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Database Architecture and ASM

TWO-MINUTE DRILL Understanding Database Architecture and ASM Oracle database logical structures include tablespaces, segments, extents, and bloc s, in order o! increasing granularit"# $t a minimum, a database must %a&e a '('TEM and a '('$U) tablespace# Oracle database p%"sical structures include data!iles, redo log !iles, control !iles, arc%i&ed log !iles, initiali*ation parameter !iles, alert+trace !iles, and bac up !iles# Oracle memor" structures include t%e '"stem ,lobal $rea -',$., /rogram ,lobal $rea -/,$., and t%e so!t0are code area# T%e primar" Oracle bac ground processes are 'MON, /MON, D1Wn, L,WR, $R2n, 23/T, and RE2O# T%e bac ground processes t%at support $'M instances are R1$L and $R1n4 databases t%at use $'M dis s %a&e t%e $'M1 and R1$L bac ground processes# Describe ASM $'M re5uires a dedicated instance !or managing s%ared dis s, called, not surprisingl", an $'M instance# $utomatic rebalancing o! dis s in an $'M dis group %appens in t%e bac ground 0%en dis s are added or remo&ed !rom an $'M dis group# The RBAL background process in an ASM instance coordinates disk activity for disk groups; the ARBn processes perform the actua e!tent movement bet"een the disks in a disk group#

T%e $'M1 bac ground process in an RD1M' instance per!orms t%e communication bet0een t%e database and t%e $'M instance4 t%e R1$L bac ground process per!orms t%e opening and closing o! t%e dis s in t%e dis group !or t%e RD1M' instance# $n $'M instance %as an initiali*ation parameter !ile and a pass0ord !ile, but since t%ere are no data!iles in an $'M instance, t%ere is t%ere!ore no data dictionar"4 all connections to an $'M instance use operating s"stem aut%entication# T%e ne0 '('$'M pri&ilege in an $'M instance !acilitates t%e separation o! database administration and storage administration in an $'M instance# Set Up #nitia i$ation %arameter &i es for ASM and Database #nstances 6or an $'M instance, t%e initiali*ation parameter IN'T$N2E7T(/E is $'M4 !or an RD1M' instance, t%e &alue is RD1M'# T%e D17UNI8UE7N$ME is 9$'M !or an $'M instance# $'M7/OWER7LIMIT controls t%e speed o! rebalancing operations and ranges !rom : to ::# $'M7/RE6ERRED7RE$D76$ILURE7,ROU/' contains a list o! pre!erred !ailure groups !or an RD1M' instance 0%en "ou use clustered $'M instances# $ll $'M-related d"namic per!ormance &ie0s are a&ailable in bot% t%e $'M instance and t%e RD1M' instance except !or ;<$'M76ILE, ;<$'M7O/ER$TION, and ;<$'M7$LI$'# $ !ull"-5uali!ied $'M !ilename %as t%e !ormat 9group+dbname+!ile t"pe+tag#!ile#incarnation# Numeric $'M !ilenames are &alid onl" !or existing $'M !iles#

$'M templates are a s%ort%and !or speci!"ing redundanc" t"pes and striping in an $'M dis group# Redundanc" t"pes !or an $'M dis group are external, normal, and %ig%# $'M dis group striping can be !ine or coarse# Start Up and Shut Do"n ASM #nstances $n $'M instance is in t%e MOUNT state 0%en "ou use t%e 'T$RTU/ command# $n $'M instance cannot be in t%e O/EN state li e an RD1M' instance# Using 'T$RTU/ RE'TRI2T in an $'M instance pre&ents database instances !rom accessing dis groups controlled b" t%e $'M instance# /er!orming a '=UTDOWN operation on an $'M instance per!orms a '=UTDOWN operation on all connected RD1M' instances# Administer ASM Disk 'roups 2oarse striping spreads !iles in units o! :M1 eac% across all dis s4 !ine striping spreads !iles in units o! :>?31# 2oarse striping is appropriate !or en&ironments 0it% a %ig% degree o! small I+O re5uests, suc% as in an OLT/ en&ironment# 6ine striping is appropriate !or a data 0are%ouse en&ironment and maximi*es response time !or indi&idual I+O re5uests# $ !ailure group is one or more dis s in a dis group t%at s%are a common resource suc% as a dis controller# External redundanc" is appropriate !or noncritical dis groups or dis s t%at are externall" managed b" a R$ID controller# Normal redundanc" pro&ides t0o-0a" mirroring and re5uires t0o !ailure groups 0it%in a dis group# =ig% redundanc" pro&ides t%ree-0a" mirroring 0it% a minimum o! t%ree !ailure

groups 0it%in a dis group# Mirroring is managed at a &er" lo0 le&el# Extents are mirrored and not t%e dis s# Eac% dis in a dis group %as a mixture o! bot% primar" and mirrored extents# D"namic rebalancing occurs automaticall" 0it%in a dis group to proportionall" reallocate data !rom ot%er dis group members to t%e ne0 dis group member# $'M !iles are t"picall" Oracle Managed 6iles -OM6. but can be manuall" managed# 6ast mirror res"nc, a&ailable starting in Oracle Database ::g, speeds dis remirroring 0%en a dis !ails !or reasons suc% as a controller !ailure# Onl" t%e c%anged data needs to be res"nced 0%en t%e dis is broug%t bac online# T%e de!ault &alue !or dis repair time is @#A %ours and is controlled b" t%e initiali*ation parameter DI'37RE/$IR7TIME# (ou can monitor dis rebalance operations using t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<$'M7O/ER$TION# (ou can use t%e asmcmd command-line utilit" to bro0se and maintain obBects 0it%in $'M dis groups# T%e asmcmd commands ne0 to Oracle Database ::g are cp, lsds , md7 bac up, md7restore, and remap#

Se f Test Understanding Database Architecture and ASM () *hich of the fo o"ing tab espaces are re+uired in an insta ation of ,rac e Database ((g./hoose a that app y)0 $# U'ER'

1# '('TEM 2# '('$U) D# TEM/ E# UNDOT1': 6# RM$N A1S2 B and /) 1ot% t%e '('TEM and '('$U) tablespaces are re5uired# A3 D3 43 and & are "rong) W%ile t%e U'ER' tablespace is %ig%l" desirable !or placing application tables in its o0n tablespace, it is not re5uired4 TEM/, U'ER', and UNDOT1': are created in a de!ault installation o! Oracle Database ::g# No RM$N tablespace is created, nor is it re5uired in an installation o! Oracle Database ::g# 5) *hat is the ma!imum number of database "riter processes .DB*n0 in an ,rac e database instance$# : 1# :C 2# >C D# None4 database 0riter processes exist onl" in an $'M instance A1S2 /# T%e database 0riter processes are D1WC t%roug% D1WD, and i! needed, D1Wa t%roug% D1WB on most operating s"stem plat!orms# A3 B3 and D are "rong) Database 0riters exist onl" in an RD1M' instance# Describe ASM 6) *hich of the fo o"ing background processes e!ist in both an ASM instance and an RDBMS

instance3 and a so support ASM disk groups- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# $'M1 1# R1$L 2# $R1n D# L,WR E# $R2n A1S2 B# Onl" t%e R1$L process exists in bot% $'M and RD1M' instances !or $'M operations#

R1$L coordinates t%e dis acti&it" !or dis groups in an $'M instance# R1$L per!orms t%e opening and closing o! t%e dis s in a dis group in an RD1M' instance, on be%al! o! t%e database# $ is 0rong because $'M1 exists onl" in an RD1M' instance t%at uses $'M dis s# 2 is 0rong because $R1n onl" exists in an $'M instance and per!orms t%e extent mo&ement bet0een dis s in dis groups# D is 0rong because L,WR onl" exists in an RD1M' instance and is not $'M related4 it 0rites redo in!ormation to t%e online redo log !iles# E is 0rong because $R2n onl" exists in an RD1M' instance and is not $'M related4 it 0rites online to arc%i&e redo log !iles 0%en t%e database is in $R2=I;ELO, mode# E# At "hich eve does ASM perform mirroring$# $t t%e database obBect le&el 1# $t t%e tablespace le&el 2# $t t%e dis &olume le&el D# $'M does not per!orm mirroring, it onl" supports dis %ard0are t%at is alread" R$ID-enabled A1S2A# $'M mirrors database obBects onl"# B3 /3 and D are 0rong# $'M mirrors database obBects to pro&ide t%e !lexibilit" to mirror or

redo log !iles

stripe eac% database obBect di!!erentl" depending on t%eir t"pe# $'M does not need to mirror a gi&en obBect i! an underl"ing obBect is alread" mirrored b" R$ID %ard0are or t%e operating s"stem# Set Up #nitia i$ation %arameter &i es for ASM and Database #nstances 7) *hat is the va ue for #1STA1/48T9%4 in the init)ora fi e or S%&#L4 for an ASM instance$# RD1M' 1# $'M 2# 9$'M D# NOMOUNT E# T%ere is no suc% initiali*ation parameter IN'T$N2E7T(/E A1S2B) $s "ou mig%t expect, IN'T$N2E7T(/E %as a &alue o! $'M !or an $'M instance# A3 /3 D3 and 4 are "rong# $ is onl" &alid !or an RD1M' -database. instance# 2 is t%e &alue !or D17UNI8UE7N$ME in an $'M instance# D is an option to t%e 'T$RTU/ command# :) 9ou connect to an ASM instance "ith connected RDBMS instances as S9S,%4R and run this command2 S;L< shutdo"n immediate *hat happens$# T%e $'M instance s%uts do0n immediatel", and all connected RD1M' instances s%ut do0n 0it% t%e $1ORT option# 1# T%e $'M instance s%uts do0n immediatel", and all connected RD1M' instances s%ut do0n 0it% t%e IMMEDI$TE option#

2# T%e command is ignored, since t%e '('O/ER pri&ilege does not include starting up or s%utting do0n an $'M instance# D# T%e $'M instance is not s%ut do0n because t%ere is at least one connected RD1M' instance# A1S2 D) $ll connected RD1M' instances must be s%ut do0n be!ore "ou can s%ut do0n an $'M instance 0it% t%e IMMEDI$TE option# I! "ou stop an $'M instance 0it% t%e $1ORT option, all connected RD1M' instances are stopped# A is "rong because RD1M' instances s%ut do0n 0it% $1ORT onl" i! t%e $'M instance s%uts do0n 0it% t%e $1ORT option or t%e $'M instance cras%es# B is "rong because "ou must explicitl" s%ut do0n connected RD1M' instances !irst# / is "rong because t%e '('O/ER pri&ilege, 0%ile not as po0er!ul as t%e '('D1$ or '('$'M pri&ilege, does %a&e t%e po0er to start and stop $'M instances# =) The va ue of the initia i$ation parameter ASM8D#S>'R,U%S on your ASM instance is the fo o"ing2 DATA3 R4/,?3 DATA5 *hat happens "hen the ASM instance starts- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# Not%ing %appens until "ou issue $LTER DI'3,ROU/ MOUNT commands# 1# T%e $'M instance automaticall" mounts t%e dis groups, and "ou can manuall" mount an" dis groups not in t%e list# 2# $'M7DI'3,ROU/' is onl" &alid !or RD1M' instances# D# T%e dis de&ices D$T$, RE2O;, and D$T$> are a&ailable to create ne0 dis groups# A1S2B) T%e $'M instance automaticall" mounts t%e speci!ied dis groups, and "ou can manuall" mount an" dis groups not in t%e list#

A is incorrect, because $'M7DI'3,ROU/' !acilitates automatic mounting o! t%e speci!ied dis groups at startup# / is incorrect because $'M7DI'3,ROU/' is onl" &alid !or $'M instances# D is incorrect because t%e parameter $'M7DI'3,ROU/' contains existing dis groups, not ra0 de&ices a&ailable !or dis groups# @) *hich of the fo o"ing parameters are re+uired for an ASM instance- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# IN'T$N2E7N$ME 1# IN'T$N2E7T(/E 2# $'M7DI'3,ROU/' D# $'M7/OWER7LIMIT E# $'M7/RE6ERRED7RE$D76$ILURE7,ROU/' A1S2B) Onl" t%e IN'T$N2E7T(/E parameter is re5uired, and its &alue must be $'M# A3 /3 D3 and 4 are "rong) $'M7DI'3,ROU/' can be empt", but t%en "ou must mount dis groups manuall" a!ter starting an $'M instance# $'M7/OWER7LIMIT de!aults to : i! it is not set4 $'M7/RE6ERRED7RE$D76$ILURE7,ROU/', ne0 to Oracle Database ::g, speci!ies a pre!erred !ailure group t%at is closest to t%e instanceFs node to impro&e per!ormance in a clustered $'M en&ironment# Start Up and Shut Do"n ASM #nstances A) *hat happens to the state of an ASM instance "hen a connected RDBMS instance fai s$# T%ere is no e!!ect on t%e $'M instance# 1# T%e $'M instance !ails# 2# T%e $'M instance s%uts do0n automaticall"# D# $ll ot%er connected RD1M' instances are paused until t%e !ailed RD1M' instance restarts# E# T%e $'M instance per!orms instance reco&er" on t%e !ailed RD1M' instance 0%ile

continuing to ser&ice ot%er RD1M' clients# A1S2 A) T%e $'M instance continues to ser&e ot%er RD1M' clients# W%en t%e !ailed RD1M' client restarts and reco&ers, t%e $'M instance 0ill be read" to ser&ice t%e reco&ered RD1M' instance# B3 /3 D3 and 4 are "rong# T%e !ailure o! one or more connected RD1M' instances does not a!!ect t%e status o! an $'M instance# $n $'M instance does not per!orm instance reco&er" !or an" connected RD1M' instances#

(B) *hich of the fo o"ing states are va id for an ASM instance- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# O/EN 1# MOUNT 2# NOMOUNT D# RE'TRI2T A1S2 B3 /3 and D# (ou can put t%e $'M instance into t%e NOMOUNT mode4 t%e instance is started but no $'M dis s are mounted# T%e MOUNT state mounts all $'M dis s in t%e $'M7 DI'3,ROU/' initiali*ation parameter4 "ou can use 'T$RTU/ RE'TRI2T to temporaril" pre&ent RD1M' instances !rom accessing mounted dis groups# A is "rong# $'M instances cannot be in t%e O/EN state as an RD1M' instance can# Administer ASM Disk 'roups (() *hat is the difference bet"een coarse striping and fine striping for fi es in a disk group$# 2oarse striping spreads !iles in units o! :M1 eac% across all dis s, and !ine striping spreads !iles in units o! AE31#

1# 2oarse striping spreads !iles in units o! :M1 eac% across all dis s, and !ine striping spreads !iles in units o! :>?31# 2# 2oarse striping spreads !iles in units o! AEM1 eac% across all dis s, and !ine striping spreads !iles in units o! :M1# D# 2oarse striping spreads !iles in units o! EM1 eac% across all dis s, and !ine striping spreads !iles in units o! :>?31# A1S B# 2oarse striping spreads !iles in units o! :M1 eac% across all dis s, and !ine striping spreads !iles in units o! :>?31# Remember t%at striping occurs at t%e database obBect le&el, not at t%e !ile or dis !ailure group le&el# A3 /3 and D are "rong) None o! t%ese striping combinations are a&ailable !or !iles in an $'M dis group (5) #n "hich situation "ou d you use fine striping for an obCect in an ASM disk group- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# $ traditional data 0are%ouse en&ironment 1# $n OLT/ s"stem 0it% lo0 concurrenc" 2# $n OLT/ s"stem 0it% %ig% concurrenc" D# $ %"brid data 0are%ouse and OLT/ en&ironment E# $n en&ironment 0it% a %ig% degree o! concurrent small I+O re5uests A1S 2 A and B) 6ine striping is appropriate !or traditional data 0are%ouse en&ironments or OLT/ s"stems 0it% lo0 concurrenc"4 t%is maximi*es response time !or indi&idual I+O re5uests#

/3 D3 and 4 are "rong) 2oarse striping is more appropriate !or s"stems 0it% a %ig% degree o! concurrent small I+O re5uests# $ %"brid data 0are%ouse and OLT/ en&ironment 0ould

indicate a mixture o! !ine and course striping, depending on t%e obBect# Remember t%at "ou can indi&iduall" stripe di!!erent obBect t"pes 0it%in t%e same dis group# 6or example, "ou ma" %a&e a tablespace used !or OLT/ transactions striped as coarse, and anot%er tablespace used !or a data 0are%ouse star sc%ema striped as !ine#

(6) *hen is it appropriate to use an incomp ete ASM fi ename- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# 6or single-!ile creation operations 1# 6or multiple-!ile creation operations 2# 6or re!erencing single database obBects D# 6or re!erencing t%e same obBect s%ared b" multiple non-R$2 RD1M' instances A1S 2 A and B) (ou can use an incomplete $'M !ilename 0%en creating single or multiple !iles# 6or example, "ou can create a tablespace and speci!" onl" t%e dis group name4 t%e $'M instance uses OM6 to !ull" 5uali!" t%e internal name !or t%e tablespace 0it%in t%e dis group# / is "rong because "ou canFt resol&e a single database obBect 0it% an incomplete name suc% as a dis group name# D is "rong because "ou can s%are a dis group bet0een RD1M' instances in a R$2 en&ironment, but not bet0een standalone RD1M' instances# (D) #f you "ant to use t"oE"ay mirroring .norma redundancy0 for a ne" disk group3 ho" many fai ure groups do you need$# One !ailure group 0it% t0o dis s on t%e same controller# 1# T0o !ailure groups# 2# T%ree or more !ailure groups# D# T0o-0a" mirroring is supported onl" at t%e operating s"stem le&el using a R$ID %ard0are or so!t0are mirroring solution#

A1S2 B) $ dis group 0it% t0o-0a" mirroring re5uires t0o !ailure groups# A is "rong because t0o dis s on a single controller %as a single point o! !ailure and 0ill not support t0o-0a" mirroring# / is "rong because t%ree or more !ailure groups is appropriate !or %ig% redundanc" dis groups# D is "rong because "ou can use operating s"stem R$ID solutions !or an" ind o! $'M dis group mirroring solution, alt%oug% t"picall" "ou 0ill use operating s"stem or %ard0are R$ID solutions !or dis groups de!ined 0it% external redundanc"# (7) *hich of the fo o"ing statements are true about ASM obCects and a ias names- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# (ou can use t%e $LTER DI'3,ROU/ $DD $LI$' command to add a more readable alias !or an existing obBect# 1# (ou can use an alias to re!erence an existing obBect# 2# (ou can use an alias to create a ne0 obBect# D# (ou can use an alias 0%en creating multiple obBects# E# $lias names t"picall" contain a dotted pair o! numbers at t%e end# 6# (ou can use a single alias to re!erence a group o! existing obBects#

A1S2A3 B3 and /) (ou use t%e $LTER DI'3,ROU/ $DD $LI$' command to add an alias !or an existing obBect4 "ou can use an alias to re!erence an existing obBect or 0%en "ou create a ne0 obBect# D is "rong because "ou can create an alias onl" !or a single obBect# 4 is "rong because aliases do not end in a dotted pair o! numbers4 "ou 0ill t"picall" create a more readable alias !or a !ull" 5uali!ied obBect name t%at alread" contains a dotted pair o! numbers at t%e end# & is "rong because a single alias can re!erence onl" a single database obBect 0it%in a dis group#

(:) *hat are the defau t characteristics of an ASM fi e created "ith no options$# T%e $'M obBect is striped but not mirrored# 1# T%e $'M obBect is striped and mirrored b" de!ault# 2# T%e $'M obBect is mirrored but not striped# D# T%e $'M obBect is neit%er striped nor mirrored# A1S2B) 1" de!ault, all $'M obBects are striped and mirrored4 "ou cannot disable striping, but "ou can disable mirroring b" using t%e E)TERN$L REDUND$N2( clause 0%en "ou create a dis group# A3 /3 and D are "rong#(ou can disable mirroring, but striping al0a"s occurs in a dis group !or per!ormance#

T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL /onfiguring for Database Recoverabi ity $ robust bac up strateg" includes bot% logical and p%"sical bac ups#

$ logical bac up o! a database in&ol&es reading a set o! database ro0s and 0riting t%em to a !ile# OracleFs Data /ump Export utilit" 5ueries t%e database, including t%e data dictionar", and 0rites t%e output to an )ML !ile called an export dump !ile# Once data %as been exported &ia Data /ump Export, it can be imported &ia t%e Data /ump Import utilit"# /%"sical bac ups in&ol&e cop"ing t%e !iles t%at constitute t%e database# 2onsistent o!!line bac ups occur 0%en t%e database %as been s%ut do0n normall" -t%at is, not due to instance !ailure. using t%e NORM$L, IMMEDI$TE, or TR$N'$2TION$L option o! t%e '=UTDOWN command# (ou can use online bac ups !or an" database t%at is running in $R2=I;ELO, mode# In $R2=I;ELO, mode, t%e online redo logs are arc%i&ed, creating a log o! all transactions 0it%in t%e database# (ou can per!orm !ile s"stem bac ups o! a database 0%ile t%at database is open, pro&ided t%e database is running in $R2=I;ELO, mode# T%e database can be !ull" reco&ered !rom an online bac up, and it can, &ia t%e arc%i&ed redo logs, be rolled !or0ard to an" point in time be!ore t%e !ailure# T%e t0o basic t"pes o! RM$N commands are standalone commands and Bob commands# T%e preparation !or using RM$N in "our en&ironment consists o! t0o basic stepsG c%ange "our database to $R2=I;ELO, mode -i! it is not alread"., and con!igure t%e number and t"pes o! arc%i&e log destinations to maximi*e reco&erabilit" and a&ailabilit"#

W%en Oracle is run in $R2=I;ELO, mode, t%e $R2n bac ground process ma es a cop" o! eac% redo log !ile a!ter t%e L,WR process !inis%es 0riting to it# /onfigure Mu tip e Archive Log &i e Destinations to #ncrease Avai abi ity 2%anging "our database to $R2=I;ELO, mode increases reco&erabilit" o! "our database and enables t%e use o! RM$N as a bac up and reco&er" tool !or online bac ups# T%e initiali*ation parameter D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T speci!ies t%e location o! t%e !las% reco&er" area, 0%ic% can be on a !ile s"stem or an $'M dis group# 'et at least one LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7n parameter to a location outside t%e !las% reco&er" area# 'et at least t0o LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7n parameters to arc%i&e to nonH!las% reco&er" area destinations# 6or one or t0o arc%i&ed log !ile destinations, "ou can use LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T and LO,7$R2=I;E7DU/LE)7DE'T# 6or more t%an t0o arc%i&ed log !ile destinations 0it% at least one remote destination, use LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7n# Use LO,7$R2=I;E7MIN7'U22EED7DE'T to guarantee t%at a minimal number o! arc%i&ed log !ile destinations are accessible b" $R2n#

Define3 App y3 and Use a Retention %o icy RM$N can retain and manage bac ups b" using eit%er a reco&er" 0indo0 or b" redundanc"# Using a retention polic" o! NONE relies on an externall" managed reco&er"

0indo0 or redundanc"# T%e de!ault RM$N retention polic" is : cop"# T%e initiali*ation parameter 2ONTROL76ILE7RE2ORD73EE/7TIME controls %o0 long RM$N bac up in!ormation is ept in t%e target databaseFs control !ile i! a reco&er" catalog is not used# /onfigure the & ash Recovery Area T%e !las% reco&er" area is a uni!ied storage location !or all reco&er"-related !iles in an Oracle database# $ll t%e !iles t%at "ou need in order to reco&er a database !rom a media !ailure or a logical error are contained in t%e !las% reco&er" area# T%e permanent items ept in t%e !las% reco&er" area are a cop" o! t%e control !ile and mirrored copies o! t%e online redo log !iles# T%e transient items ept in t%e !las% reco&er" area are t%e arc%i&ed redo log !iles, !las%bac logs, control !ile automatic bac ups, data !ile copies, and RM$N !iles used !or staging a bac up or reco&er" operation using arc%i&ed log !iles# T%e initiali*ation parameter D172RE$TE76ILE7DE'T speci!ies t%e de!ault location !or database obBects t%at do not explicitl" speci!" a location# T%e initiali*ation parameter D172RE$TE7ONLINE7LO,7DE'T7n speci!ies a de!ault destination !or one set o! arc%i&ed redo log !iles# T%e initiali*ation parameter D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T speci!ies t%e location o! t%e !las% reco&er" area# T%e initiali*ation parameter D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE speci!ies t%e maximum si*e o! t%e !las% reco&er" area#

W%en t%e !las% reco&er" area is con!igured, t%e initiali*ation parameter LO,7 $R2=I;E7DE'T7:C is automaticall" set to t%e !las% reco&er" area location# T%e recommended si*e o! t%e !las% reco&er" area is t%e sum o! t%e database si*e, t%e si*e o! incremental bac ups, and t%e si*e o! all arc%i&ed log !iles t%at %a&e not been copied to tape or to anot%er dis location# Use the & ash Recovery Area T%e initiali*ation parameter D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE can be temporaril" increased once an alert is recei&ed to gi&e t%e D1$ additional time to allocate more dis space to t%e dis group or relocate t%e !las% reco&er" area# T%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T s%o0s t%e total used and reclaimable space on t%e destination !ile s"stem or !las% reco&er" area# Oracle per!orms some automatic management o! t%e space in t%e !las% reco&er" area and eeps trac o! 0%ic% !iles are no longer needed !or reco&er" or ot%er !las%bac !unctions# T%e data dictionar" &ie0 D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT' contains a possible correcti&e action !or space pressure in t%e !las% reco&er" area 0%en t%e amount o! !ree space in t%e !las% reco&er" area is :J percent or less o! t%e total !las% reco&er" area si*e#

S4L& T4ST2 /onfiguring for Database Recoverabi ity () *hich of the fo o"ing statement is not true regarding database backups-

$# $ consistent o!!line bac up occurs a!ter a '=UTDOWN NORM$L, IMMEDI$TE, or TR$N'$2TION$L# 1# $s o! Oracle Database ::g, RM$N supports onl" online bac ups# 2# $ p%"sical database bac up copies one or more !iles t%at constitute t%e database# D# $ logical database bac up reads a set o! database ro0s and 0rites t%em to a !ile# E# $ logical database bac up reads a set o! database ro0s and 0rites t%em to an $'M dis group# 6# Online bac ups can occur onl" 0%en "our database is in $R2=I;ELO, mode# A1S 2 B) RM$N can per!orm bot% online and o!!line bac ups# $ll ot%er statements about online and o!!line bac ups are true#

5) *hich of the fo o"ing obCects can be backed up by RMA1 "hi e the database is open./hoose a that app y)0 $# $rc%i&ed redo log !iles 1# Online redo log !iles 2# /ass0ord !iles D# Tablespaces E# Tables and indexes 6# 2ontrol !iles ,# 'er&er parameter !iles -'/6ILEs. =# Data!iles A1S 2 A3 D3 &3 '3 and F) RM$N can bac up arc%i&ed redo log !iles, t%en delete t%em !rom t%e !las% reco&er" area# Tablespaces can be bac ed up indi&iduall" b" RM$N# 2ontrol !iles are bac ed up eit%er explicitl" during an RM$N bac up or implicitl" 0%en t%e '('TEM

tablespace is part o! a bac up, or b" setting RM$N control !ile autobac up 0it% 2ON6I,URE 2ONTROL6ILE $UTO1$23U/ ON# T%e '/6ILE, but not a static /6ILE -text parameter !ile., can also be included in an RM$N bac up# Indi&idual data!iles can be bac ed up as 0ell# B is "rong because "ou s%ould ne&er bac up online redo !iles, and RM$N 0ill not bac t%em up an"0a"# / is "rong because RM$N 0ill not bac up an operating s"stem !ile suc% as a pass0ord !ile4 "ou can bac up t%is !ile manuall"# 4 is "rong because RM$N cannot bac up indi&idual tables and indexes# T%ese t"pes o! obBects are best bac ed up b" a logical bac up using expdp#

6) *hich of the fo o"ing are not RMA1 standa one commands- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# 1$23U/ D$T$1$'E 1# $LLO2$TE 2=$NNEL 2# 2ONNE2T D# 2RE$TE 2$T$LO, E# 2RE$TE '2RI/T A1S2 B) T%e $LLO2$TE 2=$NNEL command can be used onl" in a command bloc 4 "ou can de!ine a de!ault c%annel !or a standalone command using t%e 2ON6I,URE 2=$NNEL command# A3 /3 D and 4 are a standa one commands; 1$23U/ D$T$1$'E can be used as a standalone command or as a Bob command# /onfigure Mu tip e Archive Log &i e Destinations to #ncrease Avai abi ity D) /hoose the four best commands from the fo o"ing ist that you "ou d use to enab e

AR/F#?4L,' mode3 and put them in the correct order2 :# 'T$RU/ MOUNT ># '=UTDOWN $1ORT @# $LTER D$T$1$'E $R2=I;ELO,4 E# 'T$RTU/ 6OR2E J# $LTER D$T$1$'E EN$1LE $R2=I;ELO,4 A# $LTER '('TEM 'WIT2= LO,6ILE4 K# '=UTDOWN NORM$L ?# $LTER D$T$1$'E O/EN4 D# '=UTDOWN IMMEDI$TE $# >, :, @, ? 1# D, @, :, ? 2# E, J, K, A D# K, :, @, ? E# D, :, @, ? A1S24) T%e correct commands and se5uence !or enabling $R2=I;ELO, mode are as !ollo0sG '=UTDOWN IMMEDI$TE 'T$RTU/ MOUNT $LTER D$T$1$'E $R2=I;ELO,4 $LTER D$T$1$'E O/EN4 $ll ot%er combinations are eit%er in t%e 0rong order or %a&e incorrect or unnecessar" steps# (ou cannot use '=UTDOWN $1ORT, as t%is lea&es t%e database in an unusable state until t%e database can be reco&ered -or restarted., t%us "ou cannot enable $R2=I;ELO, mode 0it%out extra steps# 'T$RTU/ 6OR2E per!orms a '=UTDOWN $1ORT and a 'T$RTU/, 0%ic% lea&es "ou

0it% t%e database in O/EN mode, and t%us t%is command is not necessar"# EN$1LE $R2=I;ELO, is not a &alid e"0ord in t%e $LTER D$T$1$'E command# '=UTDOWN NORM$L is one 0a" to s%ut do0n t%e database grace!ull", but t%en "ou must 0ait !or all users to disconnect !rom t%e database# $LTER '('TEM 'WIT2= LO,6ILE is a &alid command but is not part o! t%e process o! s0itc%ing a database into $R2=I;ELO, mode#

7) *hich of the fo o"ing initia i$ation parameters is not va id$# LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7@ L M+rmtdis +uC:+app+oracle+!las%M 1# LO,7$R2=I;E7DU/LE)7DE'T L M9D$T$M 2# LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T L M'ER;I2ELRMTD1DDM D# LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T L M+rmtdis +uC:+app+oracle+!las%M E# LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7:C L M'ER;I2ELRMTD1DDM 6# LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7:C L M+rmtdis +uC:+app+oracle+!las%M A1S2 /# I! "ou use LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T or LO,7$R2=I;E7DU/LE)7DE'T, t%e locations must be a dis de&ice -!ile s"stem or $'M dis .# T%e destination cannot be anot%er Oracle instance# A3 B3 D3 43 and & are incorrect# W%en "ou use LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7n, t%e destination can be a !ile s"stem or a database ser&ice# 1" de!ault, i! "ou %a&e a !las% reco&er" area de!ined, LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7:C points to t%e !las% reco&er" area4 %o0e&er, "ou can o&erride t%is 0it% an" &alid dis location or ser&ice# :) 9our S%&#L4 contains the fo o"ing parameter va ues2 L,'8AR/F#?48D4ST8( G HL,/AT#,1GIuB(IappIorac eIarchH L,'8AR/F#?48D4ST85 G HL,/AT#,1GIuB6IappIorac eIarch MA1DAT,R9H

L,'8AR/F#?48D4ST86 G HS4R?#/4GST1DB98/L4?4LA1D MA1DAT,R9H L,'8AR/F#?48M#18SU//44D8D4ST G ( 9ou are not using a f ash recovery area) The disk drive containing the directory IuB6IappIorac eI arch fai s) *hat happens to the archive processes and the database$# T%e database pauses because LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7> is M$ND$TOR(# 1# T%e database continues to run normall" 0it% t%e remaining t0o arc%i&e locations because at least one ot%er destination is mar ed as M$ND$TOR(# 2# T%e database continues to run normall" 0it% t%e remaining t0o arc%i&e locations because LO,7$R2=I;E7MIN7'U22EED7DE'T is :# D# T%e database 0ill not start unless LO,7$R2=I;E7MIN7'U22EED7DE'T is set to at least t%e number o! M$ND$TOR( locations# A1S2 A) $ll arc%i&e destinations mar ed as M$ND$TOR( must be a&ailable 0%en $R2n attempts to arc%i&e a !illed redo log# B is "rong because all M$ND$TOR( locations must be a&ailable 0%en $R2n needs to arc%i&e a !illed redo log !ile# / is "rong because all M$ND$TOR( locations must be a&ailable and t%e number o! a&ailable locations must be greater t%an or e5ual to t%e number o! locations speci!ied in LO,7$R2=I;E7MIN7'U22EED7DE'T# D is "rong because LO,7$R2=I;E7MIN7 'U22EED7DE'T can be an" integer and is not related to %o0 man" LO,7$R2=I;E7DE'T7n parameters are set to M$ND$TOR(4 bot% parameters 0or independentl" to ensure a minimum number o! a&ailable arc%i&e locations# Define3 App y3 and Use a Retention %o icy =) *hich of the fo o"ing RMA1 commands does not correct y configure a retention po icy./hoose the best ans"er)0

$# 2ON6I,URE RETENTION /OLI2( TO RE2O;ER( WINDOW O6 :CC D$('4 1# 2ON6I,URE RETENTION /OLI2( TO NONE4 2# 2ON6I,URE RETENTION /OLI2( TO REDUND$N2( WINDOW O6 > D$('4 D# 2ON6I,URE RETENTION /OLI2( TO REDUND$N2( >4 A1S2/) REDUND$N2( WINDOW O6 > D$(' is s"ntacticall" incorrect# A3 B3 and D are a va id RMA1 commands# (ou can set t%e RM$N retention polic" to t%e total number o! copies o! eac% database !ile, to t%e number o! da"s in t%e past !or 0%ic% "ou can restore t%e database a!ter a logical error, or "ou can disable t%e retention polic" completel" and manage t%e retention polic" externall" !rom RM$N# @) #f you disab e the RMA1 retention po icy3 ho" ong are the detai s of RMA1 backups kept$# Until t%e !las% reco&er" area is !ull 1# Up to t%e time speci!ied b" t%e initiali*ation parameter 2ONTROL76ILE7RE2ORD73EE/7 TIME 2# Until t%e database is s%ut do0n D# Inde!initel" A1S 2 B) W%en t%ere is no retention polic", RM$N eeps t%e details o! RM$N bac ups up to t%e time speci!ied b" t%e 2ONTROL76ILE7RE2ORD73EE/7TIME initiali*ation parameter# A3 /3 and D are incorrect# T%e control !ile or a reco&er" catalog still contain t%e in!ormation about RM$N bac ups, and t%is in!ormation is a&ailable until 2ONTROL76ILE7 RE2ORD73EE/7TIME# /onfigure the & ash Recovery Area A) *hich of the fo o"ing items are permanent and are stored in the f ash recovery area-

./hoose a that app y)0 $# 2ontrol !ile 1# $rc%i&ed redo log !iles 2# Online redo log !iles D# 2ontrol !ile bac up E# RM$N bac upsets A1S2A and /) $ mirrored cop" o! t%e control !ile and one mirrored cop" o! eac% online redo log !ile are stored in t%e !las% reco&er" area# B3 D3 and 4 arenJt considered permanent items# (B) *hich of the fo o"ing items are transient and are stored in the f ash recovery area./hoose a that app y)0 $# 2ontrol !ile 1# $rc%i&ed redo log !iles 2# Online redo log !iles D# 2ontrol !ile bac up E# RM$N bac upsets A1S2 B3 D3 and 4) $rc%i&ed redo log !iles, bac ups o! t%e control !ile, and RM$N bac upsets are considered transient and are stored in t%e !las% reco&er" area# A and / arenJt considered transient items# (() #f you specify the initia i$ation parameter DB8R4/,?4R98&#L48D4ST3 "hat other initia i$ation parameter must be set$# D172RE$TE76ILE7DE'T

1# D172RE$TE7ONLINE7LO,7DE'T7n 2# D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE D# No ot%er parameter needs to be set A1S2/# W%en "ou speci!" t%e location o! t%e !las% reco&er" area 0it% D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7 DE'T, "ou must also set t%e parameter D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE to limit t%e amount o! space used b" t%e !las% reco&er" area on t%e destination !ile s"stem# A is "rong because D172RE$TE76ILE7DE'T speci!ies a de!ault location !or an" database obBect created 0it%out an explicit location# B is "rong since D172RE$TE7ONLINE7LO,7DE'T7n speci!ies t%e location !or ne0 or additional online redo log !iles# D is "rong since "ou must speci!" a si*e !or t%e !las% reco&er" area# Use the & ash Recovery Area (5) 9ou have Cust received a pager a ert indicating that the f ash recovery area is be o" 6 percent free space) *hich vie" and co umn can you +uery for a possib e corrective action for this space condition- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# ;<6L$'=7RE2O;ER(7$RE$7U'$,E, /ER2ENT7'/$2E7RE2L$IM$1LE 1# D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT, 'U,,E'TED7$2TION' 2# D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT', 'U,,E'TED7$2TION' D# D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT', 'U,,E'TED7$2TION A1S2 D) T%e RE$'ON column in D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT' contains a description !or t%e alert, and t%e 'U,,E'TED7$2TION pro&ides a recommendation !or correcti&e action# T%ese descriptions also appear in t%e alerts section o! t%e Enterprise Manager Database 2ontrol %ome page# A is "rong since t%e column /ER2ENT7'/$2E7RE2L$IM$1LE doesnFt pro&ide an"

recommendations, onl" an amount o! dis space t%at can be reclaimable !or obBects t%at ma" be obsolete in t%e !las% reco&er" area# B and / are "rong because t%ere is no suc% data dictionar" &ie0 as D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT, and t%ere is no suc% column as 'U,,E'TED7$2TION' in t%e &ie0 D1$7OUT'T$NDIN,7$LERT'# T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL #dentify Situations that Re+uire RMA1 Recovery /ata og I! "our bac ups are simple and "our database is not mission-critical, t%e control !ile is probabl" su!!icient !or "our RM$N metadata# I! "ou %a&e se&eral databases to bac up, and "ou 0ant to use stored scripts, t%en a reco&er" catalog is %ig%l" recommended based on Oracle best practices# =a&ing a centrali*ed metadata repositor" permits eas" bac up reporting because "ou can use one set o! R27 &ie0s in one database to 5uer" bac up in!ormation# 'e&eral use!ul RM$N commands suc% as 1$23U/ ### 3EE/ 6ORE;ER are a&ailable onl" 0%en "ou use a reco&er" catalog# /reate and /onfigure a Recovery /ata og T%e t%ree basic steps !or creating a reco&er" catalog are :. con!igure a ne0 or existing database, >. create t%e reco&er" catalog o0ner, and @. create t%e catalog itsel!# Onl" about :>JM1 o! dis space is re5uired !or t%e initial deplo"ment o! a reco&er" catalog# T%e prede!ined role RE2O;ER(72$T$LO,7OWNER includes all pri&ileges necessar" to manage a reco&er" catalog, suc% as $LTER 'E''ION, 2RE$TE 'E''ION, and 2RE$TE T$1LE#

(ou use t%e 2RE$TE 2$T$LO, command to create t%e reco&er" catalog# (ou can use Enterprise Manager to persist reco&er" catalog credentials# Synchroni$e the Recovery /ata og T%e initial s"nc%roni*ation o! t%e reco&er" catalog uses t%e target database control !ile# Eac% database to be bac ed up needs to be registered 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog using t%e RE,I'TER D$T$1$'E command# T%e target database must be in t%e MOUNT or O/EN state to register success!ull" 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog# (ou can use t%e D1NEWID utilit" -enter nid at t%e command line., to c%ange t%e &alue o! t%e D1ID !or a database# (ou can also c%ange t%e database name as an additional option# $!ter c%anging t%e D1ID !or a database, "ou must reopen it 0it% RE'ETLO,', and t%en "ou s%ould per!orm a !ull bac up o! t%e database# (ou can unregister a database !rom a reco&er" catalog using t%e UNRE,I'TER D$T$1$'E command# (ou can catalog se&eral t"pes o! bac up !iles 0it% RM$NG data !ile copies, bac up pieces, control !ile copies, and arc%i&ed redo log !iles# One o! man" ad&antages to using a !las% reco&er" area is t%at it ma es it eas" !or "ou to recatalog all bac up !iles in t%e area b" using t%e 2$T$LO, RE2O;ER( $RE$ command# Manual res"nc%roni*ation o! t%e reco&er" catalog is re5uired 0%en t%e reco&er" catalog is una&ailable during an RM$N bac up# T%is applies i! "ou 0ant to catalog arc%i&ed redo log !iles or "ou ma e p%"sical c%anges to t%e

target database# /reate and Use RMA1 Stored Scripts (ou create stored scripts 0it% eit%er t%e 2RE$TE '2RI/T or 2RE$TE ,LO1$L '2RI/T command# Local scripts are a&ailable onl" !or t%e target database# ,lobal scripts are a&ailable !or an" target database or e&en 0%en "ou are not connected to an" target database# (ou execute a global or local script 0it%in a RUN bloc # (ou execute scripts 0it% t%e E)E2UTE N,LO1$LO '2RI/T command# T%e substitution c%aracter P permits a de!ault &alue t%at can be o&erridden 0%en t%e script runs# T%e LI'T N,LO1$LO '2RI/T N$ME' s%o0s a list o! t%e global or global and local scripts in t%e repositor"# T%e /RINT command s%o0s t%e contents o! a global or local script# (ou can use RE/L$2E N,LO1$LO '2RI/T to replace t%e contents o! a global or local script# DELETE '2RI/T deletes a script !rom t%e reco&er" catalog# Back Up the Recovery /ata og T%e reco&er" catalog database is bac ed up li e an" ot%er database in "our en&ironment# T%e reco&er" catalog s%ould be in $R2=I;ELO, mode# T%e utilities expdp and impdp can create logical bac ups o! t%e reco&er" catalog t%at can be used in a disaster reco&er" situation or to mo&e t%e

reco&er" catalog to anot%er database# Using transportable tablespaces is anot%er 0a" to mo&e t%e reco&er" catalog to anot%er database# Use t%e DRO/ 2$T$LO, command to drop a reco&er" catalog# Do not manuall" drop sc%emas and pac ages in t%e reco&er" catalog database# (ou run t%e U/,R$DE 2$T$LO, command to support an RM$N client t%at is at a later &ersion t%an t%e reco&er" catalog database# /reate and Use a ?irtua %rivate /ata og $ &irtual pri&ate catalog !acilitates t%e separation o! duties among se&eral D1$s# One or more &irtual pri&ate catalogs s%are t%e same base reco&er" catalog# (ou grant t%e RE2O;ER(72$T$LO,7OWNER role to eac% Oracle user account t%at 0ill o0n a &irtual pri&ate catalog# T%e base reco&er" catalog o0ner can grant permissions on existing registered databases to &irtual pri&ate catalog o0ners using t%e ,R$NT 2$T$LO, command# Once "ou grant a user t%e RE2O;ER(72$T$LO,7OWNER role, t%e user creates t%e &irtual catalog 0it% t%e 2RE$TE ;IRTU$L 2$T$LO, command# T%e &irtual pri&ate catalog o0ner uses RE,I'TER D$T$1$'E to register a ne0 database, Bust as a base reco&er" catalog user 0ould# (ou can 5uer" t%e D1IN2 data dictionar" &ie0 to determine t%e databases accessible to t%e &irtual pri&ate catalog o0ner# /onfigure Backup Settings RM$N bac ups can be !ull or incremental#

Incremental bac ups can be le&el C or :# Le&el C bac ups are !ull bac ups t%at "ou can use as part o! a di!!erential, incremental, or cumulati&e incremental le&el : bac up strateg"# RM$N image copies are exact copies o! data!iles# Using RM$N to ma e copies o! data!iles %as t%e additional ad&antage o! c%ec ing !or corruption in eac% bloc read# RM$N can use bac up compression to sa&e space on t%e destination de&ice, and RM$N automaticall" decompresses t%e bac up during a reco&er" operation# Using a !las% reco&er" area !or RM$N %as t0o ad&antagesG RM$N automaticall" names bac up !iles in t%e !las% reco&er" area, and it automaticall" deletes obsolete bac up !iles 0%en t%ere is space pressure in t%e !las% reco&er" area# More t%an one database can use t%e !las% reco&er" area# T%e RM$N command '=OW $LL lists all persistent RM$N settings# Use 2ON6I,URE 2ONTROL6ILE $UTO1$23U/ ON to ensure t%at a bac up cop" o! t%e target database control !ile exists a!ter eac% bac up# A ocate /hanne s to Use in Backing Up 2%annels can be persisted 0it% t%e 2ON6I,URE command or assigned 0it%in t%e RUN bloc using t%e $LLO2$TE 2=$NNEL command# Using DI'3 as t%e de!ault de&ice t"pe does not re5uire an" c%annel allocation# /onfigure Backup ,ptimi$ation RM$N uses bac up optimi*ation to s ip bac ups o! one or more !iles i!

identical !iles %a&e alread" been bac ed up to dis or tape# 1ac up optimi*ation ta es into account duplexing and retention policies be!ore s ipping a source !ile# (ou set bac up optimi*ation in RM$N 0it% t%e command 2ON6I,URE 1$23U/ O/TIMII$TION ON#

S4L& T4ST #dentify Situations that Re+uire RMA1 Recovery /ata og () *hich of the fo o"ing are good reasons to use a recovery cata og instead of the target database contro fi e- ./hoose three)0 $# (ou can eep stored scripts in t%e reco&er" catalog# 1# (ou sa&e space in t%e control !ile o! t%e target database used !or RM$N bac up in!ormation# 2# $ reco&er" catalog is easier to maintain t%an a control !ile in eac% target database# D# T%e reco&er" catalog can report on t%e tablespaces and data!iles in t%e target database at an" point in time since t%e reco&er" catalog 0as created# E# $ reco&er" catalog can be used to manage RM$N in!ormation !or more t%an one database# $N'G $, D, and E# Using a reco&er" catalog allo0s "ou to create and maintain stored scripts# In addition, it eeps a running %istor" o! all c%anges to t%e database tablespaces and data!iles since

t%e reco&er" catalog 0as created# 6inall", "ou can store reco&er" in!ormation !or more t%an one database in a reco&er" catalog# B is not a good reason to use a reco&er" catalog because t%e RM$N repositor" in!ormation is al0a"s stored in t%e control !ile e&en i! "ou use a reco&er" catalog# / is a so not a good reason, because a reco&er" catalog re5uires more setup and maintenance in addition to a bac up o! anot%er database# $lso, t%e control !ile is simpler to manage, and its si*e can be controlled 0it% t%e parameter 2ONTROL76ILE7RE2ORD73EE/7TIME# It is muc% simpler to export a cop" o! t%e control !ile 0%ene&er t%e database structure c%anges using $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO TR$2E# 5) #f you do not use a recovery cata og3 "hat data dictionary or dynamic performance vie"s must you +uery to retrieve RMA1 backup information- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# T%e ;< &ie0s on eac% target suc% as ;<1$23U/7'ET and ;<D$T$6ILE72O/( 1# T%e R27 &ie0s on eac% target 2# T%e D1$7 &ie0s on eac% target D# ;<2ONTROL6ILE A1S2A) W%en "ou do not use a reco&er" catalog, in!ormation about RM$N bac ups is a&ailable on eac% indi&idual target in d"namic per!ormance &ie0s suc% as ;<1$23U/7'ET and ;<D$T$6ILE72O/(# T%ese &ie0s are sourced !rom t%e target database control !ile# B is "rong because t%e R27 &ie0s exist onl" in t%e database containing t%e reco&er" catalog# / is "rong because t%e D1$7 &ie0s do not maintain RM$N in!ormation# D is "rong because ;<2ONTROL6ILE contains onl" t%e locations o! eac% cop" o! t%e target databaseFs control !ile#

/reate and /onfigure a Recovery /ata og 6) The net service name of your target database is D* and the net service name of your recovery cata og database is R/AT) The environment variab e ,RA/L48S#D has a va ue of R/AT) *hich of the fo o"ing sets of commands "i successfu y create a recovery cata og$# connect catalog rman+rmanpass create catalog4 1# connect catalog rman+rmanpassQrcat create catalogQrcat4 2# connect catalog rman+rmanpassQd0 create catalog4 D# create catalog rman+rmanpassQrcat4 A1S2 A# T%e en&ironment &ariable OR$2LE7'ID is set# T%us, t%e RM$N command 2ONNE2T automaticall" uses t%e &alue o! OR$2LE7'ID to connect to t%e reco&er" catalog# B is "rong because "ou do not need to speci!" t%e name o! t%e reco&er" catalog database in t%e 2RE$TE 2$T$LO, command# / is "rong because it creates t%e reco&er" catalog in t%e target database# D is "rong because "ou cannot combine t%e 2ONNE2T 2$T$LO, and t%e 2RE$TE 2$T$LO, commands# D) *hich of the fo o"ing ro es shou d you grant to the recovery cata og o"ner- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# RE2O;ER(72$T$LO, 1# 2$T$LO,7OWNER 2# RE2O;ER(72$T$LO,7OWNER D# D1$

A1S2 /) T%e prede!ined role RE2O;ER(72$T$LO,7OWNER includes t%e s"stem pri&ileges $LTER 'E''ION, 2RE$TE 2LU'TER, 2RE$TE D$T$1$'E LIN3, 2RE$TE /RO2EDURE, 2RE$TE 'E8UEN2E, 2RE$TE 'E''ION, 2RE$TE '(NON(M, 2RE$TE T$1LE, 2RE$TE TRI,,ER, 2RE$TE T(/E, and 2RE$TE ;IEW# A and B are "rong because t%e RE2O;ER(72$T$LO, and 2$T$LO,7OWNER roles do not exist# D is "rong because it pro&ides t%e reco&er" catalog o0ner 0it% more s"stem pri&ileges t%an necessar"# Synchroni$e the Recovery /ata og 7) *hich of the fo o"ing does not occur "hen you register a target database "ith the recovery cata og database using the R4'#ST4R DATABAS4 command$# T%e reco&er" catalog is s"nc%roni*ed 0it% t%e structure o! t%e database !rom t%e control !ile# 1# In!ormation about manual tablespace bac ups is registered in t%e reco&er" catalog# 2# Data about recent bac ups is copied !rom t%e control !ile to t%e reco&er" catalog tables# D# Metadata ro0s are created !or t%e target database in t%e reco&er" catalog# A1S2B) $n" manual bac ups per!ormed outside o! RM$N or t%at 0ere aged out o! t%e target database control !ile be!ore "ou create t%e reco&er" catalog must be manuall" registered 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog# A3 /3 and D are all steps t%at occur 0%en "ou register a database 0it% a reco&er" catalog#

:) *hat is the difference bet"een a partia and a comp ete recovery cata og resynchroni$ation./hoose t"o ans"ers)0

$# $ partial res"nc%roni*ation occurs 0%en RM$N records %a&e been aged out o! t%e target databaseFs control !ile because o! t%e &alue o! 2ONTROL76ILE7RE2ORD73EE/7TIME# 1# $ partial res"nc%roni*ation uses t%e current target database control !ile and a !ull res"nc%roni*ation uses a bac up control !ile# 2# $ !ull res"nc%roni*ation uses t%e current target database control !ile and a partial res"nc%roni*ation uses a bac up control !ile# D# $ !ull res"nc%roni*ation includes in!ormation about t%e database structure and not Bust recent bac ups# A1S2 B and D# $ !ull res"nc%roni*ation creates a control !ile snaps%ot and s"nc%roni*es database structure in!ormation as 0ell as in!ormation about bac ups in t%e target database control !ile t%at are not in t%e reco&er" catalog# $ partial res"nc%roni*ation compares t%e target databaseFs control !ile directl" 0it% t%e control !ile# A is "rong because RM$N records aged out o! t%e control !ile can be added to t%e reco&er" catalog manuall"# / is "rong because a !ull res"nc%roni*ation uses a cop" o! t%e control !ile -a control !ile snaps%ot. !or its comparison# $ partial res"nc%roni*ation does not# /reate and Use RMA1 Stored Scripts =) *hat is the difference bet"een an RMA1 oca script and an RMA1 g oba script$# $ local script is a&ailable onl" !or a single target database# 1# $ global script re!erences a list o! commands in an external !ile# 2# $ local script re!erences a list o! commands in an external !ile# D# $ global script can execute commands against man" target databases simultaneousl"# E# $ local script is a&ailable onl" to t%e user t%at created it# $ global script is a&ailable to all users# A1S2 A) $ local script is a&ailable onl" to t%e database t%at 0as connected 0%en t%e script 0as

created# B and / are "rong because bot% global and local scripts are stored in t%e reco&er" catalog# D is "rong because an" script operates on one database at a time# 4 is "rong because bot% local and global scripts are a&ailable to an" user t%at aut%enticates 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog#

@) 9ou create and e!ecute a stored oca script using the fo o"ing commands2 create script fu 8backup K backup as compressed backupset database; de ete noprompt obso ete; L e!ecute script fu 8backup; *hat happens "hen you run these commands$# T%e script does not run because it must be executed 0it%in a RUN bloc # 1# $ !ull bac up occurs and all pre&ious bac ups and arc%i&ed redo logs outside o! t%e retention period or retention polic" are deleted# 2# T%e script creation step !ails because "ou must explicitl" allocate one or more c%annels 0it% a stored script# D# T%e script does not run because "ou must speci!" a target database 0%en "ou use a local script# A1S2A) 'tored scripts, 0%et%er t%e" are local or global, must be run 0it%in a RUN bloc as !ollo0sG run Rexecute script !ull7bac up4S B is "rong because a script must be enclosed in a RUN bloc # / is "rong because "ou can include a c%annel allocation or use t%e de!ault c%annel in t%e RUN command containing t%e

E)E2UTE '2RI/T command# D is "rong because bot% local and global scripts appl" onl" to t%e currentl" connected target database# Back Up the Recovery /ata og A) 9ou have ost the most recent archived redo og fi es from the recovery cata og database as "e as the tab espace containing the RMA1 cata og) 9ou can do an incomp ete restore of the recovery cata og database to a point in time after the target databases "ere registered "ith the recovery cata og) *hat commands can you use to resynchroni$e the target databaseJs metadata and backup information "ith the recovery cata og database$# Use t%e 2RE$TE 2$T$LO, command to re-create t%e reco&er" catalog database# 1# Use t%e RE,I'TER D$T$1$'E command to reregister t%e target database control !ile records# 2# Use t%e RE'(N2 2$T$LO, command to update t%e reco&er" catalog 0it% t%e latest records !rom t%e target databaseFs control !ile and t%e 2$T$LO, 'T$RT WIT= command to record an" additional bac ups t%at are no longer in t%e target databaseFs control !ile# D# Use bot% t%e 2RE$TE 2$T$LO, and t%e RE,I'TER D$T$1$'E commands to res"nc%roni*e t%e target database 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog# A1S2 /) T%e RE'(N2 2$T$LO, command s"nc%roni*es t%e target databaseFs control !ile in!ormation 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog database, and t%e 2$T$LO, 'T$RT WIT= command adds an" bac up in!ormation t%at is no longer in t%e target database control !ile# A is "rong because "ou do not need to re-create t%e reco&er" catalog, "ou Bust need to res"nc%roni*e it# B is "rong because t%e database itsel! is alread" registered 0it% t%e reco&er" catalog# D is "rong because "ou do not need to re-create t%e reco&er" catalog or reregister t%e target database#

(B) Under "hat circumstances "ou d you use the RMA1 command U%'RAD4 /ATAL,'$# W%en "ou %a&e made structural c%anges to t%e reco&er" catalog database 1# W%en "ou are using a &ersion o! t%e reco&er" catalog t%at is older t%an t%at re5uired b" t%e RM$N target database client 2# W%en "ou are using a &ersion o! t%e RM$N target database client t%at is older t%an re5uired b" t%e reco&er" catalog D# W%en "ou %a&e made structural c%anges to t%e target database A1S2B) W%en t%e reco&er" catalog sc%ema &ersion is less t%an t%e RM$N client &ersion, "ou must use U/,R$DE 2$T$LO,# A and D are "rong because structural c%anges to eit%er database means "ou s%ould bac up "our control !ile, but t%is does not trigger a reco&er" catalog upgrade# / is "rong because "ou can use RM$N clients t%at are older t%an t%e reco&er" catalog database &ersion, alt%oug% some !eatures o! t%e ne0er RM$N client 0ill not be a&ailable, suc% as !las%bac database# /reate and Use a ?irtua %rivate /ata og (() 9ou have created a virtua private cata og to separate your RMA1 administration duties among severa DBAs for 5B different databases) *hich ro e must you grant to each virtua cata og o"ner to a o" the person to access e!isting registered databases$# 'ELE2T72$T$LO,7ROLE 1# RE,I'TER72$T$LO,7OWNER 2# ;/27OWNER D# RE2O;ER(72$T$LO,7OWNER A1S2 D) To allo0 access to a &irtual pri&ate catalog, "ou must grant t%e role RE2O;ER(7

2$T$LO,7OWNER as a '8L command to eac% user t%at 0ill access a &irtual pri&ate catalog# A is "rong because t%e 'ELE2T72$T$LO,7ROLE allo0s access to a databaseFs data dictionar" and does not control access to RM$N &irtual catalogs# B and / are "rong because t%ese roles do not exist in a de!ault installation o! t%e database#

(5) The virtua cata og database o"ner ?%/( has the R4/,?4R98/ATAL,'8,*14R privi ege on the database /ATDB5 in addition to the RMA1 R4'#ST4R DATABAS4 privi ege) *hich of the fo o"ing sets of commands "i a o" an ((g RMA1 c ient to create a virtua cata og3 register a ne" database D*3 and create a fu database backup$# RM$NT connect catalog &pc:+&pc:p0dQd0 RM$NT create &irtual catalog4 RM$NT connect target s"stem+s"sp0dQcatdb>4 RM$NT register database4 RM$NT bac up database4 1# RM$NT connect catalog &pc:+&pc:p0dQcatdb> RM$NT exec cato0ner#dbms7rc&cat#create7&irtual7catalog4 RM$NT connect target s"stem+s"sp0dQd04 RM$NT register database4 RM$NT bac up database4 2# RM$NT connect catalog &pc:+&pc:p0dQcatdb> RM$NT create &irtual catalog4 RM$NT connect target s"stem+s"sp0dQd04 RM$NT grant catalog !or database DW to &pc:4 RM$NT bac up database4

D# RM$NT connect catalog &pc:+&pc:p0dQcatdb> RM$NT create &irtual catalog4 RM$NT connect target s"stem+s"sp0dQd04 RM$NT register database4 RM$NT bac up database4 A1S2D) To create t%e &irtual catalog, "ou connect to t%e base catalog, create t%e &irtual catalog, connect to t%e target database, register t%e database, and !inall" bac it up# (ou need to create t%e &irtual catalog onl" once, and eac% target database needs to be registered onl" once# 'ubse5uent bac up operations can occur a!ter connecting to t%e base catalog and t%e target database# A is "rong because t%e base catalog and &irtual catalog are on t%e instance 0it% t%e ser&ice name 2$TD1>, not t%e target database DW# B is "rong because E)E2 2$TOWNER#D1M'7 R2;2$T#2RE$TE7;IRTU$L72$T$LO, is onl" !or pre-::g clients and must be run b" t%e &irtual catalog o0ner at a '8LT prompt# / is "rong because ,R$NT 2$T$LO, 6OR D$T$1$'E DW TO ;/2: must be run b" t%e base catalog o0ner and onl" i! t%e database is alread" registered in t%e base catalog# /onfigure Backup Settings (6) 9ou run the fo o"ing RMA1 command2 RMA1< configure contro fi e autobackup on; Under "hat conditions does RMA1 back up the contro fi e and the S%&#L4- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# W%en an RM$N bac up completes 1# W%en "ou start RM$N 2# W%en "ou connect to a target database D# W%en "ou bac up t%e '('TEM tablespace E# W%en "ou run t%e command 1$23U/ 2URRENT 2ONTROL6ILE4

6# W%en an" o! t%e D1$ pass0ords c%ange ,# W%en "ou c%ange t%e si*e o! t%e !las% reco&er" area =# W%en "ou add a tablespace A1S2 A3 43 and F) RM$N bac s up t%e current control !ile and t%e '/6ILE -i! "ou use one. a!ter a success!ul bac up, 0%en "ou explicitl" bac up t%e current control!ile, and 0%en t%e structure o! t%e database c%anges# B3 /3 D3 &3 and ' are "rong# RM$N does not bac up t%e control !ile under an" o! t%ese circumstances# (D) *hich of the fo o"ing obCects cannot be backed up by RMA1 using the RMA1 BA/>U% command- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# D$T$6ILE 1# D$T$1$'E 2# IN'T$N2E D# 2URRENT 2ONTROL6ILE E# '/6ILE 6# T$1LE'/$2E ,# $R2=I;ELO, =# 2ONTROL6ILE I# REDOLO, A1S2 /3 F3 #) / is cannot be bac ed up because RM$N bac s up databases4 an instance comprises t%e Oracle memor" structures and cannot be bac ed up# = cannot be bac ed up because 2ONTROL6ILE is not a &alid option4 "ou must use 2URRENT 2ONTROL6ILE to bac up t%e control !ile# I cannot be bac ed up because "ou s%ould ne&er, e&er bac up t%e online redo log !iles# A3 B3 D3 43 &3 and ' can all be bac ed up and are t%ere!ore incorrect# $ll ot%er obBects listed, t%e current control !ile, t%e '/6ILE, t%e entire database, an indi&idual data!ile, an indi&idual tablespace, or one or more arc%i&ed redo log !iles can be bac ed up b" RM$N#

(7) #dentify the statements in the fo o"ing ist that are true about managing RMA1 persistent settings) ./hoose a that app y)0 $# '=OW $LL lists all current settings !or t%e connected target database# 1# (ou can use t%e 2ON6I,URE###2LE$R command to set a con!iguration &alue to an empt" string# 2# '=OW $LL s%o0s t%e con!iguration &alues t%at appl" to all target databases# D# (ou can use t%e 2ON6I,URE###2LE$R command to set a con!iguration &alue to its de!ault &alue# E# '=OW $LL lists all RM$N settings t%at are di!!erent !rom t%e de!ault &alue# A1S2 A and D# T%e '=OW $LL command s%o0s all settings !or t%e connected target4 "ou can use 2ON6I,URE###2LE$R to reset a con!iguration &alue to its de!ault# B is "rong because 2ON6I,URE###2LE$R resets t%e con!iguration setting to its de!ault &alue# / is "rong because '=OW $LL 0or s onl" 0%en "ou are connected to a target database# 4 is "rong since '=OW $LL lists all con!iguration &alues regardless o! 0%et%er t%e" %a&e been c%anged !rom t%e de!ault# A ocate /hanne s to Use in Backing Up (:) *hat happens "hen you run the fo o"ing RMA1 commandsRMA1< run K configure channe ch5 device type disk; backup database; L $# $ !ull database bac up is created in t%e !las% reco&er" area# 1# T%e database is bac ed up to all de!ault c%annels con!igured outside o! t%e RUN bloc plus t%e additional c%annel 0it%in t%e RUN bloc # 2# T%e command !ails because "ou cannot use 2ON6I,URE 0it%in a RUN bloc # D# T%e command !ails because "ou cannot use 1$23U/ 0it%in a RUN bloc # A1S2 /) (ou can use 2ON6I,URE onl" at t%e RM$N command prompt to set de!ault &alues, and it cannot be used 0it%in a RUN bloc # A is "rong because t%e 2ON6I,URE command cannot be used 0it%in a RUN bloc # B is "rong !or t%e same reason4 additionall", an" c%annels allocated 0it%in a RUN bloc o&erride t%e de!ault c%annel# D is "rong since "ou can use 1$23U/ eit%er as a standalone command or 0it%in a RUN bloc #

/onfigure Backup ,ptimi$ation (=) 9ou have configured backup optimi$ation for your database using /,1&#'UR4 BA/>U% ,%T#M#MAT#,1 ,1) &or "hich of the fo o"ing commands "i RMA1 not skip a backup if the fi es are identica $# 1$23U/ D$T$1$'E4 1# 1$23U/ T$1LE'/$2E U'ER'4 2# 1$23U/ $R2=I;ELO, $LL4 D# 1$23U/ 1$23U/'ET $LL4 A1S2B) 1ac up optimi*ation is not used !or bac ing up indi&idual tablespaces# A3 /3 and D are "rong# 1ac up optimi*ation is used !or all o! t%ese commands# T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL /reate #mage &i e Backups RM$N bac ups are eit%er bac upsets or image bac ups# 1ac upsets can be created onl" b" RM$N and can be read onl" b" RM$N# T%e 6ORM$T clause o! t%e 1$23U/ command speci!ies t%e substitution &ariables !or t%e destination bac up !ilename# (ou can create image copies o! data!iles, arc%i&ed redo log !iles, and control !iles# Image copies can be 0ritten onl" to dis # (ou can use t%e 'WIT2= command to 5uic l" and easil" s0itc% bet0een a data!ile and its image cop" during a reco&er" operation# /reate a *ho e Database Backup $ 0%ole database bac up includes all data!iles plus t%e control !ile# $ !ull bac up o! a data!ile is a logical subset o! a 0%ole database bac up# $ !ull bac up cannot be used as t%e basis !or an incremental bac up strateg"#

$n incremental bac up is le&el C or le&el :# $n incremental le&el C bac up can be used as t%e basis !or an incremental bac up strateg"# Di!!erential bac ups bac up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C or le&el : incremental bac up# 2umulati&e incremental bac ups bac up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C bac up# 4nab e &ast #ncrementa Backup Enable !ast incremental bac up b" creating a bloc c%ange trac ing !ile# /er!orm a le&el C incremental bac up be!ore con!iguring RM$N to use a bloc c%ange trac ing !ile# T%e data dictionar" &ie0 ;<1LO2372=$N,E7TR$23IN, pro&ides t%e name and status o! t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile# /reate Dup e! Backup and Back Up Backupsets Duplexed bac upsets can signi!icantl" reduce t%e time it ta es to create multiple copies o! t%e same bac up# 1ac ups cannot be duplexed to t%e !las% reco&er" area, and "ou cannot duplex image copies# Use t%e 1$23U/ # # # 1$23U/'ET commands to create a cop" o! an existing RM$N bac up to dis or tape# RM$N 0ill s ip t%e bac up o! read-onl" tablespaces i! "ou use '3I/ RE$DONL( in t%e 1$23U/ command# I! "ou con!igure RM$N !or bac up optimi*ation, RM$N 0ill bac up onl" additional copies o! read-onl" tablespaces to satis!" t%e con!igured retention

polic"# /reate an Archiva Backup for LongEterm Retention $n arc%i&al bac up is a snaps%ot o! t%e database at a certain point in time created to satis!" arc%i&al or regulator" purposes# $rc%i&al bac ups ma e it eas" to migrate a cop" o! t%e database to anot%er s"stem 0it%out a!!ecting t%e retention polic" o! t%e original database# To create an arc%i&al bac up, "ou speci!" eit%er t%e 3EE/ UNTIL TIME or 3EE/ 6ORE;ER option in t%e 1$23U/ command# $n RM$N arc%i&al bac up also includes an" arc%i&ed logs re5uired to use t%e bac up in a reco&er" scenario# (ou can use t%e 2=$N,E command to c%ange t%e status o! an arc%i&al bac up# /reate a Mu tisection3 /ompressed3 and 4ncrypted Backup Multisection RM$N bac ups can signi!icantl" reduce t%e time it ta es to bac up &er" large data!iles to multiple destinations# (ou can run t%e ;$LID$TE command in multisection mode# T%e 'E2TION 'IIE parameter determines t%e si*e !or eac% section in a multisection bac up or &alidate operation# T%e ;<1$23U/7'ET and R271$23U/7'ET &ie0s contain a MULTI7'E2TION column to indicate 0%et%er t%e bac up is a multisection bac up# T%e ;<1$23U/7D$T$6ILE and R271$23U/7D$T$6ILE &ie0s contain a 'E2TION7'IIE column t%at contains t%e number o! bloc s in eac% piece o! a multisection bac up#

RM$N can compress bac ups o! used bloc s using 1II/> or ILI1# ILI1 is !aster but compresses less# 1II/> is slo0er but compresses more# Transparent encr"ption uses a database 0allet to encr"pt a bac up, and t%e bac up can be restored onl" to t%e source database# /ass0ord encr"ption uses a pass0ord to encr"pt a bac up, and t%e bac up can be restored eit%er to t%e source database or anot%er database# (ou can use bot% transparent encr"ption and pass0ord encr"ption on t%e same bac up# Transparent encr"ption can be enabled !or a single bac up using t%e 'ET EN2R(/TION command#

Report ,n and Maintain Backups T%e LI'T command pro&ides basic in!ormation about t%e a&ailabilit" o! bac upsets, image copies, prox" copies, and stored scripts# T%e RE/ORT command pro&ides a more detailed anal"sis o! t%e bac up in!ormation in t%e reco&er" catalog# (ou can use t%e RE/ORT command to identi!" obsolete bac ups# (ou can use t%e RE/ORT command to identi!" data!iles t%at need more bac up copies to satis!" t%e retention polic"# T%e 2RO''2=E23 command &alidates t%e bac up entries in t%e reco&er" catalog &ersus t%e existence o! t%e actual bac ups on dis or tape# T%e DELETE O1'OLETE command remo&es obsolete bac ups !rom t%e reco&er" catalog and t%e bac up location# (ou can remo&e E)/IRED bac ups 0it% t%e DELETE E)/IRED command#

S4L& T4ST2 /reate #mage &i e Backups () *hich of the fo o"ing is the defau t substitution variab e for the &,RMAT c ause of the BA/>U% command$# Ut 1# Ud 2# Uu D# UU E# UI A1S2 D)UU is t%e de!ault and is a s"stem-generated uni5ue !ilename t%at is e5ui&alent to Uu7Up7Uc# A3 B3 /3 and 4 are "rong# T%ese c%oices are &alid in t%e 6ORM$T command but are not t%e de!ault# 5) *hich of the fo o"ing are candidates for RMA1 image copies- ./hoose t"o ans"ers)0 $# Data!iles 1# $rc%i&ed redo log !iles 2# Online redo log !iles D# /ass0ord !iles A1S2 A and B) In addition to data!iles and arc%i&ed redo log !iles, "ou can also create image copies o! control !iles# / and D cannot be bac ed up as image copies# In !act, t%e" cannot be bac ed up using RM$N# 6) The tab espace B#8FR in your database is on a disk that has crashed3 but you have an image copy p us a re+uired redo og fi es in the f ash recovery area) %ut the fo o"ing se+uence of RMA1 commands in the correct order to recover the B#8FR tab espace successfu y2 () recover tab espace bi8hr;

5) s+ Na ter tab espace bi8hr on ineN; 6) s"itch tab espace bi8hr to copy; D) s+ Na ter tab espace bi8hr off ine immediateN; $# E, @, >, : 1# E, @, :, > 2# @, E, :, > D# E, :, @, > A1S2B) $ll o! t%ese commands can be run at t%e RM$N prompt and success!ull" ma e t%e 1I7=R tablespace once again a&ailable to users# A3 /3 and D do not correctl" reco&er t%e tablespace using image copies# /reate a *ho e Database Backup D) 9ou run the fo o"ing command to create a "ho e database backup2 RMA1< backup as copy database spfi e p us archive og de ete input; *hat does the D4L4T4 #1%UT c ause do$# $!ter t%e bac up completes, RM$N deletes t%e arc%i&ed log !iles !rom all arc%i&ed log !ile destinations except !or t%e !las% reco&er" area# 1# $!ter t%e bac up completes, RM$N deletes t%e arc%i&ed log !iles !rom t%e !las% reco&er" area onl"# 2# $!ter t%e bac up completes, RM$N deletes t%e arc%i&ed log !iles !rom t%e !las% reco&er" area and an" ot%er arc%i&ed log !ile destinations# D# RM$N deletes all obsolete copies o! database bac ups a!ter t%e bac up completes#

A1S2/) W%en t%e bac up completes success!ull", RM$N deletes all arc%i&ed redo log !iles !rom all destinations including t%e !las% reco&er" area# A and B are "rong because RM$N deletes arc%i&ed redo log !iles !rom all destinations# D is "rong because t%e DELETE IN/UT command applies onl" to arc%i&ed redo log !iles t%at appl" to t%is bac up# 7) *hat is the difference bet"een a fu backup and a "ho e database backup- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# $ 0%ole database bac up can be used as t%e basis !or an incremental bac up strateg" but a !ull database bac up cannot# 1# $ !ull database bac up can be used as t%e basis !or an incremental bac up strateg" but a 0%ole database bac up cannot# 2# $ 0%ole database bac up can onl" be an image cop"# $ !ull bac up can be an image cop" or a bac upset# D# $ !ull bac up consists o! a bac up o! one or more data!iles or tablespaces, 0%ereas a 0%ole database bac up contains all data!iles, !or all tablespaces plus t%e control !ile# A1S2 D) $ 0%ole database bac up can also include arc%i&ed redo log !iles and t%e '/6ILE# A and B are "rong because eit%er can be t%e basis !or an incremental bac up strateg" as long as "ou use t%e IN2REMENT$L LE;EL C parameter in t%e 1$23U/ command# / is "rong because bot% a 0%ole database bac up and a !ull bac up can be image copies or bac upsets# :) *hat is true about a eve B incrementa backup- ./hoose a correct ans"ers)0 $# $ le&el C bac up includes all bloc s in a data!ile, including bloc s t%at %a&e ne&er been used#

1# $ le&el C bac up includes all bloc s in a data!ile, except !or bloc s t%at %a&e ne&er been used# 2# $ le&el C bac up can be used 0it% a le&el : cumulati&e bac up# D# $ le&el C bac up can be used 0it% a le&el : di!!erential bac up# E# $ le&el C bac up o! a data!ile %as additional in!ormation t%at di!!erentiates it !rom a !ull bac up o! t%e same data!ile# A1S2B3 /3 and D# $ le&el C bac up includes all bloc s in a data!ile, except !or bloc s t%at %a&e ne&er been used# It also can be used 0it% bot% cumulati&e and incremental le&el : bac ups# A is "rong because a le&el C bac up excludes bloc s t%at %a&e ne&er been used# 4 is "rong because a le&el C bac up is p%"sicall" identical to !ull bac up o! t%e same data!ile4 t%e di!!erentiation is t%e metadata stored in t%e reco&er" catalog# =) #dentify the true statement regarding incrementa and differentia backups) $# $ di!!erential bac up is t%e de!ault t"pe o! incremental bac up and bac s up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C or le&el : incremental bac up# 1# $ cumulati&e bac up is t%e de!ault t"pe o! incremental bac up and bac s up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C or le&el : incremental bac up# 2# $ di!!erential bac up is t%e de!ault t"pe o! incremental bac up and bac s up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C incremental bac up# D# $ cumulati&e bac up is t%e de!ault t"pe o! incremental bac up and bac s up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el : incremental bac up# A1S2A# $ di!!erential bac up is t%e de!ault and bac s up all c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C or le&el : bac up# (ou cannot speci!" t%e DI66ERENTI$L e"0ord, 0%ic% is t%e de!ault# B is "rong because a cumulati&e bac up is not t%e de!ault and it bac s up onl" c%anged

bloc s since t%e last le&el C bac up# / is "rong because di!!erential bac ups also bac up c%anged bloc s !rom t%e last le&el : incremental bac up# D is "rong because a cumulati&e bac up is not t%e de!ault t"pe o! incremental bac up and it bac s up onl" c%anged bloc s since t%e last le&el C bac up# 4nab e &ast #ncrementa Backup @) *hat method does RMA1 use to enab e fast incrementa backup- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# It uses di!!erential incremental le&el : bac ups# 1# It uses a bloc c%ange trac ing !ile# 2# It uses duplexed bac upsets# D# It uses 0%ole database bac ups as t%e basis !or an incremental bac up# A1S2B) RM$N uses a bloc c%ange trac ing !ile to indicate 0%ic% bloc s need to be bac ed up since t%e last le&el C incremental bac up# A is "rong because e&en t%oug% di!!erential incremental bac ups reduce t%e bac up time, t%is is not t%e mec%anism !or determining 0%ic% bloc s %a&e been c%anged since t%e last le&el C bac up# / and D are "rong !or t%e same reason# A) 9ou create a b ock change tracking fi e for your database) *hat happens if you run the fo o"ing command- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 RMA1< backup incrementa eve ( database; A# T%e command !ails because "ou need to run a le&el C bac up !irst to initiali*e t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile# 1# $ le&el C incremental bac up automaticall" runs be!ore t%e le&el : bac up so t%at RM$N initiali*es t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile#

2# RM$N generates a 0arning message indicating t%at t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile needs to be initiali*ed# D# T%e bac up runs success!ull" but does not use t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile# A1S2D) E&en t%oug% t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile exists, RM$N does not use it until a!ter "ou run t%e !irst le&el C incremental bac up# A is "rong because e&en t%oug% t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile is not used, t%e bac up still runs success!ull"# B is "rong because RM$N 0ill not automaticall" run a le&el C bac up# / is "rong because RM$N uses or does not use t%e bloc c%ange trac ing !ile transparentl"# /reate Dup e! Backup and Back Up Backupsets (B) *hen you "ant to create a dup e!ed backupset3 "hat is the ma!imum number of copies of each backup piece you can create "ith one BA/>U% command$# T0o !or dis locations and !our !or tape destinations# 1# $ maximum o! !our# 2# T0o !or tape locations and !our !or dis locations# D# T%e maximum is limited onl" b" t%e number o! destination dis s or tape dri&es# A1S2 B) RM$N creates a maximum o! !our copies !or dis or tape locations# A3 /3 and D are "rong# T%ere is no di!!erentiation bet0een tape and dis !or duplexed bac ups, and t%e range is !rom t0o to !our# (() *hich of the fo o"ing dup e!ed backups "i run successfu y- ./hoose a correct ans"ers)0 $# $n image cop" duplexed to !our tape dri&es 1# $ bac upset duplexed to t0o tape dri&es

2# $ bac upset duplexed to eig%t N$' dis s D# $n image cop" duplexed to !our dis dri&es E# $ bac upset duplexed to t0o !ile s"stems on di!!erent ser&ers A1S2 B and 4) Duplexed bac ups can include onl" bac upsets and cannot reside in t%e !las% reco&er" area# A and D are "rong because "ou cannot duplex image copies# / is "rong since "ou can duplex onl" !our copies in one bac up# /reate an Archiva Backup for LongEterm Retention (5) #dentify the true statements regarding archiva backups) ./hoose a correct ans"ers)0 $# $rc%i&al bac ups can be retained inde!initel"# 1# (ou can drop an arc%i&al bac up using t%e 2=$N,E # # # DRO/ command# 2# $rc%i&al bac ups include all arc%i&ed redo logs !rom t%e arc%i&al date to t%e present# D# Once "ou create an arc%i&al bac up, "ou must eit%er eep it !or t%e retention period speci!ied or drop it# E# (ou can use an arc%i&al bac up to migrate a cop" o! t%e database 0it%out a!!ecting t%e retention polic"# 6# (ou can c%ange t%e retention period o! an arc%i&al bac up once it %as been created# A1S2A, E, and 6# $rc%i&al bac ups can be ept !or an inde!inite period o! time or retained !or a speci!ic period o! time using t%e 3EE/ UNTIL clause# In addition, "ou can use an arc%i&al bac up to migrate a database, and "ou can c%ange t%e retention period as man" times as "ou need to a!ter "ou create it# B is "rong since t%e correct clause is 2=$N,E # # # NO3EE/# / is "rong because onl" t%e arc%i&ed redo logs necessar" !or t%e snaps%ot are included in t%e bac up# D is "rong because

"ou can easil" c%ange t%e retention period !or an" arc%i&al bac up# /reate a Mu tisection3 /ompressed3 and 4ncrypted Backup (6) 9ou have a datafi e from the sma fi e tab espace US4RS that has a si$e of ABMB and you run the fo o"ing RMA1 command2 RMA1< backup tab espace users section si$e DBm; Fo" many sections does this backup create$# T%e command does not run because multisection bac ups appl" onl" to big!ile tablespaces# 1# T0o sections o! EJM1 eac%# 2# T0o sections o! ECM1 eac% and one section o! :CM1# D# T%e command does not run because "ou can onl" bac up t%e entire database as a multisection bac up# A1S2/) RM$N bac s up t%e data!ile in multiples o! t%e section si*e and an" remainder resides in t%e last section# A is "rong because "ou can use multisection bac ups !or an" t"pe o! tablespace# B is "rong because RM$N does not round up t%e section si*e to create e5ual section si*es in t%e output# D is "rong because "ou can bac up eit%er an indi&idual tablespace or t%e entire database as a multisection bac up# (D) #dentify the true statement about the dynamic performance and data dictionary vie"s re ated to mu tisection backups) $# T%e &ie0s ;<1$23U/7'ET and R271$23U/7'ET %a&e a column named MULTI7'E2TION# T%e &ie0s ;<1$23U/7D$T$6ILE and R271$23U/7D$T$6ILE %a&e a column named 'E2TION7'IIE# 1# T%e &ie0s ;<1$23U/7'ET and R271$23U/7'ET %a&e a column named 'E2TION7'IIE#

T%e &ie0s ;<1$23U/7D$T$6ILE and R271$23U/7D$T$6ILE %a&e a column named MULTI7'E2TION# 2# T%e &ie0s ;<1$23U/7'ET and ;<1$23U/7D$T$6ILE %a&e a column named MULTI7 'E2TION# T%e &ie0s R271$23U/7'ET and R271$23U/7D$T$6ILE %a&e a column named 'E2TION7'IIE# D# T%e &ie0s ;<1$23U/7'ET and ;<1$23U/7D$T$6ILE %a&e a column named 'E2TION7 'IIE# T%e &ie0s R271$23U/7'ET and R271$23U/7D$T$6ILE %a&e a column named MULTI7'E2TION# A1S2 A# 'E2TION7'IIE indicates t%e section si*e !or t%e bac up piece# MULTI7'E2TION %as a &alue o! (E' or NO to indicate i! t%e bac up is a multisection bac up# B3 /3 and D are "rong# Eac% o! t%ese ans0ers %as an in&alid combination o! columns and t%eir associated &ie0s# Report ,n and Maintain Backups (7) *hich RMA1 command "ou d you use to find out "hich datafi es need another backup to satisfy the retention po icy$# RE/ORT NEED 1$23U/ 1# LI'T NEED 1$23U/ 2# 2RO''2=E23 NEED 1$23U/ D# 2ON6I,URE RETENTION /OLI2( A1S2A# T%e RE/ORT NEED 1$23U/ command identi!ies an" data!iles t%at need at least one additional bac up to satis!" t%e con!igured retention polic"# B and / are syntactica y incorrect) D defines t%e retention polic" !or "our database but

does not determine 0%ic% data!iles do not %a&e enoug% bac ups to satis!" t%e retention polic" (:) ,ne of your backups to disk is missing3 and after you run the /R,SS/F4/> command3 this backup is marked as 4O%#R4D) Later3 you find the backup fi e on another disk and move it back to its origina ocation) 9ou run the /R,SS/F4/> command again) *hat is the status of the backup$# T%e bac up is mar ed as O1'OLETE# 1# T%e bac up is mar ed as $;$IL$1LE# 2# T%e bac up is still mar ed as E)/IRED until t%e next incremental bac up# D# (ou cannot c%ange t%e status o! a bac up unless it is stored in t%e !las% reco&er" area# A1S2B) W%en t%e 2RO''2=E23 command runs again, it !inds t%e !ile in its original location and mar s it as $;$IL$1LE# A is "rong because bac ups are mar ed as O1'OLETE onl" 0%en a more recent bac up runs and identi!ies older bac ups as outside o! t%e retention polic"# / is "rong because t%e 2RO''2=E23 command immediatel" c%anges t%e status !or an" bac ups t%at are no0 a&ailable# D is 0rong because a bac upFs status is independent o! 0%ere it is stored# T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL %erform /omp ete Recovery from a /ritica or 1oncritica Data &i e Loss Using RMA1 Use RM$N RE'TORE and RE2O;ER !or complete reco&er" !rom a critical and noncritical data !ile loss# Data!iles !rom t%e '('TEM and UNDO tablespaces are critical data!iles# W%en restoring and reco&ering a critical data!ile, t%e database must be in MOUNT mode# (ou can completel" reco&er an" data!ile i! t%e database is in $R2=I;ELO, mode#

%erform #ncomp ete Recovery Using RMA1 (ou use restore points to reco&er a database to an '2N or a time in t%e past# Use 2RE$TE RE'TORE /OINT to create a restore point# (ou must open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,' i! "ou per!orm incomplete reco&er"# Recover Using #ncrementa y Updated Backups (ou can reco&er image copies 0it% more recent incremental le&el : bac ups# RM$N automaticall" determines t%e best image cop" to use i! more t%an one are a&ailable# Use tags 0it% an incrementall" updated image cop" strateg" to ensure t%at t%e correct incremental bac up updates t%e image cop"# S"itch to #mage /opies for &ast Recovery Using image copies s ips t%e restore step and sa&es o&erall reco&er" time# Use t%e RM$N command 'WIT2= TO # # # 2O/( to s0itc% to t%e most recent image cop" !or a data!ile, tablespace, or database# RM$N automaticall" applies incremental bac ups and arc%i&ed redo log !iles 0%en "ou reco&er 0it% an image cop"# Use t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0s ;<T$1LE'/$2E and ;<D$T$6ILE7 =E$DER to determine t%e tablespace and data!ile number needing reco&er"# $!ter s0itc%ing to an image cop", "ou can s0itc% bac to an image cop" at t%e original location 0%en it becomes a&ailable# (ou use t%e 'ET NEWN$ME command in RM$N to identi!" ne0 locations !or restored data!iles# $!ter restoring one or more data!iles 0it% RE'TORE, "ou use t%e 'WIT2=

command to update t%e control !ile and reco&er" catalog 0it% t%e ne0 data!ile locations# Restore a Database onto a 1e" Fost Restoring a database to a ne0 %ost is appropriate !or disaster reco&er" testing or permanentl" mo&ing t%e database to a ne0 %ost# T%e DU/LI2$TE command is more appropriate i! "ou 0ant to ma e a permanent cop" o! t%e database 0it% a ne0 D1ID# W%en connecting to t%e ne0 database, do not connect to a reco&er" catalog# T%e RM$N reco&er" script uses 'ET NEWN$ME to speci!" ne0 locations !or eac% data!ile# Restore t%e database to t%e '2N o! t%e last arc%i&ed redo log !ile# (ou must open t%e ne0 database 0it% RE'ETLO,'# Recover Using a Backup /ontro &i e (ou can use an RM$N autobac up to restore eit%er an '/6ILE or control !ile 0%en all online copies are lost# RM$N restores t%e control !ile to all locations speci!ied b" t%e initiali*ation parameter 2ONTROL76ILE'# I! t%e '/6ILE is lost, RM$N uses a de!ault '/6ILE 0%en "ou start t%e database 0it% NOMOUNT# Use RE'TORE '/6ILE 6ROM $UTO1$23U/ to restore t%e '/6ILE# Use RE'TORE 2ONTROL6ILE 6ROM $UTO1$23U/ to restore t%e control !ile# W%en restoring a control !ile !rom autobac up "ou must open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,'# (ou can optionall" restore a cop" o! t%e control !ile to an alternate location#

%erform Disaster Recovery Data loss is li el" to occur i! "ou lose all data!iles and control !iles 0%ile in NO$R2=I;ELO, mode# To per!orm disaster reco&er" in NO$R2=I;ELO, mode, use operating s"stem commands to cop" t%e closed database bac up !iles to t%e original or alternati&e location# Use RE2O;ER D$T$1$'E UNTIL 2$N2EL to simulate incomplete reco&er" and to reinitiali*e t%e online redo log !iles# $!ter t%e reco&er" operation is complete, open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,'# (ou can use incremental bac ups in NO$R2=I;ELO, mode to minimi*e data loss# 'peci!" NOREDO in t%e RE2O;ER D$T$1$'E command i! all online redo log !iles are lost# S4L& T4ST %erform /omp ete Recovery from a /ritica or 1oncritica Data &i e Loss Using RMA1 () *hat is the difference bet"een a critica and a noncritica datafi e in a recovery scenario$# To reco&er a critical data!ile, onl" t%e tablespace containing t%e critical data!ile must be o!!line# 1# To reco&er a noncritical data!ile, bot% t%e '('TEM tablespace and t%e tablespace containing t%e critical data!ile must be o!!line# 2# To reco&er a critical data!ile, t%e database must be in NOMOUNT mode# To reco&er a noncritical data!ile, t%e database must be in MOUNT mode# D# To reco&er a critical data!ile, t%e database must be in MOUNT mode# To reco&er a noncritical data!ile, t%e database can be open#

:# V D# W%en "ou restore and reco&er a critical data!ile, t%e entire database must be s%ut do0n and reopened in MOUNT mode to open t%e control !ile and ma e t%e data!ile locations a&ailable to RM$N# V $ is 0rong because t%e entire database must be o!!line 0%en reco&ering a critical data!ile# W 1 is 0rong because reco&ering a noncritical data!ile re5uires onl" t%e tablespace containing t%e missing or damaged data!ile to be o!!line# 2 is 0rong because t%e database must be in MOUNT mode to reco&er a critical data!ile, and can be in O/EN mode to reco&er a noncritical data!ile# 5) *hich tab espaces contain critica datafi es that must be recovered "hen the database is off ine$# '('TEM and '('$U) 1# '('TEM and UNDO 2# '('TEM, '('$U), and UNDO D# '('TEM and U'ER' ># V 1# T%e '('TEM and UNDO tablespaces contain critical data!iles and t%ere!ore re5uire t%e database to be in MOUNT mode during t%e reco&er" process# V $, 2, and D are 0rong because t%e '('$U) and U'ER' tablespaces do not contain critical W data!iles# 6) During comp ete recovery of a noncritica datafi e3 "hich of the fo o"ing steps are not

re+uired- ./hoose t"o ans"ers)0 $# Use t%e RM$N RE'TORE command to load t%e missing data!iles !rom bac up# 1# Reopen t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,'# 2# '%ut do0n t%e database and reopen in MOUNT mode# D# 1ring t%e tablespace containing t%e missing or damaged data!iles o!!line be!ore t%e reco&er" operation and online a!ter reco&er" is complete# E# Use t%e RM$N RE2O;ER command to appl" committed transactions !rom arc%i&ed and online redo log !iles# @# V 1 and 2# T%e database does not need to be opened 0it% RE'ETLO,' because "ou are not per!orming incomplete reco&er"# 6or a noncritical data!ile, onl" t%e tablespace containing t%e missing or damaged data!ile needs to be o!!line# V $, D, and E are 0rong# T%ese steps are all re5uired# W %erform #ncomp ete Recovery Using RMA1 D) *hich of the fo o"ing methods can you use to retrieve the current System /hange 1umber .S/10$# 8uer" t%e 2URRENT7'2N column !rom ;<D$T$6ILE7=E$DER# 1# 8uer" t%e 2URRENT7'2N column o! t%e ;<IN'T$N2E &ie0# 2# 8uer" t%e L$'T7'2N column o! t%e ;<D$T$1$'E &ie0# D# 8uer" t%e 2URRENT7'2N column o! t%e ;<D$T$1$'E &ie0# E# 'tart RM$N and connect to t%e target database4 t%e current '2N and t%e D1ID are displa"ed# E# V D# ;<D$T$1$'E contains t%e most recent '2N in t%e 2URRENT7'2N column#

V $ and 1 are 0rong because t%e column 2URRENT7'2N does not exist in eit%er ;<D$T$6ILE7 W =E$DER or ;<IN'T$N2E# 2 is 0rong because ;<D$T$1$'E does not %a&e a column named L$'T7 '2N# E is 0rong because 0%en RM$N starts, it s%o0s onl" t%e D1ID and not t%e current '2N# 7) *hich of the fo o"ing /R4AT4 R4ST,R4 %,#1T commands "i preserve the restore point past the time specified by the initia i$ation parameter /,1TR,L8&#L48R4/,RD8>44%8T#M4$# 2RE$TE RE'TORE /OINT '$;E7IT7/$'T 3EE/ 1# 2RE$TE RE'TORE /OINT '$;E7IT7/$'T $' O6 '2N @D??DE@ 2# 2RE$TE RE'TORE /OINT '$;E7IT7NOW /RE'ER;E D# 2RE$TE RE'TORE /OINT '$;E7IT7NOW UNTIL 6ORE;ER J# V 2# T%e e"0ord /RE'ER;E eeps t%e restore point past t%e time speci!ied b" 2ONTROL7 6ILE7RE2ORD73EE/7TIME# V $ is 0rong because t%e e"0ord 3EE/ is not &alid !or t%e command# 1 is 0rong because W /RE'ER;E 0as not speci!ied# D is 0rong because UNTIL 6ORE;ER is not &alid !or t%e comman :) *hich operating system environment variab es shou d be set "hen you use RMA1 timeEbased incomp ete recovery- ./hoose t"o ans"ers)0 $# OR$2LE7'ID 1# NL'7L$N, 2# OR$2LE71$'E

D# NL'7D$TE76ORM$T E# NL'7TIME76ORM$T A# V 1 and D# 1ot% NL'7L$N, and NL'7D$TE76ORM$T must be set so t%at RM$N 0ill correctl" interpret date strings pro&ided during a reco&er" operation# V $, 2, and E are 0rong# OR$2LE7'ID and OR$2LE71$'E are re5uired to connect to t%e W correct database and database so!t0are, but t%e" are not directl" related to RM$N time-based reco&er"# NL'7TIME76ORM$T is not a &alid en&ironment &ariable# Recover Using #ncrementa y Updated Backups =) 9ou are imp ementing an incrementa y updated backup strategy using the fo o"ing RMA1 script2 run K recover copy of database "ith tag Hinc8updH; backup incrementa eve ( for recover of copy "ith tag Hinc8updH database; L Fo" many times do you need to run this script before the image copy is updated "ith an incrementa eve ( backup$# Once 1# T0ice

2# T%ree times D# $t least !our times K# V 2# T%e !irst time t%e script runs, t%ere is no le&el C image cop" nor a le&el : incremental bac up# T%e second time t%e script runs, t%e le&el C image cop" exists but t%ere is no incremental le&el : bac up to appl" to it# T%e t%ird and successi&e time, t%e !irst incremental le&el : bac up is applied to t%e image cop"# V $, 1, and D all speci!" t%e 0rong number o! executions# W '"itch to #mage /opies for &ast Recovery @) The RMA1 S*#T/F command is e+uiva ent to "hat S;L command$# $LTER '('TEM REN$ME 6ILE 1# $LTER D$T$1$'E $R2=I;ELO, 2# $LTER D$T$1$'E O/EN RE'ETLO,' D# $LTER '('TEM 'WIT2= LO,6ILE ?# V $# 1ot% t%e RM$N 'WIT2= and t%e '8L $LTER '('TEM REN$ME 6ILE commands update t%e location o! t%e data!ile in bot% t%e control !ile and t%e reco&er" catalog# V 1 is 0rong because t%is command puts t%e database into $R2=I;ELO, mode# 2 is 0rong W because t%e command is used onl" a!ter incomplete reco&er"# D is 0rong because t%e command s0itc%es online redo log !iles, not data!ile names#

A) 9ou have these t"o commands "ithin an RMA1 RU1 b ock2 set ne"name for datafi e HIuB(IordataId"IusersBD)dbfH to HIuB:IoradataId"IusersBD)dbfH; restore tab espace users; *hat happens "hen the R4ST,R4 command runs$# T%e command !ails and t%e RUN bloc terminates because "ou need to run a 'WIT2= command !irst# 1# T%e control !ile is updated 0it% t%e ne0 location o! t%e data!ile# 2# T%e latest &ersion o! t%e data!iles !or t%e U'ER' tablespace are restored to t%e location +uC:+oradata+d0# D# T%e latest &ersion o! t%e data!iles !or t%e U'ER' tablespace are restored to t%e location +uCA+oradata+d0# D# V D# T%e 'ET NEWN$ME speci!ies t%e ne0 location !or t%e data!ile, and RE'TORE puts t%e bac up &ersion o! t%e data!ile at t%e ne0 location# V $ is 0rong because t%e data!ile must be restored be!ore t%e control !ile can be updated 0it% W 'WIT2=# 1 is 0rong because onl" 'WIT2= 0ill update t%e control !ile 0it% t%e ne0 location# 2 is 0rong because t%e RE'TORE command uses t%e ne0 location speci!ied 0it% 'ET NEWN$ME# Restore a Database onto a 1e" Fost (B) *hich of the fo o"ing are va id reasons to restore backups of your database to a ne" host./hoose a that app y)0 $# 2reating a ne0 node in a R$2 en&ironment 1# Testing "our disaster reco&er" plan

2# 2reating anot%er cop" o! "our database D# W%en t%e DU/LI2$TE command is not a&ailable E# /ermanentl" mo&ing "our database to a ne0 %ost :C# V 1 and E# Restoring "our database to a ne0 %ost is appropriate to test "our disaster reco&er" plan or to mo&e "our database permanentl" to a ne0 %ost since t%e procedure eeps t%e existing D1ID# V $ is 0rong because "ou donFt need to restore copies o! data!iles !or ne0 nodes in a R$2 W en&ironment, onl" a ne0 instance is created# 2 is 0rong because t%e D1ID remains t%e same on t%e ne0 database, and t%is 0ill cause con!licts in t%e reco&er" catalog# D is 0rong because t%e DU/LI2$TE command is al0a"s a&ailable in RM$N to let "ou ma e a second cop" o! "our database along 0it% t%e re5uired c%anges to t%e D1ID in t%e ne0 database# (() *hen restoring a database to a ne" host3 "hat is the first command you shou d run as part of the restoration process$# 'T$RTU/ NOMOUNT 1# 'ET D1ID 2# RE'TORE '/6ILE 6ROM $UTO1$23U/ D# RE'TORE 2ONTROL6ILE 6ROM $UTO1$23U/

::# V 1# T%e D1ID must be set !irst so t%at t%e correct data!iles, '/6ILE, and control !ile are restored !rom t%e source database bac up location# V $, 2, and D are 0rong# $ll o! t%ese steps are &alid !or restoring a database to a ne0 %ost

W but must be run a!ter t%e D1ID is set# Recover Using a Backup /ontro &i e (5) % ace the fo o"ing commands in the correct order for restoring a contro fi e from an RMA1 autobackup2 :# RE2O;ER D$T$1$'E ># $LTER D$T$1$'E O/EN RE'ETLO,' @# 'T$RTU/ NOMOUNT E# $LTER D$T$1$'E MOUNT J# RE'TORE 2ONTROL6ILE 6ROM $UTO1$23U/ $# J, @, E, :, > 1# @, J, E, :, > 2# @, J, E, >, : D# J, :, @, E, > :># V 1# T%e speci!ied order is correct# (ou must open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,' since "our restored control !ile %as in!ormation about an older &ersion o! t%e database# V $, 2, and D speci!" an incorrect se5uence o! commands# W

:6) *hen you run the RMA1 R4ST,R4 /,1TR,L&#L4 command3 "here does RMA1 put the previous version of the contro fi e- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# To all a&ailable locations de!ined b" t%e 2ONTROL76ILE' initiali*ation parameter

1# To t%e !las% reco&er" area 2# To all locations de!ined b" t%e 2ONTROL76ILE' initiali*ation parameter unless o&erridden 0it% t%e TO MX!ilenameTM clause D# To t%e !irst location de!ined b" t%e 2ONTROL76ILE' initiali*ation parameter

:@# V 2# T%e command restores t%e control !ile !rom autobac up to all locations de!ined b" t%e initiali*ation parameter 2ONTROL76ILE'# I! an" o! t%ose locations are una&ailable, c%ange t%e &alue o! 2ONTROL76ILE' or use t%e TO MX!ilenameTM option# V $ is 0rong because t%e command !ails i! an" o! t%e locations de!ined b" 2ONTROL76ILE' W are not a&ailable# 1 is 0rong because t%e autobac up o! t%e control !ile 0ill most li el" originate !rom t%e !las% reco&er" area# D is 0rong because RM$N restores t%e control !ile to all locations de!ined b" 2ONTROL76ILE'#

%erform Disaster Recovery (D) 9our database is running in 1,AR/F#?4L,' mode3 and you perform occasiona incrementa eve ( backups in M,U1T mode) To "hat point in time can you recover the database if you ose a datafi e for the US4RS tab espace$# (ou can reco&er t%e entire database up to t%e point in time o! t%e last incremental le&el : bac up# 1# (ou can reco&er t%e entire database up to t%e point in time o! t%e last incremental le&el C bac up#

2# (ou can reco&er t%e U'ER' tablespace up to t%e point in time o! t%e last incremental le&el : bac up# D# (ou can reco&er t%e U'ER' tablespace up to t%e point in time o! t%e last incremental le&el C bac up# :E# V $# I! "ou are not running in $R2=I;ELO, mode, "ou must restore t%e entire database, including control !iles# (ou can reco&er it up to t%e point in time o! t%e last incremental le&el : bac up in MOUNT mode# V 1 is 0rong because "ou can appl" incremental le&el : bac ups to t%e database, e&en in W NO$R2=I;ELO, mode# 2 and D are 0rong because "ou must reco&er t%e entire database 0%en "ou are running in NO$R2=I;ELO, mode#

TWO-MINUTE DRILL Recover from a Lost Tempfi e $ temp!ile can be reco&ered 0%ile t%e database is open# T%e impact o! a lost temp!ile is noticed 0%en users attempt to sort large result sets# W%en a temp!ile is lost, "ou can re-create it in t%e original location or speci!" a ne0 location# I! t%e database starts 0it%out temp!iles, it creates t%em in t%e location speci!ied in t%e control !ile# Recover from a Lost Redo Log 'roup $ redo log group can %a&e six statusesG 2URRENT, $2TI;E, IN$2TI;E, UNU'ED, 2LE$RIN,, or 2LE$RIN,72URRENT# T%e most common statuses are

2URRENT, $2TI;E, and IN$2TI;E# (ou can use t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<LO, to 5uer" t%e status o! eac% redo log group# I! one member o! a log group becomes damaged or is lost, t%e L,WR -Log Writer. process continues to 0rite to t%e undamaged member and no data loss or interruption in ser&ice occurs# T%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<LO,6ILE s%o0s t%e status o! eac% indi&idual member o! eac% log !ile group# I! t%e status o! a log !ile group member is IN;$LID in t%e &ie0 ;<LO,6ILE, it is damaged or una&ailable and must be re-created# Losing a log !ile group 0it% a status o! IN$2TI;E 0ill most li el" not result in t%e loss o! committed transactions as long as t%e ot%er member-s. o! t%e log !ile group remain intact# Losing an inacti&e log !ile group t%at %as not been arc%i&ed 0ill result in a gap in t%e arc%i&ed redo log !iles and necessitates a !ull bac up a!ter reco&ering t%e log !ile group# Losing a redo log !ile group 0it% a status o! $2TI;E 0ill not cause t%e loss o! committed transactions i! "ou can success!ull" per!orm $LTER '('TEM 2=E23/OINT# I! t%e c%ec point !ails, "ou must per!orm incomplete reco&er"# Losing a redo log !ile group 0it% a status o! 2URRENT 0ill cras% t%e instance, and "ou must per!orm incomplete reco&er"# Recover from the Loss of the %ass"ord &i e Losing a pass0ord !ile pre&ents D1$s !rom connecting to an open or closed instance 0it% t%e '('D1$, '('O/ER, or '('$'M pri&ilege#

(ou must use a pass0ord !ile i! "ou are connecting remotel" and t%e connection is not secure# 2onnecting 0it% t%e '('D1$ or '('$'M pri&ilege connects to t%e database as t%e '(' user# T%e '('O/ER pri&ilege connects as /U1LI2# (ou use t%e orap0d command at an operating s"stem prompt to re-create t%e pass0ord !ile# T%e de!ault location !or t%e pass0ord !ile is <OR$2LE7=OME+dbs on Unix or Linux, and UOR$2LE7=OMEUYdatabase on Windo0s# T%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;</W6ILE7U'ER' lists all t%e database users 0%o %a&e '('D1$, '('O/ER, or '('$'M pri&ileges# %erform UserEManaged /omp ete Database Recovery I! media !ailure occurs in "our database, "ou 0ill t"picall" 0ant to use complete reco&er" to bring "our database bac up to t%e state it 0as in be!ore t%e media !ailure, 0%ic% includes all committed transactions# 6or eit%er open or closed database reco&er", "ou can reco&er t%e database all at once, a single tablespace at a time, or one data!ile at a time# (ou can 5uer" t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<RE2O;ER76ILE to see 0%ic% !iles need media reco&er" and ;<RE2O;ER(7LO, to see t%e arc%i&ed log !iles needed to reco&er t%e restored data!ile-s. !or complete database reco&er"# (ou per!orm user-managed complete reco&er" a!ter t%e database is restarted in MOUNT mode# $ll arc%i&ed redo log !iles re5uired to reco&er t%e restored data!iles must be a&ailable in t%e de!ault location to automate t%e reco&er" process 0it% t%e $UTOM$TI2 clause o! t%e RE2O;ER command# I! t%e arc%i&ed redo log !iles re5uired !or reco&er" are in se&eral locations, "ou

can speci!" t%ese locations manuall" during t%e reco&er" process 0%en "ou do not speci!" t%e $UTOM$TI2 e"0ord# (ou can per!orm complete open database reco&er" on one or more damaged tablespaces b" ta ing t%e tablespace-s. o!!line 0it% t%e $LTER T$1LE'/$2E # # # O66LINE TEM/OR$R( command# To reco&er a tablespace 0%ile it is o!!line and t%e rest o! t%e database is online, "ou use t%e RE2O;ER $UTOM$TI2 T$1LE'/$2E # # # command a!ter restoring t%e tablespaceFs data!ile-s. !rom t%e bac up location# %erform UserEManaged #ncomp ete Database Recovery 6or an incomplete database reco&er", "ou !ollo0 t%e same steps used !or complete database reco&er", except t%at "ou appl" onl" t%e arc%i&ed and online redo log !iles up to t%e desired point in time# 6or incomplete reco&er", "ou can speci!" a time at 0%ic% to stop or an '2N -'"stem 2%ange Number. at 0%ic% to stop, or "ou can speci!" 2$N2EL during t%e reco&er" process# (ou can use time-based incomplete reco&er" i! "ou no0 t%e time o! da" 0%en t%e corruption occurred# '2N-based incomplete reco&er" 0or s 0ell i! "our applications sa&e t%e '2N -and t%us a 2OMMIT point. at critical points in a process !lo0# (ou t"picall" use cancel-based incomplete reco&er" i! "ou %a&e a gap in t%e arc%i&ed redo log !iles during t%e reco&er" process# Regardless o! t%e incomplete reco&er" met%od, "ou must open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,' to start t%e log se5uence at : 0it% a ne0 database incarnation# %erform UserEManaged and ServerEManaged Backups

I! "ou are not running in $R2=I;ELO, mode, "ou must s%ut do0n t%e database to per!orm a bac up using operating s"stem commands# I! "ou are using $R2=I;ELO, mode, "ou can put an indi&idual tablespace or t%e entire database into 1E,IN 1$23U/ mode# (ou can t%en proceed to cop" t%e data!iles to a bac up location# $!ter t%at, "ou can ta e t%e database out o! bac up mode 0it% END 1$23U/# W%ile t%e database is open, "ou can 5uer" t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0s ;<D$T$6ILE and ;<2ONTROL6ILE to identi!" t%e locations o! all data!iles and all online control!ile copies# W%en "ou per!orm a bac up 0it% t%e database closed, t%e bac up is considered consistent because t%e '2Ns !or all data!iles matc%4 all !iles are !ro*en in time# To bac up t%e data!iles !or an indi&idual tablespace, "ou use t%e data dictionar" &ie0 D1$7D$T$76ILE' to see t%e association bet0een tablespaces and data!ile names# T%e database 0ill not s%ut do0n i! an" tablespaces are in bac up mode# #dentify the 1eed for Backup Mode 2op"ing a data!ile 0it% an operating s"stem command at t%e same time t%e Oracle D1WR process is updating t%e bloc can cause a !ractured bloc # I! "ou use RM$N to bac up "our data!iles, RM$N automaticall" rereads t%e bloc o&er and o&er until it is consistent# 6or $LTER D$T$1$'E 1E,IN 1$23U/ or $LTER T$1LE'/$2E # # # 1E,IN 1$23U/, Oracle generates additional redo -t%e be!ore-image o! t%e bloc . !or t%e database or !or t%e indi&idual tablespace until "ou ta e t%e database or tablespace out o! bac up mode#

Back Up and Recover a /ontro &i e I! "ou 0ant to bac up "our control !ile 0%ile t%e database is open, "ou can do it 0it% t0o di!!erent '8L commandsG $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO X!ilenameT and $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO TR$2E $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO X6ILEN$MET creates an exact binar" cop" o! t%e control !ile at t%e speci!ied location# $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO TR$2E creates an editable script t%at re-creates t%e control !ile in t%e director" <OR$2LE71$'E+diag+ rdbms+XdatabaseT+XinstanceT+trace# Losing all copies o! t%e online control !ile does not lose an" committed transactions i! "ou %a&e a recent bac up cop" o! t%e control !ile and bot% t%e data!iles and online redo log !iles are intact# (ou do not %a&e to open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,' a!ter restoring "our control !ile i! "ou manuall" create t%e replacement control !ile using 2RE$TE 2ONTROL6ILE or "ou use a &ersion o! t%e control !ile script t%at "ou created 0it% $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO TR$2E#

S4L& T4ST Recover from a Lost Tempfi e () #f you ose a of the tempfi es from your temporary tab espace3 "hat is the most ike y resu t noticed by your users$# T%e database becomes una&ailable and users cannot connect# 1# T%e users canFt per!orm 'ELE2T statements# 2# T%e users cannot add or delete ro0s in an" table# D# T%e users canFt use ORDER 1( or ,ROU/ 1( in t%eir 5ueries#

:# V D# Temporar" tablespaces pro&ide sort space !or 5ueries t%at use ORDER 1( and ,ROU/ 1( 0%en t%e sort operation 0ill not !it in memor"# Ot%er operations cause sorts as 0ellG 'ELE2T DI'TIN2T, index creations, and index rebuilds# V $ is 0rong because t%e database remains a&ailable !or some 5ueries and most DML acti&it" W e&en i! t%e TEM/ tablespace is una&ailable# 1 is 0rong because users can still per!orm 'ELE2T statements t%at donFt need sorting or t%e sort operation 0ill !it into memor"# 2 is a 0rong ans0er because most DML acti&it" does not re5uire t%e TEM/ tablespace#

5) *hich is the best method for recovering a tempfi e- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# Drop t%e TEM/ tablespace and re-create it 0it% a data!ile in a ne0 location# 1# $dd anot%er temp!ile to t%e TEM/ tablespace and drop t%e corrupted or missing temp!ile 0%ile t%e database is running# 2# '%ut do0n t%e database, restore t%e temp!ile !rom a bac up, and reco&er it using arc%i&ed and online redo log !iles# D# $dd anot%er temp!ile to t%e TEM/ tablespace and drop t%e corrupted or missing temp!ile a!ter t%e database %as been s%ut do0n and restarted in MOUNT mode# ># V 1# Once t%e missing temp!ile is dropped and a ne0 one added, t%e TEM/ tablespace is automaticall" a&ailable to users# V $ is 0rong because dropping t%e tablespace is not necessar", and "ou cannot drop t%e W

de!ault temporar" tablespace# 2 is 0rong because "ou cannot reco&er a temporar" tablespace4 t%ere are no permanent obBects in a temporar" tablespace# D is 0rong because t%e database does not need to be s%ut do0n to reco&er a temporar" tablespace#

Recover from a Lost Redo Log 'roup 6) *hich of the fo o"ing is not a va id status for an on ine redo og group$# 2URRENT 1# $2TI;E 2# IN;$LID D# UNU'ED E# 2LE$RIN, @# V 2# T%e status IN;$LID is &alid onl" !or an online redo log group member, not !or t%e entire group# V $, 1, D, and E are &alid statuses !or an online redo log group# D) *hat is the difference bet"een the ?PL,' and ?PL,'&#L4 vie"s$# ;<LO, contains t%e status o! all arc%i&ed redo log !iles and ;<LO,6ILE contains t%e status o! all online redo log !iles# 1# ;<LO, contains t%e status o! t%e online redo log group members and ;<LO,6ILE contains t%e status o! indi&idual online redo log groups# 2# ;<LO, contains t%e status o! all online redo log !iles and ;<LO,6ILE contains t%e status o! all arc%i&ed redo log !iles# D# ;<LO, contains t%e status o! t%e online redo log groups and ;<LO,6ILE contains t%e status

o! indi&idual redo log group members# E# V D# ;<LO, contains t%e status o! redo log groups, including 0%et%er t%e group is currentl" being 0ritten to# ;<LO,6ILE contains t%e status o! indi&idual redo log group members# V $, 1, and 2 are 0rong# T%e &ie0s ;<LO, and ;<LO,6ILE do not contain in!ormation about arc%i&ed redo log !iles, alt%oug% t%e &ie0 ;<LO, %as a column to indicate 0%et%er t%e redo log !ile group %as been arc%i&ed or not#

Recover from the Loss of the %ass"ord &i e 7) *hich methods can you use to recover a ost or damaged pass"ord fi e- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# Use t%e orap0d command at an operating s"stem prompt to re-create t%e pass0ord !ile# 1# Restore t%e pass0ord !ile !rom bac up, and appl" an" arc%i&ed and online redo log !iles to bring its contents to t%e present time# 2# Use t%e orap0d '8L command to re-create t%e pass0ord !ile# D# Restore t%e pass0ord !ile !rom an operating s"stem bac up# J# V $ and D# Eit%er met%od can be used to reco&er t%e pass0ord !ile, but using t%e orap0d command re5uires t%at "ou re-create t%e pri&ileged user accounts t%at need '('D1$, '('O/ER, and '('$DM pri&ileges# V 1 is 0rong because "ou do not appl" redo log !iles to t%e pass0ord !ile# 2 is 0rong because orap0d is &alid onl" at an operating s"stem command prompt#

%erform UserEManaged /omp ete Database Recovery :) 9ou "i perform comp ete c osed database recovery) %ut the fo o"ing steps in the correct order) () ,pen the database to users) 5) #dentify fi es needed for recovery) 6) Start up the database in M,U1T mode) D) Bring the datafi es on ine) 7) App y archived and on ine redo og fi es to ro for"ard) :) ,rac e app ies undo to ro back uncommitted changes) =) Restore recoveryEre ated fi es containing committed and uncommitted transactions) $# :, >, K, @, E, J, A 1# >, K, @, E, J, :, A 2# >, K, E, @, J, :, A D# :, >, K, @, J, A, :

A# V 1, 2omplete closed or open database reco&er" re5uires t%e same steps in t%is order# V $, 2, and D are not in t%e correct order# =) #nspect the fo o"ing +uery against the dynamic performance vie"s ?PR4/,?4R8&#L43 ?PDATA&#L43 and ?PTABL4S%A/42 se ect fi eQ3 d)name d8name3 t)name t8name3 status3 error from vPrecover8fi e r Coin vPdatafi e d eQ0 Coin vPtab espace t using.tsQ0; &or "hat type of backup or recovery re ated task is this vie" usefu - ./hoose the best ans"er)0

$# It identi!ies data!iles 0it% errors along 0it% t%eir associated tablespaces# 1# It identi!ies tablespaces 0it% errors along 0it% all data!iles in t%e tablespace# 2# It identi!ies all tablespaces t%at are o!!line and %a&e errors# D# It identi!ies all tablespaces t%at are online and %a&e errors# E# It identi!ies tablespaces t%at %a&e data!iles t%at are in need o! a bac up# K# V $# T%e 5uer" identi!ies all data!iles 0it% errors, t%e tablespace in 0%ic% t%e" reside, and 0%et%er t%e tablespace is o!!line or online# V 1 is 0rong because t%e error reporting is at t%e data!ile le&el# 2 and D are 0rong because W t%e &ie0 s%o0s data!iles 0it% errors -not tablespaces., regardless o! 0%et%er t%e" are o!!line or online# E is 0rong because t%ese &ie0s are not indicati&e o! t%e bac up retention polic" !or t%e tablespace#

%erform UserEManaged #ncomp ete Database Recovery @) 9ou "ant to perform userEmanaged3 incomp ete database recovery) *hich of the fo o"ing methods are not avai ab e for incomp ete database recovery- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# Reco&er" up to t%e last commit !or a speci!ied table 1# Reco&er" up to t%e last a&ailable arc%i&ed redo log !ile 2# Reco&er" up to a speci!ied '2N D# Reco&er" up to a speci!ied timestamp

E# Reco&er" until "ou cancel t%e reco&er" option ?# V $ and 1# (ou cannot per!orm a reco&er" using arc%i&ed and online redo log !iles to reco&er t%e database to a commit point !or a table or as o! t%e last arc%i&ed redo log !ile# V 2, D, and E are incorrect# $ll t%ree o! t%ese options are a&ailable using t%e RE2O;ER W command 0%en "ou 0ant to per!orm incomplete reco&er"#

%erform UserEManaged and ServerEManaged Backups A) *hich t"o dynamic performance vie"s can you use to identify fi es that need to be backed up3 regard ess of "hether you are in AR/F#?4L,' mode or 1,AR/F#?4L,' mode$# ;<D$T$6ILE and ;<LO,6ILE 1# ;<D$T$6ILE and ;<TEM/6ILE 2# ;<LO,6ILE and ;<LO, D# ;<D$T$6ILE and ;<2ONTROL6ILE D# V D# T%e &ie0 ;<D$T$6ILE contains all data!iles, and ;<2ONTROL6ILE contains a list o! all copies o! t%e control !ile# V $ is 0rong because "ou do not need to bac up t%e online redo log !iles# 1 is 0rong because W "ou do not need to bac up data!iles !rom temporar" tablespaces t%at do not contain an" permanent obBects and can be easil" recreated i! lost# 2 is 0rong because online redo log !iles do not need to be bac ed up and ;<LO, contains in!ormation about online redo log !ile groups, not

indi&idual !iles#

#dentify the 1eed for Backup Mode (B) *hich of the fo o"ing backup methods "i a eviate the prob em caused by fractured b ocks during an on ine backup- ./hoose a correct ans"ers)0 $# Use $LTER D$T$6ILE 1E,IN 1$23U/# 1# Use RM$N to bac up "our data!iles# 2# /er!orm bac ups 0%ile in RE'TRI2TED mode# D# Use $LTER D$T$1$'E 1E,IN 1$23U/# E# Use $LTER T$1LE'/$2E 1E,IN 1$23U/# :C# V 1, D, and E# I! "ou use RM$N to per!orm online bac ups, it rereads t%e bloc i! t%e '2N in t%e %eader and !ooter do not matc%# (ou use $LTER D$T$1$'E 1E,IN 1$23U/ to per!orm online bac ups o! t%e entire database all at once# Use $LTER T$1LE'/$2E 1E,IN 1$23U/ to per!orm a bac up o! one tablespace at a time# V $ is 0rong because "ou cannot put an indi&idual data!ile into bac up mode# 2 is 0rong W because opening t%e database in RE'TRI2TED mode pre&ents non-'('D1$ users !rom connecting to t%e database but does not pre&ent bloc !racturing#

Back Up and Recover a /ontro &i e (() *hich of the fo o"ing commands does not back up the current contro fi e$# '8LT $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO TR$2E4

1# '8LT $LTER '('TEM 1$23U/ 2URRENT 2ONTROL6ILE4 2# RM$NT 1$23U/ 2URRENT 2ONTROL6ILE4 D# '8LT $LTER D$T$1$'E 1$23U/ 2ONTROL6ILE TO Z+UC?+1$23U/+2TL#1$3F4 ::# V 1# T%ere is no suc% command# V $ creates a text-based !ile containing t0o di!!erent 2RE$TE 2ONTROL6ILE commands, W depending on t%e a&ailabilit" o! "our data!iles and online redo log !iles# 2 is one o! man" 0a"s t%at RM$N bac s up t%e control !ile# D creates a binar" cop" o! t%e control !ile at t%e speci!ied location#

(5) 9ou have ost a on ine contro fi es) Specify the correct order for the fo o"ing tasks2 () Restore the contro fi e from backup or run /R4AT4 /,1TR,L&#L4) 5) Start database recovery and specify the key"ords BA/>U% /,1TR,L&#L4) 6) Start up the database in M,U1T mode) D) ,pen the database "ith R4S4TL,'S) 7) Shut do"n the database) $# J, :, @, >, E 1# :, J, @, >, E 2# J, :, @, E, > D# :, J, @, E, > :># V $# T%e !irst step is to s%ut do0n t%e database -0it% $1ORT., and t%e last step is to open t%e database 0it% RE'ETLO,' -i! "ou used a bac up control !ile or "ou do not %a&e current online

redo logs or data!iles.# V 1, 2, and D are 0rong, because all t%ree o! t%ese se5uences are out o! order#

T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL /reating a Dup icate Database Using RMA1 W%en "ou duplicate a database, t%e source database is copied to t%e duplicate database# T%e source database is also no0n as t%e target database# T%e duplicate database is also no0n as t%e auxiliar" database# /reparing to create a duplicate database includes creating a pass0ord !ile, ensuring net0or connecti&it", and creating an initiali*ation parameter !ile !or t%e auxiliar" instance# $t a minimum, "ou need to speci!" t%e D17N$ME in t%e auxiliar" instanceFs initiali*ation parameter !ile# (ou must also speci!" D171LO237'IIE i! it is set explicitl" in t%e target database# T%e initiali*ation parameter D176ILE7N$ME72ON;ERT speci!ies t%e !ile s"stem mapping !or data!ile and temp!ile names# T%e initiali*ation parameter LO,76ILE7N$ME72ON;ERT speci!ies t%e !ile s"stem mapping !or online redo log !iles# T%e initiali*ation parameter 2ONTROL76ILE' speci!ies t%e ne0 names !or all control !iles, unless "ou are using Oracle Managed 6iles -OM6. as OM6 0ill name !iles !or "ou#

T%e RM$N command !or per!orming database duplication is DU/LI2$TE T$R,ET D$T$1$'E# (ou can speci!" 6ROM $2TI;E D$T$1$'E in t%e DU/LI2$TE command to create t%e cop" !rom an online database instead o! !rom a database bac up# T%e duplicate database %as a ne0 D1ID, e&en i! it %as t%e same database name as t%e source database# Using a Dup icate Database $ duplicate database can be used to test bac up and reco&er" procedures 0it%out a!!ecting t%e a&ailabilit" o! t%e source database# (ou can use a duplicate database to test a database upgrade or test per!ormance o! application upgrades# (ou can export one or more tables !rom a duplicate database and import it bac into t%e production database as a secondar" reco&er" met%od# #dentify the Situations that Re+uire TS%#TR T'/ITR is use!ul 0%en one or more corrupt or missing tables are isolated to a single tablespace and %a&e minimal or no dependencies 0it% obBects in ot%er tablespaces# (ou can use T'/ITR 0%en DDL c%anges pro%ibit t%e use o! 6las%bac Table to reco&er t%e obBects# (ou cannot use T'/ITR to reco&er a dropped tablespace or to reco&er a renamed tablespace to a point in time be!ore it 0as renamed# %erform Automated TS%#TR T%e target time is t%e point in time to 0%ic% t%e tablespace-s. 0ill be reco&ered#

T%e reco&er" set is t%e group o! data!iles containing t%e tablespaces to be reco&ered# T%e auxiliar" set is a set o! ot%er data!iles re5uired to reco&er t%e data!iles in t%e reco&er" set, suc% as t%e '('TEM tablespace# T%e auxiliar" destination is a temporar" 0or area used b" RM$N to store auxiliar" set !iles, log !iles, and a cop" o! t%e control !ile# RM$N drops t%e auxiliar" instance and deletes all auxiliar" !iles at t%e completion o! T'/ITR# (ou use t%e data dictionar" &ie0 T'7/ITR72=E23 to disco&er dependencies bet0een t%e obBects in t%e tablespace to be reco&ered and obBects in ot%er tablespaces# (ou use t%e data dictionar" &ie0 T'7/ITR7O1[E2T'7TO71E7DRO//ED to determine obBects "ou 0ill lose a!ter T'/ITR completes# (ou per!orm T'/ITR in RM$N using t%e RE2O;ER T$1LE'/$2E command 0it% t%e UNTIL TIME and $U)ILI$R( DE'TIN$TION clauses# $!ter T'/ITR is complete, "ou need to bac up t%e reco&ered tablespace and bring it bac online# S4L& T4ST /reating a Dup icate Database Using RMA1 () #dentify the correct statement regarding dup icate databases created "ith RMA1) $# RM$N copies t%e source database to t%e target database and bot% can %a&e t%e same name# 1# RM$N creates an auxiliar" instance !or t%e duration o! t%e cop" operation and drops it a!ter t%e cop" operation is complete#

2# T%e auxiliar" database is t%e same as t%e target database# D# RM$N copies t%e database !rom t%e target to t%e duplicate database and bot% can %a&e t%e same name# E# T%e source database must be s%ut do0n be!ore "ou can start up t%e destination database# :# V D# (ou can eep t%e same name because RM$N creates a ne0 D1ID and t%ere!ore "ou can use t%e same reco&er" catalog !or bot% databases# V $ is 0rong because t%e target database is t%e same as t%e source database# 1 is 0rong W because RM$N does not drop t%e auxiliar" instance or database a!ter t%e cop" operation is complete# 2 is 0rong because t%e target database is t%e source database and t%e auxiliar" database is t%e destination database# E is 0rong because bot% databases can be open at t%e same time, e&en on t%e same %ost and 0it% t%e same reco&er" catalog#

5) To create a dup icate database3 put the fo o"ing steps in the correct order2 () Start the au!i iary instance as 1,M,U1T) 5) A ocate au!i iary channe s if necessary) 6) Run the RMA1 DU%L#/AT4 command) D) /reate a pass"ord fi e for the au!i iary instance) 7) 4nsure net"ork connectivity to the au!i iary instance) :) ,pen the au!i iary instance) =) Start the source database in M,U1T or ,%41 mode) @) /reate an initia i$ation parameter fi e for the au!i iary instance) A) /reate backups or copy e!isting backups and archived og fi es to a common ocation

accessib e by the au!i iary instance) $# J, E, ?, :, K, D, @, >, A 1# E, J, ?, :, K, D, >, @, A 2# E, J, ?, :, K, D, @, >, A D# J, E, :, ?, K, D, >, @, A ># V 1# T%ese steps are in t%e correct order# V $, 2, and D are in t%e 0rong order# 6) *hich of the fo o"ing c auses is not va id for the RMA1 DU%L#/AT4 command$# '3I/ O66LINE 1# '3I/ RE$DONL( 2# '3I/ T$1LE'/$2E 2I# D# NO6ILEN$ME2=E23 2II# E# O/EN RE'TRI2TED

@# V $# T%e '3I/ O66LINE option is not &alid !or t%e DU/LI2$TE command# V 1 is 0rong because t%e '3I/ RE$DONL( clause excludes read-onl" tablespaces# 2 is 0rong W because '3I/ T$1LE'/$2E excludes one or more tablespaces !rom t%e cop" operation4 "ou cannot s ip t%e '('TEM or UNDO tablespaces# D is 0rong because NO6ILEN$ME2=E23 doesnFt c%ec !or duplicate !ilenames bet0een t%e source and destination# E is 0rong because O/EN RE'TRI2TED opens t%e destination database 0it% t%e RE'TRI2TED 'E''ION option#

Using a Dup icate Database D) #dentify reasons for creating a dup icate database) ./hoose a correct ans"ers)0 $# (ou 0ant to test a ne0 applicationFs per!ormance 0it% no impact to t%e production database# 1# (ou 0ant to per!orm T'/ITR# 2# (ou 0ant to test an upgrade !rom Oracle Database ::g R: to Oracle Database ::g R># D# (ou 0ant to test bac up and reco&er" procedures# E# V $, 2, and D# T%ese are all &alid reasons to create a duplicate database# V 1 is incorrect because "ou cannot use a duplicate database to per!orm T'/ITR# W

Identi!" t%e 'ituations t%at Re5uire T'/ITR J# (ou can use T'/ITR !or 0%ic% o! t%e !ollo0ing scenarios\ -2%oose t0o ans0ers#. $# (ou accidentall" drop t%e U'ER' tablespace# 1# (ou dropped t0o columns in a table# 2# (ou renamed a tablespace and 0ant to reco&er t%e tablespace 0it% t%e old name# D# $ user deleted most o! t%e ro0s in a table t%at does not %a&e an" dependencies on obBects in ot%er tablespaces# J# V 1 and D# (ou can use T'/ITR to reco&er !rom DDL c%anges to a table4 in addition, "ou can reco&er a table t%at %as corrupted or erroneousl" altered ro0s# T'/ITR is also use!ul i! t%e

table is dropped 0it% t%e /UR,E option and t%ere!ore not reclaimable !rom t%e rec"cle bin# V $ is 0rong because "ou cannot use T'/ITR !or dropped tablespaces# 2 is 0rong because W "ou cannot use T'/ITR to reco&er t%e tablespace 0it% a pre&ious name4 in ot%er 0ords, t%e tablespace 0as renamed at some point in t%e past#

%erform Automated TS%#TR :) #dentify the correct statement regarding TS%#TR termino ogy) $# T%e auxiliar" set contains all data!iles !or reco&er" except t%e '('TEM and UNDO tablespaces# 1# T%e reco&er" set is t%e group o! data!iles containing t%e tablespace-s. to be reco&ered# 2# T%e auxiliar" destination is t%e permanent location !or t%e auxiliar" instanceFs data!iles# D# T%e target time is an" time a!ter t%e corrupted tables 0ere modi!ied or tables 0ere accidentall" dropped# A# V 1# RM$N creates t%e reco&er" set and uses it in t%e auxiliar" instance# V $ is 0rong because t%e auxiliar" set does include t%e '('TEM, UNDO, and TEM/ tablespaces, W i! re5uired# 2 is 0rong because t%e auxiliar" set is deleted a!ter t%e reco&er" operation is complete# D is 0rong because t%e target time is an" time be!ore t%e corruption or deletion o! table ro0s# =) #dentify the data dictionary vie" you can use to check for obCect dependencies bet"een

tab espaces) $# T'7/ITR72=E23 1# T'7/ITR7DE/ENDEN2(72=E23 2# T'7/ITR72=E237DE/ENDEN2( D# T'7/ITR7O1[E2T'7TO71E7DRO//ED K# V $# (ou use t%e &ie0 T'7/ITR72=E23 to identi!" obBect dependencies bet0een one or more tablespaces and all ot%er tablespaces in t%e database# V 1 and 2 are 0rong because t%ere are no suc% &ie0s in t%e data dictionar"# D is 0rong W because T'7/ITR7O1[E2T'7TO71E7DRO//ED is used to identi!" ot%er obBects t%at "ou can lose i! "ou per!orm T'/ITR#

?) #dentify the steps you must perform manua y after using automated TS%#TR in RMA1) ./hoose a that app y)0 $# 1ring t%e reco&ered tablespace-s. online# 1# 1ac up t%e reco&ered tablespace-s.# 2# Delete t%e temporar" !iles created in t%e auxiliar" location# D# 2reate a text-based initiali*ation parameter !ile !or t%e auxiliar" instance# ?# V $ and 1# T%ese steps must be per!ormed manuall" a!ter RM$N completes t%e automated portion o! T'/ITR# V 2 is 0rong because RM$N automaticall" s%uts do0n t%e auxiliar" instance and remo&es all

W temporar" !iles used !or t%e reco&er" operation# D is 0rong because "ou need to manuall" create a text-based initiali*ation parameter !ile !or duplicating a database, but not !or T'/ITR#

T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL EEE M,1#T,R#1' A1D TU1#1' RMA1 Monitoring RMA1 Sessions and Robs (ou can Boin ;<'E''ION 0it% ;</RO2E'' to identi!" t%e operating s"stem processes associated 0it% eac% RM$N c%annel# T%e RM$N command 'ET 2OMM$ND ID %elps "ou to distinguis% processes !or di!!erent bac up Bobs in ;<'E''ION# Use ;<'E''ION7LON,O/' to monitor status o! RM$N Bobs t%at run !or more t%an A seconds# T%e &ie0 ;<'E''ION7LON,O/' contains bot% detail ro0s and aggregate ro0s !or eac% RM$N Bob# (ou must set t%e initiali*ation parameter 'T$TI'TI2'7LE;EL to T(/I2$L or $LL be!ore RM$N 0ill record Bob status in!ormation in ;<'E''ION7 LON,O/'# RM$N debugging in!ormation appears in command line output, RM$N-speci!ic trace !iles, t%e alert log, Oracle trace !iles, and &endor-speci!ic trace !iles# $dd t%e debug option to t%e operating s"stem command line to turn debugging on and optionall" speci!" a !ile to contain t%e debugging output# Use t%e DE1U, ON or DE1U, O66 command to turn on or turn o!! RM$N debugging 0it%in an RM$N session#

Tuning RMA1 RM$N bac up or reco&er" Bobs per!orm tas s in t%ree main p%asesG read, cop", and 0rite# T%e RM$N cop" p%ase is !urt%er bro en do0n into t%ree subp%asesG &alidation, compression, and encr"ption# /aralleli*ation -allocating multiple c%annels. can impro&e bac up per!ormance# (ou can allocate up to >JJ c%annels per RM$N session, and eac% c%annel can read up to AE data!iles in parallel# Multiplexing is primaril" controlled b" t%e RM$N parameters 6ILE'/ER'ET and M$)O/EN6ILE'# (ou can calculate t%e le&el o! multiplexing b" using t%is !ormulaG min-M$)O/EN6ILE', min-6ILE'/ER'ET, !iles7per7c%annel.. (ou tune RM$N c%annels b" using t%e M$)/IE2E'IIE, R$TE, and M$)O/EN6ILE' parameters# (ou tune t%e 1$23U/ command b" using t%e M$)/IE2E'IIE, 6ILE'/ER'ET, M$)O/EN6ILE', and t%e 1$23U/ DUR$TION parameters# T%e 1$23U/ parameter 1$23U/ DUR$TION can be set to MINIMIIE TIME to per!orm t%e bac up as 5uic l" as possible or MINIMIIE LO$D to reduce t%e I+O demands on t%e database# (ou can con!igure t%e initiali*ation parameter L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE to reduce contention on t%e s%ared pool !or RM$N bac ups# /onfigure RMA1 for Asynchronous #I, '"nc%ronous bac up operations must 0ait until completion be!ore initiating anot%er I+O re5uest# $s"nc%ronous bac up operations do not %a&e to 0ait#

(ou set t%e initiali*ation parameter 1$23U/7T$/E7IO7'L$;E' to TRUE to con!igure tape bac ups !or as"nc%ronous operations# 'etting t%e initiali*ation parameter D1WR7IO7'L$;E' allocates !our bac up dis I+O sla&e process to simulate RM$N as"nc%ronous I+O operations# Use t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO to monitor as"nc%ronous RM$N operations# T%e ratio o! LON,7W$IT' to IO72OUNT in ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO s%ould be as lo0 as possible to reduce or eliminate bottlenec s# I! eit%er t%e ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO column '=ORT7W$IT7TIME7TOT$L or LON,7W$IT7TIME7TOT$L is not *ero, t%en t%e associated !ile s%ould be tuned# (ou use t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO to identi!" bottlenec s in s"nc%ronous RM$N bac up or reco&er" operations# T%e column DI'2RETE71(TE'7/ER7'E2OND in ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO can be compared to t%e maximum rate o! a tape output de&ice to identi!" opportunities !or tuning#

S4L& T4ST Monitoring RMA1 Sessions and Robs () *hich of the fo o"ing t"o dynamic performance vie"s can you use to identify the re ationship bet"een ,rac e server sessions and RMA1 channe s$# ;</RO2E'' and ;<'E''ION 1# ;</RO2E'' and ;<1$23U/7'E''ION 2# ;</RO2E'' and ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO

D# ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO and ;<'E''ION E# ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO and ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO :# V $# (ou Boin t%e &ie0s ;</RO2E'' and ;<'E''ION on t%e $DDR and /$DDR columns and select ro0s 0%ere t%e beginning o! t%e column 2LIENT7IN6O contains t%e string RM$N# V 1 is 0rong because t%ere is no suc% &ie0 ;<1$23U/7'E''ION# 2, D, and E are 0rong W because "ou use ;<1$23U/7$'(N27IO and ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO to monitor per!ormance o! RM$N Bobs !or as"nc%ronous and s"nc%ronous I+O, respecti&el"#

5) 9ou create three RMA1 sessions to back up three different tab espaces) 9our third RMA1 session runs this command2 run K set command id to Huser bkupH; backup tab espace users; L *hat va ues does the co umn ?PS4SS#,1)/L#41T8#1&, have for this command- /hoose a that app y) $# rman c%annelLOR$7DI'37:, idLuser b up 1# idLuser b up, rman c%annelLOR$7DI'37: 2# idLuser b up, cmdLbac up tablespace users D# idLuser b up E# T%e column 2LIENT7IN6O is in ;</RO2E'', not ;<'E''ION

># V 1 and D# T%e &ie0 ;<'E''ION %as t0o ro0s !or eac% bac up process, bot% o! t%em 0it% t%e &alue speci!ied in t%e RM$N command 'ET 2OMM$ND ID# V $ is 0rong because t%e &alues !or 2LIENT7IN6O are in t%e 0rong order# 2 is 0rong because W t%e actual RM$N command is not included in 2LIENT7IN6O# E is 0rong because 2LIENT7 IN6O is, in !act, in t%e &ie0 ;<'E''ION#

6) #dentify the ocation "here RMA1 message output and troub eshooting information can be found) ./hoose a that app y)0 $# T%e Oracle ser&er trace !ile 1# T%e RM$N trace !ile 2# T%e &ie0 ;</RO2E'' D# T%e database alert log E# RM$N command output 6# T%e &endor-speci!ic !ile sbtio#log ,# T%e table '('#$UDIT< @# V $, 1, D, E, and 6# RM$N debugging in!ormation and ot%er message output can be !ound in t%e Oracle ser&er trace !iles, t%e RM$N trace !ile, t%e database alert log, output !rom t%e RM$N command itsel!, and t%e &endor-speci!ic !ile sbtio#log -!or tape libraries.# V 2 and , are 0rong# RM$N does not record an" debugging or error in!ormation in t%e &ie0 W ;</RO2E'' or in t%e table '('#$UDIT<#

Tuning RMA1 D) The initia i$ation parameters in your database are set as fo o"s2 BA/>U%8TA%48#,8SLA?4S G TRU4 LAR'48%,,L8S#M4 G 7BM RA?A8%,,L8S#M4 G =7M %'A8A''R4'AT48TAR'4T G 5BM #dentify the correct statements regarding "here RMA1 a ocates the memory buffers for tape backup2 $# RM$N uses t%e [a&a pool in t%e ',$# 1# RM$N uses t%e s%ared pool in t%e ',$# 2# RM$N allocates memor" !rom t%e large pool in t%e /,$# D# RM$N allocates memor" !rom t%e large pool in t%e ',$# E# V D# I! "ou set 1$23U/7T$/E7IO7'L$;E' to TRUE, t%en RM$N allocates tape bu!!ers !rom t%e s%ared pool unless t%e initiali*ation parameter L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE is set, in 0%ic% case RM$N allocates tape bu!!ers !rom t%e large pool# V $, 1, and 2 are incorrect4 t%e parameters [$;$7/OOL7'IIE and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7 W T$R,ET %a&e no e!!ect on t%e location o! t%e RM$N bu!!ers#

7) *hich of the fo o"ing are bott enecks that affect RMA1 backup and recovery operations./hoose a that app y)0 $# Reading data !rom t%e database

1# Writing data to dis 2# Writing data to tape D# ;alidating data bloc s E# Using ',$ memor" bu!!ers &ersus /,$ memor" bu!!ers J# V $, 1, 2, and D# $ll o! t%ese options are potential bottlenec s# V E is 0rong# T%e location o! t%e RM$N data bu!!ers is not a !actor t%at can cause a bottlenec W and reduce RM$N t%roug%put#

:) *hich RMA1 parameter.s0 contro mu tip e!ing to disk and tape- ./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# 6ILE'/ER'ET !rom t%e 1$23U/ command 1# 6ILE'/ER'ET !rom t%e 1$23U/ command and M$)O/EN6ILE' !rom t%e 2ON6I,URE command 2# 6ILE'/ER'ET !rom t%e 2ON6I,URE command and M$)O/EN6ILE' !rom t%e 1$23U/ command D# M$)O/EN6ILE' !rom t%e 2ON6I,URE command A# V 1# 1ot% 6ILE'/ER'ET and M$)O/EN6ILE' control t%e le&el o! multiplexing during an RM$N bac up operation# V $ is 0rong because M$)O/EN6ILE' in t%e 2ON6I,URE command also controls t%e le&el W o! multiplexing, not Bust 6ILE'/ER'ET# 2 is 0rong because 6ILE'/ER'ET is not a &alid

option !or t%e 2ON6I,URE command and M$)O/EN6ILE' is not a &alid option !or t%e 1$23U/ command# D is 0rong because M$)O/EN6ILE' o! t%e 2ON6I,URE command is not t%e onl" parameter t%at controls t%e le&el o! multiplexing#

/onfigure RMA1 for Asynchronous #I, =) #dentify the types of ro"s in ?PBA/>U%8S91/8#, during an RMA1 backup operation) ./hoose a that app y)0 $# One ro0 !or eac% data!ile 1# One ro0 !or eac% tablespace 2# One ro0 !or eac% bac up piece D# One ro0 !or eac% c%annel E# One ro0 !or eac% input or output de&ice t"pe K# V $ and 2# T%e &ie0 ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO contains a ro0 !or eac% data!ile and a ro0 !or eac% bac up piece# In addition, ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO contains an aggregate ro0 !or all data!iles# V 1 is 0rong because t%e trac ing in ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO is at t%e data!ile le&el# D is 0rong W because indi&idual c%annels are not trac ed in ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO# E is 0rong because indi&idual de&ices are not trac ed in ;<1$23U/7'(N27IO#

@) 9ou can use ?PBA/>U%8AS91/8#, to monitor asynchronous RMA1 #I,) *hat co umn or co umns do you use to determine "hich fi e is the bott eneck during a backup$# $ large &alue !or LON,7W$IT' + IO72OUNT

1# $ large &alue !or LON,7W$IT' 2# $ large &alue !or IO72OUNT D# $ large &alue !or IO72OUNT + LON,7W$IT' ?# V $# T%e !ile 0it% t%e largest &alue !or t%e ratio o! LON,7W$IT' to IO72OUNT indicates t%at t%e !ile is t%e bottlenec # V 1 is 0rong because a large &alue !or LON,7W$IT' doesnFt b" itsel! indicate a bottlenec # W 'imilarl", 2 is 0rong because a large &alue !or IO72OUNT doesnFt b" itsel! indicate a bottlenec # D is 0rong because a small &alue !or IO72OUNT + LON,7W$IT' identi!ies a bottlenec , not a large &alue# A) 9ou set the initia i$ation parameter BA/>U%8TA%48#,8SLA?4S to TRU4) *hat effect does this have on the type of #I, that the server processes perform for RMA1 if you are using tape./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# I! L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE is set to a non*ero &alue, tape I+O is automaticall" s"nc%ronous# 1# I! L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE is set to a non*ero &alue, tape I+O is automaticall" as"nc%ronous# 2# Tape I+O is automaticall" s"nc%ronous# D# Tape I+O is automaticall" as"nc%ronous# D# V D# I! "ou set 1$23U/7T$/E7IO7'L$;E' to TRUE, tape I+O is automaticall" as"nc%ronous# V $ and 1 are 0rong because L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE %as no e!!ect on 0%et%er t%e I+O is W s"nc%ronous or as"nc%ronous# 2 is 0rong because tape I+O is s"nc%ronous i! 1$23U/7T$/E7

IO7'L$;E' is set to 6$L'E#

T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL EEE /,1&#'UR#1' A1D US#1' &LASFBA/> Restore Dropped Tab es from the Recyc e Bin 6las%bac Drop uses t%e rec"cle bin to reco&er dropped tables# T%e rec"cle bin is a data dictionar" table t%at eeps trac o! dropped obBects# (ou can restore t%e current or pre&ious &ersions o! dropped tables !rom t%e rec"cle bin# W%en "ou drop an obBect 0it% t%e rec"cle bin enabled, t%e space allocated to t%e dropped obBect and all associated obBects -suc% as indexes. is immediatel" re!lected in t%e data dictionar" &ie0 D1$76REE7'/$2E# W%en a table is dropped, t%e table and its dependent obBects are renamed to a s"stem-assigned name using t%e !ormat 1IN<uni5ue7id<&ersion# To 5uer" t%e rec"cle bin, "ou can use t%e data dictionar" &ie0 U'ER7 RE2(2LE1IN# RE2(2LE1IN is a global s"non"m !or U'ER7RE2(2LE1IN# T%e data dictionar" &ie0 U'ER7RE2(2LE1IN %as t%e same columns as D1$7 RE2(2LE1IN, except t%at U'ER7RE2(2LE1IN does not %a&e t%e OWNER column# To restore a table !rom t%e rec"cle bin, "ou use t%e 6L$'=1$23 T$1LE # # # TO 1E6ORE DRO/ command# I! "ou attempt to restore a table t%at %as been re-created since it 0as dropped, "ou 0ill recei&e an error unless "ou use t%e REN$ME TO clause to gi&e t%e restored table a ne0 name#

T%e space in t%e rec"cle bin, and b" extension t%e space in t%e tablespace containing t%e rec"cle bin, is managed automaticall" b" Oracle# $ll dropped obBects remain a&ailable !or reco&er" in t%e rec"cle bin as long as ne0 obBects donFt need t%e space occupied b" dropped obBects# (ou can use t%e /UR,E command to remo&e tables manuall" !rom t%e rec"cle bin# W%en an obBect resides in t%e rec"cle bin, "ou can still use a 'ELE2T statement to access t%e dropped table# T%e dropped table still appears in t%e data dictionar" &ie0s D1$7T$1LE', D1$7O1[E2T', and D1$7'E,MENT'# %erform & ashback ;uery 6las%bac 5uer" enables "ou to &ie0 one or more ro0s in a table at a time in t%e past# To ensure t%e success o! !las%bac operations or long-running 5ueries at t%e expense o! DML acti&it", "ou must speci!" RETENTION ,U$R$NTEE !or t%e undo tablespace# (ou can c%ec t%e retention status o! an undo tablespace b" 5uer"ing t%e data dictionar" &ie0 D1$7T$1LE'/$2E'# 6las%bac 8uer" uses t%e $' O6 clause to speci!" t%e pre&ious point in time as a timestamp or '2N# 6las%bac ;ersion 8uer", anot%er !las%bac !eature t%at relies on undo data, pro&ides a !iner le&el o! detail t%an an $' O6 5uer" -a 6las%bac 8uer". # $ 6las%bac ;ersion 8uer" uses t%e ;ER'ION' 1ETWEEN clause to speci!" a range o! '2Ns or timestamps !or anal"sis o! a gi&en table#

Use & ashback Transaction T%e data dictionar" &ie0 6L$'=1$237TR$N'$2TION78UER( %as all t%e in!ormation "ou need to identi!" t%e '8L re5uired to re&erse a transaction# 1e!ore "ou can use 6las%bac Transaction 8uer", "ou must enable additional logging to t%e redo log stream# T%is is t%e same data t%at Log Miner uses alt%oug% using a di!!erent inter!ace# (ou must grant permissions on t%e D1M'76L$'=1$23 pac age, as 0ell as t%e 'ELE2T $N( TR$N'$2TION pri&ilege to t%e users 0%o 0ill be using 6las%bac Transaction 8uer"# T%e UNDO7'8L column o! 6L$'=1$237TR$N'$2TION78UER( contains t%e actual '8L code t%at can be used to re&erse t%e e!!ect o! t%e transaction# Enterprise Manager -EM. pro&ides an eas"-to-use ,UI as t%e !ront end !or t%e procedure D1M'76L$'=1$23#TR$N'$2TION71$23OUT# T%e !our transaction bac out options are 2$'2$DE, NO2$'2$DE, NO2$'2$DE7 6OR2E, and NON2ON6LI2T7ONL(# %erform & ashback Tab e ,perations OracleFs 6las%bac Table !eature not onl" restores t%e state o! ro0s in a table as o! a point o! time in t%e past, but also restores t%e tableFs indexes, triggers, and constraints 0%ile t%e database is online# 6las%bac Table is pre!erable to ot%er !las%bac met%ods i! t%e scope o! user errors is small and limited to one or &er" !e0 tables# 6las%bac Table is per!ormed in place 0%ile t%e database is online, rolling bac c%anges to t%e table and all its dependent obBects, suc% as indexes# To per!orm 6las%bac Table, a user must %a&e t%e 6L$'=1$23 $N( T$1LE

pri&ilege or t%e 6L$'=1$23 obBect pri&ilege on a speci!ic table# To use 6las%bac Table on a table or tables, "ou must enable ro0 mo&ement on t%e table be!ore per!orming t%e 6las%bac operation, alt%oug% ro0 mo&ement need not be in e!!ect 0%en t%e user error occurs# 6las%bac Table operations cannot span DDL operations, suc% as adding or dropping a column#

Set Up and Use a & ashback Data Archive $ 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e retains %istorical data !or one or more tables !or a speci!ied retention period# To enable a 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e, "ou create one or more repositor" areas -one o! 0%ic% can be t%e de!ault., assign a de!ault retention period !or obBects in t%e repositor", and t%en mar t%e appropriate tables !or trac ing# $ 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e acts muc% li e an undo tablespace# =o0e&er, a 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e records onl" U/D$TE and DELETE statements but not IN'ERT statements# (ou can access data in a 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e Bust as "ou do 0it% 6las%bac 8uer" using t%e $' O6 clause in a 'ELE2T statement# (ou create one or se&eral 6las%bac Data $rc%i&es in existing tablespaces using t%e 2RE$TE 6L$'=1$23 $R2=I;E command# T%e data dictionar" &ie0s supporting 6las%bac Data $rc%i&es are D1$7 6L$'=1$237$R2=I;E and D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E7T'# T%e &ie0 D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E7T$1LE' trac s t%e tables enabled !or !las%bac arc%i&ing#

$ user must %a&e t%e 6L$'=1$23 $R2=I;E $DMINI'TER s"stem pri&ilege to create or modi!" 6las%bac Data $rc%i&es# (ou assign a table to an arc%i&e eit%er at table creation using t%e standard 2RE$TE T$1LE s"ntax 0it% t%e addition o! t%e 6L$'=1$23 $R2=I;E clause, or later 0it% t%e $LTER T$1LE command# /onfigure3 Monitor & ashback Database and %erform & ashback Database ,perations 6las%bac Database uses t%e 6L$'=1$23 D$T$1$'E command to return t%e database to a past time or '2N, pro&iding a !ast alternati&e to per!orming incomplete database reco&er"# W%en "ou enable 6las%bac Database, t%e be!ore images o! modi!ied bloc s are sa&ed in t%e !las% reco&er" area as 6las%bac Database logs# T%e logs in t%e !las% reco&er" area are reused in a circular !as%ion# 2on!iguring t%e si*e o! t%e !las% reco&er" area correctl" ensures t%at enoug% space is a&ailable !or 6las%bac Database logs in addition to all t%e ot%er in!ormation in t%e !las% reco&er" area# (ou set t%e initiali*ation parameter D176L$'=1$237RETENTION7T$R,ET to an upper limit -in minutes. !or "our usable reco&er" 0indo04 t%is is a target, not a guarantee# (ou can use t%e 6L$'=1$23 D$T$1$'E command !rom RM$N or !rom t%e '8LT prompt# (ou can use eit%er t%e TO '2N or TO TIME'T$M/ clause to set t%e point to 0%ic% t%e entire database s%ould be !las%ed bac , in addition to a guaranteed restore point# (ou can use t%e OR$7ROW'2N pseudocolumn !or a gi&en table ro0 to see t%e

'2Ns o! t%e most recent c%anges to a tableFs ro0# I! not enoug% data exists in t%e arc%i&e logs and t%e !las%bac area, "ou 0ill need to use traditional database reco&er" met%ods to reco&er t%e data# To turn o!! t%e !las%bac database option, execute t%e $LTER D$T$1$'E 6L$'=1$23 O66 command 0%en t%e database is mounted but not open# 1" de!ault, all tablespaces 0ill participate in a 6las%bac Database operation unless "ou c%ange t%e 6L$'=1$23 attribute to O66 at t%e time t%e tablespace is created, or later using t%e $LTER T$1LE'/$2E command# $ guaranteed restore point is similar to a regular restore point in t%at it can be used as an alias !or an '2N during a reco&er" operation# $ guaranteed restore point is di!!erent in t%at it is not aged out o! t%e control !ile and must be explicitl" dropped# 2reating a guaranteed restore point 0%en "ou %a&e !las%bac logging enabled ensures t%at !las%bac logs are retained in t%e !las% reco&er" area so t%at t%e database can be rolled bac to an" point a!ter t%e creation o! t%e guaranteed restore point# (ou can determine %o0 !ar bac "ou can !las%bac t%e database b" 5uer"ing t%e ;<6L$'=1$237D$T$1$'E7LO, &ie0# (ou can use t%e &ie0 ;<6L$'=1$237D$T$1$'E7'T$T to monitor t%e rate at 0%ic% !las%bac data is generated on an %our-b"-%our basis# S4L& T4ST Restore Dropped Tab es from the Recyc e Bin () *hich of the fo o"ing statements is true about the recyc e bin$# W%en "ou drop an obBect, t%e space allocated b" t%e obBect is not immediatel" re!lected

in D1$76REE7'/$2E and counts against t%e userFs 5uota# 1# W%en "ou drop an obBect, t%e space allocated b" t%e obBect is immediatel" re!lected in D1$76REE7'/$2E and does not count against t%e userFs 5uota# 2# W%en "ou drop an obBect, t%e space allocated b" t%e obBect is immediatel" re!lected in D1$76REE7'/$2E but still counts against t%e userFs 5uota# D# W%en "ou drop an obBect, t%e space allocated b" t%e obBect is not immediatel" re!lected in D1$76REE7'/$2E and does not count against t%e userFs 5uota# 2# $ dropped obBectFs space is immediatel" re!lected in D1$76REE7'/$2E but still counts against t%e userFs 5uota until it is purged !rom t%e rec"cle bin# V $, 1, and D are incorrect# $ll t%ree re!lect incorrect statements about !ree space management and 5uota management !or obBects in t%e rec"cle bin# 5) The co umn /A18U1DR,% is set to 94S for an obCect in the vie" DBA8R4/9/L4B#1) *hich of the fo o"ing is true for this obCect- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# T%e obBect is a table# 1# T%e obBect can be undropped b" t%e user 0%o o0ns t%e obBect# 2# T%e obBect can be undropped onl" b" a user 0it% D1$ pri&ileges# D# T%e obBect does not %a&e an" dependent obBects in t%e rec"cle bin# E# No existing obBect 0it% t%e same name exists outside o! t%e rec"cle bin# $ and 1# Table obBects in t%e rec"cle bin can be undropped, and t%e" can be undropped b" t%e original o0ner or a user 0it% D1$ pri&ileges#

V 2 is 0rong because an obBect in t%e rec"cle bin can be undropped b" t%e o0ner or a user 0it% D1$ pri&ileges4 t%e &ie0 D1$7RE2(2LE1IN %as an OWNER column to indicate 0%ic% user dropped t%e obBect# D is 0rong because a table in t%e rec"cle bin ma" or ma" not %a&e dependent obBects in t%e rec"cle bin# E is 0rong because t%ere ma" or ma" not be an obBect 0it% t%e same original name as an obBect in t%e rec"cle bin#

%erform & ashback ;uery 6) *hich of the fo o"ing parameters direct y affect the behavior and proper functioning of & ashback Tab e- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T 1# UNDO7M$N$,EMENT 2# D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE D# UNDO7T$1LE'/$2E E# UNDO7RETENTION 1, D, and E# 6or 6las%bac 8uer", 6las%bac Table, 6las%bac Transaction 8uer", and 6las%bac ;ersion 8uer", "ou must %a&e automatic undo management con!igured, an undo tablespace de!ined, and an undo retention &alue to speci!" %o0 long undo data is retained in t%e undo tablespace# V $ and 2 are 0rong# T%e parameters D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T and D17RE2O;ER(7 6ILE7DE'T7'IIE are used to con!igure 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e retention, but not 6las%bac 8uer"#

D) *hen using the ?4RS#,1S B4T*441 c ause for & ashback ?ersion ;uery3 "hat canJt you use to restrict the number of ro"s returned by the +uery$# $ timestamp 1# $n '2N 2# $ W=ERE clause on an" column in t%e table D# $ guaranteed restore point D# ,uaranteed restore points are used onl" in reco&er" scenarios suc% as 6las%bac Database# V $, 1, and 2 can be used and are t%ere!ore 0rong# (ou can restrict t%e results o! a 6las%bac ;ersion 8uer" b" '2N or timestamp# (ou can !urt%er !ilter t%e ro0s b" using a W=ERE clause on t%e table columns#

Use & ashback Transaction 7) *hich of the fo o"ing co umns is not in the data dictionary vie" &LASFBA/>8TRA1SA/T#,18 ;U4R9$# UNDO7'8L 1# )ID 2# O/ER$TION D# OR$7ROW'2N D# OR$7ROW'2N is a pseudocolumn t%at is a&ailable !or all tables and contains t%e last '2N t%at modi!ied or created t%e ro0# V $, 1, and 2 are 0rong# UNDO7'8L is t%e '8L "ou can use to re&erse t%e c%ange to t%e ro0,

)ID is t%e transaction ID, and O/ER$TION is t%e DML operation per!ormed#

:) *hat happens to the ro"s in &LASFBA/>8TRA1SA/T#,18;U4R9 "hen part of the transaction is no onger avai ab e in the undo tab espace$# T%e user ID number replaces t%e user name in t%e LO,ON7U'ER column# 1# T%e O/ER$TION column contains t%e &alue UN3NOWN# 2# T%e obBect number replaces t%e table name in t%e T$1LE7N$ME column# D# T%e O/ER$TION column contains t%e &alue UN$;$IL$1LE# E# $ll ro0s !or t%e transaction are no longer a&ailable in 6L$'=1$237TR$N'$2TION78UER(# 1# T%e O/ER$TION column in 6L$'=1$237TR$N'$2TION78UER( contains UN3NOWN !or data no longer in t%e undo tablespace# V $ is 0rong because t%e user ID replaces t%e user name in t%e LO,ON7U'ER column 0%en t%e user no longer exists# 2 is 0rong because t%e obBect number replaces t%e table name in t%e T$1LE7N$ME column 0%en t%e table no longer exists# D is 0rong because t%e O/ER$TION column contains UN3NOWN, not UN$;$IL$1LE, 0%en t%e in!ormation is no longer a&ailable in t%e undo tablespace# E is 0rong because part o! a transaction mig%t still be a&ailable in t%e undo tablespace#

%erform & ashback Tab e ,perations =) *hat methods can you use in the AS ,& c ause of a & ashback Tab e operation to specify the time in the past to "hich you "ant to recover the tab e- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# $ timestamp

1# $ !ilter condition in t%e W=ERE clause 2# $n '2N D# $ restore point E# $ guaranteed restore point $, 2, D, and E# (ou can use t%e $' O6 clause 0it% t%e TIME'T$M/ or '2N 5uali!ier to speci!" a time to 0%ic% "ou 0ant to reco&er t%e table# In addition, "ou can speci!" a restore point or a guaranteed restore point !or 6las%bac Table# ,uaranteed restore points are also use!ul in 6las%bac Database operations to ensure t%at !las%bac logs are maintained in t%e !las% reco&er" area at least a !ar bac as t%e earliest guaranteed restore point# Q1 is 0rong because "ou cannot use a W=ERE clause to speci!" t%e time in t%e past !or t%e 6L$'=1$23 T$1LE operation# @) 9ou create the tab e ?A/8S/F4D on Monday "ith a primary key inde!; the S/1 right after tab e creation "as 7:@B(56) ,n *ednesday3 you drop the inde!) ,n Thursday3 you accidenta y de ete most of the ro"s in the database) ,n &riday3 you e!ecute this command2 S;L< &LASFBA/> TABL4 ?A/8S/F4D T, S/1 7:@B(56; 9ou have set guaranteed undo retention to ( "eek) *hat is the resu t of running this command$# T%e table is reco&ered to '2N JA?C:>@ 0it%out t%e index# 1# T%e table is reco&ered using t%e data in t%e undo tablespace and t%e index is re-created using t%e dropped index in t%e rec"cle bin# 2# T%e table is reco&ered and all ro0s deleted on T%ursda" are restoring using arc%i&ed and online redo log !iles# D# T%e command !ails because 6L$'=1$23 T$1LE cannot reco&er a table be!ore a c%ange

to a dependent obBect# ansG $# T%e table is reco&ered to its original state rig%t a!ter creation 0it% no ro0s and 0it%out t%e index# V 1 is 0rong because 6L$'=1$23 T$1LE does not le&erage t%e rec"cle bin# 2 is 0rong because t%e table is reco&ered as o! t%e '2N, but not rolled !or0ard# D is 0rong because a dropped index does not a!!ect t%e reco&erabilit" o! a table4 %o0e&er, a c%ange to t%e structure o! t%e table itsel! pre&ents a !las%bac operation to be!ore t%e DDL c%ange to t%e table#

Set Up and Use a & ashback Data Archive A) #dentify the true statement about & ashback Data Archives) $# (ou can speci!" more t%an one de!ault 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e# 1# I! "ou do not speci!" a RETENTION clause !or a 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e, "ou must speci!" it 0%en assigning a table to t%e 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e# 2# T%e 8UOT$ parameter is re5uired 0%en creating a 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e to limit t%e amount o! space used in t%e tablespace# D# $ 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e can exist in multiple tablespaces including undo tablespaces and temporar" tablespaces# ansG 1# (ou must eit%er speci!" a de!ault retention period !or t%e 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e itsel! or speci!" a retention period 0%en adding t%e table to t%e arc%i&e# V $ is 0rong because "ou can %a&e se&eral 6las%bac Data $rc%i&es# 2 is 0rong because t%e 8UOT$ parameter is needed onl" i! "ou 0ant to limit t%e amount o! space used b" t%e

6las%bac Data $rc%i&e in t%e tablespace4 ot%er0ise it can gro0 to use all a&ailable space in t%e tablespace# D is 0rong because "ou can create 6las%bac Data $rc%i&es onl" in permanent, non-undo tablespaces# (B) *hich of the fo o"ing data dictionary vie"s contains a ist of the tab es using a & ashback Data Archive$# D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E7T$1LE' 1# D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E 2# D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E7T' D# D1$76L$'=1$237D$T$7$R2=I;E7T$1LE' A1S2 A) D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E7T$1LE' contains a list o! tables currentl" using a 6las%bac Data $rc%i&e# S B is "rong because D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E contains a list o! t%e arc%i&es, but not t%e tables 0it%in# / is "rong because D1$76L$'=1$237$R2=I;E7T' contains t%e arc%i&e to tablespace mapping# D is "rong because D1$76L$'=1$237D$T$7$R2=I;E7T$1LE' is not a &alid data dictionar" &ie0#

/onfigure3 Monitor & ashback Database and %erform & ashback Database ,perations (() *hich of the fo o"ing initia i$ation parameters is not re+uired to configure & ashback Database operations$# D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE 1# UNDO7RETENTION

2# D176L$'=1$237RETENTION7T$R,ET D# D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T A1S2 B) T%e initiali*ation parameter UNDO7RETENTION is re5uired !or ot%er 6las%bac !eatures, but not !or 6las%bac Database# S A3 /3 and D are "rong# T%e parameters D17RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T7'IIE and D17 RE2O;ER(76ILE7DE'T are re5uired to de!ine t%e location and si*e o! t%e 6las% Reco&er" area, and D176L$'=1$237RETENTION7T$R,ET is needed to de!ine a desired upper limit !or t%e 6las%bac Database reco&er" 0indo0# (5) *hat is the difference bet"een a regu ar restore point and a guaranteed restore point./hoose a that app y)0 $# $ regular restore point does not re5uire t%at a !las% reco&er" area be con!igured# 1# $ guaranteed restore point can be used onl" 0it% 6las%bac Database# 2# $ guaranteed restore point cannot be dropped# D# $ guaranteed restore point 0ill ne&er be aged out o! t%e control !ile# E# (ou must %a&e !las%bac logging enabled to use guaranteed restore points# A1S2 A and D) $ regular restore point does not re5uire a !las% reco&er" area, and it can be aged out o! t%e control !ile4 a guaranteed restore point 0ill ne&er be aged out o! t%e control !ile unless it is explicitl" dropped# S B is "rong because a guaranteed restore point can be re!erenced !or ot%er !las%bac !eatures, not Bust 6las%bac Database# / is "rong because "ou can explicitl" drop an" t"pe o! restore point# 4 is "rong because "ou can de!ine guaranteed restore points 0it%out !las%bac logging enabled4 %o0e&er, "ou must still %a&e a !las% reco&er" area enabled#

T*,EM#1UT4 DR#LL EEEE M4M,R9 MA1A'4M41T T4/F1#;U4S #mp ement Automatic Memory Management T%e '"stem ,lobal $rea -',$. is s%ared b" all ser&er and bac ground processes# T%e /rogram ,lobal $rea -/,$. is pri&ate to eac% ser&er and bac ground process unless "ou are using s%ared ser&ers !or user session connections# T%e so!t0are code area contains t%e Oracle executable !iles t%at run as part o! an Oracle instance# (ou con!igure $MM b" setting t%e parameter MEMOR(7T$R,ET# MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET is an upper bound !or MEMOR(7T$R,ET# T%e !ormer is not a d"namic parameter# W%en MEMOR(7T$R,ET is set and bot% ',$7T$R,ET and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7 T$R,ET are set, t%en ',$7T$R,ET and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET are used as minimum &alues# W%en MEMOR(7T$R,ET is set and neit%er ',$7T$R,ET nor /,$7$,,RE,$TE7 T$R,ET are set, t%en ',$7T$R,ET is set to AC percent and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7 T$R,ET is set to EC percent#

Manua y /onfigure S'A %arameters (ou can set MEMOR(7T$R,ET to *ero and ',$7T$R,ET to a non*ero &alue to exercise more control o&er ',$ memor"# $dBustments to automaticall" tuned ',$ parameters are sa&ed across instance restarts# $'MM uses t%e MM$N bac ground process to coordinate c%anges in memor" si*e# T%e !i&e auto-tuned $'MM initiali*ation parameters are '=$RED7/OOL7 'IIE, L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE, [$;$7/OOL7'IIE, D172$2=E7'IIE, and 'TRE$M'7/OOL7'IIE# T%e manuall" tuned $'MM initiali*ation parameters are D173EE/72$2=E7 'IIE, D17RE2(2LE72$2=E7'IIE, D17n372$2=E7'IIE, and LO,71U66ER# (ou can easil" disable $'MM b" setting ',$7T$R,ET to *ero, but t%en t%e current auto-tuned $'MM initiali*ation parameters are set to t%eir current &alues# T%e static parameter ',$7M$)7'IIE is t%e upper limit !or t%e &alue o! ',$7T$R,ET# /onfigure Automatic %'A Memory Management T%e parameter /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET sets an upper limit !or memor" used b" all ser&er and bac ground processes and enables auto-tuning o! /,$ memor"# /,$ memor" areas include pri&ate '8L areas, named cursors, 0or areas !or sorting operations, and session-speci!ic memor" &ariables# 6or OLT/ s"stems, /,$ memor" can be as lo0 as >C percent o! t%e memor"

allocated !or Oracle# 6or D'' s"stems, /,$ memor" can be as %ig% as KC percent o! t%e memor" allocated !or Oracle# T%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;</,$'T$T contains a complete o&er&ie0 o! /,$ memor" usage since instance startup# T%e columns /,$7U'ED7MEM, /,$7$LLO27MEM, and /,$7M$)7MEM in t%e d"namic per!ormance &ie0 ;</RO2E'' detail t%e /,$ memor" usage !or an indi&idual process#

S4L& T4ST #mp ement Automatic Memory Management () #dentify the true statement about Automatic Memory Management .AMM0) $# MEMOR(7T$R,ET must be less t%an MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET, and MEMOR(7T$R,ET is a d"namic parameter# 1# MEMOR(7T$R,ET enables $MM, and it is a static parameter# 2# MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET enables $MM, and it is a static parameter# D# MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET enables $MM, and it is a d"namic parameter# A1S2 D# MEMOR(7T$R,ET enables $MM4 it is a d"namic parameter and cannot be more t%an MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET# S A3 B3 and / are incorrect) 5) 9ou set your initia i$ation parameters as fo o"s2 M4M,R98MAO8TAR'4T G (' M4M,R98TAR'4T G =7BM

S'A8TAR'4T G 6BBM %'A8A''R4'AT48TAR'4T G 5BBM Fo" does the va ue of M4M,R98TAR'4T vary in this instance$# MEMOR(7T$R,ET ranges !rom JCCM to KJCM# 1# MEMOR(7T$R,ET ranges !rom JCCM to :,# 2# MEMOR(7T$R,ET ranges !rom @CCM to :,# D# MEMOR(7T$R,ET ranges !rom @CCM to KJCM# E# (ou cannot set ',$7T$R,ET and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET 0%en "ou set MEMOR(7T$R,ET A1S2 B) W%en "ou set MEMOR(7T$R,ET, ',$7T$R,ET, and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET, t%en ',$7T$R,ET and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET are minimum &alues !or t%e ',$ and /,$]and MEMOR(7T$R,ET can range !rom t%e sum o! ',$7T$R,ET 9 /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET to MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET# S A is "rong because MEMOR(7T$R,ET can be increased up to MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET 0%ile t%e instance is running# / is "rong because t%e sum o! ',$7T$R,ET 9 /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET is a starting &alue !or MEMOR(7T$R,ET# D is "rong because t%e sum o! ',$7T$R,ET 9 /,$7 $,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET is a starting &alue !or MEMOR(7T$R,ET, and MEMOR(7T$R,ET can be set as %ig% as t%e &alue o! MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET# 4 is "rong because "ou can set ',$7T$R,ET and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET as minimum &alues in conBunction 0it% MEMOR(7T$R,ET#

6) 9ou set your initia i$ation parameters as fo o"s2 M4M,R98TAR'4T G =7BM S'A8TAR'4T G 6BBM 9ou do not set %'A8A''R4'AT48TAR'4T) Fo" do the va ues of S'A8TAR'4T and %'A8 A''R4'AT48TAR'4T vary in the running instance$# 1ot% parameters are auto-tuned, but /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET starts out at MEMOR(7 T$R,ET H ',$7T$R,ET#

1# Onl" ',$7T$R,ET is auto-tuned, and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET is !ixed at MEMOR(7 T$R,ET H ',$7T$R,ET# 2# 1ot% parameters are auto-tuned, but /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET starts out at EC percent o! a&ailable memor" b" de!ault# D# ',$7T$R,ET is !ixed at @CCM, and /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET starts out at MEMOR(7 T$R,ET H ',$7T$R,ET# A1S2A) ',$7T$R,ET starts out 0it% a minimum &alue o! @CCM, /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET starts out at MEMOR(7T$R,ET H ',$7T$R,ET, and bot% parameters are auto-tuned# S B is "rong because bot% parameters are auto-tuned 0%en MEMOR(7T$R,ET is set# / is "rong because /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET starts out at MEMOR(7T$R,ET H ',$7T$R,ET# D is "rong because ',$7T$R,ET %as a minimum &alue o! @CCM#

Manua y /onfigure S'A %arameters D) *hich of the fo o"ing initia i$ation parameters contro Automatic Shared Memory Management .ASSM0$# ',$7M$)7'IIE 1# MEMOR(7T$R,ET 2# MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET D# ',$7T$R,ET E# ',$7M$)7T$R,ET A1S2D) (ou set ',$7T$R,ET to enable $''M, and "ou can still control t%e minimum &alues !or auto-tuned parameters controlled b" ',$7T$R,ET#

S A is "rong because ',$7M$)7'IIE is t%e upper limit !or t%e d"namic parameter ',$7 T$R,ET# B is "rong because MEMOR(7T$R,ET controls $MM, not $'MM# / is "rong because MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET is t%e upper limit !or t%e &alue o! MEMOR(7T$R,ET# 4 is "rong because t%ere is no suc% parameter ',$7M$)7T$R,ET# 7) *hich of the fo o"ing parameters can you set to $ero to ma!imi$e the autoEtuning capabi ities of ASMM- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# LO,71U66ER 1# 'TRE$M'7/OOL7'IIE 2# D172$2=E7'IIE D# '=$RED7/OOL7'IIE E# D17?372$2=E7'IIE A1S2B3 /3 and D) In addition to 'TRE$M'7/OOL7'IIE, D172$2=E7'IIE, and '=$RED7/OOL7 'IIE, $''M auto-tunes L$R,E7/OOL7'IIE and [$;$7/OOL7'IIE# S A and 4 are "rong) LO,71U66ER and all D17n372$2=E7'IIE parameters are not auto-tuned b" $''M#

:) 9ou "ant to s"itch from AMM to ASMM) *hat is the correct statement you need to run./hoose the best ans"er)0 $# alter s"stem set memor"7max7target L C4 1# alter s"stem set memor"7target L C4 2# alter s"stem set sga7target L JCCm4 D# alter s"stem set sga7max7si*e L KJCm4 A1S2B) W%en "ou set MEMOR(7T$R,ET to *ero, Oracle automaticall" sets ',$7T$R,ET based

on current ',$ memor" usage and enables $'MM# S A is "rong because MEMOR(7M$)7T$R,ET is not a d"namic parameter and does not disable $MM# / is "rong because setting ',$7T$R,ET 0%ile $MM is enabled onl" sets a minimum &alue !or t%e ',$ 0%ile $MM is enabled# D is "rong because ',$7M$)7'IIE onl" sets a maximum &alue !or ',$7T$R,ET and does not disable $MM#

/onfigure Automatic %'A Memory Management =) 9our instance is configured for shared servers) *hich of the fo o"ing memory areas reside in private %'A memory- ./hoose a that app y)0 $# 'ession bind in!ormation 1# 'ession memor" 2# Log bu!!ers D# O2I named cursors E# 1itmap Boin 0or areas A1S2A3 D3 and 4) 1ind in!ormation, run-time memor" structures, named cursors, and 0or areas are al0a"s in /,$ memor"# S B and / are "rong) 'ession memor" is in t%e /,$ onl" in a dedicated ser&er con!iguration# Log bu!!ers are al0a"s in t%e ',$# @) 9our serverJs physica memory is @'B and no other app ications or ,rac e instances are running on the server) &or a ne" ,rac e instance running a decision support system3 "hat is a good starting point for setting %'A8A''R4'AT48TAR'4T$# @#>,1 1# :#A,1

2# E#E?,1 D# A#E,1 A1S2A) Oracle memor" is t"picall" ?C percent o! t%e ser&er memor", 0it% JC percent o! t%e remaining memor" as a good starting point !or /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET in a D'' s"stem# T%ere!ore, /,$7$,,RE,$TE7T$R,ET L C#JC ^ -?,1 ^ C#?C. L @#>,1# S B3 /3 and D are "rong because t%ese are all incorrect starting points !or /,$7$,,RE,$TE7 T$R,ET# 6or OLT/ s"stems, /,$ can be as lo0 as >C percent, but not !or D'' applications# E&en !or D'' applications, /,$ can be as %ig% as KC percent but s%ould start out at JC percent o! memor" a&ailable to Oracle#

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