The Importance of Obligatory Prayer and Fasting

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The Importance of Obligatory Prayer and Fasting

Selection of Extracts and Prayers from the Bah ritings

!ompiled by the "esearch #epartment of the $ni%ersal &o'se of ('stice

The Importance of Obligatory Prayer and Fasting

Selection of Extracts and Prayers from the Bah ritings !ompiled by the "esearch #epartment of the $ni%ersal &o'se of ('stice The $ni%ersal &o'se of ('stice) in re%ie*ing the f'rther applicability of the la*s of Bah'llh in the co'rse of the past fo'r years) determined that it is imperati%e for all Bahs +to deepen their a*areness of the blessings conferred by the la*s *hich directly foster the de%otional life of the indi%id'al and) th's) of the comm'nity,- .mong these la*s are obligatory prayer and fasting *hich ha%e been characteri/ed by the Blessed Bea'ty as +t*o *ings to mans life,This present selection of ne*ly a'thori/ed translations has been dra*n from the %ast ocean of the original ritings of Bah'llh and'l1 Bah, It is intended to f'rther enhance the belie%ers insight into the far1reaching significance of these t*o great la*s, 2ay 3444


F"O2 T&E "ITI56S OF B.&7$887&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9 F"O2 T&E "ITI56S OF 0.B#$81B.&7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: P".;E"S B; B.&7$887& FO" T&E F.ST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9:


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I. e) %erily) ha%e set forth all things in O'r Boo<) as a to<en of grace 'nto those *ho ha%e belie%ed in 6od) the .lmighty) the Protector) the Self1S'bsisting, .nd e ha%e ordained obligatory prayer and fasting so that all may by these means dra* nigh 'nto 6od) the 2ost Po*erf'l) the ell1Belo%ed, e ha%e *ritten do*n these t*o la*s and expo'nded e%ery irre%ocable decree, e ha%e forbidden men from follo*ing *hatsoe%er might ca'se them to stray from the Tr'th) and ha%e commanded them to obser%e that *hich *ill dra* them nearer 'nto &im ho is the .lmighty) the .ll18o%ing, Say= Obser%e ye the commandments of 6od for lo%e of &is bea'ty) and be not of those *ho follo* in the *ays of the ab>ect and foolish, II. .ll praise be 'nto 6od) ho hath re%ealed the la* of obligatory prayer as a reminder to &is ser%ants) and en>oined on them the Fast that those possessed of means may become apprised of the *oes and s'fferings of the destit'te, III. One *ho performeth neither good deeds nor acts of *orship is li<e 'nto a tree *hich beareth no fr'it) and an action *hich lea%eth no trace, hosoe%er experienceth the holy ecstasy of *orship *ill ref'se

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to barter s'ch an act or any praise of 6od for all that existeth in the *orld, Fasting and obligatory prayer are as t*o *ings to mans life, Blessed be the one *ho soareth *ith their aid in the hea%en of the lo%e of 6od) the 8ord of all *orlds, IV. !ling firmly to obligatory prayer and fasting, ?erily) the religion of 6od is li<e 'nto hea%en@ fasting is its s'n) and obligatory prayer is its moon, In tr'th) they are the pillars of religion *hereby the righteo's are disting'ished from those *ho transgress &is commandments, e entreat 6od) exalted and glorified be &e) that he may gracio'sly enable all to obser%e that *hich &e hath re%ealed in &is .ncient Boo<, V. Ano* tho' that religion is as hea%en@ and fasting and obligatory prayer are its s'n and its moon, e entreat 6od) exalted and glorified be &e) to gracio'sly aid e%eryone *ho acteth according to &is *ill and good1pleas're, VI. Be not neglectf'l of obligatory prayer and fasting, &e *ho faileth to obser%e them hath not been nor *ill e%er be acceptable in the sight of 6od, Follo* ye *isdom 'nder all conditions, &e) %erily) hath bidden all to obser%e that *hich hath been and *ill be of profit to them, &e) in tr'th) is the .ll1 S'fficing) the 2ost &igh, VII. .s for obligatory prayer) it hath been sent do*n by the Pen of the 2ost &igh in s'ch *ise that it

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setteth abla/e the hearts and capti%ateth the so'ls and minds of men, VIII. !oncerning obligatory prayer) it hath been re%ealed in s'ch *ise that *hosoe%er reciteth it) e%en one time) *ith a detached heart) *ill find himself *holly se%ered from the *orld, IX. O 2y brotherB &o* great) ho* %ery great) can the la* of obligatory prayer be) *hen) thro'gh &is mercy and lo%ing <indness) one is enabled to obser%e it, hen a man commenceth the recitation of the Obligatory Prayer) he sho'ld see himself se%ered from all created things and regard himself as 'tter nothingness before the *ill and p'rpose of 6od) in s'ch *ise that he seeth na'ght b't &im in the *orld of being, This is the station of 6ods *ell1fa%ored ones and those *ho are *holly de%oted to &im, Sho'ld one perform the Obligatory Prayer in this manner) he *ill be acco'nted by 6od and the !onco'rse on high among those *ho ha%e tr'ly offered the prayer, X. One of the deeds in obedience to the la* is obligatory prayer, &e ho is the Bearer of di%ine mysteries hath called it the ladder of ascent, &eC9D saith= +Obligatory prayer is a ladder of ascent for the belie%er,ithin it are hidden and concealed a myriad effects and benefits, Indeed) they are beyond comp'tation, &o* great *o'ld be a mans indolence and his in>'stice to himself if he *ere to abandon this ladder of ascent and attach himself to earthly treas'res, It is o'r hope that *e may be assisted to

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perform p're and acceptable deeds, e beseech 6od) exalted and glorified be &e) to confirm 's in that *hich &e desireth and pleaseth and in that *hich *ill dra* 's nigh 'nto &im, ?erily) &e is the .lmighty) the .ll1Po*erf'l) &e ho is *ont to ans*er the prayers of all men, XI. Of the ne* Obligatory Prayers that *ere later re%ealed) the long Obligatory Prayer sho'ld be said at those times *hen one feeleth himself in a prayerf'l mood, In tr'th) it hath been re%ealed in s'ch *ise that if it be recited to a roc<) that roc< *o'ld stir and spea< forth@ and if it be recited to a mo'ntain) that mo'ntain *o'ld mo%e and flo*, ell is it *ith the one *ho reciteth it and f'lfilleth 6ods precepts, hiche%er prayer is read *ill s'ffice, XII. e beseech 6od to assist &is people that they may obser%e the most great and exalted Fast) *hich is to protect ones eye from beholding *hate%er is forbidden and to *ithhold ones self from food) drin< and *hate%er is not of &im, e pray 6od to confirm &is lo%ed ones that they may s'cceed in accomplishing that *hich they ha%e been commanded in this #ay, XIII. Praise be 'nto &im ho hath re%ealed la*s in accordance *ith &is good1pleas're, ?erily) &e is so%ereign o%er *hatsoe%er &e *isheth, O 2y friendsB .ct ye in accordance *ith *hat ye ha%e been commanded in the Boo<, Fasting hath been decreed for yo' in the month of, Fast ye for the sa<e of yo'r 8ord) the 2ighty) the 2ost &igh, "estrain

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yo'rsel%es from s'nrise to s'nset, Th's doth the Belo%ed of man<ind instr'ct yo' as bidden by 6od) the .ll1Po*erf'l) the $nconstrained, It is not for anyone to exceed the limits laid do*n by 6od and &is la*) nor sho'ld anyone follo* his o*n idle imaginings, ell is it *ith the one *ho f'lfilleth 2y decrees for the lo%e of 2y Bea'ty) and *oe to the one *ho neglecteth the #ayspring of !ommand in the days of his 8ord) the .lmighty) the Omnipotent, XIV. This is one of the nights of the Fast) and d'ring it the Tong'e of 6rande'r and 6lory proclaimed= There is no 6od beside 2e) the Omnipotent Protector) the Self1S'bsisting, e) %erily) ha%e commanded all to obser%e the Fast in these days as a bo'nty on O'r part) b't the people remain 'na*are) except for those *ho ha%e attained 'nto the p'rpose of 6od as re%ealed in &is la*s and ha%e comprehended &is *isdom that per%adeth all things %isible and in%isible, Say= By 6odB &is 8a* is a fortress 'nto yo') co'ld ye b't 'nderstand, ?erily) &e hath no p'rpose therein sa%e to benefit the so'ls of &is ser%ants) b't) alas) the generality of man<ind remain heedless thereof, !ling ye to the cord of 6ods la*s) and follo* not those *ho ha%e t'rned a*ay from the Boo<) for %erily they ha%e opposed 6od) the 2ighty) the Belo%ed, XV. These are the days of the Fast, Blessed is the one *ho thro'gh the heat generated by the Fast increaseth his lo%e) and *ho) *ith >oy and radiance) ariseth to perform *orthy deeds, ?erily) &e g'ideth *homsoe%er &e *illeth to the straight path,

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XVI. E%en tho'gh o't*ardly the Fast is diffic'lt and toilsome) yet in*ardly it is bo'nty and tranH'illity, P'rification and training are conditioned and dependent only on s'ch rigoro's exercises as are in accord *ith the Boo< of 6od and sanctioned by #i%ine la*) not those *hich the del'ded ha%e inflicted 'pon the people, hatsoe%er 6od hath re%ealed is belo%ed of the so'l, e beseech &im that &e may gracio'sly assist 's to do that *hich is pleasing and acceptable 'nto &im, XVII. ?erily) I say) fasting is the s'preme remedy and the most great healing for the disease of self and passion, XVIII. .ll praise be to the one tr'e 6od ho hath assisted &is lo%ed ones to obser%e the Fast and hath aided them to f'lfill that *hich hath been decreed in the Boo<, In tr'th) ceaseless praise and gratit'de are d'e 'nto &im for ha%ing gracio'sly confirmed &is lo%ed ones to perform that *hich is the ca'se of the exaltation of &is ord, If a man possessed ten tho'sand li%es and offered them all to establish the tr'th of 6ods la*s and commandments) he *o'ld still be beholden 'nto &im) since *hatsoe%er proceedeth from &is irresistible decree ser%eth solely to benefit &is friends and lo%ed ones, XIX. There are %ario's stages and stations for the Fast and inn'merable effects and benefits are concealed therein, ell is it *ith those *ho ha%e attained 'nto them,

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XX. In clear cases of *ea<ness) illness) or in>'ry the la* of the Fast is not binding, This in>'nction is in conformity *ith the precepts of 6od) eternal in the past) eternal in the f't're, ell is it *ith them *ho act accordingly, XXI. The la* of the Fast is ordained for those *ho are so'nd and healthy@ as to those *ho are ill or debilitated) this la* hath ne%er been nor is no* applicable,

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F"O2 T&E "ITI56S OF 0.B#$81B.&7

I. Obligatory prayer and fasting are among the most great ordinances of this holy #ispensation, II. In the realm of *orship) fasting and obligatory prayer constit'te the t*o mightiest pillars of 6ods holy 8a*, 5eglecting them is in no *ise permitted) and falling short in their performance is of a certainty not acceptable, In the Tablet of ?isitation &e saith= +I beseech 6od) by Thee and by them *hose faces ha%e been ill'mined *ith the splendors of the light of Thy co'ntenance) and *ho) for lo%e of Thee) ha%e obser%ed all *here'nto they *ere bidden,-C3D &e declareth that obser%ance of the commands of 6od deri%eth from lo%e for the bea'ty of the Best1 Belo%ed, The see<er) *hen immersed in the ocean of the lo%e of 6od) *ill be mo%ed by intense longing and *ill arise to carry o't the la*s of 6od, Th's) it is impossible that a heart *hich containeth the fragrance of 6ods lo%e sho'ld yet fail to *orship &im) except 'nder conditions *hen s'ch an action *o'ld agitate the enemies and stir 'p dissension and mischief, Other*ise) a lo%er of the .bha Bea'ty *ill ass'redly and contin'ally demonstrate perse%erance in the *orship of the 8ord,

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III. The la*s of 6od regarding fasting and obligatory prayer are absol'tely inc'mbent 'pon &is ser%ants, Therefore) they m'st t'rn their faces to the Point of .doration of the celestial !onco'rse) hold fast to the most s'blime Station) and pray and s'pplicate that they may be freed from the do'bts of misinterpretation, This is the *ay of'l1Bah, This is the religion of'l1Bah, This is the path of'l1Bah, hoe%er cherisheth the lo%e of Bah) let him choose this straight path, hoe%er abandoneth this path) %erily) he is of them *ho are sh't o't as by a %eil from &im, Sho'ldst tho' obser%e any so'l *ho is in do'bt abo't this commandment or *ho misinterpreteth it) b't hath no secret moti%e or defiance in *hat he doeth) be friendly to*ards him) and *ith the 'tmost cordiality and thro'gh <ind speech) endea%or to t'rn him from the path of s'ch interpretation to*ards the plain meaning of the %erses of 6od, IV. The la*s of 6od) s'ch as fasting) obligatory prayer and the li<e) as *ell as &is co'nsels regarding %irt'es) good deeds and proper cond'ct) m'st be carried o't e%ery*here to the extent possible) 'nless some ins'rmo'ntable obstacle or some great danger presents itself or it r'nneth co'nter to the dictates of *isdom, For indolence and laxity hinder the o'tpo'rings of lo%e from the clo'ds of di%ine mercy) and people *ill th's remain depri%ed, V. O ye lo%ed ones of 6odB O't of gratit'de for firmness in the eternal !o%enant arise to ser%e the threshold of the omnipotent 8ord) obser%e obligatory


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prayer and fasting) and spend yo'r time in diff'sing the s*eet sa%ors of 6od and in spreading the #i%ine %erses, Tear as'nder the %eils) remo%e the obstacles) proffer the life1gi%ing *aters) and point o't the path of sal%ation, This is *hat'l1Bah admonisheth yo' e%ery morn and e%e, VI. O tho' da'ghter of the AingdomB The Obligatory Prayers are binding inasm'ch as they are cond'ci%e to h'mility and s'bmissi%eness) to setting ones face to*ards 6od and expressing de%otion to &im, Thro'gh s'ch prayer man holdeth comm'nion *ith 6od) see<eth to dra* near 'nto &im) con%erseth *ith the tr'e Belo%ed of his heart) and attaineth spirit'al stations, VII. O tho' spirit'al friendB Tho' hast as<ed abo't the *isdom of obligatory prayer, Ano* tho' that s'ch prayer is mandatory and binding, 2an 'nder no pretext *hatsoe%er is exc'sed from obser%ing the prayer 'nless he is incapable of performing it or some great obstacle inter%eneth, The *isdom of obligatory prayer is this= That it ca'seth a connection bet*een the ser%ant and the Tr'e One) beca'se at that time man *ith all his heart and so'l t'rneth his face to*ards the .lmighty) see<ing &is association and desiring &is lo%e and companionship, For a lo%er) there is no greater pleas're than to con%erse *ith his belo%ed) and for a see<er) there is no greater bo'nty than intimacy *ith the ob>ect of his desire, It is the greatest longing of e%ery so'l *ho is attracted to the Aingdom of 6od to find time to t'rn *ith entire de%otion to his Belo%ed) so as to see< &is bo'nty and


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blessing and immerse himself in the ocean of comm'nion) entreaty and s'pplication, 2oreo%er) obligatory prayer and fasting prod'ce a*areness and a*a<ening in man) and are cond'ci%e to his protection and preser%ation from tests, VIII. Strengthen tho' the fo'ndation of the Faith of 6od) and *orship the .lmighty, Be constant in offering obligatory prayer) and be mindf'l of fasting, #ay and night de%ote thyself to prayer) s'pplication and entreaty) especially at the prescribed times, IX. The Obligatory Prayers ha%e been set do*n by the Pen of the 2ost &igh and ha%e been mentioned in the Persian +L'estions and .ns*ers-) *hich s'pplementeth the Aitab1i1.Hdas, They are clearly binding) and *itho't a do'bt e%eryone m'st perform one of these three prayers,,,, Thro'gh *orship man becometh spirit'al) his heart is attracted) and his so'l and inner being attain s'ch tenderness and exhilaration that the Obligatory Prayer instilleth ne* life in him, This is *hy in the Tablet of ?isitation it hath been re%ealed= +I beseech 6od) by Thee and by them *hose faces ha%e been ill'mined *ith the splendors of the light of Thy co'ntenance) and *ho) for lo%e of Thee) ha%e obser%ed all *here'nto they *ere bidden,-CED It is clear then that lo%e of the bea'ty of the .ll12ercif'l impelleth one to the *orship of .lmighty 6od, X. O tho' ser%ant of 6odB Each morn 6ods infinite grace confirmeth the ardent and tearf'l in%ocations of


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"ITI56S OF 0.B#$81B.&7'l1Bah, .ccordingly) let e%ery a*a<ened so'l obtain) to the extent of its capacity) a portion of this spirit'al grace, This can be achie%ed by fer%ently offering 'nto 6od prayers and s'pplications at e%ery da*n and obser%ing the la* of obligatory prayer, Th's may his nostrils delight in the s*eet sa%ors *afting from the garden of the bo'nty of 6od) his so'l attain ne* life) and his reality mirror forth the eff'lgences of the .ll1 2ercif'l, XI. Obligatory prayer ca'seth the heart to become attenti%e to the #i%ine <ingdom, One is alone *ith 6od) con%erseth *ith &im) and acH'ireth bo'nties, 8i<e*ise) if one performeth the Obligatory Prayer *ith his heart in a state of 'tmost p'rity) he *ill obtain the confirmations of the &oly Spirit) and this *ill entirely obliterate lo%e of self, I hope that tho' *ilt perse%ere in the recitation of the Obligatory Prayer) and th's *ill come to *itness the po*er of entreaty and s'pplication, XII. Tho' hast *ritten concerning obligatory prayer, S'ch prayer is binding and mandatory for e%eryone, 2ost certainly g'ide all to its obser%ance) beca'se it is li<e 'nto a ladder for the so'ls) a lamp 'nto the hearts of the righteo's) and the *ater of life from the garden of paradise, It is a clear d'ty prescribed by the .ll12ercif'l) in the obser%ance of *hich it is in no *ise permissible to be dilatory or neglectf'l, XIII. Obligatory prayer and s'pplication ca'se man to reach the <ingdom of mystery) and the *orship of the S'preme One, They besto* nearness 'nto &is


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threshold, There is a pleas're in offering prayers that transcendeth all other pleas'res) and there is a s*eetness in chanting and singing the %erses of 6od *hich is the greatest desire of all the belie%ers) men and *omen ali<e, hile reciting the Obligatory Prayer) one con%erseth intimately and shareth secrets *ith the tr'e Belo%ed, 5o pleas're is greater than this) if one proceedeth *ith a detached so'l) *ith tears o%erflo*ing) *ith a tr'sting heart and an eager spirit, E%ery >oy is earthly sa%e this one) the s*eetness of *hich is di%ine, XIV. Obligatory prayer is the %ery fo'ndation of the !a'se of 6od, Thro'gh it >oy and %itality inf'se the heart, E%en if e%ery grief sho'ld s'rro'nd 2e) as soon as I engage in con%ersing *ith 6od in obligatory prayer) all 2y sorro*s disappear and I attain >oy and gladness, . condition descendeth 'pon 2e *hich I am 'nable to describe or express, hene%er) *ith f'll a*areness and h'mility) *e 'nderta<e to perform the Obligatory Prayer before 6od) and recite it *ith heartfelt tenderness) *e shall taste s'ch s*eetness as to endo* all existence *ith eternal life, XV. Obser%e the Obligatory Prayer *hich is a%ailable to thee so that the gate of bo'nty may be opened and 'tmost spirit'ality attained@ great signs *ill be *itnessed and the spirit'al ascent *ill be reali/ed, XVI. Perse%ere in the 'se of the Obligatory Prayer and early morning s'pplications) so that day by day


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thine a*areness may increase) and) thro'gh the po*er of the <no*ledge of 6od) tho' mayest rend as'nder the %eil of error of the people of do'bt and lead them to &is 'nfailing g'idance, In e%ery assembly) li<e 'nto a candle) tho' sho'ldst gi%e forth the light of #i%ine <no*ledge, XVII. "ecite the Obligatory Prayer and s'pplications as m'ch as tho' art able) so that day by day tho' mayest attain to increased firmness and steadfastness and find greater >oy and gladness, Th's the circle of di%ine <no*ledge *ill gro* *ider) and the fire of the lo%e of 6od *ill b'rn brighter *ithin thee, XVIII. Obligatory prayers and s'pplications are the %ery *ater of life, They are the ca'se of existence) of the refinement of so'ls) and of their attainment to the 'tmost >oy, Exercise the greatest care in this regard) and enco'rage others to recite the Obligatory Prayers and s'pplications, XIX. O tho' ser%ant of the Tr'e 8ordB Obligatory prayer and other s'pplications are essential to ser%it'de 'nto &im ho is the .ll1S'fficing,,,, hen the Obligatory Prayers and other prayers are >oined together and follo* each other) *orship attaineth its perfection, It can be seen that these t*o are spirit'al companions and are li<e one so'l in t*o bodies, 2ay 6od assist yo' all to thri%e in lo%e and fello*ship, XX. hen saying the Obligatory Prayer) one m'st t'rn to*ards the &oly "eality of Baha'llah) that "eality *hich encompasseth all things,


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XXI. .s to the Obligatory Prayer) it hath a Liblih that is fixed) specified) holy and blessed, I as< 6od that &e may open the gate of the <no*ledge of this station to thine heart so that tho' mayest apprehend *hate%er is necessary and proper) garner spirit'al bo'nties from the hea%en of the .ll12ercif'l) obtain the eff'lgences of <no*ledge from the S'n of "eality) and become a manifestation of inspiration from the $nseen and a so'rce of glad1tidings from the .ll12ercif'l, XXII. ith regard to the Obligatory Prayer) this sho'ld be said indi%id'ally) b't it is not dependent on a pri%ate spot, XXIII. O ser%ant of the holy thresholdB Tho' hast as<ed abo't those prayers that are beyond *hat is prescribed) those that are recommended) in%ocations) and de%otions honored by tradition, In this #ispensation that *hich hath been expressly prescribed is obligatory, B't indi%id'al *orship) in%ocations) s'pererogatory prayers) and specially recommended prayers are not binding, 5onetheless) the saying of any prayer indi%id'ally after the Obligatory Prayers is *ell1pleasing and acceptable) b't no partic'lar ones ha%e been singled o't, XXIV. Ordinances *hich are obligatory and decrees that are binding are those that ha%e iss'ed forth from the S'preme Pen or are iss'ed by a decision of the $ni%ersal &o'se of ('stice, For *e are the commanded) not the commander, e are the ones


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'pon *hom d'ties are imposed) not the ones *ho impose d'ties, This is the reality of the la* of 6od and the fo'ndation of the religion of 6od, .s for de%otions and in%ocations) *hoe%er *isheth may) after the Obligatory Prayers) recite other s'pplications of the Blessed Perfection, XXV. Tho' hast *ritten abo't the Fast, This is a most *eighty matter and tho' sho'ldst exert thine 'tmost in its obser%ance, It is a f'ndamental of the #i%ine la*) and one of the pillars of the religion of 6od, XXVI. ell is it *ith yo') as yo' ha%e follo*ed the 8a* of 6od and arisen to obser%e the Fast d'ring these blessed days) for this physical fast is a symbol of the spirit'al fast, This Fast leadeth to the cleansing of the so'l from all selfish desires) the acH'isition of spirit'al attrib'tes) attraction to the bree/es of the .ll12ercif'l) and en<indlement *ith the fire of di%ine lo%e, XXVII. Fasting is the ca'se of the ele%ation of ones spirit'al station,


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P".;E"S B; B.&7$887& FO" T&E F.ST

I. This is) O my 6od) the first of the days on *hich Tho' hast bidden Thy lo%ed ones to obser%e the Fast, I as< of Thee by Thy Self and by him *ho hath fasted o't of lo%e for Thee and for Thy good1pleas'reMand not o't of self and desire) nor o't of fear of Thy *rathMand by Thy most excellent names and a'g'st attrib'tes) to p'rify Thy ser%ants from the lo%e of a'ght except Thee and to dra* them nigh 'nto the #a*ning1Place of the lights of Thy co'ntenance and the Seat of the throne of Thy oneness, Ill'mine their hearts) O my 6od) *ith the light of Thy <no*ledge and brighten their faces *ith the rays of the #aystar that shineth from the hori/on of Thy ill, Potent art Tho' to do *hat pleaseth Thee, 5o 6od is there b't Thee) the .ll16lorio's) hose help is implored by all men, .ssist them) O my 6od) to render Thee %ictorio's and to exalt Thy ord, S'ffer them) then) to become as hands of Thy !a'se amongst Thy ser%ants) and ma<e them to be re%ealers of Thy religion and Thy signs amongst man<ind) in s'ch *ise that the *hole *orld may be filled *ith Thy remembrance and praise and *ith Thy proofs and e%idences, Tho' art) %erily) the .ll1Bo'nteo's) the 2ost Exalted) the Po*erf'l) the 2ighty) and the 2ercif'l,


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II. In the 5ame of &im ho hath been promised in the Boo<s of 6od) the .ll1Ano*ing) the .ll1 InformedB The days of fasting ha%e arri%ed *herein those ser%ants *ho circle ro'nd Thy throne and ha%e attained Thy presence ha%e fasted, Say= O 6od of names and creator of hea%en and earthB I beg of Thee by Thy 5ame) the .ll16lorio's) to accept the fast of those *ho ha%e fasted for lo%e of Thee and for the sa<e of Thy good1pleas're and ha%e carried o't *hat Tho' hast bidden them in Thy Boo<s and Tablets, I beseech Thee by them to assist me in the promotion of Thy !a'se and to ma<e me steadfast in Thy lo%e) that my footsteps may not slip on acco'nt of the clamor of Thy creat'res, ?erily) Tho' art po*erf'l o%er *hatsoe%er Tho' *illest, 5o 6od is there b't Thee) the L'ic<ener) the .ll1Po*erf'l) the 2ost Bo'ntif'l) the .ncient of #ays, III. Praise be 'nto Thee) O 8ord my 6odB e ha%e obser%ed the Fast in conformity *ith Thy bidding and brea< it no* thro'gh Thy lo%e and Thy good1 pleas're, #eign to accept) O my 6od) the deeds that *e ha%e performed in Thy path *holly for the sa<e of Thy bea'ty *ith o'r faces set to*ards Thy !a'se) free from a'ght else b't Thee, Besto*) then) Thy forgi%eness 'pon 's) 'pon o'r forefathers) and 'pon all s'ch as ha%e belie%ed in Thee and in Thy mighty signs in this most great) this most glorio's "e%elation, Potent art Tho' to do *hat Tho' choosest, Tho' art) %erily) the 2ost Exalted) the .lmighty) the $nconstrained,


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IV. O my 6od and my 2asterB Tho' seest me among Thy creat'res *ho ha%e rebelled and transgressed against Thee, E%ery time I in%ite them 'nto the ocean of Thy <no*ledge) their rep'diation of Thy !a'se increaseth and their re>ection of the #a*ning1Place of Thy ill *axeth greater, I beg of Thee) O my 6od) by those *ho ha%e fasted for lo%e of Thee and ha%e H'affed the li%ing *aters of s'bmission from the hands of Thy bo'nty) to ordain for Thy lo%ed ones) *ho 'nder the bla/e of the orb of Thy trials ha%e cl'ng to the cord of patience) all the good Tho' hast rec<oned in Thy Boo<s and Thy Tablets, rite do*n) then) for s'ch as ha%e been afflicted *ith ad%ersities for Thy sa<e) the re*ard of those *ho ha%e s'ffered martyrdom in the path of Thy good1 pleas're, Send do*n) moreo%er) 'pon them) O 8ord) that *hich *ill re>oice their hearts) solace their eyes) and exhilarate their so'ls, Tho' art) %erily) the 2ost Po*erf'l) the 2ost Exalted) the &elp in Peril) the .ll1Ano*ing) the .ll1 ise, V. Praised be Tho') O 6od) my 6odB These are the days *hereon Tho' hast en>oined Thy chosen ones) Thy lo%ed ones and Thy ser%ants to obser%e the Fast) *hich Tho' hast made a light 'nto the people of Thy <ingdom) e%en as Tho' didst ma<e obligatory prayer a ladder of ascent 'nto those *ho ac<no*ledge Thy 'nity, I beg of Thee) O my 6od) by these t*o mighty pillars) *hich Tho' hast ordained as a glory and honor for all man<ind) to <eep Thy religion safe from the mischief of the 'ngodly and the plotting of e%ery *ic<ed doer, O 8ord) conceal not the light *hich Tho' hast re%ealed thro'gh Thy strength and Thine


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omnipotence, .ssist) then) those *ho tr'ly belie%e in Thee *ith the hosts of the seen and the 'nseen by Thy command and Thy so%ereignty, 5o 6od is there b't Thee) the .lmighty) the 2ost Po*erf'l, VI. Exalted art Tho') O 8ord my 6odB I beseech Thee by those *hom Tho' hast bidden to obser%e the Fast for the sa<e of Thy lo%e and good1pleas're) *ho ha%e demonstrated their allegiance to Thy la* and follo*ed Thy %erses and precepts) and *ho ha%e bro<en their fast *hile en>oying near access to Thee and beholding Thy co'ntenance, By Thy gloryB Since they are t'rning to the co'rt of Thy good1pleas're) all their days are days of fasting, ere the mo'th of Thy *ill to address them saying= +Obser%e) for 2y bea'tys sa<e) the fast) O people) and set no limit to its d'ration) I s*ear by the ma>esty of Thy glory) that e%ery one of them *ill faithf'lly obser%e it) *ill abstain from *hatsoe%er *ill %iolate Thy la*) and *ill contin'e to do so 'ntil they yield 'p their so'ls 'nto TheeCFD) for they ha%e tasted the s*eetness of Thy call) and become inebriated *ith Thy remembrance and praise and *ith the *ords proceeding from the lips of Thy command, I beseech Thee) O 8ord) by Thyself) the Exalted) the 2ost &igh) and by Thy 8atter 2anifestation thro'gh hom the <ingdom of names and the dominion of attrib'tes ha%e been con%'lsed) and the inhabitants of earth and hea%en became intoxicated) and all *ho d*ell in the realms of "e%elation and creation trembled except s'ch as ha%e fasted from all that is rep'gnant to Thy good1pleas're and restrained


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themsel%es from t'rning to*ard a'ght besides Thee) to incl'de 's among them and to *rite do*n o'r names on the Tablet *hereon Tho' hast inscribed their names, O 6od) thro'gh the *onders of Thy might and the to<ens of Thy so%ereignty and grande'r) Tho' didst send forth their names from o't of the sea of Thy names) and didst create their inner essences o't of the s'bstance of Thy lo%e) and their inmost beings from the spirit of Thy !a'se, Theirs is a re'nion not s'cceeded by separation) a nearness that <no*eth no remoteness) and a perpet'ity that hath no end, ?erily) these are ser%ants *ho e%er reco'nt Thee) *ho eternally circle ro'nd Thee) and *ho circ'mamb'late the sanct'ary of Thy presence and the Aaaba of re'nion *ith Thee, Tho' hast ordained) O my 6od) no distinction bet*een them and Thee) except that *hen they beheld the lights of Thy co'ntenance) they set their faces to*ards Thee) and prostrated themsel%es before Thy bea'ty) s'bmissi%e to Thy greatness and se%ered from all things besides Thee, e ha%e fasted this day) O my 8ord) by Thy command and Thy bidding in accordance *ith *hat Tho' hast re%ealed in Thy perspic'o's Boo<, e ha%e *ithheld o'r so'ls from passion and from *hatsoe%er Tho' abhorest 'ntil the day dre* to an end and the time arri%ed to brea< the Fast, herefore) I implore Thee) O #esire of the hearts of ardent lo%ers and Belo%ed of the so'ls of them *ho are end'ed *ith 'nderstanding) O "apt're of the breasts of them that yearn after Thee and Ob>ect of the desire of them that see< Thee) to ca'se 's to soar


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in the atmosphere of Thy nearness and the hea%en of Thy presence) and to accept from 's *hat *e ha%e performed in the path*ay of Thy lo%e and good1 pleas're, rite do*n o'r names) then) among those *ho ha%e ac<no*ledged Thy oneness and confessed to Thy singleness and *ho ha%e h'mbled themsel%es before the e%idences of Thy ma>esty and the to<ens of Thy grande'r) those *ho ha%e ta<en ref'ge in Thy nearness and so'ght shelter in Thee) *ho ha%e expended their li%es in their eagerness to meet Thee and attain the co'rt of Thy presence) and *ho ha%e cast the *orld behind their bac<s for lo%e of Thee and se%ered e%ery tie *ith a'ght sa%e Thee in their eagerness to dra* nigh 'nto Thee, These are ser%ants *hose hearts melt in ardent desire for Thy bea'ty at the mention of Thy 5ame) and *hose eyes o%erflo* *ith tears in their longing to find Thee and enter the precincts of Thy co'rt, This is) O my 8ord) my tong'e *hich testifieth to Thy 'nity and peerlessness) mine eye *hich beholdeth the seat of Thy generosity and manifold bo'nties) and mine ear *hich is ready to hear<en 'nto Thy s'mmons and Thine 'tterance) for I am ass'red) O my 6od) that Tho' hast decreed the *ords proceeding o't of the mo'th of Thy *ill to be inexha'stible) and 'nto them the ears *hich Tho' hast sanctified to hear Thy *ords and %erses are at all times hear<ening, .nd these are my hands) O my 8ord) 'plifted to*ard the hea%en of Thy fa%or and tender mercy, ilt Tho') then) t'rn a*ay this poor one *ho hath ta<en to himself no belo%ed except Thee) no besto*er beside Thee) nor <ing other than


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Thee) no shelter sa%e beneath the shado* of Thy mercy) and no ref'ge b't before Thy gate) *hich Tho' hast opened 'nto all *ho d*ell in Thy hea%en and on Thine earthN 5ay) by Thy gloryB I am he *hose confidence in Thy lo%ing <indness *ill remain 'nda'nted e%en tho'gh Tho' *ert to afflict me *ith torments for the d'ration of Thy dominion@ and sho'ld anyone as< me abo't Thee) e%ery limb of my body *o'ld proclaim= +&e is belo%ed in &is acts and obeyed in &is decree) mercif'l in &is nat're and compassionate to &is creat'resBThy might beareth me *itness) O ell1Belo%ed of the hearts of them that yearn after Thee) *ert Tho' to t'rn me a*ay from Thy door and abandon me to the s*ords of the tyrants amongst Thy ser%ants and to the rods of the 'ngodly amongst Thy creat'res) and sho'ld someone as< me abo't Thee) e%ery hair of my body *o'ld still declare= +&e is) in tr'th) the Best Belo%ed of the *orlds@ &e is the 2ost Bo'ntif'l@ &e is the E%er1.bidingB &e dra*eth me nigh *hilst distancing me from &imself@ &e granteth me &is sanct'ary *hilst debarring me from &is presence, 5one fo'nd I more mercif'l than &e) by hom I ha%e become independent of all else b't &im and ha%e been raised 'p abo%e a'ght besides &imself,ell is it *ith the one) O my 6od) *ho hath been so enriched by Thee as to be made independent of the <ingdoms of earth and hea%en, "ich is the one *ho hath held fast to the cord of Thy *ealth) is s'bmissi%e before Thy face) and for *hom Tho' art s'fficient abo%e all things, Poor is the one *ho hath


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dispensed *ith Thee) *axed pro'd before Thee) t'rned a*ay from Thy presence) and disbelie%ed in Thy signs, S'ffer me) then) O my 6od and my Belo%ed) to be n'mbered *ith those *hom the bree/es of Thy *ill mo%e as they list) not *ith those *hom the *ind of self and passion stirreth and directeth as it pleaseth, 5o 6od is there b't Thee) the .lmighty) the Exalted) the 2ost Bo'ntif'l, .ll glory be to Thee) O my 6od) for Tho' hast gracio'sly enabled me to fast d'ring this month *hich Tho' hast related to Thy 5ame) the 2ost Exalted) and called C8oftinessD, Tho' hast commanded that Thy ser%ants and Thy people sho'ld fast therein and see< thereby to dra* nearer 'nto Thee, The days and months of the year ha%e c'lminated *ith the Fast) e%en as the first month began *ith Thy 5ame) Baha) that all might testify that Tho' art the First and the 8ast) the 2anifest and the &idden) and be *ell ass'red that the glory of all names is conferred only thro'gh the glory of Thy !a'se and the *ord expo'nded by Thy *ill and re%ealed thro'gh Thy p'rpose, Tho' hast ordained that this month be a remembrance and honor from Thee) and a sign of Thy presence amongst them) that they may not forget Thy grande'r and Thy ma>esty) Thy so%ereignty and Thy glory) and may be *ell ass'red that from time immemorial Tho' hast e%er been and *ilt e%er be "'ler o%er the entire creation, 5othing created in the hea%ens or on the earth can hinder Thee in Thy go%ernance) nor can anyone in the realms of "e%elation and creation pre%ent Thee from f'lfilling Thy p'rpose,


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I implore Thee) O my 6od) by Thy name *hereby all the <indreds of the earth ha%e *ailed) except s'ch as Tho' hast safeg'arded *ith Thine 'nerring protection and sheltered beneath the shado* of Thy transcendent mercy) to ma<e 's so firm in Thy !a'se and steadfast in Thy lo%e that *ere Thy ser%ants to rise 'p against Thee and Thy people t'rn a*ay from Thee) and no one *o'ld remain on earth to in%o<e Thy name or set his face to*ard the sanct'ary of comm'nion *ith Thee and the Aaaba of Thy sanctity) I *o'ld still arise singly and alone to render Thy !a'se %ictorio's) to exalt Thy *ord) to proclaim Thy so%ereignty) and to celebrate the praise of Thine a'g'st Self, .nd this) O 8ord) e%en tho'gh each time I %ent're to extol Thee by any name) I am filled *ith perplexity) for I am f'lly a*are that all of Thine exalted attrib'tes and all of the most excellent names *hich I associate *ith Thee and by *hich in Thy holy presence I s'pplicate Thee) reflect na'ght b't the meas're of mine o*n 'nderstanding) inasm'ch as *hene%er I ha%e regarded a name to be la'dable) I ha%e associated it *ith Thyself, Immeas'rably exalted is Thy tr'e state abo%e the description or <no*ledge of anyone besides Thee) and sanctified art Tho' from the glorification of Thy creat'res and the praise of Thy ser%ants in their attempts to ascend 'nto Thee, hatsoe%er appeareth from Thy ser%ants is limited by the limitations of their o*n sel%es and is created by their o*n idle fancies and imaginings,


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.las) alas) O my Belo%ed) for mine inability to befittingly praise Thee and for my shortcomings d'ring Thy daysB If I acclaim Thee) O my 6od) as &im ho <no*eth all things) I readily percei%e that sho'ldst Tho' point to a m'te roc< *ith a single finger of Thy *ill) Tho' *o'ldst enable it to 'nfold the <no*ledge of all past and f't're ages@ and if I extol Thee as the .ll1Po*erf'l) I find that one *ord iss'ing from the mo'th of Thy p'rpose is s'fficient to con%'lse the hea%ens and the earth, Thy glory beareth me *itness) O Belo%ed of all that recogni/e Thee) sho'ld any learned one fail to confess his ignorance before the re%elations of Thy <no*ledge) he *o'ld be acco'nted the most ignorant of Thy people@ and sho'ld any mighty one ref'se to admit his *ea<ness before the e%idences of Thy po*er) he *o'ld be considered the *ea<est and the most heedless of Thy creat'res, 6i%en my <no*ledge and certainty that this is so) ho* can I extol Thee or describe and praise TheeN herefore) <no*ing my *ea<ness) I ha%e hastened to*ard the shelter of Thy strength@ and reali/ing my po%erty) I ha%e so'ght ref'ge 'nder the shado* of Thy *ealth@ and recogni/ing my po*erlessness) I ha%e arisen to stand before the tabernacle of Thy po*er and might, ilt tho' cast a*ay this poor one after he hath ta<en no one b't Thee as his s'ccorer) or t'rn a*ay this stranger after he hath fo'nd no one b't Thee to be his tr'e belo%edN Tho' <no*est all that is in me) O 8ord) b't I <no* not *hat is in Thee, &a%e mercy then 'pon me


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thro'gh Thy lo%ing pro%idence and inspire me *ith that *hich shall gi%e peace to my heart d'ring Thy days and tranH'illity to my so'l thro'gh the re%elations of Thy sacred presence, .ll created things ha%e been ill'mined *ith the splendors of the lights of Thy co'ntenance) O 8ord) and the d*ellers of earth and hea%en are shining resplendently on acco'nt of the manifestations of Thine incomparable ma>esty) in s'ch *ise that I behold nothing *itho't first beholding *ithin it the re%elation of Thyself) a re%elation *hich is hidden from the sight of those among Thy ser%ants *ho lie fast asleep, #epri%e me not) O my 8ord) of Thy grace *hich hath encompassed all the realms of existence) *hether %isible or in%isible, ilt Tho' stay far remo%ed) O my 6od) after Tho' hast in%ited all man<ind to ret'rn and dra* nigh 'nto Thee) and 'rged them to hold fast to Thy cordN ilt Tho' cast me o't) O my Belo%ed) e%en *hen Tho' hast promised in Thine incorr'ptible Boo< and in Thy *ondro's %erses to gather all those *ho yearn after Thee *ithin the pa%ilion of Thy gracio's pro%idence) and those *ho desire Thee 'nder the shado* of Thy bo'ntif'l fa%or) and those *ho search for Thee 'nder the canopy of Thy mercy and lo%ing1<indnessN I s*ear by Thy might) O my 6od) that my lamentations ha%e halted my heart *ithin me) and its groans ha%e sei/ed the reins from my handsB .t *hate%er time I reass're myself and gladden my so'l *ith the *onders of Thy mercy) the to<ens of Thy gracio's pro%idence) and the e%idences of Thy


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generosity) I tremble before the manifestations of Thy >'stice and the signs of Thy *rath, I recogni/e that Tho' art <no*n by these t*o names and described by these t*o attrib'tes) yet Tho' carest not *hether Tho' art in%o<ed by Thy name the E%er1 Forgi%ing) or Thy name the rathf'l, By Thy glory) *ere it not for my <no*ledge that Thy mercy s'rpasseth all things) the limbs of my body *o'ld ha%e ceased to exist) my reality been exting'ished and my inner being red'ced to 'tter nothingness, B't *hen I behold that Thy grace encompasseth all things and Thy mercy embraceth the entire creation) my so'l and my inmost being become *ell ass'red, .las) alas) O my 6od) for the things that ha%e escaped me d'ring Thy days) and again alas) alas) O #esire of my heart) for *hat I ha%e left 'ndone in ser%ice and obedience to Thee d'ring these days the li<es of *hich the eyes of Thy chosen ones and tr'sted ones ha%e ne%er *itnessedB I entreat Thee) O my 8ord) by Thy Self and by the 2anifestation of Thy !a'se ho is seated 'pon the throne of Thy mercy) to confirm me in Thy ser%ice and good1 pleas're, 6'ard me) then) from those *ho ha%e t'rned a*ay from Thee and disbelie%ed in Thy %erses) *ho ha%e denied Thy tr'th) resisted Thine e%idences) and %iolated Thy !o%enant and testament, .ll praise) O 8ord my 6od) be 'nto &im ho is the 2anifestation of Thine Essence) the #ayspring of Thy oneness) the 2ine of Thy <no*ledge) the So'rce of Thy "e%elation) the "epository of Thine inspiration) the Seat of Thy so%ereignty) and the


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#a*ning1Place of Thy #i%inityM&e ho is the Primal Point) the 2ost Exalted !o'ntenance) the .ncient "oot) and the L'ic<ener of nations@ and glory be 'pon himCGD *ho *as the first to belie%e in &im and in &is %erses) *hom Tho' didst ma<e a throne for the ascendancy of Thy most s'blime ord) a focal1point for the manifestation of Thy most excellent names) a dayspring of the radiance of the S'n of Thy pro%idence) a da*ning1place for the appearance of Thy names and attrib'tes) and a treas'ry of the pearls of Thy *isdom and Thy commandments, .nd all honor be 'pon himCID *ho *as the last to come 'nto &im) *hose arri%al *as li<e &is arri%al) and Thy manifestation in him CJD li<e Thy manifestation in &imCKD) except that he *as ill'mined *ith the lights of &is face and prostrated himself before &im and testified to his ser%it'de 'nto &im@ and glory be 'pon those *ho *ere martyred in &is path and *ho offered 'p their li%es for lo%e of &is bea'ty, e testify) O my 6od) that these are ser%ants *ho ha%e belie%ed in Thee and in Thy signs) *ho ha%e so'ght the sanct'ary of Thy presence and t'rned to*ard Thy co'ntenance) *ho ha%e directed their faces to*ard the co'rt of Thy nearness and *al<ed in the path of Thy good1pleas're) *ho ha%e *orshipped Thee according to Thy desire and detached themsel%es from all b't Thee, O 8ord) confer 'pon their spirits and their bodies at all times a share of the *onders of Thine all1encompassing mercy, Tho' art) %erily) po*erf'l to do as Tho' pleaseth, 5o 6od is


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there sa%e Thee) the .lmighty) the .ll16lorio's) hose help is implored by all men, I beseech Thee) O 8ord) by &im and by them) and by &im hom Tho' hast established on the throne of Thy Faith and ca'sed to o%ershado* all the d*ellers of earth and hea%en) to p'rify 's from o'r transgressions) to ordain for 's a seat of tr'th in Thy presence and to ca'se 's to associate *ith those *hom the ad%ersities of the *orld and its misfort'nes ha%e not hindered from t'rning to*ard Thee, Tho' art) %erily) the .ll1Po*erf'l) the 2ost Exalted) the Protector) the E%er1Forgi%ing) the 2ost 2ercif'l,


C9D . tradition attrib'ted to the Imam C3D +I beseech 6od ,,, *ere bidden)- translated by Shoghi Effendi@ see Prayers and 2editations by Bah'llh) !8OOO CED Ibid, CFD + 0Obser%e) for 2y Bea'tys sa<e ,,, so'ls 'nto Thee)- translated by Shoghi Effendi@ see 6leanings from the ritings of Bah'llh) !8O CGD 2'lla &'sayn CID L'dd's CJD Idem CKD The Bb


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