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Trading Paint Draft 3 By Lewis Lacey

Lewis Lacey Phone:01493662234 East Norfolk Sixth Form College Chruch Ln, Gorelston-On-Sea

EXT.NORWICH TEST CENTER. DAY A car drives between some rusty iron gates either side of a wide road leading to a large car park next to a modern looking glass building. A sign above the door reads "Norwich driving test center".The sun is out and around the test center are rows of trees enclosing it from its surroundings. The car enters slowly and a young boy with dark short hair wearing a casual shirt can be seen next to an older man about 40, wearing a suit holding a sheet of paper and a pen. CUT TO INT.INSTRUCTORS CAR. DAY GRAHAM aged 17 is slowly driving into a parking space as he was instructed by the instructor. Just by GRAHAMs facial expressions we can see he is under a lot of pressure and nervous. He pulls into a bay next to the building entrance. He pulls up the handbrake and turns the vehicles engine off. He then gazes to the examiner who is scribbling on the marking sheet. After the examiner finishes what he is writing he looks back at GRAHAM. GRAHAM looks disappointed at this point with his performance but the smile on the examiners face re assures him. EXAMINER (Kindly) Brilliant drive Graham. You have passed. GRAHAMs face suddenly changes to a smile and he is unable to speak although he is trying. FADE OUT INT.INSTRUCTORS CAR. DAY GRAHAM is in the passenger side of the car with his instructor who has just entered the car. The instructor is a smart looking man in his 40s with short gray hair and a face covered in stubble, he is wearing a smart shirt and trousers. GRAHAM lifts the pass certificate up for the instructor to see. The instructor smiles and pats GRAHAM firmly on his shoulder in approval. The instructor releases the hand brake and begins to reverse out of the bay. They begin to drive home out of the center. GRAHAM reaches into his jeans and pulls out his phone. He begins to compose a text message to 3 recipients it reads "Boys i have passed my driving test, will pick you all up l8r :)" He then pressed the send button and places his phone back in his pocket. He (CONTINUED)



then lifts his pass certificate from his lap and looks at it with a huge smile, almost in disbelief. CUT TO EXT. SMALL CUL DE SAC. DAY The car pulls up on the side of the road. The road is full of average size houses with cars parked on either side of the road. GRAHAM gets out of the car and waves at the instructor who then begins to drive off. GRAHAM walks to his house which is the closest to where he was dropped off. He opens the door and enters with a smile on his face. INT.GRAHAMS HOUSE. DAY GRAHAM enters the house and kicks his shoes door. He then walks through a small kitchen room. He places his pass certificate on the table and slumps onto the leather sofa next off next to the to the living glass coffee to him. FADE OUT INT.GRAHAMS HOUSE. NIGHT GRAHAM is sleeping on the sofa and is awoken by his phone which begins to vibrate. He awakes and wipes his eyes. He then reaches into his pocket to find a text message from his friend ADAM reading "Hey m8 we are waiting for you 2 come get us, wat u playin @. We are waiting near the park?" GRAHAM replies with "Ill be 10 minutes :)". Graham lifts himself off the sofa and grabs a set of keys off the coffee table next to where he placed his pass certificate. He then heads for the front door. EXT. PARK ROAD. NIGHT Three boys around Grahams age (ADAM, MATT & KIERAN) are stood in a small car park next to a little park. ADAM and MATT both dressed in jeans and dark hoodies are play fighting while KIERAN who is clearly more mature is typing away on his phone. KIERAN has longer hair than the other two and dresses more smartly in a smart shirt and chinos. Lights from the distance begin to close in on the boys. A small car, clearly belonging to a new driver pulls up in the car park beside them. The window winds down and we can see Graham.




ADAM Took you time you knob head. Well done for passing by the way. GRAHAM Thanks. You going to get in then. MATT (Eagerly) Shotgun! MATT runs to the front passenger seat and leaves the other two boys to get in the back seats. INT.GRAHAMS CAR. NIGHT The boys sit in the car and make themselves comfortable. MATT starts to fiddle with the radio and GRAHAM doesnt look to impressed. A short tone comes from ADAMs pocket and he pulls out a phone and stares at the screen. He then starts to smile. MATT continuing to change the radio station. ADAM PARTY TONIGHT IN TOWN. GOING TO BE LOADS OF BOOZE AND LOADS OF GIRLS! KIERAN and MATT both look excited by the news. GRAHAM however looks back at ADAM in disapproval. ADAM Well? GRAHAM nods his head and turns back and starts up the cars engine. His facial expression shows he is not keen on the idea. MATT finally leaves the radio on a station and turns it up full volume. GRAHAM reaches his hand out and turns it back down avoiding eye contact with MATT. As GRAHAM begins to drive off MATT turns the radio back up to full volume. FADE OUT EXT. TOWN ROAD. NIGHT Music from the car can be heard approaching before the car can be seen. The car drives down a well lit road which is surrounded by housing estates. Its clearly a town. Cars are parked either side of the road making the road narrow. The car stops at the cross roads. CUT TO


INT.GRAHAMS CAR. NIGHT GRAHAM pulls on the handbrake and turns the music down. He then turns to ADAM in need of directions. GRAHAM I dont know where i am. ADAM looks at GRAHAM in almost in disappointment. ADAM (Sarcastically) Well your a good driver! Take the next left! GRAHAM begins to drive and takes the left ignoring what ADAM has said. MATT looks back at KIERAN and ADAM with a smug look and turns the radio up full volume again to annoy GRAHAM. GRAHAM focuss on driving and shakes his head in disapproval. CUT TO EXT. END AVENUE. NIGHT The car enters a dark narrow road. The paths are overgrown and attached houses lead all up the road. The car squeezes past cars parked either side of the road, most of them half on the pavement. The car drives slowly pat them and the lights reveal garages at the end of the road. it is a dead end. CUT TO INT.GRAHAMS CAR. NIGHT GRAHAM and the boys realize they have hit a dead end and all turns sour. Again GRAHAM turns off the music which is so loud that is distorted in the car. GRAHAM begins to stress. KIERAN and ADAM in the back begin to mock GRAHAM behind his back. GRAHAM (stressful) Left yeah? ADAM You should of known where you were going. Turn around up there! CUT TO


EXT. END AVENUE. NIGHT The car heads to the garages and pulls beside a parked car. As GRAHAM begins to reverse back he scrapes the car beside him and knocks the rear light off the other car off. CUT TO INT.GRAHAMS CAR. NIGHT The boys are silenced. MATT begins to giggle but is trying to hold his laughter in. GRAHAM looks like he has just seen a ghost and begins to panic. ADAM Just drive off, before anyone notices! GRAHAM looks at ADAM in disapproval. MATT (Reassuringly) Just drive, no one will know. GRAHAM looks back at KIERAN as his last hope. KIERAN just shrugs his shoulders and remains silent. GRAHAM begins to panic more and his breathing begins to get out of control. He looks at the car he has just damaged and sees its quite bad. GRAHAM (Angrily) SHIT! In the heat of the moment GRAHAMS mind goes into overload and he begins to speed off down the road. Whilst doing so his eyes keep looking into the rear view mirror. He is clearly distressed and not sure with the decision he has just made. His hand are shaking like leaves as he grips tightly onto the steering wheel. The other boy behind his back begin to mock him again. MATT sitting to the side of GRAHAM is looking out of the window trying not to laugh so GRAHAM cant see him. GRAHAM (Stressed) Had enough for one day. Im taking us back.


EXT. MID AVENUE. NIGHT The car travels down a dark and gloomy road. One street light is only just lit at the end of the road. There are no houses or buildings around just road. The car drives carefully down the road. No music just silence. FADE OUT EXT. PARK ROAD. NIGHT The car pulls in next to the park. The same place GRAHAM picked his friends up from. The car pulls in. CUT TO INT.GRAHAMS CAR. NIGHT The car is awkwardly silent. None of the boys make eye contact and the music is off. GRAHAM puts his head in his hands and takes a deep breathe. KIERAN Dont worry mate, it will all be fine. MATT Yeah Graham.. GRAHAM (Interupting) If you hadnt of pressured me to drive off i wouldnt be in this mess. Ill loose my license! KIERAN Im sure you wont. Come on lets go boys. The boys all leave the car. Nothing else is said. The three boys walk off in silence leaving GRAHAM. GRAHAM sits in his car stressed for a while and then drives off. FADE OUT

7. INT.GRAHAMS HOUSE. NIGHT GRAHAM is sat on the side of his bed. In his hands he holds his pass certificate. He stares at it like he will never see it again. In a sulk he throws the certificate to the floor. He then falls back on to his pillow and pushes both hands against his head. He then reaches for his phone from his pocket. He dials in the number for the police and sits looking at it in hesitation. Finally he bulks up the courage and hits the dial button. From the distance we can see GRAHAM on the phone sat on his bed. He then begins pacing back and forth. The ringing of the phone can be heard on the phones loudspeaker although its slightly distorted and unclear. GRAHAM Hello? PHONE (Distorted) Hello, Police helpline how many i help? GRAHAM Well,I hit a car earlier on End Avenue. A black Toyota. Its registration was AO56GHR. I didnt mean to, i just.. PHONE (Distorted) Slow down. Let me take the registration and ill do a check. Ill call you back later with more information. GRAHAM knows he has done the right thing but is still worried. His hands are shaking slightly and his head drops into his hands as he sits stressing. FADE OUT EXT. SANDY BEACH. NIGHT The moonlight is reflecting on the sea. Its dark but GRAHAM can be seen pacing along the shore next to the sea due to the light from the bright moon. GRAHAM walks along slightly hunched over. He is kicking a rock along the ground and looks depressed. After some time GRAHAM begins to head back to the roads, up a large sand cliff. His car is parked on the small car park at the top of the cliff. GRAHAM begins pacing up the cliff to his car. (CONTINUED)



CUT TO EXT. BEACH CAR PARK. NIGHT GRAHAM takes a few steps to his car and reaches for the key in his pockets. He opens the door and enters the car. The engine turns on and the cars lights beam. The car starts driving out of the car park and down the road. CUT TO EXT. SMALL CUL DE SAC. NIGHT GRAHAMS car pulls in next to his house. The engine comes to a stop. The car door opens and GRAHAM slams it behind him and then locks it. He then begins venturing to his front door. A sound comes from his pocket. His phone is ringing. He answers and proceeds through the front door of his house. INT.GRAHAMS HOUSE. NIGHT GRAHAM is sitting on the side of his bed again with the phone next to his ear.His eyes suddenly light up. GRAHAM (Suprised) So as the vehicle is abandoned I wont need to worry? All is silent and GRAHAM listens to what he is being told down the phone. He looks much more happy and back to himself. GRAHAM (Kindly) Thank you, goodbye. He puts his phone in his pocket and as he looks up his face shows a sign of relief. He stands up and walks over to the pass certificate he earlier tossed on to the floor. He picks it up, smiles and places it on his bedside table. FADE OUT


EXT. PARK ROAD. DAY GRAHAMS three friends can be seen in the place he picked them up the day before. They are behaving in their usual manor. GRAHAMS car then pulls up, the music blasting from the speakers. The three boys head to the car and enter. CUT TO INT.GRAHAMS CAR. DAY The three boys take the same seats as the day before. MATT instantly goes to change the radio. GRAHAM slaps his hand away and looks at him in confidence. ADAM Take us to that new arcade in Town? GRAHAM looks back at ADAM with a grin on his face. GRAHAM (Confidently) Nah. I think Ill decide where we go today! ADAM (Dissapointed) But.. GRAHAM (Abruptly) My car. My rules. GRAHAM looks back round and begins to take off the hand brake. CUT TO EXT. PARK ROAD. DAY The car begins to slowly drive off in to the distance. The music blaring and slowly fading away. FADE OUT

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