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Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil-Rights Leader, 1 ! " 1 #$

Martin Luther King, Jr. %as &orn on Januar' 1(, 1 ! at his )amil' home in *tlanta, +eorgia. King %as a ,a-tist minister and leader o) the .ivil-rights movement in *meri.a )rom the Mid-1 (/s until his death &' assassination in 1 #$. King -romoted non-violent means to a.hieve .ivil-rights re)orm and %as a%arded the 1 #0 Nobel Pea.e Pri1e )or his e))orts. King2s grand)ather %as a ,a-tist -rea.her. 3is )ather %as -astor o) *tlanta2s 4&ene1er ,a-tist Chur.h. King earned his o%n ,a.helor o) Divinit' degree )rom Cro1ier 6eminar' in 1 (1 and earned his Do.tor o) Philoso-h' )rom ,oston 7niversit' in 1 ((. 8hile at s.hool King learned Mohandas Gandhi2s -hiloso-h' o) nonviolent so.ial -rotest. 9n a tri- to :ndia in 1 ( King met %ith )ollo%ers o) +andhi. During these dis.ussions he &e.ame more .onvin.ed than ever that nonviolent resistan.e %as the strongest %ea-on availa&le to o--ressed -eo-le in their struggle )or )reedom. *s a -astor o) a ,a-tist .hur.h in Montgomer', *la&ama, King lead a ,la.; &us &o'.ott. 3e and ninet' others %ere arrested under a la% ma;ing it illegal to o&stru.t the o-eration o) a &usiness. King and several others %ere )ound guilt', &ut a--ealed their .ase. *s the &us &o'.ott dragged on, King %as gaining a national re-utation. Dr. King2s 1 #< Letter from Birmingham Jail ins-ired a gro%ing national .ivil rights movement. :n ,irmingham, the goal %as to .om-letel' end the s'stem o) segregation in ever' as-e.t o) -u&li. li)e and in =o& dis.rimination. *lso in 1 #<, King led a massive mar.h on 8ashington DC %here he delivered his no% )amous, I Have A Dream s-ee.h. 9n *-ril 0, 1 #$, King %as shot &' James 4arl Ra' %hile standing on the &al.on' o) the Lorraine Motel in Mem-his, 5ennessee. 3e %as onl' < at the time o) his death. Dr. King %as turning his attention to a nation%ide .am-aign to hel- the -oor at the time o) his assassination. 3e had never sto--ed &elieving that nonviolen.e must remain the .entral ta.ti. o) the .ivil-rights movement, nor in his )aith that ever'one in *meri.a %ould some da' attain e>ual =usti.e. Mar; the )ollo%ing statements %ith an ? )or ?a.t or an 9 )or 9-inion: 1. ________ Martin Luther King Jr. %as &orn on Januar' 1(, 1 ! . !. ________ King &e.ame a -rea.her &e.ause his )ather and grand)ather %ere -rea.hers. <. ________ King %as one o) the smartest students in his .lass at ,oston 7niversit'. 0. ________ :n 1 ( , King traveled to :ndia to meet )ollo%ers o) Mohandas +andhi. (. ________ King &elieved +andhi2s ideas .ould hel- &la.; -eo-le in the 7nited 6tates. #. ________ 5he Montgomer' &us &o'.ott %as the most im-ortant event in King2s li)e. @. ________ King2s A: 3ave a DreamA s-ee.h %as the &est s-ee.h he ever gave. $. ________ Martin Luther King Jr. re.eived the No&el Pea.e Pri1e in 1 #0. . ________ James 4arl Ra' should have &een senten.ed to die )or ;illing King. 1/. ________ No&od' had more im-a.t on the .ivil rights movement than King did.

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