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Grade ______10___________

Lesson Number 1 passing SLOs A10-10 A10-5 D10-4 C10-4

Unit _Handball__________ Dates _________

Learning Activities Assessment Safety Instructional Strategies Equipment Handballs or nerf balls 2 mats pinnies Mot

monday 10s 1240-2:00

2 Shooting tuesday 10s 205-325

A10-10 A10-5 D10-4 C10-4

-warm up and cool down- done by students - Introduce the three different passes (chest, bounce, backhand) - Have them practice the basics of each pass - Play Keep away - Introduce the three step rule - play 10 passes - play mat handball variation on the game (no goalies, score by passing to player standing on mat must have 3 passes) -warm up and cool down- done by students - show them the keys and rules to shooting (crease rule, proper technique, accuracy) - have them practice shooting - have a team target competition from different locations on different targets - explain some strategies for shooting in a game - do a jumping into the crease shooting drill - play handball but they cannot move with the ball - have a shootout at the end of the class

Observation -head up Warm up and cool down assessment Self assessment

Peer teach -spatial awareness TGFU -clear playing space -doors closed - dont whip balls Peer teach -spatial awareness Direct -clear instruction playing space TGFU -doors closed - dont whip balls

-positive reinforcement -

Observation -head up Warm up and cool down assessment Exit slip

Handballs Nets (2) Targets pinnies

3 Ball Handling Wednesday 10s 830-930

A10-10 A10-1 A10-5 D10-4 C10-4

-warm up and cool down- done by students - teach the three steps dribble 3 steps rule, and 3 second rule - play ball knockout (w/in 3 pt line) must dribble - have a relay race around pilons - play british bull dog dribbling -play pin handball- aim for pins

Observation -head up Warm up and cool down assessment Self assessment Exit Slip

Peer teach

Handballs Nets Pilons or pins pinnies

-spatial awareness TGFU -clear playing Direct space instruction -doors closed

4 Defense / offense Strategies Wednesday 10s 930-1030

A10-10 A10-1 D10-4 C10-4

-warm up and cool down- done by students -Introduce some defense positioning and strategies - do a 2Vs.1 drill -Play space invasion- hula hoopspass balls- 2 players defend trying to intercept ball or tag player in procession of ball, if successful they take over the hula hoop - have a shootout again but now with a defensive player - half court play- defensive team has one extra player Offense- 1pt for each goal Defense- 1 pt for each defensive stop or possession of ball

Observation -head up Warm up and cool down assessment Self assessment

Handballs Direct instruction Peer teaching TGFU Hula hoops Nets Pinnies

-spatial awareness -clear playing space -doors closed

5 Skill Test Thursday 10s

A10-10 A10-1 A10-5 D10-4 C10-4

-warm up and cool down- done by Skill test students - Students will now go through the Self same stations as last class but will be assessment peer evaluated through a rubric

-head up PSI -spatial awareness Direct -clear instruction

Handballs Pinnies Nets


provided that will be evaluated using a likert scale

6 A10-10 Tournament A10-1 A10-5 D10-4 Thursday C10-4 10s 1110-1155

-warm up and cool down- done by students In their teams they will now be put into a round robin style tournament. Each game will be approximately 10 minutes each. The round robin will be played during this class.

7 A10-10 Tournament A10-1 A10-5 D10-4 Friday C10-4 10s 1250-205

-warm up and cool down- done by students In this class the playoffs will be played of the tournament to determine the best team

playing space -doors closed - dont whip balls Observation -head up -spatial Warm up awareness and cool -clear down playing assessment space -doors Self closed assessment - dont whip balls Observation -head up -spatial Warm up awareness and cool -clear down playing assessment space -walls/ Self doors assessment clear - dont whip balls


Peer teaching


Nets Cooperative learning Pinnies

Peer teaching


Nets Cooperative learning pinnies

Learning Outcomes


Title Type

Warm-up & Cool Down Summative 15%

Observation Summative 15%

Exit Slip Formative N/A

Skill test Summative 15%

SelfAssessment Summative 55%


A10-10- adapt and improve activityspecific skills in a variety of games A10- 1 Apply and refine locomotor skills and concepts effort, space and relationships- to perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance A10- 5 Apply and refine manipulative skills and conceptseffort, space and relationships- to perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance C10- 4- Leadership- describe, apply, monitor and assess leadership and followership skills related to physical activity D10- 4- analyze, design and assess warm-up and cool-down activities

Assessment Tool Overview

Assessment Tool Title Brief Description
Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning

I will have each student in the group come up with a different warmup activity and cool down activity to teach to their team. There will be an outline explaining the expectations of these warm-ups. There will Create a warm up and also be an assessment of their leadership skills through observation. cool down The students will also have to submit a written piece to defend why they chose the activities they chose and how they are a beneficial warm up and cool down. For each skill there will be a different set of expectations on the checklist. Students will be assessed on whether they meet the Observation- checklist x2 expectations or not. Students will be aware that they are being assessed. This will be done twice over the unit. Exit Slip- performance At the end of the class I will choose one skill that they learned that day and have them perform it before they leave the gym. Through observation this will show me what level the students are at with that specific skill. I will have the students perform all the different skills of handball. They will record themselves using an ipad and their partner will also be watching them. They will use the video on the ipad to work through the assessment checklist provided to them and give themselves a skill test. Their partner will watch them perform the skills and give a mark under the peer assessment checklist. They will then submit the video and it will be assessed by the teacher. At the end of each class the students will give themselves a mark out of 100 on how they performed and their effort level in that class. This will be recorded everyday to the teacher, if I feel that they do not deserve the mark they gave themselves they will have to defend why they feel they deserve this mark.

Skill test- self, peer, and teacher

Self assessment

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