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Installation And Operation Handbook

No.:00 .!000e

Iss"e :

#0 # $$$

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 2

The following

Installation and Operation

is valid for the ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

Table o/ Contents
SECTION &ENERA0 INFOR1ATION......................................................... 2

. INTRO34CTION.................................................................................................................2 .2 54R5OSE OF E64I51ENT.............................................................................................. 2 .2 3ESI&N FEAT4RES.......................................................................................................... 2 .7 5O-ER RE64IRE1ENTS................................................................................................ 2 ., Te%8ni%al C8ara%teristi%s................................................................................................ 7 .+ 4nits and A%%essories S"pplied..................................................................................... + .7 A%%essories Re9"ired b"t not S"pplied.........................................................................+


Installation and Operation................................................... 7

2. &eneral...............................................................................................................................7 2.2 4npa%kin. and Inspe%tin................................................................................................ 7 2.2.1 Electrical Bench Test.................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Microphone Adjustment................................................................................................ 8 2.2.3 idetone Adjustment..................................................................................................... ! 2.2." E#ternal Audio$%re&uenc' (olume Adjustment............................................................ ! 2.2.) *nterphone *nterconnection........................................................................................... ! 2.2 ATR 720 INSTA00ATION................................................................................................ 0 2.7 5S:2! 7:Installation........................................................................................................ 0 2., Antenna Installation........................................................................................................ 0 2.+ Cablin.............................................................................................................................. 0 2.7 O5ERATION..................................................................................................................... 2 2.+.1 ,eneral....................................................................................................................... 13 2.+.2 AT- +2. / /0MM Multifunction /ontrol.................................................................... 13 2.+.3 10 T *2 TA33AT*02 /4E/506T.......................................................................... 1"

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 2



This manual contains information relative to the ph'sical7 mechanical and electrical charac8 teristics of the communications transceiver AT- +2. manufactured 9' %ilser Electronic ,m94 . .2 54R5OSE OF E64I51ENT

The AT- +2. / /0MM com9ines in a single panel mounted unit a +2. channel (4% /0MM Transceiver with a micropro:essor controlled fre&uenc' entr' .2 3ESI&N FEAT4RES A. Controls Multi %unction /ontrol 0n 0ff witch (olume /ontrol Automatic s&uelch eliminates pilot responsivilit' for continuousl' monitoring s&uelch adjustment. &uelch threshold automaticall' adjusts to open on read8 a9le signals. ; switch in pulled opens s&uelch to test /0MM receiver sensitivi8 t' and to listen e#tremel' wea< signals. 3i&uid /ristal =ispla' 5e'9oard with 1) <e's for %unction7 %re&uenc' Entr' ;. Ele%troni%s (ariactor diode tuned filters eliminates use of mechanical tuning shafts and mechanisms. Transistori:ed transmitter provides " watts minimum output power and long term relia9ilit' superior to tu9e designs. The digital fre&uenc' s'nthesi:ers utili:e state of the art integrated circuits to re8 place all 9ut 1 cr'stal. /r'stal filter selectivit'. /arrier controlled s&uelch with carrier s&uelch 9ac< up functionall' descri9ed a9ove. Tight A,/ >t'picall' ..) dB from ?( to 1.. m(@ minimi:es audio level variations. C. Constr"%tion Modular construction for simple maintenance. -ac< mounted7 remova9le from the front panel. Anti$theft loc<ing mechanism. .7 5O-ER RE64IRE1ENTS

The AT- +2. / re&uires 13.+) volts for proper operation. Aircraft having electrical power plants producing 2+.) volts7 re&uire the installation of a voltage converter. The 1 281" (olt8 age /onverter7 designed to convert 2+.) volts to 13.+) volts7 ma' 9e convenientl' remote mounted in the aircraft.

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 7


Te%8ni%al C8ara%teristi%s

ATR 720 Trans%ei*er

Spe%i/i%ation -T/A /0M13*A2/EA /omm Transmitter -T/A =o 1)+7 /lass " E6-0/AE E= 2" /omm -eceive -T/A =o 1)B7 /lass / E6-0/AE E= 23 Environmental Temperature -ange Altitude -T/A =o 1B.AA /"AC MCDDDDDDEBBBB $".F/ to G))F/ 3).... ft C8ara%teristi%

M062T*2,A *EEA HE*,4TA

1anel mounted7 no shoc< mounting re&uired ++#)+#2.. mm 8.822 >!oogr.@ e#cluding e#ternal connectors and harness.

1ower -e&uirementsA /0MM -eceive /0MM Transmit >Tone@ /4-*I TA3 /02T-033E=A %-E;6E2/I -A2,EA %-E;6E2/I TAB*3*TIA

13.+) ( >or 2+.) ( with 1 281"@ o1. J .." amps 1." amps > o.8 amps unmodulated @ +2. channels 118... to 13).!+) M4: with 2) <4: spacing ....2 K


Spe%i/i%ation (4% 10HE- 06T16TA ModulationA CHARACTERISTICS Min. "HC). load 8)K modulation capa9ilit' with !.K limiting7 less than 1) K distortion at 8. K mod. /ar9on or d'namic mi<e >adjusta9le@ Adjusta9le up to 8. mw into 2.. ohm

MicrophoneA idetoneA

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e ,

headphones =ut' /'cleA ) minutes on7 ) minutes off > ). K @

ATR 720 Re%ei*er Spe%i/i%ation ensitivit'A electivit'A purious -esponsesA &uelchA C8ara%teristi%s 1.) ?( will provide a B dB minimum signal plus noise to noise ratio T'pical B dB at 8 <4:7 +. dB at 2) <4: =own al least B. dB Automatic s&uelch >carrier to noise @ with manual disa9le and carrier s&uelch override. %rom ) ?( to 2..... ?( audio output will not var' more than ..) dB.


A"dio Spe%i/i%ations E#ternal Audio *nputA C8ara%teristi%s E#ternal Audio$%re&uenc' input with adjusta9le sensitivit' > 1. m( J 1 ( for rated spea<er output @ Hithin B dB from 3). 4: to 2).. 4:. Min 18 dB down at )... 4:. 8.mH into 2..

%re&uenc' -esponsesA 4eadphone 0utputA pea<er 0utputA *nterphonA

3 Hatts audio output *nterphone capa9ilit' with e#ternal switch >refer to appropriate electrical installation diagram in ection 2 @. .

Volta.e Con*erter 5S 2! 7 Spe%i/i%ation HeightA 1ower$*nput (olts 1ower$0utput (olts 0utput /urrent continuous 0utput /urrent ).K dut' C8ara%teristi%s "722 >"3. gr.@ 2+7) (=/ 137+) (=/ 27. A )7. A

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e +

.+ .7 $

4nits and A%%essories S"pplied AT- +2. /0MM AT- +2. / installation <it includes mating connectors7 radio rac< mounting hard8 ware7 etc. A%%essories Re9"ired b"t not S"pplied /ommunication antenna and ca9les 4eadphones and spea<er $ 4eadphonesA 3ow impedance t'pes7 2.. to 1... ohms. pea<erA (oices coil impedance " to 8 ohms nominal. 1 281" (oltage /onverter7 2+.) ( to 13.+) ( > re&uired in 2+.) ( installation onl'@. MicrophoneA 3ow impedance car9on7 or d'namic with transistor pro$amp7 when using L/ar9on$Mi<e$adjustmentM7 low impedance d'namic microphone when using L='8 namic$Mi<e$adjustment. -efer to N 2.2.2. *nterconnection with Main 1lug 6nit BB! and B !. This is an useful help to connect the AT- +2. / /0MM to e#ternal accessories.

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 7



Installation and Operation

This section contains suggestion and factors to consider 9efore installing the AT- +2. /0MM unit and 1 281" (oltage /onverter >2+.) ( installations onl' @. /lose adherence to these suggestions will assure a more satisfactor' performance from the e&uipment. 2.2 4npa%kin. and Inspe%tin.

E#ercise e#treme care when unpac<ing each unit. Ma<e a visual inspection of each unit for evidence of damage incurred during shipment. *f a claim for damage is to 9e made7 save the shipping container to su9stantiate the claim. Hhen all e&uipment is removed7 place in the shipping all pac<ing materials for use in unit sortage or reshipment. The AT- +2. installation will conform the standards designated 9' the customer7 installing agenc' and e#iting condi8 tions as to unit location and t'pe of installation.

%igure 2.1 %igure 2$1 BE2/4 TE T ET$61

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e !


Ele%tri%al ;en%8 Test

Test E&uipment -ecommended 1. 2. 3. ". ). B +. 8. !. (4% ignal ,eneratorA 41 Model B.8= or e&uivalent. -% 1ower HattmeterA Bird Truline Model "3 or e&uivalent. -egulated =/ uppl' with 12 to 1) (d# at 2 amperes capa9ilit'. %re&uenc' /ounterA 41 Model )383 A or e&uivalent. 0scilloscopeA 2ational (1 ))1. A or e&uivalent pea<er 3oad Bo#A with " watt capa9ilit'. watt pad7 2.dB7 2.H Audio$=etectorA Te#scan Model =/$). or e&uivalent. 3ow *mpedance microphone that will 9e used in the aircraft.

2.2. . Test 5ro%ed"re 1./onnect the /omm 6nit into the test set$up7 diagramed in %igure 2$17 and set the =/ sup8 pl' for 137+) (=/. 2./onnect the (4% signal generator to O )..17 set the generator output level to 1.) ?( with 3. K $ 1 <4: modulation. 3. et the /0MM (036ME /02T-03 for a 1.. mw reading on the spea<er load 9o# me8 ter. ".-emove the modulation7 loo< for a B dB change on the spea<er load 9o# meter. ).=isconnect the signal generator. /onnect the -% wattmeter and fre&uenc' counter as dia8 gramed in %igure 2$1. B./onnect the wattmeter to O )..1. 5e' the transmitter and tal< into the microphone. The wattmeter indicator should react with a wiggle. +.Hith the transmitter <e'ed7 use the fre&uenc' counter to chec< the 6nitPs fre&uenc' pro8 gramming. /hec< all <4: steps from 118.... M4: to 118.!+) M4: and all M4: steps form 118.... M4: to 13).... M4:. 8. /hec< 9' switching the memor' preselector if the four memories are preselected. The %re&uenc' displa' shows 1..... M4: when the memor' 9atter' is unservicea9le or empt'. *n this case all four preselected channels will 9e cleared 9' switching off the radio. 2.2.2 1i%rop8one Ad<"st'ent *t is recommended that the microphone adjustment >see %igure 2$2 @ 9e performed while the 6nit is on the 9ench using the aircraftPs microphone>s@. This adjustment can 9e made in the aircraft7 however7 it would re&uire removal and insertion of the unit since the M*5E E3E/8 T0- is located on the side of the chassis. hould the aircraft 9e e&uipped with more than one microphone7 the t'pe of microphones should 9e identical. Ad<"st'ent: 1.='namic Microphone 6sing a low impedance d'namic microphone >2.. ohms@ turn the microphone gain trim$ potentiometer - 31." full $ cloc<wise $ 2oteA This position is preset 9' the manufacturer 2./ar9on tandard Microphone or ='namic Microphone with 1reamplifier

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e $

6sing a car9on standard microphone or a d'namic microphone with preamplifier turn the microphone gain trim$potentiometer - 31." full - counter cloc<wise $ Ca"tion =o not force microphone selector 2.2.2 Sidetone Ad<"st'ent 1. 2. 3. ". /onnect the 6nit into the test set$up diagramed in %igure 2$1. /onnect the -% wattmeter or a suita9le dumm' load to O )..1. 5e' the transmitter and tal< into the microphone. Adjust *=ET02E control )2.1 for a comforta9le listening level from the headphones.

). =isconnect the 6nit from the test set$up.


idetone /ontrol Mi<e ,ain /ontrol


%igure 2.2 M*5E E3E/T0- $ *=ET02E /02T-03

2.2.7 E=ternal A"dio:Fre9"en%> Vol"'e Ad<"st'ent Hhen using the e#ternal audio$%re&uenc' input >1 3..1 1in "@7 the sensitivit' of this input ma' 9e adjusted with - 31.+7 witch is located on the Audio$%re&uenc'C 'nthesi:er 9oard. 31.+ is pre$adjusted to o.) ( -M sensitivit' for rated spea<er output7 which is sufficient in the most cases. %or further details of adjustment see LAT- +2. J Maintenance ManualM N ".)." and %igure B$3. Turning r 31.+ cloc<wise7 the sensitivit' of this input is to 9e increased. 2.2., Interp8one Inter%onne%tion %or *nterphone wiring see AT- *nterconnect diagram. An e#ternal dou9le$pole switch is rec8 ommended.

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 0



3isted 9elow are factors and suggestions to consider 9efore installing jour AT- +2. / s's8 tem. /lose adherence to these suggestions will assure more satisfactor' performance from jour e&uipment. 1. The AT- +2. / is mounted rigid in the aircraft panel. =etermine that the location and installation of radio e&uipment provides sufficient visi9ilit' and handling of the controls for the pilot in his normal position. Mar< and cut the mounting holes as shown in %ig8 ure 2$3. The purpose of the 9ehind aircraft mount cutout is to allow a margin of error in cutout si:e and prevent the mounting tra' front edge from 9eing visi9le. The mount8 ing tra' lip should e#tend through the mounting hole flush with the instrument panel to insure proper plug in engagement. 2.Avoid mounting close to an' high e#ternal heat source. *f this is done7 no 9lower or ram air cooling will 9e re&uired. 3.-emem9er to allow ade&uate space for installation of ca9les and connectors. ". ecure the mounting rac< to instrument panel per %igure 2$3. The rearward mounting holes must 9e attached to a structural mem9er of the panel 9' means of support 9rac<ets7 in order to avoid vi9ration. ). lide the AT- +2. / into the rac< and secure 9' turning loc<ing screw an the rear panel.

$ /aution

=o not force loc<ing ta9 screw.

B.The installing agenc' will suppl' and fa9ricate all e#ternal ca9les. The plugs re&uired are supplied. 2.7 5S:2! 7:Installation 1. elect the 1 281" location considering good thermal conductivit' to the airframe7 convenient ca9le routing7 pro#imit' to the AT- +2. / and separation other heat sources. 2.-efer to %igure 2$" for the 1 281" mounting dimensions. 3. ecure the 1 281" firml' in place. ervice ".The installing agenc' will suppl' and fa9ricate e#ternal ca9les. 2., Antenna Installation a. A conventional ). ohm verticall' polari:ed /0MM antenna is re&uired with the AT+2.. (ertical 9ent whip antennas are not recommended. Hide9and /0MM antennas provide efficient operation over the /0MM 9an. Antennas should 9e installed per manufactures recommendations. Additional recommendations are as followsA
1. Mount antenna on flat metal surface or install a ground plane at least ). cm # ). cm. 2. The antenna should 9e well removed from an' projections and the engine>s@ and pro8

3. The /0MM antenna should 9e well separated form an' 2A( Antenna to minimi:e /0MM

interference to 2A( while transmitting. 9. -efer to %igure 2$) for the /0MM antenna ca9le connector assem9l'. 2.+ Cablin.

1.The length and routing of the e#ternal ca9les must 9e carefull' studied and planned prior to installation. Avoid sharp 9end placing ca9les to near the aircraft control ca9les.

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er


2.%a9ricate the e#ternal ca9les in accordance with the installation drawing that fulfills the s'stem re&uirement. 20TEJ 6se good &ualit' stranded wire that will not support a flame and with al least B.. volt insulation. *t is recommended that the mi<e audio line is shielded.
ince other radio e&uipment will possi9l' utili:e the same spea<er circuits for muting7 spea<er selection and microphone switching must 9e devised 9' the installing agenc'.

%igure 2.3 0utline and mounting =rawing All dimensions in mm

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 2

%*,6-E 2$B.1 *2TE-/022E/T*02 =*A,-AM

Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 2

2.7 2.7.

O5ERATION &eneral

All controls re&uired to operate the AT- +2. / are located on the front panel.

2.7.2 ATR 720 C CO11 1"lti/"n%tion Control 2.7.2. Co'' ? On#O//:S(it%8:1"lti/"n%tion Control The multifunction$ 02C0%%$switch is located in the upper -ight$hand corner. The transceiver is activated the switch is turned cloc<wise 9e'ond the Loff$position clic<M. S9"el%8 Control Hhile in the pushed$in position >Automatic mode@ wea< signals and noise are 9eing sup8 pressed. The &uelch$02$Test position >pulled$out@ is used to receive wea< signals and to the s&uelch. Vol"'e Control ?VO0: The (olume control J(03$ is activated at the multifunctio $control 9' turning it cloc<wise for the desired volume. CO11 ? @e>board The /0MM 5e'9oard consists of five function$<e's and 1. num9er$<e's 1 J .. The decimal point is fi#ed and appears alter pressing the num9er L1M. =escription of the various function$<e's. %rom left to rightA E E2TE- serves for the entr' i.e. activation of a preselected7 desired fre&uenc' >simultaneousl' displa'ed in the 3/=$%re&uenc' displa'@. After pressing the E$5e' the receiver is activated and the transmitter read' for operation at the selected fre&uenc'. T T0-E is re&uired to load an activated fre&uenc' into the fre&uenc'$memor'. =epressing the T$5e' followed 9' one of the num9er$<e's 1 J . stores the pro8 grammed fre&uenc' into the respective storage location. >1 J 1.@.

2oteA The preselected fre&uenc'7 which is shown in the displa'7 will 9e automaticall' en8 tered after the last digit is given in 9' a num9er <e'. -M -E/A33 MEM0-I. Hith the -M$5e' one of the stored fre&uencies ma' 9e recalled at an' time. This is achieved 9' depressing the -M$5e' followed 9' one of the ten num9er$<e's >1 J . fre&uenc'$locations@. The memor' is maintained even when the unit is switch off. /3EA-. =epressing the /3EA-$5e' erases the activated fre&uenc'. At the same time the 3/=$displa' is cleared. A new fre&uenc' ma' now 9e selected.


Filser Ele%troni% &'bH &e(erbestra)e 2 !+!7, -aal

ATR 720 C Co''"ni%ations Trans%ei*er

pa.e 7

2.7.2., Fre9"en%> 3ispla> The fre&uenc' is displa'ed + mmPs high on a )$digit li&uid$cr'stal displa'.

2.7.2 5OST INSTA00ATION CHEC@O4T An operational performance flight test is recommended after the installation is completed to insure satisfactor' performance of the e&uipment in its normal environment. To chec< the communications transceiver7 maintain an appropriate altitude and contact a ground station facilit' at a rang of at least fift' nautical miles. /ontact a ground station close in. 1lace the s&uelch <no9 in the test position and listen for an' unusual electrical noise which would reduce the /0MM receiver sensitivit' 9' increasing the s&uelch threshold. *f possi9le7 verif' the communications capa9ilit' on 9oth the 4*,4 an 30H ends of the (4% /0MM 9and.

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