement goes smoothly... I'm not actually sure how long it will last... but one day... in the future... I dream of a time when all shinobi will cooperate with each other... a time when everyone's hearts will be together regardless of their countries. That is my dream for the future." As I looked at it and after reading it, my face saddened. My brothers were ghting one another when they should be united ghting the evils of the world. Tears began to ow down my face as I felt great pain within me. I stood up and thus began the speech I was waiting to give. Though all the while I felt it would reach deaf ears. "Brothers and sisters of Konoha, why do you ght so? Why are your hearts so clouded and troubled that you cannot see? Does it not burden you that evil is at our door and all we are accomplishing is making it easy for them to crush us? You asked for peace and we achieved it. You fought for each other and the world was ours. Why now do you waver in your loyalty to this great village which has given you everything you could ever dream? Stop ghting this battle for who is right and who is wrong. For if you point your nger to one another, you are all at fault. Whether you were here or not does not matter anymore. That is all in the past. Are we not here now ready to die for our ideals, our honor as Konoha-nin? WHy ght each other when the real threat is out there laying in wait? I say, take up your arms...not at each other but towards the looming enemy on its way. Why waste all your energy defeating yourselves when you can gather thine forces and slay the enemy with one blow? Galen and the Hokage are not at fault. We as the owing current that drives this village are at fault. We stood idly by and let our home become desecrated. We did not do more for our village because we were so consumed in our own affairs that we forgot what it was to be a Konoha-nin. I say once again my brothers...take up your arms (whispers:and your heads out of your asses) and join me in ghting off the enemy once and for all. Gather your strength and let us unite under one banner once more. For there is work to be done and little time to squabble it on each other. Come let us ght on till there is none left or all dead and destroyed. Let us ght! For our honor and our pride!"

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Last edited by Deviation; 03-17-2014 at 09:45 AM. Reason: added more like speech and cheese :3
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03-17-2014, 11:53 PM


Re: Coup'de tat!

As Ryuu approached into the village, he quickly hears the sound of battle coming from in front. Quickly running towards the sound, he notices that 3 groups of people have formed. The first one containing their Hokage, Goteka, along with a handful of shinobi. The second one contained Galen, and two Konoha shinobi by his side. The third one was was, again, a group of Konoha shinobi. While the first and second groups stood opposite each other, the last group was standing by the sidelines. Ryuu quickly rushed between to directly challenge Galen, standing by the Hokage's side and readying himself to battle; "Galen, you'll need to step over my dead corpse to get to our Hokage. Everyone else, step aside."

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Yesterday, 12:33 AM



Re: Coup'de tat! Originally Posted by Deviation

<<As Yamato>> Whilst taking a nice hot shower, I kept thinking what was going to happen to Konoha. So many things were happening all at once around him that he felt as if someone had pulled the rug underneath me. It wasn't like Galen was lying this whole time. Some of the things he spoke of were indeed quite true but they seemed too bias. How did he know such information when their own intelligence said otherwise? Were we that naive and closed minded or was there a sinister plan at work? Normally I follow my orders and don't say much about it because I trust the power that was placed before me. I trust that in their capable hands they will do no wrong. But now look at the situation. "Akatsuki...what are they planning?" The name rang in my head as I leaned my head on the tile wall in the shower. Kakuzu's plan to take over the villages had in essence failed because he couldn't take Konoha. But what would stop him if he decided to try again? Would the village be united once again or would it succumb to its own insecurities and petty rivalry? I shuddered to think what would become of the new home I had arrived at. It was true that I once hailed allegiance to Kirigakure but it was a different time and different people. Now all it was, was a power hungry village with no regard to morals or honor. It made me so mad when I found out that my sensei Mystogan had been killed. BUt there was nothing I could do because I didn't have the power to do anything. I would just be another corpse that died in vain. I clenched my right st and hit the wall as I uttered the words in rage. "I will avenge you sensei. I will kill that Kakuzu whether it be by my own hands or of another. I swear!"
Status: Gender: Join Date: Location: Posts: May 2008 Jigoku 16,979

After getting out of the shower, dressing, then drying his hair he looked outside his window. He had a fairly good view of what was going outside the Hokage building. He could see his fellow shinobi ghting against each other. Two had been defeated already from what he saw. He whispered out as he glanced over to what seemed like Lancer's body. "Is this what you wanted Galen-sama? Did you come here just to shed blood?" I went outside to the roof of the place where I could see very well all the ghts and action. I sat down on the edge and waited to see what would happen. In my mind I liked to analyse the ghts and take notes. Although this was serious, I wanted to look at this as a learning lesson. No matter how old or young you are, you never stop learning. I then reached into my own pocket and took out to a torn page. It was quite old and almost withering away. Upon further inspection he was amazed at the signature below. "(Gasp)Thi...this is Shondaime Hokage's writing! So this is what why he wanted me to have it so badly!" As I unfolded it more, I felt as if Hashirama-sama was speaking to me.

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lovelovelovelovelovelovelove <3 S

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"... indeed, so far we haven't really been able to get along nicely... That's something we have been doing to protect our comrades and our clans... In some cases it was maybe unavoidable. Today... even if our 5 country agreement goes smoothly... I'm not actually sure how long it will last... but one day... in the future... I dream of a time when all shinobi will cooperate with each other... a time when everyone's hearts will be together regardless of their countries. That is my dream for the future." As I looked at it and after reading it, my face saddened. My brothers were ghting one another when they should be united ghting the evils of the world. Tears began to ow down my face as I felt great pain within me. I stood up and thus began the speech I was waiting to give. Though all the while I felt it would reach deaf ears. "Brothers and sisters of Konoha, why do you ght so? Why are your hearts so clouded and troubled that you cannot see? Does it not burden you that evil is at our door and all we are accomplishing is making it easy for them to crush us? You asked for peace and we achieved it. You fought for each other and the world was ours. Why now do you waver in your loyalty to this great village which has given you everything you could ever dream? Stop ghting this battle for who is right and who is wrong. For if you point your nger to one another, you are all at fault. Whether you were here or not does not matter anymore. That is all in the past. Are we not here now ready to die for our ideals, our honor as Konoha-nin? WHy ght each other when the real threat is out there laying in wait? I say, take up your arms...not at each other but towards the looming enemy on its way. Why waste all your energy defeating yourselves when you can gather thine forces and slay the enemy with one blow? Galen and the Hokage are not at fault. We as the owing current that drives this village are at fault. We stood idly by and let our home become desecrated. We did not do more for our village because we were so consumed in our own affairs that we forgot what it was to be a Konoha-nin. I say once again my brothers...take up your arms (whispers:and your heads out of your asses) and join me in ghting off the enemy once and for all. Gather your strength and let us unite under one banner once more. For there is work to be done and little time to squabble it on each other. Come let us ght on till there is none left or all dead and destroyed. Let us ght! For our honor and our pride!"

Galen listened to the ninja up to a point. He then yawned and said I'm immune to such a low level (Hanashi-no-Jutsu) Talk Technique... If you want to sway my heart with speeches of petals and pink daisies, I suggest you age 800 years or so. There is nothing anyone can say that will make me change my course

of action. (reference to the Talk-no-Jutsu lol)

Originally Posted by Question

As Ryuu approached into the village, he quickly hears the sound of battle coming from in front. Quickly running towards the sound, he notices that 3 groups of people have formed. The first one containing their Hokage, Goteka, along with a handful of shinobi. The second one contained Galen, and two Konoha shinobi by his side. The third one was was, again, a group of Konoha shinobi. While the first and second groups stood opposite each other, the last group was standing by the sidelines. Ryuu quickly rushed between to directly challenge Galen, standing by the Hokage's side and readying himself to battle; "Galen, you'll need to step over my dead corpse to get to our Hokage. Everyone else, step aside."

Facing the ninja who spoke to him, Galen was surprised. This time, it wasn't he who had to challenge a ninja... It was a ninja who challenged him. Ryuu... said Galen, using his clans abilities to know the name of the opponent, exerting a mental pressure, difficult to explain or understand if you desire that much to die for a weak leader, I won't be the one to stop you...

Ohai! Well, since I hadn't even finished the other fight and posted here, seems you're the one to challenge me so make the thread and I'll reply with my move! Good look and have fun!

~~ Painful Departure ~~

Grand Master Galen Marek & Hashirama Senju ~!~ Beautiful Goodbye ~!~
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Yesterday, 01:15 AM


Re: Coup'de tat!

<<As Yamato>> Seeing Galen's indifference, my face saddened once more. Even though I had bore my soul to my fellow villagers, no one was listening. It was a terrible thing to be made to feel like your voice did not matter. But that was the world we lived in. A ninja was expected to not feel or think. I was expected to follow orders and that was that. So I swallowed my pride and feelings...these things that made one human and buried them deep within. I spoke in a rather cold tone. "There is no more Konoha. We have discarded our village's dream and traded it for power. No one cares nor will they care. Maybe this place would be better off burned to the ground."
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Yesterday, 03:34 PM


Re: Coup'de tat!

Having observed the happenings around here, and done a little bit of thinking, Angelica knew which side she would help. Konoha was her home. She was born here. Raised here. Trained here. And she loved the village with all her heard. Konoha was a great Hidden Village. Feared among many, and worth dying for. Nodding towards Yamato on the roof tops, Angelica raised to her feet, brushed some imaginary dirt from her cloths and run forward, activating her Sharingan to prepare for battle. Knowing fully well what the consequenses could be. Galen-sama. I will ght by your side! Standing on the other side of the battle then most of her comraids and friends, Angelica waits if there is someone that doesn't agree with her stance. Him she would be ghting

Status: Gender: Join Date: Location: Posts: 8,258 Post Thanks / Like Nov 2010

Last edited by Yugure; Yesterday at 03:39 PM.

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