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Acupressure Points for Weight Loss

One of the most effective acupressure points for losing weight is at the ear. This is where you can find the acupressure point that regulates a persons appetite. If you apply the right amount of pressure to this area, you will soon be able to control your craving for food and avoid the temptation of overeating. The technique for applying pressure here is by positioning your hands beside your ear, with your fingers touching your jaw line. As you open your mouth, you will notice a slight bump between the ear and the jaw, and this is where you should apply constant pressure. You can also stimulate weight loss by pressing on an area right above your ankle, which is also known as the spleen 6. The exact location of this acupressure point is about 3 inches above the ankle and beside the leg bone. Press on the fleshy area towards the rear of your leg and you will soon observe a reduction in your craving to overeat. It is best to use your thumb for this, applying continuous pressure for about a minute or so. The stomach 36 acupressure point is another excellent area to help you tackle your weight issues. This point is located by going down about three and a half inches below the kneecap and about an inch towards the outside of your leg. To test whether you have found the correct point, try bending your feet back and forth and you should feel the muscle move beneath your finger. Apply the same kind of pressure to this area for 60 seconds. This will improve your blood flow and boost your digestive system, as well as boost your chi or energy flow. After pressing on the stomach 36 point, you can then slide your finger to the opposite side of your shin bone towards the inside of your leg. Move it closer to the knee and try to find a slight hollow area. This is the point that regulates the water flow and retention throughout your body. Again, put steady pressure here for about a minute. If you do your research, you will discover that there are many more acupressure points all over your body that you can stimulate to help you lose weight and be healthier. Compared to all the other weight loss solutions out there, the use of acupressure is by far the least invasive and the easiest to do, yet it is definitely one of the most effective treatments, and millions of satisfied individuals would agree.


Average weight loss with Presspoint is 6-8 pounds (3-4 kg) each month, depending on the user's meta olic rate!

"henever #ou $eel the desire $or $ood, simpl# press the tin# all patch on the ear acupoints $or a out %& seconds! 't stimulates #our rain's satiet# signal so #our $eeling o$ hunger goes awa# immediatel#! 't also helps reduce stress, an(iet# or tension! "ith PressPoint, controlling the overeating impulse is ver# eas# and #ou lose weight slowl# ut steadil#! )arring Acupressure is a ver# natural and health# wa# to lose weight and will help #ou maintain #our ideal weight!

Technique to Subside the Hunger

*his one o$ the weight loss tips will help #ou to su side the hunger, which is getting out o$ depression! *r# massaging the point +ust elow the root o$ the nail on the little $inger o$ #our le$t hand i$ #ou are a out to inge ecause #ou are depressed! ,tart on the ring-$inger side o$ the little $inger and massage with #our right hand toward the outside o$ the little $or %& seconds! -assage the point two-$inger widths elow the knuckle at the ase o$ the inde( $inger and hal$ a $inger width toward the thum i$ #our appetite increases due to stress! -assage the point on oth hands with #our thum ! *his one o$ the weight loss tips can help #ou a lot in reducing #our hunger! -assage the point hal$wa# etween #our navel and reast one in a circular motion $or %& seconds with #our thum i$ #ou get a hollow, hungr# $eeling at the pit o$ #our stomach! *he hunger pangs should su side right wa# with this particular one o$ the weight loss tips!

Working Of Acupressure
-idwa# etween #our upper lip and the nose, the ke# pressure point $or dulling appetite lies! .e$ore each meal, place thum inside lip and inde( $inger outside lip and massage %& seconds moderatel#! -assage the pressure point up and down!

Some Useful Weight Loss Tips

*here are man# $olks o$$ering weight loss tips, and some will work, ut not all will work $or #ou, and this is wh# it is so signi$icant to consult with #our doctor $irst, so that #ou can have help in deciding on what the est plan is $or #ou! *he most relia le theme among the general weight loss tips given is that most diets do not work $or long term weight loss! *he# ma# do well $or the short term o$ things, ut $or a li$elong control o$ a person/s weight, a diet must e a li$est#le, and not a $ad! )at right and e(ercises regularl# and also remem er that most calories are the same0 a hundred calories in a small dish o$ ice cream is the same as a hundred calories in low calorie cookies! -an# people are constantl# on a diet and $or most o$ the time, a$ter a certain period o$ time most o$ the weight comes ack! 1n the other hand, those who take their weight seriousl# and who change their eating and e(ercise ha its are those who will $ind themselves on a continuing wave o$ weight loss! 2osing weight is actuall# prett# simple3 eat less calories than #ou urn! *his translates into est weight loss tip #ou can asicall# ever een given, as it is the telling o$ the most asic $act in regards to weight loss!

4ou should also let #our $amil# know that #ou are tr#ing to lose weight and ask $or their support! As well, a$ter letting them know, #ou pro a l# will not e as willing to $ail at #our attempt!

Goal Setting
4ou can even ask them $or their own weight loss tips and get their aid in helping #ou with #our goal! *hat/s another one o$ the important weight loss tips0 goal setting! '$ #ou have ever heard someone sa# the# are taking a # steps, there is most de$initel# a particular reason $or it! ,etting a goal too high, $or instance, usuall# leads to $ailure and disillusionment! 5ealistic goal setting does work i$ #ou set them one stage at a time! .# setting short-term, attaina le goals #ou are more likel# to e success$ul and more willing in the sacri$ices #ou/re making to keep going on #our weight loss plan! 4ou ma# think that #our $ellow dieter lost 6& pounds in a month and so #ou should e a le to as well, ut one o$ the other most weight loss tips to remem er is that #ou should never compare #oursel$ to an#one else, especiall# in regards to the matter o$ dieting and weight loss! "orr# a out #oursel$, and #our own methods and goals, and this is what is trul# important!

How To Do Reflexology Foot Massage

*here are two asic wa#s3 1. !o"#lete foot a$% a$&le '() with special attention paid to an# sore or tender points $ound! *his kind o$ $oot massage comprises numerous techni7ues and is a complete therap# in itsel$! 't can take up to 6& minutes per session and is est done # a trained re$le(ologist or massage therapist! *. Massag+$g of s#e!+f+! #'ess('e #o+$ts o$ly, according to their therapeutic properties! *his t#pe can also e used as a stand alone therap# or incorporated into #our regular e(ercise program, taking $rom 8-%& minutes per session! 't can easil# e done # #oursel$! *his is the method -atthew ,cott uses in his holistic e(ercise routine and the one the rest o$ this page $ocuses on!

Massag+$g of s#e!+f+! a!(#'ess('e #o+$ts o$ yo(' feet

Te!,$+-(e3 P'ess . /$ea% (one o$ the main $oot massage techni7ues, using #our thum s) How 1. ,it on a $irm ut com$orta le chair, or on the edge o$ #our ed! 2i$t one $oot and rest it on the knee o$ the other leg so that #ou can see the ottom o$ #our $oot! 9ote3 *he image on the right has een rotated verticall# $or eas# viewing! :eep #our ack as straight as #ou can, i!e! tr# not to slouch over #our $oot! *. ;sing #our Acupressure <oot =hart as a guide, lo!ate a #o+$t that #ou want to massage! Fo' exa"#le3 *he point shown a ove right is known in traditional =hinese medicine as 4ong >uan, or :idne# % (and sometimes the adrenal re$le(olog# point)! 't's the $irst point on the kidne# energ# meridian and massaging it has a calming e$$ect on the od#! ;se the tip o$ #our thum to press and knead the point $airl# deepl# ( ut not so that it causes e(cessive pain)$or %-6 minutes! '$ #our thum gets sore, rest it $or a moment then continue! 5epeat on the other $oot, using the other thum ! -assage this point when #ou need to rela(, or +ust e$ore ed to help #ou sleep! 0. 5epeat step 6 with an# other point(s) #ou wish to massage! =hoose, sa#, 3-4 points, massagethem on one $oot, then do the other $oot! -assaging o$ speci$ic pressure points or areas can e done dail#! Acupressure points do adapt to stimulation though, so a$ter %&da#s, stop $or 3-4 da#s, or choose new points to massage!

Note3 "hile pressing and kneading is +ust one o$ man# =hinese $oot massage techni7ues, with this techni7ue onl# #ou can give #oursel$ a highl# ene$icial $oot massage!

!(#'ess('e fo'

$x+ety . St'ess

Po+$t 1 <ind the skin crease that runs right across #our wrist at the ase o$ #our hand! ;se the width o$ #our thum , i!e! the width o$ the knuckle nearest the nail, as a measuring tool! -easure two thum widths up $rom the skin crease, towards #our el ow! *he point is etween the two main tendons running along #our inner $orearm! T+#3 =lench a $ist to make the tendons stick out, then measure two thum widths up $rom the skin crease to $ind the point! 5ela( #our hand when pressing the point! Press with #our thum nail until #ou $eel a com$orta le pain! ?old the pressure while #ou knead the point with ver# small circular movements $or a out % minute! 5epeat on the other arm! Press oth points 6-3 times a da# and whenever #ou $eel stress, tension, an(iet#, etc! 1e$ef+ts @ =alms #our mind @ 5ela(es #ou @ 5egulates #our heart eat @ ,timulates circulation @ Also used $or insomnia, vomiting, stomachache, palpitations

Po+$t *

*his point lies 19 the wrist crease that #ou used to locate Point %, a ove! 't's almost at the end o$ the crease, +ust inside the edge o$ the wrist one! ;se #our thum nail to press the point until #ou $eel a com$orta le pain! ?old the pressure while #ou knead the point in ver# small circular movements $or a out % minute! 5epeat on the other wrist! Press oth points 6-3 times a da# and whenever #ou $eel stress, tension, an(iet#, etc! 1e$ef+ts @ =alms #our mind @ 5ela(es #ou @ Also $or insomnia, palpitations, poor memor#, emotional upset

Po+$t 0 ,it on a $irm ut com$orta le chair, or on the edge o$ #our ed! 2i$t one $oot and rest it on the knee o$ the other leg so that #ou can see the ottom o$ #our $oot! '$ #ou divide the length o$ #our sole, etween the ase o$ #our toes and #our heel, into thirds, the point is $ound at the +unction o$ the $irst and middle thirds! ;se the tip o$ #our thum to press the point deepl# $or %-6 minutes! '$ #our thum gets sore, rest it $or a moment then continue! Press hard enough to cause a com$orta le pain! 5epeat on the other $oot, using the other thum ! -assage oth points an#time #ou want to rela( and at night e$ore ed to help #ou sleep! *o locate other re$le(olog# $or an(iet# points on #our $eet, use this !olo' 'eflexology foot !,a't . !!o'%+$g to t'a%+t+o$al C,+$ese "e%+!al t,eo'y2 e"ot+o$al st'ess a$% a$x+ety #a't+!(la'ly +$3ol3es t,e &+%$eys2 ,ea't2 l+3e' a$% s#lee$. Massag+$g t,ese #o+$ts o$ yo(' feet +s t,e'efo'e 'e!o""e$%e%.


$x+ety a$% Ea' Reflexology

Ea' R())+$g *he ears (+ust like the $eet) contain re$le(olog# areas and points corresponding to ma+or od# parts and areas! =onse7uentl#, ru ing #our ears is highl# therapeutic and rela(ing! ,it somewhere 7uiet and com$orta le! :eep #our ack straight! ;se #our thum s and the outside edge o$ #our inde( $ingers to ru and gentl# pull #our ears $rom the top to ottom! )ar ru ing can e done $or %-6 minutes, 6-3 times a da#!

4ou can also use the tips o$ #our inde( $ingers to ru the inside sur$ace o$ oth ears! ,tart at the ear opening and work #our wa# to the outside edge! .e sure to ru A22 the curves and $olds o$ each ear, including ehind #our ears! Ao this $or %-6 minutes per ear! 1e$ef+ts =alms B rela(es #ou ?elps #ou sleep when done e$ore ed

To e$,a$!e these acupressure and re$le(olog# $or an(iet# techni7ues, it is highl# recommended that #ou also do reathing e(ercises ever# da#! ,low, deep reathing plus acupressure and re$le(olog# com ine to $orm a highl# e$$ective sel$ therap# $or emotional stress, tension, an(iet# and nervousness! I$ a%%+t+o$ to acupressure and re$le(olog# $or an(iet# and stress, #ou can massage pressure points on #our $ace to help relieve stress related pro lems like headache, sore e#es and insomnia! <urthermore, as chronic muscle tension, particularl# in the upper ack and neck, is also a related pro lem, doing stretching e(ercises like the .ack *wist and the <orward .ackward .end e$orehand, also enhances acupressure and re$le(olog# $or an(iet# and stress!

F'ee Fa!e Exe'!+ses4

!(#'ess('e . Fa!e Massage

*here are doCens o$ acupressure points on the $ace, and man# massage techni7ues! ?owever, all yo( $ee% to get started is the $ive common acupressure points and two massage techni7ues illustrated elow! How to %o fa!e a!(#'ess('e

1. 2ocate the points with #our inde( $ingers! *. Dentl# press them until #ou $eel no more than a com$orta le pain! 0. ?old the pressure while #ou knead the points with ver# small circular movements! 5. .reathe slowl# and deepl# and $ocus #our mind on the points as #ou massage them! 6. -assage each point $or %-6 minutes several times a da#!

Po+$t 1. (known as Eingming in =hinese) 2ocated on the inside edge o$ the or it o$ each e#e! Press and knead $or sore, tired e#es and as a preventative against e#e pro lems!

Po+$t *. (FanChu) 2ocated on the medial end o$ each e#e row! Press and knead $or $rontal headache, sore, tired e#es, sinus pain, and as a preventative against e#e pro lems!

Po+$t 0. (*ai#ang) 2ocated on the temples ehind each e#e! ;se #our inde( and middle $ingers to press and knead $or one or two sided headache, to calm the mind, and $or e#e pro lems! Also used preventativel#!

Po+$t 5. (4ing(iang) 2ocated ne(t to each nostril! Press and knead $or nasal congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis, and to help prevent these pro lems! <or greater e$$ectiveness use #our inde( $ingers to ru up and down the sides o$ #our nose etween 4ing(iang and Eingming (Point %) $or %-6 minutes, several times a da#!

Po+$t 6. (5enChong) 2ocated under #our nose, on the midline! ;se #our knuckle or the tip o$ #our middle or inde( $inger! Pressing this point draws energ# up to #our head and helps #our nasal passages ad+ust to weather changes! Also used as a revival point a$ter $ainting or shock!

Te!,$+-(e 1. (<orehead 5u ) ;se #our inde( and middle $ingers to ru across #our $orehead, $rom the middle to #our temples! -assage and ru this area $or $rontal headache, sinus pain, insomnia, sore e#es, stress, and to help prevent these pro lems!

Te!,$+-(e *. (?ead -assage) ;se the tips (including the nails) o$ #our $ingers and thum s to press and ru #our scalp $rom the midline to the sides, and $rom the $ront to the ack o$ #our head! 5elieves and prevents headache, and is highl# rela(ing, especiall# when done # someone else!

7o( !a$ lo!ate "o'e a!(#'ess('e #o+$ts o$ yo(' fa!e (s+$g t,+s fa!+al a!(#'ess('e !,a't 9ote3 7o( w+ll $ee% %o)e Rea%e' 8a f'ee #'og'a"9 +$stalle% o$ yo(' !o"#(te' +$ o'%e' to 3+ew t,e !,a't. 7o( !a$ get +t ,e'e 8a $ew w+$%ow w+ll o#e$ so yo( !a$ %ow$loa% w+t,o(t lea3+$g t,+s #age9.

1'eat,+$g Exe'!+se 14 S+tt+$g

How 1. .est done sitting, ut can also e done standing or l#ing down! ,it on the $ront edge o$ a $irm ut com$orta le chair! :eep #our ack straight and #our hands on #our thighs or knees! 2ook straight ahead! 5ela( #our shoulders!

*. )(hale $orce$ull# through #our -1;*? to empt# #our lungs! At the same time contract (tighten) #our a dominal muscles and end $orward! *his helps to e(pel the air! "hen #our lungs are totall# empt#, immediatel# rela( #our a dominals and gentl# inhale through #our 91,) as #ou sit ack up! 'nhale till #our lungs are no more than %G6 $ull, then immediatel# start e(haling again through #our mouth! An e(halation $ollowed # an inhalation totals one round! *r# and do %& rounds to egin! .uild up to 3 sets o$ %& rounds, 6-3 times a da#! 'n etween each round and at the end o$ the $inal round take a couple o$ slow, deep reaths to alance #our reathing! 1e$ef+ts T+#s Ao it whenever #ou $eel tired, stressed or an(ious All smokers B cit# dwellers should do this e(ercise )(pels stale air B impurities $rom #our lungs B lood =lears #our nasal passages B sinuses <loods #our s#stem with $resh o(#gen )nergiCes B alances #ou *ones #our nervous s#stem

'$ #ou $eel diCC#, stop B take a $ew slow, deep reaths Ao it to help #ou wake up B e$ore other e(ercises or sports

Do 1'eat,+$g Exe'!+ses at Ho"e o' Wo'& fo' 1ette' Healt,: 1'eat,+$g Exe'!+se *4 Sta$%+$g
How 1. All reathing is done slowly and smoothly through #our 91,)! ,tand with #our ack straight and #our $eet a out shoulder width apart! ,ink #our weight into #our legs! Place #our hands in $ront o$ #our a domen and cup #our right hand in #our le$t hand! 2ook at the ground at a spot a out 6 metres (6 $eet) in $ront o$ #ou!

*. 'nhale as #ou slowl# raise #our arms up and awa# $rom #our od#!

0. "hen #our arms are stop inhaling, drop #our arms! As #ou lower #our arms,

a out parallel with the ground, wrists and egin lowering #our

egin e(haling!

9ote3 5aise and lower #our arms smoothl# and $luidl#, +ust as i$ the# are wings on a ird!

5. =ontinue e(haling until #our hands are ack in $ront o$ #our a domen! 9o need to cup #our hands though! Eust let them meet at the $ingertips, in preparation $or the ne(t stage! Pause #our reathing $or a couple o$ seconds!

6. .egin inhaling again as #ou raise #our hands verticall# in $ront o$ and close to #our od#!

;. As #our hands near #our chest, turn them to $ace =ontinue to slowl# and smoothl# inhale!


<. ,traighten #our arms up a ove #our head as #ou complete #our inhalation! ?old #our reath $or a couple o$ seconds as #ou stretch #our arms up as high as #ou com$orta l# can without li$ting #our $eet!

=. )(hale as #ou slowl# ring #our arms down in an arc awa# $rom #our od#!

>. and ack to the starting position with *his completes one round! Pause rie$l# then commence inhaling Ao %&-%6 rounds to egin! .uild up to 68-3& rounds, twice a da#, %8 minutes each time! *he longer #ou do it the etter!

hands cupped, as in step one!

as #ou egin another round!

or simpl# do the e(ercise $or %&-

1e$ef+ts T+#s Ao .reathing )(ercise %, a ove, $irst Ao this e(ercise a$ter #ou get up B e$ore ed <ocus on #our reathing, not on e(ternal distractions =alms B rela(es #ou 'ncreases o(#gen intake .alances #our reathing *ones #our nervous s#stem

Point GB21
1. Acupressure point GB21 is located on the back of the shoulder where the neck meets the shoulder (directly above the nipple line). Apply gentle pressure to this point on both sides of the shoulder for 1 minute. nitially! there will be some discomfort! but it will ease after a few moments. t may be easiest to have someone apply pressure to this point for you while you are lying on your stomach! or you will need to hold the position.

Point B1
2. "ook in a mirror when finding this acupressure point. t is by the inside corner of your eye. Gently press on the area and rub in the direction of the bridge of the nose. Apply the pressure for 1 minute. #here will! again! probably be slight discomfort when rubbing this pressure point. $ub the pressure points by both eyes in the same way.

Ying Tang
%. #his pressure point is directly in the middle of the nose. "ook in a mirror again to find it. &isuali'e that a line has been drawn directly down the middle of your nose. #he pressure point will be slightly above the inner corner of the eyes in the middle of the nose. (ain might

be e)perienced but continue rubbing for 1 minute. By the time the minute is over! the pain should have eased.

Point GV26
*. #his pressure point should be easy to find but use a mirror if necessary. t is located in the indentation above the top curve of the lip and below the nostrils. +eel for the raised flesh, that is the pressure point. Apply gentle but firm downward strokes for 1 minute. Be careful not to press too hard because this tissue is sensitive and too much pressure could cause bleeding of the gums or front teeth underneath the skin.

Point CV17
-. (ressure point .&1/ is located on the sternum! halfway between the nipple line. +ind a comfortable position either sitting or laying down while applying pressure to this point. Apply firm but gentle pressure in upward strokes for 2 minutes. #his area might be more sensitive to pain than some of the others! but the pain should pass after a few moments.

!(#'ess('e #o+$ts.

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