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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( CATS Initial Screen..............................................................................................1 Overview.........................................................................................................1 Objective.........................................................................................................1 Menu path.......................................................................................................1 Transaction code.............................................................................................1 Procedure (step-b -step!.................................................................................1 Practice assi"n#ent........................................................................................$ Su##ar %&eview...........................................................................................$ CA'O ( 'ispla Ti#e Sheet...............................................................................) Printin" A Ti#e State#ent.................................................................................1* Personal +or, Schedule.....................................................................................1Appendi. A/ Transaction 0uic,-1iew..............................................................2) CATS Initial Screen......................................................................................23


Mana"ers and%or ti#e,eepers input data into ti#e sheets via the CATS (CrossApplication Ti#e Sheets! screen. Ti#e data is stored in the CATS database and is available 4or reportin". +hen so#eone (#ana"er5 supervisor5 ti#e,eeper! needs to #aintain ti#e sheet in4or#ation 4or an e#plo ee or "roup(s! o4 e#plo ees5 he%she #ust 4irst enter data into the 4ields on the 6Ti#e Sheet/ Initial Screen.7 A4ter doin" so5 the s ste# displa s the Cross-Application Ti#e Sheet in 'ata 8ntr #ode.

9ou will learn how to use CATS to #aintain e#plo ee ti#e sheets in this e.ercise.

Human Resources Time Mana emen! Time S"ee! Time #a!a CAT$ % En!er


No!e& Proce'ura( se)uence num*ers +,- $- $.,- e!c./ 'eno!e an ACTION !"a! 0ou s"ou(' 1er2orm 2or 1ro1er e3ecu!ion o2 !"is e3ercise. ,. :o"on to the SAP s ste# and 4ollow the Menu Path shown above.


On the screen 6Ti#e Sheet/ Initial Screen57 enter in4or#ation in the 4ields as speci4ied in the table below/

Field Name Data entry profile

Description The data entry profile determines the method of data entry, the layout of the data entry screen, and the following factors: - Whether times can be entered for individual employees or for groups of employees - Which data can be maintained (confirmations, services, etc.) - Whether time sheet data is entered on a daily, wee ly or monthly basis - Whether or not the data entered is sub!ect to approval The &ey date field will default to the current date. This date will trigger the pay wee that will automatically appear on the 'Time "heet:: Data $ntry (iew).

User Action and Values Will automatically be populated with ""#$-%.


&ey date

*hange date to match pay wee you need to access.

+ny date during a particular pay wee can be used.


Select the e#plo ee b clic,in" in the blan, 4ield to the le4t o4 the e#plo ee;s personnel nu#ber. Clic, on the 8nter Ti#es screen. icon at the top le4t o4 the


The 6Ti#e Sheet/ 'ata 8ntr 1iew7 screen includes 3 da s5 or 1 pa wee,. The <'ata 8ntr ; 4ield "ives ou the be"in%end dates 4or the pa wee, ou are enterin" in4or#ation 4or. I4 ou are inputtin" in4or#ation 4or an entire biwee,l pa period5 ou need to access two 6Ti#e Sheet/ 'ata 8ntr 1iew7 transactions. This can be done b / =sin" the <>e 'ate; 4ield on the 6Ti#e Sheet/ Initial Screen75 or =sin" the 4ront%bac, arrows at the top o4 the 6Ti#e Sheet/ 'ata 8ntr 1iew7.

Pa wee, be"in%end dates

@ront%bac, arrows to #ove 4ro# pa wee, to pa wee,

Field Name ,T

Co#plete the reAuired 4ields as speci4ied in the table below.

Description *loc . /Target hours0 indicates the totals for the scheduled hours on a wee ly and daily basis and the scheduled from1to times for the daily wor schedule. 2. $ . /Totals ,ine0 indicates the wee ly and daily totals for additional attendances1absences. +s each new attendance1absence line is added, this row will be updated to include all activity totals. +ttendances1+bsences. -. User Action and Values -. This information automatically defaults unless the employee is hourly. 2. This information automatically defaults based on input of additional attendances1absences for salaried employees, or all hours wor ed for hourly employees. Comments -. 3ou have the option of /hiding0 this field by selecting the 45 ey. 2. 3ou have the option of /hiding this field by selecting the 46 ey.


Day and 4rom1To



$ach day in the pay wee will be listed along with the calendar date. This column will reflect the total hours for the attendance1activity based on the input for the from1to fields. $nter the starting time1ending time for the attendance1activity.

7se the drop down bo8 for applicable attendances1absences permissible for the employee0s personnel sub area (bargaining unit). 9e:uired when additional attendances1absences are necessary for salaried employees, or to compensate hourly employees for attendances1absences.

;f a full day of leave is ta en, you have the option of !ust entering the total number of hours instead of the from1to information.


Clic, the 6Save7 button5

Bote/ +hile on this screen5 ou can per4or# various 4unctions. @or e.a#ple under the Edit Menu5 ou can Insert lines (Ctrl C @*!5 'elete lines (Shi4t C @2!5 Cop lines (@$!5 Split lines (Ctrl C @?!5 and create Bew lines (Ctrl C@$!. Moreover5 ou can Select all (Shi4t C @3!5 'eselect all (Shi4t C @D!5 Sort ascendin" (Ctrl C @D!5 Sort descendin" (Ctrl C @-!5 Chec, entries (Ctrl C @)!5 and &eset entries (Ctrl C @11!. In re"ards to ti#es5 ou can 'istribute hours (Ctrl C Shi4t C @1!5 turn Tar"et hours (@3! and +ee,da s (@D! on and o445 etc. Also 4ro# this screen5 ou can view detailed ti#e data5 displa the ti#e data in various views ('ata 8ntr 5 &elease5 and 1ariable!5 Chec, the lo"5 etc.

To be provided b Instructor

In this e.ercise5 ou learned how to #aintain e#plo ee ti#e sheets in CATS. A 60uic,1iew7 o4 the step-b -step procedure 4or this transaction is available in Appendi. E.


A 4ast5 eas wa 4or a Ti#e Ad#inistrator or Supervisor to review CATS input 4or an individual e#plo ee or a "roup o4 e#plo ees is to access CA'O ( 'ispla Ti#e Sheet.

,. Initiate action b t pin" <CA'O; in the transaction bo. at the top o4 the screenF

Transaction bo.

$. 8.ecutin" the report/ - I4 ou have a variant saved5 clic, on the <1ariant; icon. The variant can be created 4or each ti#e supervisor and saved to include the personnel nu#bers 4or his%her ti#ead#inistrator codeF or5 - I4 pernr(s! aren;t included in a variant5 enter the pernr(s! 4or the e#plo ee;s records ou want to review alon" with the dates 4or the period ou want to review. - 8.ecute.

<1ariant ; icon

Period dates

4. A listin" o4 attendances%absences input via CATS will be returned.

9. To displa #ore detail on an individual line/ - Gi"hli"ht the particular line o4 entr - Clic, on the <Choose 'etail; icon on the toolbar. - 'etail includes the start%end ti#es o4 the attendance%absence.

<Choose 'etail; icon

:. Modi4 in" the CA'O/ 9ou can #odi4 the CA'O to add%delete%rearran"e the colu#ns o4 in4or#ation to be included on this report. This #odi4ication can be saved so that whenever the CA'O report is accessed5 the pre4erred 4or#at is alwa s used5 #a,in" this a #uch easier reportin" tool 4or supervisors to use. - To edit the CA'O report5 hi"hli"ht an colu#n5 ri"ht clic, on the #ouse and select <Show;.



A <Chan"e la out; bo. is returned. =nder the <Colu#ns; tab5 there are two the <Colu#n set; bo. that lists all possible data that could be added to the reportF and the <Colu#ns; bo. that lists the data that is currentl on the CA'O report.

<Colu#n set; bo. re4lectin" all 4ields that can be included in the CA'O report.

<Colu#ns; bo. re4lectin" colu#ns that will be included in the CA'O report.

To a'' 'a!a to the report5 usin" the <Colu#n set; bo.5 hi"hli"ht the colu#ns ou want to add5 then clic, on the (le4t arrow! to #ove those 4ields to the <Colu#ns; bo. on the le4t. o To add the e#plo ee na#e5 choose <Ba#e o4 e#plo ee or applicant; o To add the te.t de4inin" the attendance%absence code5 choose <Att.%abs. t pe te.t;. To remo;e 'a!a 4ro# the report5 usin" the <Colu#ns; bo.5 hi"hli"ht the colu#ns ou want to re#ove5 then clic, on the (ri"ht arrow! to #ove those 4ields to the <Colu#ns set; bo. on the ri"ht. To sor! co(umns in the report5 hi"hli"ht the colu#n na#e ou want to #ove and dra" it up or down to hi"hli"ht the na#e o4 the colu#n ou want to insert it in 4ront o4. To sa;e the CA'O report with this e#plo ee na#e 4ield as a per#anent colu#n5 clic, on the <Save; icon at the botto# o4 the <Chan"e la out; bo... 8nter the na#e ou want 4or the <Save la out; and <Ba#e;. 9ou could use the variant na#e 4or these 4ields. Ma,e sure that ou use a <%; at the be"innin" o4 the <Save la out; 4ield.


<Save la out 4ield; be"ins with a <%;.

<Ba#e; 4ield.

Clic, on the "reen chec, at the botto# o4 the <Chan"e la out; bo..


9ou should now have the CA'O report written to our speci4ic needs.



,. Access PT)1 ( Ti#e State#ent/ Gu#an &esources I Ti#e Mana"e#ent I $. Clic, on the variant icon and select the variant ou need. I4 no variant is alread created5 create a variant to include basic in4or#ation ou need to access the applicable ti#e sheet(s!.

1ariant icon

4. &eAuired 4ields/ a. 'ate ran"e/ - +hen the pa period spans two #onths5 Start 'ate should be the be"innin" o4 the pa period. The 8nd 'ate #ust be the last da o4 the #onth the pa period ends in. (ie/ pa period 2%22%2HH? throu"h ?%H3%2HH? will use the start%end dates o4 H2%22%2HH? ( H1%?1%2HH?.! - +hen the 4ull pa period 4alls under one #onth5 the Start 'ate #ust be the 4irst o4 the #onth. The 8nd 'ate #ust be the last da o4 the #onth. (ie/ pa period ?%H3%2HH? throu"h ?%21%2HH? will use the start%end dates o4 H?%H1%2HH? ( H?%?1%2HH?.!


b. Search para#eters to identi4 the e#plo ees ou want5 such as/ - Personnel nu#ber/ The personnel nu#ber(s! can be added each ti#e ou need to run a Ti#e State#ent. I4 ou re"ularl run Ti#e State#ents 4or a speci4ic "roup o4 people5 ou can add those nu#bers to a variant so that the are alwa s included when ou access that variant. - Ti#e ad#inistrator c. @or# na#e/ alwa s use <JT@H; 9. +a s to select #ultiple e#plo ees/ a. Clic, on the on the Personnel nu#ber lineF - Eased on the tab ou choose5 ou can use/ - Sin"le 1al to t pe in the #ultiple e#plo ee nu#bers ou want ti#e state#ents 4orF - &an"es to t pe in a ran"e o4 e#plo ee nu#bers


b. Clic, on the on the Personnel nu#ber lineF - I4 ou have a list o4 personnel nu#bers #aintained on a spreadsheet (ie/ e.cel!5 ou can i#port that list to produce ti#e state#ents 4or those e#plo ees/ - Ko to our spreadsheet and <cop ; the list o4 personnel nu#bersF - Clic, on the <I#port 4ro# Te.t 4ile; icon at the botto# o4 the bo.F - Clic, on the <=pload 4ro# clip board; icon at the botto# o4 the bo..

<=pload 4ro# clip board; icon


:. 8.ecute.

Co#pleted and read to e.ecute.


<. To print5 clic, on the print icon. a. Output device/ <:OC:; b. Spool Options/ clic, in the 4or <Print i##ediatel ; and <'elete a4ter output;. c. Clic, on the <Continue; button at the top o4 the screen. d. Clic, on the "reen chec,#ar, in the bo. that appears on the screen.



The PT)?5 <Personal +or, Schedule; report is an e.cellent tool to see the assi"ned wor, schedule detail on individual e#plo ees 4or speci4ic ti#e periods. This report should be used to veri4 that the correct wor, schedule is assi"ned to e#plo ees. @or those e#plo ees wor,in" a <rotatin"; wor, schedule5 this report should be used to be sure that the e#plo ee is in the correct place in the wor, schedule5 co#parin" the calendar date with the correct shi4t. This report can also be used to <post; wor, schedules in a depart#ent where e#plo ees are assi"ned to rotatin" shi4ts. The PT)? should be shared with individual depart#ents prior to <"o-live; as a veri4ication that all e#plo ees are assi"ned to the correct wor, schedule.


At the SAP 8as Access Screen5 t pe in <PT)?; in the transaction bo.5 and enter.

Transaction bo.



Create a <variant; to speci4 the e#plo ees ou want to have included in the report. +hen creatin" a variant5 ou need to/ Select the option ou want 4or the <Period;. Choose speci4ic ti#e periods such as <Toda ;5 <Current Month;5 <Current 9ear;. 9ou also have the option to clic, on the <Other Period; button5 then enter the ti#e period ou want b 4illin" in the @ro# and To dates. =nder the <Selection; bloc,5 ou can access an individual e#plo ee wor, schedule5 #ultiple e#plo ee wor, schedules5 all e#plo ee wor, schedules within a speci4ic Ti#e Ad#inistrator Code5 or all e#plo ees within #ultiple Ti#e Ad#inistrator Codes. In this screen print e.a#ple5 a speci4ic ti#e period was chosen 4or all e#plo ees under a speci4ic Ti#e Ad#inistrator Code.

+hen ou have the 4ields co#pleted 4or the in4or#ation ou want5 e.ecute.



The report will be sorted5 b e#plo ee.



Modi4 in" the PT)?/ 9ou can #odi4 the PT)? to add%delete%rearran"e the colu#ns o4 in4or#ation to be included on this report. This #odi4ication can be saved so that whenever the PT)? report is accessed5 the pre4erred 4or#at is alwa s used5 #a,in" this a #uch easier reportin" tool 4or supervisors to use. - To edit the PT)? report5 hi"hli"ht an colu#n5 ri"ht clic, on the #ouse and select <Show;.



- A <Chan"e la out; bo. is returned. =nder the <Colu#ns; tab5 there are two the <Colu#n set; bo. that lists all possible data that could be added to the reportF and the <Colu#ns; bo. that lists the data that is currentl on the PT)? report.

<Colu#n set; bo. re4lectin" all 4ields that can be included in the CA'O report.

<Colu#ns; bo. re4lectin" colu#ns that will be included in the CA'O report.


To a'' 'a!a to the report5 usin" the <Colu#n set; bo.5 hi"hli"ht the colu#ns ou want to add5 then clic, on the (le4t arrow! to #ove those 4ields to the <Colu#ns; bo. on the le4t. To remo;e 'a!a 4ro# the report5 usin" the <Colu#ns; bo.5 hi"hli"ht the colu#ns ou want to re#ove5 then clic, on the (ri"ht arrow! to #ove those 4ields to the <Colu#ns set; bo. on the ri"ht. To sor! co(umns in the report5 hi"hli"ht the colu#n na#e ou want to #ove and dra" it up or down to hi"hli"ht the na#e o4 the colu#n ou want to insert it in 4ront o4. To sa;e the PT)? report with this e#plo ee na#e 4ield as a per#anent colu#n5 clic, on the <Save; icon at the botto# o4 the <Chan"e la out; bo... 8nter the na#e ou want 4or the <Save la out; and <Ba#e;. 9ou could use the variant na#e 4or these 4ields. Ma,e sure that ou use a <%; at the be"innin" o4 the <Save la out; 4ield.

<Save la out 4ield; be"ins with a <%;.

<Ba#e; 4ield.

Clic, on the "reen chec, at the botto# o4 the <Chan"e la out; bo..


9ou should now have the CA'O report written to our speci4ic needs.





Human Resources Time Mana emen! Time S"ee! Time #a!a CAT$ % En!er ,. $. Bavi"ate to the 6Ti#e Sheet/ Initial Screen7 b 4ollowin" #enu path above or enterin" Transaction Code ( CAT2. Co#plete the reAuired 4ields (i.e.5 'ata entr pro4ile5 >e date5 Personnel no.!. Select the e#plo ee b clic,in" in the blan, 4ield to the le4t o4 the e#plo ee;s personnel nu#ber. Clic, on the 8nter Ti#es 4. icon at the top le4t o4 the screen.

The 6Ti#e Sheet/ 'ata 8ntr 1iew7 screen includes 3 da s5 or 1 pa wee,. The <'ata 8ntr ; 4ield "ives ou the be"in%end dates 4or the pa wee, ou are enterin" in4or#ation 4or. I4 ou are inputtin" in4or#ation 4or an entire biwee,l pa period5 ou need to access two 6Ti#e Sheet/ 'ata 8ntr 1iew7 transactions. This can be done b / =sin" the <>e 'ate; 4ield on the 6Ti#e Sheet/ Initial Screen75 or =sin" the 4ront%bac, arrows at the top o4 the 6Ti#e Sheet/ 'ata 8ntr 1iew7. 8nter in4or#ation into the reAuired 4ields (i.e.5 :T5 A%A5 'a and @ro#%To!. Clic, the 6Save7 button5 .

4. 9.

Bote/ +hile on this screen5 ou can per4or# various 4unctions. @or e.a#ple under the Edit Menu5 ou can Insert lines (Ctrl C @*!5 'elete lines (Shi4t C @2!5 Cop lines (@$!5 Split lines (Ctrl C @?!5 and create Bew lines (Ctrl C@$!. Moreover5 ou can Select all (Shi4t C @3!5 'eselect all (Shi4t C @D!5 Sort ascendin" (Ctrl C @D!5 Sort descendin" (Ctrl C @-!5 Chec, entries (Ctrl C @)!5 and &eset entries (Ctrl C @11!. In re"ards to ti#es5 ou can 'istribute hours (Ctrl C Shi4t C @1!5 turn Tar"et hours (@3! and +ee,da s (@D! on and o445 etc. Also 4ro# this screen5 ou can view detailed ti#e data5 displa the ti#e data in various views ('ata 8ntr 5 &elease5 and 1ariable!5 chec, the lo"5 etc.


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