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Uplink Calculations Parameters Gain of the Transmitting Antenna

The most common carrier frequencies used for satellite communications are the 6/4-GHz and 14/12GHz bands. These are classified as microwave which is from 1GHz to 1 and are ver# %o%ular for satellite communications lin's. (or u%lin') transmit %arabolic antenna could be used. The transmittin" %ower "ain is a%%ro&imated as* !p + , GHz. !ntennas used for microwave must be hi"hl# directive. $arabolic reflector antennas %rovide e&tremel# hi"h "ain and directivit#

- ./ 1 0

where !p + %ower "ain with res%ect to an isotro%ic antenna -unitless0 / + mouth diameter of %arabolic reflector -meters0 , + antenna efficienc# -antenna radiated %ower relative to the %ower radiated b# the feed mechanism0 -unitless0 1 + wavelen"th -meters %er c#cle0 However) wavelen"th could be formulated as* 1 + vT + v/f where 1 + wavelen"th v + velocit# T + %eriod -T + 1/f0 f + frequenc# and) for free-s%ace %ro%a"ation) v + c 1 + c/f where c + s%eed of li"ht + 2 & 1 Therefore) !p + ,



./ f c


(or a t#%ical antenna) onl# 445 of the ener"# radiated b# the feed mechanism actuall# %ro%a"ates forward in a concentrated beam -, + .440.

Antenna Misalignment Loss

! misali"nment loss occurs when two antennas are not in line and the %ointin" vector of the transmittin" antenna does not coincide with the %osition vector of the receivin" antenna. 6n the "eostationar#

scenario) the dis%lacement in the elevation or azimuth or both transmittin"/receivin" antennas ma# be the ma7or reason. 6n case of satellite) the chan"e in %osition or altitude could cause misali"nment.

Antenna Back-off Loss

! misali"nment loss occurs when two antennas are not in line and the %ointin" vector of the

Transmitter Feeder Loss

! misali"nment loss occurs when two antennas are not in line and the %ointin" vector of the

Miscellaneous Losses
The miscellaneous losses is sim%l# the added value of the misali"nment loss) antenna bac'-off loss and transmitter feeder loss.

Sources: 8a#ne Tomasi. UHF and Microwave Antennas . 9lectronic :ommunications ;#stems* (undamentals throu"h !dvanced 4th 9dition. %. 664 < 6= . $earson 9ducation ;outh !sia $te >td. :o%#ri"hted 2 4.

8a#ne Tomasi. Satellite System Parameters. 9lectronic :ommunications ;#stems* (undamentals throu"h !dvanced 4th 9dition. %. 1 6 < 1 61. $earson 9ducation ;outh !sia $te >td. :o%#ri"hted 2 4.

9&am%le ? :alculate the "ain of a 2m %araboloidal antenna o%eratin" at a frequenc# of 12 GHz. !ssume an a%erture efficienc# of .44.

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