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The Life of Todd Bates a dramatic comedy written by Matthew McMurry

EXT. BUILDING ROOFTOP - DAY A man stands on the edge of a rooftop, staring down at the streets below. Hes attempting and failing to hold back tears. MAN Im ending it! Im ending it all right here right now! The streets hes shouting at are completely empty, save for one man with a briefcase. MAN Im going to jump and no one is gonna stop me! The pedestrian stops and confusedly squints at him PEDESTRIAN (yelling across street) What? MAN Im going to jump off this building and kill myself! The pedestrian pauses. PEDESTRIAN OK. He continues walking down the street. The man on the roof looks somewhat annoyed by the pedestrians lack of interest. Freeze frame. MAN (V.O.) Hi, my names Todd Bates. Thats me on the building right there. Yeah, I hit a really low point there. Youre probably wondering how I got to this point. Lets rewind to last month for a moment, where this all began. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - DAY A woman is struggling to give birth as several doctors try to help her.




TODD (V.O.) It was August 12th, 20-- hey wait a minute this isnt right. The woman begins to scream as her husband comforts her. HUSBAND (comforting) Come on youve got this Emma, just keep pushing! The wife continues to yell in pain. TODD (V.O.) (nervously) Hey this isnt the right moment I wanted can someone fix this? There must have been some mistake. DOCTOR We can see the head! The wifes screams escalate and she grips her husbands arm. TODD (V.O.) (loudly) Hey no one is supposed to see this, this is private! Change it, change it NOW!! HUSBAND One last push Emma hes almost here! The wife manages one last scream as a large egg suddenly shoots out from between her legs. The egg collides into the wall and cracks open. A small crying baby falls from the egg to the floor. The doctors have a brief awkward silence. DOCTOR What the hell? TODD (V.O.) TURN THIS OFF IMMEDIATELY. The wife begins to scream again. Her face begins to peel off as her yells becomes more grotesque and demon-like. Beneath her peeling flesh is a bizarre grasshopper-esque head. She turns her head to the husband and emits a monstrous growl. HUSBAND OH MY GOD EMMA WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! (CONTINUED)



Her antennas twitch, then she quickly opens her mouth gaping wide and bites her husbands head off. TODD (V.O.) PLEASE STOP IM BEGGING YOU. DOCTOR HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING The doctors begin to scream and panic, attempting to rush out of the room. After the wife finishes chewing she opens her mouth once more, ejecting a very long tongue that sticks on to one of the doctors. He screams violently as the tongue quickly yanks him backwards into the wifes huge mouth and gets eaten alive. 2ND DOCTOR (frantically) Hurry someone turn on The Weather Channel! THE END

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